June 2018 Newsletter

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June 2018 August 2016

WHAT HASN'T CHANGED! Without a doubt, many things have changed since Every Home for Christ established the goal to literally reach each and every person with a full presentation of the Gospel. But what hasn't changed is the crystalline passion in the heart of God for "all the world" to hear the Gospel. It is this passion that motivates Every Home for Christ to go to the tops of mountains, the most desolate deserts and the most distant islands to present men and women with an alternative to their hopelessness. Every Home for Christ has made a comitment to leave no one behind - and that means tirelessly labouring to ensure that every person has a chance to hear the Gospel, at least once, effectively and in a way he or she can understand. For Every Home for Christ, this means sending a familiar face, or at least someone who speaks the same language, to each person to proclaim the Gospel. Every Home for Christ believes that the most effective evangelism happens when people are able to see Jesus in the eyes and smile of someone from their neighbourhood, from their village or from the neighbouring tribe or state.


As the world has changed, Every Home for Christ has faithfully mobilised the Church to present the Gospel to people - all people, wherever they live - on their doorsteps. While the times and nations have changed, the command of Christ to "proclaim" has not, nor has the fundamental need of humanity to know about Christ. The efficacy of the Gospel to transform lives has not changed, nor has the effectiveness of a personal witness as the conduit of this Gospel. Evangelising the world, all people, has never been a mere suggestion of Christ to be selectively implemented. Sensing the global urgency of the hour and in light of Christ's command to proclaim the Gospel to every creature, Every Home for Christ has set an ambitious goal. Starting in 2019, Every Home for Christ plans to preach the Gospel to every home on the planet by 2038 - within a twenty year period. Every Home for Christ plans to see this vision come about in partnership with the Church as one of the biggest evangelism thrusts in human history.

Nepal Every Home for Christ Recent prayer requests from Nepali Christians expose just how personally dangerous it has become to bring people the message of hope and salvation in Christ. Amidst opposition, Nepali Christians remain steadfast in their devotion to Christ. Their remarkable testimonies and regular prayer requests show how wholeheartedly they are responding to the Lord's call, even today. Working with local churches, teams are reaching remote villages despite the risk of monsoons, landslides and road blockages.

Please pray for special protection for the workers. Because of difficult geography and small populations, sometimes teams must climb up and down for 3-5 hours to reach the next house. Please pray they will be protected and be enabled to reach their goals. Common elements of their prayer requests are for empowerment and protection but brave Nepali Christians from Every Home for Christ have been taking gospel messages to their own people for 25 years and give no hint of slowing down or retreating.

In one recent month, literally thousands of people requested follow-up courses to learn about Jesus. Please pray these people will have the courage to follow Christ.


Hundreds of Christians are being trained in using discipleship materials called BFAM. ("Be Fruitful and Multiply"). These people will train many more in their own churches. Please pray for effective discipleship.

New believers are being baptised. Please pray that they may grow spiritually and that God would protect their faith in Jesus amidst temptations and tribulations.

Today, researchers speak of tremendous church growth in Nepal over the past two decades against a backdrop of continual intense difficulty - religious persecution, poverty, political instability, sociological and geographic challenges, natural disasters and agressive political pressures. Some describe the church growth as the result of Christians being empowered by the Holy Spirit, much like believers in the early church. In fact, some have said that the oppression seems to fuel the growth rather than stop it, also as we see in the book of Acts. Recently more government restrictions came into place, intensifying difficulties for the Church. As brothers and sisters in Christ, let us pray for Nepal!


ZAMBIA and MALAWI Training farmers (men and women) in better ways to grow and diversify their crops

In the village of Mbalangwe, where men and women struggle to earn enough money to provide for their families, Every Home for Christ has extended the Food Security project to include income generation groups. Currently 21 women and 5 men in this village meet together to save and share money earned, taking a loan from the pool of funds and then paying back the money by the end of the month. Jazel started with 20 kwacha and borrowed 40 kwacha with which he bought a sack of sunflower seeds and was able to to produce 16 bottles of sunflower oil over a period of 2 days. The profit was 80 kwacha and he was able to buy 2 more bags of sunflower seeds, producing and selling 30 bottles of oil. He has now paid back the original loan and is growing sunflowers so that he has a continuing source of seeds and income. Multiply this story by the 26 men and women in the group and you can sense their excitement as they discover what a tremendous asset this income generation group is to their lives. They want to express their gratitude to the Every Home for Christ supporters who have made this possible by giving to the Food Security 6program.

MALAWI EVANGELISTS Every Home for Christ evangelists in Malawi are actively sharing the Gospel village by village and the monthly reports they send to our office show both the difficulties and the joys. Every month they are joyfully reporting people coming to Christ and Christ groups being formed. In some areas they struggle with a lack of Bibles or opposition from anti-Christian groups. At other times they are hampered by floods or drought but, with a smile on their faces and a determination to see their communities won for the Lord, they keep on with the task of travelling village by village to share the Gospel. The " Heart of Man" Chart is one of the most effective tools they use to explain in pictures the state of a person's heart before and after Christ's transforming power and it seems to bring the gospel truth alive in the hearts of Malawians. The evangelists sponsored by Australia and New Zealand supporters and churches express their extreme gratitude for the financial and prayerful support they receive. This means their families are being looked after while they are away preaching the Gospel. Thank you so very, very much.

Sharing the gospel using a Heart of Man Chart to a group of village men and women


GOVERNANCE Directors of Every Home for Christ

Alex Thomas Board Chairman Australia B.A. in Political Science & History, G.Dip.Theology

D'Arcy Watson Vice Chairman Australia BA in Theology, MA in Education for Special Needs

Davidson James Board Secretary Australia (Hons), LL M(Tas), Dip.Tax(Monash), Notary Public

Setatow Befekadu Director Australia

Laural Siokos Director Australia Medical profession as a Dental Radiographer

Roger Mackay Australia Director New Zealand Board Chairman Parish Manager at Mahranghi Presbyterian

B.A.Mathematics, M.A.Applied Statistics, Dip.Ed.

Teepa Wawati Director New Zealand Management Consultant & Company Director


Ken Koh Board Treasurer Australia B.Comm, BA, MPL, CPA, DFS

John Ealand Director Australia and New Zealand Licensed Real Estate Sales Executive

Eric Leach Richard Snellenburg Executive Director Director Australia and Australia CBA - Manager New ZealandFounding and and fraud Executive Director department 40 years

Paul Hartstonge Director New Zealand Finance Manager

Steven Whitwell Director New Zealand Pastor/Rhema



Eric Leach Executive Director

Over the last 40 years Eric has developed Every Home for Christ/Every Home Global Concern into a multi-faceted, professional Charity which is accredited with the ACNC and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to receive funds for overseas programs.

Lorraine Leach

Diplave Pokhrel

Daniel Barreca

Mei Lan Loh

is married to Eric Leach and has had many roles in the organisation, currently working in the office as an administrative consultant and making sure Every Home for Christ adheres to all the fundraising and charitable conditions.

recently accredited as a Baptist Pastor, has been appointed as the Senior Minister of Every Home for Christ and is the founding Pastor of a Nepalese church in Sydney's south. In the office he processes all the donations and liaises with donors.

has recently joined the staff as the Overseas Projects Manager and will be responsible for overseeing all the humanitarian and development projects overseas, travelling to each country and reporting to DFAT and ACFID.

is the Book-Keeper, handling salaries, payment of Every Home for Christ/ Every Home Global Concern accounts and liaising with the bank, preparing the MYOB financial records and making sure they are in order for the annual audit.

volunteers Our heartfelt thanks to our volunteers who cheerfully package newsletters once a month for our mailing list to supporters. Their help cuts down on our administration/fundraising costs and we are very, very grateful. Debbie Wilmshurst

Justin Franks

is the Sponsorship Secretary and looks after the child and worker sponsorship programs as well as the office volunteers.

is the Development Manager, looking after the web sites, web donations and sending monthly budgets overseas.

Saena Hong

is the secretary for the Executive Director as well as handling general office tasks and reception.

Our heartfelt thanks too to the volunteers who come every month at 6am to the office to pray for Australia, for special requests from Every Home for Christ supporters and to pray for the world. "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of". 9 More volunteers - for newsletters and for prayer - are needed.

I am writing because as I was preparing Every Home for Christ news to send to you, I was thinking about the Every Home for Christ income recently and its been a "bit down" financially . I hesitated to tell you but I thought you wouldn't mind. I am not forgetful that some people have sent very large gifts and cheques, sometimes really large and we are so grateful to God for you. Nevertheless, overall the Every Home for Christ income has been low to meet all our expenses and send funds overseas to print gospel literature, give children an education, feed the hungry and teach them how to grow food themselves as we believe God will have us do. If you could pray about this and ask God with us, I will be grateful. Maybe you are able to help too! Whatever God has for you to do, pray and give or only pray. I know God will hear your prayer and bless you if you are able to give. Malachi 3:10 says "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. "Test me in this, says the Lord," and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out such a blessing that you will not have room, enough for it".

Eric Leach Executive Director Every Home for Christ

Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738 www.everyhome.org.au E-mail: ehc@everyhome.org.au www.everyhomeforchrist.org.nz

JUNE 2018 Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.

PRAY EVERY DAY As plans are being considered to visit every house in Australia and New Zealand with gospel literature, pray God will make this possible.

8,284,648 houses

1,561,956 houses


PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY Sons, daughters and grandchildren, plus others to come to Christ. Get a piece of paper and write down their names. Get their photos and pray every day for their salvation;eternity without Christ is a long time! 1 Chronicles 27 (Psalm 11-16) BELIZE Pop. 367,000 Map. 180 Pray for Every Home workers in this country who were recently trained to reach communities with the Gospel. They will give out literature in a province where people practise voodooism. Pray that God's Word will transform lives for His glory. 1 Chronicles 28 (Psalm 17,19) LIBERIA Pop. 4,600,000 Map. 42 An EHC worker in Liberia shared the Gospel with a man who had struggled with suicidal thoughts for a long time and was about to take his own life. The man gave his life to Christ and has found a new reason to live. Praise God! 1 Chronicles 29 (Psalm 20-22) BURKINA FASO Pop. 18,700,000 Map. 40 Please pray for the four provinces in the southwest part of this nation. Pray against every force in the region that would prevent the spread of the Gospel. 2 Chronicles 1 (Psalms 24-26) CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for people in this nation who recently received gospel booklets. Pray for the Word of God to touch their hearts and change them. Also pray for believers in Christ Groups there. They have many struggles and are harassed by local police. 2 Chronicles 2 (Psalm 27-28) CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for a Somalian girl who was visiting this country and got her hands on a gospel booklet that led her to receive Jesus as her Saviour. She wants prayer that she can live out her faith. Also pray for a man who recently asked to be baptised. 2 Chronicles 3 (Psalms 29, 31)



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and send it to us in the enclosed envelope and we will pray for you.


UNITED STATES Pop. 325,700,000 Map. 176 Please pray for revival in east central Minnesota. Every Home for Christ will partner with over 120 churches in the area to do home-to-home outreach as they attempt to saturate this entire area with the Good News. 2 Chronicles 4 (Psalms 35-36) COTE D'IVOIRE Pop. 23,700,000 Map. 41 There is much hate against Christians in many parts of this country. Pray for God to soften their hearts and for the safety of all the workers as they preach the Good News. 2 Chronicles 5 (Psalms 37-38) MEXICO Pop. 130,800,000 Map. 178 Oasis of Hope is a shelter in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico, where drug addicts and alcoholics can go and receive hot soup, a place to stay and rehab. Pray for this EHC partner that is very helpful in reaching young people for Christ. 2 Chronicles 6: 1-22 (Psalms 39-40) MALI Pop. 18,000,000 Map. 49 Reaching homes with the Gospel in the Gao, Kidal and Tombouctou regions is challenging because of attacks taking place in these areas. Pray for protection for the EHC office and field staff and for wisdom and courage as they bring the message of salvation to every home. 2 Chronicles 6:23-442 (Psalms 41, 53) GERMANY Pop. 82,700,000 Map. 83 EHC workers shared gospel literature in the cities of Eisleben, Eisenach, Wittenberg and Worms and parts of Erfurt and Augsburg. Pray that the thousands of recipients will be blessed by the gospel messages and that many will find eternal hope in Jesus Christ. 2 Chronicles 7 (Psalms 55, 58) UGANDA Pop. 41,500,000 Map. 26 Thank God for two men who have hated Christians but have now received Jesus Christ. Pray that these men will continue to grow in love for Christ and for their fellow-believers. 2 Chronicles 8 (Psalms 61-62) ALBANIA Pop. 2,900,000 Map. 75 Praise God for the results of outreaches in the area of Fresk. Many people have contacted the EHC office after reading the literature.They are requesting books, bibles and more information about Jesus and some are coming to church. 2 Chronicles 9 (Psalms 72, 86) CZECH REPUBLIC Pop.10,600,000 Map. 82 Praise God for many orders of EHC literature from Czech Christians who want to practise personal evangelism in their neighbourhoods. Gospel booklets and Bible calendars are very popular. Praise God for these "paper missionaries". 2 Chronicles 10 (Psalms 101,103)

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CREATIVE ACCESS Regardless of the unsafe situation in this country, God is opening new doors for ministry. EHC workers are becoming better known among area churches and are building relationships with local undercover pastors. Continue to pray for favour and protection. 2 Chronicles 11 (Psalms 101-103) CAMEROON Pop. 23,400,000 Map. 24 Praise the Lord for 300 positive responses to the Gospel in the northern region of the country. With God's help and protection, EHC workers from Maroua shared gospel booklets in the area. Many are now involved in a new church located in Ngodlar. 2 Chronicles 12 (Psalms 108,110) INDONESIA Pop.261,100,000 Map.143 Please pray for an upcoming outreach. EHC workers will serve among a marginal people group in a very poor area. Muslims have pressured the government to shut down churches here. Pray for wisdom and grace as they serve. 2 Chronicles 13 (Psalms 138-141) CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for an EHC worker who was imprisoned for sharing gospel literature. Despite opposition and hardship, God is blessing the work in this country. Praise God for providing His strength and encouragement and for new workers who want to share the Good News! 2 Chronicles 14 (Psalms 143-145) FIJI Pop. 899,800,000 Map. 150 Every Home Fiji has moved its office to a small town called Nausori in order to focus on the isolated villages in the province of Naitasiri. Pray that they will be able to make connections with many pastors and churches in the area. 2 Chronicles 15 (1 Kings 1-4) CREATIVE ACCESS Praise God for his mercy and healing power. EHC workers witnessed two miracles recently. A man could not move his hand and fingers, but after N. prayed for him, he was healed. Also, a paralysed woman was completely healed! Praise God! 2 Chronicles 16 (Proverbs 1-3) MALAWI Pop. 18,000,000 Map. 15 Fruitful outreaches have taken place throughout the nation. Many people accepted Jesus, and their lives have been transformed. Praise God for giving EHC workers hearts to serve by sharing the Gospel and just being there for the people who need Jesus. 2 Chronicles 17 (Proverbs 4-7) URUGUAY Pop. 3,500,000 Map. 224 EHC Uruguay works in cooperation with other evangelistic ministries in the country. They are trusting God for a revival in the country and ask for prayer that the Lord would use them as instruments to reach the last home in Uruguay. 2 Chronicles 18 (Proverbs 8-9)

CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for Borther O., a Christian leader in his village. The police came to his house and questioned him, and he was immediately taken to prison. He has six children. Pray for the immediate release of Brother O. and for courage in the face of opposition. 2 Chronicles 19 (Proverbs 10-14) PAPUA NEW GUINEA Pop. 8,000,000 Map.146 The EHC team will be visitng the families of those affected by the recent earthquake in Mendi. Pray for safety, guidance and favour as they travel to minister to these hurting families. Please pray that, following this tragedy, hearts will open to the Gospel. 2 Chronicles 20 (Proverbs 15-20) MYANMAR Pop. 52,900,000 Map. 136 Praise the Lord! EHC Myanmar reached over 50,000 homes with the gospel. Pray that the written word of our gospel messages will take root. Pray for a spirit of repentance to come to homes that received the message of hope and that many people would accept Christ. 2 Chronicles 21 (Proverbs 21-24) ETHIOPIA Pop. 102,400,000 Map. 29 Melaku, a Mobile Training Coordinator, will no longer be leading the field program in this country because of health problems. Please pray for Brother Melaku and for discernment to choose the right person to take his place. 2 Chronicles 22 (Proverbs 25-29) SIERRA LEONE Pop. 7,400,000 Map. 44 Praise the Lord for His grace and the courage to share the Gospel with all kinds of people. In the process drug addicts, fanatical enemies of the Gospel and animists have given their lives to Jesus. 2 Chronicles 23 (Proverbs 30-31)





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COTE D'IVOIRE Pop. 23,700,000 Map. 41 Please pray for Sister Burkina, who has just given her life to Christ. She is now being rejected by close relatives, even her husband, and is currently homeless for the sake of the Gospel. Please pray for God to comfort and provide for her. 2 Chronicles 24 (Song of Solomon 1-8)


UNITED KINGDOM Pop. 65,600,000 Map. 92 Jesus proclaimed God's favour. It is the message of hope that this nation needs to see and hear. Please pray that the Church will be a community that boldly proclaims and lives a message of hope and transformation. Pray that we'll make the most of every opportunity in 2018. 2 Chronicles 25(1 Kings 5-7) GUADELOUPE Pop. 405,800 Map. 202 Praise the Lord! More than a dozen people accepted Christ from a recent home-to-home outreach with an EHC partner. Additionally, even a young hitch-hiker found Christ after the driver shared gospel literature with him. God is at work! 2 Chronicles 26 (1 Kings 8-11)


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