May 2015 newsletter

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O n the Ve r ge o f D eat h | What Th e y Ha d Wa s Sp ec ia l... | A Ha rvest of the Brok e n

How do you make disciples where there are no churches?

May 2015


“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20, NASB).


hroughout Every Home for Christ’s 68-year history of home-to-home evangelism, we’ve seen more than 150 million people respond to the Gospel (a milestone the ministry passed this January), and that number grows daily. Our pioneer missionaries are reaching more and more remote areas of the world where the Gospel has never been heard. The harvest among these unreached people groups is growing steadily, to the glory of God! However, these brand new Christians will not grow in their faith without instruction from the Word of God and fellowship with other believers. We believe the local church is the natural place for new believers to be encouraged and grounded in their faith. It’s where spiritual roots are established and grow deep. We partner with local churches throughout the world in their evangelism efforts, providing resources and training for them to evangelise their communities. Then we train their leaders to effectively disciple the new believers through our Be Fruitful and Multiply (BFAM) discipleship


curriculum. But in many isolated areas where our teams are reaping such a bountiful harvest, there are no local churches. If new believers don’t become firmly established in their faith, they remain stuck in the infant stages of belief, soon becoming discouraged and struggling to survive. Where there is no local church, our national leaders form fellowships where new believers receive godly encouragement and biblical discipleship training. We call these fellowships Christ Groups. These “mini churches” are generally small—often about 10 to 20 people, but some can grow to more than 100 in a relatively short amount of time. We are extremely grateful for the way God has blessed this method of establishing new believers in their faith! Every Home for Christ has planted more than 245,000 Christ Groups worldwide, with a current average of 70 new ones forming every day! 2014 marked the fifth consecutive year of more than 20,000 new Christ Group fellowships being formed annually! Over time, these intimate fellowships often become mature, self-supporting churches.

There are many thousands of these established Christ Groups globally that meet in non-traditional settings. Some meet deep in the jungle under shady trees. Others meet in college dormitories or in the back rooms of local businesses. There are Christ Groups of high school students that meet during their lunch breaks. Christ Groups exist in maximum security prisons around the world where inmates meet regularly for worship, Bible study and prayer. Christ Groups meet in secret under the cover of darkness in nations where the Gospel is strictly forbidden. These courageous brothers and sisters take great risks to gather for corporate worship and Bible study, many of whom have faced imprisonment or even death. There are even Christ Groups in indigenous tribal areas around the world. Christ Group fellowships are led by trained Every Home for Christ leaders who guide new believers in the discovery of who God is and why His Son Jesus had to come to earth

as a sacrifice for sin. By using Bible stories with the study of the Scripture, biblical principles are taught, and new believers begin to mature in their faith. Lives begin to be transformed, families are restored—even feuding neighbours begin to forgive one another. As the new believers learn how to share their faith, entire communities are reached! This edition of the EveryHomeforChrist newsletter features the incredible work happening in a variety of these global Christ Groups. No matter where they exist, what happens inside a Christ Group is simply miraculous. The stories and testimonials represented are only a small fraction of the ministry that is taking place around the world in areas where there are no churches. Please pray for our Christ Groups around the world and their leaders, many of whom travel many miles to minister to new believers week after week. We thank God for these dedicated men and women.


A remote Nepal village not accessible by road.

*All names and locations in this article have been changed for security reasons.

ON THE verge of death Nepal By Jordan Middlebrook


Christ Group in Nepal needed a miracle. These brand new believers, less than a year old in their faith, knew if they prayed for healing, God would answer. They called the Every Home for Christ pioneer missionary who had been discipling them, knowing he would make the two hour journey to pray with them. When pioneer missionary Shindru Threska received the call, he found out that a 17-year-old girl in their village named Jima was seriously ill. Jima had not yet accepted Christ, and her death seemed imminent. The Christ Group members simply could not bear the thought of this young girl suffering for eternity. Shindru left for the village immediately.

He had established this Christ Group in recent months and was still labouring to encourage the new believers in their faith, routinely teaching and training them. There are no roads to this village, but Shindru made the familiar trek as quickly as he could. “When I arrived,” Shindru recalls, “I saw Jima lying still as a stone. Both her legs were terribly swollen, and she ached from her waist down. Her mother said she had already taken her to a hospital and to a witch doctor, and nothing could be done. But she had found a spark of hope when one of the women in the Christ Group witnessed to her of the healing and saving power of Jesus—even offering for the Christ Group to come and pray.”

Shindru shared with Jima about Jesus and invited her to commit her life to Him. The young girl accepted Christ, and Shindru began praying for healing. The swelling in Jima’s legs looked better almost immediately, so Shindru began his journey home, leaving the Christ Group to continue praying over Jima. Jesus often taught His disciples just like this, giving them on-thejob-training and preparing them to do the work themselves in due time. The next morning, Shindru received another call—Jima was completely healed! She is now a member of that Christ Group and is excited about getting baptised very soon. The entire nation of Nepal is mountainous with remote villages scattered across peaks and through valleys. Roads can be difficult to come by, and those that exist can be treacherous. As a result, much of Nepal’s population has little or no access to the Gospel or to a believing fellowship. Opening its doors to the Gospel only in recent years, Nepal is a field ripe for the harvest. As Every Home for Christ workers trek through the mountains and Nepali people respond to the Gospel, a great need for discipleship grows. In places where no local churches exist, Christ Groups like Shindru’s meet the need. Pioneer missionaries gather groups of new believers into Christ Groups for fellowship, discipleship and worship. Even if they must travel many hours for meetings, pioneer missionaries continue to care for these groups until local leaders are identified and trained. The Christ Group in the village of Hapud is another such fellowship. Hapud is located in a remote district of a mountainous province. An Every Home for Christ worker tells us, “Life in this area is very difficult because there are no roads. Construction is underway, but it could take many years because of the challenging geography.” For this reason there are no local churches

in or around the village. But one Every Home for Christ pioneer missionary, Diro NaKar, has made it his mission to reach Hapud and the surrounding district. Diro has already planted a large Christ Group in Hapud. He regularly mobilises teams of believers to take the Good News home-to-home and plant Christ Groups in surrounding villages. It is through movements like this— Christ Groups reproducing through evangelism and discipleship—that the Lord is establishing His Church across the nation of Nepal, reaching those who would otherwise never hear of Christ in their remote villages. This year, Every Home for Christ Nepal is planning to reach 15 districts with the Gospel. “This is almost impossible,” the Nepal National Director says, reminding us that it has taken the last nine years to reach nine districts, “but the Word of God encourages us that nothing is impossible with Him.” Now that Nepal has become more open to the Gospel and political conflicts have quieted, the Every Home for Christ team believes the Lord will work through them to reach an unprecedented number of homes in their nation. Reaching more homes means more people will need to be discipled, and that means more Christ Groups will be planted. Join us in prayer that the Christ Groups planted this year will be fruitful, multiply and fill the nation of Nepal with the glory of the Lord and the Good News of His Gospel.

Kenya’s Kibera slum littered with trash and poorly constructed homes.

WHAT THEY HAD WAS SPECIAL... kenya By Kathy Gowler


t was a humble 10 foot by 10 foot dwelling with dirt floors, and one small window. Stepping inside, I instinctively reached for my cell phone for light. Though it was midafternoon it was dark inside; the single light bulb hanging from the ceiling gave off little light. Adjusted to the dark, what I saw right in front of me nearly took my breath away. Ten to fifteen people were crammed into that tiny home, and they were all smiling. A few were holding children to keep them from being stepped on in such tight quarters, but they didn’t complain. This was their Christ Group. The humble home was where they met every week for discipleship training and prayer, and they wouldn’t miss it. We were in Nairobi’s Kibera slum, a 25-squaremile community with more than a million residents. The poverty in Kibera is extreme; the average family makes less than $1 a day. Every Home for Christ has over 500 active Christ Groups in Kibera—Africa’s largest urban slum. It struck me that in the midst of such need these believers knew the joy of the Lord. Though they were crammed together in sweltering heat, they were studying the Word, learning that their lives had purpose, and that they mattered to God. Our next visit took us out of the city and right into the pages of National Geographic. The brilliant red clothing of the herdsmen clearly marked our destination—we had reached the land of the Maasai.

ildrecHILDRENn Children gather in the Kibera slums to receive gospel literature and bracelets.

After a while, our driver turned off the paved road and took us several miles over bumpy pasture into what appeared to be no man’s land. When we finally came to a dwelling with a small pen of goats and chickens, he parked the van, and we waited for the sun to set. We were on African time now. The moon was their timepiece, so we waited. It was a long time before the laughter of children signalled their coming. We couldn’t see them yet, but they were getting closer. The Maasai gather when their work is done, after the herds are watered and safely bedded for the night. Then we saw them, entire families coming from every direction down the dirt paths that connected their homesteads. I would say there were about 40 in the group, including children and babies strapped to their mothers’ backs. We were offered chairs, but once they began, there was no sitting. What started with a single voice in the back somewhere began the rhythmic, exuberant praise that instantly erupted into joyful dance. It was a special, holy moment when our two cultures converged and, in our own languages, worshiped the King under a canopy of stars. Christ Groups exist all over the world where there are no churches for believers to grow in their faith. My experience in Kenya challenged me and left me a little envious. These first-generation believers had no comfy chairs or Starbucks coffee, but what they did have was special—a hunger for the Word and genuine love for one another. There was no doubt about it, this was holy ground.

A Maasai Christ Group in a remote part of Kenya.

A Maasai herdsman praying.

A Harvest of the Broken

Newly transformed believers in their prison cells. Their smiles tell of the new joy and hope they have found in Jesus.


e was notorious—the man most feared in the entire prison. A laundry list of offenses—drug dealing, robbery and homicide—earned him a life sentence in one of Argentina’s maximum security facilities. Though he’d already spent 22 years behind bars, José Sanagua had many more to go. He relished his reputation. Violence was his weapon of choice, and he used it with proficiency. No one dared go near him, and that’s just the way he liked it. Then one day he began receiving visits from Every Home for Christ pioneer missionaries. Week after week they would come to the prison, visit the inmates and pass out booklets with messages of hope for broken lives. Their visits angered José. For a long time he completely ignored their friendly greetings, acting like he didn’t hear them. But they kept right on talking to him as though he did. Nothing seemed to faze the dedicated workers, not even his rude gestures and verbal threats. They just kept

coming week after week, talking about God’s love, salvation and the forgiveness of sin. Over time, the pioneer missionaries’ perseverance paid off. Their friendly smiles and prayers for José began to penetrate his tough exterior until finally, the prison’s most notorious inmate fell on his knees and repented of his sins. The Every Home for Christ workers continued to visit José, teaching him how to live the Christian life using the Be Fruitful and Multiply discipleship materials. It wasn’t long before he began to change. His actions, behaviour, even his demeanour was different and others noticed. His mother and sister noticed when they came to visit. They also gave their lives to Christ. The guards and other prisoners noticed too, and many of them also surrendered their lives to Christ. Word quickly spread that something had happened to José— the most violent man in the prison had become as gentle as a lamb.

Many inmates and prison workers have given their lives to Christ as a result of Josés’ transformation and the continued visits from Every Home for Christ workers. Christ Group fellowships that have formed inside the prison give believing inmates a welcoming place for encouragement, discipleship training and prayer. After completing their training, many of the inmates have been baptised, publicly declaring their faith. Today there are more than 600 believers in the Argentine maximum security prison. José has become a trained leader and facilitates four of the Christ Groups that meet within its walls. What’s more, the prison authorities were so impressed with the changes in Josés’ life that they rewarded his exemplary behaviour by granting him the freedom to leave the prison for 24 hours every Friday. José Sanagua is just one example of a life dramatically changed as a result of Every Home for Christ’s outreach to prisoners and follow-up with Christ Groups. Ministry to “the least of these” continues to plant seeds of the Gospel, and an ever-growing number of believers are maturing in their faith behind prison walls. As word spreads from one prison to another, Every Home for Christ leaders all over the world are being invited to come and speak in prisons to share the love of Christ and the hope of salvation. Every Home for Christ Argentina is one example of a flourishing Christ Group ministry in the nation’s prisons. As inmates receive discipleship training in their Christ Groups, they are effectively sharing their faith with other inmates and prompting a revival among the prison population. Our Argentina National Director, Rino Bello, was recently invited to preach at one of the national prisons. The reputation of Every Home for Christ’s work in the lives of other prisoners paved the way for this

It can be very difficult to gain access to share the Gospel with prison inmates. However, God recently opened the door for Every Home for Christ leaders to host a Be Fruitful and Multiply discipleship training for imprisoned believers in one of our most challenging nations. The Every Home for Christ facilitators expected 15 inmates to attend, but

187 showed up!

They were all given a clear presentation of the Gospel and received booklets explaining more about the Christian faith. Please pray that the seeds that were planted at that event will take root and lead many of the inmates to faith in Christ.

exceptional occurrence.One prison warden even declared, “Because of the changes in the behaviour of the inmates, the prison doors are open to all the pastors of the city!” Every Home for Christ’s Be Fruitful and Multiply discipleship training isn’t only available to new believers who happen to live where we have partner churches. We’re committed to equipping every new believer, whether their home is a primitive hut, a university dormitory or a prison cell. However it looks, the testimony of a changed life draws others to investigate the Gospel. Some of the most exciting testimonies are coming from maturing prisoners all around the globe.





When asked by Louis XIV of France for proof of God's existence, the great philosopher Blaise Pascal replied, " The Jews, Your Majesty, the Jews!" It is impossible to explain how a small group of persecuted people maintained their identity for centuries without a land of their own ... and how a nation scattered for nearly nineteen hundred years could come back to life, apart from Divine intervention. " The Miracle of Israel" documentary is your snapshot of the history of the Jewish people and their miraculous survival and restoration. Take this thrilling journey in the DVD " The Miracle of Israel" and learn how ancient prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes and how the miraculous story of Israel's restoration may hold the key to our future. You can order the video from The Miracle of Israel Foundation Phone: USA 1-877-257-4895 You could be in Israel in September this year with Every Home for Christ. Contact below for a brochure that will tell you about a marvellous trip to Israel. Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738

Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from the Psalms. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.

MAY 2015

PRAY FOR ISRAEL, THE NATIONS, THE WORLD'S PEOPLE. Rev 12:11 "They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony: and they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." Speak your prayer!


CROATIA Pop. 4,500,000 Map 69. We have sent letters to 45 churches across our nation, asking them to partner with us by providing discipleship materials for those who respond to our outreaches,” the National Director says. “Pray for many churches to step up to the task!” Psalm 23 (Judges 6-8)


NEPAL Pop. 31,000,000 Map 133. Our workers and partners have been busy with gospel outreaches across this nation, even in areas where persecution is a constant threat. Pray for much fruit as they visit an unprecedented number of homes. Psalm 31 (Psalm 23)


BURUNDI - Pop. 10,400,000 Map 18. Pray for peace in the north of this country, where a rebellion group attacked in recent months. Pray especially that the Lord would protect the workers and volunteers who live in this area of the nation, including 97 recently trained leaders. Psalm 32 (1 Samuel 16:14 to 19:11) EAST TIMOR - Pop. 1,200,000 Map 145. Our leaders in this nation are rejoicing over peace and openness to the Gospel in their nation! Pray for this to continue and for many to turn to Christ as a result. Pray that those who have already received gospel literature will commit their lives to Jesus. Psalm 33 (Psalm 59) FRANCE Pop. 66,300,000 Map 89. The task of reaching 15,000 homes in Côte-d’Or with the Good News was recently completed. It took one EHC volunteer two years to coordinate the completion of this project— praise God for this volunteer’s faithfulness! Pray for fruitful follow-up. Psalm 34 (1 Samuel 19:12 to 21:15) PERU Pop. 30,100,000 Map 217. “We are grateful to God for 400 churches that have partnered with us to see every home in our nation reached,” the National Director reports. Pray that these churches would remain united and that the Gospel would spread rapidly to every home. Psalm 35 (Psalms 34,56)

HONDURAS Pop. 8,500,000 Map 182. Today, join this team in rejoicing over 320 new believers in 12 communities in the region of Lempira! Pray for their spiritual growth and for the pastors—partners in the work—who are now discipling them. Psalm 24 (Judges 9-12)


CREATIVE ACCESS - Pray for a woman who grew in faith in Jesus but has found it difficult to sustain this faith. Her children have distanced themselves from her because of her beliefs. Pray for strength for this woman and for the salvation of her children. Psalm 25 (Judges 13-16) MALI Pop. 16,500,000 Map 49. During one recent month, a home-to-home outreach covered 30 villages with the Gospel. These villages are home to people who are very hostile to believers. Pray that the literature and personal witness they received would pierce their hearts and turn them to Christ. Psalm 26 (Judges 17-21) SERBIA Pop. 7,200,000 Map 71. - In the early months of this year, workers took gospel literature combined with vegetable seed packets to villages across their nation. Pray now that many people would respond to the message left in their homes and commit their lives to Christ! Psalm 27 (Ruth 1-4) PHILIPPINES Pop. 107,700,000 Map 169. Join us today in rejoicing over the many partners and volunteers participating in our ministry in the Philippines! Pray with us for continued unity behind the vision to reach every home with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Psalm 28 (1 Samuel 1-7) LIBERIA Pop. 4,100,000 Map 42. This team requests our ongoing prayers for the total eradication of the Ebola virus in their nation and all of West Africa. Pray also for travelling mercies for our workers who travel to host discipleship and evangelism training in remote areas. Psalm 29 (1 Samuel 8-12)






CREATIVE ACCESS - Pray for the launch of new ministry in this restricted nation where sharing the Good News can be dangerous. Pray for the Lord to open the heavens over this nation and for the hearts of the people to receive the Gospel readily. Psalm 30 (1 Samuel 13:1 to 16:13)



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INDIA Pop. 1,236,300,000 Map 129. Praise God for 62 new Christ Groups recently planted in this nation! Pray for all the new believers in these groups, that they will be strengthened in their faith and grow in the Lord. Pray that they will be faithful to reach others and multiply in Christ. Psalm 36 (1 Samuel 22:1-2, Psalms 57, 142) CREATIVE ACCESS Persecution is a common reaction to the rapid spread of the Gospel in this nation. Angry communities have ostracized new believers and even kicked them out of their homes and villages. Pray for wise and sensitive ministry and for protection for believers. Psalm 37 (1 Samuel 22:3-23, Psalm 52)



PAPUA NEW GUINEA Pop. 6,600,000 Map 146. Praise the Lord—in recent months, 508 people in one province and 1,268 people in another province were engaged in our discipleship programs! Pray that these believers would grow strong in their faith and reach out to others around them with the Good News. Psalm 38 (1 Samuel 23, Psalms 54, 63)


VENEZUELA Pop. 28,900,000 Map 214. Please pray today that the churches partnering with us in this nation will be focused on the Great Commission and passionate about its literal fulfillment through home-to-home evangelism! Praise the Lord for His continual protection over this ministry. Psalm 39 (1 Samuel 24-26)


URUGUAY Pop. 3,300,000 Map 224. Pray specifically for the younger generation in this nation. Pray for awakening and revival. Pray especially for believing young people, that they would have a passion for evangelism and share what God has done in their lives without fear! Psalm 46 (2 Samuel 12:15 to 15:37) CREATIVE ACCESS Today, join our worldwide family in prayer for Christ Groups in this nation. “It is very difficult to hold such a meeting in our nation, but we are praying for growth!” the National Director days. Pray for protection and lasting fruit. Psalm 47 (Psalms 3, 69)




CONGO,DEM.REP.OF Pop. 77,400,000 Map 19. The team in this nation is praying for their pioneer missionaries to meet many “people of peace” (Luke 10:6) in the homes they reach this year. Join them in prayer for doors, hearts and minds to be open to receive the message of salvation in Christ. Psalm 48 (2 Samuel 16-20)


ROMANIA Pop. 21,700,000 Map 78. The National Director says, “Pray for our team as we meet with churches to gain support for a project in which gospel literature will be combined with vegetable seed packets to take from home-to-home. Pray for strong support from the churches!” Psalm 49 (Psalms 64, 70)


CREATIVE ACCESS Our leaders in this Creative Access nation are in the process of establishing a church. Pray that the Lord would have His hand in this endeavour, directing them to the right land at the right price and putting all other factors in place. Psalm 50 (2 Samuel 21-22, Psalm 18)

ANGOLA Pop. 19,100,000 Map 13. Join this team in rejoicing over the many new churches and volunteers who have partnered with our ministry! Pray that these volunteers will be united behind the vision to reach every home, as they come from diverse church backgrounds. Psalm 40 (1 Samuel 27-31) SOUTH SUDAN Pop. 19,100,000 Map 32 “Pray with us for our workers who labour in very difficult circumstances,” the National Director requests. “Pray that our teams would remain faithful in the work of their ministry, and that they would never grow weary with the task at hand.” Psalm 41 (2 Samuel 1-4) MOLDOVA Pop. 3,600,000 Map 102. Praise God for a successful outreach in Stauceni recently! A local partner church stepped up to take the Good News to every home in this village. Pray for many hearts to be touched by the message they received in the gospel literature. Psalm 42 (2 Samuel 5-7, Psalm 30)


CREATIVE ACCESS Our workers in this nation ask for prayer for the National Director, who has suffered health complications from liver damage for many years. Pray for miraculous healing and for encouragement. Pray also for the ministry to flourish despite these complications. Psalm 43 (2 Samuel 8:1-14, Psalm 60)


CREATIVE ACCESS The team in this nation recently saw the imprisonment of five believers associated with the ministry. They ask for continued prayer, especially for the families of the prisoners. Pray for encouragement, for hope and for provision. Psalm 44 (2 Samuel 8:15 to 10:19)


GUAM Pop. 200,000 Map 167. Please pray today over our workers in Guam who travelled to Palau in recent months to help in a second home-to-home coverage. Pray that they would be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and that many people would turn to Christ during this coverage. Psalm 45 (2 Samuel 11:1 to 12:14, Psalms 51, 32)


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CREATIVE ACCESS In the final months of 2014, many Christians were arrested in this nation. EHC leaders report that the government has been torturing those arrested believers to learn more about underground church networks. Pray for courage and rescue for these believers. Psalm 51 (2 Samuel 23-24)


RUSSIA Pop. 142,500,000 Map 106. Today, join us in prayer over a volunteer who is only 18 years old but has committed to spend three months taking gospel literature to 8,000 homes—on his own! Pray that his ministry would be fruitful and that the Lord would give him strength. Psalm 52 (Psalms 4-6)


ETHIOPIA Pop. 96,600,000 Map 29. An important base for ministry has been established in a Muslim region where six new Christ Groups have been planted. There is a great risk for persecution for all the EHC workers in this area, so pray for protection and for the Gospel to take hold quickly. Psalm 53 (Psalms 7-9)

WRITE YOUR PRAYER REQUEST and send it to us in the enclosed envelope and we will pray for you.

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