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ANNA HERN ’98 Pilot, Athlete, and Parent
Anna Hern ’98 is a member of an elite group of pilots: fewer than 10% of licensed pilots are women and only 1.5% are FAA Part 121 airline captains. An international FedEx Express pilot flying the Boeing 777, she flies freight, which is different from passenger carriers in that instead of going to one international destination and returning to a home base, she will fly to multiple countries in a 10–14 day period.
In her free time, Anna trains and competes as an endurance athlete participating in marathons, ultramarathons, ironman races, and most recently mountaineering, where she climbed Cayambe (18,996’), Cotopaxi (19,347’) and Chimborazo (20,549’) in Ecuador. Anna is married to a Lt. Colonel and A 10 pilot in the USAF Reserves and a Boeing 757 First Officer, and they have a seven year old son. We asked Anna questions about her life flying, her Episcopal memories, and more.
What do you enjoy most about flying?
It’s hard to pick just one favorite thing. I love the challenge of international flying, and it is amazing to see the world from some of civilian aviation’s largest aircraft. I have flown some of the world’s largest civilian aircraft including the Boeing 747, Boeing 777, and MD 11. As I have progressed in my career, it is also very rewarding to mentor others in aviation. I love the teaching aspect of this job.
Speaking of teaching, who were some of your EHS teachers who helped you find your passion?
I have always been interested in biology and chemistry. Mrs. Foster and Ms. Rutledge really helped me explore that passion further, and I ultimately received my degree from Texas A&M in Biomedical Sciences. Mr. Flanagan’s physics class was (and still is) mind boggling to me, but it really challenged me, and I am forever grateful.
Mrs. Managan and Mr. Wright pushed me hard in mathematics, a subject I never much cared for or had any natural abilities toward, but the reward of learning something that wasn’t naturally easy for me made for a real challenge. I learned not just mathematics, but the real importance of pushing oneself and the reward that comes from that.
Ms. Davidson’s history class and drawing the world from memory helped me fall in love with world traveling. My senior trip, led by her, to Beijing was the first of many trips to Asia, a place I hold dear in my heart.
All the teachers and staff worked so hard to push me to go beyond what was just comfortable and easy. It is a theme that has carried over into every aspect of my life.
What have been the biggest challenges with being a pilot?
The biggest challenge of this career has been the training to get to where I am today. It takes a lot of time building to get the qualifications to make it to a major airline. In addition to training time, my schedule can also be erratic, and I miss holidays and special family events from time to time, but I have an amazing support network, without whom I could not succeed.
What about accomplishments and awards?
Throughout my career I have been honored to win multiple professional scholarships and athletic sponsorships. Professionally, I was selected to be the recipient of the 2010 Women in Aviation Continental Airlines Boeing 737 type rating. That scholarship opened doors for me that became both milestones and steppingstones to where I am today. My sponsorships helped to support my pursuit of athletics and self improvement beyond professional endeavors. In all, I have been fortunate to receive recognition and earn the support of others in pursuit of my passions.
– Ashley Long, Director of Alumni Affairs