January 2022 Newsletter

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January2022 Giving Hope in the Midst of Dark Days

Taking gospel literature door-to-door to every home on earth

Over the last 75 years Every Home for Christ worldwide has delivered gospel literature door-to-door to more than 152 countries. In each country national workers in collaboration with churches systematically map out and visit every home in their country so that everyone has the opportunity to receive a piece of gospel literature. The EHC worldwide goal is to reach every home on earth with a piece of gospel literature, including Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom and our monthly newsletter highlights progress towards this goal with real stories of real people in many countries of the world.

As national workers and churches go home-to-home they are confronted with needs of the poor and disadvantaged, resulting in Australia EHC ‘s second goal - to help the poor overseas where possible in such a way that permanent change results. This January newsletter outlines how we are achieving our second goal, working through national EHC partners in countries such as India, Bangladesh, Malawi, Zambia and Ethiopia.

Thank you so much for your faithful support, both in prayer & finances ... Eric Leach, Executive Director

Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 ABN: 88001276240 www.everyhome.org.au E-mail: ehc@everyhome.org.au New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 NZBN: 9429043322862 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738



The India Every Home visitation has resulted in many, many churches being started and maturing into ongoing churches. In Australia and New Zealand this has not happened with gospel literature distribution so we are praying to know God’s will and to know if churches are interested. Please contact Every Home for Christ for information if you are interested. Phone Australia: 02/9570 8211 Phone New Zealand: Freecall to Australia 0800900200

Breeding goats and passing them on to other families


Providing clean water

In partnership with Malawi and Zambia EHC

In spite of the impact of the Coronavirus in Africa, our work has adapted and continued.

Malawi and Zambia food security, , water & sanitation and income generation

ZAMBIA EHC Over this year, in the midst of farmer training,

food security, wells, toilets, hygiene education, income generating groups and Covid-19 education, an emphasis has been placed on meeting the needs of especially marginalised people such as children, youth and the disabled. The project in Kazala developed three radio programs about these issues which were presented on a local radio station, reaching over 10,000 listeners. Along with community posters and T-shirts, these were aimed at the local Zambian population to educate them against child labour and early marriage, two of the problems affecting children in Zambian society. The project is also aiming to empower 50 unemployed young people by teaching them skills in tailoring, carpentry, livestock and food processing. The Feeding Centre, which was completed by the local people this year to give orphans in the community care and daily maize porridge, will also be used as a venue for training sessions for the unemployed young people.


The project in Malapula village has been very beneficial in particular in changing the lives of women who had no specific skills to help their families out of poverty or to improve the nutrition disorders in their children. They had no way of earning an income and were only eating once a day, resulting in chronically ill children under five. After the project started in the village both men and women were trained in nutrition, learning how to prepare well balanced food for their families. Food displays and demonstrations on food preparation educated the community and women’s groups have now starting earning money by selling the goods they have baked and learning how to manage the money earned. Along with the building of shallow wells and eco - toilets and improving the quality and quantity of crops, tremendous successes have been seen in the areas of income and food security, nutrition, sanitation, hygiene and health, in spite of the pandemic.


Bangladesh Covid Assistance Giving Hope in the midst of Dark Days EHC’S OVERSEAS AID COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS

Providing books for home schooling

In partnership with India EHC and Bangladesh EHC

In spite of the impact of the Coronavirus in Asia, our work has adapted and continued.

IndiaandBangladesh community development and Covid assistance

In both India and Bangladesh our EHC partners have reported constantly on the dire Coronavirus situation in their country and the challenges this created. However, the school and sewing programs adapted to the situation and Every Home for Christ continued to pay the staff and provide school textbooks and materials. Although nationwide all schools were closed by their governments, the teachers faithfully visited the school children in their communities, sharing the day-to-day lessons with the children. Children, when possible, came to the school with their lessons and assignments to be checked by the teachers or communicated by phone. Instead of providing meals each day at the schools, food and mask distribution was carried out by the staff and teachers (wearing protective clothing), sometimes arriving just as the family ran out of food. Sewing classes continued in small groups or at home and women were able to complete their training. A number of government officials visited the Bangladesh communities to evaluate what was happening and were extremely happy with the work being done during the Coronavirus pandemic. One official investigated personally, asking women about their feelings. All the trainees gave a good report to the official who was very happy and awarded Bangladesh EHC a government Certificate of Appreciation, acknowledging the effectiveness of the work being done. At the time of writing this, we can gratefully report that, although children and adults in our India & Bangladesh projects were infected with the Coronavirus, all have recovered and all children graduated to the next year of their schooling.

India Covid Assistance

Ethiopia Prison Ministry In partnership with Eloi Ministries

Training & equipment that lead to sustainability

The Coronavirus Pandemic forced the work in Worabe Prison to be suspended but in nine other prisons Eloi Ministries was able to continue its work, resulting in the provision of soap and clothes alongside the skills training and education that will empower men, women and children to adjust to life outside the prisons.

224 men and women trained in sewing skills 5 women trained in hairdressing 35 men and women trained in computer skills 9 men and 10 women trained to work in a beauty salon 62 men trained in metal welding skills 66 men trained on a brick-making machine

Giving Hope

Breadmaking continued in the Debrebrhane Prison and

24 children were educated in the Gilgelbels Prison.

Welding Training Sewing Training

Brick Making

Giving Hope in the midst of Dark Days


EHC’s full Annual Report can be found on the website -


JANUARY 2022 Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from the books of 1 Kings. and 2 Kings. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.


PRAY FOR DICK AND DEE EASTMAN Dick is the International President of Every Home for Christ with a large responsibility for EHC ministries across the world. 1Kings 8: 1-33 (1 Corinthians 8:1 to 11:1) PRAY FOR DIPLAVE POKHREL Thank you so much for praying for Diplave who now has a visa which allows him to stay in Australia and work for EHC for another 5 years. Please pray he will be succcesful in his application for permanent residency in a few years time. 1 Kings 8: 34 -66 (1 Corinthians 11:2 to 14:40)



PRAY FOR ERIC AND LORRAINE LEACH Pray God will guide Eric in his leadership as Executive Director in Australia and New Zealand and Lorraine with EHC office responsibilities. 1 Kings 9 (1 Corinthians 15) PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY - sons, daughters and grandchildren, plus others to come to Christ. Get a piece of paper and write down their names. Get their photos and pray every day for their salvation; eternity without Christ is a long time! 1 Kings 10 (1 Corinthians 16) THAILAND Pop. 69,800,000 Map. 136 Praise God that we have been able to send our Christmas gospel books and tracts to every part of the country. Please pray that the word of God will be well received and many will come to know the Lord Jesus personally. 1 Kings 11:1-23 (2 Corinthians 1 - 7)




UNITED KINGDOM Pop. 67,900,000 Map. 92 Pray for neighbours and communities who received Christmas cards and listened to the carol singing that they will understand the Gospel. 1 Kings 11: 24 -43 (2 Corinthians 8 - 9)


CREATIVE ACCESS - MIDDLE EAST Our Christmas literature has gone to four different districts for the “Christmas Outreach”. Please pray that the people who received the literature will understand the love of the Lord. 1 Kings 12 (2 Corinthians 10 -13)


TANZANIA Pop. 59,700,000 Map. 16 Pray for Every Home for Christ Tanzania’s ministry of Christmas programs which were held in towns and villages across Tanzania that the Holy Spirit would reveal Jesus to people and that many would be set free. 1 Kings 13 (Acts 18:12 to 20:1)


NIGER Pop. 24,200,000 Map. 36 We give thanks to God for His mighty hand moving in a local village where more than 60 people have given themselves to Christ and want to go through water baptism! 1 Kings 14 (Ephesians 1 - 3) RWANDA Pop. 12,900,000 Map. 17 At the end of the year 2021, EHC Rwanda intensified its actions across the country to strengthen and equip Christians to reach non-believers and make disciples of Jesus. Let us pray for these men and women who are wholly committed to spread the good news of Jesus and that their interaction with people would result in lives changed by Jesus. 1 Kings 15 (Ephesians 4 - 6)


Giving Hope Through mosquito nets


GUINEA-BISSAU Pop. 1,900,000 Map. 46 Pray that the word of God which was preached during December would touch the hearts of people, specifically the children, teenagers and young adults. 1 Kings 16 (Romans 1:1 to 3:20)


RUSSIA Pop. 145,900,000 Map. 106 Please pray for a breakthrough in our ministry. We are in need and we want to do more. And most importantly pray this will be possible, even today. Please pray that there will be more volunteers and that the Gospel will go forth mightily! 1 Kings 17 (Romans 3:21 to 7:25)


HONDURAS Pop. 9,900,000 Map. 79 “Please pray for the pastors in Honduras,” the Every Home for Christ team asks. “We have found that many of them are extremely fearful when called to conduct outreaches.” Please pray for believers to find a boldness to share Jesus’ love and for churches to partner with our team to share the Gospel. 1 Kings 18: 1 - 23 (Romans 8)


SWITZERLAND Pop. 8,700,000 Map. 62 The Every Home for Christ team in Switzerland will be conducting a followup outreach in the Valais region of their country. “Pray that God will raise up workers for outreach and that many people will discover freedom in Christ,” they say. 1 Kings 18: 24 - 46 (Romans 9 - 11)


CREATIVE ACCESS - MIDDLE EAST “Please pray for the spiritual lives of believers in our country,” the EHC team serving in this closed nation requests. They long to see spiritual maturity in the Christians in their communities. “Pray for the Church to grow in grace and truth. Pray that the believers would know Jesus more and more.” 2 Kings 19 (Romans 12 - 13)

Send your prayer request to us and we will pray for you too!


HUNGARY Pop.9,700,000 Map. 79 Our team is planning a joint outreach with a congregation in Budapest. They ask for your prayers that “our Lord will adjust our plans to His thoughts and will. Budapest, especially the inner city, is a particularly difficult field for missions. Let us pray that the Lord will open doors!” May God bless this opportunity. 1 Kings 20: 1- 22 (Romans 14:1 to 15:13)


ZIMBABWE Pop. 6,800,000 Map. 9 Our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe ask for prayer that God will call believers to reach specific demographics in their nation. May God touch the hearts of His people with a passion for groups of people that might be forgotten so that no one is left behind! May God fill His people with His love for those without Christ. 1 Kings 20: 21 - 43 (Romans 15:14 to 16:27)


MALAWI Pop. 19,100,000 Map. 15 “Pray for order and peace in Malawi,” the Every Home for Christ team asks. “Pray for the leadership of our country that they would seek divine wisdom, divine direction and guidance from the Lord.” Ask God to fill the believers in Malawi with His peace so that they can be beacons of light and hope to their neighbours. 1 Kings 21 (Acts 20:2 to 21:16)


CREATIVE ACCESS - SOUTH ASIA The team in this closed nation reports increases in COVID-19 cases. This will likely result in greater restrictions in their nation. “Please continue to pray for God’s protection over us,” they ask. And pray that God will give our brothers and sisters hope and creativity as they minister in the midst of this crisis. 1 Kings 22: 1 - 27 (Acts 21:17 to 26:32)


ETHIOPIA Pop. 114,900,000 Map. 29 Months of conflict have resulted in great suffering across the nation, our team reports. “According to some sources 400,000 displaced people are now in the northern part of the country and our ministry centre plans to reach those people.” Pray that God will bless the work of these believers. 1 Kings 22: 28 - 53 (Acts 27 - 28)


AUSTRIA Pop. 9,000,000 Map. 80 “We pray for our upcoming outreach in the region of Styria,” the team in Austria shares. “Please pray that people will open their hearts to the Gospel.” Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the families who will be reached to receive the truth and love of Jesus. 2 Kings 1 (Colossians 1:1 to 3:4)


SURINAME Pop. 580,000 Map. 212 “Pray for the Gospel to wash through our country as we engage leaders and pastors,” this team asks. “Pray for the hearts of our spiritual leaders to be open to working together to reach many who are without Christ. Pray that the believers will stand up with fire to reach their neighbours.” 2 Kings 2 (Colossians 3:5 to 4:18)


ANGOLA Pop. 32,900,000 Map. 13 The team in Angola asks for prayer that their ministry would grow. Please pray “that God may give us the grace to enter new territories.” Please pray also for new partnerships. 2 Kings 3 (Hebrews 1 - 2)


COTE D’IVOIRE Pop. 26,400,000 Map. 41 “The north of our country is predominantly Islamic, the EHC team reports. “The challenges of presenting the Gospel are enormous.” Please pray that God will inspire passionate believers to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus. 2 Kings 4: 1 - 22 (Hebrews 3:1 to 4:13)


LITHUANIA Pop. 2,700,000 Map. 99 The EHC team recently conducted an outreach in the city of Jonava. Please pray that the hearts of the people they reached will be open to God’s Word and that many will receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour. 2 Kings 4: 23 - 44 (Hebrews 4:14 to 7:28)


BULGARIA Pop. 6,900,000 Map. 77 The EHC team is planning a Harvest Project in which they will spread the Gospel while giving gifts of garden seeds. “We ordered 50 kilograms of lavender flower and 5,000 small bags to give out the good news of the Gospel to people. 2 Kings 5 (Hebrews 8:1 to 10:18 )


MALI Pop. 20,300,000 Map. 49 “Many people are ready to listen to the Christian message of salvation,” the EHC team reports, “but most of them are afraid to make a decision to follow Jesus Christ.” Please pray that the Lord will remove the obstacle of fear from Malian people so that many will respond to the saving love of Jesus! 2 Kings 6 (Hebrews 10:19 to 12:29) CREATIVE ACCESS - MIDDLE EAST S. is a young man who recently heard the voice of Jesus speak to him. Since then, he has turned from drugs and now seeks to understand more about the Saviour. Please pray that the Lord will help him grow in faith, love and obedience. 2 Kings 7 (Hebrews 13)



BARBADOS Pop. 280,000 Map. 207 The Every Home for Christ in this island nation asks for prayer that the obstacles to ministry put up by COVID-19 will soon be removed. They are eager to resume the same level of outreach they were able to do before. Please pray that the Gospel will be unhindered as it spreads to every family in Barbados. 2 Kings 8 (Titus 1 - 3)


DJIBOUTI Pop. 908,000 Map. 31. Please pray for the families of believers who have been imprisoned for the Gospel. “Pray that God will show us the way to help them,” the EHC team asks. “And pray for peace upon their hearts as they wait.” Please pray that God will strengthen and uphold our spiritual family, bringing freedom to these believers soon. 2 Kings 9 (Philemon)


CREATIVE ACCESS - AFRICA Please pray for the believers in this nation who have been imprisoned for their faith. “Pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort them while they are in prison,” the EHC team asks. The team also asks that we pray for the nonbelieving families of these believers to be touched by their faith and come to know Jesus. 2 Kings 10 (1 Timothy 1 - 3)


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