2012Annual Report

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Every Home Global Concern




To put a piece of Gospel literature in every home on earth. For 65 years our staff and trained volunteers around the world have distributed literature to 205 nations with 101 nations completing at least one full coverage. More detailed country reports are available in our monthly newsletters.


To assist the poor and disadvantaged overseas to lift themselves out of poverty. This is achieved through community development programs which give people tools and training to empower them to make changes that last. These programs are outlined on pages 4-8.


We value people We value partners We are grateful We act in honesty & integrity We are accountable Our motivation is Christian

Thank you so much for your gifts.

GOALS & SCOPE Many, many thanks from the 77 EHC workers in Malawi, India & Bangladesh who are being personally sponsored.



Zambia, Togo, Ethiopia,

Kenya, India, Bangladesh,


Israel, Guam, Samoa, China,


Papua New Guinea,

BRAZIL, Burma,

Uganda, Macedonia, Sri Lanka

Lives are being changed as a result



Funds were sent to Africa to build water wells so that men, women and children can have safe drinking water

Aaron Moore visited all the Africa projects this year to ensure everything was being done to use your money wisely

Thank you so much for your gifts.



togo - Health/Health Education

The Health Education facet of the project saw incredible achievements this year. By training large numbers of volunteers to train others, the project was able to make a small budget leave a large impact. The project trained a total of 100 health trainers to undertake health training on the 5 key health concerns of Hygiene, HIV/Aids, Malaria, Tuberculosis and Nutrition in the 50 villages of Vo District (2 volunteers per village). Together these trainers conducted a total of 2,795 adult educational sessions attended by 4,061 people (892 men and 3,168 women) and trained 36 schools attended by 9,576 students (5,120 boys and 4,456 girls) and 193 teachers (184 men and 9 women). The project also gave targeted health training to 82 village chiefs and witch doctors, helping them to understand the benefits of modern medicine and the importance of ensuring villagers used the medical clinic when sick. The medical clinics that serve the 50 villages have reported a total increase in attendance of between 14-45%. Income generation activities are due to begin next year.

malawi & zambia - Food Security/Health

Overall this program has seen enormous drops in malnutrition of 91% and 96% in the respective project areas over a period of 3 years. This year the program directly helped 4,410 poor farmers (1,615 men and 2,795 women) and 30,870 others who indirectly benefited from the program. Men and women were trained in conservation farming techniques that allowed them to, in some cases, as much as double their yields compared with conventional farming techniques. Families received maize, cassava and fertiliser as well as more diversified crops such as soya, ground nuts, sunflower oil, and fruit trees. Over 3,580 seedlings were planted by 455 families to reduce soil erosion and protect the environment. 10 water and sanitation committees were set up in project areas throughout the program to oversee the building of water wells, toilets and rubbish pits. Aspects of HIV/Aids and gender were mainstreamed throughout all training, with 60% of local committees in one project being led by women. 203 people were tested for HIV/ Aids, and 2,048 people (554 men and 1,494 women) were exposed to awareness raising campaigns highlighting issues of violence against women. 2,795 women (of which 13 had a disability) were assisted to engage in sustainable income generating activities. Independent evaluations recommend this program continue for 3 more years. One person impacted by the Food Security Program is Mary Mbeu:

Mary Mbeu, a woman with a disability that limits her speech and other mental faculties, was being trained in farming and EHC provided her with maize, cassava, fertiliser and training to improve and protect her crops. Mary has 8 people in her household to look after, including one orphan, and she was struggling to survive. As a result of Every Home Global Concern's Food Security Project, she can now afford to purchase next year's seed and fertiliser and with the training she has received she is able to provide sufficient nutritious food for her family and even store some for the future. Mary hopes to remain self-sufficient for the rest of her life and is extremely grateful.

Lives are being changed as a result.


Our aim is to develop a community, not just a child!

Thankyou yousosomuch muchfor foryour yourgifts. gifts. Thank

These Community

Development Programs

aim to help the entire community by providing education for the In In children, skills and income generation for the adults and our our projects projects sanitation and water for the entire village. we we make make sure sure women women In BANGLADESH Every Home for Christ/ Global and and children children are are given given Concern provides primary school education opportunities opportunities to to develop develop as as which includes a hot meal each day, clean water and often often in in their their culture culture they they sanitation facilities, school books, school uniforms are are not not seen seen as as being being and new clothes at Christmas. Together with our teachers important. important. and the parents, we help to give these children hope, dignity and a sense of self worth that is essential to their growth and development. For the 1,100 students that attend our 4 schools, 96% of them complete their full primary education up to grade 5 and the majority go on to attend secondary school. Many thanks to all those who sponsor a child in Bangladesh as your sponsorship, not only gives the child skills for development, but also helps make possible programs to train women in tailoring and enable men to earn income through a rickshaw program. In INDIA a similar program educates 200 boys and girls in Primary School, the main difference being that all education is in English, to give them a better opportunity to be employed later in life. This year 47 new children were enrolled in the school and 35 children graduated to local High Schools. Land has been purchased and funds are being raised to build a High School to complete the English education for these children from a low-caste village. Also in India, vocational training and income-generation programs are made available for villagers as well as long-term employment as teachers, cleaners, bus-drivers, cooks and assistants. Many thanks for all those who support this India community development program through sponsoring a child. One person impacted by the program in India is Rosemary

Rosemary completed the tailoring course in 2004, the very first batch while our training was still being held under a local tree! She has four daughters and her husband is a daily labourer, with no job security. When she began the tailoring course she lived in a small mud hut with her family, struggling each day. Since saving for a sewing machine and starting her own tailoring business from her Our aim is home, she now earns a high income of about towhich develop 3000 Rupees a month, has enabledahercommunity, to marry her 3 daughters without getting into debt. not just a child! She now owns a concrete home with 3 separate rooms. She is a very motivated and joyful woman, overflowing with thanks.

Livesare arebeing beingchanged changedasasaaresult. result. Lives

OTHER COUNTRIES Israel - Funds were sent to Israel to support EHC gospel literature distribution, as well as the activities of Trumpet of Salvation, the National Evangelism Committee and Evan Thomas (Beit Asaph).

Guam & Samoa - Funds were sent to Guam for the building of a training centre for evangelism and to Western Samoa to complete the first national coverage of gospel literature distribution.

All programs are carried out by overseas national staff and volunteers.


- Following Cyclone Nargis, a small school began in the slums of Yangon. Some funds were sent this year to support a teacher and provide educational equipment for these disavantaged children.


- In 10 prisons in Ethiopia prisoners are being trained in sustainable skills such as weaving, timber production & agriculture and their children receive a basic education.

Every Home for Christ / Every Home Global Concern

Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 www.everyhome.org.au ehc@everyhome.org.au ABN 88 001 276 240


KATHERINE FRANKS Overseas Projects Manager


JUSTIN FRANKS Development Manager

AARON MOORE Overseas Projects Manager

DEBBIE WILMSHURST Sponsorship Secretary

MIRIAM FORD Secretary to the Director

MEI LAN LOH Bookkeeper

A special thank-you to our invaluable volunteers who send out the monthly newsletter. Others assist in monitoring the overseas aid program.

DIPLAVE POKHREL Financial Secretary

BILLY McCARTNEY Accounts (Volunteer)

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROBERT McCONAGHY- Chairman Managing Director, McConaghy Group Pty Ltd in the business of investment and development of shopping centres. Member of Kenmore Baptist Church. ALEX THOMAS, B.A. in Political Science & History, G.Dip.Theology - Vice-Chairman Uniting Church Minister, Regional Police Chaplain for Bankstown (Sydney) Local Area Command, Graduate of University of Madras, India and Union Biblical Seminary in Pune, India. Served as Teacher and Pastor in Malaysia and Borneo, and currently in Sydney.

DAVIDSON JAMES, B(Hons), LL M(Tas), Dip.Tax(Monash), Notary Public

- Secretary Graduate of the Singapore University, Masters Degree University of Tasmania, Post Graduate Diploma in Taxation Monash University Melbourne lecturing at the University of Tasmania and Charles Stuart University Wagga Wagga. Commenced Law Firm 1989 Parramatta Sydney.

KEN KOH, B.Comm, BA, MPL, CPA, DFS - Treasurer Ken has had varied experiences in missions for 5 years in Indonesia, Uganda and Singapore, and pastoring in Australia. He has also worked in banking and financial services and is currently practising as a CPA accountant and as a financial planner. ERIC LEACH - Executive Director (Founding Director) Graduate, Bible College of Queensland, Ordained Minister of Every Home for Christ, 17 years experience with Youth for Christ (Board and Staff). Over the past 35 years he has developed Every Home for Christ into a multi-faceted and professional Charity with AusAID accreditation. Winner of 2008 Equity Trustees Special Global Concern Judges award. ROBYN PEEBLES - Director

Founder and Senior Pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd in West Ryde (27 years). Director of Kingdom Living Ministries International Inc. Awarded the Premiers Award for Services to the Community. Consultant and mentor of civic & Christian leaders. DLP candidate for federal parliament.


Executive Business Consultant , former General Manager Anadis Ltd, extensive corporate experience in management and leadership roles in an international environment.


Parish Manager Mahurangi Presbyterian and Manager of Mahu Vision Community Trust. Chairman New Zealand Board of Directors. Previously served as the administrative assistant in Australia/New Zealand Every Home for Christ/Global Concern.


Licensed Real Estate Sales Executive for Summit Real Estate Blenheim. As a volunteer over 23 years, John organised events and concerts to raise funds and increase the donor base for Every Home for Christ/Global Concern. Vice-Chairman of New Zealand Board of Directors.

D’ARCY WATSON, BA in Theology, MA in Education for Special Needs Children - Director After Theological studies overseas in the United Kingdom and the USA, D’Arcy pastored churches in Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia and Northern Territory and is now in membership at Georges River Life Centre in Sydney. D’Arcy is currently teaching children with mild intellectual disabilities at Kogarah High School, Sydney.


REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS As outlined in the audited Financial Statements the total income for the year was $1,628,551, with 63% of expenditure being for overseas programs. The value of assets at the end of the financial year amounted to $1,389,941 . The Directors express their gratitude to the staff, volunteers & supporters who made this possible.

ROBERT McCONAGHY (Chairman) To lodge a complaint against the organisation contact the Executive Director at ehc@everyhome.org.au

FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Every Home Global Concern Ltd INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2012 2011-12 2010-11 REVENUE Donations and gifts Monetary $ 567,060 $ 840,170 Non-monetary $ 0 $ 0 Bequests and Legacies $ 0 $ 155,009 Grants AusAID $ 430,452 $ 378,720 Other Australian $ 0 $ 0 Other overseas $ 0 $ 0 Investment income $ 9,170 $ 12,498 Other income $ 114,059 $ 181,291 Revenue for International Political or Religious Proselytisation Programs $ 507,810 $ 456,930 (“Proselytisation” is the government’s word for evangelism & we are not involved in political programs)

TOTAL REVENUE $1,628,551 $2,024,618 EXPENDITURE International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure International programs Funds to international programs $ 662,314 $ 961,258 Program support costs $ 110,395 $ 99,047 Community education $ 16,122 $ 17,050 Fundraising costs Public $ 35,773 $ 67,089 Government, multilateral and private $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Accountability and Administration $ 156,000 $ 156,000 Non-monetary expenditure $ 0 $ 0 Total International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure Expenditure for International Political or Religious Proselytisation Programs

$ 990,604


$ 433,794

$ 480,758

(“Proselytisation” is the government’s word for evangelism & we are not involved in political programs)

Domestic Programs Expenditure (Incl Monetary & Non Monetary) $ 279,023 $ 222,345 TOTAL EXPENDITURE $1,703,421 $2,013,547 EXCESS / (SHORTFALL) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE -$ 74,870 $ 11,071 We are a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Code of Conduct which defines minimum standards of governance, management and accountability for overseas development organisations. EHGC is committed to full adherence to the Code of Conduct. Complaints relating to a breach of the Code of Conduct by an ACFID member can be made to the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee (acfid.asn.au/code-of-conduct/complaints-and-compliance-monitoring/making-a-complaint). We are accredited with AusAID which is the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia’s overseas aid program. We are grateful for their contribution of $ 430,452 this financial year for the Food Security Program in Malawi and Zambia & the Health Program in Togo.

Every Home Global Concern Ltd BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2012 2011-12 2010-11 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 386,320 $ 432,489 Trade and other receivables $ 111,655 $ 113,020 Inventories $ 0 $ 0 Assets held for sale $ 0 $ 0 Other financial assets $ 110,000 $ 110,000 Total current assets $ 607,975 $ 655,509 Non current assets Trade and other receivables $ 0 $ 0 Other financial assets $ 0 $ 0 Property, plant and equipment $ 781,966 $ 794,719 Investment property $ 0 $ 0 Intangibles $ 0 $ 0 Other non-current assets $ 0 $ 0 Total non current assets $ 781,966 $ 794,719 TOTAL ASSETS $1,389,941 $1,450,228 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Trade and other payables $ 97,945 $ 99,237 Borrowings-mainly supporter investment loans $ 133,666 $ 126,889 Current tax liabiities $ 0 $ 0 Other financial liabilities $ 0 $ 0 Provisions $ 130,600 $ 121,502 Other financial liabilities $ 0 $ 0 Total current liabilities $ 362,211 $ 347,628 Non current liabilities Borrowings $ 0 $ 0 Other financial liabilites $ 0 $ 0 Provisions $ 0 $ 0 Other $ 0 $ 0 Total non current liabilities $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 362,211 $ 347,628 NET ASSETS $1,027,730 $1,102,600 EQUITY Reserves $ 396,613 $ 396,613 Retained Earnings $ 631,117 $ 705,987

INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT 30/06/12 To the Members of Every Home Global Concern Ltd SCOPE We have audited the summarized financial report of Every Home Global Concern Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2012 in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. AUDIT OPINION In our opinion, the information reported in the summarized financial report is consistent with the annual financial report from which it is derived and upon which we expressed an unqualified audit opinion in our report to the members dated 19th October 2012. For a better understanding of the scope of our audit, this report should be read in conjunction with our audit report on the annual statutory financial report.

Hollings Associates, First Floor, Suite 4 49-51 Eton Street, SUTHERLAND 2232 Phone: 9521 5100 C J HOLLINGS, CPA, PRINCIPAL FOR A COPY OF THE FULL AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTACT 02-95708211

TOTAL EQUITY $1,027,730 $1,102,600

Every Home Global Concern Ltd STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2012 Retained Earnings Reserves Total Balance at 1 July 2011 (commencing balance) $705,987 $396,613 $1,102,600 Adjustments or changes in equity due to, for example, adoptions of new accounting standards $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Changes in equity for example from changes in asset fair value transactions $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Excess of revenue over expenses -$ 74,870 $ 0 - $ 74,870 Other amounts transferred (to) or from reserves ` $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Balance at 30 June 2012 (year end balance) $631,117 $396,613 $1,027,730 Every Home Global Concern Ltd TABLE OF CASH MOVEMENTS Africa Food Security & Health Education Total for other non-designated purposes TOTAL

cash available at beginning of year $ 0 $ 432,489 $ 432,489

cash raised during year

cash disbursed during year

cash available at end of year

$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $

430,852 1,204,476 1,635,328

430,852 1,250,645 1,681,497

0 386,320 386,320

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