2 minute read

TABISH VIRANI ‘12 English Teacher, Student Government and Senate Co-Advisor, Students of Service Advisor

Tabish Virani, an English teacher at EHS, also happens to be an EHS 2012 alum. He is a native Houstonian who also attended Rice University, where he majored in English and Religious Studies, followed by a Master’s in Digital Humanities from the University of London – UCL. While English I and II are his main focus, he is also a faculty co-sponsor for Student Council. In his spare time, Mr. Virani enjoys reading fantasy novels and playing video games (especially League of Legends) with friends online and going to new restaurants around town.

If you were not a teacher, what would you choose for a career?

If I were not a teacher, I think I would take a shot at being a stand-up comedian.

If you could travel back in time, what period of history would you choose?

If I had to choose, I think I’d like to travel back to the ’60s. I would have loved to experience the excitement to the start of space exploration firsthand.

What do you most respect about your colleagues?

The thing I respect the most about my colleagues is how thoughtful and caring they are. They are always there to offer their support and advice whenever I need it.

What do you most respect about your students?

I respect how hardworking my students are. Despite how busy they are with their other classes and extracurricular activities, they still give it their all in English.

Read any good books recently?

I’ve been reading the Wheel of Time and it has quickly climbed to the top of my all-time favorite series list!

What music do you enjoy listening to?

My guilty pleasure is rapping along to Eminem during my commute to and from work.

What is your favorite way to relax?

My favorite way to relax is lounging with a hot cup of coffee and a good book.

Who is your hero (fiction or non-fiction) and why?

My older brother. He is someone who puts his 100% into everything he does and is always working to better himself so that he can be at the top of his field. He also treats everyone around him with respect and pushes others to be the best version of themselves. If he hadn’t believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, I would not be where I am today.

Tell us your life story in a sentence.

My life is a series of missteps that have led me to the right place.

If you could sponsor any club (whether an EHS student asks you to or not), what would you want to bring to the EHS campus?

I would love to sponsor an eSports club. It’s something I’m incredibly passionate about, and the eSports scene has been growing at an incredibly fast rate the past few years so having a space to talk and learn about it would be great.

Which historical figure (past or present) would you hope to have a meal with, and what would you like to ask them during conversation?

Hakeem Olajuwon. He’s a Houston legend and I would love to spend time with him and hear stories of his time on the Rockets, especially from the championship years.

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