2012 Architecture Portfolio

Page 1

PORT F OL I O 20 2 Edwar dHer nandez 1

T abl eofCont ent s :


Pr of i l e


Col l egi at e

of es s i onal 3_____ Pr ual 4_____ Concept

Pr of i l e T hr ought heeducat i onofaMas t er ’ sdegr eeand3year sofwor kex per i ence,Ihave devel opedaper cept i onoft hewor l dandt hebui l tenvi r onmentwhi chhasal l owedme t os eeoppor t uni t i esf ori nt er es t i ngr el at i ons hi ps ,i nt er s ect i ons ,andex per i ences .Wi t han obs er vanteyeandani ns t i nct ual awar enes sofs ens es ,If i ndt hatt hedet ai l sofany s paceorpl acear enotj us tmat t er sofaes t het i cs ,butal s of unct i on,mood,l ocat i on, us e,andhow apr oj ectmayaf f ectandi nt er actwi t hi t ’ senvi r onment . Per s onal l y,myi nt ui t i onandcons ci enceal waysbr i ngmebackt ohumani t ar i an appr oachest oar chi t ect ur eanddes i gn,i nwhi cht hewor ki snots el f i s h,butr at her f aci l i t at est hecommuni t y, envi r onment ,orwi l dl i f ei ns omef or m orf as hi on. Mybi gges ti nf l uencesi ndes i gnar edr awnf r om nat ur e,cul t ur e,ar t ,mus i c,t act i l es ens es , ands oci al andps ychol ogi cal obs er vat i ons . Rel at i ons hi par ever yi mpor t antt omeandas t r ongt ool i nmycar eer .Wor ki ngasa t eam wi t hcowor ker s ,cons ul t ant s ,andcl i ent st owar dsacommongoal i saver y cr i t i cal buts at i s f yi ngf eel i ng.Bei ngper s onabl eandmai nt ai ni ngs t r ong communi cat i onswi t hmypeer si soneofmybes tt r ai t s ,andt hatwhi chIval uet hemos t .


Col l egi at e


Anunder ut i l i zedci t ypar kcomest ol i f ewi t ht hei nst al l mentofapr ogr am t hatr espondst ocont empor ar yl i f est yl es. Thepr ogr am i ncl udesa24hr .gym,aheal t hycaf e/j ui cebar ,apar kpol i ce subst at i on,ani nf or mat i oncent er ,movi esi nt hepar k,andabusi ness cent er .


CE N T E R F O R URBAN A N I M A L S & PL ANT S I nanef f or tt oi nf or mt hepubl i c ofecol ogi calcar eandr educe t heamountofst r ayani mal si n Mont er r ey ,Mexi co,t hi spr ogr am i ncl udedanani malshel t er ,a pl antnur ser y ,andabot ani cal gar den.Thechosensi t ei son t hebanksoft heSant aCat ar i na Ri veri ndownt ownMont er r ey whi chhascur r ent l ydr i edup andbecomeapl aceofpol l ut i on andnegl ect .

Pr of es s i onal


Ces arPel l i ’ sPaci f i cDes i gnCent er : Cus t om L obbyDes k

Eur oS t arRecept i on

Ar eaDes i gnI nc .

Pr i vat econdomi ni um i nt er i or s

Gr eenber gT r aur i gI nt er i or s

Ni ckel odeon Ani mat i onS t udi os

BugMus i cGr aphi cs

EKWRG I nt er i or s

Conver s eT ownCent er :S i t eandDes i gn

GNBAr c hi t ec t s

Vi s t aVer deApar t ment s :Rehab

Par kNor t hRet ai l andS hoppi ngCent er


T heS hoppesatL i veOak:Mi x edUs e

Concept ual


Concept ual

t hankyou

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