1 minute read
Our photography volunteers continue to produce beautiful images. Here are a selection of our latest favourites. If you’re a keen photographer and would like to see your photos used across English Heritage, please get in touch.
Remembering David Tovey
Regular readers of Volunteer Focus will notice there’s no crossword in this edition. This is because, very sadly, Stonehenge exhibition volunteer David Tovey, who had created them for us since 2018, passed away late last year.
Since the Stonehenge visitor centre opened in 2013, David brought warmth, enthusiasm and always a smile. He supported English Heritage in so many ways – giving exciting tours of the exhibition, meeting VIP groups and providing induction training and a welcome for new volunteers.
The loss of David is felt hugely by the Stonehenge and Volunteer Focus teams and his cheery crosswords, which provided a lovely break with a cuppa, will be missed too.