Sept 2017 Newsletter

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September 2017

Above & Beyond by In tern ationa l President Dic k Ea stm a n


“…If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” — Mark 9:35b (ESV)


obody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. This insight often proves true on the mission field. The saving love of Jesus must be communicated with words, but sometimes the message gets across even clearer when it is also demonstrated by actions. We live in a world that constantly bombards us with messages. Advertising tells people what to buy. The news tells people what to think. And political leaders tell people how to live. Why should those we reach listen to us as opposed to anyone else? It takes something special to break through all the noise, and love is that something special. No one goes through life without facing dark and difficult times. Some people worry about whether their children are growing up with positive influences. Others struggle to make a living, wondering how they are going to feed their families from day to day. And some face the threat of a deadly illness, desperately hoping to make it through another night.


When people struggling with issues like these encounter unexpected comfort, compassion and friendship, it’s a stunning experience for them — especially when that unexpected love comes from strangers. Going the extra mile gets people’s attention and makes them wonder, Where does a love like that come from? It is one thing to hear about God’s unconditional love, but it’s another thing to see it lived out in a way that directly touches lives. That’s why our workers go the distance, showing God’s love by serving those who need to know Him. In this issue of the Every Home for Christ newsletter you’ll read stories of EHC workers who go above and beyond to touch the lives of their neighbours and demonstrate the heart of the Saviour who loves them.

DICK'S HEALTH Dick recently had a pacemaker inserted after ongoing problems with dizziness and an irregular heartbeat and in late July he also had surgery to remove a growth in his sinuses which was benign. Praise the Lord that Dick is once more experiencing good health and continue to pray for his protection.

brazil Young men, like these boys at a park in São JosÊ dos Campos, face many challenges, including the allure of organised crime and drug use — both of which are prevalent among Brazilian youth.


by Josh Skaggs

“...when he worked up the courage to ask what he had done to deserve this, they replied: ‘We just don’t like you.’” Every day, Matheus tried to get to class without the other boys catching him alone. When they found him alone, they ganged up on him and beat him to the ground. On one occasion, when he worked up the courage to ask what he had done to deserve this, they replied: “We just don’t like you.” At night, he returned to the car-repair shop he called home. A friend of his dad’s had made room for his family in the cramped space behind busted cars, a corner of the shop where the six of them could eat and sleep. The only person missing was Matheus’ mum — but he tried not to talk much about her. He wanted to keep his younger brother from finding out she was in drug rehab. On Sundays, his dad took the family to church. Matheus would sometimes ask God why all this had happened, but for the most part, he daydreamed and waited for the service to end.

BRAZIL Then one Sunday, something changed. Matheus remembers singing the same words he sang every week, when he sensed something new: “The Holy Spirit spoke with me . . . I can’t explain what it felt like. It was inside my chest. I felt freer. I felt God touch me.” Matheus was awakened to God’s presence in his life. But he didn’t know how to live it out. He was 13 years old, and he needed someone to support him — friends to surround him and be there for him when his faith was tested. That’s when Matheus met Alessandro.

Alessandro Soares lives with his wife and daughter in São José dos Campos. He’s a man in his mid-thirties whose quiet demeanour belies a fierce determination to reach those without Christ. As Every Home for Christ’s National Director in Brazil, Alessandro is dedicated to reaching every home in his nation with the Gospel. Brazil’s population is just over 205 million, amounting to approximately 50 million homes that he plans to reach. To say Alessandro has a lot on his plate would be an understatement.

As the youth Christ Group gets started, everyone sits in a circle and gets out their Bibles for a group discussion about the Parable of the Sower.

Alessandro gives the young people space to share their thoughts about God, a chance to apply the teaching to their own lives — and to make each other laugh.

Several times a month, he travels around the country to strategise with key ministry leaders. Some trips take him to nearby coastal cities, while others send him navigating through a maze of rivers into the Amazon rainforest. But at the beginning of this year, he started to notice problems on his own doorstep. Young people were struggling to keep their faith. He says, “We had heard some concerns from their parents. One of the kids had drug problems, and others were involved with drinking. Some had said they wanted nothing to do with God.” Every year, Alessandro oversees the launch of over 150 Christ Groups throughout his nation. But for him, it wasn’t enough. His heart went out to the struggling youth in his own community, and he felt he needed to do something about it. So at the start of this year, Alessandro and his wife, Deborah,began to host a Christ Group for youth in their home. Every week, they opened their living room to young people from their community to study the Bible together and ask questions about God. This is where Alessandro first met Matheus. “It’s a family with no structure,” Alessandro describes, “Another family has helped to raise one of Matheus’ brothers, because the father started using drugs when the wife was still

pregnant. The father started to recover, but in this process the wife also became addicted." One can imagine how easy it would have been for Matheus to fall into the same addictions. Many local boys of Matheus’ age were already involved with gangs and using drugs. Instead, Matheus joined Alessandro’s Christ Group. He found a safe place where he and other kids experiencing difficulties at home and school could support one another. Not all of them were equally enthusiastic. Some showed up because their parents made them, but they kept coming. When Alessandro and Déborah’s living room became too crowded, they set up chairs in their garage. After a special weekend retreat, emails started pouring in from parents. One mother reported that her son, Chago, had started studying the Book of Romans on his own time. Another parent wrote, “I know it’s not very easy and the work is still going on, but I’m certain that you are making a difference in my children’s lives.” Alessandro admits, “We didn’t expect such a good response in such a short time. We started working with them in February, and already the kids are saying, ‘I want to do God’s will. I want to change my life.’ I think it’s very good. Each day we have felt God’s action in our lives and everybody else’s lives as well.

I have no doubts the Gospel can change things.” It is certainly changing things for Matheus. This year he started praying regularly for the boys at his school. Even while they were beating him up, he would pray secretly in his mind. He prayed for one boy in particular, the one who seemed most bent on making his life miserable. “Now that boy and I are friends,” Matheus says with a smile. “I keep on praying.” Alessandro says, “When I teach, I always say: Everything we are, everything we have and everything we do belongs to God. My house, it’s not mine. It’s the Lord’s house. So it’s my great pleasure to use it, to use everything

we have if it helps us reach someone.” Last year, Alessandro led his team to reach 1,589,000 people in Brazil with the Gospel. But he is equally grateful to reach just one. Matheus will continue to grow strong in his faith, because he knows he’s not alone. He says, “Here I’ve found my friends. We are closer brothers and sisters than my own brothers. They give me friendship and strengthen my faith.” This is what happens when a boy like Matheus — just one of millions — meets Jesus. The millions matter, because the one matters. The Gospel that changed one boy’s life can change a nation.

The Way To A Happy Life

Australia 1.2 million homes

in Sydney will have an Every Home for Christ letterbox drop this month with the opportunity to receive free gospel literature "The Way to a Happy Life".


Pray many will receive the Lord Jesus Christ! Pray pesistently. Pray earnestly.

South Africa


estor Wilondja was lost in thought as he drove out of Swartdam, South Africa. As an EHC Mobile Training Coordinator, Nestor had visited this rural community to train local churches to evangelise their neighbours and disciple new believers. He was filled with thankfulness for those he had met who were eager to change their communities with Jesus’ love, and he was excited to see how God would move through them in their upcoming outreaches. Cows, goats and chickens could be seen milling about outside several homes as Nestor pulled his Fortuner SUV onto the road. He knew that these animals represented the livelihood of their owners. People in Swartdam rely on their livestock to provide milk, eggs, meat — and, most importantly, income. Such income is vital to many families. The homes Nestor drove past were little more than shacks. Built of corrugated iron on bare ground, strong winds and rain would be enough to knock them down. Swartdam is a poor community made up primarily of black Africans, who are still a marginalised group in South Africa. Many in Swartdam are

by James Holt

uneducated and unskilled, and 43 percent of the population is unemployed. Crime is a major problem, as well as HIV/AIDS. These social factors are further aggravated by the negative portrayal of Christians in the media. Unfortunately, when many in Swartdam think of Christianity, they think only of the prosperity gospel. Preachers on the TV and the radio never urge their followers to help and serve the community; they only ask for people’s money. This impression creates a wall of mistrust between our workers and the families they strive to reach. Trust must be earned before the true Gospel can be shared. A figure rushed onto the road ahead, jarring Nestor from his thoughts. The man was waving his arms and signalling for Nestor to stop his SUV. Wondering what this man could need, Nestor pulled over and leapt from his vehicle. The man was a farm manager, and he led Nestor away from the road and into a nearby field. The scene that Nestor found there told him everything in an instant. Surrounding an enormous mud puddle next to a drying creek were several men and a pickup truck — and in the middle of the mud was a scared, exhausted cow. The animal had sunk more than halfway into the wet, sticky mess so that only its head and back could still be seen. The men had tied one end of a rope around the cow’s middle and the other end to the truck, but they clearly hadn’t made any progress in their efforts to pull it free. The pitiful creature mooed weakly.

Farm workers pour water over an exhausted — but freed — cow. After some rest, the cow will continue on as before, while the farmhands’ lives have been forever changed.


“Had they worked hard that day in the African heat only to return home empty-handed? The situation was bleak.” An observer who didn’t know better might have found the scenario funny, but there were no smiling faces in the group that met Nestor. He could guess what they were all thinking. The farm manager was likely wondering what he would tell the farm owner if they were unable to free his cow. If the cow was not rescued from the mud, it would die there — and that would be a tremendous loss for the farm. The other workers were likely wondering how this problem would affect their families. If the cow was lost, the farmer might not be able to pay them. Had they worked hard that day in the African heat only to return home empty-handed? The situation was bleak. Nestor quickly returned to his SUV and drove it into the field next to the farm manager’s truck. The men helped Nestor tie his vehicle to the cow, and then both drivers got behind their wheels. Saying a short prayer, Nestor gently gave the vehicle some gas and looked in his rearview mirror. To everyone’s delight, the cow began to rise out of the mud. The combined power of the truck and the SUV was enough to make the difference. The farm workers cheered as the vehicles pulled the cow free and dragged it away from the mud. The fatigued animal lay helplessly on its side, too weak to move, but finally free. The farm manager and workers gathered around Nestor to thank him for his help, but Nestor knew he could still help them in a more important way. He took the opportunity to share the Gospel and told the farm workers how much Jesus loves them. To Nestor’s joy, the farm manager and four of the other workers gave their lives to Jesus.


The farm manager said he had never believed in the Jesus he heard about from the prosperity preachers in the media — but he does believe in the Jesus Nestor follows. Nestor didn’t just speak about Jesus; he showed Jesus through his actions. His willingness to serve strangers in need was a testimony of God’s love for them. The farm manager offered to lend his pickup truck to the families of the four other new believers so they could go to church. Now, they all ride together to worship with the nearby Rock of Ages congregation each week. Antonie Boshoff, the National Director of Every Home for Christ South Africa, often reminds his teams that, as they preach the Gospel, they should also live it out each day. “Actions speak louder than words,” he says. “People in the world do not read their Bibles, but they read you as a child of God.”

Come alongside workers like Nestor to spread the Gospel.

Despite being worn out from their hard labour, the farm workers are eager to accept the literature Nestor gives them.

Love in Action L iberia by Rob Stennett


ne of the most effective ways to share the Gospel is by helping someone with a felt need. This is something Jesus modelled as He restored sight to the blind, healed lepers and told the crippled who had never taken a step to “Pick up your mat and walk.” Felt needs were something that Liberia, a country on Africa’s west coast, had in abundance when the Ebola virus struck. Ebola is a frightening disease with symptoms appearing a few days after a patient is infected. At first the symptoms are seemingly innocuous, like a sore throat, a fever, headaches and muscle pain — but it doesn’t take long for things to become nightmarish. Liberia’s first outbreak was discovered in 2014, when a toddler in a rural village contracted the disease. Soon, panic over the Ebola virus gripped the country and much of the world. “The World Health Organization concluded that the rapid spread of the virus in the country was due to the lack of equipped health facilities, adequate healthcare awareness, expertise and resources to contain it,” explains Sydney Thomas, the EHC Zonal Director in West Africa. Sydney’s team knew that reaching people in Liberia would involve both sharing the Gospel and ministering to the felt needs of brothers and sisters across the country. “The EHC team was not only passionate about the campaign but also overwhelmed by the fear, hopelessness and suffering that gripped the nation,” Sydney explains.

It was that passion which led them to risk their lives to go into affected communities.




4 1 An elderly woman gratefully receives medical supplies along with gospel literature given through the local church outreach. These gifts will help protect her and her family from the Ebola virus and, more importantly, will provide them with the message of everlasting life. 2–3 Church members gather to organize and pray over medical supplies, preparing them for the people. An astounding 2,864 people gave their lives to Christ through the whole Ebola outreach..


5 4 Musu Thomas, Sydney’s wife, visits schools to distribute Ebola awareness flyers. Here she is with one of the youngest preschool students. 5 In this humble thatched-roof home, our workers lead a young family in prayer. What a comfort it is to meet with God in an hour of need.

" If you were willing to put your life at risk and take a two-day journey to reach us, then I will serve God until I die." “It was that passion that led them to risk their lives to go into affected communities, even while the government of Liberia placed a ban on public gatherings and travelling.” The team members were trained for evangelism and equipped with medical supplies, preventative educational literature and gospel messages to pass out. People were afraid to go outside, but they were also desperate for someone to show up with answers. With the country in chaos and its very infrastructure breaking down, the team set out to provide practical help as well as hope for those who were gripped by fear. “Everything had failed,” Sydney says. “Every ground was sinking sand. Only on Christ, ‘The Solid Rock,’ could anyone stand. Relatives, friends, partners and colleagues did everything they could to help us, sending money, medicine and liquid chlorine for disinfectant. But people were desperate for answers. The churches in Liberia were packed out on Sundays, and even unbelievers cried out to God ardently.” The testimonies that came out of this outreach are breathtaking. “They could not get over the fact we had risked our lives to share the love of God with them and that we attended to their basic needs,” Sydney explains. “They openly told us we were the only people who visited them and let them know God loves them, even in the midst of pain, fear and suffering. After the Word of God was shared, many of them surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ, crying aloud, saying this is love in action.” This love shown to entire communities touched individual hearts. “If you were willing to put your life at risk and take a two-day journey to reach us,” a villager named Oldman Lassana said through tears, “then I will serve God until I die.” In another village, the team continued to share supplies like food, soap and clothing

along with Ebola education and the message of God’s love. “After they received the items, the entire village erupted into festivity,” Sydney says. “The young and old, men and women, kids and parents were dancing, jumping, clapping and singing at the tops of their voices, thanking God for providing for them at the point of their need. Responding to the altar call, the entire village surrendered to Jesus! EHC volunteers brought love, peace and inner happiness to them.” The outreach was a success in countless ways. The team offered education, medical supplies and hope — not only to help people survive the outbreak but to help them find new life in Jesus. Over 21,000 homes were reached, and 2,864 decisions for Christ were made. It was an incredible response. “We felt thrilled to realise the Lord could use even the deadly Ebola situation for His purpose,” Sydney says. “It meant a lot to us to understand that God used the pain, agony and death the enemy brought upon the nation to transfer precious souls from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. Like Romans 8:28 says, ‘All things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’” Two years after this historic outreach, the effects of the campaign are still being felt.Those who gave their lives to Jesus are now plugged into churches. The EHC team members are training in other ways to meet felt needs in their country, while always sharing the love of Jesus from home to home. They use this story as an inspiration to be prepared and ready to serve. “The EHC pioneer missionaries brought love, peace and inner happiness across Liberia,” Sydney says. “God turned their sadness into joy and their mourning into dancing. We are happy not only that we gave them physical items, but also that they received salvation.”

Most Important ... Every Home for Christ has some important information you will read this month about the eternal salvation of millions of people who we must reach for the Lord Jesus Christ before they die and go into eternity. We must at least give them a chance to know the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many reasons to “Go into all the world” as Jesus told us in Mark 16:15. Millions of people are “starving” without enough food because no one taught them how to grow food and then how to cook the food. Every Home for Christ/ Global Concern is doing this. Another reason to “go into all the world” is to educate children so they will be able to have a more productive life. Every Home for Christ has schools in Bangladesh and India. In Mark 10:13-14 we find “people were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these”. A third reason to “go into all the world”, and the most important reason, is to take a “Gospel Message” to the millions of people who have never heard of Jesus Christ and don’t know of eternal life and forgiveness of sins. We must go to “Every Home” with a gospel message. Millions of people don’t know there is an everlasting life in heaven. Jesus says “In my Father’s house are many mansions ... I go to prepare a place for you” if they will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, John 14:2-3. This is Good News and we must tell it but there is also bad news and we must tell it too. Jesus did! It is the final wrath of God against sin;we need to know about this too. Jesus spoke about it often. For this reason the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners like you and me from God's final wrath as noted on the next page. - Eric Leach, Executive Director Every Home for Christ Australia and New Zealand

Is Hell Just a Metaphor?

- John Piper

Dr John Piper served as Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota, for 33 years and is now the Chancellor of Bethlehem College Seminary and wrote the article below, " Is Hell Just a Metaphor?" The final wrath of God will be terrible, It won't suffice. It won't work for hell and indescribable pain forever and ever. As you consider the word pictures the New Testament uses for hell, don't commit the folly of saying, " Oh, those are just symbols. Fire and brimstone, that's symbolic language." The reason I say, " Don't commit the folly of saying that," is because it won't serve your purpose. I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work. We're trying to make it less. Guess what? Symbols are less than reality, not more. Suppose fire is a symbol. Do people use symbols of horror because the reality is less horrible or more horrible? I don't know anyone who uses symbolic language for horrible realities when the literal language would make it sound more horrible. What would be the point of that? People grasp for symbols - you all do - of horror or beauty because the reality they're trying to describe is worse or better than the symbols They're doing the best they can to get it across. If I say, for example, " My wife is the diamond of my life," would any of you respond, " Oh, he just used a symbol for something valuable. It's only a symbol, so his wife is less valuable than a diamond"? That's why it's folly to talk like this. It's folly to say it's only a symbol. No, I chose the most valuable jewel I could think of in order to express she's more valuable than that. What else can I do? I want to say more. You grasp for words. That's what language is like.

it won't work for heaven and it won't work for wives. Honest symbols are not used because they go beyond reality but beause reality goes beyond words. When the Bible speaks of hellfire, woe to us if we say, " Well, it's only a symbol." So? It's worse.

Luke 16:19 - 31 Jesus said ... There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, "Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire!" But Abraham replied, "Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things , while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us."He answered, "Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my fathers hรณuse, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment." Abraham replied, "They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.""No, father Abraham,"he said, "but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent."He said to him, "If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead."

THE MISSIONARY CALL With Dr Oswald J Smith, Former Pastor of People's Church, Toronto, Now In His Heavenly Home. According to Billy Graham, "Above anyone of the twentieth century, Oswald J Smith has probably done more as a missionary statesman to recruit workers for the foreign fields and inspire prayer and financial support. " What constitutes a Call? Is there any way of knowing the will of God? How can one be sure? I think there is. In fact, I am certain. God would not leave His servants in darkness. But let me give you James Gilmour's experience. It is well worth quoting. How was he called and why did he go to the Mongols? This is how he puts it: "Is the Kingdom a harvest field? Then I thought it reasonable that I should seek to work where the work was most abundant and the workers fewest. Labourers say they are overtaxed at home; what then must be the case abroad where there are wide-stretching plains already white to harvest with scarcely here and there a solitary reaper?" What was C.T.Studd's reason for going? Studd, you remember, gave away a fortune. He could have lived at home in great luxury but he chose rather to give away all that he had and go to China as a missionary. Why? Strange as it may seem, it was the statement of an atheist that started him on his way. It so gripped him when he read it that he felt he must leave all and follow Jesus Christ. Here it is:

"If I firmly believe, as millions say they do, that the knowledge and practice of religion in this life influences destiny in another, religion would mean to me everything. I would cast away earthly enjoyment as dross, earthly cares as follies and earthly thoughts and feelings as vanity. Religion would be my first waking thought and my last image before sleep sank me into unconsciousness. I would labour in its cause alone. I would take thought for the morrow of Eternity alone. I would esteem one soul gained for Heaven worth a life of suffering earthly consequences which should never stay my hand or seal my lips. Earth, its joys and its griefs, would occupy no moment in my thoughts. I would strive to look upon Eternity alone, and on the immortal souls around me, soon to be everlastingly happy or everlastingly miserable. I would go forth into the world and preach to it in season and out of season and my text would be, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?"

Is that the way you feel? Have you, too, felt the urge? Does the Word of God burn like a fire in your heart to do everything you can to get the Gospel to as many people as you can?

SEPTEMBER 2017 Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Numbers and Deuteronomy. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.


DIPLAVE POKHREL Give thanks that Diplave has been granted a Bridging Visa which enables him to stay in Australia until November while the Immigration department decide on his work visa. Pray that the Immigration Department will approve Diplave's visa and allow him to stay in Australia. Keep praying for Diplave to get an Australian Permanent Residency Visa. Numbers 23 (Isaiah 24-27)


LORRAINE LEACH Please pray that Lorraine, Eric Leach's wife, who has been diagnosed with Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia, will have no health problems while in Israel with the Israel Tour group. Pray that her haemoglobin levels will not drop while she is away and ask the Lord to give her a complete healing. Numbers 24 (Isaiah 28-35) ISRAEL TOUR GROUP Pop. 7,700,000 Map. 116 A group with Every Home for Christ from Sydney, Brisbane and Perth leaves today for Israel. Pray for travel safety and a most wonderful time as they walk where Jesus walked in Jerusalem and Israel and sail on the Sea of Galilee. Numbers 25 (Isaiah 36-39)



AUSTRALIA Pop. 24,000,000 Map. 147 Pray for an Every Home for Christ advertisement that will be delivered to one million, two hundred thousand homes (1,200,000) in Sydney offering the free gospel literature "The Way to a Happy Life". Pray that God will guide in the planning of a door-to-door visitation in Australia. If interested to help tick enclosed reply slip. Numbers 26: 1-32 (Isaiah 40-43) NEW ZEALAND Pop. 4,600,000 Map. 148 Pray God will guide in planning a door-to-door gospel visitation in New Zealand. If interested to help , tick enclosed on the reply slip. Numbers 26:33-65 (Isaiah 44-48) UNITED STATES Pop. 321,400,000 Map. 176 We believe that prayer can change a nation! Please pray for a revival to spark in the United States and that the church will be inspired to reach those who haven't experienced Jesus in their lives or have become disengaged from their faith. Numbers 27 (Isaiah 49-57) ARGENTINA Pop. 43,400,000 Map. 223 Heavy flooding has left many Wichi lives in shambles. Homes and personal belongings were swept away with the waters, leaving people without shelter, food or hygiene. Please pray for our team members as they seek out to meet physical needs and bring hope in Jesus' name. Numbers 28 (Isaiah 58-66)

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COTE D'IVOIRE Pop. 23,300,000 Map. 41 On the first night of training, power outages and stormy weather weren't enough to get our workers down. They continued training in the dark, raising their voices to be heard over the roar of rain on the roof. Pray for all those trained in evangelism to have fruitful ministries. Numbers 29:1-20 (Hosea 1-3)


CREATIVE ACCESS It has become increasingly difficult to transport Bibles and literature, even in small quantities, in this closed nation. Police officials check each bag at almost every checkpoint. Please pray that God will remove all obstacles for our evangelists and that the Gospel will go forth in power. Numbers 29:20-40 (Hosea 4-7)


ITALY Pop. 61,900,000 Map. 65 "New work in the north is just getting started, and we are excited about the opportunities that are arising," says one worker. "Many churches want to collaborate with us in reaching every home with the Gospel". Please pray for these partnerships to spread the Good News quickly. Numbers 30 (Hosea 8-13) CAMEROON Pop. 23,700,000 Map. 24 Please pray for the 154 people who have come to know Christ after an outreach in Talla Douwel village. Pray that the Holy Spirit gives them boldness to persevere in an environment that is not always favourable to Christianity. Numbers 31:1-24 (Hosea 14)



BRAZIL Pop. 204,300,000 Map. 218 Pastor Carlos runs a Christ Group for youth, providing them with free counselling and teaching them about the Bible. The kids' lives are being changed! Please pray that they will continue to know more about Jesus. Numbers 31:25-52 (Micah 1-3) HONDURAS Pop. 8,700,000 Map. 182 In Tegucigalpa, Honduras, bus stations are crowded with people waiting to start their journeys. Our workers stopped in this hub to offer prayer for people's travels. Continue to pray for hearts to be touched. Numbers 32 :1-22(Micah 4-5)



Write a list with your husband/wife/children/ grandchildren/parents and pray for their life activities, school and most of all that they should come to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally. A tip - Don't complain in the car on the way to church and never criticise the church or Pastor to your children/family!

Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738

ZAMBIA Pop. 15,000,000 Map. 14 Please pray for our team as they start a project to reach out to the massive fishing camps on Lake Kariba. The fishing camps and island have an estimated population of 200,000. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open doors to reach this community. Numbers 32:23-42 (Micah 6-7)


CREATIVE ACCESS Ms. D found a gospel message on the ground two years ago, and our team has been in phone contact with her since then. Our team finally met Ms. D in person and she eagerly wants to grow in Jesus. Pray for Ms. D and others like her to find communities of discipleship. Deuteronomy 2:14-37 (Jeremiah 14-20)


PAPUA NEW GUINEA Pop. 6,700,000 Map. 146 Please pray for our workers in Vanimo, Papua New Guinea, who recently opened up a new ministry base in the area. Pray that as they share the Gospel, the Christ Groups planted there will thrive. Deuteronomy 3 (Jeremiah 35-36) CAMBODIA Pop. 15,700,000 Map. 138 Please pray for all the youth who participated in an evangelism conference held by our team in Cambodia. Pray that the Holy Spirit will break their hearts for those without Christ and that they will gain a vision to reach every home with face-toface presentations of the Gospel. Deuteronomy 4:1-24 (Jeremiah 42, 25) UGANDA Pop. 37,100,000 Map. 26 Please pray for our team conducting evangelism training in the Budaka District. This mountainous region where mudslides can occur is resistant the Gospel. Pray for protection of our workers as they train local believers. Deuteronomy 4:24-49 (Jeremiah 46-49) FIJI Pop. 900,000 Map.150 Please pray over the group of leaders who our team trained in discipleship and evangelism. "Be Fruitful and Multiply is ... simple, effective and just makes sense," says Nacanieli, a training attendee. Pray for God to bring people to Christ through these evangelists. Deuteronomy 5 (Jeremiah 13,22-23)

CREATIVE ACCESS Laws in this closed nation create religious upheaval for many Christians. Please pray for our team to be encouraged and have supernatural wisdom when planning evangelism trainings and outreaches. Numbers 33:1-23 (Nahum 1-3) CAPE VERDE Pop. 600,000 Map. 43 Many missionaries were driven out of Saint Antao by authorities, so our workers strengthened the local church, staying several days to accompany them on home-to-home outreaches. Please pray that the local church continues to preach the Gospel with power. Numbers 33:23-56 (2 Chronicles 33-34) UKRAINE Pop. 44,400,000 Map. 101 Our team in Ukraine shared over 50,000 prayer booklets for their National Day of Prayer, encouraging people to pray for their country. Please stand with these believers in praying for a revival. Numbers 34 (Zephaniah 1-3) SWAZILAND Pop. 1,400,000 Map. 3 Please pray for unity among the local churches of Sidwashini, Swaziland, as our team looks to partner with these churches in outreaches. Pray that their love for one another will be a testimony to their neighbours of Jesus' love. Numbers 35 (2 Chronicles 35) SOLOMON ISLANDS Pop. 600,000 Map. 152 Please pray for our workers as they partner with church teams on the island of Malatia for home-to-home outreaches. Pray that the church teams will feel effectively equipped by the training and boldly share the Gospel. Numbers 36 (Habakkuk 1-3)





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MADAGASCAR Pop. 23,800,000 Map.4 Praise God for the gospel film outreaches that took place in Madagascar. Pray for hearts of those who watched this film to know more about Jesus. Deuteronomy 1:1-23 (Jeremiah 1-6)

MYANMAR Pop. 56,300,000 Map.135 In the Meiktila Township, the Palae Zay bazaar draws soldiers and their families from three local army bases. This is a perfect opportunity for our workers. Please pray for every person to come to know Jesus. Deuteronomy 1:24-46 (Jeremiah 11-12)


MOZAMBIQUE Pop. 25,300,000 Map. 8 Our team in the Zambezia Province of Mozambique plans to reach 3,000 homes in their province with a face-to-face presentation of the Gospel. Please pray that God will open hearts and doors for their ministry to bring people to Jesus. Deuteronomy 2:1-13 (Jeremiah 26, 7-10)







ROMANIA Pop. 21,800,000 Map. 78 Young believers in Romania eagerly shared the love of Jesus during Global Outreach Day. "It was such a joy to see people accepting Christ," says Samy Tutac, National Director of EHC Romania. Please pray that God continues to send labourers into Romania. Deuteronomy 6 (Jeremiah 24, 27-29)


UNITED KINGDOM Pop. 64,000,000 Map. 92 With recent political unrest, people are confused. Please pray for the Church in the United Kingdom to be filled with a passion to reach those who don't know about Jesus in their own country and for many to know the eternal hope that comes through a relationship with Jesus. Deuteronomy 7 (Jeremiah 50-51)


RWANDA Pop. 51,000,000 Map.17 Praise God for the outreach in the Rubaya sector, which saw a band of criminals, four prostitutes and an adulterer become sons and daughters of God. Please pray that God will use their testimonies to reach their friends and neighbours with the love of Jesus. Deuteronomy 8 (Jeremiah 30-33)

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