Sept 2008

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EHC Workers Minister to the Hurting in Myanmar




bureaucratic delays prevented relief agencies from moving emergency supplies and support staff into the country. Thousands of stranded victims died, waiting for a rescue that never came. Christians in Myanmar launched

their own grassroots relief efforts. Churches quickly mobilized to do whatever they could to help their neighbors with the limited resources they had on hand. Churches in the nation’s capital, Yangon, opened their

doors to survivors who were able to reach the capital. Believers also banded together to help take life-saving food and water to hastilyformed refugee camps that sprang up to the south. The death toll and destruction increased

(Above) Michael Pippett and Mark Hornshaw leave a home. (Above right) Poles are being supplied to build new homes. (Right) Elizabeth Pippett visits a family in their home.

dramatically as believers moved further south toward the Bay of Bengal. Recently, a team of EHC relief workers from New Zealand and Australia were able to visit Myanmar and assess some of the most urgent needs. Mark Hornshaw, traveling with Michael and Elizabeth Pippett and an EHC Myanmar field team received firsthand reports from Chris-

tians who ministered to cyclone victims immediately after the storm. “The storm hit at night and the floodwaters and their debris surged violently, leaving little chance of escape, especially for children and the elderly,” Mark said. “EHC workers cried as they recounted stories of survivors who tried desperately

to hold on to their children while they clung to palm trees, but were unable to hold on through the night,” Mark continued. “’Daddy, don’t you

love me?’ cried a three-year-old boy as his father lost his grip and the boy was carried away by the current. The devastated CONTINUED ON PAGE

(Left) Elizabeth with a new friend. This boy showed the visitors around town and they bought him shoes. (Above) Mark visits with this couple who are leaders of a Sunday school that meets in their home where 35 kids are taught 3 about Jesus. Below the floor is water.


father survived with the six-month-old baby he held in his other arm.” In one village, the only building left standing was a church. It became a refuge for survivors who were comforted by the prayers of believers as they waited for help. Field medical workers set up a temporary medical clinic in the church and treated sick and injured villagers. The church was suddenly transformed into a house of healing and prayer. In the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, EHC workers have discovered a new receptiveness to the Gospel among the nation’s

Makeshift materials have been used to build homes since Cyclone Nargis struck. 29 million Buddhists. People eagerly accept the gospel booklets EHC workers distribute in the villages and listen intently as they share the Good News. EHC's National Director to Myanmar received government permission to hold evangelistic rallies throughout the region. “EHC evange-

lists have traversed the country, including long trips into the mountains to proclaim the Gospel, with healings, signs and wonders following them,” Mark said. “He told countless stories of miraculous openings that the Lord has provided to preach the Gospel in Myanmar.” Since 1981 EHC workers have been able to take the

Gospel to more than 6.8 million homes, yielding a harvest of 29,253 responses. In the process, 97 village fellowships called Christ Groups have been formed as new believers gather to worship the Lord and pray. EHC partners throughout the world are helping to provide construction materials for simple homes and pumps to provide fresh water for villagers. “Our relief project focuses on areas most severely affected by the cyclone and on needs that are not being met by other agencies,” Mark said. “The Lord is doing amazing things in Myanmar in our day. Please continue to hold this nation and our frontline workers in your prayers.”

(Left) The team made friends with street kids, bought them food and shoes and gave them Gospels of John. (Below) EHC's director visits with a family to share the love of Jesus.


FROM THE PRESIDENT The Privilege of Prayer

But despite doubts about the future, the history of Israel is geographically so tiny, especially in the Jewish people is a story of survival. An comparison to the vast space of the Arab by Dick Eastman to the unknown author said that theyobedience survived of – not as countries,NE OF THE MOST FRE which combined are some 650 times QUENTLY QUOTED Christ� (2 Corinthians Israelis, but as Jews. The world would have no the size of Israel. Yet, the Jewish state remains The Or quickest PASSAGES OF 3CRIPTURE problem with a secular10:5). Israel. with a Muslim the unceasing target of hostile criticism, with some way to become moreIsrael. It WAS SPOKEN BY *ESUS IN Israel. What it cannot live with is a Jewish countries threatening extinction. From almost the Christ-like is by -ATTHEW IN cannot even explain why. One of the most beginning of human history, the Jewish people spending more time WHAT WE CALL h4HE enduring mysteries of the ages is, to my mind, the have faced threats to their survival, but overcame in prayer. phenomenon of Anti-Semitism. It doesn’t them ,ORD S 0RAYER v 7HAT by the grace of the Almighty God. Today 3. “Humble your- follow SETS THIS PRAYER APART any logical pattern thatselves couldinexplain it – indeed, Israel is probably the only country in the world the presFROM OTHER PRAYERS taken as a purely socialence phenomenon, it whose right to exist is debated and whose future of the Lord� makes no RECORDED IN THE "IBLE IS sense whatever. Anti-Semitism is questioned. Why does most of the world hate (James 4:10).appears One of to be THE SALUTATION THAT universal; it has existed in every generation, the Jews? What have the Jews ever done to the the greatest spiritual *ESUS INVITES US TO USE we learn among every people, lessons on every continent upon world?WHEN WE PRAY (IS Will Israel survive? through which the Jew has put his foot. prayer is PRAYER BEGINS WITH THE To many people, the entire conflict seems to be humility. It’s impossiwe could enter by every moment in His TWO WORDS h/UR about geography. Two people, and presence. There isThat butdoesn’t one logical for antible to explanation enter into God’s faith intoJews the pres&ATHERxv presence without ence ofas God without we liveand life with Palestinians, claim one piece of land their own. mean Semitism, that explanation is spiritual. The being overwhelmed fear, and speak to our eyes butconvince But of course it goes much deeper. devil is closed, trying to the world that Israel is by His anddeserve grace. what Him face to face. we can try to live in a The prophet Isaiah the problem of everything –love Jews In his alludes book “Will Israel Survive� Mitchell G. Bard Apart from Christ and What an amazing constant attitude of to the they get! But why does Satan so passionately His righteousness, we in his privilege is to be to prayer. Imagine the people? Michael Brown writes Fatherhood that it is a religious for itMuslims of God obligation hate the Jewish to approach for change it could bring could never have an (Isaiah 64:8),and it able subjugate the63:16; infidels is unacceptable book “Our Hands are intimate Stainedrelationship With Blood� says God in our lives if we but Jesus takes that non-Muslims to rule over Muslims prayer! or forWe non- into that God’s by hurting them, Satan seeksInto with God. thehurt the Lord discuss anything way and metaphor to a new Muslims to control Muslim can territory. “This is seek and takes revenge for his own sentence withthe ourintractability Father when will in every situation. incarnation, Jesus of death. level basic of intimacy. He absolutely to understanding effort toevery annihilate “humbled the Jews Himself is to discredit the by we pray, but there are His 2. “Taking only instructsconflict. us of the not Israeli-Islamic It is inconceivable Lord. If Israel ceases to exist as a distinct people, becoming obedient three guiding princithought captive� to address God as that Hamas or Islamic Jihad or or to any (2 then God did 10:5). not, or could not, keep Promise. to the point ofhis death, plesHizbollah I always like Corinthians Father, but invites us other tofundamentalist canin mind. accept the As we live in God’s even death on a cross� embrace Him likegroup keep Specifically, those promises existence of a children Jewish state in 1.the body of the presence 2:8). If to we Israel? “Pray without in anwhat atti- are (Philippians innocent Ultimately, they are derived those given to Islamicwho world. is the cancer (a(1reference hope tofrom be like Christ, ceasing� Thessatude of prayer, somehold Israel out their Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3: The promises of a they often use) that must be excised, and there is we must learn humililonians 5:17). In three thing wonderful arms and cry, “Daddy!� ty and obedience, and simple words, the happen. The of a land, and the promises people,tothe promises nothingwhich that anyone can do to change their minds. begins is the word the best place to learn apostlefrom Paulall essenwe talk to our “Abba!� 14:36,tomorrow of a blessing. If Israel were in to Mark withdraw of the more both qualities is in the tially invites us to live Father God, the more Romans 8:15, and West Bank, all of East Jerusalem, and give every presence of God, In Ezekiel 36:24 we read , “I will take you out of our lives in the preswe begin to think like Galatians 4:6. inch of the Golan Heights to Syria, there still through prayer. ence of God. Imagine His Son. Again, it was the nations; I will gather you from all countries and Among the Jews of would be no peace, because the Islamists will not Prayer is a priviif we really took the apostle Paul who Jesus’ with day, the bring you into your own land.� be satisfied a return to the 1967 borders; they leged activity that we Paul’s command to said, “We are taking thought of reaching demand that the border be the Mediterranean needmany to be involved in Dark Israelthought is undercaptive attack from directions. heart and tried to live every out to God in such a Sea. familiar way was often, humilitimes are still to come, but but in with the end God will ty.of Jesus us more to Dick Eastman is the international probably frightening prevail. The conclusion the invites Bible is than Although address the Creator of presidentaof Every Home for Christ. and an eveninfinitesimal irreverent. fraction of the global fitting conclusion for this editorial. The apostle population, Jews have been awarded a quarterHeofalso serves as president of thebeuniverse as Father. But Jesus was preparJohn’s final prayer must our ultimate prayer as th all theing Nobel Prizes given in the 20 century for America’ s National Prayer Let’s get to know and His disciples for well: whofortestifies to these things says, “Yes, I Committee. Dick’He s passion love Him with the chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics the day when the baram coming soon.� Amen. Lord Jesus. prayer and world evangelism has heart ofCome, a child and and medicine. the nations of the Arab world rier of sinEven that sepaof the Lord be the with God’s promptedThe him tograce write a dozen learnJesus to put on could rated have them—and peace with Israel for the asking. Yet books on the subjects, including people. Amen (Revelation 22:20-21). mind of Christ in the God would there us—from is no nation on earth more universally his latest “Delight� trilogy, devoted process. be removed through despised. By Henk Kamsteeg Editor to intercessory worship and praise. His shed blood, and Israel and Christians Today


Every Home For Christ/ Formerly World Literature Crusade Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0471 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061-2-95704738


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he African nation of Malawi is ranked among the world’s top ten poorest countries. Plagued by alternating droughts and floods, the country is also battling the onslaught of HIV/AIDS. At least one million people are infected. Men and women in Malawi have a life expectancy of only 43 years. Every Home for Christ has responded with God’s Word and a helping hand. EHC has added a humanitarian aspect to its gospel outreach in Malawi, helping villagers in rural

areas survive with assistance through EHC’s Food Security Program. EHC workers often help train farmers how to plant and maintain crops in difficult environments. When crops are lost to floods or drought, EHC

God's Word and a Helping Hand provides seeds and simple tools to help farmers rebound and survive. Recently, EHC has also helped people in rural areas develop fish farms. The villagers help build small dams and ponds, then raise fish for food and for sale. “It was like a dream!” said a villager named Watson, who watched the fish farms near his village flourish. In some areas, the people have

taken extra advantage of the water and started planting fruit trees along the edges of the ponds. Of course, EHC’s primary focus in Malawi is on home-to-home evangelism. “We had a powerful outreach and home-to-

home campaign in Linga,” said EHC focus leader Ronal Sabawo. “The area is comprised of almost 70 percent Muslims. Our main target was the Muslims. Seventeen Muslims accepted Christ as their personal Savior.” Throughout the nation, 391,213 people have responded to EHC’s gospel outreaches, with an encouraging 1,127 village fellowships called Christ Groups planted throughout the nation. A pioneer missionary named Eliot visited a home where a crippled

five-year-old boy lived. The boy, Thokozani, had never walked. As Eliot shared the Gospel with the family, Thokozani’s mother asked Eliot if he would pray for her son’s healing. First, Eliot

prayed for the parents and they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Then he prayed for the boy. When Eliot first prayed for Thokozani, the child said his legs felt stronger, but he was still unable to stand or walk. Eliot told the family to have faith. A week later, Eliot visited the family again. After he prayed, the boy could stand. A week later, Eliot returned and prayed for Thokozani a third time. Follow-ing this prayer, the little boy was able to walk. “We stand in awe as we see what the Lord is doing for the ministry of EHC Malawi,” said National Director Simon Msowoya. “We are witnessing positive outcomes in all of our

activities. Both our evangelism and humanitarian activities tell stories of success. We thank God for the positive results we are seeing today.”



Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Esther and Job.. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading programme these chapters are in brackets.

September, 2008
















BURMA-MYANMAR Pop.51,200,000 Map 133. ARMENIA Pop.3,000,000 Map 102. Pray for continued Continue to pray for the thousands affected by the open doors in Nagorno Karabakh and that in the cyclone who continue to need basic necessities. Vayots Dzor region Christ Groups would be planted. Praise God that EHC workers were able to return safely from To date, more than 246,000 homes have been reached and various outreach areas. Esther 6 (Isaiah 24-27) 17 Christ Groups have been planted across this nation. Pray BANGLADESH Pop.142,700,000. Map 130. There for a continuing harvest of souls. Job 3 (Hosea 1-3) are many testimonies of people seeking out FIJI Pop.900,000 Map 148. Many people have Christians asking how they can receive Jesus as responded to the gospel outreach especially among Saviour and Lord. Pray that many seekers would come the Muslim people. Pray for Sai, an EHC pioneer to know Him. Also, pray for challenges faced by many missionary, who is now spearheading an outreach to the poor people as the cost of basic commodities has gone Muslims in Suva/Nausori corridor. Courage and wisdom up considerably. Esther 7 (Isaiah 28-35) are needed in this particular effort. Job 4 (Hosea 4-7) GHANA Pop.22,000,000 Map 38. When the rainy BURKINA FASO Pop. 14,000,000 Map 39. season comes many properties are destroyed Many women of Zoaga are interested in the and people are left homeless. Pray for protection Gospel and some have made professions of for EHC workers as they continue to reach many homes faith but are afraid of their husbands who threaten to during these times and pray that they would be an send them off if they accept Jesus. Pray that the Holy encouragement for those who are without Christ in Spirit will touch these men so they will give their lives to their lives. Esther 8 (Isaiah 36-39) Jesus as their wives have done. Job 5 (Hosea 8-13) NICARAGUA Pop 5,700,000 Map 181. The HONDURAS Pop. 7,500,000 Map 180. economic situation in this nation is challenging – Every day gang activity is increasing and more expensive each day. Pray that the Lord will organized crimes along with the drug provide for “our daily bread” as well as the resources trade have taken a lot of territory. EHC workers are necessary for the ministry. Praise the Lord for the seeking the Lord for His wisdom and authority to take provision of new volunteers to evangelise in schools the Gospel with power so these people will come to and universities. Esther 9 (Isaiah 40-43) know the Lord Jesus Christ. Job 6 (Hosea 14) SLOVAKIA Pop.5,400,000 Map 79. During the past RAWANDA Pop. 9,400,000 Map 17. Many couple of months 18,000 homes were reached. Pray churches are partnering with EHC and are for much fruit from this successful outreach. Also, requesting literature. Pray for these new ask the Lord for people and churches who would “stand in the gap” for the EHC ministry in Slovakia by means of partnerships that unity will prevail as homes are reached with the Gospel. To date, 82,000 homes are reached with financial and prayer support. Esther 10 (Isaiah 44-48) over 26,000 responses. Job 7 (Micah 1-3) TOGO Pop.6,300,000 Map 37. Pray for pioneer TODAY The International Executive Committee missionary Kokou Assah and the 36 Christ Groups meets in the USA. Pray for Dick Eastman, recently formed in Ogou-est Mono that they will Dennis Blackmore, Tim Middlebrook, Pierre have the passion to share Christ’s Good News. Pray for Mr. Kossi Sanvi, a converted Muslim as he faced persecution Clement and Eric Leach. Pray God to give them wisdom and leadership today and tomorrow. Job 8 (Micah 4-5) from his family and community. Job 1 (Isaiah 49-57) BELGIUM Pop. 10,300,000 Map 85. Praise the CREATIVE ACCESS #7 In the village of “I” a group of Lord that the Limbourg outreach is going well. people considered “Christian” have not accepted the Pray for plans being developed to go “abroad” Gospel as readily as others. However, there are many others who are accepting and appreciating the Word of to Luxembourg, a tiny country to the south. Plans are to God. Pray for this village – that God will bless the seeds of cover the whole country in one weekend. Pray for workers His Word that have been sown. Job 2 (Isaiah 58-66) and great success in this endeavour. Job 9 (Micah 6-7)

















TODAY Until Saturday 20th September the EHC World Leadership Team of Regional Directors and the International Executive Team, some 15 people, will meet in the USA. EHC is at its best around the world. Pray God will give wisdom and leadership in these meetings. Job 10 (Nahum 1-3)

SOUTH AFRICA Pop.45,100,000 Map 1. Pray for Helena van Zyl and her team as they have encountered challenges regarding ancestral worship. New converts are under pressure to turn back to their traditional culture. Praise the Lord for an EHC outreach where 58,000 people were reached and 340 people gave their heart to the Lord. Job 11 (2 Chronicles 33-34)

GUINEA REP. Pop. 9,500,000 Map 44. There are many towns and regions to be reached and transportation is difficult so ask the Lord for provision for this need. Please pray for the 330 souls that came to faith in Christ during a recent month – that they will never return to their old practices because of persecution from their families. Job 18 (Jeremiah 14-20) ROMANIA Pop.21,500,000 Map 76. Pray for the home-to-home distribution team that is working in the central part of the country. Pray as well for the many open doors to distribute gospel booklets in prisons, hospitals and public schools. Praise the Lord for His faithful provision each month. Job 19 (Jeremiah 35-36)

URUGUAY Pop.3,400,000 May 222. EHC Director Alfredo Pena has been suffering from SINGAPORE Pop. 4,000,000 Map 139. a kidney illness so pray for his healing. Also, Plans are to develop and print gospel books pray for the prison ministry in COMCAR where 24 prisoners in a “comic-type” style for those who are have begun a Bible-study course. EHC workers want to unable to read. Pray that many would be touched with extend the prison outreach to 19 other prisons where this booklet. Also, pray for the reprinting of the booklet there are 7,900 prisoners. Job 12 (Zephaniah 1-3) “Song of a Wanderer” and the powerful way it has CREATIVE ACCESS #5 Pray for the safety, touched thousands of lives. Job 20 (Jeremiah 45, 25) protection and provision for EHC families CAMEROON Pop.16,800,000 Map 24. and staff. Because of volatile conditions Christ Groups all across this nation are after national elections several distribution events being discipled and encouraged to train were cancelled, but now they have been resumed. their members to reach their communities. Pray for the Pray for the EHC Director as he coordinates various faithful pastors leading these congregations and their outreaches. Job 13 (2 Chronicles 35) outreach efforts. To date, 468 Christ Groups have been ANGOLA Pop.16,800,000 Map 13. Praise planted in Cameroon. Job 21 (Jeremiah 46-49) the Lord for Jose Sitongua and the CHILE Pop. 16,600,000 Map 218. Pray for the relationship and connection built with follow-up visits that are being conducted him in support of EHC’s efforts in Angola. Pray for EHC to those who have given their lives to Jesus. workers trained in using The Heart of Man chart and Praise the Lord for the children that have come to the gospel booklets that they would be effective in reaching Lord – a whole new generation for Christ! Pray that they many with the Good News. Job 14 (Habakkuk 1-3) will be nourished and ministered to in the churches they PHILIPPINES Pop. 85,600,000 Map 167. attend. Job 22 (Jeremiah 13, 22-23) Please lift up the EHC ministry to the Lord COTE D’IVOIRE Pop. 18,500,000 Map 40. as well as President Gloria MacapagalKouakou Crepin, a Christ Group member in Arroyo as she leads this nation facing a lot of difficulties. Toumodi, has been a victim of sorcery attacks Pray for a new vehicle needed for the EHC ministry and and has been sick for two years. Pray that this nation will for sponsors in printing 5,000 copies of the Bible in not fall into violent times as the presidential election is English and Tagalog. Job 15 (Jeremiah 1-6) scheduled for November. Job 23 (Jeremiah 24, 27-29) MALAWI Pop. 13,200,000 Map 15. THAILAND Pop. 64,900,000 Map 134. Pray Automobile accidents are on the for the resources needed to print 100,000 increase. Pray for the safety of EHC gospel booklets to give to families in Chiang pioneer missionaries as they travel from place to place. Praise God for the amazing reports coming Mai. When this project is finished the whole northern in from EHC workers throughout this nation. part of Thailand is targeted to be reached with the Gospel. Many, many homes are being reached with the Pray that many hearts and lives would be changed by the power of the Gospel. Job 24 (Jeremiah 50-51) Gospel! Job 16 (Jeremiah 11-12) ARGENTINA Pop. 38,500,000 Map 221. In one recent month more than 58,000 pieces of literature were distributed with 32,000 homes reached and 547 responses received. Praise the Lord! Continue to pray for much fruit from the many outreaches that are underway, especially for the children at risk program. Job 17 (Jeremiah 26, 7-10)

LESOTHO Pop. 1,800,000 Map 2. EHC workers attended the funeral of a pioneer missionary in Linakeng Ha-Rapase. At the funeral EHC’s National Director used the opportunity to share the Gospel and 200 people gave their lives to Christ. Pray for the Christ Group that will be planted as a result. Job 25 (Jeremiah 30-33)

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