10 minute read
Is The National Breeding show a future event?
Karl Áki Sigurðsson horse breeder What did you think of the event?
It really was a more success than I dared to hope. The day was great and luckily organizers went on with it, in these strange times we have had. The event gave us breeders a chance to see a lot of horses and we collected a lot of information for our thoughts into the next breeding year.
Do you think this event will be annual from now on?
I couldn’t say, but I do ask myself if we shouldn’t have some similar event in the years between Landsmót.
Do you think this arrangement, where the breeding horses are only presented and not judged, would suit an event like Landsmót in the future?
Yes, I think so, but to be honest I hope it does not evolve that way, since I’m one of them who doesn’t want to shorten Landsmót down at all, not one hour! This is the week that I look forward to every two years and I really don’t want to change a thing about it, and I don’t understand the debate to shorten everything, because I like them just the way they are. Ölnir frá Akranesi received 1. Prize for offspring. From left: Jelena Ohm, Sveinn Steinarsson, Smári Njálsson breeder of Ölnir,Reynir Örn Pálmason sits on Ölnir.

Reynir Örn Pálmason and Ölnir.

Konsert frá Hofi reiceived 1. Prize for offspring. From left: Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson and Konsert, Jón Gíslason and Eline Manon Schrijver breeders, Sveinn Steinarsson and Jelena Ohm.
Konsert frá Hofi and Jakob Svavar. Daníel Jónsson waves to spectators riding Skaginn.

Skaginn frá Skipaskaga received 1. Prize for offspring and the Orrabikar trophy. Here the breeders in Skipaskagi, Sigurveig Stefánsdóttir and Jón Árnason, lift the trophys high up in the air and Daníel Jónsson on Skaginn. Ármann Sverrisson gets his prize for Loki. From left: Jelena Ohm, Sveinn Steinarsson, Ármann and Loki, Viðar Ingólfsson sits on Starkar frá Egilsstaðakoti son of Loki.

Loki frá Selfossi reiceived honorary prize for offspring and he came with a group of 10 interesting offsprings.

Óskasteinn frá Íbishól reiceived honorary prize for offspring. From left: Jelena Ohm, Sveinn Steinarsson, Magnús Bragi and Óskasteinn and Elisabeth Jansen and Aðalsteinn frá Íbishóli son of Óskasteinn.

Magnús Bragi was of course happy with both the awards and Óskasteinn. Skýr frá Skálakoti with offspring and Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson.

Skýr frá Skálakoti reiceived honarary prize for offspring and the 1. place, and is the holder of Sleipnirbikar trophy. Photo from left: Skýr frá Skálakoti, Jakob Svavar and Guðmundur Jón Viðarsson breeder of Skýr.

Drift frá Austurási was the highest judged four-year-old mare of the show and therefor the first receiver of the Álfadísarbikarinn trophy. Photo from left: Sveinn Steinarsson, Bergur Jónsson and Olil Amble giving the Álfadísarbikarinn trophy, Loftur Breki Hauksson and Ragnhildur Loftsdóttir breeders of Drift, Árni Björn Pálsson riding Drift and Sigríður M. Björgvinsdóttir chairman of Sleipnir riding club.

Álfamær frá Prestsbæ was the highest judge five-year-old mare of the show and reiceied the Hremmsuskjöldur trophy. Photo: Sveinn Steinarsson, Sigríkur Jónsson chairman of the Horse breeders association in South Iceland and Þórarinn Eymundsson with Álfamær. Leynir frá Garðshorni was the highest judged five-year-old stallion of the show. Photo from left: Sveinn Steinarsson, Jelena Ohm the breeders Birna Tryggvadóttir Thorlacius and Agnar Þór Magnússon, who was also riding Leynir.

Askja frá Efstu-Grund was the highest judged mare of the show and received the Kröflubikarinn trophy. Photo from left: Sigríkur Jónsson, Sigurjón Sigurðsson and Sigríður Lóa Gissurardóttir breeders and owners of Askja and Hlynur Guðmundsson rider.
Fold frá Flagbjarnarholti in flying pace. She was the best seven-year-old mare of the show and her rider is Sveinbjörn Bragason. Róbert frá Kirkjufelli was the highest judged four-year-old stallion of the show, ridden by Daníel Jónsson.

Viðar frá Skör was the highest judged stallion in the class of six-year-olds. Photo from left: Jónas Vigfússon and Kristín Thorberg, Ólafur Þórisson chairman of Geysir riding club, Karl Áki Sigurðsson breeder of Viðar, Helga Una Björnsdóttir with Viðar and Sigríkur Jónsson.

Glódís and Glymjandi frá Íbishóli. Photo: Jón Björnsson

Young rider of the year 2020
Glódís Rún Sigurðardóttir
Young rider of the year 2020 is Glódís Rún Sigurðardóttir. Glódís is born in 2002 and has been riding since since was a small child and competed with great results. She has won the childrens class at Landsmót three times and won over twenty Icelandic Champion titles. In addition to all that, she has competed for Iceland both on the Nordic Championship and the World Championship.
What do these awards mean to you? “It is an enormous honour to receive such rewards. This is surely a title that every young rider aims to get, and I have always had it as a larger goal of mine. It’s so rewarding to get recognition for the work I have put in my projects and be awarded for the things I have achieved along the way.” How does one achieve what you have? “I have a family that support me all the way, and I’m really thankful for their devotion. I also want to thank my horses for the great cooperation and always to put all their effort in our projects. I work with a lot of people and trainers that have helped me get where I am, so this is a team effort.” What does Glódís Rún do when not riding /training? “I’m studying at Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands high school in Selfoss and will be graduating in May. I’m also working as a trainer home in Sunnuhvoll, where I train for others as well as my own horses.” What are your plans for the years to come? “To keep improve myself as a rider and learn something new and become better every day. After high school I want to take a break from studying and get more experience as a trainer and rider. My plan is to go to Denmark next fall to Glódís riding Trausti frá Þóroddsstöðum at WC2019
train horses and come back home in the winter to train and take part in competitions. After the one-year break, I plan on going to the University of Hólar to study there,” says this ambitious young rider of the year, Glódís Rún Sigurðardóttir.

Nominated for Young rider of the year Glódís Rún Sigurðardóttir, Gyða Sveinbjörg Kristinsdóttir Hafþór Hreiðar Birgisson, Thelma Dögg Tómasdóttir Ylfa Guðrún Svafarsdóttir
Gæðingarider of the year 2020
Hlynur Guðmundsson

Hlynur is the Gæðingarider of the year second year in a row. How does that feel Hlynur? „I am truly honoured to have received such rewards and now two times in two years. It is a very good feeling to be recognized for the hard work you have put in your projects. There a many memorable things from 2020 that come to mind, but surely foremost the fact that my main competition horse, Tromma frá Höfn, was constantly improving and we ended up winning the B-class at Metamót in Sprettur with a total score of 9,11.” How did you manage to achieve your goals last year? „I wouldn’t have gotten these good results if it wasn’t for the trust the owners of the horses have shown me, and for that I’m truly grateful. The results are of course a combination of several things, like the quality of the horses and the cooperation in training and caring between me and my fiancé Bjarney Jóna Unnsteinsdóttir. We train a lot together and I could not have done this without her.” Hlynur had three mares in competition last year, Hending frá Eyjarhólum, Marín frá Lækjarbrekku and Tromma frá Höfn. How would you describe those three and what are their future plans? „First it is Tromma, she is sired by Magni frá Hólum and the mother is Flauta frá Kanastöðum. Tromma is a very sensitive gæðingur with great speed range, uniqe balance in tölt and trot. I have trained Tromma for four years and I have found honered having her all this time. Now she is expecting a foal this summer sired by Skýr frá Skálakoti. Hending is sired by Mjölnir frá Hlemmiskeiði and her mother is Folda frá Eyjarhólum. Hending is a strong but light footed fourgaited mare with 9,5 for trot and slow tölt from last summer’s assessment. Hending is also pregnant with a foal sired by Skýr frá Skálakoti, but the plan is to bring her back in training after one year. Marín frá Lækjarbrekku is sired by Gaumur frá Auðsholtshjáleigu and the mother is Þula frá Hólum. Marín is a very soft gæðingur with excellent gaits and great speed in pace. Marín returned to training last season after she had had a few foals. Now she is like the other two, with filly after Skýr.” What do think about the Gædinga competition in general? “I find it a great form of competition where the Icelandic gædingur gets to shine and show his abilities. I like the positive development and new ideas like gædingatölt, which was first tried out last year.” Hlynur is determined when asked about this year’s goals: “My goal is always to bring well trained horses to the track and be able to show his qualities. I have several new horses in training, and I plan to show them this year. Then Magni frá Hólum is getting better after some injuries last year, so I’m excited for the new season,” says the Gæðingarider of the year, Hlynur Guðmundsson.

Nominated for Gæðingarider of the year 2020 Daníel Jónsson Hlynur Guðmundsson Sigurður Sigurðarson Stefán Birgir Stefánsson Sæmundur Þorbjörn Sæmundsson

Ranking Lists in Gædinga competition of 2020
# Rider Horse Score Event 1 Stefán Birgir Stefánsson IS2006165663 Gangster frá Árgerði 8,70 Gæðingamót Hrings 2 Guðmundur Björgvinsson IS2013158161 Sólon frá Þúfum 8,68 Meistaramót Íslands 3 Sylvía Sigurbjörnsdóttir IS2008187685 Villingur frá Breiðholti í Flóa 8,66 Gæðingamót Fáks 4 Jóhann Kristinn Ragnarsson IS2005137600 Atlas frá Lýsuhóli 8,66 Gæðingamót Sleipnis 5 Daníel Jónsson IS2008188560 Kolskeggur frá Kjarnholtum I 8,66 Gæðingamót Sörla 6 Bjarni Jónasson IS2011157065 Korgur frá Garði 8,65 Gæðingamót Hrings 7 Sigurbjörn Bárðarson IS2008186651 Nagli frá Flagbjarnarholti 8,65 Gæðingaveisla Sörla (WR) 8 Freyja Amble Gísladóttir IS2011158165 Stimpill frá Þúfum 8,62 Félagsmót Skagfirðings 9 Sæmundur Þorbjörn Sæmundss IS2013186955 Bjarmi frá Litlu-Tungu 2 8,61 Gæðingaveisla Sörla (WR) 10 Vignir Sigurðsson IS2013265005 Evíta frá Litlu-Brekku 8,61 Gæðingakeppni Léttis 2020
# Rider Horse Score Event
1 Elin Holst 2 Olil Amble 3 Sigurbjörn Bárðarson IS2007176176 Frami frá Ketilsstöðum 8,70 Gæðingamót Sleipnis IS2011176178 Glampi frá Ketilsstöðum 8,66 Gæðingamót Sleipnis IS2006187683 Hrafn frá Breiðholti í Flóa 8,65 Gæðingaveisla Sörla (WR)
4 Vilborg Smáradóttir IS2013157651 Sigur frá Stóra-Vatnsskarði 8,65 Hestaþing Sindra
5 Þór Jónsteinsson IS2011187091 Frár frá Sandhól
8,62 Opna Gæðingam. á Flúðum 6 Hlynur Guðmundsson IS2011277012 Tromma frá Höfn 8,61 Gæðingamót Geysis 7 Hanna Rún Ingibergsdóttir IS2011181430 Grímur frá Skógarási 8,60 Gæðingamót Sörla 8 Thelma Dögg Tómasdóttir IS2009165101 Póstur frá Litla-Dal 8,59 Stórmót Þjálfa 2020 9 Helgi Þór Guðjónsson IS2014187695 Þröstur frá Kolsholti 2 8,58 Gæðingamót Sleipnis 10 Bjarney Jóna Unnsteinsd. IS2013285750 Hending frá Eyjarhólum 8,58 Hestaþing Sindra