Report on Philanthropy 2018-2019

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Episcopal High School was founded in 1983 as a four‑year coeducational day school within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.


Episcopal High School, founded and guided by the Diocese of Texas, is an inclusive and joyful Christian community where students discover and develop their individual talents through the Four Pillars – academics, arts, athletics, religion – preparing for meaningful lives in service to others.


Independent Schools Association of the Southwest


National Association of Independent Schools

National Association of Episcopal Schools

Council for the Advancement and Support of Education

Educational Records Bureau

College Board

National Association for College Admission Counseling

Texas Association for College Admission Counseling

Southwest Preparatory Conference


Episcopal High School admits students of all races, colors, and national / ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities accorded or made available to students at the School. The School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national/ethnic origin in the administration of its educational and admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic and other school‑administered programs.


Please share your news with the EHS Alumni Association. Send information to:

Margaret Young


Episcopal High School P. O. Box 271299 Houston, TX 77277‑1299




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TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 // Head of School’s Report 5 // Executive Chair’s Report 6 // EHS Mission 8 // Capital Campaign 10 // Director of Advancement’s Report 11 // Fiscal Year 12 // Annual Fund 26 // Pillars Society 28 // Director of Community and Inclusion 30 // Alumni 40 // Leading by Example 42 // Auction 52 // Parents Association & Dads Club 56 // Endowment 58 // Restricted Gifts 63 // In Memoriam & Farewells

It is hard to imagine a school where there is more “good” happening than at EHS.

year with the opening of the new USC. Most important, we are proud that EHS continues to operate without debt of any kind.

We are proud that we have preserved the best of our unique culture in this period of growth, ensuring that the mission and overall experience that led to our early success continues unabated, and arguably stronger, today and in the years ahead. To help us remain focused, last year we also successfully concluded major revisions to the endowment’s bylaws and the school’s Mission and Guiding Principles (see page 6). These changes, along with our strategic plan, led us to add a new senior position for 2019-2020, the Director of Community and Inclusion about which you will learn more in the next issue of Pillars. For now, we are pleased to introduce veteran dean, teacher and coach, Wayne Jones, featured on page 28. All of our successes are built on the strong history of support from all our constituencies highlighted within this report.

In short, the School continues to work hard to firm up its many advantages and to seek opportunities to make progress above and beyond. We have had the benefit of stable leadership as illustrated on page 35, where we call out the most senior of our faculty and staff who together have dedicated 554 years to EHS. This longevity and the stability it creates is probably our greatest asset, as well as our Board of Trustees, which continues to be strong in its individual members as well as in the collective support for the mission of the School.

It is hard to imagine a school where there is more “good” happening than at EHS. Our mission and gifts have met a pronounced need in Houston and beyond, and we are excited for what the future holds. Thank you for all that you did and are yet to do to make this possible.



The Board of Trustees has three primary goals: to set the School’s strategic direction; to hire and supervise the Head of School; and to protect the financial well-being of EHS. EHS continues to be soundly managed and financially strong. The 2018-2019 school year at Episcopal High School was marked by many successes. Here are a few highlights.

The New Underwood Student Center: In November, we blessed the new Underwood Student Center, providing outstanding facilities for our community. We can now gather at break and lunch, enjoy the beautiful displays of student artwork in the gallery, and indulge in a specialty coffee or smoothie at the Forrest Place coffee bar, while the two innovation classrooms invite and inspire students to learn and create. The project was completed on time and on budget, thanks to the hard work of Shelley Barineau and the EHS Construction Committee. With high windows allowing for natural light, stylish and comfortable furniture (thanks Amanda Johnson Whitehead ’87 and Bridget Butler Wade ’87), students can hang out in the USC on their off periods to study, enjoy friends, and more.

Mission Statement Revision: After a full year of analysis, discussion and revisions, a sub-committee of the Board of Trustees, chaired by Matthew Baird, presented a restated Mission Statement for Episcopal High School. Capturing the essence of the current Mission Statement in a shorter format, the revised Mission Statement will be posted in all of the classrooms in the 2019-2020 (see related article on page 6).

Facilities: EHS athletes got back on track, literally, with the new eight-lane track completed during the 2018-2019 school year. In addition, the Underwood Theatre received a significant upgrade with new seats, paint, carpeting, expanded wing space, backstage dressing rooms, and restrooms. The grand re-opening was in March with the production of “Fiddler on the Roof.” Alumni parents, alumni, and friends were invited to join current families for the grand re-opening reception and performance. After an 18-month absence, it was great to see EHS Knights back on campus in Underwood Theatre.

The schematic design phase for the new Visual and Performing Arts Complex is complete! The capital campaign committee is seeking support for this transformative project which will add 65,000 in new and renovated facilities to support the Arts Pillars at EHS.

Report on Philanthropy: This issue celebrates the generosity of so many loyal donors and friends who provide a full 10% of the school’s operating budget, contribute important dollars for capital improvements and other needs of the school. There are many other accomplishments to highlight: The Class of 2019 was admitted to 200 different colleges and universities and received over $20 million in scholarships; we had a banner Admissions year allowing us to welcome 211 new students to EHS in August; our athletes, artists, and writers garnered SPC championships and numerous accolades and awards - the list is exciting and extensive.

Next year will be my final year as Executive Chair of the Board of Trustees. As always, I look forward to working with the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees, and Head of School Ned Smith. Together we will continue to honor the Mission of Episcopal High School.

Kind regards,


Episcopal High School, founded and guided by the Diocese of Texas, is an inclusive and joyful Christian community where students discover and develop their individual talents through the Four Pillars – academics, arts, athletics, religion –preparing for meaningful lives in service to others.


EHS MISSION STRONGER THAN EVER Re‑Stated Mission Brings Out Key Qualities

A great school mission statement is like a mirror that reflects a school’s values, approach, and aspirations. As part of Episcopal High School’s Strategic Plan published in September 2018, the Institutional Stability Committee of the EHS Board of Trustees was tasked with reviewing and reworking EHS’s Mission Statement and Guiding Principles, which hadn’t been revised since the School’s founding in 1983. All board members were invited to participate in the review, and the primary goal was to make the language clear and concise, so that the mission could be posted throughout campus and recognized and valued by prospective and current students.

Head of School Ned Smith appointed board of trustee member Matthew K. Baird to lead the effort and Associate Head of School Nancy Eisenberg as the administrative liaison. Smith wanted to ensure that all constituencies were involved in the process. Everyone agreed that what was needed was a re-stating of the mission, not a substantial change.

“This mission has stood the test of time. The founding trustees and the newest trustees are all united by the same ideals,” says Baird. “What we decided to do was whittle down the words and make the statement concise. We agreed to leave our egos at the door and brainstorm several versions.”

Eisenberg says the group focused on five key elements: The Four Pillars, the Episcopal identity, inclusion, preparing for significant lives, and elements of joy. “We’ve lived it now for 35 years. The core ideals of the mission are unwavering,” she says. The committee determined they would state the school’s name at the start of the sentence, include the connection with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, use words and phrases such as inclusive and joyful, discover and develop through the Four Pillars— and finally, declare the School’s aspirational outcome for all graduates— meaningful lives in service to others.

Baird and Eisenberg agree the challenge was finding language that reflected the original intent and was agreeable to all—and that flowed well. They started with the original statement of 117 words and four sentences and edited that down to 42 words and one sentence.

“This mission truly reflects our approach to education: Students discover and develop talents through the Four Pillars, and that is the pathway through which they develop meaningful lives in service to others,” Eisenberg explains.

Baird shares that one of the most rewarding moments of this project was when the veteran faculty—including many English teachers— enthusiastically gave the thumbs up on the new wording last February. He and Eisenberg then presented the new statement to various groups throughout the spring, including former trustees, the Alumni Directors Council, Student Council, the Dads Club Board, and the Parents Association Board. “The process was shockingly refreshing,” admits Baird. “I was proud to play a role.

“I look at this as my modest contribution to the School,” he continues. “A small bit of writing, with hopefully a big impact. I can’t wait to see the mission everywhere on campus—on banners, on walls—where prospective students, visitors, alumni, and current students can see it. This is a living, breathing testimonial of who we are and what we are about.”



Together, we have raised more than $47 million toward our Lead the Way goal of $80 million. Now that the Hildebrand Athletic Center, Underwood Student Center, and endowment portions of the are campaign fully funded, we turn to the final phase: building a new Visual and Performing Arts Center, renovating athletic fields, and expanding and upgrading Benitez Chapel. These are exciting times for Episcopal High School. Please contact Director of Advancement

Peggy Haney at to join our campaign to Lead the Way.

Gifts of $5 million and above

A Friend of EHS

Cherie and Jim Flores

Mindy and Jeff Hildebrand

Gifts of $1 million up to $5 million

A Friend of EHS

The Brown Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Carter, Jr.

The Fondren Foundation

Randa and Charles Williams


Gifts of $500,000 up to $1 million

A Friend of EHS

The Cullen Foundation

Jennifer and David Ducote

The Elkins Foundation

Episcopal Foundation of Texas

Kathy and Greg Geib

The Pefanis Family

Gifts of $250,000 up to $500,000

A Friend of EHS

A Friend of EHS

Laura and Matthew Baird

Riley L. Burnett Jr. and Prescilla Burnett

Randi and Johnny Carrabba

Jence and Craig Childers

The Crain Foundation

Linda and David Elmer

Episcopal High School Dads Club

Elizabeth and Will Galtney

Susan and Jeff Gray

Laura and Denman Heard

Margaret and Thad Hill

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead

Mary and Hank Jones

Jenna and Harris Junell

The Lyons Foundation

Meinig Family Foundation

Kim and Scott Martin

Louise and Gary Moss/ Moss Landscaping

Carrie and Al Pepi

T. R. and Isla Reckling

Millette and Haag Sherman

The Vivian L. Smith Foundation

The Susan Vaughan Foundation, Inc.

Suzette and Stephen Way

Gifts of $100,000 up to $250,000

Frances and Ben Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hudson Barineau

Shelley and Newt Barineau

Julie and Frank Bayouth

Gina and Devinder Bhatia

Trina and Craig Chandler

Hilda and Greg Curran

Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger

Julie and Michael Donaldson

Ashley and Pepper Edens

Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards

Julia Flowers

Linda and Mike Fox

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist

CeCe and Emerson Hankamer

Jill and Brett Haugh

Terri and John Havens

Lorie and Steve Herod

Amanda (Whitehead) ’87 and Steve Johnson

Butch and Carmen Mach

MD Anderson Foundation

Melissa and Michael Mithoff

Jennifer and Joel Moore

Celine and Randy Nelson

Cindy and Mark O’Donnell

Kathleen and Townes Pressler

Elizabeth and Adam Pulaski

Tina and Joe Pyne

Hilda Pyun and Mark Pytosh

Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88

Suzanne and Jay Rippeto

Bizet and Gabe Siegel

Leigh and Reggie Smith

Lynette and Trey Snider

Eloise and Jamie Taussig

Jane and Keith Trotman

Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89

Bridget (Butler) ’87 and Patrick Wade

Gifts of $50,000 up to $100,000

Joanie and David Andrews

Carol and John Austin

Kay Bird

Dorothy and Ronny Cuenod

Karey and Phillip Dye

Catharine and Grant Faulconer

Natalie and Don Faust

Andrew B. Hawthorn ’91

Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt

Jean and Josh Jones

Blair and Clay Manley

Kimberly and Chris Miller

Ruth and Lance Odom

R.E. Smith Foundation

Ann G. Trammell

Gifts of $25,000 up to $50,000

Henrietta Alexander

Chris and Merrell Athon

Ginger Brown

Vaughan and Les Clark

Emily and Holcombe Crosswell

Sarah and Thad Dameris

Lynn and Ronald Deyo

Patti and Jim Fox

Anne and John Freeman

Laura and Carl Giesler

Scott Gordon ’94

Peggy and Virgil Haney

Gretchen and Alan Hilyard

Angie and Dan Hollaway

Jenny (Roman) ’90 and Chris Johnson

Susanna and Gee Kane

Suzanne Kirby

Robin and Danny Klaes

Dawn and Chris Krieg

Jacqueline and Connelly McGreevy ’89

Sarah and Beau Pollock ’95

Sissy and Grady Roberts

Anne and Joe Romano

Stephanie and Kirby Shanks

Anita and Gerald Smith

Kristin and Ned Smith

Peggy and Michael Strode

Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94

Gifts up to $25,000

A Friend of EHS

Harriet and Chris Alexander

Garmon Ashby

Barbara and Dean Barnes

Martha and John Charbonnet

Evelyn Houston Chew Charitable Remainder Trust

The Clayton Fund

Christ Church Cathedral

Pearl Cohn Family Foundation

Julia and Clay Crawford

Lyndsey and Joseph Day

James DeGeorge Jr.

Susana and Antonio De Pinho

Benjamin Estus ’09

H. Fort Flowers Foundation

Stephanie and Hugh Forque

Jennifer (McReynolds) ’88 and Todd Frazier ’88

Girls Cotillion 2019

Julie and Robin Goytia

The Rev. and Mrs. James. M. L. Grace ’94

The Rev. and Mrs. Larry Hall

Kerry Hofmeister

Elizabeth and Tom Howley

Kriki and David Jesulaitis

William M. and Ruth Mayer

Johnson Charitable Foundation

Tany and Chaz Klaes

Alecia and Larry Lawyer

Marilyn Ligon

Mel and Tom McCaffrey

Ann and George McDaniel

Chris and Mike Mizell

Mr. and Mrs. John Moriniere

Leda and Dis Netland

John Peterkin

Mr. Timothy and the Rev. Kai Ryan

Carl Scherrieb ’90

Amy and Ken Snell

Staci and Paul Sorensen

Strake Foundation

Laura and Mike Sweeney

Thomas M. Wright

Janna and Adam Zylman

*Gifts as of June 30, 2019



Dear EHS Community:

I love the movies, but I usually miss the blockbusters in the theater. Often I catch up in the summer and on airplane flights. Just recently, I finally saw “Won’t you be my neighbor?” The documentary of Mister Fred Rogers took me back to my own childhood and the comfort of his zip-up cardigans, Land of Make Believe, kind words, and life lessons on compassion for others. It struck me that he was the first to inspire #FindYourInnerGenius among children.

A favorite Mr. Roger’s song is “It’s You I Like”

It’s you I like, It’s not the things you wear, It’s not the way you do your hair But it’s you I like The way you are right now, The way down deep inside you Not the things that hide you, Not your toys

They’re just beside you. But it’s you I like Every part of you. Your skin, your eyes, your feelings Whether old or new.

I hope that you’ll remember Even when you’re feeling blue That it’s you I like, It’s you yourself It’s you.

It’s you I like.

At Episcopal High School, we celebrate each student’s God-given talents—the part of the individual that makes him or her stand out. The 2018-2019 school year was again successful in all areas. Strong enrollment, new facilities, academic success and awards, SPC championships, arts awards and professional-quality productions, over $20 million in college scholarships awarded to the Class of 2019, and countless unseen victories and innovative discoveries in between—what a year. This Report on Philanthropy celebrates the commitment EHS makes to this mission and those that provide the financial resources to allow us to do so. As donors to the annual giving campaign, the Lead the Way capital campaign, the EHS scholarship fund or special programs, and the Endowment, we thank you for allowing us to embrace our students and help them stand out.


Giving my son his diploma at graduation this year was one of the happiest days of my life. I am so greatful to EHS for all the school has given me and my family. Go Knights!


Episcopal High School operates debt‑free and is an excellent steward of every tuition and donated dollar. Philanthropy through Annual Giving and the Endowment covers 13 percent of the School’s annual operating expenses. Exceeding national standards, Episcopal High School allocates over 10 percent of our operating budget to financial aid. Lastly, as a strategic goal to attract and retain the best faculty and staff throughout the Four Pillars of academics, arts, athletics, and religion, compensation is the largest expense item in our budget.

Report of Gifts

Operating Budget


Maintenance & PPRRSM $2,564,000

and Administrative .......... $1,895,000

Aid $2,697,000

$1,825,000 Total Expenses $26,966,000

Fine Arts
Athletics ...................................................
Annual Gifts
Fund ...................................... $1,587,017
................................................... $8,475
......................................... $874,425
Received $9,877,864
Endowment Distribution Auxiliary Services Annual Giving and Auction Tuition and Fees Other Income
& Fees $21,324,000
Giving and Auction $2,365,000
Distribution ................. $966,000
Income $300,000
Services ............................ $2,011,000 Total Revenue $26,966,000 Expenses Compensation and Benefits $16,106,000 Instructional
Compensation 11
Aid General and Administrative Auxiliary Services Plant Maintenance


The EHS Annual Fund supports countless opportunities that are the foundation for the excitement and energy that fills every corner of our campus. Through such generosity, each student is encouraged to reach their maximum potential through each of our Four Pillars, while discovering their place in the world, unlocking their best selves, and learning to give back.

With deepest appreciation, Episocopal High School acknowledges the following individuals and organizations that have supported the School. This report reflects gifts received between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019 (unaudited).


The undaunted spirit of Episcopal High School is evident through the growth of leadership gifts. Such generosity and support continues to be the bedrock of the Annual Fund and provides the abiding commitment to the priorities of our founders and the exciting progress of our current efforts.


Gifts of $50,000 and above

Kay Bird

Celia and Randy Nelson


Gifts of $25,000 and above

CeCe and Emerson Hankamer

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead

Rosalyn and Barry Margolis

Kirby and Scott McCool

Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89

Kelli and John Weinzierl


Gifts of $10,000 to $25,000

Friend of EHS

Henrietta Alexander

Joanie and David Andrews

Gina and Geoff Angulo

Laura and Matthew Baird

Karen and Michael Brisch

Randi and Johnny Carrabba

Michelle Ciaravino and Michael Ciaravino

Sarah and B W. Crain ’01

Sylvie and Gary Crum

Dan L. Duncan Foundation

Pepper and Ashley Edens

Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards

Ellen Hamilton Wilkerson Educational Trust

Michelle and Greg Elliott

Linda and David Elmer

Julia Flowers

Anne and John Freeman

Gayden Family Foundation

Terri and John Havens

Lisa and Michael Holthouse

Jean and Josh Jones

Patricia Mallinson and George Joseph

Katherine and Sean Keenan

Lisa and Will Mathis

Natasha and Loren Pieper

Tina and Joe Pyne

J.J. and Gerry Spedale

Judy and Bret Stanley

Ann Trammel

Lynda Underwood

Vaughn Foundation



Gifts of $5,000 to $9,9999 with a 4-year commitment

Ralph Abendshein ’03 *

Frances and Ben Alexander

Maria and Neil Bush

Amie and Michael Canfield

Lucy and Fowler Carter ’98

Heather and Brady Crosswell

Andrea and Jonas Georgsson

Angie Munoz and Luis Gonzalez *

Grits Foundation *

Patricia and Pearce Hammond

Vanessa (Lanceley) ’95 and Matthew Hauser

Amy and Cliff Husted

Rich Klucznik

Blair and Clay Manley

Tiffany and Charles Masterson

Alisa and Drew Mengwasser

Beth and Scott Meshberger *

Leda and Dis Netland

George Peterkin

Natasha and Loren Pieper

Kelly and Steve Provenzano

Elisa (Stude) ’91 and Chris Pye *

Isla and Tommy Reckling *

Suzanne and Jay Rippeto

Anna and Bret Scholtes

Bizet and Gabe Siegel

Sherry and Bradley Sinor *

Kristin and Ned Smith

T.L.L. Temple Foundation

Rachel and Ryan Trainer

Susan Vaughan Foundation

Randa and Charlie Williams

Janna and Adam Zylman

*Grateful for one-year annual fund gift


Gifts of $2,500 to $5,000 with a 4-year commitment

Merrie and Laif Afseth

Jen and Chris Arntzen

Ericka Bagwell

Michele and Thomas Bailey

Cyndi and John Baily

Shelley and Newt Barineau

Kristen and Matt Barker

Tammy and David Barringer

Kimberly and Scott Bayley

Alice and Trey Bell

Misty and Jay Bennett ’89

Gina and Devinder Bhatia

Kristine and Jeff Bird

Jennifer Black and John Black ’91

Kim and Stewart Black

Andrew Bosarge

Linda Bosarge

Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg

Abbey and David Branch

Nora and Richard Brooks

Ginger Brown

Beth and Craig Bunk

Jane and Robert Cabes

Kimberly and Michael Callahan

Michele and Clint Carlin

Karen and Bill Case

Matt Chambers *

Trina and Craig Chandler

Jence and Craig Childers

Attallah Lewis-Citizen and William Citizen

Resa and Brian Clarke

Chad Clay

Evelyn Paysse and David Coats

Jill and Chris Cokinos

Michelle and Ryan Crane

Julia and Clay Crawford

Debbie and David Crow

Sarah and Junior Cruz

Hilda and Greg Curran

Sheryl and Bill Curtin

Sarah and Thad Dameris

Mary and Jack Daniel

Paul Davis ’88

Stacy and Matt Debnam

Katya and Cedric Defossez

Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge

Lynn and Ronald Deyo

Joanne and David Dickson

Julie and Michael Donaldson

JoAnne and Andy Doyle

Cecilia and Jim Edwards

Laura and Bud Ehrlich

Ann and Tom Estus *

Virginia and Morrow Evans ’94

Catharine and Grant Faulconer

Sidney and AB Fay

Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein

H Fort Flowers Foundation, Inc.

Stephanie and Hugh Forque *

Linda and Mike Fox

Carter France

Elizabeth and Will Galtney

Andrea and Jonas Georgsson

Laura and Carl Giesler

Laura and Andy Gilchrist

Angie Munoz and Luis Gonzalez

Marla and Jimmy Grace ’94

Vinceanne Mandola-Green and Jeff Green

Marte and Geoff Griffith

Katie and Jeff Gustavson

Allison and Gregg Hammer

Peggy and Virgil Haney

Catherine and Chris Hanslik

Hanan and Jay Harkness

Amy and Curtis Hartman

Annual Fund Leadership


Pepper and Ashley Edens


Blair and Clay Manley

Class of 2019

Linda and David Elmer

Alison and Darryl Robinson

Sally Ann and Bill Windle

Janna and Adam Zylman

Class of 2020

Resa and Brian Clarke

Kriki and David Jesulaitis

Denise (Knight) ’88 and Keely Megarity ’88

Sam and Katy Murray

Anna and Bret Scholtes

Class of 2021

Amie and Michael Canfield

Linda and Mike Fox

Beth and Scott McGarry ’88

Michelle and Glenn Woo

Class of 2022

Joanie and David Andrews

Katherine and Matthew Kardesch

Donna and Mike McGinnis

Salli and Michael Youtt

Alumni Parents

Melanie and Mace Meeks


Peggy and Mike Rutledge

Director of Alumni and Annual Giving

Margaret Young

Donor Services Coordinator

Rasa Starkey


Jill and Brett Haugh

Andrew Hawthorn ’91

Liz and Rogers Herndon

Lorie and Stephen Herod

Elizabeth Herrera

Candice and Andrew Hicks

Mindy and Jeff Hildebrand

Margaret and Thad Hill

Claudia and Hank Holmes

Daryl and Aaron Hoover

Melissa and Andy Hopwood

Julie and Richard Howell ’01

Carol and John Howenstine

Elizabeth and Tom Howley

Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt

Michelle and John Hurd

Amy and Cliff Husted

Melinda Castro and Andre Janecki

Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson ’87 and Steve Johnson

Delia and Eric Johnson ’87

Jenna and Harris Junell

Janet and Mario Kapusta *

Katherine and Matthew Kardesch

Jennifer and Mike Kavanagh

Heather and Wayne Kearney

Cammie and Mark Kennedy

Mona and Wasay Khan

Allyson and Jason Kinzel

Kirby Inland Marine *

Ellecia and Edmund Knolle

Teri and Charles Koerth

Allyson and Andrew Kopel

Dawn and Chris Krieg

Molly and Duncan Lamme

Liz and Tim Lane

ChienLing and ChenWei Lee

Angie and Dean Liollio

Nancy and Erik Littlejohn

Megan and John Lovoi

Liz and David MacConnell

Carmen and Butch Mach

Emily and Mike Madison

Amanda and Murrah Mayberry

Beth and Scott McGarry ’88

Donna and Mike McGinnis

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89

Tracy and Greg McLauchlin

Melanie and Mace Meeks

Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity

Cara and Chad Michael

Kimberly and Chris Miller

Rachel and Bryan Milton *

Melissa and Michael Mithoff

Glenda and Danny Moore

Julie and Bart Moore ’94

Hallie (Ray) ’92 and Tyler Moore

Jennifer and Joel Moore

Laurie and Reed Morian

Melissa and Matt Morris

Jennifer Six and Tom Murphy

Katy and Sam Murray

Adrienne and Stefan Murry

Debbie and Bob Newland

Ruth and Lance Odom

Cindy and Mark O’Donnell

Lisa and Mike O’Leary

Lisa and Josh Oren

Keesha and Robby Organ

Leslie Margolis and Josh Paull

Clayton Pedrick

Sarah and Stephen Pitt *

Scott Podsednik

David Pond

Marlo Pond

Kathleen and Townes Pressler

Lisa Santos and Bill Pugh

Eric Pulaski

Catherine and Will Randall

Brandy and Stephen Ray

Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88

Genevieve and Ed Razim

Margaret and Todd Reppert

Tricia White-Rhemtulla and Farzan Rhemtulla

Mindy and Spencer Rippstein

Laura and Brannon Robertson

Alison and Darryl Robinson

Cambrey and Matthew Rogers ’99

Suzanne and Brian Rose

Peggy and Mike Rutledge *

Julie Sacco

Sherri and Charles Schugart

Liz Schwarze

Millette and Haag Sherman

Bizet and Gabe Siegel

Krista and Todd Sinex

Lori and Joseph Small

Kathryn and Jeff Smith

Kristin and Ned Smith

Leigh and Reggie Smith

Melissa and Mike Smith

Lynette and Trey Snider

Stephanie and Clifford Song

Jenee and Nick Stefanakis

Michelle and Duncan Stewart

Susan and Jim Tanner

Kathy and Craig Taylor

Carol and Gregg Thompson

Kathy and Marty Thompson

Meg Toups

Jennifer Novak and Hunter Traylor

Ann and Greg Tuckwood

Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen

Gauri and Atul Varadhachary

Amy and Michael Walton

Robin and Donald Wayne

Janna and David Webber

Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless

Stacey and Andrew White

Susan and Wayne Whitney

Kimberly and Michael Williams

Jody Lee and Tom Williamson

Sally Ann and Bill Windle

Michelle and Glenn Woo

Elizabeth and Barry Young

Margaret and Mike Young

Salli and Michael Youtt

Cathy and Tom Zabel

Joni and John Zavitsanos

Deborah and Rich Zembek

Charlotte and Antonio Zuniga

*Grateful for one-year annual fund gift

GIFTS OF $1,000 TO $2,499

Cynthia and John Adkins

Wesley Alexander ’20

Carol Ann and William Anderson

Julie and Frank Bayouth

Caroline (Dudley) ’03 and Andrew Bean ’04

Marian and Gary Beauchamp


Carolyn and Phil Betti

Susan and Jim Boone

Ana Bencomo and Alex Bruton

Angel Butler

Stacey and Scott Butler

Beth and Ed Cadena

Heather He and Weidan Cai

Barbara and Todd Carpenter

January and Scott Carter

Denise Baynes-Cassel and Craig Cassel

Chris and Bill Caudill

Suk and Peter Chang

Martha and John Charbonnet

Jenny Childers ’02

Shauna and James Choi

Laura and Martin Citardi

Jacqueline and Logan Clarke

Julia Collins

Lynette and Mark Cone

Georgia Bouchoutsos and John Cotsoradis

Kelty and Rogers Crain

Susan Sparkman and Steven Culbert

Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger

Mary and Jack Daniel

Heather and Jake Davis

Marty and Andrew DeBusk

Michele and Richard Deutsch

Nidra Rodriguez and Alex Diaz

Jodi and Troy Donley

Cindy Yeilding and Art Donovan

Karey and Phillip Dye

Sabrina and Leo Espinoza

Roxy and Cullen Evans ’96

Joanie (Dunlap) ’90 and Jude Filippone

Susan and Bill Finnegan

Dominique Sachse and Nick Florescu

Jennifer and Scott Frasier

Isabel Moros and Guillermo Garcia-Manero

Johanne and Joe Gatto

Donna and Rey Gongora

Julie and Rob Goytia

Hollis and Randall Grace ’90

Erika and Jason Grove

Sam Nithianantham and Ravi Gudimetla

Rennae Henry

Wandy and Angus Hughes ’89

Sherry and Michael Hunt

Jessica and Darren Inoff

Sue and Mac Jensen

Kriki and David Jesulaitis

Kristi and Corey Johnson ’97

Victoria (Nau) ’97 and Parker Johnson

Leah and Michael Jones

Stephen Jones

Michelle and Alex Juden

Lloyd Julian ’13

Rebecca and Aaron Kant

Judy and Barry Kaufman

Ingrid and John Keating

Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund

Angela and Steve Koch

Taylor Landry ’02

Gisette and David Leathers

Kathryn and Steve Leisz

Carrie and Brent Lium

Lea Aden and Michael Lueck

Joanne and Ross Margraves

Geoffrey Marolda ’07

Kim and Scott Martin

Kristin and James McAlpin

Mel and Tom McCaffrey

Kendall (Buckalew) ’03 and Trey McCord

Ann and George McDaniel

Shelley and Mike Melody

Nicole and Chris Merriam

Victoria and Jarrett Minton

Grayson (Watkins) ’08 and Taylor Moffatt ’08

Ioana and Ovidiu Moise

Monica and Ken Moursund Jr.

Claudia and Ken Moursund

Alana and Dean Nasser

Carol Wasden and Troy Neeriemer

Sheila and John Neylon

Stephanie and John Nguyen

Michelle and David Nickerson

Karen Nielsen

Kris and Jay Nylund

Lyria and Shawn O’Brien

Whitney and Rick Ogle

Ott Charitable Foundation

Kathleen and Kevin Panus

Dianne and Brice Peterson

Nguyet and Vuong Pham

Megan and Matt Pond

Veronica and Dean Porter

Stephanie and Russ Post

Leah and Steve Ragiel

Lisa and John Reed

Lake Robertson

Julie and Mike Rollins

Mary Jane and Bo Sasnett

Melinda and Brent Scheps

Danielle and Brian Schmulen

Suzette and Gordon Schutze

Morgan and David Shin

Ellen Simmons

Emily and Patrick Smith

The Vivian L. Smith Foundation

Amy and Ken Snell

Mary Anne and Chip Stockard

Felicia and Rafael Stone

Robin and Kurt Stratmann

Samantha and Scott Sullivan

Eloise and Jamie Taussig

Shelly and Bob Thomas

Stephen Thompson ’98

Jennifer and John Thornton

David Treat

Gordana and Srdan Verstovsek

Susan and George Walker

Katie and Robert Walmsley

Sherri and Garrett Walsh

Elizabeth and Peter Wareing

Reed (Phillips) ’99 and Billy Wareing ’99

Laura and Bob Wheless

Jenny (Lynn) ’01 and Ben White

Kristi and Rex Whiteside

Harrison Williams ’17

Lisa and Mark Witcher

Margaret (Hurn) ’98 and Tommy Wolfenberger

Ju and Earnest Wotring

Connie and Tommy Wright

GIFTS UP TO $1,000

Huston Able ’99

Jessica and Jeff Adams

Ann and Bert Adkins

Elizabeth Adkins ’09

Kathryn and Leigh Adkins


Laurel Agris

Janet and Jere Ahrens

ReBecca Alcala-Dominguez

Jenny and James Aldstadt

Ann and Charlie Alexander

Harriet and Christian Alexander

Darlene Alexander

Susan and Ken Alexander

Rebecca Alexander ’14

Bess Alford

Lauren and John Alford

Mary and Eugene Alford

Jason Alsup

Elizabeth and Sergio Amelio

Kay and Chris Amendola

Holly and John Anderson

Judy Andrews

Estefani (Andrades) Aquino ’08

Ana and Salvador Argueta

Maria and Efren Arias

Courtney and Taylor Arnold

Deborah and Michael Arnold

Margaret and Jarek Aronowski

Gauri and Mohit Arora

Emma (Simmons) ’02 and Michael Anselmi

Garmon Ashby

Aparna and Manu Asthana

Chris and Merrell Athon

Lauren and Bryan Athon ’04

Margot and John Athon ’01

Matching Gifts

Christine and Mohammed Attar

Zeba and Eric Avera

Alexander Ayris

Sandy and Jack Baber

Anna Bailey ’14

Kathryn (Reeves) ’08 and Jimmy Bailey ’08

Malcolm Baker

Barbara and Dean Barnes

Katie Barnes ’92

Emily Barron

Beth and Sean Barton

Simmi and Bobby Basra

Ann and Tim Baumgartner

Bubba Beasley

Karen and Ned Becker

Ashley (Crum) ’99 and Jeff Begert

Olga and Hugo Benavidez

Erika and Matt Benz

Monica and Jay Berckley

Kim and Ted Bereswill

Julie (Antill) ’01 and Ryan Bergeron ’01

Alice Berry

Lucy (Grierson) ’08 and Nathan Bertsch

Caroline Best ’10

Caroline (King) ’96 and Peter Billipp

Alyssa Farmer and Dan Binder

Alison and Scott Birdwell

Cynthia Birdwell

Ava Black

Hadley (Walker) ’06 and Johnny Black

Pam and Pat Black

Sophia Black ’22

Kalee and Landis Blackburn

Christina (Pickett) ’99 and Bart Blackwell

Anne Louise (Conway) ’03 and Brett Blanchard

Dawn and Kevin Bloomer

Catherine (Crisp) ’00 and Jonathan Bohot

Michelle and Michael Bollinger

Cyndi and Charles Boren

Mary Ellen (Wright) ’93 and William Bos

Michelle Bouchard

Patricia and Hal Bourlon

Sam Bowen ’01

Robin Bowman

Sam Boyar ’07

Nancy and John Bradford

Sarah and Alan Bradshaw ’99

Nancy and Arthur Brand

Marsha and Jim Braniff III

Shannon and Jim Braniff IV

Adeline Braverman ’16

Monica and David Brink

Kate and Jaime Brito

Lisa and Jay Broadfoot

George Brock

Catherine (Allibone) ’94 and Temple Brown ’95

Markeeta Brown

Katherine (Egner) ’10 and Trevor Brown ’11

Thank you to the following companies and foundations who support educational institutions through the matching gift program.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Involvement Program Companies Benevity Community Impact Fund

Chevron/Your Cause

EnCap Investments

ENGIE Charitable Enterprise Products

EOG Resources, Inc.

Exxon Goldman, Sachs & Co. IBM

Kirby Inland Marine Phillips 66

Shell Oil Company Foundation

Wells Fargo Community Support Program

Charitable Gift Funds

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Greater Houston Community Foundation

National Christian Foundation Network for Good

Presbyterian Mission Center

Schwab Charitable Gift Fund

Vanguard Charitable

Wells Fargo Foundation

Charitable Foundations

The Brown Foundation

CFP Foundation

The Crain Foundation

Dan L. Duncan Foundation

The Grits Foundation

The Gayden Family Foundation

Holthouse Foundation for Kids

Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund

Meinig Family Foundation

TLL Temple Foundation

The Vivian L. Smith Foundation

R. E. Smith Foundation

Susan Vaughan Foundation

Vaughn Foundation

Ellen Hamilton Wilkerson

Educational Trust

Zoch Childrens Fund


Ana Bencomo and Alex Bruton

Sally and Robert Buckelew

Kristina Burgess

Lizzie Cadena ’16

John Cadena ’18

Evelyn and Mark Cambria

Jenny and Sean Cantrell

Julie Carrillo

Chris and Kandice Carter

Mark Carter

Lisa Hauser-Carter and Patrick Carter

Carroll Cartwright ’10

Stewart Cartwright ’12

Sheri (Pavlicek) ’96 and Jeff Cass

Natalie (Pennington) ’99 and Antonio Castellanos

Maria (Tapia) ’08 and John Paul Cavanaugh

Brenton Chandler ’16

Quinn Charlton ’22

Elizabeth and Evan Chastain

Melinda and Jay Chernosky

Laura (Canion) ’95 and Brett Chiles

Susie and Ott Chin

Donna and Ed Clark

Haley Clarkson ’07

Tanya and Jon Clarkson

Rachel Clingman and Scott Clingman

Megan and Jay Cohen ’01

Steven Cole

Dee Dee and John Colello

Alexandra and Isaiah Coleman

Jeremy Colvin ’15

Justin Colvin ’10

Adair Cook ’13

Anita and Brandon Cook

Gwendolyn Cooper

Joe Cooper ’98

Holle and Arthur Corenblith

Julisha and Wilbert Cormier

Almeria Cottingham

Elizabeth and Andrew Coveler ’95

Christina and Jerrit Coward

Rogers Crain ’05

Bon and Judson Crowder ’88

Monica and Matias Cruces

Scott Cunningham

Kamala Sachidanandan and John Curry

Debra and Jim Cutler

Ethan Dabney ’17

Alice Davidson

Antha Adkins and Frank Davies

Lolita and Denvip Davis

Arga and James Davis

Robyn Davis

Jillian and Chris Day ’98

Emily (Kingswell-Smith) ’00 and Mike Day

Susana and Antonio De Pinho

Mariana and Bob Debes

Emma and Victor Del Frate

Debbie and Chris DeMeo

Theodora and Louis DeNino

Stephanie (Karkabi) Derentz ’06

Kate (McCarroll) ’07 and John DeWitt

Sangeeta Cheema and Karam Dhillon

Ivy and Michael Diaz

Elizabeth (Matthews) ’05 and Colin Dickson

Lee Anne and Jason Dixon

Emily Dobrowski ’10

Debra Donaldson

Laura and Mike Donnelly

Marilyn and Bob Dorries

Jennifer and Jim Drew

Rebecca and John Drexel ’10

Jennifer and B. J. Ducey

Debi and Bart Duckworth

Annie Duckworth ’11

Elizabeth (Carrell) ’94 and Gardner Dudley

Sherri and Simon Dullingham

Tanya and Alan Duncan

Katy (Pyburn) ’05 and Kevin Dunlap ’05

Kaylan and John Dunn ’96

Kelly (Clark) ’96 and Rob Dunn

Lizz Dye ’08

Sarah and Earl Dyke ’88

Shelly Edmonds

Nancy Lauf Eisenberg

Stacy and Michael Ellington

Lauren and Carlton Ellis ’04

Nancy and Arthur Epley

DeAndre Espree-Conaway

Cathryn and Charles+ Estes

Amanda and Ben Estus ’09

Betsy and Doug Evans

Samantha (Speakmon) ’09 and Cody Evans

Jennifer and Arnold Farbstein

Ayesha Spooner and Fabian Farmer

Pat Farra

Sukey Fenoglio

Dawn and Andy Fertitta

Scotty Finnegan ’12

Beth and Dave Flame

Mark Shirey and John Flanagan

Cheryl Fleming

Lucinda and Brad Fleming

Claire and Caldwell Fletcher

Miguel Flores

Kristi Reinertsen-Forehand and Larry Forehand

Kimberly Foster ’10

Karen and Pat Foster

Martha and Wyche Fowler

Patti and Jim Fox

Leigh and Matt Fox

Trish and David Framel

Andria Frankfort

Kim and Dan Franklin

Jennifer (McReynolds) ’88 and Todd Frazier ’88

Kate Freeman ’22

Kendall and Brian Friday ’04

Michele and Brent Friedman ’90

Neil Fullarton

Ellie (Strobel) ’90 and Brady Fulton

Laura and Scott Fuselier

Meredith and Patrick Gallagher

Corey Garrett

Rula and Rajeev Garside ’89

Laird George ’17

Rosy Diaz and Brad Gerjes

Nancy and Carl Gerjes

Libby Gerstner ’12

John Gillet

Susan (Barnes) ’96 and Adam Girling

Catherine (Brooks) ’94 and Dean Giuffre

Stephanie and Christopher Gloor

Jenilee Gobea


Mariely and Mauro Gomez

Pauline (Jones) ’90 and John Goodgame

Christina and Will Goodwin ’03

Leanne (Reeves) ’04 and West Gotcher

Kim and Michael Grant

Sue and Hart Green

Ali (Valach) ’11 and Thomas Greenhalgh

Ann McAdam Griffin and Rob Griffin

Nancy and Melvin Gross

Zulma and William Guandique

Allie Guerino ’22

Sallie and Tony Guerino

Caroline Guerino ’20

Toshla and Todd Guthrie

Alicia and Albert Gutierrez

Jennifer Trotter and Jason Hafner

Yamilia and Albert Halfon

Allison and Grant Hall ’89

Erin and Preston Hall ’00

Sabrina and Rob Hallett

Blakely Hamblen ’11

Nancy Harper

Cheronda Harrell

Cydne Harrell-Malveaux ’18

Connie and Joshua Harris

Denise and Bryan Hasse

Kellie (Nolen) ’08 and Harrison Hastings

Nancy Hastings

Sharon Willcutts-Havel and Dan Havel

Mallette Havens ’21

Catherine (Butler) ’93 and Jay Hawthorn ’94

Wendy and Baron Heinemann

Alice and Randy Helms

Becky Helms ’06

Mimi Hu and Colin Hendricks

James Henriksen ’12

Fred Herring

Heather and Beau Herrold ’89

Maria and John Heymach

Julianne and Justin Hickey

Rose and Dat Ho

Mike Hodgson

Kerry Hofmeister

Beth and Sam Holden

Mary Catherine (Jackson) ’08 and Ryan Holliday

Caroline Holmes ’23

Hilary (Mundinger) ’09 and Greg Holmes ’09

Harrison Holmes ’19

Terry Holmes

Mia Holstead ’19

Randall Holstead ’21

Tommy Holstien ’04

Megan and Will Holstien ’98

Krista Holter

Joanne Hook

Chase Hooks ’95

Hillary (Brooks) ’92 and Tony Houle

Patricia and Rich Houser

Levon Hovnatanian

Heather (Skidmore) ’87 and Christopher Howard

Kathryn and Mark Howell ’97

Joanna (Slusser) ’97 and Craft Hughes

Mandy and Micah Hurt

Peter Hutcheson

Krystal and Tom Irven

Dot Isacks

Leslie and Jack Jackson

Katina and Gil Jackson

Carson James ’13

Mary and James Jennings

Tracey and Charles Johnson

Ford C. Johnson ’21

Liz and John Johnson

Karyn and Wayne Jones

Tonja and Chris Jones

Amira Kamal

Dana and Kenneth Katz ’91

Kristen and Matt Katz

Elizabeth Kechejian

Katherine (Thompson) ’01 and David Keller

Cody Kelley ’07

Colton Kelley ’04

Debbie and Steve Kelley

Melinda Marye-Kelley and Bill Kelley

Sarah and Mark Kelly

Sheila Kelly

Cindy and Kary Kemble

Betty and Jim Key

Megan and Daniel Kilbride ’05

B.J. and Marc Kilbride

Kaitlyn (Becker) ’97 and Jarred King ’97

Leigh and Jack Kins

Joanie (McLeod) ’99 and John Kirksey

Beth Fowler and Richard Kirsten

Krista and Kevin Kirton

Dakota Klaes ’08

Milete and Marc Klinkerman

Tracy and Howard Knight ’89

Mojgan Haghkhah and Siamak Kooshiar

Taylor Kopycinski ’08

Carrie Krasner ’93

Susan and Marvin Krasner

Alison Krieg ’20

Margaret Anne Krieg ’22

Jonathan Kwok

Lucy and Lin Lamme

Riley (Mundinger ) ’07 and Beau Landry

Elizabeth Langenstein ’13

Andrea and Sean Lawless

Alecia and Larry Lawyer

Joy and Jeff Lee

Melinda Lee

Barbara Foorman and Justin Leiber

Courtney and Eric Lerch

Felicia and Benjamin Lewin

Susan Lewis

Marilyn Ligon

Courtney and Josh Lindloff

Kate and Ethan Lindon

Sophia Liollio ’20

Caroline (Conway) ’05 and Stephen Lipscomb

Judy and Les Little

Mary and Bill Livesay

Kerrie and David Lodowski ’94

Ashley Long

Mandy (Malone) ’98 and Brad Loper ’97

Rachel and Alex Lopez

Monica Lopez

Lily Chen and Shi-tze Lu

Martha and Bruce Lurie

Ellyn and Gregory MacConnell

Asha and Harendra Mahendra

Laura and Luke Mandola

Haley Manley ’12

Laurie and Luke Mann


Ray Marshall

Rebecca and Chris Martin

Hannah Martin ’21

Sophie Martin ’22

Janie and Todd Mason

Bob Matthews

Peggy and Dave Matthews

Sarah Matthews ’07

Victoria Matthews ’94

Val McAvey

Randa McConn ’12

Jennifer (Collins) ’94 and George McCormick

Jackie and Kris McCray

Ann McCulloch

Julie (James) ’89 and Rob McGarr

Kelly McGee ’14

Beth McGreevy

Amy and Sean McGuire

Morgan McKee ’18

Caren and Mac McKinnie

Kathryn McKnight

Pilar and Jeff McNear

Lindsey McNear ’21

Patty and Ferguson McNiel

Kay (Schultz) ’93 and Mark Mehrens

Sandra Eastman and Greg Melius

Julius Michael

Kristina Michael ’07

Pat and Ken Michael

Rachael (Burns) ’98 and Toby Miclette

Cheryl and Rick Mifflin

Emily and Pejman Milani

Annelise Miller ’21

Carson Miller ’13

Kim and Charles Miller

Brandie and Mark Mitchell

Meghan (Sickler) ’01 and Matt Moake ’01

Allison (McConnell) ’06 and Price Monroe ’05

Tatum Moore ’22

Katie (Wooldridge) Moorman ’07

Natalia Moreno

Jenny (Kean) ’06 and David Morrison

John Motley

Kathy and Derek Munger

Alix and Jimmy Nakfoor

Kaitlin (McLaughlin) ’06 and Kevin Necas ’02

Gvahn and Wendell Nelson

Charlsie Neutzler ’10

Pegi and Bob Newhouse

Naomi and Mike Newman

Raina Newsome

Grace Bao and Ni Ni

Carol and Tim Nielsen

Eloise (Fay) ’94 and Andrew Novotny

Naseeb Nuseibeh ’11

Dianna and David Nussbaum

Beanna Okeugo ’15

Sue and Ted Oldham

Jenny and Bill Oliver

Dianna Onyekwelu

Ruben Orellana

Susan and Edward Osterberg

Ese and Ken Otah

Robin Owens

Stacey and Pierce Owens

Falyn Page ’14

Liz and Paul Palmer

Bo and Dean Pamphilis

Joanna Papakonstantinou

Cindy and Kelley Parker

Susana Borges and Carlos Pasini

Jacque Passino ’01

Justin Patchen ’03

Kimberley Pavalock

Barbara and Claude Payne

Debbie Pedrick

Allyson and John Pellegrin

Jack Pellegrin ’12

Avery Peters ’14

Elaine and Vytas Petrulis

Amalia and Roberto Pflaumer

Kate and John Philbrick

Winnie (Simmons) ’03 and Nic Phillips

Kasey and Joel Phipps

Georgia (Ellis) ’99 and Michael Piazza

Margaret and Mike Pierce

Chelsea (Smith) ’98 and Nathan Pifer

Eugenia and Ted Plemenos

Sara Podsednik

Judy Johnson and Judson Polikoff

Kendolyn (Cooper) Pope ’96

Ellen and Allen Potter

Dale Potts ’11

Ashley and Alfred Pratka

Taryn (Hunt) ’01 and Preston Proler ’01

Kelly (Brookshire) Pyle ’98

Jordan Pytosh ’17

Casey Quedenfeld

Erica and Mark Raggett

Frances and Rick Rambo

Patti and Kim Randolph

Noel and Roger Rankin

Danielle Ranneft

Kelly and David Ranucci

Allison (McKissack) ’94 and Jeff Rasp

Flo Ray

James Henry Ray ’19

Mary Carol Ray ’21

Leigh Anne and John Raymond

Kim and Chris Reichert

Reagan Reitmeier ’16

Ruth and Tyler Reitmeier

Paul Revaz

Syan Rhodes-Pitts ’95

Andrew Rice ’01

Caroline Rippeto ’17

Maggie Rippeto ’14

Mindy and Connor Riseden ’96

Kelley and Gordon Roberts ’90

Dawn and Greg Robins ’88

Claudia Rodriguez

Kayla Rogers

Leslie Rogers

Karen and Roy Rogers-Broussard

Ryan Rollins ’14

Josh Roman ’90

Isabelle Ross ’18

Jeanie and Jonathan Ross

Melanie (French) Rothwell

Julie and Chris Russ

Erin Russe

Beverly Rutledge

Kai and Tim Ryan

Anna Saikin

Anna Salas

Margie and Brad Sanders

Marlo (Cobb) ’87 and Alex Saucedo

Ashley Saunders


Jennifer (Wegmann) ’07 and Joe Savery

Amanda (Hobson) ’04 and Ryan Savoie

Carl Scherrieb ’90

Courtney (Reeves) ’02 and Greg Schilling

Kimberly and Jason Schlanger ’88

Tammy and Dan Schoen

Heather Schoen ’21

Cindy and Jason Schulze

Zach Schwarz

Autumn and Jonathan Seiler

Barbara and Jerry Selzer

Elizabeth (Luhn) ’92 and John Selzer

Mary (Plumb) ’04 and Nick Senkel

Molly and Bubba Shaffer

Homa Shalchi ’13

Whitney and Joe Sharman ’05

Mary Catherine Sharman ’98

Valerie Sherrill

Jian and Mike Short

Fran and Wayne Shull

Kari Findley and Ken Sill

Ellen Simmons

Jenilee and Douglass Simmons

Jackie and Glenn Simmons

Misty and Jeff Singleton

Kim and Kevin Sisk

Craig Smith

Gaynell and Donnie Smith

Jenny Guss and Kevin Smith

Tina Smith

Brooke and Travis Smith

Angela Cleveland and Lee Solsbery

Madeline and Brian Spector

Tara (Terneny) ’88 and Pete Speer

Desrye Morgan

Katherine (Skinner) Stalcup ’04

Melissa and Drew Standley

Rasa Starkey

Princess Mary Starr

Allison (Blanton) ’97 and Spencer Stasney

Sandra and Randy Stavinoha

Anna and Michael Stewart

New Board Members

Holly (Barrett) ’96 and Hunter Stewart ’95

Michelle and Charles Still

Japheth Storlie

Jennifer Kennedy-Stovall and Michael Stovall

Jennifer and Mark Stringer ’93

John Henry Styles ’14

Nikki Sublet

Jennifer Succi

Jennifer Sui

Elise (Johnson) ’05 and Evans Swann ’05

Sarah and Jeff Szymanski

Gail and William Taber

Celia and Brett Tatum

Darlene and Pat Tatum

Karen and Jim Taussig

Anna and Joe Teagarden

Mark Deaton and Brad Telford

Constance Thomas

Kristin (Jacobs) ’00 and David Thomas ’94


Emerson Hankamer, CEO of Vacations to Go, graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. He and his wife, CiCi, have two children. Nico attends St. Francis Day School, and Kirk, is a sophomore of the EHS Class of 2022.

Hankamer stays active in the Houston community as a member of the Young Presidents Organization and the Houston Realty Business Coalition, among other interests.

He and his family are members of St. Francis Episcopal Church. For relaxation, he enjoys fishing, hunting, traveling, and reading.


Owner of The Randall Company, Will Randall is a captain in the U.S. Navy Reserves and a chief staff officer of the Naval Leadership and Ethics Center. He holds degrees from both the United States Naval Academy and Rice University.

Randall and wife Catherine have three children: Fairfax and Lizzie, who attend Annunciation Orthodox School (AOS), and Sam, who is a sophomore at EHS.

The Randalls are members of Christ Church Cathedral. Besides EHS, Randall volunteers with The Beacon and is a trustee at AOS and director of the Wayne Duddlesten Foundation.


The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson is Dean of Christ Church Cathedral. He received his bachelor’s degree from Hendrix College, his master’s from University of Chicago, and his Master of Divinity from Seminary of the Southwest.

He and his wife, Jill, have a son, Griffin, who graduated with the EHS Class of 2019, and a daughter, Eliza, who is a sophomore at EHS.

Rev. Thompson is Chairman of the Board of the Beacon, a board member of Seminary of the Southwest, and vice president, North American Committee, for St. George’s College in Jerusalem.

His hobbies are bird hunting, reading history, and hiking.


Dolly and Jeff Thomas

Jill and Barkley Thompson

Katherine Thompson ’20

Mary Thompson

Anabel (Fay) ’00 and Steven Thompson ’00

Chris Tilton ’13

Patty and Mike Tilton

Stephanie Tobor

Ive Torres

Laura and David Trauba

Emma Tsai

Cecie and Kyle Turlington

Sharon and Michael Turner

Gina Ulbricht

Cindy and Henry Valadez

Katherine (Osborne) ’90 and Paul Valdez

Kim and Jeff Van Gundy

Hyun-Ju Vega

Robyn Vermeil

Rhonda and Robert Vining

Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis

Sara and Alan Wang

Tena Ward

Sherri and Billy Warren

Silvia and Elvis Warren

Kay and Fred Wasden

Reenishia Washington

Heather (Scruggs) ’07 and Matt Waters

Amanda and Gene Watts

Florence and Neal Waxham

Ethel and Richard Wayne

Lindsey and Thurston Webb ’01

Mitchell Webber ’13

Michael Weekley ’05

Katherine Weigand

Chris Weinstein

Betsy and Brian West

Danna and Alex White ’88

Emily White

Emma Claire White ’21

Mark Wells White ’22

Fay Whitehead

Vicky and Gordon Wight ’92

Delby and BJ Willingham

Joyce and Donald Wilson

Cissy and David Winn

Brian Witt ’90

Krystene and John Woodard

Madison Woodward ’05

Ann and John Wooldridge

John Wooldridge ’09

Raleigh Wooldridge ’13

Abbie Wrather ’17

Janet and David Wrather

Catherine Wright ’05

Connie and Tommy Wright

Murat Yildirim

Emily Young ’23

Helen Young ’21

Piper and Matt Zaleski

Shelby Zimmermann ’15

Sarah Sue (Harris) ’09 and Nick Zizinia

John Weinzierl is the owner of Katla Energy Holdings, LLC. He earned both a bachelor’s and M.B.A. at The University of Texas in Austin.

Weinzierl and wife Kelli have one son, Luke, who is a sophomore at Episcopal High School.

The Weinzierls attend St. Francis Episcopal Church where he serves on the vestry.

Weinzierl is on the advisory board and is incoming chair for the University of Texas Cockrell School of Engineering.


James Whitehead graduated from Episcopal High School in 1994. He is director of Enterprise Operations at Black Stone Minerals Company, LP. Whitehead earned his bachelor’s degree at Vanderbilt University and his M.B.A. at Rice University.

Whitehead and his wife, Elizabeth, have two young children—Graham and Claire— who attend River Oaks Baptist School. They are members of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church.

When he’s not in the office, Whitehead plays tennis and likes to fly fish.

Julius Young Jr. is senior vice president at Wells Fargo Bank. He graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science in Economics.

Young and his wife, Michelle, are members of First Baptist Church. They have three children. Their oldest, Julius, graduated last May with the Class of 2019. Their younger children Lauren and Jordan attend West U Elementary.

Young is vice chairman of Boys and Girls Club of Greater Houston and a board member at Camp for All.



Aparna and Manu Asthana

Ericka Bagwell

Kristen and Matt Barker

Tammy and David Barringer

Julie and Frank Bayouth

Cynthia Birdwell

Linda Bosarge and Andrew Bosarge

Shannon and Jim Braniff

Beth and Craig Bunk

Maria and Neil Bush

Heather He and Weidan Cai

Randi and Johnny Carrabba

January and Scott Carter

Lisa Hauser-Carter and Patrick Carter

Karen and Bill Case

Denise Baynes-Cassel and Craig Cassel

Trina and Craig Chandler

Martha and John Charbonnet

Jill and Chris Cokinos

Lynette and Mark Cone

Debbie and David Crow

Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger

Mary and Jack Daniel

Alice Davidson

Mariana and Bob Debes

Jodi and Troy Donley

Cindy Yeilding and Art Donovan

Linda and David Elmer

Dawn and Andy Fertitta

Beth and Dave Flame

Julia Flowers

Jennifer and Scott Frasier

Jennifer (McReynolds) ’88 and Todd Frazier ’88

Andrea and Jonas Georgsson

Laura and Carl Giesler

Laura and Andy Gilchrist

Marte and Geoff Griffith

Sabrina and Rob Hallett

Patricia and Pearce Hammond

Peggy and Virgil Haney

Jill and Brett Haugh

Elizabeth Herrera

Beth and Sam Holden

Claudia and Hank Holmes

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead

Michelle and John Hurd

Jessica and Darren Inoff

Melinda Castro and Andre Janecki

Sue and Mac Jensen

Tracey and Charles Johnson

Delia and Eric Johnson ’87

Jean and Josh Jones

Patricia Mallinson and George Joseph

Janet and Mario Kapusta

Katherine and Matthew Kardesch

Katherine and Sean Keenan

Tracy and Howard Knight ’89

Angela and Steve Koch

Mojgan Haghkhah and Siamak Kooshiar

Molly and Duncan Lamme

Liz and Tim Lane

Gisette and David Leathers

ChienLing and ChenWei Lee

Nancy and Erik Littlejohn

Martha and Bruce Lurie

Laura and Luke Mandola

Janie and Todd Mason

Tiffany and Charles Masterson

Peggy and David Matthews

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89

Amy and Sean McGuire

Tracy and Greg McLauchlin

Kim and Charles Miller

Rachel and Bryan Milton

Jennifer Six and Tom Murphy

Katy and Sam Murray

Alix and Jimmy Nakfoor

Alana and Dean Nasser

Pegi and Bob Newhouse

Raina Newsome

Kris and Jay Nylund

Dianna Onyekwelu

Ese and Ken Otah

Kathleen and Kevin Panus

Clayton Pedrick

Debbie Pedrick

George Peterkin

Dianne and Brice Peterson

Kasey and Joel Phipps

Scott Podsednik

Sara Podsednik

Veronica and Dean Porter

Lisa Santos and Bill Pugh

Leah and Steve Ragiel

Kelly and David Ranucci

Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88

Alison and Darryl Robinson

Kai and Tim Ryan

Liz Schwarze

Molly and Bubba Shaffer

Julie and David Shannon

Millette and Haag Sherman

Morgan and David Shin

Bizet and Gabe Siegel

Krista and Todd Sinex

Lori and Joseph Small

Kathryn and Jeff Smith

Jenny Guss and Kevin Smith

Leigh and Reggie Smith

Lynette and Trey Snider

Jenee and Nick Stefanakis

Michelle and Duncan Stewart

Susan and Jim Tanner

Celia and Brett Tatum

Darlene and Pat Tatum

Kathy and Craig Taylor

Dolly and Jeff Thomas

Jill and Barkley Thompson

Kathy and Marty Thompson

Rachel and Ryan Trainer

Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis

Florence and Neal Waxham

Betsy and Brian West

Kristi and Rex Whiteside

Kimberly and Michael Williams

Sally Ann and Bill Windle

Lisa and Mark Witcher

Elizabeth and Barry Young

Michelle and Julius Young

Janna and Adam Zylman


Jenny and James Aldstadt

Frances and Ben Alexander

Harriet and Christian Alexander

Joanie and David Andrews

Jen and Chris Arntzen

Margaret and Jarek Aronowski

Gauri and Mohit Arora

Laura and Matthew Baird

Shelley and Newt Barineau

Bubba Beasley

Alice and Trey Bell

Carolyn and Phil Betti

Gina and Devinder Bhatia

Kristine and Jeff Bird

Alison and Scott Birdwell

Lisa and Jay Broadfoot

Michelle Ciaravino and Michael Ciaravino

Resa and Brian Clarke

Chad Clay

Evelyn Paysse and David Coats


Jill and Chris Cokinos

Anita and Brandon Cook

Heather and Brady Crosswell

Sarah and Junior Cruz

Hilda and Greg Curran

Sheryl and Bill Curtin

Lisa and Charles Cusack

Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge

Joanne and David Dickson

Debra Donaldson

JoAnne and Andy Doyle

Pepper and Ashley Edens

Julia Flowers

Carter France

Elizabeth and Will Galtney

Isabel Moros and Guillermo Garcia-Manero

Kim and Michael Grant

Ann McAdam Griffin and Rob Griffin

Zulma and William Guandique

Sam Nithianantham and Ravi Gudimetla

Sallie and Tony Guerino

Katie and Jeff Gustavson

Jennifer Trotter and Jason Hafner

Yamilia and Albert Halfon

Catherine and Chris Hanslik

Rennae Henry

Maria and John Heymach

Melissa and Andy Hopwood

Levon Hovnatanian

Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt

Mandy and Micah Hurt

Amy and Cliff Husted

Kriki and David Jesulaitis

Johnna and Stephen Jones

Catherine and Andrew Kaldis

Heather and Wayne Kearney

Cammie and Mark Kennedy

Leigh and Jack Kins

Krista and Kevin Kirton

Rich Klucznik

Ellecia and Edmund Knolle

Dawn and Chris Krieg

Angie and Dean Liollio

Judy and Les Little

Emily and Mike Madison

Blair and Clay Manley

Amanda and Murrah Mayberry

Kristin and James McAlpin

Mel and Tom McCaffrey

Kirby and Scott McCool

Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity

Shelley and Mike Melody

Victoria and Jarrett Minton

Ioana and Ovidiu Moise

Natalia Moreno

Melissa and Matt Morris

Katy and Sam Murray

Michelle and David Nickerson

Carol and Tim Nielsen

Dianna and David Nussbaum

Lyria and Shawn O’Brien

Whitney and Rick Ogle

Bo and Dean Pamphilis

Eileen and Chris Perillo

Natasha and Loren Pieper

Eugenia and Ted Plemenos

Genevieve and Ed Razim

Kim and Chris Reichert

Margaret and Todd Reppert

Claudia and Daniel Rodriguez

Leslie Rogers

Suzanne and Brian Rose

Melinda and Brent Scheps

Anna and Bret Scholtes

Kim and Kevin Sisk

Gaynell and Donnie Smith

Tina Smith

Angela Cleveland and Lee Solsbery

Madeline and Brian Spector

Judy and Bret Stanley

Anna and Michael Stewart

Samantha and Scott Sullivan

Carol and Gregg Thompson

Meg Toups

Jennifer Novak and Hunter Traylor

Ann and Greg Tuckwood

Gina Ulbricht

Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen

Gauri and Atul Varadhachary

Robyn Vermeil

Rhonda and Robert Vining

Susan and George Walker

Katie and Robert Walmsley

Amanda and Gene Watts

Robin and Donald Wayne

Joni and John Zavitsanos

Deborah and Rich Zembek

Janna and Adam Zylman


Kathryn and Leigh Adkins

Merrie and Laif Afseth

Kay and Chris Amendola

Gina and Geoff Angulo

Ericka Bagwell

Michele and Thomas Bailey

Cyndi and John Baily

Kristen and Matt Barker

Beth and Sean Barton

Simmi and Bobby Basra

Ann and Tim Baumgartner

Monica and Jay Berckley

Michelle Bouchard

Abbey and David Branch

Kate and Jaime Brito

Ginger Brown

Stacey and Scott Butler

Amie and Michael Canfield

Michele and Clint Carlin

Barbara and Todd Carpenter

Jacqueline and Logan Clarke

Rachel Clingman

Scott Clingman

Jill and Chris Cokinos

Julia Collins

Holle and Arthur Corenblith

Georgia Bouchoutsos and John Cotsoradis

Christina and Jerrit Coward

Michelle and Ryan Crane

Lolita and Denvip Davis

Susana and Antonio De Pinho

Katya and Cedric Defossez

Emma and Victor Del Frate

Michele and Richard Deutsch

Lynn and Ronald Deyo

Sangeeta Cheema and Karam Dhillon

Nidra Rodriguez and Alex Diaz

Lee Anne and Jason Dixon

Julie and Michael Donaldson

Sherri and Simon Dullingham

Laura and Bud Ehrlich

Linda and David Elmer

Sabrina and Leo Espinoza

Jennifer and Arnold Farbstein

Catharine and Grant Faulconer

Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein

Dominique Sachse and Nick Florescu

Kristi Reinertsen-Forehand and Larry Forehand

Stephanie and Hugh Forque

Linda and Mike Fox

Andria Frankfort

Corey Garrett

Johanne and Joe Gatto

Rosy Diaz and Brad Gerjes

Laura and Carl Giesler

Angie Munoz and Luis Gonzalez

Vinceanne Mandola – Green and Jeff Green

Toshla and Todd Guthrie

Alicia and Alberto Gutierrez

Allison and Grant Hall ’89

Allison and Gregg Hammer

Peggy and Virgil Haney

Connie and Joshua Harris

Denise and Bryan Hasse

Terri and John Havens

Mimi Hu and Colin Hendricks

Liz and Rogers Herndon

Heather and Beau Herrold ’89

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead

Elizabeth and Tom Howley

Leslie and Jack Jackson

Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson ’87 and Steve Johnson

Leah and Michael Jones

Tonja and Chris Jones


Michelle and Alex Juden

Jenna and Harris Junell

Rebecca and Aaron Kant

Jennifer and Mike Kavanagh

Mona and Wasay Khan

Angela and Steve Koch

Allyson and Andrew Kopel

Andrea and Sean Lawless

Gisette and David Leathers

Laura and Luke Mandola

Blair and Clay Manley

Joanne and Ross Margraves

Rebecca and Chris Martin

Kirby and Scott McCool

Beth and Scott McGarry ’88

Donna and Mike McGinnis

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89

Caren and Mac McKinnie

Kathryn McKnight

Tracy and Greg McLauchlin

Pilar and Jeff McNear

Cheryl and Rick Mifflin

Kimberly and Chris Miller

Melissa and Michael Mithoff

Adrienne and Stefan Murry

Debbie and Bob Newland

Stephanie and John Nguyen

Grace Bao and Ni Ni

Karen Nielsen

Ruth and Lance Odom

Lisa and Josh Oren

Liz and Paul Palmer

Elaine and Vytas Petrulis

Kasey and Joel Phipps

Kelly and Steve Provenzano

Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88

Lisa and John Reed

Suzanne and Jay Rippeto

Jennifer Gatto and Wayne Risoli

Tammy and Dan Schoen

Cindy and Jason Schulze

Bizet and Gabe Siegel

Kari Findley and Ken Sill

Jackie and Glenn Simmons

Melissa and Mike Smith

Angela Cleveland and Lee Solsbery

J.J. and Gerry Spedale

Anna and Michael Stewart

Felicia and Rafael Stone

Sarah and Jeff Szymanski

Eloise and Jamie Taussig

Jennifer and John Thornton

Ive Torres

Cecie and Kyle Turlington

Gordana and Srdan Verstovsek

Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis

Sherri and Garrett Walsh

Sara and Alan Wang

Kay and Fred Wasden

Reenishia Washington

Stacey and Andrew White

Susan and Wayne Whitney

Jody Lee and Tom Williamson

Sally Ann and Bill Windle

Michelle and Glenn Woo

Krystene and John Woodard

Ju and Earnest Wotring

Margaret and Mike Young


Laurel Agris

Jenny and James Aldstadt

Elizabeth and Sergio Amelio

Joanie and David Andrews

Jen and Chris Arntzen

Michele and Thomas Bailey

Tammy and David Barringer

Alice and Trey Bell

Erika and Matt Benz

Kristine and Jeff Bird

Jennifer Black and John Black ’91

Kim and Stewart Black

Dawn and Kevin Bloomer

Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg

Monica and David Brink

Karen and Michael Brisch

Ana Bencomo and Alex Bruton

Angel Butler

Jane and Robert Cabes

Kimberly and Michael Callahan

Kandice and Chris Carter

Matt Chambers

Suk and Peter Chang

Shauna and James Choi

Laura and Martin Citardi

Attallah Lewis- Citizen and William Citizen

Rachel Clingman and Scott Clingman

Steven Cole

Julisha and Wilbert Cormier

Monica and Matias Cruces

Sarah and Thad Dameris

Robyn Davis

Stacy and Matt Debnam

Debbie and Chris DeMeo

Lee Anne and Jason Dixon

Cindy Yeilding and Art Donovan

Tanya and Alan Duncan

Cecilia and Jim Edwards

Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards

Michelle and Greg Elliott

Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein

Martha Pope and Wyche Fowler

Anne and John Freeman

Laura and Scott Fuselier

Julie and Rob Goytia

Sallie and Tony Guerino

Jennifer Trotter and Jason Hafner

Patricia and Pearce Hammond

CC and Emerson Hankamer

Hanan and Jay Harkness

Amy and Curtis Hartman

Lorie and Stephen Herod

Maria and John Heymach

Candice and Andrew Hicks

Margaret and Thad Hill

Claudia and Hank Holmes

Daryl and Aaron Hoover

Melissa and Andy Hopwood

Carol and John Howenstine

Amy and Cliff Husted

Sue and Mac Jensen

Delia and Eric Johnson ’87

Katherine and Matthew Kardesch

Kristen and Matt Katz

Ingrid and John Keating

Melinda Marye-Kelley and Bill Kelley

Allyson and Jason Kinzel

Milete and Marc Klinkerman

Tracy and Howard Knight ’89

Ellecia and Edmund Knolle

Teri and Charles Koerth

Dawn and Chris Krieg

Felicia and Benjamin Lewin

Carrie and Brent Lium

Lily Chen and Shi-tze Lu

Lea Aden and Michael Lueck

Liz and David MacConnell

Carmen and Butch Mach

Rebecca and Chris Martin

Tiffany and Charles Masterson

Peggy and Dave Matthews

Jennifer (Collins) ’94 and George McCormick

Donna and Mike McGinnis

Alisa and Drew Mengwasser

Nicole and Chris Merriam

Beth and Scott Meshberger

Cara and Chad Michael

Victoria and Jarrett Minton

Glenda and Danny Moore

Jennifer and Joel Moore

Monica and Ken Moursund

Carol Wasden and Troy Neeriemer

Celia and Randy Nelson

Naomi and Mike Newman

Sheila and John Neylon

Cindy and Mark O’Donnell

Sue and Ted Oldham

Keesha and Robby Organ

Stacey and Pierce Owens

Leslie Margolis and Josh Paull

David Pond

Marlo Pond

Megan and Matt Pond

Stephanie and Russ Post

Ashley and Alfred Pratka

Frances and Rick Rambo

Catherine and Will Randall

Brandy and Stephen Ray


Ruth and Tyler Reitmeier

Tricia White-Rhemtulla and Farzan Rhemtulla

Mindy and Spencer Rippstein

Laura and Brannon Robertson

Jeanie and Jonathan Ross

Margie and Brad Sanders

Mary Jane and Bo Sasnett

Danielle and Brian Schmulen

Sherri and Charles Schugart

Autumn and Jonathan Seiler

Lori and Joseph Small

Emily and Patrick Smith

Amy and Ken Snell

Michele and Charles Still

Stephanie and Clifford Song

Melissa and Drew Standley

Judy and Bret Stanley

Sandra and Randy Stavinoha

Jennifer Kennedy-Stovall and Michael Stovall

Robin and Kurt Stratmann

Susan and Jim Tanner

Anna and Joe Teagarden

Jill and Barkley Thompson

Kathy and Marty Thompson

Meg Toups

Jennifer Novak and Hunter Traylor

Cecie and Kyle Turlington

Gina Ulbricht

Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89

Susan and George Walker

Amy and Michael Walton

Reenishia Washington

Amanda and Gene Watts

Janna and David Webber

Kelli and John Weinzierl

Laura and Bob Wheless

Laura(Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless

Stacey and Andrew White

Lisa and Mark Witcher

Krystene and John Woodard

Salli and Michael Youtt

Piper and Matt Zaleski

Charlotte and Antonio Zuniga


Ann and Bert Adkins in honor of Helen Davies ’16

Ann and Charlie Alexander in honor of Rebecca Alexander ’14 and Meg Alexander ’20

Carol Ann and William Anderson in honor of Ellie Beaver ’20

Judy Andrews in honor of Sarah Andrews ’18; Catherine Andrews ’20; and David Andrews ’22

Kay Bird in honor of Kathryn Taylor ’19

Marsha and Jim Braniff in honor of James Braniff ’17; Brooke Braniff ’19; and Christopher Rives ’21

Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger in honor of Tate Martin ’19

Theodora and Louis DeNino in honor of Sophia Pamphilis ’20

Marilyn and Bob Dorries in honor of Emma Walker ’20 and Camille Walker ’22

Sukey Fenoglio in honor of Ruby Kelley ’18 and Ned Kelley ’22

H Fort Flowers in honor of Grace Flowers ’19 and Gloria Flowers ’20

Patti and James Fox in honor of Cameron Fox ’10; Blake Fox ’12; Justin Fox ’18; and Tanner Fox ’21

Cynthia and Bill Gayden in honor of Grace Keenan ’17 and Will Keenan ’19

Nancy and Carl Gerjes in honor of Gwen Diaz ’21

Sue and Hart Green in honor of Mary Holden ’15 and Sam Holden ’19

Fred Herring in honor of Paul Smith ’22

Joanne Hook in honor of Chase Hook ’95

Dot Isacks in honor of Will Turlington ’21 and Reid Turlington ’22

Elizabeth and John Johnson in honor of Abbey Flame ’19

Lucy and Lin Lamme in honor of Duncan Lamme ’19

Marilyn Ligon in honor of Holcombe Crosswell ’14; and Ligon Crosswell ’15; Clayton Crosswell ’18; and Chapman Crosswell ’20

Ellyn and Greg MacConnell in honor of Olivia Henshaw ’22

Rosalyn and Barry Margolis in honor of Alex Frankfort ’22 and Olivia Frankfort ’22

Ann and Bill McCulloch in honor of Katie McCulloch ’17 and Mary Helen McCulloch ’21

Beth McGreevy in honor of Elizabeth Anne Charbonnet ’19; Molly McGreevy ’19; and Jack McGreevy ’21

Claudia and Ken Moursund in honor of William Moursund ’22

Kathy and Derek Munger in honor of Kate Freeman ’22

Pam and David Ott in honor of Lola Herndon ’21

Fairfax and Risher Randall in honor of Sam Randall ’22

Flo Ray in honor of James Henry Ray ’19 and Mary Carol Ray ’21

Isla and Tommy Reckling in honor of Kelsey R. Reckling ’09; Bryant B. Reckling ’10; Randa R. McConn ’12; Hunter C. Reckling ’14; Harriett E. Goodman ’14; and John B. Goodman ’16

Peggy and Mike Rutledge in honor of Preston Witt ’19; Tanner Witt ’20; and Skyler Witt ’22

Fran and Wayne Shull in honor of Jacob Dixon ’21 and Carter Dixon ’22

Jenilee and Douglass Simmons in honor of Clara Curtin ’20

Karen and James Taussig in honor of Edward Taussig ’12; William Taussig ’14; and James Taussig ’21

Ann Trammel in honor of Charlotte Baird ’18 and Berkeley Baird ’20

Sharon and Michael Turner in honor of Thomas Razim ’20

Lynda Underwood in honor of Austin Underwood ’22

Elizabeth and Peter Wareing in honor of Elizabeth Wheless ’22

Ethel and Richard Wayne in honor of Sophia Wayne ’18 and Natalie Wayne ’20

Fay Whitehead in honor of Ford Johnson ’21



Founded in the 2012 2013 school year, the Pillars Society has provided the inspirational support for an outpouring of generosity that continues to thrive. With the introduction of two new donor levels this year, the Bishops Council and Fournace Circle, we would like to recognize the initial members of the Pillars Society for their lasting impact on Episcopal High School.


*Recognizes founding Pillar Society families who are current Pillars Society 18-19 members.

Gina and Rory Aaronson

Bonnie and George Allen

Linda and Les Allison

Alisa and Jim Andras

Michele and Sandy Aron

Reagan and Jim Bailey

Meredith and Mark Barineau

Shelley and Newt Barineau*

Lisa Mann and Brad Bingham

Alice and David C. Bintliff Foundation/ Beverly and Dan Arnold

Marcie and David Bristol

Lisa Broussard

Stephanie and Will Brown

Carol and Rihl Buckley

Beth and Craig Bunk*

Ellen and Kelley Burch

Dana and Walter Burke

Wendy and Cade Burks

Shannon Holloway and Rick Cantu

Karen and Bill Case*

Trina and Craig Chandler*

Jence and Craig Childers*

Vaughan and Les Clark

Lisa Colgin

Melissa and Key Collie

Kelly and Joe Coselli

Lacy Crain and Joe Galloway

Sylvie and Gary Crum

Dorothy and Ronny Cuenod

Rose and Harry Cullen

Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger

Sarah and Thad Dameris*

Barbara and Bert Davey

Janet Dietrich

Brandye and Barry Drager

Kelly and Anthony Duenner

Karey and Phillip Dye

Tracy and Michael Eklund

Stacy and Michael Ellington

Lisa and Chet Erwin

Gina and Richard Fish

Elizabeth and Roger Fulghum

Paula and Sven Fyhr

Elizabeth and Will Galtney*

Laura and Andy Gilchrist*

Suzan and Julius Glickman

Raka and Jay Gohel


Traci and Todd Graham

Susan and Jeff Gray

Kari and Todd Greenwalt

Christi Hagemann

Jill and Brett Haugh*

Andrew Hawthorn ’91*

Laura and Denman Heard

Lisa and Michael Heim

Stacey and Jeff Henningsen

Graeme and Randall Hicks

Mindy and Jeff Hildebrand*

Dave Jacobs

Allison and Jack Jensen

Mary and Hank Jones

Michele and Dick Kearns

Gayle and Tom Kennedy

Jodie and Duane King

Karen King

Larry King

Robin and Danny Klaes

Margaret Symonds and Michael Larkin

Jane Carter and George Letsou

Terrie and Mike Lewis

Katie and Dave Lintner

Carole and Jim Looke

Cindy and Andrew Lubetkin

Emily and Mike Madison*

Marcy and Jeff Margolis

Jane and Rick McCord

Martha and Richard McDugald

Pilar and Jeff McNear

Melanie and Mace Meeks*

Joanne and Curtis Mewbourne

Mary Ann and Mark Miller

Chris and Mike Mizell

Melanie and Matthew Morgan

Debbie and Boyd Naegeli

Michelle and Robert Neal

Eloise (Fay) ’94 and Andrew Novotny

Lisa and Mike O’Leary

Karyn and Scott Ovelmen

Charlene and Scott Owens

Trish Freeman and Bruce Patterson

Jane and Harry Pefanis

Carrie and Al Pepi

Maureen and Paul Phillips

Sonja Kristiansen and Andy Pollard

Isla and Tommy Reckling

Suzanne and Jay Rippeto*

Sissy and Grady Roberts

Kyttie and Bentley Sanford

Lisa and Jamie Saxton

Rachel and Eric Schaeffer

Ginger and Paul Schwarz

Yava and Milton Scott

Pam and Bill Sengelmann

Alesia Shealey

Gerald Shealey

Krista and Todd Sinex

Kristin and Ned Smith*

Staci and Paul Sorensen

Bettina and Peter Staartjes

Michelle and Duncan Stewart*

Deb and Sheldon Stoughton

Peggy and Mike Strode

Nancy and Andy Talkington

Jacqueline Sharbrough and Bruce Taten

Carol and Gregg Thompson*

Thomas Twiford

Lynda Underwood*

Kim and Jeff Van Gundy

Bridget (Butler) ’87 and Patrick Wade

Kristin and Chris Wallis

Jennifer and Ronald Watt

Suzette and Stephen Way

Barbara and Temple Webber

Brenda and Bob Wempe

Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94

Michelle and Lacy Williams

Nora and Chuck Zabriskie



EHS Announces Director of Community and Inclusion

In May, Head of School Ned Smith announced that history teacher, junior grade level dean, and head boys varsity boys basketball coach Wayne Jones joins the senior leadership as the Director of Community and Inclusion. A lifelong educator, Jones offers a breadth of experience in schools and diverse communities, having taught and coached at The Kinkaid School, Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, and for the past eight years at Episcopal High School.

What excites you about your new role as the first Director of Community and Inclusion at Episcopal High School?

EHS is a strong and diverse community that I am proud to be a part of. I look forward to getting to better know the faculty, students, parents, and alumni. We will celebrate the community and identify the challenges. I am excited to be an innovator in this effort.

How did this effort get started?

The effort started with a group of faculty who began a conversation on inclusion a few years ago. Participating in that effort, I heard about the National SEED Project. SEED is a peer-led professional program that creates conversational communities to drive change toward greater equity and diversity. An immersive and intense 10 days of workshops, the experience transformed me. I was able to examine my hidden biases and learn how to handle difficult conversations through thoughtful self-examination, story-telling, and outwardly looking at the world. When I returned to EHS, I facilitated our first SEED group conversations among faculty.

Is EHS ready for the hard conversations?

The students are ready. They live in the information age, and they are compassionate. I feel that our faculty and staff are willing to work for the betterment of all EHS students. I am excited to start conversations with our alumni and parents.

EHS has always been a very diverse community—a great attribute. The School was founded on the principles of celebrating students with a variety of gifts and abilities. EHS shows healthy diversity in faculty in terms of male and female members and ethnicity. The School offers an incredible financial aid program to keep educational opportunities available to a wide swath of students in the Houston area.

What are your goals for the first year, and what will be some of the initiatives?

My top three responsibilities will be to establish relationships, honor the things we have done well, and then advocate for all, laying a foundation of openness. A few of our goals for the first year include starting a faculty book club that touches on inclusiveness. Our first book is Blind Spots: Hidden Biases of Good People. We will continue our Black History Month program, but also celebrate Hispanic Heritage and Women’s Month. We hope to take a strong group to the NAIS People of Color Conference in Seattle this year. Finally, we are going to move the annual Culture Fest to the spring semester and amp it up.

What do you want to see five years down the road?

Five years down the road, I want to be the guy who has helped change the narrative and conversations at EHS. I’d like everyone to feel comfortable to speak up, speak out, and respect others’ opinions throughout all our constituencies.

What can we learn from fellow independent schools with successful programs in community and inclusion?

As a coach, I have always looked at other schools and observed how they create strong teams and win championships. In the community and inclusion arena, there are schools in Washington, D.C., such as St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes, who have fantastic programs. In Texas, I think St. Stephen’s in Austin and Greenhill in Dallas have set the bar high. All these veteran program directors have been helpful to me in answering questions and sharing resources or ideas that succeeded at their schools. Unlike coaching a basketball team, a community and inclusion program is not about winning—this is about understanding. It’s an ongoing process. I want to take people from different backgrounds and perspectives together and create a school that is purposeful and authentic in the ways that we respect all individuals on campus.


expansion to 800 students. This fall, the school completed the new Underwood Student Center, which features a new cafeteria with seating for 500 as well as two innovation labs. This spring, the school completed renovations of the theatre, with seating for more than 940, and three backstage dressing rooms; student musical and dance performances returned to campus. The next phase planned for EHS’s transformation is a state-ofthe-art visual and performing arts complex near the convent and baseball fields. EHS has always been committed to the Four Pillars, and the new developments on campus – together with the many other facilities developed over the past decade – reflect a continuation of the School’s commitment to provide excellent academic, spiritual, artistic, and athletic programs to help each student fulfill his or her potential.

This year has also seen many exciting alumni events, many of which were hosted in the wonderful Alumni Center of the Hildebrand Athletic Center. The Alumni Center has been, and will continue to be, the home base for a number of our alumni gatherings such as the annual Homecoming Watch Party, Alumni Leadership Day, the Holiday Alumni & Faculty Luncheon, and our annual Alumni Weekend Party. The facility also serves as a commitment by EHS to its ever-growing alumni community.

Thank you to all the alumni who gave their time and efforts to EHS this year and special thanks to those who joined the Silver Dollar Society and helped make our #AlwaysEHS giving day a success. The ongoing financial support from our alumni continues to impact the annual budget and helps to provide crucial dollars to support the EHS mission, its faculty, and its students.

My last request as president of the Directors Council is to ask the alumni to please stay connected with your EHS family! I encourage each of you to find one event in 2019-2020 to attend on campus. Whether you want to bring your family to Homecoming, meet with other professionals at Alumni Leadership Day, see a great teacher at the Holiday Luncheon, or spend time at a reunion with your fellow alumni, there is a great event on campus that you will enjoy. If you live away and are not coming to Houston, consider reconnecting with old classmates and teachers or simply log on to You will be impressed by the developments at EHS and proud that it is still strongly rooted in the Four Pillars!

Again, thank you to all our alumni who contributed their time, talent, and treasure this past year. EHS would not be the amazing place it is without your support. I hope to see you around campus soon!

Go Knights!

PS: Please also check out the website for all the dates for this year’s alumni events!


Alumni Association 2018‑2019 Directors Council

President: Richard Howell ’01

Vice President: Jay Cohen ’01

Secretary: Riley Mundinger Landry ’07


Hadley Walker Black ’06


Heather (Skidmore) and Christopher Howard

Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson

Delia and Eric Johnson

Marlo (Cobb) and Alex Saucedo


Bonnie and Judson Crowder

Paul Davis

Sarah and Earl Dyke

Stephanie and Julian Fertitta

Jennifer (McReynolds) and Todd Frazier

Lindsay (Cohn) and Rand Holstead

Beth and Scott McGarry

Denise (Wight) and Keeley Megarity

Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray

Dawn and Greg Robins

Kimberly and Jason Schlanger

Tara (Terneny) and Pete Speer

Danna and Alex White


Misty and Jay Bennett

Rula and Rajeev Garside

Allison and Grant Hall

Heather and Beau Herrold

Wandy and Angus Hughes

Tracy and Howard Knight

Julie (James) and Rob McGarr

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy

Katheryn (Shaffer) and Hugh Ray ’88

Melanie (French) Rothwell

Sarah and Duncan Underwood

Directors Council:

Alex White ’88

Margaret Hurn Wolfenberger ’98

Preston Hall ’00

Christian Zaleski ’00

John Athon ’01

Jay Cohen ’01

Richard Howell ’01

Anne Louise Conway Blanchard ’03

Will Goodwin ’03

Ashley Parker Pope ’03

Sonny Reil ’03

Bryan Athon ’04

Brian Friday ’04

Mary Plumb Senkel ’04

Joseph Sharman ’05


Joanie (Dunlap) and Jude Filippone

Michele and Brent Friedman

Ellie (Strobel) and Brady Fulton

Pauline (Jones) and John Goodgame

Hollis and Randall Grace

Kelley and Gordon Roberts

Josh Roman

Carl Scherrieb

Katherine (Osborne) and Paul Valdez

Brian Witt


Jennifer Black and John Black

Andrew Hawthorn

Dana and Kenneth Katz

Elisa (Stude) and Cris Pye


Katie Barnes

Hillary (Brooks) and Tony Houle

Haley Ray and Tyler Moore

Elizabeth (Luhn) and John Selzer

Vicky and Gordon Wight


Mary Ellen (Wright) and William Bos

Catherine (Butler) and Jay Hawthorn ’94

Carrie Krasner

Kay (Schultz) and Mark Mehrens

Jennifer and Mark Stringer ’93

Hadley Walker Black ’06

Riley Mundinger Landry ’07

Jimmy Bailey ’08

Will Bertron ’08

Taylor Kopycinski ’08

Elizabeth Adkins ’09

Hilary Mundinger Holmes ’09

Sarah Sue Harris Zizinia ’09

Carroll Cartwright ’10

Kimberly Foster ’10

Jailyn Marcel ’10

Andrew Tharp ’10

Annie Duckworth ’11

Naseeb Nuseibeh ’11

Dale Potts ’11

Ashley Brown ’12


Laurence (Phillips) and Henry Bragg

Catherine (Allibone) ’95 and Temple Brown

Elizabeth (Carrell) and Gardner Dudley

Virginia and Morrow Evans

Catherine (Brooks) and Dean Giuffre

Marla and Jimmy Grace

Catherine (Butler) ’93 and Jay Hawthorn

Kerrie and David Lodowski

Victoria Matthews

Jennifer (Collins) and George McCormick

Julie and Bart Moore

Robby Nelson

Eloise (Fay) and Andrew Novotny

Allison (McKissack) and Jeff Rasp

Liz (Selig) Stephens

Kristin (Jacobs) ’00 and David Thomas

Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless


Catherine (Allibone) and Temple Brown ’94

Laura (Canion) and Brett Chiles

Elizabeth and Andrew Coveler

Vanessa (Lanceley) and Matthew Hauser

Chase Hooks

Syan Rhodes-Pitts

Holly (Barrett) ’96 and Hunter Stewart ’95


Caroline (King) and Peter Billipp

Sheri (Pavlicek) and Jeff Cass

Kaylan and John Dunn

Kelly (Clark) and Rob Dunn

Roxy and Cullen Evans

Susan (Barnes) and Adam Girling

Kendolyn (Cooper) Pope

Mindy and Connor Riseden

Holly (Barrett) and Hunter Stewart ’95


Kathryn and Mark Howell

Joanna (Slusser) and Craft Hughes

Kristi and Corey Johnson

Victoria (Nau) ’97 and Parker Johnson

Kaitlyn (Becker) and Jarred King

Mandy (Malone) ’98 and Brad Loper

Allison (Blanton) and Spencer Stasney


Lucy and Fowler Carter

Joe Cooper

Jillian and Chris Day

Megan Holstien and Will Holstien

Mandy (Malone) and Brad Loper ’97

Rachael (Burns) and Toby Miclette

Chelsea (Smith) and Nathan Pifer

Kelly (Brookshire) Pyle

Mary Catherine Sharman

Stephen Thompson

Margaret (Hurn) and Tommy Wolfenberger



Huston Able

Lindsey (Webster) and Hooman Amiralai

Ashley (Crum) and Jeff Begert

Christina (Pickett) and Bart Blackwell

Sarah and Alan Bradshaw

Natalie (Pennington) ’99 and Antonio Castellanos

Joanie (McLeod) and John Kirksey

Georgia (Ellis) and Michael Piazza

Cambrey and Matthew Rogers

Reed (Phillips) and Billy Wareing


Friend of EHS

Catherine (Crisp) and Jonathan Bohot

Emily (Kingswell-Smith) and Mike Day

Erin and Preston Hall

Kristin (Jacobs) and David Thomas ’94

Anabel (Fay) and Steven Thompson


Margot and John Athon

Julie (Antill) and Ryan Bergeron

Sam Bowen

Megan and Jay Cohen

Sarah and B.W. Crain

Julie and Richard Howell

Katherine (Thompson) and David Keller

Meghan (Sickler) and Matt Moake

Jacque Passino

Taryn (Hunt) and Preston Proler

Andrew Rice

Lindsey and Thurston Webb

Jennifer (Lynn) and Ben White


Emma (Simmons) and Michael Anselmi

Christine and Bart Blackwell

Jenny Childers

Taylor Landry

Kaitlin (McLaughlin) ’06 and Kevin Necas

Courtney (Reeves) and Greg Schilling


Ralph Abendshein

Caroline (Dudley) and Andrew Bean ’04

Anne Louise (Conway) and Brett Blanchard

Christina and Will Goodwin

Kendall (Buckalew) and Trey McCord

Justin Patchen

Winnie (Simmons) and Nic Phillips


Lauren and Bryan Athon

Caroline (Dudley) ’03 and Andrew Bean

Lauren and Carlton Ellis

Kendall and Brian Friday

Leanne (Reeves) and West Gotcher

Tommy Holstien

Colton Kelley

Amanda (Hobson) and Ryan Savoie

Mary (Plumb) and Nick Senkel

Katherine (Skinner) Stalcup


Rogers Crain

Elizabeth (Matthews) and Colin Dickson

Katy (Pyburn) and Kevin Dunlap

Megan and Daniel Kilbride

Caroline (Conway) and Stephen Lipscomb

Allison (McConnell) ’06 and Price Monroe

Whitney and Joe Sharman

Elise (Johnson) and Evans Swann

Michael Weekley

Madison Woodward

Catherine Wright


Hadley (Walker) and John Black

Stephanie (Karkabi) Derentz

Becky Helms

Allison (McConnell) and Price Monroe ’05

Jenny (Kean) and David Morrison

Kaitlin (McLaughlin) ’06 and Kevin Necas


Sam Boyar

Haley Clarkson

Kate (McCarroll) and John DeWitt

Cody Kelley

Riley (Mundinger ) and Beau Landry

Geoffrey Marolda

Sarah Matthews

Kristina Michael

Katie (Wooldridge) Moorman

Jennifer (Wegmann) and Joe Savery

Heather (Scruggs) and Matt Waters


Estefani (Andrades) Aquino

Kathryn (Reeves) and Jimmy Bailey

Lucy (Grierson) and Nathan Bertsch

Maria (Tapia) and John Paul Cavanaugh

Lizz Dye

Kellie (Nolen) and Harrison Hastings

Mary Catherine (Jackson) and Ryan Holliday

Dakota Klaes

Taylor Kopycinski

Grayson (Watkins) and Taylor Moffatt


Elizabeth Adkins

Amanda and Ben Estus

Samantha (Speakmon) and Cody Evans

Hilary (Mundinger) and Greg Holmes

John Wooldridge

Sarah Sue (Harris) and Nick Zizinia


Caroline Best

Katherine (Egner) and Trevor Brown ’11

Carroll Cartwright

Justin Colvin

Emily Dobrowski

Rebecca and John Drexel

Kimberly Foster

Charlsie Neutzler


Katherine (Egner) ’10 and Trevor Brown

Annie Duckworth

Ali (Valach) and Thomas Greenhalgh

Blakely Hamblen

Naseeb Nuseibeh

Dale Potts


Stewart Cartwright

Scotty Finnegan

Libby Gerstner

James Henriksen

Haley Manley

Randa McConn

Jack Pellegrin

CLASS OF 2013 Adair Cook

Carson James

Lloyd Julian

Elizabeth Langenstein

Carson Miller

Homa Shalchi

Chris Tilton

Mitchell Webber

Raleigh Wooldridge


Rebecca Alexander

Anna Bailey

Kelly McGee

Falyn Page

Avery Peters

Maggie Rippeto

Ryan Rollins

John Henry Styles


Jeremy Colvin

Beanna Okeugo

Shelby Zimmermann


Adeline Braverman

Lizzie Cadena

Brenton Chandler

Reagan Reitmeier


Ethan Dabney

Laird George

Jordan Pytosh

Caroline Rippeto

Harrison Williams

Abbie Wrather


John Cadena

Cynde Harrell-Malveaux

Morgan McKee

Isabelle Ross


Harrison Holmes

Mia Holstead

James Henry Ray



Leverage your professional network to get introduced to the people you should know



Introduce, employ, and offer to act as a mentor to other alums and graduating students


Find and reminisce with fellow graduates, see what they have been up to, and stay in touch

Advance your career through inside connections working in top companies J O I N T O D A Y ! E H S H o u s t o n C o n n e c t . c o m
EHSHoustonConnect allows you to reconnect with classmates and enables you to utilize the trusted Episcopal environment to expand your professional network EHSHoustonConnect was created for Alumni and Alumni Parents to offer a space for Knights worldwide to interact one-to-one or through a group. It will serve as a resource for opportunities, events, and professional development.


Cynthia and John Adkins

Merrie and Laif Afseth

Janet and Jere Ahrens

Harriet and Christian Alexander

Henrietta Alexander

Susan and Ken Alexander

Holly and John Anderson

Joanie and David Andrews

Chris and Merrell Athon

Christine and Mohammed Attar

Sandy and Jack Baber

Laura and Matthew Baird

Malcolm Baker

Shelley and Newt Barineau

Barbara and Dean Barnes

Julie and Frank Bayouth

Bubba Beasley

Marian and Gary Beauchamp

Karen and Ned Becker

Mary Kim and Ted Bereswill

Allison and Scott Birdwell

Susan and Jim Boone

Nancy and John Bradford

Abbey and David Branch

Nancy and Arthur Brand

Marsha and Jim Braniff III

Shannon and Jim Braniff IV

Nora and Richard Brooks

Beth and Craig Bunk

Maria and Neil Bush

Beth and Ed Cadena

Barbara and Todd Carpenter

Randi and Johnny Carrabba

Julie Carrillo

January and Scott Carter

Lisa Hauser-Carter and Patrick Carter

Karen and Bill Case

Denise Baynes-Cassel and Craig Cassel

Chris and Bill Caudill

Trina and Craig Chandler

Melinda and Jay Chernosky

Jence and Craig Childers

Susie and Ott Chin

Donna and Ed Clark

Tanya and Jon Clarkson

Dee Dee and John Colello

Lynette and Mark Cone

Anita and Brandon Cook

Almeria Cottingham

Kelty and Rogers Crain

Julia and Clay Crawford

Heather and Brady Crosswell

Sylvie and Gary Crum

Sarah and Junior Cruz

Susan Sparkman and Steven Culbert in memory of Brendan Culbert ’98

Debra and Jim Cutler

Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger

Sarah and Thad Dameris

Alice Davidson

Antha Adkins and Frank Davies

Mariana and Bob Debes

Martha and Andrew DeBusk

Sangeeta Cheema and Karam Dhillon

Joanne and David Dickson

Julie and Michael Donaldson

Laura and Mike Donnelly

JoAnne and Andy Doyle

Jennifer and James Drew

Debi and Bart Duckworth

Karey and Phillip Dye

Pepper and Ashley Edens

Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards

Nancy Lauf Eisenberg

Stacy and Michael Ellington

Nancy and Arthur Epley

Ann and Tom Estus

Betsy and Doug Evans

Pat Farra

Catharine and Grant Faulconer

Sidney and AB Fay

Susan and Bill Finnegan

Cheryl Fleming

Lucinda and Brad Fleming

Dominique Sachse and Nick Florescu

Karen and Pat Foster

Linda and Mike Fox

Kim and Dan Franklin

Elizabeth and Will Galtney

Isabel Moros and Guillermo Garcia-Manero

Laura and Andy Gilchrist

Nancy and Mel Gross

Jeff Green

Vinceanne Mandola-Green

Nancy and Melvin Gross

Toshla and Todd Guthrie

Nancy Harper

Cheronda Harrell

Jill and Brett Haugh

Alice and Randy Helms

Rennae Henry

Heather and Beau Herrold ’89

Mindy and Jeff Hildebrand

Beth and Sam Holden

Terry Holmes

Lisa and Michael Holthouse

Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt

Jessica and Darren Inoff

Katina and Gil Jackson

Leslie and Jack Jackson

Mary and James Jennings

Kriki and David Jesulaitis

Karyn and Wayne Jones

Leah and Michael Jones

Judy and Barry Kaufman

Katherine and Sean Keenan

Debbie and Steve Kelley

Melinda Marye-Kelley and Bill Kelley

Sarah and Mark Kelly

Betty and Jim Key

B.J. and Marc Kilbride

Leigh and Jack Kins

Beth Fowler and Richard Kirsten

Milete and Marc Klinkerman

Angela and Steve Koch

Susan and Marvin Krasner

Alecia and Lawrence Lawyer

Gisette and David Leathers

Joy and Jeff Lee

Barbra Foorman and Justin Leiber

Kathryn and Steve Leisz

Judy and Les Little

Mary and Bill Livesay

Megan and John Lovoi

Emily and Mike Madison

Asha and Harendra Mahendra

Kim and Scott Martin

Peggy and Dave Matthews

Ann and George McDaniel

Donna and Mike McGinnis

Beth McGreevy

Kathryn McKnight

Pilar and Jeff McNear

Patty and Ferguson McNiel

Melanie and Mace Meeks

Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity

Pat and Ken Michael

Kim and Charles Miller

Kimberly and Chris Miller

Rachel and Bryan Milton

Melissa and Matt Morris

Cynthia and Robert Nelson

Leda and Dis Netland

Raina Newsome

Stephanie and John Nguyen

Whitney and Rick Ogle

Lisa and Mike O’Leary

Jenny and Bill Oliver

Dianna Onyekwelu

Susan and Edward Osterberg

Kathleen and Kevin Panus

Cindy and Kelley Parker

Allyson and John Pellegrin

Kate and John Philbrick

Margaret and Mike Pierce

Sarah and Stephen Pitt

Eugenia and Ted Plemenos

Sara Podsednik

Scott Podsednik

Judy Johnson and Judson Polikoff

Veronica and Dean Porter

Ellen and Allen Potter

Kathleen and Townes Pressler

Eric Pulaski

Tina and Joseph Pyne

Patti and Kim Randolph

Noel and Roger Rankin

Flo Ray

Kim and Chris Reichert

Ruth and Tyler Reitmeier

Suzanne and Jay Rippeto

Leslie Rogers

Julie and Mike Rollins

Suzanne and Brian Rose

Jeannie and Jonathan Ross

Julie and Chris Russ

Mary Jane and Bo Sasnett

Sherri and Charles Schugart

Suzette and Gordon Schutze

Barbara and Jerry Selzer

Valerie Sherrill

Jian and Kenneth Short

Kari Findley and Ken Sill

Ellen Simmons

Krista and Todd Sinex

Mindy and Jeff Singleton

Lori and Joseph Small

Leigh and Reggie Smith

Madeline and Brian Spector

Judy and Bret Stanley

Michelle and Duncan Stewart

Michelle and Charles Still

Mary Anne and Chip Stockard

Gail and Bill Taber

Celia and Brett Tatum

Shelly and Bob Thomas

Carol and Gregg Thompson

Kathy and Marty Thompson

Mary Thompson

Patty and Mike Tilton

David Treat

Jane and Keith Trotman

Lynda Underwood

Kim and Jeff Van Gundy

Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen

Robyn Vermeil

Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis

Katie and Robert Walmsley

Sherri and Garrett Walsh

Elizabeth and Peter Wareing

Amanda and Gene Watts

Robin and Donald Wayne

Janna and David Webber

Fay Whitehead

Randa and Charlie Williams

Delby and BJ Willingham

Cissy and David Winn

Ann and John Wooldridge

Janet and David Wrather

Connie and Tommy Wright

Salli and Michael Youtt

Cathy and Thomas Zabel





Our second annual giving day captured every corner of the campus and even included fresh from the oven cookies! We are incredibly grateful to all in our community who took time to make a gift to EHS. In case you missed our giving day, you can still watch the videos to see some of your favorite EHS faculty, coaches and staff. Go Knights!


Watch giving day videos here:

Elizabeth Adkins ’09

Kathryn and Leigh Adkins

Rebecca Alexander ’14

Wesley Alexander ’20

Bess Alford

Estefani (Andrades) Aquino ’08

Gauri and Mohit Arora

Chris and Merrell Athon

Margot and John Athon ’01

Lauren and Bryan Athon ’04

Anna Bailey ’14

Kathryn (Reeves) ’08 and Jimmy Bailey ’08

Barbara and Dean Barnes in honor of Katie Barnes ’92 and Susan Barnes Girling ’96

Katie Barnes ’92

Emily Barron

Ashley (Crum) ’99 and Jeff Begert

Erika and Matt Benz

Kim and Ted Bereswill in honor of The EHS 2009 Girls Track Team, SPC Champions

Julie (Antil) ’01 and Ryan Bergeron

Lucy (Grierson) ’08 and Nathan Bertsch

Carolyn and Phil Betti

Caroline (King) ’96 and Peter Billipp

Ava Black, Future Knight

Hadley (Walker) ’06 and Johnny Black

Jennifer Black in honor of Sophia Black ’22; Coach Leigh Anne Raymond; and Dean John Colello

Pam and Pat Black in honor of The EHS Advancement Team

Sophia Black ’22 in honor of Amira Kamal - Best teacher ever!

Christina (Pickett) ’99 and Bart Blackwell

Anne Louise (Conway) ’03 and Brett Blanchard

Catherine (Crisp) ’00 and Jonathan Bohot

Mary Ellen (Wright) ’93 and William Bos

Patricia and Hal Bourlon

Sam Bowen ’01

Nancy and John Bradford

Adeline Braverman ’16

Monica and David Brink in honor of Johnathan Brink ’22

Karen and Michael Brisch

Catherine (Allibone) ’94 and Temple Brown ’95

Beth and Craig Bunk in honor of Foley Bunk ’16; Carter Bunk ’19; and in memory of Blake Bunk ’90

Lizzie Cadena ’16

John Cadena ’18

Carroll Cartwright ’10

Stewart Cartwright ’12

Sheri (Pavlicek) ’96 and Jeff Cass

Denise Baynes-Cassel and Craig Cassel in honor of Corrinne Cassel ’16 and Carl Cassel ’19

Natalie (Pennington) ’99 and Antonio Castellanos

Maria (Tapia) ’08 and John Paul Cavanaugh

Brenton Chandler ’16

Trina and Craig Chandler in honor of Brenton Chandler ’16 and Ashley Chandler ’19

Terry “Quinn” Charlton ’22

Jenny Childers ’02

Jence and Craig Childers in honor of The EHS Founders

Laura (Canion) ’95 and Brett Chiles in honor of The Class of 1995

Shauna and James Choi

Laura and Martin Citardi

Donna and Ed Clark in honor of Kelly (Clark) Dunn ’96

Haley Clarkson ’07 in honor of the dedicated faculty and staff of EHS

Megan and Jay Cohen ’01

Jill and Chris Cokinos in honor of Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Julia Collins in honor of Trey Hernandez ’21


Justin Colvin ’10

Adair Cook ’13

Gwendolyn Cooper

Joe Cooper ’98

Holle and Arthur Corenblith

Julisha and Wilbert Cormier

Debra and Jim Cutler in honor of Coach Bellis

Lolita and Denvip Davis

Jillian and Chris Day ’98

Susana and Antonio De Pinho

Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge in honor of Jason DeGeorge ’20

Stephanie (Karkabi) Derentz ’06

Kate (McCarroll) ’07 and John DeWitt

Lynn and Ronald Deyo in honor of Cooper Deyo ’21

Elizabeth (Matthews) ’05 and Colin Dickson in honor of My Big Brother

Emily Dobrowski ’10

Katy (Pyburn) ’05 and Kevin Dunlap ’05

Kaylan and John Dunn ’96

Kelly (Clark) ’96 and Rob Dunn

Lizz Dye ’08 in honor of Eric Lerch

Shelly Edmonds

Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards in honor of Beau Edwards ’22

Stacy and Michael Ellington

Lauren and Carlton Ellis ’04

Linda and David Elmer

Virginia and Morrow Evans ’94

Sidney and AB Fay

Mark Shirey and John Flanagan

Claire and Caldwell Fletcher

Kimberly Foster ’10 in honor of Karen Foster

Andria Frankfort

Anne and John Freeman in honor of Kate Freeman ’22

Kate Freeman ’22

Michele and Brent Friedman ’90 in honor of Dean John Colello

Laird George ’17

Rosy Diaz and Brad Gerjes in honor of Gwendalyn Diaz ’21

Libby Gerstner ’12

Susan (Barnes) ’96 and Adam Girling in honor of Barbara and Dean Barnes

Catherine (Brooks) ’94 and Dean Giuffre

Mariely and Mauro Gomez

Christina and Will Goodwin ’03

Leanne (Reeves) ’04 and West Gotcher

Julie and Rob Goytia in honor of Isabella Goytia ’22

Kim and Michael Grant

Ali (Valach) ’11 and Thomas Greenhalgh

Marte and Geoff Griffith in honor of William Griffith ’19

Allie Guerino ’22

Caroline Guerino ’20

Erin and Preston Hall ’00

Blakely Hamblen ’11 in honor of Ashley Long

and Bess Alford

Peggy Haney in honor of my amazing team at EHS

Connie and Joshua Harris

Kellie (Nolen) ’08 and Harrison Hastings

Terri and John Havens in honor of Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Mallette Havens ’21 in honor of Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Andrew Hawthorn ’91

Catherine (Butler) ’93 and Jay Hawthorn ’94

Becky Helms ’06

James Henriksen ’12

Candice and Andrew Hicks

Kerry Hofmeister

Mary Catherine (Jackson) ’08 and Ryan Holliday

Caroline Holmes ’22

Hilary (Mundinger) ’09 and Greg Holmes ’09 in honor of the Class of 2009

Harrison Holmes ’19

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead in honor of the Class of 1988

Mia Holstead ’19 in honor of John Flanagan; Wayne Jones; and Jenny Cantrell

Randall Holstead ’21 in honor of Meghan Moake; Jenny Cantrell; and Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Tommy Holstien ’04 in memory of Drew Webb ’04

Megan Holstien and Will Holstien ’98

Melissa and Andy Hopwood

Heather (Skidmore) ’87 and Christopher Howard

Julie and Richard Howell ’01

Joanna (Slusser) ’97 and Craft Hughes

Carson James ’13

Sue and Mac Jensen in honor of Sadie Jensen ’19

Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson ’87

Kristi and Corey Johnson ’97

Ford C. Johnson ’21

Victoria (Nau) ’97 and Parker Johnson

Tonja and Chris Jones

Ingrid and John Keating in honor of Natalie Keating ’22

Katherine (Thompson) ’01 and David Keller

Colton Kelley ’04

Debbie and Steve Kelley in honor of Colton Kelley ’04 and Cody Kelley ’07

Cammie and Mark Kennedy in honor of Cara Kennedy ’20

Kaitlyn (Becker) ’97 and Jarred King ’97 in honor of Karen and Ned Becker

Joanie (McLeod) ’99 and John Kirksey

Dakota Klaes ’08 in honor of the League of Young Philosophers and the Class of 2008

Teri and Charles Koerth

Taylor Kopycinski ’08

Carrie Krasner ’93


Alison Krieg ’20

Margaret Anne Krieg ’22

Riley (Mundinger ) ’07 and Beau Landry in honor of the Class of 2007

Kathryn and Steve Leisz

Felicia and Benjamin Lewin in honor of Zachary Lewin ’22

Susan Lewis

Sophia Liollio ’20

Kerrie and David Lodowski ’94 in memory of Elizabeth Lodowski ’99

Ashley Long in honor of Future Knight Elizabeth Long 2035

Mandy (Malone) ’98 and Brad Loper ’97

Lea Aden and Michael Lueck

Carmen and Butch Mach in honor of Isabella Mach ’22

Blair and Clay Manley

Haley Manley ’12

Joanne and Ross Margraves in honor of Megan Margraves ’21

Hannah Martin ’21

Sophie Martin ’22

Geoff Marolda ’07

Bob Matthews in honor of Margaret Young; Bess Alford; Ashley Long; and Peggy Haney

Sarah Matthews ’07 in honor of the Arts Pillar

Victoria Matthews ’94 in honor of Nancy Eisenberg

Amanda and Murrah Mayberry

Val McAvey

Kendall (Buckalew) ’03 and Trey McCord

Jennifer (Collins) ’94 and George McCormick

Julie (James) ’89 and Rob McGarr

Donna and Mike McGinnis

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 in honor of Molly McGreevy ’19 and Jack McGreevy ’21

Morgan McKee ’18 in honor of the EHS Teachers and Administration

Pilar and Jeff McNear in honor of Kristina Burgess

Lindsey McNear ’21 in honor of Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Kay (Schultz) ’93 and Mark Mehrens

Nicole and Chris Merriam in honor of Christophe Merriam ’21

Beth and Scott Meshberger in honor of Zoe Meshberger ’22

Cara and Chad Michael

Kristina Michael ’07 in honor of Pat Michael

Pat and Ken Michael in honor of Kristina Michael ’07

Rachael (Burns) ’98 and Toby Miclette in honor of the Class of 1998

Annelise Miller ’21 in honor of Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Melissa and Michael Mithoff in honor of Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Ioana and Ovidiu Moise in honor of Anna Moise ’20

Allison (McConnell) ’06 and Price Monroe ’05

Jennifer and Joel Moore in honor of Tatum Moore ’22

Tatum Moore ’22

Katie (Wooldridge) Moorman ’07

Jenny (Kean) ’06 and David Morrison

Leda and Dis Netland in honor of Victor Netland ’18

Charlsie Neutzler ’10

Sheila and John Neylon in honor of Sophia Neylon ’21

Carol and Tim Nielsen in honor of Joseph Nielsen ’20

Eloise (Fay) ’94 and Andrew Novotny

Ruth and Lance Odom

Cindy and Mark O’Donnell

Lisa and Josh Oren in honor of Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Bo and Dean Pamphilis in honor of Sophia Pamphilis ’20

Kathleen and Kevin Panus

Jacque Passino ’01

Justin Patchen ’03

Kimberley Pavalock

Debbie Pedrick in honor of Elyse Pedrick ’19

Chelsea (Smith) ’98 and Nathan Pifer

Kendolyn (Cooper) Pope ’96

Ashley and Alfred Pratka

Taryn (Hunt) ’01 and Preston Proler ’01

Kelly (Brookshire) Pyle ’98

Allison (McKissack) ’94 and Jeff Rasp in honor of Dean John Colello

Flo Ray

James Henry Ray ’19

Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 in honor of James Henry Ray ’19 and Mary Carol Ray ’21; the Class of 1988; and the Class of 1989

Mary Carol Ray ’21

Leigh Anne and John Raymond in honor of Alice Davidson

Reagan Reitmeier ’16

Tricia White-Rhemtulla and Farzan Rhemtulla

Syan Rhodes-Pitts ’95

Andrew Rice ’01

Caroline Rippeto ’17

Maggie Rippeto ’14

Suzanne and Jay Rippeto

Kelley and Gordon Roberts ’90

Dawn and Greg Robins ’88 in honor of Stephen Kinney

Alison and Darryl Robinson

Ryan Rollins ’14

Josh Roman ’90

Melanie (French) Rothwell ’89 in honor of the Class of 1989

Erin Russe

Anna Salas


Marlo (Cobb) ’87 and Alex Saucedo

Carl Scherrieb ’90

Courtney (Reeves) ’02 and Greg Schilling

Kimberly and Jason Schlanger ’88

Tammy and Dan Schoen

Heather Schoen ’21

Tammy and Dan Schoen

Cindy and Jason Schulze

Zach Schwarz

Elizabeth (Luhn) ’92 and John Selzer in memory of Betty Luhn and Lana Hadlock

Mary (Plumb) ’04 and Nick Senkel in honor of the Class of 2004

Homa Shalchi ’13

Whitney and Joe Sharman ’05

Jian and Mike Short in honor of Christopher Short ’18

Bizet and Gabe Siegel in honor of the cookie video

Jackie and Glenn Simmons

Lori and Joseph Small

Emily and Patrick Smith

Tina Smith

Brooke and Travis Smith

J.J. and Gerry Spedale in honor of Coach Leigh Anne Raymond

Ayesha Spooner and Fabian Farmer in honor of Future Knight

Amaya Spooner 2030

Princess Mary Starr in honor John Flanagan and Alice Davidson

Katherine (Skinner) Stalcup ’04

Allison (Blanton) ’97 and Spencer Stasney

Liz (Selig) Stephens ’94 in honor of

Alice Davidson

Anna and Michael Stewart

Holly (Barrett) ’96 and Hunter Stewart ’95

Jennifer and Mark Stringer ’93

John Henry Styles ’14

Elise (Johnson) ’05 and Evans Swann ’05

Kathy and Craig Taylor

Anna and Joe Teagarden

Brad Telford and Mark Deaton

Dolly and Jeff Thomas

Kristin (Jacobs) ’00 and David Thomas ’94 in honor of the Class of 1994 and the Class of 2000

Anabel (Fay) Thompson ’00 in honor of Steven Thompson ’00

Katherine Thompson ’20 in honor of Kristina Burgess

Mary Thompson in honor of Dean John Colello, The Heart of EHS

Steven Thompson ’00 in honor of Anabel (Fay) Thompson ’00

Jennifer and John Thornton

Rachel and Ryan Trainer

Gina Ulbricht

Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis in honor of Eric Avera and Nguyet Pham

Susan and George Walker

Sherri and Garrett Walsh in honor of Lyndon Walsh ’21

Reed (Phillips) ’99 and Billy Wareing ’99

Amanda and Gene Watts

Florence and Neal Waxham in honor of Celene Waxman ’19

Lindsey and Thurston Webb ’01


Janna and David Webber in honor of Quinn Charlton ’22

Mitchell Webber ’13 in honor of the Class of 2013

Emma Claire White ’21

Mark Wells White ’22

Stacey and Andrew White in honor of Emma Claire White ’21 and Wells White ’22

Harrison Williams ’17

Cissy and David Winn in honor of Andrew Winn ’15

Ann and John Wooldridge

John Wooldridge ’09

Raleigh Wooldridge ’13

Ju and Earnest Wotring

Abbie Wrather ’17

Janet and David Wrather

Connie and Tommy Wright in honor of Catherine Wright ’05

Emily Young, Future Knight Class of 2023

Helen Young ’21 in honor of Margaret, Mike, Emily and James Young

Mike Young in honor of Margaret Young

Shelby Zimmermann ’15

Charlotte and Antonio Zuniga in honor of Alex Zuniga ’22


The Silver Dollar Society

Named in honor of EHS founder, alumni parent, and alumni grandparent John Austin, this leadership giving society focuses on alumni 5-20 years out of high school. Since 1989, Mr. Austin has gifted every graduating senior with a silver dollar to remember their time at EHS and to symbolize their first gift back to the School.

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our Silver Dollar donors; we are sincerely grateful for your support!


Friend of EHS

Ralph Abendshein ’03

Elizabeth Adkins ’09

Kathryn (Reeves) ’08 and Jimmy Bailey ’08

Caroline (Dudley) ’03 and Andrew Bean ’04

Misty and Jay Bennett ’89

Hadley (Walker) ’06 and Johnny Black

John Black ’91

Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg

Katherine (Egner) ’10 and Trevor Brown ’11

Lucy and Fowler Carter ’98

Jenny Childers ’02

Danny Clark ’00

Megan and Jay Cohen ’01

Justin Colvin ’10

Sarah and B.W. Crain ’01

Ethan Dabney ’17

Paul Davis ’88

Emily Dobrowski ’10

Annie Duckworth ’11

Lauren and Carlton Ellis ’04

Samantha (Speakmon) ’09 and Cody Evans

Virginia and Morrow Evans ’94

Scotty Finnegan ’12

Kimberly Foster ’10

Marla and Jimmy Grace ’94

Ali (Valach) ’11 and Thomas Greenhalgh

Vanessa (Lanceley) ’95 and Matthew Hauser

Andrew Hawthorn ’91

James Henriksen ’12

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead

Julie and Richard Howell ’01

Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson ’87

Delia and Eric Johnson ’87

Lloyd Julian ’13

Taylor Kopycinski ’08

Taylor Landry ’02

Elizabeth Langenstein ’13

Haley Manley ’12

Geoffrey Marolda ’07

Randa McConn ’12

Kendall (Buckalew) ’03 and Trey McCord

Beth and Scott McGarry ’88

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89

Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity

Grayson (Watkins) ’08 and Taylor Moffatt ’08

Julie and Bart Moore ’94

Hallie (Ray) ’92 and Tyler Moore

Charlsie Neutzler ’10

Falyn Page ’14

Jack Pellegrin ’12

Dale Potts ’11

Elisa (Stude) ’91 and Chris Pye

Jordan Pytosh ’17

Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88

Cambrey and Matthew Rogers ’99

Kristin (Jacobs) ’00 and David Thomas ’94

Stephen Thompson ’98

Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89

Reed (Phillips) ’99 and Billy Wareing ’99

Heather (Scruggs) ’07 and Matt Waters

Michael Weekley ’05

Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless

Jenny (Lynn) ’01 and Ben White

Harrison Williams ’17

Margaret (Hurn) ’98 and Tommy Wolfenberger

Catherine Wright ’05

Henry Zaleski ’90



Faculty, staff, and trustees expressed their belief in EHS’s mission with 100 percent participation in this year’s Annual Fund. Katheryn Shaffer Ray ’89, alumna, alumni parent, current teacher and parent, chaired the faculty drive that resulted in overwhelming support for Episcopal High School.


Jessica Adams

ReBecca Alcala-Dominguez

Jenny Aldstadt

Darlene Alexander

Bess Alford

Jason Alsup

Salvador Argueta

Maria Arias

Courtney Arnold

Deborah Arnold

Garmon Ashby

Eric Avera

Alex Ayris

Emily Barron

Olga Benavidez

Jay Berckley

Alice Berry

Dan Binder

Kalee Blackburn

Cyndi Boren

Susana Borges-Pasini

Robin Bowman

Alan Bradshaw ’99

George Brock

Alex Bruton

Robert Buckelew

Kristina Burgess

Evelyn Cambria

Jenny Cantrell

Mark Carter

Evan Chastain

John Colello

Isaiah Coleman

Scott Cunningham

Alice Davidson

James Davis

Michael Diaz

Mike Donnelly

John Drexel ’10

Alan Duncan

Shelly Edmonds

Nancy Lauf Eisenberg

Deandre Espree-Conaway

Charles Estes+

John Flanagan

Claire Fletcher

Miguel Flores

Karen Foster

Beth Fowler

Matt Fox

David Framel

Neil Fullarton

Meredith Gallagher

John Gillet

Stephanie Gloor

Jena Gobea

Mauro Gomez

Donna Gongora

Rey Gongora

Jason Grove

Toshla Guthrie

Peggy Haney

Nancy Hastings

Baron Heinemann

Justin Hickey

Rose Ho

Mike Hodgson

Kerry Hofmeister

Beth Holden

Krista Holter

Hillary (Brooks) Houle ’92

Patricia Houser

Michael Hunt

Peter Hutcheson

Krystal Irven

Wayne Jones

Amira Kamal

Biz Kechejian

Debbie Kelley

Sheila Kelly

Kary Kemble

Marc Klinkerman

Johnny Kwok

Melinda Lee

Steve Leisz

Eric Lerch

Courtney Lindloff

Kate Lindon

Ashley Long

Mandy (Malone) Loper ’98

Monica Lopez

Rachel Lopez

Laurie Mann

Ray Marshall

Bob Matthews


Val McAvey

Jackie McCray

Greg Melius

Julius Michael

Pat Michael

Pejman Milani

Mark Mitchell

Meghan (Sickler) Moake ’01

Johnny Motley

Gvahn Nelson

Ruben Orellana

Robin Owens

Joanna Papakonstantinou

Kimberley Pavalock

Amalia Pflaumer

Nguyet Pham

Kate Philbrick

Casey Quedenfeld

Mark Raggett

Kim Randolph

Danielle Ranneft

Katheryn (Shaffer) Ray ’89

Leigh Anne Raymond

Paul Revaz

Claudia Rodriguez

Kayla Rogers

Karen Rogers-Broussard

Julie Rollins

Chris Russ

Erin Russe

Beverly Rutledge

Anna Saikin

Ashley Saunders

Zach Schwarz

Jeff Singleton

Ned Smith

Travis Smith

Ayesha Spooner

Rasa Starkey

Japheth Storlie

Nikki Sublet

Jennifer Succi

Jenn Sui

Brad Telford

Connie Thomas

David Trauba

Emma Tsai

Gina Ulbricht

Henry Valadez

Tena Ward

Billy Warren

Silvia Warren

Carol Wasden

Amanda Watts

Katherine Weigand

Chris Weinstein

Emily White

Sharon Willcutts-Havel

Joyce Wilson

Tom Wright

Murat Yildirim

Margaret Young

2018‑ 2019 Board of Trustees


The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle

Executive Chair

Randa Duncan Williams

Board of Trustees

Frances Alexander

Henrietta K. Alexander

Matthew K. Baird

Shelley Torian Barineau

J. Craig Chandler

W. Craig Childers

Greg Curran

Rod Cutsinger

William A. Edens Sr.

J. Todd Frazier ’88

The Rev. James M. L. Grace ’94

Terri Havens

Elizabeth K. Howley

Jenna Junell

Alecia Lawyer

Clay Manley

George O. McDaniel III

Laurie N. Morian

Dis Netland

Townes G. Pressler Jr.

Joe Pyne

A. Haag Sherman

Ned Smith

Trey Snider

Duncan K. Underwood ’89


Frances Alexander

Henrietta Alexander

Matthew K. Baird

Shelley Torian Barineau

J. Craig Chandler

W. Craig Childers

Greg Curran

Rod Cutsinger

The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle

William A. Edens Sr.

J. Todd Frazier ’88

The Rev. James M. L. Grace ’94

Terri Havens

Elizabeth K. Howley

Jenna Junnell

Alecia Lawyer

Clay Manley

George O. McDaniel III

Laurie N. Morian

Dis Netland

Townes G. Pressler Jr.

Joe Pyne

A. Haag Sherman

Ned Smith

Trey Snider

Duncan K. Underwood ’89

Randa Duncan Williams

Executive Committee

J. Craig Chandler

The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle

William F. Galtney Jr.

Melinda Budinger Hildebrand

Victor A. Kormeier Jr.

George O. McDaniel III

Dis Netland

A. Haag Sherman

Ned Smith

Lynda Knapp Underwood

Randa Duncan Williams

Thomas M. Wright

Life Trustees

John F. Austin III

Edward C. Becker

The Rt. Rev. Maurice M. Benitez †

W. Craig Childers

Lacy Crain

The Rev. Laurens A. Hall

Victor A. Kormeier Jr.

Frederick R. McCord †

Laurence B. Neuhaus

The Rt. Rev. Claude E. Payne

Joel I. Shannon

Lynda Knapp Underwood

The Rt. Rev. Don A. Wimberly

† deceased


On Friday, February 22, 2019, we headed to Churchill Downs for Episcopal High School’s 35th Annual Auction Gala “Derby Knight.” For the second year, the Auction was held in our spectacular Hildebrand Athletic Center on the EHS campus. Guests sipped mint juleps while enjoying an elegant evening at the Derby. Beautiful red roses, Thoroughbred horses, and exquisite fascinators were the tickets of the evening. “The Triple Crown” Sabrina Espinoza, Patricia Hammond, and Lyria O’Brien built their team to win! They raised an outstanding 1.1 million for the School’s operating budget.


Triple Crown Tables

The Hildebrand Foundation

Sherri and Charles Schugart

Champion Circle Tables

Lacy Crain and Joe Galloway

Elizabeth and Will Galtney

First Turn Tables

Patricia and George Joseph

The Sarofim Foundation

Joni and John Zavitsanos

Carol and John Austin/Lynda Underwood

Sabrina and Leo Espinoza/ Patricia and Pearce Hammond/ Lyria and Shawn O’Brien

Triple Crown Couples

Gina and Devinder Bhatia

Jill and Chris Cokinos

Julia Flowers

Terri and John Havens

Jenna and Harris Junell

Dawn and Chris Krieg

Margaret and Joel Shannon

Millette and Haag Sherman

Randa and Charlie Williams

Deb and Richard Zembek

Champion Circle Couples

Henrietta Alexander

Michele and Thomas Bailey

Laura and Matthew Baird

Tammy and David Barringer

Julie and Frank Bayouth

BBVA Compass

Maria and Neil Bush

Amie and Michael Canfield

Karen and Bill Case

Trina and Craig Chandler

Jence and Craig Childers

Resa and Brian Clarke

Lynette and Mark Cone

Hilda and Greg Curran

Robin and Lance Deutsch

Lynn and Ronnie Deyo

Pepper and Ashley Edens

Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards

Michelle and Greg Elliott

Linda and David Elmer

Julie and Robin Goytia

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead

Elizabeth and Tom Howley

Teri and Charles Koerth

Lucy and Vic Kormeier

Liz and Tim Lane

Judy and Les Little

Nancy and Erik Littlejohn

Martha and Bruce Lurie

Carmen and Butch Mach

Blair and Clay Manley

Shelley and Mike Melody

Kimberly and Chris Miller

Melissa and Michael Mithoff

Leda and Dis Netland

Lisa and Josh Oren

Liz and Paul Palmer

Marlo and David Pond

Lisa Santos and Bill Pugh

Laura and Brannon Robertson

Anna and Bret Scholtes

Krista and Todd Sinex

Leigh and Reggie Smith

Lynette and Trey Snider

Melissa and Drew Standley

Michelle and Duncan Stewart

Carol and Gregg Thompson

Robin and Donald Wayne

Stacey and Andrew White

Elizabeth and Barry Young

First Turn Couples

Harriet and Chris Alexander

Cyndi and John Baily

Shelley and Newt Barineau

Jennifer Black and John Black ’91

Kim and Stewart Black

Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg

Karen and Michael Brisch

Jane and Robert Cabes

Julie and Michael Donaldson


Dawn and Andy Fertitta

Jennifer (McReynolds) ’88 and Todd Frazier ’88

Anne and John Freeman

CeCe and Emerson Hankamer

Amy and Curtis Hartman

Lorie and Steve Herod

Margaret and Thad Hill

Melissa and Andy Hopwood

Amy and Cliff Husted

Sue and Mac Jensen

Kriki and David Jesulaitis

Delia and Eric Johnson ’87

Jean and Josh Jones

Michelle and Alex Juden

Katherine and Matthew Kardesch

Heather and Wayne Kearney

Katherine and Sean Keenan

Peggy and David Matthews

Kirby and Scott McCool

Victoria and Jarrett Minton

Glenda and Danny Moore

Amber Mostyn

Cindy and Mark O’Donnell

Katheryn (Shaffer)’89 and Hugh Ray ’88

Leslie Rogers

Melissa and Mike Smith

Jeanne and Gerry Spedale

Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89

Kelli and John Weinzierl

Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless

Grandstand Couples

Merrie and Laif Afseth

Stacey and Scott Butler

Martha and John Charbonnet

Debbie and David Crow

Stacy and Matt Debnam

Joanne and David Dickson

Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein

Stephanie and Hugh Forque

Laura and Carl Giesler

Elizabeth and Rogers Herndon

Candice and Andy Hicks

Daryl and Aaron Hoover

Carol and John Howenstine

Kristi and Robert Kincannon

Allyson and Jason Kinzel

Ellecia and Edmund Knolle

Allyson and Andy Kopel

Sonia and Amit Lahoti

Gisette and David Leathers

Kelli and Brad Little ’89

Carrie and Brent Lium

Amanda and Murrah Mayberry

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89

Caren and Mac McKinnie

Cara and Chad Michael

Melissa and Matt Morris

Monica and Ken Moursund

Adrienne and Stefan Murry

Alix and Jimmy Nakfoor

Sheila and John Neylon

Michelle and David Nickerson

Ruth and Lance Odom

Leslie Margolis and Josh Paull

Elaine and Vytas Petrulis

Ashley and Alfred Pratka

Kelly and Steve Provenzano

Iryna and Mario Quintanilla

Frances and Rick Rambo

Catherine and Will Randall

Brandy and Stephen Ray

Jennifer Gatto and Wayne Risoli

Danielle and Brian Schmulen

Molly and Bubba Shaffer

Kari Findley and Ken Sill

Staci and Paul Sorensen

Eloise and James Taussig

Margaret Toups

Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen

Laura and Bob Wheless

Kristi and Rex Whiteside

Michelle and Julius Young

Margaret and Mike Young

Salli and Michael Youtt

Underwriters Cocktail Party

Millette and Haag Sherman

Auction Leadership

Auction Chairmen

Sabrina Espinoza

Patricia Hammond

Lyria O’Brien

Underwriting Chairmen

Frances Alexander

Jen Arntzen

Lynette Cone

Catharine Faulconer

Elizabeth Galtney

Dawn Krieg

Live Auction Chairmen

Karen Case

Bonny Edwards

Lindsay Cohn Holstead ’88

Kirby McCool

Jackie McGreevy

Alix Nakfoor

Millette Sherman

Eloise Taussig

Silent Auction Chairmen

Caroline Finkelstein

Michelle Juden

Caren McKinnie

Elaine Petrulis

Auction Coordinator

Debbie Kelley

Advancement Assistant

Mandy Malone Loper ’98



The ‘401 Table and Tap

A Friend of EHS

A.D. Players

Abejas Boutique


Academy Sports and Outdoors

Adair Concepts - Katie Barnhart and Nick Adair ’05

Kathryn and Leigh Adkins

Advantage Testing of Houston

Merrie and Laif Afseth

Merrie and Laif Afseth

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Frances and Ben Alexander

Harriet and Chris Alexander

Henrietta Alexander

Alexander’s Fine Portrait Design

Alexandra Knight, Inc.

Alley Theatre

Almaza Jewelers

Al’s Formal Wear

Elizabeth and Sergio Amelio


Devon Anderson

Annette Boatwright Photography

Annunciation Orthodox School



Stephanie and Phil Arnett

Art of Cellaring

Ashley Goforth Design

Scott Ashworth

At-Home Tutoring Services

Carol and John Austin

Avenu Fitness

Avera Companies

The Axelrad Clinic

B & B Butchers & Restaurants

Back Row Home

Backstreet Cafe, Caracol, Hugo’s and Xochi

Michele and Thomas Bailey

Cyndi and John Baily

Laura and Matthew Baird

Minnie and Will Baird

Dr. Bonnie Baldwin

Balthazar Cellars

The Barfield Collection

Meredith Knox Barineau

Shelley and Newt Barineau

Tammy and David Barringer

Simmi Jaggi Basra

Julie and Frank Bayouth

BBVA Compass

Beatty Music Works

Beautique Day Spa and SalonRice Village

Becks Prime

Alice and Trey Bell

Benjy’s in the Village

Holly Benson

Katrina Benson ’11

Bergner & Johnson Design


Carolyn and Phil Betti

Gina and Devinder Bhatia

Dan Binder

Linda and Richard Bischoff

Jennifer Black and John Black ’91

Kim and Stewart Black

John Blalock’s Family

Boardroom Salon for Men

Bob Arriaga Coaching

Body Works and Fitness Studio

Kathy and Sean Bolks

Bollo Woodfired Pizza

Gail and Brooke Borden

Michelle Bouchard

Auction Committee Chairmen

Kathryn Adkins

Tammy Barringer

Julie Bayouth

Amy Butler

Stacey Butler

Michele Carlin

Lynette Cone

Kameron Craft

Susana De Pinho

Michele Deutsch

Robin Deutsch

Jo Dickson

Linda Elmer

Catharine Faulconer

Laura Giesler

Liz Herndon

Heather Herrold

Daryl Hoover

Leslie Jackson

Jean Jones

Katherine Kardesch

Kristi Kincannon

Ellecia Knolle

Allyson Kopel

Gisette Leathers

Blair Manley

Pilar McNear

Cara Michael

Kimberly Miller

Kim Miller

Katy Murray

Michelle Nickerson

Whitney Ogle

Kathleen Panus

Veronica Porter

Leah Ragiel

Lisa Reed

Mindy Rippstein

Brooke Rives

Boutros Orthodontics

Robin Bowman

Boxer Property and Boxer Resorts

Boxwood Interiors

Nancy and John Bradford

Braeburn Country Club

Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg

The Brain Domain

Branch Basics

Shannon and James Braniff

Lea Ann Bratcher

Brennan’s of Houston

Karen and Michael Brisch

The Brivic Family

Jill and John Brlansky

Ginger Brown

Michael Brown

Alexandra Venzke Brummett ’04

Laura and Alan Buckner

The Buffalo Grille

BullsEye Storage

Maria and Neil Bush

Stacey and Scott Butler

Amy and Thomas Butler

Jane and Robert Cabes

Dr. Dana Caledonia, D.D.S.

Lisa Caledonia

Evelyn and Mark Cambria

Cammarata Pediatric Dentistry Group

Amie and Michael Canfield

Carl Moore Antiques

Jack T. Carr

Nancy and Edgar Carter

Casa Ole’

Karen and Bill Case

Linda Casey

Jane Cavanaugh

Maria Cavanaugh ’08

CBG Interiors

Central Market Houston

Leslie Rogers

Patricia Rorschach

Molly Shaffer

Lori Small

Leigh Smith

Judy Stanley

Michelle Stewart

Carol Thompson

Adrienne Vanderbloemen

Sherri Walsh

Kiki Wilson

Deb Zembek


Cha Nails & Spa

Trina and Craig Chandler

Chaparral Needlework

Martha and John Charbonnet

Chas. P. Young Co. (CPY Printing)

Cheeky Vintage

Chick-fil-A Holcombe

Jence and Craig Childers

Choice Tutoring

Chris Bailey Photography

Keith Christman

Carla Christoph

Chrysalis Spa


Cindy Witmer Designs/CWD

Studio & Home

CIRCA Lighting

Laura and Martin Citardi

City Kitchen Catering

Resa and Brian Clarke

Jacqueline and Logan Clarke

Chad Clay

Club Pilates Tanglewood

Jill and Chris Cokinos

Chris Collins, CSCS

Comfort Keepers

The Conative Group

Lynette and Mark Cone

Allyson and Coy Connelly ’87

Cotton Club Collection

Kameron Craft

Catherine and Edward Crain

Lacy Crain and Joe Galloway

Creative Flooring

Crosswell Organizing

Debbie and David Crow

Debbie Crow - Martha Turner

Sarah and Jose Cruz

Hilda and Greg Curran

Custom Creations

Custom Cupcake Lawn Signs

Cynthia Ann on West Alabama

Jane and Stephen Dabney

Dan’s Vitamin House

Dave and Buster’s Galleria

Davey Tree Expert Company

David Michael Salon

Robyn Davis

De Petra

Stacy and Matt Debnam

Debra Alexander Photography

DEFINE body & mind

The Del

Demeris Bar-B-Q

Deutsch Fine Jewelry

Michele Deutsch “The West U Flour Girl”

Michele and Richard Deutsch

Robin and Lance Deutsch

Lynn and Ronnie Deyo

Jo and David Dickson

Julie and Michael Donaldson

Doorstep Digital

Dos Carolinas

The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. C. Andrew Doyle

Brandye and Barry Drager

Gabriela Dror

Drunk Elephant Skincare

Duck Donuts - Houston

Due South Expeditions

The Duncan Double D Ranch

Dwell Well Inc.

Angela Ebrahimi ’99

Ecco Design

Eclectic Home

Ashley and Pepper Edens


Cecilia and Jim Edwards

Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards

EHS Alumni and Parent Volunteers

EHS Arts Pillar

EHS Boys JV Blue Basketball Team

EHS Boys JV White Basketball Team

EHS Dads Club

EHS Faculty and Staff

EHS Field Hockey

EHS Freshman Cheerleaders

EHS Freshman Class of 2022

EHS Girls Varsity Volleyball Team

EHS Junior Class of 2020

EHS JV Cheerleading Team

EHS Parent Volunteers

EHS Parents Association

EHS Senior Class of 2019

EHS Sophomore Class of 2021

EHS Spirit Club

EHS Varsity Cheerleading Team

EHS Varsity Tennis Team

Elaine Turner Designs

Michelle and Greg Elliott

Susan Ellison, D.D.S.


Linda and David Elmer

Empower Fitness Lab

The Empty Vase

Enoteca Rossa

Escalante’s Fine Tex-Mex & Tequila

Sabrina and Leo Espinoza

Anna and Patrick EspinozaFriends of EHS

Eugene’s Gulf Coast Cuisine

Event Yard Greetings

The Exercise Coach


Catharine and Grant Faulconer

Fayez Sarofim & Co. Men’s Clay Court Championship

Feliz Interiors

Elizabeth Ferrara

Dawn and Andy Fertitta

Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein


Firat Education

Fish Gallery

Beth and Dave Flame

Fleet Feet

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar

Claire and Caldwell Fletcher

Float Baby

Dominique Sachse Florescu

Julia Flowers

The Forest Club

Stephanie and Hugh Forque

Foto Relevance Gallery


Parents of William Fowler

Franco Davalos Jewelry

Frank’s Americana Revival

Jennifer (McReynolds) ’88 and Todd Frazier ’88

Anne and John Freeman

French Cuff Boutique

Front Room Hair Studio

Hollie Fulghum

Bo Rose and Neil Fullarton

Gabriela Dror, LLC

Ashley Gaido ’90

Meredith Gallagher

Elizabeth and Will Galtney

Gardens for The Urban DwellerAmy Bryant

Jeff Garrett ’01

The Geib Family

General Academic

Carolyn Gentry

Giacomo’s Cibo e Vino

Laura and Carl Giesler

Gittings Portraiture

Glamour Dogs Salon

The Glassell Junior School - Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Mauro Gomez

Goode Company Restaurants

Julie and Robin Goytia

Grand Fayette Hotel

Grand Lux Cafe

Greater Houston Orthodontics

Greenwood King

Grizzaffi Coffee Catering

Dr. Mark Hablinski, D.D.S.

Scoti Hahn

Hai Hospitality - Uchi and Uchiko

Hamilton Shirts

Patricia and Pearce Hammond

Peggy and Virgil Haney

CeCe and Emerson Hankamer

Auction Committee Members

Kay Amendola

Harriet Alexander

Michele Bailey

Emily Barrett

Simmi Basra Jaggi

Alice Bell

Erika Benz

Dawn Bloomer

Brooke Borden

Laurence Bragg

Karen Brisch

Ginger Brown

Laura Buckner

Angel Butler

Kim Callahan

Amie Canfield

Karen Case

Michelle Ciaravino

Laura Citardi

Jacqueline Clarke

Jill Cokinos

Julia Collins

Christina Coward

Debbie Crow

Stacy Debnam

Lee Anne Dixon

Rania Edlibi

Cecilia Edwards

Michelle Elliott

Kandice Fergus

Catherine and Chris Hanslik

Amy and Curtis Hartman

Jessica and Howard Haryanto

Jill and Brett Haugh

Terri and John Havens

Nellen Hawkins ’04

Eric Hays

Bowie Helm

Liz and Rogers Herndon

Lorie and Steve Herod

Candice and Andy Hicks

High Tower

Mindy and Jeff Hildebrand

The Hildebrand Foundation

Margaret and Thad Hill

Gretchen and Alan Hilyard

HITS Theatre

The Hitting Academy

Melissa and Mark Hobbs

Claudia and Hank Holmes

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead

Aaron and Daryl Hoover

Hope African Adventures LLC

Melissa and Andy Hopwood

The Hotel Contessa

Houston Arboretum & Nature Center

Houston Area Driving

Stephanie Fertitta

Lee Fortney

Andria Frankfort

Anne Freeman

Laura Fuselier

Donna Gaetti

Jennifer Gatto

Julie Goytia

Marte Griffith

Sallie Guerino

Katie Gustavson

Allison Hall

Cici Hankamer

Hanan Harkness

Terri Havens

Tricia Henry

Lorie Herod

Candice Hicks

Angie Hollaway

Carol Howenstine

Delia Johnson

Jenna Junell

Kristen Katz

Allyson Kinzel

Krista Kirton

Howard Knight

Tracy Knight

Teri Koerth

Sonia Lahoti

Liz Lane

Angie Levinthal

Carrie Lium

Martha Lurie

Leslie Margolis

Rebecca Martin

Peggy Matthews

Kristin McAlpin

Jennifer McCormick

Shelley Melody

Alisa Mengwasser

Nicole Merriam

Victoria Minton

Jennifer Moore

Sheila Neylon

Stephanie Nguyen

Jennifer Novak

Ruth Odom

Cindy O’Donnell

Lisa Oren

Keesha Organ

Stacey Owens

Natasha Pieper

Marlo Pond

Megan Pond

Ashley Pratka

Catherine Randall

Brandy Ray

Katheryn Shaffer Ray ’89

Lisa Reed

Tricia Rhemtulla

Laura Robertson

Anne Romano

Melissa Rootes

Suzanne Rose

Margie Sanders

Melinda Scheps

Anna Scholtes

Sherri Schugart

Haley Sheppard

Kim Sisk

Hilary Smith

Amy Snell

Jeanne St. Paul

Sandra Stavinoha

Jennifer Stovall

Susan Tanner

Anna Teagarden

Kathy Thompson

Jennifer Thornton

Sarah Underwood

Rose Vella

Amy Walton

Kelli Weinzierl

Laura Wheless

Stacey White

Lisa Witcher

Ju Wotring

Piper Zaleski

Deb Zembek

Kelly Zenner


Houston Astros

Houston Country Club Tennis

Houston Grand Opera

The Houston Museum of Natural Science

Houston Orthodontic Specialists

Houston Polo Club

Houston Symphony

Houston Zoo

The Houstonian Hotel, Club, & Spa

Carol and John Howenstine

Elizabeth and Tom Howley

Craig Hudson

Lauren Hudson

Amy and Cliff Husted

IW Marks

IBC Bank


Indulge Decor

Industry Brewery - John Sorensen ’12 and Kyle Tennyson ’12

Inner Loop Laundry

Innovative Images

International Derma Spa - Shirin Hashemi

Island Grill

Isle Pedi Spa

J. Landa Jewelry

Leslie and Jack Jackson

JED’s Finest LLC

The Jen Collection

Jennifer Nail & Spa

Sue and Mac Jensen

Jentry Kelley Cosmetics

Kriki and David Jesulaitis

Jill Reno Collection

John Brooks Showroom

John Daugherty Realtors

Johnny Carrabba Family of Restaurants

Delia and Eric Johnson ’87

The Joint Chiropractic - West University

Jean and Josh Jones

Patricia and George Joseph

Joyce Horn Antiques, Ltd.

Michelle and Alex Juden

Julie Rhodes Interiors

Jump Start Performance and Training

Jenna and Harris Junell

Just Her Sports

Kai Spa - Tracy Do

Dr. Mario Kapusta

Katherine and Matthew Kardesch

Katia Boutique

Katie Scott Design

Heather and Wayne Kearney and Linda T. Ledbetter

Katherine and Sean Keenan

Brayden Chiles Keenan ’07

Melinda and Bill Kelley

Debbie and Steve Kelley

Ken Kehoe Showroom

Kendra Scott Designs

Cammie and Mark Kennedy

Gayle and Tom Kennedy

Sally Kerns

Dr. Catherine Kerr

Kristi and Robert Kincannon

Lawrence King

Allyson and James Kinzel


Ellecia and Edmund Knolle

The Koch Family

Teri and Charles Koerth

Allyson nad Andy Kopel

Lucy and Vic Kormeier

Dr. Lucy Kormeier

Dawn and Chris Krieg

Kryptek Outdoor Group - Camp Bailey

Kscholastic Inc. - Karla Machado

L. Pearson Design

Sonia and Amit Lahoti

Lam Bespoke

Liz and Tim Lane

Lanson B. Jones & Co.

Kelly Larkin and Fernando Parra

Laura Weaver Interiors

Linda Lay

Gisette and David Leathers

Chien Ling and Chen Wei Lee

Amy and Neil Leibman

Leontine Linens - Jane Scott Hodges

Eric Lerch

Leslie & Co. Ladies Store

Lettrefina Linens

Felicia and Benjamin Lewin

LGW Antiques

Life Smiles by Randy Mitchmore, D.D.S.

Lighting Inc.

Lily Rain

Angie and Dean Liollio

Lisa Debes Interiors

Lisa Neblett Design

Kelli and Brad Little ’89

Judy and Les Little

Nancy and Erik Littlejohn

Carrie and Brent Lium

Lone Star Saddlebreds Riding Academy

Ashley Long

Longoria Collection

Mandy (Malone) ’98 and Brad Loper ’97

Rachel Lopez

Graham B. Luhn

Martha and Bruce Lurie

Gina and Scot Luther

M. Wiesenthal Men’s Collection

Carmen and Butch Mach

Mach Industrial Group

The Mad Potter

MAI Houston

Maison Luisant

Blair and Clay Manley

Marburger Farm Antique Show

Margaret Alvarez Pet Portraits

Leslie and Josh Paull Margolis


Marie Reine Jewelry

Mariquita Masterson

Martha Turner Sotheby’s

Rebecca and Chris Martin

Kim and Scott Martin


Peggy and David Matthews

Maureen O’Shay Photography

Senior Photographer

Max Movers Inc.

Amanda and Murrah Mayberry

Helen and James McAda

Ann McCarroll

Rebecca Kelly and Michael McConnell

Kirby and Scott McCool

The McCord Family

Jennifer (Collins) ’94 and George McCormick

McGarr Design

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89

Caren and Mac McKinnie

Pilar and Jeff McNear


Medical Center Dermatology

Melanie and Mace Meeks

Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity

Shelley and Mike Melody

Alisa and Drew Mengwasser

Mercedes Benz Houston Greenway

The Met

Cara and Chad Michael

Michael’s Cookie Jar

michelle y williams studio

Kimberly and Chris Miller

Mindy Harmon Photography

Victoria and Joseph Minton

Mister Car Wash

Melissa and Michael Mithoff

Dr. Michael L. Mizell, D.D.S.

MOD Pizza

Moderno Tacos + Tex Mex

Anna Moise ’20

Molina’s Cantina

Monkee’s of Houston

The Monogram Shop

Glenda and Danny Moore

Jennifer and Joel Moore

Janice Morales, LMT

More Than You Can Imagine

Laurie and Reed Morian

Melissa and Matt Morris

Louise and Gary Moss

Moss Landscaping

Amber Mostyn

Monica and Ken Moursund

Monica and Ken Moursund

Moxie Interiors

Munger Interiors

Katy and Sam Murray

Adrienne and Stefan Murry

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

The Music Box Theater

Music With Friends

The Muss Family

Alix and Jimmy Nakfoor

NARS River Oaks Boutique

Natural Concepts Landscape Lighting

Celine and Randall Nelson

Nestled In

Leda and Dis Netland

Lindy and Larry Neuhaus

Deborah Cooper-Newland and James Newland

Raina Newsome

Sheila and John Neylon

Stephanie and John Nguyen

Michelle and David Nickerson

Niko Niko’s

Jodi Nolen

Norton Ditto Men’s Fine Clothing

Gracie Oberti

Lyria and Shawn O’Brien

Oceanic Ventures

Ruth and Lance Odom

Cindy and Mark O’Donnell

Whitney and Rick Ogle

Julie Oliver

Orange Theory Fitness

Lisa and Josh Oren

Ese and Ken Otah

The Owen Group Design Firm

The Owl Bar

Palazzo’s Trattoria

Liz and Paul Palmer

Pampered Pet Inn

Pappas Restaurants, Inc.

Paris Texas Apparel Co.

Partners In Building

Kimberly Pavalock

PEGG Products

People Advantage

Perry Video & Photography

Persona Medical Spa

Marci and Brian Peters

Pete’s Fine Meats

Elaine and Vytas Petrulis

Piatto Ristorante


Natasha and Loren Pieper

Marlo and David Pond

Megan and Matt Pond

Stephanie and Russell Post

Potbelly Sandwich Shop

Power Big Yoga

Ashley and Alfred Pratka

Presbyterian School

The Preserve Gym

Kathleen and Townes Pressler

PricewaterhouseCoopers, L.L.P. Volunteers


Prime Systems

Kelly and Steve Provenzano

Kelly Provine ’89

Pure Body Studio

Quatrine Home

Eva Quearry

Iryna nd Mario Quintanilla

Leah and Steve Ragiel

Ragin Cajun

Frances and Rick Rambo

Catherine and Will Randall

Rare Gems of India

Brandy and Stephen Ray

Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88

Brandy and Stephen Ray

Rebecca Lankford Designs

Refresh Dermatology

Cara and Mark Reid

Relish Restaurant & Bar

Repeat Couture - Ashley Zarr

Rice Tutors

Tonya Riner

Mindy and Spencer Rippstein

Jennifer Gato and Wayne Risoli

River Oaks Baptist School

ROCO - River Oaks Chamber Orchestra

River Oaks Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram

River Oaks Donuts

River Oaks Lasik

Robert’s China, Crystal & Gifts

Laura and Brannon Robertson

Robin Jackson Photography

Leslie Rogers Rogers Travel

Anne and Joe Romano

Melissa and Jamey Rootes

Patricia and Richard Rorschach

Suzanne and Brian Rose

David Rose

Rover Oaks Pet Resort

Rowan + Birch Studio

Robert Royall

Didi and Jeff Rushing

Erin Russe


Saint Cloud

Saks Fifth Avenue

Salli Youtt Design

Don A. Sanders

Margie and Brad Sanders

Don A. Sanders

Lisa Santos and Bill Pugh

The Sarofim Foundation


Danielle and Brian Schmulen

Tammy and Dan Schoen

Anna and Bret Scholtes

Sherri and Charles Schugart

Cindy Schulze

Suzette Schutze

Scott Frasier Homes

Katie and Stanton Scott

Yava and Milton Scott

Seaglass Fine Art Photography

Mary Catherine Sears

Seasons 52

Segreto Inc.

Sessions Entertainment LLC

Auction Advisors

Melinda Abell

Tammy Barringer

Julie Bayouth

DeDe Bertron

Dionne Breen

Kathy Brooks

Grace Cartwright

Wendy Chiles

Dru Cone

Lynette Cone

Cindy Cook

Christy Echols

Bonny Edwards

Lisa Erwin

Catharine Faulconer

Heather Herrold

Dorothy Kaldis

Marcy Margolis

Kim Martin

Michelle Martin

Melanie Meeks

Cristin Miller

Kimberly Miller

Melanie Morgan

Lisa O’Leary

Anita O’Shaughnessy

Beth Reeves

Pam Sengelmann

Molly Shaffer

Leigh Smith

Tiffany Smith

Michelle Stewart

Susie Streller

Bridget Butler Wade ’87

Luncheon Hostesses

September Terri and John Havens

October Kelly Larkin and Fernando Parra

December Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen


Leigh and Reggie Smith


Shelley and Mike Melody


Molly and Bubba Shaffer

Julie and David Shannon

Margaret and Joel Shannon

Shelley Melody Interiors

Millette and Haag Sherman

Shine Envision Nails

Kari Findley and Ken Sill

Katherine and Carter Simonds

Krista and Todd Sinex


Lori and Joe Small

Melissa and Mike Smith

Kristin and Ned Smith

Leigh and Reggie Smith

Tina Smith

Amy and Ken Snell

Lynette and Trey Snider

SOHO Boutique

Sonik Vision

Staci and Paul Sorensen

Soul Cycle

Spec’s Wines, Spirits & Fine Foods

Jeanne and Gerry Spedale

Speedy Picture Framing

Spencer Stuart

Spread Oaks Lodge

Sprinkles Cupcakes

Squared Away

The St. Paul Family

Stages Repertory Theatre

Melissa and Drew Standley

Judy and Bret Stanley

Sandra and Randall Stavinoha

Liz Stephens ’94

Stepp Family Dentistry

Stetzel & Associates

Michelle and Duncan Stewart

The Stork Club

Swag Gallery

Sweetwater Pools, Inc.

Symbolic Brewing CompanyCaleb Hawkins ’01

Tapester’s Grill

Darlene and Pat Tatum

Eloise and James Taussig

Kathy and Craig Taylor

Brad Telford

Texas Citizens Bank

The Conative Group

Thomas Fallon Photography

Jemma Thomas

Carol and Gregg Thompson

Katherine and Marty Thompson

Three Dog Bakery

Tiff’s Treats

Timberline Fitness

Lee Timmins ’06

Today’s Vision Bellaire - Dr. Vu Nguyen


Total Fitwork, Inc.

Meg Toups

David Trauba - EHS Visual Arts

Tree Care, Inc. - Tim Richardson

Jane and Keith Trotman

Cecie and Kyle Turlington

Twin Oaks Cleaners

Gina Ulbricht

Lynda Underwood

Underwood Ranch

Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89

The Union Kitchen

The Upper Hand - Ashley Condrey

Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen

Vein Center Houston

Village Plumbing & Air

Vincent Ford Custom Apparel

Vineyard Vines

The Vintage Contessa

Trish Wade

Patty and Chris Wailes

Sherri and Garrett Walsh

Amy and Michael Walton

Wants & Needs Style

Carol Wasden and Troy Neeriemer

Robin and Donald Wayne

Weaver LLP

Denise and Paul Weaver

Janna and David Webber

Kelli and John Weinzierl

Lisa and Shawn Wendell

The Westin Riverwalk - San Antonio

Westwood Trust

Laura and Bob Wheless

Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless

Stacey and Andrew White

Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94

Kristi and Rex Whiteside

Sharon Willcutts - EHS Visual Arts

Randa and Charlie Williams

Kimberly and Michael Williams

Elizabeth and Marshall Williams

Randa and Charlie Williams

Susan Williford

Sally Ann and Bill Windle

Ann and John Wooldridge

Janet and David Wrather

Write for the Occasion - Molly Shaffer

Elizabeth and Barry Young

Michelle and Julius Young

Margaret and Mike Young

Patricia Gardner Young

Your Butler’s Pantry

Salli and Michael Youtt

Piper and Matthew Zaleski

Joni and John Zavitsanos

Deb and Richard Zembek


Auction Night Volunteers


Stephen Lewis

Chris Bailey Photography

Sara Austin


Kasey Dunn

Eric Efron

Karen Hoffman

Linda Ibrahim

Tiffany Mauldin

Bret Oliver

Jessica Rancher

EHS Faculty, Staff, and Friends

Jessica Adams

Jeff Adams

Bess Alford

Jason Alsup

Salvador Argueta

Courtney Arnold

Sarah Austin

Emily Barron

Jay Berckley

Monica Berckley

Alice Berry

Kalee Blackburn

Landis Blackburn

Cyndi Boren

Alan Bradshaw ’99

Robert Buckelew

Jenny Cantrell

Mark Carter

John Colello

Jeff Cotton

Scott Cunningham

James Davis

ReBecca Alcala Dominguez

Albert Dominguez

John Drexel ’10

Shelly Edmonds

John Flanagan

Claire Fletcher

Karen Foster

Neil Fullarton

Meredith Gallagher

John Gillet

Mauro Gomez

Donna Gongora

Rey Gongora

Jason Grove

Erika Grove

Peggy Haney

Baron Heinemann

Wendy Heinemann


Lead Gift $30,000

Ben and Frances Alexander

Gifts of $20,000

Sherri and Charles Schugart

Janna and David Webber

Gifts of $5,000 to $15,000

Lacy Crain and Joe Galloway

Julie and Michael Donaldson

Elizabeth and Will Galtney

Patricia and Pearce Hammond

Elizabeth and Thomas Howley

Jenna and Harris Junell

Laurie and Reed Morian

Leda and Dis Netland

Natasha and Loren Pieper

Millette and Haag Sherman

Sarah and Duncan Underwood

Mike Hodgson

Krista Holter

Hillary Houle ’92

Krystal Irven

Elizabeth Kechejian

Debbie Kelley

Steve Kelley

Colton Kelley ’04

Sheila Kelly

Kary Kemble

Johnny Kwok

Danielle Kwok

Melinda Lee

Stephen Lewis

Courtney Lindloff

Kate Lindon

Ashley Long

Brad Loper ’97

Mandy Loper ’98

Rachel Lopez

Laurie Mann

Luke Mann

Ray Marshall

Bob Matthews

Richard McAvey

Val McAvey

Pat Michael

Julius Michael

Gifts of $1,000 to $2,500

Tammy and David Barringer

Evelyn and Mark Cambria

Catherine and Edward Crain

Sabrina and Leo Espinoza

Anne and John Freeman

Julie and Rob Goytia

Peggy and Virgil Haney

Margaret and Thad Hill

Patricia and George Joseph

Michelle and Alex Juden

Heather and Wayne Kearney

Angie and Dean Liollio

Kelli and Brad Little

Carmen and Butch Mach

Caren and Mac McKinnie

Shelley and Michael Melody

Kimberly and Christopher Miller

Glenda and Danny Moore

Cindy and Mark O’Donnell

Liz and Paul Palmer

Didi and Jeff Rushing

Kristina Michael ’07

John Motley

Ruben Orellana

Robin Owens

Elijah Owens

Joanna Papakonstantinou

Kimberley Pavalock

Kate Philbrick

John Philbrick

Kim Randolph

Patti Randolph

Bo Rose

Erin Russe

Zach Schwarz

Jeff Singleton

Catie Smith

Joshua Smith

Jennifer Sui

Brad Telford

Connie Thomas

Gina Ulbricht

Henry Valdez

Billy Warren

Carol Wasden

Chris Weinstein

Emily White

Anna and Bret Scholtes

Krista and Todd Sinex

Kristin and Ned Smith

Kristi and Rex Whiteside

Susan Williford

Margaret and Mike Young

Gifts up to $500

Linda and Richard Bischoff

Nancy and John Bradford

Lynette and Mark Cone

Stacy and Matt Debnam

Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards

Scoti Hahn

Gretchen and Alan Hilyard

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead

Teri and Charles Koerth

Caren and Mac McKinnie

Kimberly Pavalock

Elaine and Vytas Petrulis

Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94


A Knight of Mystery and Masks ‑ Auction 2020: Blue Knight Masquerade

Mark your calendars for Friday February 21, 2020 as we head into a night of mystery and masks for Episcopal High School’s 36th Annual Gala Auction “Blue Knight Masquerade.” For the third year, the Auction will be held in our spectacular Hildebrand Athletic Center on the EHS campus. Guests will enjoy cocktails and an elegant evening of mystique. Envision blue gowns and mysterious masks. The goal of the Auction is simple: to raise necessary revenue for the school’s operating budget. Last spring, Auction Chairs Elizabeth and Will Galtney, Daryl and Aaron Hoover, and Carol and Gregg Thompson began building their team, getting ready for a night of classic elegance.

Auction Meeting Hosts:

September Meeting

Tiffany and Charles Masterson

October Meeting

Janna and Adam Zylman

December Meeting

Kristi and Chick Chickering

February Meeting

Laura and William Wheless

March Meeting

Hilda and Greg Curran

Underwriting Party Hosts

Kelli and John Weinzierl


The 2018-19 Parents Association continues to be one of the most hands-on organizations on campus. Under the leadership of President Leah Ragiel, the moms were on campus from the start of school until the last game/performance. They can be seen on campus volunteering for the vast number of parent committees or watching our students perform on the field, classroom, chapel, or stage. They donated their talent, time, and treasure throughout the 2018-19 School Year.

Their work started in the summer of 2018 by welcoming and onboarding the Class of 2022 and Transfer Parents, helping them navigate their first year at a new school. They began the school year with the annual Parent Volunteer Rally, ending the year with Graduation. In between those events, Episcopal moms signed up to volunteer for an array of committees designed to benefit the students, faculty, staff, and the overall Episcopal High School Community. They never said no when called upon and always gave us that wonderful EHS smile.

The Parents Association always helps out financially by supporting Family Directory, Knight Vision Glasses, Field Knight, Senior Welcome Breakfast, Auction, Grounds, Pillar Support, Faculty/ Staff Appreciation, Volunteer Appreciation, and many other school community activities.

EHS moms continue to provide the encouragement, support, and countless hours of assistance making the 2018-2019 school year such a success.



Kay Amendola

Tammy Barringer

Alice Bell

Jay Berckley

Carolyn Betti

Shannon Braniff

Amy Butler

Jane Cabes

Michele Carlin

Jill Cokinos

Sarah Dameris

Jo Dickson

Elisabeth Dyer

Linda Elmer

Sabrina Espinoza

Caroline Finkelstein

Linda Fox

Donna Gaetti

Donna Gaetti

Jennifer Gatto

Jason Grove

Heather Herrold

Candice Hicks

Rev. Beth Holden

Daryl Hoover

Amy Husted

Jessica Inoff

Katherine Kardesch

Heather Kearney

Ellecia Knolle

Angela Koch

Gisette Leathers

Angie Levinthal

Carrie Lium

Lea Aden Lueck

Blair Manley

Blair Manley

Jennifer McCormick

Cara Michael

Kimberly Miller

Monica Moursund

Katy Murray

Katy Murray

Sheila Neylon

Stephanie Nguyen

Michelle Nickerson

Cindy O’Donnell

Veronica Porter

Veronica Porter

Mark Raggett

Brandy Ray

Kim Reichert

Kim Reichert

Suzanne Rippeto

Anna Scholtes

Molly Shaffer

Lori Small

Lori Small

JJ Spedale

Judy Stanley

Michele Still

Carol Thompson

Jennifer Thornton

Cecie Turlington

Sarka Ziegler

Parents Association Officers

President Leah Ragiel

Vice President

Karen Davis

Secretary Catherine Hanslik


Debbie Pedrick


Michele Juden

Class Parent Rep

Jennifer Gatto

Dean of Parent Programs and School Legacy

John Colello



Class of 2020

Jill & Chris Cokinos

Class of 2021

Melissa & Michael Mithoff

Class of 2022

Kelli & John Weinzierl



The EHS Dads Club continued their support for the entire EHS Community under the leadership of President Craig Bunk. The Dads Club main focus is to provide opportunities for our dads to engage on the EHS campus. This initiative begins before the first day of school as we enlist the new freshman dads to help with the grilling and concessions at all home varsity football scrimmages/games. The 8th annual Sporting Clays and Washer Tournament is a free event and open to all EHS dads. This past year we had a great turnout and fun was had by all. The Dads Club Breakfasts were well supported (five held throughout the school year) with the final event, 26th Annual Dads Club Golf Tournament, where we saw another record number of golfers/volunteers. The Golf Tournament venue moved to Wildcat and it made for an easier and friendly location for our golfers. The Dads Club remains committed to our Four Pillars, students, faculty, staff, and the entire Episcopal High School Community. The organization is always “on call” and continues assist and help when needed.

The Dads Club underwrites student/faculty/staff activities and appreciation, Class of 2022 t-shirt, “Got Blue” spirit shirts, Field Knight, SOS - Race for the Cure, Pink Ribbon Knight, Spirit Club, Opening Night dinners for all theater and dance productions, Faculty/Staff Christmas gifts, Family Directory, College Counseling college rep hospitality, EHS Gong Squad, Challenger events, Student events, and providing underwriting support when there is a need on campus. They end the year with the Leaving Tree Luncheon, celebrating the graduating class.

This past year, the Dads Club funded the following items – Football Sled, Titan GPS Sensor Vests, Cross Country/Track Tent, and Swimming Starting Blocks. The Dads Club Board approved almost $60,000 in funding during the 2018-19 school year. The 2018-19 Dads Club participated in the Lead the Way Campaign with a $250,000 pledge to construct and name the new Dean John Colello Football Press Box. To date the Dads Club has given almost $2,000,000 to the EHS Community.


Rory Aaronson

Carl Bartuch

Jim Braniff

Craig Chandler

John Colello

Brady Crosswell

Ronald Deyo

Dads Club Leadership

President - Craig Bunk

Vice President Chris Cokinos

Secretary Scott Podsednik

Treasurer Jay Rippeto

Senior Representative

Craig Bunk

Craig Chandler

Brett Haugh

Scott Podsednik

Rex Whiteside

Junior Representative

Chad Clay

Chris Cokinos

Brady Crosswell

Ashley Edens

Thomas Hunt

Sophomore Representative

Michael Brown

Ronnie Deyo

Mike Fox

Jay Rippeto

Mike Young

Ashley Edens

Jim Edwards

Hugh Forque

Greg Eidman

Jeff Henningsen

Josh Jones

George Joseph

Connelly McGreevy

Jeff McNear

Scott Podsednik

Darryl Robinson

Todd Sinex

Kevin Sisk

Lacy Williams

Freshman Representative

Joe Bob Edwards

Emerson Hankamer

Charles Masterson

Mark Witcher

Tom Zenner



Ronnie Deyo

Michael Grant

Special Underwriters

Faust Distributing Company/ Don Faust

Danny Clark ’00/ Collectors Firearms

Tournament Sponsors

Staci and Paul Sorensen

Master Sponsors

Frances and Ben Alexander

Chad Clay

Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt

Tour Sponsors

Craig Bunk/IBC

Heather and Brady Crosswell

Lynn and Ron Deyo

Catherine and Chris Hanslik

Rich Klucznik

Lance Odom/ Avera Companies

Lynette and Trey Snider

Glenn Woo/ Mission Construction

Team Sponsors

Robert Cabes/Carl Geisler

Trina and Craig Chandler

Jill and Chris Cokinos

Jack Daniel

Jo and David Dickson

Catherarine and Grant Faulconer

Linda and Mike Fox

Greg Geib

Michael Grant/Deloitte

Curtis Hartmman/ Stephen Herod/ Dan Moore/ John Weinzierl

Stacey and Jeff Henningsen

Sean Keenan

Gisette and David Leathers

Jean and Josh Jones

Charles Koerth

Tiffany and Charles Masterson

Nicole and Chris Merriman/ The Merriman Group

Chris Miller

Mark O’Donnell/Savills Sudley

Scott Podsednik

Melissa and Jamey Rootes

Jay Rippeto/Juniper

Investment Group

Sherri and Charles Schugart

Jenee and Nick Stefanakis

Craig Taylor

Matt Ueckert/Pointer

Real Estate

Jennifer and Ronald Watt

Piper and Matt Zaleski

Cart Sponsors

Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge

Brett Haugh

Ken Snell

Thomas Zenner

Hole Sponsors

Econocuts/Meriam Group

Emerson Hankamer

Laura and Matt Baird

The Forque Family

Chris Krieg

Gerry Spedale

Duncan Underwood

Players and Donors

Rory Aaronson

Nick Adair ’05

David Allie

Matthew Baird

Jackie and Mike Bebczuk

Phil Bechter

Stuart Black

Temple Brown ’94

Rob Bryant

Mark Carnes

Martha Carnes

Scott Carter

Austin Crossley ’93

Matt Debnam

Lee Ditta

Mike Donaldson

Justin Dzik ’05

Bonnie and Joe Bob Edwards

Matt Edwards

Greg Eidman

Morrow Evans ’94

Bruce Fehr

Jay Faulkner

Hugh Forque

Chad Gerke

Stephen Ghutzman

John Granato

Jeff Grandberry

Grant Hall ’89

Allison Hammer

Don Hauser

Denman Heard

Reese Henningsen

Thad Hill

Tuler Huff

Chad Huffman

Royce Huffman Jr.

Royce Huffman Sr.

Larry Hutchins

Dale Janosky

David Jesulaitis

Eric Johnson

Wayne Jones

George Joseph

Kris Keegan

Kyle Keegan

Mark Kennedy

Steve Kennedy

Robert Kincannon

Andrew Kopel

Harold Lambright

Liz and Tim Lane

Eric Lerch

Mike Lewis

Kevin Lilly

Tim Liodice

Don Marshall

Ray Marshall

Travis Masterson

Amanda and Murrah Mayberry

Michael McConn

Greg Melius

Frank Meyer ’05

Meghan Moake ’01

Jonathan Mock ’89

Price Monroe ’05

John Neylor

John Nguyen

Chip Oudin

Zach Parker ’93

Fernando Parra

Steve Provenzano

Alice Randall

Farzan Rhemtulla

Alan Ross

Brad Sanders

Brian Sauer

David Saunders

Jonathan Seiler

Sam Seligman

Matthew Seligman

Peter Smith

Rick Snell ’88

Richard Snell

Clifford Song

Jim Staffford

Drew Standley

Mike Stell

Steve Streller

Steve Taylor

Joe Teagarden

Gregg Thompson

Bill Toomey ’89

Daivd Trauba

Greg Tuckwood

Greg Turley

Kyle Turlington

Duncan Underwood

Frank Vandiver

Michael Walton

Stuart Wallace ’89

Rex Whiteside

Mike Wilson

Mark Witcher

Julius Young



Episcopal High School continues to be committed to endowment growth. The EHS Endowment Board provides careful oversight for these important resources. Assets are sagely invested through a diversified asset portfolio. The Board met quarterly with a focus on the long-term sustainability of the Mission of Episcopal High School. In addition, as part of ongoing due diligence, the Endowment’s by-laws were revised this year.

As of June 30, 2019, the EHS Endowment Fund balance was $38.1 million. In addition, the Endowment Fund has future pledges valued at $4.7 million to make the total assets of the Endowment worth $42.8 million. The Endowment contributed $966,000 to the School’s annual operating budget of $26,966,000. We are pleased that the Endowment could still make a significant contribution to the daily operating needs of the school. By the end of our fiscal year, the Endowment received $874,425 in gifts and pledge payments.

Ongoing Endowment growth continues to be a strategic goal for the School. A primary vehicle for this growth will be an increased focus on securing planned gifts, using philanthropic strategies such as bequest beneficiaries, and more. Episcopal High School’s Endowment Fund welcomes contributions and pledges of any amount. The Endowment is a perfect way to preserve a donor’s charitable intent for generations to come. Peggy Haney, Director of Advancement,, would be happy to discuss endowment giving opportunities in more detail.

Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund


Victor A. Kormeier Jr.

Vice President

Bill Caudill


Laurence B. Neuhaus

Merrell Athon

Thomas L. Carter Jr.

W. Craig Childers

Michael Ellington

William F. Galtney Jr

Melinda Budinger Hildebrand

Jeffrey J. McParland

A. Haag Sherman

Ned Smith

Lynda Knapp Underwood

Randa Duncan Williams

Thomas M. Wright



Laird George ’17

The Hildebrand Foundation

Sarah and Jeff McParland

Hilda Pyun and Mark Pytosh

Nancy Yang in honor of Jessica Wang ’21

Underwood Scholarship Fund

Maurie and Philip Cannon “The Outlaws” in honor of Lynda for her birthday

Anne Symonds in honor of Lynda K. Underwood for her birthday

Lynda Underwood in honor of,

Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Arnold Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Ned C. Becker

Mr. & Mrs. O. H. Crosswell

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cullen

Mr. Michael P. Cullinan

Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Denison Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Pat T. Dyer

Ms. Sukey Fenoglio

Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Gaedcke

Mrs. Ollabelle Hall

Mr. & Mrs. George Masterson

Mr. Jack Mayfield

Mr. & Mrs. Ned Smith

Mrs. Ann Trammell

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Trotman

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Waters

Mrs. Fay Whitehead and Family

Andrew H. H. Kaufman Scholarship

Judy and Barry Kaufman

Judith O’Donnell and John Parker

Lauren ’02 and Tracy ’06

Glesby Scholarship

Lila Rauch in honor Lauren Glesby

Mahan’s Birthday

Lila Rauch in honor Nancy Glesby’s Birthday

Rochelle and Alan Jacobson in memory of Wayne Sorenson

Margarett and Herman Brown Learning Resource Center Bricks

Jennifer and Scott Frasier in honor of Isabel Cathryn Frasier ’19

Tiffany and Charles Masterson in honor of Chloe Masterson ’19

Jihan and Sherif Nagueh in honor of Eric S. F. Nagueh ’18

John Flanagan Scholarship Fund

John Flanagan



Restricted gifts are donations that are designated for a specific purpose, such as a particular event, program, or item for the School. EHS solicits unrestricted gifts through the annual giving program and welcomes restricted gifts, such as the generous donations recognized below.


EHS Dads Club

EHS Parents Association

Financial Aid

The Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation

Benita and Wilton Benjamin

CFP Foundation

Beverly and Oliver Pennington

The Marc F. Adler Prize for Excellence in Teaching

The Adler Foundation

Marc Adler


Erika and Matt Benz in honor of Alexandra Benz ’22

Laura and Alan Buckner in honor of Wesley Buckner ’21

Amy and Tom Butler in memory of Dr. William T. Butler

Amie and Michael Canfield in honor of Jackie Canfield ’21

Pieper Family in memory of Lowell and Grace Pieper

Linda and Mike Fox in honor of Cameron ’10; Blake ’12; Justin ’18; and Tanner Fox ’21

Peggy, Virgil, and Alexander Haney ’19 in honor of Courtney Lindloff

Elizabeth and Thomas Howley in honor of Gus Kormeier ’92

Jean and Josh Jones in honor of Elliott Jones ’19 for her graduation and Louise Jones ’20

Kristi and Robert Kincannon in honor of Cooper Kincannon ’21

Alix and James Nakfoor in honor of Wayne Jones, Kim Randolph and Jessica Adams

Lori and Joe Small in honor of Gabrielle Small ’19

Tina Smith and Justin Smith ’20 in honor

Krista Holter


Arts Angels

Laura and Matt Baird

Julie and Mike Donaldson

Jodi and Troy Donley for Photography

EHS Dads Club

EHS Parents Association

Linda and David Elmer

EOG Resources, Inc.

Julia Flowers for Ceramics

Friends and Family of Impact

Norma and Steve Godowns for a Knabe Grand Piano

Peggy, Virgil, and Alexander Haney ’19, in honor of Pejman Milani

Melissa and Andrew Hopwood

Tracy and Charles Johnson for the Jazz Band

Heather and Wayne Kearney

Rachel and Bryan Milton for ETV


Kelly and David Ranucci for Drawing

Angela Cleveland and Lee Solsbery for ETV

Producer Level

Joanie and David Andrews

Laura and Matthew Baird

Abigail and David Branch

Jill and Christopher Cokinos

Linda and David Elmer

Catharine and Grant Faulconer

Catherine and Christopher Hanslik

Kristin and James McAlpin


Peggy and Virgil Haney

Lydia Diaz

Julie and Michael Donaldson

Amy and Jordan Pincu


Wayne and Heather Kearney

Stacy and James Debnam

Jean and Josh Jones

The McAlpin Family

Lori and Joseph Small


Lisa Colgin

Robin and Lance Deutsch in honor of Alex Deutsch ’19

EHS Dads Club

EHS Parents Association

The Kenneth Otah Family for Track


Altar Guild Members

Episcopal Diocese of Texas

EHS Dads Club

EHS Parents Association

Sylvia Matthews

Jane and John Smith A Pulpit Hanging in memory of Howard Smith

Chapel Chairs – Given to the Glory of God

Bonnie and George Allen in honor of the Allen Family

Cynthia Birdwell in honor of Emeline Birdwell ’19

Claudia and Hank Holmes in honor of Harrison Holmes ’19

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88, Rand and Randall Holstead in honor of Mia Holstead ’19

Jessica and Darren Inoff in honor of Harris Inoff ’19

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy in honor of Molly McGreevy’19

The Nakfoor Family in honor of Will Nakfoor ’19

The David Ranucci Family in memory of Peter Ranucci and Skip Skinner

Alison and Darryl Robinson in honor of Lynsey Robinson ’19

Schwarze Family in honor of Claire Schwarze ’19

Krista and Todd Sinex in honor of Story Sinex ’19

Lori and Joseph Small in honor of Gabrielle Small ’19

Kathy and Craig Taylor in honor of Kathryn Taylor ’19

Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis in honor of Elena Vogiatzis ’19

Chapel Flowers

Abigail Addison ’20

Laura and Alan Buckner in honor of Wesley Buckner ’21

The Canfield Family for Easter

The Debnam Family in honor of the Bearers of Light

EHS Parents Association

The Freeman Family in honor of Kate Freeman ’22 for her birthday

The Johnson Family, Corey ’97, Kristi, Craig, and Cameron in honor of Galen Gray ’19 for her admission to the field hockey program and UNC – Chapel Hill

Sylvia Matthews in honor of the marriage of Katherine Egner ’10 and Trevor Brown ’11


Carl Scherrieb ’90 in appreciation of Gary Blake and Rick Maxey for the generous hospitality and friendship

Carl Scherrieb ’90 in memory of Robin Rhyand

The Smith Family in memory of Jane Smith

Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Jr. in honor of Jonathan Smith

Tina Smith in honor of Justin Smith ’20 for his birthday

Tom Thompson in honor of the Class of 2020

Francis Thrasher

Chapel Flowers: Grandparents Day

Maria and Neil Bush in memory of Barbara Bush

The Butler Family in honor of Dr. William T. Butler

Sophie Butler ’22 and Family in honor of Maxine and Jake Hales

Kate Carlin ’21 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edelman

Jacob Dixon ’21 and Carter Dixon ’22 in honor of Fran and Wayne Shull

Spencer Donley ’19 in memory of Jane Rae

The Faulconer Family in honor of Dr. and Mrs. James Clark

Tanner Fox ’21 in honor of Patti and Jim Fox and Janis and Graham Johnston

Isabella Goytia ’22 in honor of Kelton and Patty Ro-Trock and Nestor and Liliana Goytia

The Howley Family in honor of Lucy and Vic Kormeier

Christopher Lahoti ’22 in memory of Sara Jacob

Elliott Jones ’19 in honor of Karen and Mike Jones

Elliott Jones ’19 in memory of Jim Kirby

The Keenan Family in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Gayden and Judith Keenan

The Keenan Family in memory of John Keenan

Isabella Mach ’22 in honor of Cora Sue and Harry Mach

Isabella Mach ’22 in memory of Linda and Don Wyant

William Mengwasser ’22 in honor of Camilla and Joe Mengwasser

William Mengwasser ’22 in honor of Mary and Gary Stamp

The McCormick Family in memory of Virginia McGoy

The Organ Family

The Pieper Family in memory of Lowell and Grace Pieper

Veronica and Dean Porter in honor of John Porter and John Curtin

Duncan Underwood ’89 and Family in honor of Lynda Underwood

Duncan Underwood ’89 and Family in honor of Maurie and Philip Cannon

Duncan Underwood ’89 and Family in memory of David Underwood

Will Walmsley ’20 in honor of Fred and Kay Bednarski

The Wasden Family in honor of Lois and Fred Richterkessing

Chapel Flowers: Graduation, Class of 2019

The Rory Aaronson Family in honor of Toshla McGill Guthrie

Linda Bosarge in honor of Sydney and all the amazing teachers and staff at EHS

Amy and Tom Butler in honor of Clayton

Julia Flowers in honor of Grace

Peggy and Virgil Haney in honor of Alexander

Claudia and Hank Holmes in honor of Harrison

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead in honor of Mia

Susan and Mac Jensen in honor of Sadie

Tracey and Charles Johnson in honor of Tyler

Jean and Josh Jones in honor of Elliott

Katherine and Matthew Kardesch in honor of Claire and Carter

Katherine and Sean Keenan in honor of Will

Laura and Luke Mandola in honor of Olivia

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy in honor of Molly

Otah Family in honor of Kenneth

Kathleen and Kevin Panus in honor of Jack

Kelly and David Ranucci in honor of Taylor

Alison and Darryl Robinson in honor of Lynsey

Liz Schwarze in honor of Claire

The Schwarze Family in honor of the EHS Teachers and Staff

Lori and Joseph Small in honor of Gabrielle

Jennifer Guss and Kevin Smith in honor of Sofia

Kathy and Craig Taylor in honor of Kathryn

Rachel and Ryan Trainer in honor of Cameron

Chapel Prayer Books

Maria and Neil Bush in memory of Barbara Bush

Jamey Butler and Sophie Butler ’22 in honor Maxine Hales

Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein in honor of Max ’21 and Alex ’22 Finkelstein

Linda and Mike Fox in honor of Tanner Fox ’21

The Goytia Family in honor of Isabella Goytia ’22

Allison and Gregory Hammer in honor of Haley Hammer ’21

Patricia and Pearce Hammond in honor of Carolyn Ruth Hammond ’19

Catherine and Chris Hanslik in honor of Hayden Elizabeth Hanslik ’20

The Reverend Beth Holden in memory of Bishop Benitez

Elizabeth and Tom Howley in honor of Lucy and Vic Kormeier

Susan and Mac Jensen in honor of Sadie Jensen ’19

Jean and Josh Jones in honor of Lucille Elizabeth Elliott Jones ’19

Lea Aden and Michael Lueck in honor of Rawley Lueck ’22

Esperanca Julio and Artur Pereira in memory of David Julio

Esperanca Julio and Artur Pereira in memory of Joaquim do Rosario

Krista and Robert Sinex in honor of Story Sinex ’19

Tina Smith in memory of the grandparents of Justin Smith ’20; Bill and Buell Elliott, Harold and Mona Smith

Ned and Kristin Smith



Lynda Underwood in memory of Walter Lee Jefferson


Debbie and Steve Kelley

Alumni Baseball/Softball in honor of William Hines Russ

Andrew Blasio ’11

Jackie (Jeffries) ’93 and Greg Olesky

Class of 2019

Carol and John Austin – Silver Eagle Coins in honor of the Class of 2019

Beth and Craig Bunk

Class of 2021

Melissa and Michael Mithoff

Class of 2022

Kelli and John Weinzierl

Spirit Club

Julie and Frank Bayouth

Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead


Albertsons Safeway, Inc.

In Kind

Carmen and Butch Mach

Melissa and Tom McCaffrey

Alan Ross Photography

Jennifer Succi

Brad Telford

Capital Gifts

A Friend of EHS

Lacy Crain and Joe Galloway

Ellen and Edward Randall

Liz Stephens ’94

Leticia and Stephen Trauber



Members of the Class of 2019 were accepted into 161 universities and awarded over $20 million in scholarships.

Abilene Christian University

American University*

Arizona State University*

Auburn University*

Austin College*

Austin Community College*

Baylor University*

Belmont University*

Birmingham-Southern College

Bradley University

Brandeis University*

Brown University*

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo*

Case Western Reserve University

Chapman University

Chowan University

Clark Atlanta University

Clemson University

Coe College

College of Charleston*

College of William and Mary*

Colorado School of Mines

Colorado State University

Columbia University*

Concordia University Texas*

Dartmouth College*

Davis & Elkins College

Denison University

DePaul University

Drexel University

Duke University*

Eckerd College

Elon University

Erskine College*

Florida State University

Fordham University

Georgetown University

Georgia State University

Hawaii Pacific University

High Point University*

Hofstra University

Houston Baptist University*

Houston Community College System*

Howard University*

Kansas City Art Institute

Kent State University

Lafayette College*

Lawrence Technological University

Lehigh University

Lewis & Clark College

Louisiana State University*

Loyola Marymount University*

Loyola University New Orleans

Miami University, Oxford

Millsaps College

Mississippi State University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

New York University*

Northeastern University*

Northern Arizona University

Northwestern University*

Ohio University

Oklahoma State University

Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio

Pennsylvania State University

Pepperdine University*

Prairie View A&M University*

Principia College*

Purdue University

Randolph-Macon College

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rhode Island School of Design

Rhodes College*

Richland College

Rollins College

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Saint Louis University*

Sam Houston State University

San Diego State University

Santa Clara University*

Sarah Lawrence College

Savannah College of Art and Design*

Seton Hall University

Sewanee: The University of the South*

Southern Methodist University*

Southern University and A&M College*

Southwestern University*

Spring Hill College

St. Edward’s University*

St. John’s University

St. Olaf College

Stephen F. Austin State University*

Texas A&M University*

Texas A&M University, Commerce*

Texas A&M University, Galveston

Texas Christian University*

Texas Southern University

Texas State University*

Texas Tech University*

The Catholic University of America

The George Washington University*

The University of Alabama*

The University of Arizona*

The University of Iowa

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill*

The University of Oklahoma*

The University of Texas, Arlington

The University of Texas, Austin*

The University of Texas, Dallas

The University of Texas, Permian Basin

The University of Texas, San Antonio*

The University of Texas, Tyler

Trinity University*

Tulane University*

United States Military Academy at West Point*

University of Alabama at Birmingham*

University of Arkansas*

University of California, Davis

University of California, Irvine

University of California, Los Angeles*

University of California, San Diego

University of California, Santa Barbara*

University of California, Santa Cruz

University of Colorado at Boulder

University of Dallas

University of Delaware

University of Denver*

University of Florida

University of Georgia*

University of Houston*

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Kentucky

University of Miami

University of Michigan (Engineering)

University of Mississippi*

University of Missouri Columbia

University of Missouri Kansas City

University of Nebraska at Lincoln*

University of North Texas

University of Oregon*

University of Pennsylvania*

University of Pittsburgh

University of Redlands

University of Richmond

University of Rochester

University of South Carolina*

University of Southern California

University of St Andrews*

University of St. Thomas*

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

University of the Incarnate Word*

University of Tulsa

University of Virginia

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Vanderbilt University*

Villanova University*

Wake Forest University*

Washington and Lee University*

Wheaton College MA

Whitman College

Wright State University

*One or more members of the Class of 2019 will attend.


Many 2018 2019 seniors have been awarded scholarships based on academic, artistic, or athletic accomplishments. The students recognized below have accepted the scholarships listed and are attending the college or university that bestowed the scholarship, or they have accepted a scholarship from an outside organization.

Rohan Asthana Trustee’s Scholarship Trinity University

Mary Elizabeth Ayers Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship

Kelsey Elizabeth Barker Business Fellows Program Presidential Fellowship High Point University

Ryan Elizabeth Barringer Provost’s Gold Scholarship Baylor University

Ivan Demetrio Bastidas Presidential Academic Scholarship University and Alumni Award George Washington University

Rachel Carolyn Boeker New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award Scholarship University of Arkansas

Lauren Elise Bordelon Alumni Scholarship Louisiana State University

Sydney Lauren Bosarge SCAD Achievement Honors Scholarship Savannah College of Art and Design

Brooke Galen Braniff Founder’s Scholarship Texas Christian University

Albert Clayton Butler Trustee’s Scholarship Trinity University

Jordan Reese Corona McKenzie Scholarship Southwestern University

Katherine Jane Rose Davidson Mood Scholar Award Sarofim Art Award Southwestern University

Anna Layton Debes Academic Merit Scholarship St. Edward’s University

Danario Juanrico Edgar Basketball Scholarship Prairie View A&M University

Caroline Grace Fertitta

Academic Merit Award The University of Mississippi

Grace Gallup Flowers

Arthur F. Schulz Jr. Alumni Scholarship Discovery Bound NLC Scholarship Founder’s Scholarship Principia College

McReynolds Albright Frazier Dean’s Excellence Scholarship St. Edward’s University

Galen Isabel Gray Field Hockey Scholarship University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Rachel Paige Hallett Non-Resident Distinguished Scholar The University of Oklahoma

Carolyn Ruth Hammond Distinguished Scholar Award Southern Methodist University

Alexander Devens Haney Trustee’s Scholarship Trinity University

Samuel Oliver Holden Founder’s Gold Scholarship Baylor University

Thomas Harrison Holmes Academic Merit Award Alumni Scholarship The University of Mississippi

Sadie Proffitt Jensen Academic Heritage Scholarship Auburn University

Tyler Trace Johnson

Tulane Musicianship Award Tulane University

Lucille Elizabeth Elliott Jones Ecce Quam Bonum Award

Sewanee: The University of the South

Alyssa Gabrielle Kapusta Lumberjack Excellence Scholar Stephen F. Austin University

William Patrick Keenan Founder’s Scholarship Texas Christian University


Ethan Dean Knight McKenzie Scholar Award Southwestern University

Isabella Sonnet Littlejohn Equestrian Scholarship Texas A&M University

Anabelle Carlisle Maples Second Century Scholar Discovery Scholarship

Southern Methodist University

Robert Atlee Mason

Academic Merit Award The University of Mississippi

Chloe Elisabeth Masterson Dean’s Excellence Scholarship St. Edward’s University

Margaret Elizabeth Mire Alumni Scholarship Texas Tiger Scholarship Tiger Excellence Non-Resident Award Louisiana State University

Mitchell Steven Mostyn Minds Move Mountains Scholarship University of Oregon

Jane Bailey Murray UA Scholars Award The University of Alabama

Chandler Adaeze Onyekwelu Leadership Scholarship and Emancipation Economic Development Council Scholarship Merit Award Howard University

Kenneth Eseroghene Otah Academic Honors Scholarship Austin College

Vincent Angelo Perryman Provost’s Award Arizona State University

Kate Favrot Peterkin Presidential Fellowship Scholarship High Point University

Natalie Erica Peterson Merit Scholarship College of Charleston

Noah Richard Prophet Band Scholarship Louisiana State University

Colton Jacob Rathjen Baseball Scholarship The University of Texas, Austin

Jose Reyes Achievement Scholarship University of St. Thomas

Guillermo Rodriguez Blazer Distinction Scholarship

Enrollment Management Scholarship Soccer Scholarship University of Alabama at Birmingham

Juan de Dios Rodriguez Gold Scholarship Men’s Soccer Scholarship Erskine College

Eleanor Margaret Ryan President’s Excellence Scholarship St. Edward’s University

Claire Elizabeth Schwarze Founder’s Scholarship Tulane University

Stockton Daniels Shaffer Faculty Scholarship Texas Christian University

Isabella Layla Shin LMU Achievement Award Loyola Marymount University

Parker David Siegel Dean’s Scholarship Texas Christian University

Lillyana Stefanakis Second Century Scholar Southern Methodist University

Jacob Harrison Tanner University Award Southwestern University

Kathryn Montgomery Taylor Distinguished Scholar Southern Methodist University

Sophie Louise Thomas Field Hockey Scholarship Northwestern University

Griffin Killough Thompson Alumni Legacy Scholarship University of Arkansas

Cameron Anne Trainer

CPS National Green and Gold Scholarship California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Victor Daniel Velasco Soccer Scholarship

University of the Incarnate Word

Isabelle Morton Vobbe Founder’s Scholarship Texas Christian University

Elena Kay Marie Vogiatzis Academic Excellence Scholarship University of Houston

William Andrew Warren Ruth Leverton Scholarship University of Nebraska Lincoln

Celine Joy Waxham Founder’s Scholarship Texas Christian University

Jordan James Charles Wells Football Scholarship

Texas A&M University, Commerce

Emily Kathryn West Non-Resident Distinguished Scholar The University of Oklahoma

Corey Devon Williams Football Scholarship Southern University and A&M College

Preston James Witt University Award

Southwestern University

Julius L. Young Football Scholarship Lafayette College



Kelly Cottingham ’87

The Episcopal High School family mourns the loss of Kelly Cottingham, Class of 1987. During his years at EHS, Kelly was a part of the Drum Corps, International Thespian Society, and played basketball. He was also a member of the first graduating class of Episcopal. Beyond the doors of EHS, he continued his education in Austin at the University of Texas, where he earned a B.B.A. degree. He was an entrepreneur and private investor in several successful startups and spent time learning the art of commodities trading.

Daniel Parker ’95

Sadly, Daniel Parker, Class of 1995, passed away in March. During his years at EHS, he ran cross country, was a member of National Honor Society and the International Thespian Society. He received many awards including the Excellence in Study of History, Hugh O’Brien Youth Foundation Award from Rice University, and was on the Texaco Star Academic Challenge Team. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Daniel Rosen ’08

With great sadness, EHS mourns the passing of Daniel Rosen, Class of 2008. Daniel was an amazing person with a smile that would light up his whole face. He was always ready to make you laugh with his quick wit and gave the world’s best hug. After attending EHS, Daniel graduated from the University of Alabama. Daniel loved Alabama football and celebrated with each National Championship. He also loved fishing and boating, the beach, studying the Talmud, cooking, debating politics, and being with his friends and family.

Emilie Scott Wallace ’04

We are extremely saddened by the loss of Emilie Scott Wallace, Class of 2004. While attending EHS, Emilie was active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Students of Service and also a member of the soccer, lacrosse and cross-country teams. After EHS, she attended Louisiana State University where she was an early childhood education major and met her husband, David Wallace. Together they had three children, Mary Amelia Wallace (Mae Mae), David Richard Wallace III (Davy) and Eloise Claire Wallace (Ouisie). In her short life she touched countless lives for good with her unbridled passion and authentic joy.


2019 ‑ 2020


The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle

Executive Chair

Randa Duncan Williams

Board of Trustees

Frances Alexander, Henrietta K. Alexander, J. Craig Chandler, W. Craig Childers, Rod Cutsinger, William A. Edens Sr., J. Todd Frazier ’88, Emerson K. Hankamer Sr., Terri Havens, Elizabeth K. Howley, Jenna Junell, Alecia Lawyer, Clay Manley, George O. McDaniel III, Laurie N. Morian, Townes G. Pressler Jr., William Randall, A. Haag Sherman, Ned Smith, Trey Snider, The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson, Duncan K. Underwood ’89, John Weinzierl, James Whitehead ’94, Julius Young Jr.

Life Trustees

John F. Austin III, Edward C. Becker, The Rt. Rev. Maurice M. Benitez†, W. Craig Childers, Lacy Crain, The Rev. Laurens A. Hall, Victor A. Kormeier Jr., Frederick R. McCord†, Laurence B. Neuhaus, The Rt. Rev. Claude E. Payne, Joel I. Shannon, Lynda Knapp Underwood, The Rt. Rev. Don A. Wimberly

Executive Committee

J. Craig Chandler, W. Craig Childers, The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, William F. Galtney Jr., Melinda Budinger Hildebrand, Victor A. Kormeier Jr., Clay Manley, George O. McDaniel III, A. Haag Sherman, Ned Smith, Lynda Knapp Underwood, Randa Duncan Williams † deceased


Head of School

Ned Smith

Associate Head of School

Nancy Laufe Eisenberg

Director of Finance and Operations

Evelyn Cambria

Dean of Faculty

Nguyet Xuan Pham

Dean of Spiritual Life

The Rev. Beth Holden

Director of Athletics

Jason Grove

Dean of Arts and Innovation

Jay Berckley

Director of Advancement

Peggy Haney


Director of Communications

Claire Fletcher


Webmaster Mauro Gomez

Scott Cunningham, Claire Fletcher, Mauro Gomez


Communications Associate Scott Cunningham

Bess Alford, Chris Bailey Photography, Evelyn Cambria, John Colello, Peggy Haney, Debbie Kelley, Ashley Long, Mandy Malone

Loper ’98, Marc Nathan Photography, Rasa Starkey, Studio RED Architects, Gina Ulbricht, Margaret Young

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