Reading from text: Yes / No / Sometimes Tone: fast, slow, appropriate, clear, unclear, lively, dull Attitude towards activity: serious, unserious, engaged, detached Pair’s interaction: good, very good, regular, bad Use of visual aids: yes / no / relevant to the topic / irrelevant to the topic Audience awareness: Yes / No Questions from the audience: Yes / No
Time taken Reading from text Tone Anxiety Attitude towards activity Pair’s interaction Use of visual aids
Audience awareness Questions from the audience
NAME: _______________________
Evaluate the presentation from 3 (very interesting) to 1 (not so interesting).
1.The content is interesting
2.The presentation is well organized
3.The message is clear
4.The speakers behave in a natural way
5. The speakers look at the audience
9. What I liked best was…………..
10. You could improve……………..