KICKSTARTING a career in heritage
English Heritage has been pleased to take advantage of the government’s Kickstart opportunity. This initiative allows young people to take six months’ employment with us to give them a raft of valuable skills and experience. We hear from three of our placements. Antony Lee, community engagement assistant at Marble Hill, London
started my role in late May as a community engagement assistant. At the time of writing, I have been in employment for a month, and in such a short space of time I have undergone a whole variety of different events, work and experiences which have really enriched my own development and interests. I have partaken in the Conservation in Action van campaign, which celebrates the ways in which
English Heritage conserves its sites throughout the country. I have helped with a Discovery Visit, and helped out in the conservation of the house – this is not something which I initially thought I would be undertaking, but I am very glad and grateful to have had this experience. Future career options This experience will be invaluable as I have been asked to help create the first-
ever cohort of Marble Hill conservation volunteers. My background is in history through my degree, and so doing work in a heritage site (and actual hands-on work in the house) is the line of work that I have a real interest in for my future career options. I have also, thanks to the Kickstart scheme, had the opportunity to talk with an English Heritage mentor and gained opportunities to talk about a range of different career paths in English Heritage, from philanthropy to historians to curators and conservators (and I hope to talk to those in archive and archaeology roles too!). I had the incredible experience of travelling to Belsay Hall to meet Flora, who is doing a similar role, and also have a meeting with my mentor. Seeing how another site is run, and also seeing another site that is going through a similar project, has aided me in understanding more facets of English Heritage and the networks that come with such a big project. I’ve had so much exposure to such a variety of work and opportunities in just under a month, and I am looking forward to doing so much more and to meeting as many new faces as I can.
I have been asked to help create the first-ever cohort of Marble Hill conservation volunteers 26