Draft of Graduate Portfolio

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The Portfolio of Emilio Hernandez Graduate Portfolio


Foreword: Studio has presented a new meaning to what design and architecture is to me as an individual. It has shifted all my prior understanding of what design is and has revealed to me distinctive ways of perceiving the world around us, whether visually or philosophically. During my four years at Florida International University’s School of Architecture (SOA) and Georgia Tech’s College of Architecture, I have become aware and have grown in my knowledge in concept, form, theory and structure. As time continues, my passion for design only grows stronger. My interest in art, imagination and creativity stemmed as a child and became the foundation that has motivated me and fueled my aspirations to design. Additionally, my inclination for art and design was more influenced and encouraged by my creative and freethinking parents. My prior view of what an architectural career was altered only after my first week at FIU’s SOA. I had pictured myself producing generic plans of houses and simplistic concrete buildings, but that was far from the case. My new experience has opened my mind to the endless ways of designing, while upholding a sense of rationality and function. During my studies abroad in Genoa, Italy, my exposure to a new culture cultivated a new approach to design, specifically in designing buildings to affect the urban environment. Studying abroad also allowed me to learn from the past and see how it has influenced our present and ongoing design. At Georgia Tech my computer software knowledge expanded to new realms. I was exposed to different architectural softwares, but also fabrication softwares. New horizons opened up while I was learning how to generate virtual environments and at the same time learning how to convert 3D designs from the virtual world into fabricated pieces. My intention is to become a designer and to place my heart and passion into my work. I have chosen to continue my studies by pursuing a Master of Architecture because architecture is a means of creating designs that open up possibilities to improve societies and provide for its locals. I experienced a clear example of this during my last trip to Medellin, Colombia, where I visited “la Biblioteca España” by Giancarlo Mazzanti. Its design was equally as impressive comparing to the history of its area. My parents described to me that since their childhoods that area was one of the poorest slums of Medellin, it was a haven for terrible crimes and gangs. Because of the construction of this library and the cable cars leading directly to the library for public transportation, this area and its people have been reprogrammed. It has given the local children and adolescents a chance and motivation to learn. They have become more knowledgeable and have been given a chance to make a better life for themselves through means of education. In addition, I hope to visit and learn more from others around the world. I strongly believe that new experiences promote shared learning between a society and architecture in order to facilitate and improve daily life. It is because of this that I am determined to excel in the field of design. I am to discover truths within shapes, forms, space, theories and technologies. I am driven to create innovative and influential designs. I aim to maintain a uniqueness, and stretch limits, if not beyond.




Curriculum Vitae:

439 Calhoun St NW Atlanta, GA 30318 (954) 397-5743 ehernandez32@gatech.edu

EDUCATION: - Georgia Institute of Technology Master of Architecture (August 2010 - May 2012) - Florida International University with a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (August 2005 - July 2009) > Study Abroad in Genova, Italia, Historical Architecture and Urban Design Studio (Fall 2008) - Belen Jesuit Preparatory School for Middle and High School Education (1998 - 2005) WORK EXPERIENCE: - Graduate Research Assistantship at Georgia Tech, IMAGINE Lab (July 2010 - May 2011) > GRA, 3D Modeler and Texture Artist > Duties: 3D modeling (buildings, environments, objects and people), texturing 3D models, 3D animation, and demo presentations > www.coa.gatech.edu/imagine/ - JP Morgan Chase, Sawgrass Sunrise, FL (January 2010 - July 2010) > Bank Teller > Duties: Customer Service, Sales, and Transactions - JFS Design Inc., Landscape Architecture (June 2006 - September 2008) > Assistant to Principal Landscape Architect > Duties: Drafting, Book-Keeping, Graphic Design, Customer Service, and Field Work - Construction, West Palm Beach (June 2005 - August 2005) > Proletariat Operative - Cinnabon, Miami International Mall (June 2004 - November 2004) > Duties: Customer Service, Inventory Control, Cashier, and Quality Control

ACHIEVEMENTS: - “Steal the ‘T’” Demonstration using UDK Engine for FutureMedia Fest, in coordination with the IMAGINE Lab, Georgia Tech’s CoA (September 2010) -Georgia Tech AIAS member (2010-2011) - Facade Revitalization in association with UrbanAll Development Group for Downtown Miami NW 12th Avenue Project, Group Coordinator (June 2009 - October 2009) > http://12avefacaderevival.blogspot.com/ - Assisted in founding “Eco-Soluciones” with JFS Design Inc. (June 2007 - February 2008) > Implemented green initiatives for landscape projects located in Brazil - Design 8 Project submitted for Miami-Dade Transport Hub Competition and submitted for accreditation (Spring 2009) - Design 7 Group Project displayed in School of Architecture gallery (Fall 2008) > Work published in “5 x 5” Study Abroad Design Project, Il Ghetto (2009) - Undergraduate Portfolio submitted for School Accreditation and remains in archives (Spring 2007) - Design 3 Project submitted for School Accreditation and remains in archives (Fall 2006) - Design 2 Project submitted for School Accreditation (Spring 2006) - Design 1 Project displayed in Main Gallery (Fall 2005) SPECIAL SKILLS: - Bilingual in English and Spanish - Semi-Fluent in Italian - Computer Proficiency > Experience with Windows, Macintosh and Linux Operating Systems > Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and QuickBooks > Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat Professional > AutoCAD, 3D AutoCAD and Google Sketchup > 3D Modeling experience in Autodesk Maya, 3DS Max, and Rhino > Knowledge in 3DS Max, Vray and Maxwell Renderers. > Moderate Knowledge of Autodesk Revit, Ecotect, ArcGIS and Rhino’s Grasshopper Scripting Plug-In > Moderate Knowledge in Autodesk Mudbox, Unreal Development Kit and Unity Game Engines >Basic Knowledge in SolidWorks



Table of Contents: Design Options 1 / Fall 2010

-P1: Evolo Skyscraper

Design Scripting / Fall 2010

-P1: Voronoi L-Systems

Design Options 2 / Spring 2011

-P1: Urban Micro-City

Steel Design Competion / Summer 2011

-P1: Urban Micro-City

Design Options 3 / Fall 2011

-P1: 999 Infection

Design Options 4 / Spring 2012

-P1: Tetrahedron Courthouse

Personal Works / 2008-2012





Diffused Crystalization: In Collaboration with: Aaron Coffman. The project was with the intentions of participating in the Evolo Skyscraper Competition. It was an investigation in Biomimecry, with the focus on crystals. A tower was generated in the form of cells that behave like plaza squares, but organized in a vertical fashion.



System A

System A.1:

+0 Divisions


System A.2 :

System A.3 :

System A.4 :

System A.5 :

+2 Divisions
























+4 Divisions

+6 Divisions

+8 Divisions

System B

System B.1 +0 Divisions

System B.2 +3 Divisions


MILLER INDEX notation system in crystallography for planes and directions in successive crystal lattices













Facade Structural Frame

Facade Alterations

Reflect 12




Areas of Interest



Plaza Facade Examples

Core Cells


Core Cells


Cell Perspective

Open courtyard elements allow natural light and air to circulate throughout the community clusters

Plaza Core

Acting as a void in the clusters, the courtyard is in itself a solid space. Creating areas for individuals to socialize; whether it is for “walking in the park�, shopping, growing crops, or social gathering.


Process of Design: Upon determining the site, we took into account the corridor views established by the large metropolis aligned with the rivers. With a slow manipulation of the overall volume in concentration to those views, they were then altered and shifted from views alongs the river to views of the city at a higher elevation. Then formulate localized communal areas for each residential community.

Primary Circulation

Structure frame

Floor Spaces

Crystalized Divisions

Conceptual Section

Exploded Decomposition


Air Garden

Community Cells

Entrance Lobby






Scripting Course/Voronoi: This course was based on the study of Rhino scripting. The intentions was to learn the basics of creating algorithmic computations that would lead to a geometric design that could possibly be incorporated into architecture. With the basics learned, each student needed to generate their own script that would be unique and follow a taught topic. 19

L-Systems L-Systems and Sierpinski and Triangle Sierpinski Triangle An L-system or Lindenmayer An L-systemsystem or Lindenmayer is a parallel system rewriting is asystem, parallel rewriting system, namely a variant of namely a formal a variant grammar, of amost formal famously grammar, used most to famously model used to model the growth processes the growth of plantprocesses development, of plant but development, also able to model but also the able to model the morphology of a variety morphology of organisms.[1] of a varietyL-systems of organisms.[1] can also L-systems be used can also be used to generate self-similar to generate fractalsself-similar such as iterated fractalsfunction such assystems. iterated function systems. Lindenmayer's original Lindenmayer's L-system original for modelling L-system the growth for modelling of algae. the growth of algae. variables : A B variables : A B constants : none constants : none start : A start : A rules : (A = AB), (B rules = A): (A = AB), (B = A) which produces: which produces: n=0:A n=0:A n = 1 : AB n = 1 : AB n = 2 : ABA n = 2 : ABA n = 3 : ABAAB n = 3 : ABAAB n = 4 : ABAABABA n = 4 : ABAABABA n = 5 : ABAABABAABAAB n = 5 : ABAABABAABAAB n = 6 : ABAABABAABAABABAABABA n = 6 : ABAABABAABAABABAABABA n = 7 : ABAABABAABAABABAABABAABAABABAABAAB n = 7 : ABAABABAABAABABAABABAABAABABAABAAB The Sierpinski triangle The Sierpinski drawn using triangle an L-system. drawn using an L-system. variables : A B variables : A B constants : + − constants : + − start : A start : A rules : (A = B−A−B), rules (B :=(A A+B+A) = B−A−B), (B = A+B+A) angle : 60° angle : 60° Here, A and B both Here, mean A and "draw B forward", both mean+ "draw meansforward", "turn left+bymeans angle", "turn left by angle", and − means "turnand right − means by angle" "turn (see right turtle by graphics). angle" (seeThe turtle angle graphics). The angle changes sign at each changes iteration signso at that eachthe iteration base ofsothe that triangular the baseshapes of the triangular shapes are always in the bottom are always (theyinwould the bottom be in (they the top would and bottom, be in thealternatop and bottom, alternatively, otherwise). tively, otherwise).

2D Voronoi2D Voronoi In mathematics, a Voronoi In mathematics, diagram aisVoronoi a specialdiagram kind of decomposition is a special kindof of decomposition of a metric space determined a metric by space distances determined to a specified by distances discrete to aset specified of ob- discrete set of objects in the space, e.g., jectsbyinathe discrete space,set e.g., of by points. a discrete It is named set of points. after It is named after Georgy Voronoi, also Georgy calledVoronoi, a Voronoi also tessellation, called a Voronoi a Voronoi tessellation, decomposia Voronoi decomposition, or a Dirichlet tessellation tion, or a Dirichlet (after Lejeune tessellation Dirichlet), (after Lejeune Dirichlet), In the simplest case, Inwe theare simplest given acase, set of wepoints are given S in the a setplane, of points which S in the plane, which are the Voronoi sites. areEach the Voronoi site s hassites. a Voronoi Each site cell,salso has acalled Voronoi a Dirichlet cell, also called a Dirichlet cell, V(s) consisting cell, of allV(s) points consisting closer to of sallthan points to any closer other to ssite. than The to any other site. The segments of the Voronoi segments diagram of theare Voronoi all the diagram points inare theall plane the points that are in the plane that are equidistant to the two equidistant nearest sites. to theThe twoVoronoi nearestnodes sites. The are the Voronoi points nodes are the points equidistant to threeequidistant (or more) sites. to three (or more) sites.

Cellular Cellular Systematic Systematic Pavilion Pavilion 20

L-Systems VB.Net Script Private Sub RunScript(ByVal StartString As String, ByVal RuleA As String, ByVal RuleB As String, ByVal Depth As Integer, ByRef LSystemString As Object) 'your code goes here… Dim FinalString As String FinalString = StartString GrowString(Depth, FinalString, RuleA, RuleB)

L-Systems VB.Net Script

''' <summary> ''' This procedure contains the user code. Input parameters are provided as ByVal arguments, ''' Output parameter are ByRef arguments. You don't have to assign output parameters, ''' they will be null by default. ''' </summary> Private Sub RunScript(ByVal LSystemString As String, ByVal SegmentLength As Double, ByVal Angle As Double, ByRef LSystemPoints As Object) 'your code goes here…

LSystemString = FinalString

End Sub Private Sub RunScript(ByVal StartString As String, ByVal RuleA As String, ByVal RuleB As String, ByVal Depth As Integer, ByRef LSystemString As Object) 'your code goes here… '<Custom additional code> Sub GrowString (ByRef CurrentDepth As Integer, ByRef SomeString As String, ByVal RuleA As String, ByVal RuleB As String) Dim FinalString As String FinalString = StartString CurrentDepth = CurrentDepth - 1 GrowString(Depth, FinalString, RuleA, RuleB) Dim i As Integer Dim Rule As Char LSystemString = FinalString Dim newString As String = "" For i = 0 To SomeString.Length - 1 Rule = SomeString.Chars(i) End Sub If Rule = "A" Then '<Custom additional code> newstring = newString + RuleA Sub GrowString (ByRef CurrentDepth As Integer, ByRef SomeString As String, ByVal RuleA As String, ByVal RuleB As String) End If CurrentDepth = CurrentDepth - 1 If Rule = "B" Then newstring = newString + RuleB Dim i As Integer End If Dim Rule As Char Dim newString As String = "" If Rule = "R" Or Rule = "L" Then newstring = newString + Rule For i = 0 To SomeString.Length - 1 End If Rule = SomeString.Chars(i) Next If Rule = "A" Then newstring = newString + RuleA SomeString = newString End If If CurrentDepth = 0 Then Exit Sub If Rule = "B" Then Call GrowString(CurrentDepth, SomeString, RuleA, RuleB) newstring = newString + RuleB End If End Sub If Rule = "R" Or Rule = "L" Then newstring = newString + Rule End If '</Custom additional code> Next

End Class SomeString = newString If CurrentDepth = 0 Then Exit Sub

Dim Pt As New On3dPoint (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Dim arrPoints As New List(Of On3dPoint) arrPoints.Add(pt) ''' <summary> Dim V As New On3dVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) ''' This procedure contains the user code. Input parameters are provided as ByVal arguments, ''' Output parameter are ByRef arguments. You don't have to assign output parameters, Dim count As Integer = LSystemString.Length ''' they will be null by default. Dim i As Integer ''' </summary> Dim Rule As Char Private Sub RunScript(ByVal LSystemString As String, ByVal SegmentLength As Double, ByVal Angle As Double, ByRef LSystemPoints As Object) For i = 0 To count - 1 'your code goes here… Rule = LSystemString.Chars(i) Dim Pt As New On3dPoint (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) If Rule = "L" Then Dim arrPoints As New List(Of On3dPoint) V.Rotate(OnUtil.On_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * (+Angle), OnUtil.On_zaxis) arrPoints.Add(pt) End If Dim V As New On3dVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) If Rule = "R" Then V.Rotate(OnUtil.On_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * (-Angle), OnUtil.On_zaxis) Dim count As Integer = LSystemString.Length End If Dim i As Integer Dim Rule As Char If Rule = "A" Or Rule = "B" Then Dim newPt As New On3dpoint(Pt) For i = 0 To count - 1 newPt = Pt + (V * SegmentLength) Rule = LSystemString.Chars(i) arrPoints.Add(newPt) Pt = newPt If Rule = "L" Then V.Rotate(OnUtil.On_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * (+Angle), OnUtil.On_zaxis) End If End If Next If Rule = "R" Then V.Rotate(OnUtil.On_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * (-Angle), OnUtil.On_zaxis) LSystemPoints = arrPoints End If If Rule = "A" Or Rule = "B" Then Dim newPt As New On3dpoint(Pt) newPt = Pt + (V * SegmentLength) End Sub arrPoints.Add(newPt) Pt = newPt '<Custom additional code> End If '</Custom additional code> Next End Class LSystemPoints = arrPoints

Call GrowString(CurrentDepth, SomeString, RuleA, RuleB) End Sub

End Sub '<Custom additional code> '</Custom additional code>

'</Custom additional code> End Class End Class

Grasshopper Script (L-Systems + Voronoi)

Grasshopper Script (L-Systems + Voronoi)

Grasshopper Script (L-Systems + Voronoi)

Grasshopper Script (L-Systems + Voronoi)


base base geometry: geometry: base list geometry: oflist variables of list variables of variables










base base geometry: base rendering geometry: rendering geometry: rendering

evaluation evaluation

optimization optimization




Micro-Urban City: This studio course was for annual school competition called the “Portman Prize.� It was in association with John Portman and Associates. The studio course focused on the generation of construction documents based off of the design each student generated.




The Urban Micro-City

living-working-resting: “The dwelling is a micro-city in and from which we work, shop and rest.” -Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture

The design project was an analysis primarily on the idea of dwellings and the modularities that can form from them. Through investigations on different forms of housing, different experments was explored from ‘shotgun’ housing to ‘back-to-back’ housing to ownhouses and etc. Combined with other programs, the idea was to create a location that could reincorporate public domain and allow the urban settings to infiltrate the site. With the manipulation of the landscape to create a pedestrian avenue that traverses the site and invites the inhabitants of the city to play and circulate through the location. With the interplay of elevation changes a row of townhouses is formed, and the landscape is sculpted to create small terraces for people rest and explore.







Micro-Urban City: Designed for a competition, a steel structure design was generated to house a variety of program that could sustain the inhabitants of the building. By creating a plaza a swooping motion was formed into a high-rise.


Sketches to define the swooping motion of the gesture. The transformation of the landscape becomes the architecture of the steel structure. With the skin becoming the landscape then into a walkable surface and finally into the building’s facade.









999 Peachtree Infection: The Studio was a research laboratory to learn and experiment the capabilities of using Architectural Visualization. With the use of the game engine “Unity 3D� we were able to present complete studio projects and diagram through the use of this game engine.


Stages of Infection

Susceptible Host -Site of Infection

The Contagions


The Reservoir

Portal of Entry -Invasive Procedure

Modes of Transmission






Tetrahedron Courthouse: With the use of Shape Grammars and Courthouse program, a design was generated in the future courthouse site in Mobile, Alabama.


The Rules Based off certain algorithmic and spacial relationships, combinations of the same form were experimented to result in a variety of proceedures.

Shape Grammars: The Tetrahedron Primitive The Rule #6

The Rule #1

With the basic idea that A -> B a variety of combinations can be performed with as much as one primitive/original form.

This Thesis project was a research into two different topics:

The RulesShape Grammars and Courthouse Program.


The Primitive Form


The RuleGips #6 in 1971. It is the computational The RuleGrammars #1 Shape was created by George Stiny and James production system that generates geometric shapes. Based on shape rules created an algoWith the basic idea that A -> B rithm in which the shapes could transform and produce formalistic designs. Therefore a series a variety of combinations can be performed with as much as one primitive/original form. of exercises were performed with the intention of creating a generator that would systematic create geometric growth and eventually house a courthouse in it.

Based off certain algorithmic and spacial relationships, combinations of the same form were experimented to esult in a variety of proceedures.


The Rule #2 #1 75º

The Primitive Form

#7 The Rule #6



The Rule #2 #1

#7 The Rule #6

The Rule #9

The Rule #1

The #3 The Rule Rule #2 #1

The Rule Rule #6 #7 #8 The

The Rule #5

#2 The Rule #3

The Rule #1

The Rule #9

The Rule #10

#7 The Rule #8 The Courtroom Prototype

The Rule #5

The Rule #10

The Rule #4 #3 #2

#9 The Rule #8 #7

The Courtroom Prototype


The Rule #4 #3

#9 The Rule #8

#5 The The Rule Rule #4 #3

#10 The The Rule Rule #9 #8

The Rule #4 #5

#10 The Rule #9

The Rule #5

The Rule #1 The Rule #1

The Rule #6

The Rule #2

The Rule #7

The Rule #3

The Rule #8

Sequence A The Rule #9

The Rule #4

The Rule #5

The Rule #1

The Rule #5The Rule #1

The Rule #10 The Rule #6

The Rule #2

The Rule #7

The Rule #1

The Rule #6

Sequence B The Rule #3 The Rule #3

The Rule #8

The Rule #2

The Rule #7

Sequence B

The Rule #5

The Rule #5

The Rule #3

The Rule #4

The Rule #9

The Rule #3

The Rule #8

The Rule #5

The Rule #10

The Rule #4

The Rule #9

The Rule #5

The Rule #10


equence D The Rule #5

The Rule #4

The Rule #6

Sequence C

The Rule #6

The Rule #1 The Rule #7

The Rule #5

The Rule #2

The Rule #7

The Rule #8

The Rule #8

The Rule #3 The Rule #9

The Rule #9

The Rule #4 The Rule #10

quence C

The Rule #10

The Rule #5

The Rule #5


The Rule #6

The Rule #7

nce F The Rule #5 The Rule #8

Sequence E The Rule #7 The Rule #9

The Rule #5

The Rule #10

Sequence E The Rule #7

The Rule #5

Sequence E The Rule #6

The Rule #7

The Rule #5

The Rule #7

The Rule #8

The Rule #9

The Rule #10


ence G

The Rule #2

The Rule #7

The Rule #9

The Rule #3

The Rule #8

The Rule #10

The Rule #4

The Rule #9

The Rule #5

The Rule #10

The Rule #8

The Rule #5

The Rule #1

The Rule #6

The Rule #2

The Rule #7

Bonus Bonus Sequences Sequences Bonus Sequences The Rule #6

The Rule #1

TheRule Rule The #1 #2

The Rule #2

The Rule #6

The Rule #2

The Rule #4

The Rule #4

The Rule #4

The Rule #8

The Rule #8

The Rule #3

The Rule #8 The Rule #2

The Rule #2

The Rule #9 The Rule #3

The Rule #10 The Rule #4

The Rule #4

The Rule #8

The Rule #8

The Rule #5


The Rule #7

The Rule #7

The Rule #4

The Rule #3

The Rule #8

The Rule #9

The Rule #9

equence A

ule #5

Sequence A Varietion Sequence A Varietion

Sequence A Varietion


Sequence A With Introduction of a 3 System circulation: -Public -Secure -Restricted

Sequence A

SequenceAA Sequence

With Introduction 3 System circulation: With Introduction of of a 3a System circulation: -Public Public -Secure Secure -Restricted Restricted


With Introduction of a 3 System circulation: -Public -Secure -Restricted

Sequence B The Rule #1

Sequence B Aggregations

Sequence B Aggregations








Smoking Bloom: In Collaboration with: Inboem Lee The project was an art piece that illustrated the current quantity of cigarrettes that are collected in a day on the University Campus. Showing the faces and body parts of its users that emerging from the ground with a plant like growth sprouting used cigarrette butts.



written description

Correspondences From: ibl0114@hotmail.com To: mark.reese@isye.gatech.edu Subject: RE: Instruction Center Permission (ARCH 4853) Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 15:13:49 -0500 Thank ou so much for your quick response! And also I also appreciate your help on my matter. Thank you once again! Sincerely, Inbeom Lee > Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 14:32:04 -0500 > From: mark.reese@isye.gatech.edu > To: ibl0114@gatech.edu > Subject: Re: Instruction Center Permission (ARCH 4853) > > I am sorry I did not get the email. Actually I am not the person to talk > to. To get this permission you need to talk to the Space management > office. You can email Beverly Peace at > beverly.peace@spaceplan.gatech.edu. She will be able to help you. Again > I apologize I did not see the note. > > Mark > > On 1/31/2011 1:45 PM, Lee, Inbeom wrote: > > Hello Mr Reese, >> > > I am Inbeom Lee and earlier last week (Jan 27) I had sent you an email > > regarding permission to use the space/ courtyard in between the > > Instructional Center compound. >> > > I am forwarding you the email I had sent you for reference. >> > > Thank you >> > > Sincerely, >> > > Inbeom Lee >> >> >> > > I am Inbeom Lee, an undergraduate student in Architecture, and am currently > > involved in an installation class (ARCH 4853). I am interested in creating > > an art within the ISYE, IC compound vicinity, but I am wondering if I have > > contacted the correct person to be granted permission for my installation > > later on this semester. >> > > If I have not contacted the right person, I would appreciate it if you would > > let me know the correct building manager/ administrator’s contact information. > > Thank you for your help! >> >> > > Sincerely, >> > > Inbeom Lee

My project is composed of two simple materials: cigarette butts (some may contain tobacco) and 24 gauge wire. Each individual cigarette butt will be ----- Forwarded Message ----connected with the wire penetrating the filter. It will From: “Inbeom Lee” <ibl0114@gatech.edu> take the form similar to a vine tree that will be To: “Beverly Peace” <beverly.peace@spacewrapping around the column and the beam. A part plan.gatech.edu> of the butts will be extending in both inwards and Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2011 1:43:00 PM Subject: Re: Instruction Center courtyard permis- outwards from the column to form a leaf like. The sion (ARCH 4853) column will act like a stem and root of a plant whereas the beams will be supporting the leaves Thank you so much for the quick reply! and other extensions. The beam, however, will be I am speaking about the Instructional Courtyard, the maximum height of the installation; therefore and I will definitely let you know how big the the extensions will begin from a height of structure may be as the semester progresses and approximately 10ft in order to not disturb the traffic my ideas become more definite. flow. The overall look of the installation will mimic the actual tobacco plant. Thank you once again for your help, and I will keep in touch! Sincerely,

artist statement

My sculpture is to inform the public (students and faculty) of how much cigarettes are being consumed and to show the double sided idea of “trash”. Each smokers toss his/her cigarette butt onto the sidewalk or around wherever they may be, but I perceive the cigarette butt as a material that ----- Original Message ----From: “Beverly Peace” <beverly.peace@spacecan be used to display the artistic side of a “trash.” plan.gatech.edu> This collection of cigarette butts forms an To: “Inbeom Lee” <ibl0114@gatech.edu> intertwined network which can be linked to each Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 4:03:21 PM Subject: Re: Instruction Center courtyard permis- individual’s contribution to the artwork. sion (ARCH 4853) However, the bigger picture can be seen when you realize that the network of butts is begins to erect Hello Inbeom: from ground. Although tobacco is grown naturally I believe you are speaking of the Instructional in plantations, the filter itself is generally a synthetic Courtyard? This is the department that would fiber, cellulose acetate, which is not a natural give permission for that. We will need to know what you will install including the size of the struc- material. Furthermore, tobacco can blend in with ture and how much space it will use. Once you nature without corrupting the surrounding give me that information we can determine if environment as much, but the filter itself takes an that is a good location for the structure. average of ten years to biodegrade. What it is Best wishes, supposed to resemble is the fact that the filters can Bev Peace Manager, Campus Space never be integrated to the natural environment. Capital Planning & Space Management Despite the fact that the butt will biodegrade in a Lyman Hall decade or so, the fact is that the number of smokers 404 894-4802 exceeds the amount of cigarette butts that is being ----- Original Message ----decomposed. Therefore, without proper disposal, From: “Inbeom Lee” <ibl0114@gatech.edu> we would be walking on a pavement of cigarette To: “beverly peace” <beverly.peace@spacebutts. plan.gatech.edu> My artwork is displaying the cigarette butts that Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 3:42:45 PM have been collected throughout and around the Subject: Instruction Center courtyard permission (ARCH 4853) campus which were disposed mindlessly. The sculpture is there to enlighten those who see the art Hello Ms Peace, piece that my artwork is simply a small fraction of This is Inbeom Lee, an architecture undergradute cigarette butts on the street and that they (smokers) student, and I am currently enrolled in an should stop contributing to my art. architecture installation class (ARCH 4853). I visual description Inbeom Lee

have been studying the courtyard in between ISYE, IC complex and I was wondering if I have contacted the right person in order to get permission to use the courtyard space for my installation. We are currently undergoing development of ideas so it is unclear what will be at the moment. However, the class does have a syllabus and a fixed schedule and it is certain the installation will be going up sometime in mid-late semester. Please let me know if I can receive permission to put up an installation later on the semester for my class. Thank you. Sincerely, Inbeom Lee

materials cigarette butts dowels wires algenate plaster sand


cigarette butts $free dowels $ 5.00 wires $12.00 alginate $45.00 plaster $30.00 sand $ 4.00 TOTAL $96.00











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