Kategorie: 0-24mnde
Inskrywings: R70 per foto
Mericia of Blythe Tel: 021 887 2840 epos: of
shof verskyn en die saak is uitgestel tot Vrydag 18 Mei, waar al vier verÓG ’n verdagte in die Volk- dagtes sal verskyn in ’n voorverhoor. skombuis-roof is nou Mphakathi en Madolo was albei aangekla van die moord op op borgtog vrygelaat op ’n klag van Alberto Costa. gewapende roof ná ’n voorval by De Meer as ’n jaar ná Costa op sy Volkskombuis, toe die moord op plaas buite StelCosta plaaslenbosch vergevind het. moor is, is ’n viDié klag is inerde verdagte in tussen voorhegtenis geneem waardelik terin verband met uggetrek omdié saak. dat die getuies Volgens nie opgedaag polisiewoordvohet vir die vererder, lt. Natalie hoor nie. Martin, is Vicicelo Costa (44) Madolo (27) op 28 is op 18 FebruApril op ’n klag arie 2011 op sy van moord plaas CloetesVicicelo Madolo wat verlede week in aangekla en hy hegtenis geneem is in verband met die dal, digby het Dinsdag in die moord op Alberto Costa. Kayamandi, Stellenboschvermoor landdroshof verskyn. tydens ’n vermoedelik mislukte roofDie saak is uitgestel na volgende tog. Maandag vir Madolo se borgtogaanNa bewering het Costa een van soek. die verdagtes met sy haelgeweer in Die ander drie verdagtes, Mfun- die hand geskiet voor hy self doodgdise Yese (25), Simankele Mralaza eskiet is. (28) en Vusuzi Mphakathi (20) is Die moordwapen is later in Mralareeds verlede jaar in hegtenis ge- za se besit in Nyanga gevind en hy neem en is steeds in aanhouding is in hegtenis geneem. terwyl hulle op die verhoor in die Kaapse hooggeregshof wag. Dié drie het Maandag in die hooggereg-
Die Stellenbosse stadsaal was Woensdagaand gepak met aanhangers van die Ninja en Yo-Landi Vi$$er van Die Antwoord wat hier ’n Kaapse draai kom maak het. Foto: Nicole Visser,
Deel jou verhaal WOENSDAG 16 Mei is dit die internasionale dag vir die deel van lewensverhale. Om hierdie dag te vier nooi Playing Mantis alle Stellenbossers uit om op dié dag van 17:30 tot 19:30 op Die Braak bymekaar te kom om hul stories met mekaar te deel as deel van ’n Stories that Ig-
nite-geleentheid. Almal teenwoordig sal in groepies van vier hul stories met mekaar deel. Die geleentheid sal na die Stellenbosch-stadsaal verskuif indien die weer sleg is. Navrae: 076 662 9289.
In full bloom: The National Chrysanthemum Society held its annual show in the Stellenbosch town hall last Saturday. Various chrysanthemum cultivars, grown over a period of nine months, were exhibited at the show. The winners of the 2012 celebration of all things chrysanthemum are (from left) Gregory Davids, Bernard Mentoor, Gert Visser, Richard Williams and George Andrews. This Saturday it is time for Pniel’s annual Aster Fair. The event, set to be held at the banquet hall in Pniel, starts at 10:00; the prize-giving is at 14:00. Pic: Henry Davids
12 tot 13 Mei ) Bergklub van Suid-Afrika, Stellenbosch: Hangklippiek en grotte. Ontmoet 07:00 by die Ingenieurswese-gebou of 08:00 by Plankies (Hangklip Hotel) buite Pringlebaai. Wim Morris: 0 082 321 8774 (na-ure) of 2 12 Mei ) Johan en Ria Smuts sal 11:00 in die Protea Boekwinkel oor hul bundel kortverhale, Die Water Wat Verby Is, gesels. Etienne Bloemhof is die gespreksleier. 0 021 882 9100 of 2 ) Stellenbosch Voetslaanklub: Mont Rochelle-reservaat, Franschhoek. 07:30 vir 07:45. Brandstofbydrae R35. Bespreek by Willie Huggett: 0 021 876 2490 of 083 453 9191, of 2 ) Tuinbou- en Huisvlytvereniging in Pniel vergader. Blommeskou, asook tuisgebak en naaldwerk. 09:00 tot 16:00, Pniel banketsaal. Spreker: Dwarsrivier Toerisme raadslid Malcolm Johnson. Opening en prysoorhandiging 14:00. Toegang gratis, maar donasies is welkom. Richard Williams: 0 083 490 1336. 13 May ) Two- and four-kilometre Happy Paws Dog Walk on the Middelvlei wine estate in aid of Stellenbosch Animal Welfare Society. Register from 08:00 to 09:00. R20
per person and R10 per dog. Take plastic bags. Water points will be available, and a veterinary nurse will be present. To walk dogs at the kennel, phone Sarah on 021 886 4901. Enquiries: Rene de Wet: 0 082 090 8166; 2 ) Blaauwklippen Vineyards Family Market – Mother’s Day and Lemon and Lime Day. 10:00 to 15:00. Musician Harry Curtis will entertain mothers of all ages with hits from yesteryear. Free entrance. Hugo: 0 084 608 6325. ) Join the Hottentots Holland branch of the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (Wessa) for a tour of Backsberg wine estate. Take your own picnic. Meet at 09:00 at the parking area in front of Virgin Active near Waterstone Centre (Somerset West). Freya Brett: 0 021 851 6951 or 021 852 8831. 15 Mei ) Stellenbosch Blommeklub vergader in die NG Kerksaal Stellenbosch-Wes. Lorraine Rose demonstreer DieSelfde Houer, Verskillende Style van 09:30 af, vergadering om 10:00. Koste vir nie-lede is R20. Greta van der Merwe: 0 021 886 5367 of 072 202 4572.
Interest group AGM
THE Stellenbosch Interest Group will hold its annual general meeting on Tuesday 22 May in Erfurt House, Ryneveld Street. It will start at 19:00, and Jolanda de Villiers Morkel will speak on the subject of Architecture in Context. Everyone is welcome.
Verpleegkundige spesialiseer in voetsorg
Mooi voete! Seniors, Diabete, Ingroei Toonnaels, Kallusse, Bunions, Liddorings en sommer net Toonnaels. 083 76 72 70 1 Sr.Marthie Hauptfleisch
16 May ) Stories that Ignite, on International Day for Sharing Life Stories, from 17:30 to 19:30. All Stellenbosch citizens are invited to gather on Die Braak (Stellenbosch town hall if raining) to share their life stories. Playing Mantis story facilitators will create the space. Entrance is free. ) Stellenbosch Erfenis Stigting openbare bespreking oor die moderne erfenis van Stellenbosch, met verwysing na die werk van die argitek Pius Pahl. 18:00, US Sasol Kunsmuseum, Ryneveldstraat. Almal welkom. ) Join the Hottentots Holland Wessa meeting at 19:30 in the Somerset West Library hall. Dr Simon van Noort will speak on The Wonderful World of Wasps. Freya Brett: 0 021 851 6951 or 021 852 8831. 17 Mei ) Die Stellenbosch Toastmasters-klub vergader in Bernadettos in Ryneveldstraat om 18:45. Kontak Paul Germishuizen: 0 082 568 9225 of 2
Antique fair THE Blaauwklippen Antique Fair will be held in the estate’s main house from 10:00 to 15:00 on 19 and 20 May. Entrance is free and refreshments will be sold. For further information call Barbara on 083 444 0133.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
‘Model’ to learn from SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
N innovative housing project in Franschhoek, which includes upgrades done in partnership with the local community, could become a model for similar projects throughout the Western Cape. This sentiment follows a visit by Western Cape premier Helen Zille, housing MEC Bonginkosi Madikizela and other government officials to the informal settlement of Langrug on Tuesday. The project involves the upgrade of the settlement through the provision of basic services to each household – all done in cooperation with the community. Mapping and enumeration have been completed, and about 200 jobs have already been created through employing residents to build their own grey-water channels and play parks. Roads are also being planned. The relationship between the community and the municipality has, however, not always been one of partnership. During the visit David Carolissen, deputy director of Integrated Human Settlements, explained that there had been much conflict between them at first, and that the municipality had not been not allowed in the area. The community had even thrown out the municipality’s chemi-
Langrug community leader Trevor Masiyi (left) talks with premier Helen Zille, housing minister Bonginkosi Madikizela and mayor Conrad Sidego. Pic: Samantha van den Berg
cal toilets, he said. After partnering with the Community Organisation Resource Centre, however, and engaging with residents in an open and frank manner for a few months, the community finally came around. Trevor Masiyi, a Langrug community leader, said locals had had no trust in the municipality, but now had a partnership wherein the community played a serious role. “We don’t want to wait for the municipality to provide for us. We want to do something for ourselves,” he said. According to Zille, there is no policy area more difficult than that of housing. Access to land and the rate of urbanisation contribute heavily to the difficulties, and she asked whether one should do a lot for a few people
or a little for many people. She said doing a lot for a few people is a policy she wouldn’t tolerate, and that it is best to upgrade people’s living areas while ways are found to curb urbanisation. But this is a very complex process, she said. “We thus need models for in-situ upgrading. Something has happened here in Langrug that can work.” Stellenbosch mayor Conrad Sidego said innovation was needed to solve the housing crisis. He believes this project will become something others can learn from. The project will be rolled out in Kayamandi next.
Lindzay soek hulp!
OM so gerieflik moontlik te leef. dek nie. Dít is Liezl van Wyk (40) van KySy grootste behoeftes is volwaslemore se grootste wens vir haar se doeke, klere, toiletware en selfs seun, Lindzay (10). kos. Hy is met hidrosefalus (waLiezl se hartsbegeerte is dat hy terkop) gebore. só gerieflik moontlik kan leef. Dit behels die abnormale ver“Ek praat nie van luukshede nie. sameling Net ’n badvan vloekamer wat istof wat hy kan geonder meer bruik.” tot die verSy wens groting van ook dat sy die kop lei. hom kon skLindzay ool toe is blind en ly stuur. aan epilep“Ek het sie. Hy het hom die alook ’n verfabet geleer korte Liezl van Wyk saam met haar seun Lindzay en ook om regterarm te tel. Ek wil en haar dogter Lee-Zayne. en -been. hom in die Hy woon saam met sy ma, haar skool hê, maar nie in ’n tehuis. man en twee susters in ’n houthuis “Die Here het hom vir my gegee. in sy ouma se agterplaas. Hy is nie ’n las vir my nie.” Hier bring hy sy dae merendeels Enigiemand wat belangstel om in die bed deur waar hy op ’n selfoon vir Lindzay in sy basiese behoeftes na musiek luister. te help kan vir Samantha van den Hy is mal oor musiek sê Liezl. “Hy Berg by 021 887 2840 bel of ’n epos moes eintlik al dood gewees het. stuur aan samantha.vandenSy lewensverwagting was drie jaar. “Vandag is hy 10 jaar en vier Enige skenkings sal grootliks maande oud. Hy is my wonder- waardeer word. werk.” Sy moet egter voltyds na hom omsien en kan dus nie werk nie. Hy ontvang ’n subsidie van R1 200 van die staat, maar dit is nie naastenby genoeg om die basiese uitgawes te
Hoërskool Stellenbosch vaar puik in Top Tennis Toernooie
Me Lientjie Muller, Minke Beukes, Kerstin Gressman, Elaine van Zyl, Jana Giliomee, Amy Olvier, Janke Bruyns, Demi Rose
Agter: Marco Bensley, Adriaan du Toit, Danie Lubbe, Gerrit Langenhoven. Voor: Louis Lategan, Stefan Olivier en Eddie Aldrich
Die verlies van uitstekende tennisspelers die afgelope 2 jaar, wat die skool aan die einde van hul gr 12-jaar verlaat het, het 'n boufase ingelyf. Die jong en nuwe spelers het staatmakers geword.
OPEN DAY - 19 May 2012
AMANDA COETZER TOERNOOI Tydens die Amanda Coetzer-toernooi in Bloemfontein speel HSS in die eindstryd teen Hoër Meisieskool Oranje. Oranje was net te ervare en klop Stellenbosch. Die dogters het egter uitstekende tennis gespeel. Die uitslae is as volg: Wen teen Menlopark 8-1 Wen teen Claredon 7-2 Wen semifinaal teen Bloemhof 5-4 Verloor uitspeel vir eerste plek 3-5 teen Oranje Amy Olivier is aangewys as die beste no. 2 speler van die toernooi. Amy Olivier en Kerstin Gressman is aangewys as die beste dubbelspaar van die toernooi.
Join us to find out how WALDORF EDUCATION IS MEETING THE NEEDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE and providing an Education for Life Play Group - Kindergarten - Primary School - High School Registration: 9:30am Programme: 10am - 12.30pm Venue: Santa Road Off Annandale Road, Spier Wine Farm Entrance
Tel No: 021 881 3867
WAYNE FERREIRA TOERNOOI Die seuns eindig in die Wayne Ferreira-toernooi in Johannesburg 4de nadat hulle baie goed gevaar het. Die uitslae is as volg: Verloor teen St Benedicts 10-11 Wen teen HTS Middelburg 17-2 Wen teen Parktown High 18-1 Verloor semifinaal teen Glenwood High 6-1 Verloor uitspeel vir derde en vierdie plek vs St Benedicts 6-3 Eindig vierde in toernooi Die skool gee erkenning aan Pietie Norval en Kainos vir puik afrigting en ondersteuning van ons tennisspelers.
Community News.
Eikestadnuus Friday, 11 May 2012
SU reviews residence placement policy BYRON MESSARIS
TELLENBOSCH University (SU) is currently reviewing its policy for residence placements. The last time the policy was amended was over a decade ago, in 2001. A talk was held on campus on 7 May to address concerns surrounding this process. “The university is losing brilliant students because they’re not getting res placements,”
said Lloyd Blake, a member of the task team reviewing the policy. The changes proposed will impact on both admissions criteria and how long students may remain in residence. In terms of the former, it is proposed that 60% of the available slots be awarded to students based solely on academic merit. The remaining 40% will then also be awarded according to academic merit, but will the additional consideration of four more criteria,
namely race, language, national or international status and first generation Matie (or not). Limits will also be placed on the duration students may remain in residence. These include a maximum of three years for all students, except those serving as a mentor for first-years, or on the house committee of that residence. Also, students living in Stellenbosch will be limited to two years of residence at the university’s dorms.
Innes Barnardt, former SU student representative council member, spoke up against the reform, saying that “not only is this policy aiming to discriminate against people based on their skin colour, it’s also aiming to discriminate based on their nationality, based on their language… all these forms of discrimination are against the Bill of Rights.” The new policy is likely to be implemented by 2014.
Mazibuko on tweets and reconciliation NADINE MOODIE
OPEDAG 14 MEI 2012 16:30 – 19:00 Inligtingsdag vir voornemende Gr8's sowel as hul ouers Telefoon: 021 887 3082 •
Die volgende spelers het Boland kleure verwerf in Skaak. Agter: Janus Bezuidenhout, Kyle Crotz, Suemari Bezuidenhout, Jade Paulse Voor: Herman Janse van Rensburg, Aiden Crotz
Vyf netbalspelers na finale Bolandproewe: Kyla Orton, Stefnie Burger, Devanté Pietersen, Tinneke van Zyl en Shearita van der Merwe
“I HAVE chosen not to reject Jessica Leandra Dos Santos and Tshidi Thamana,” said DA parliamentary leader Lindiwe Mazibuko when she addressed students at Dagbreek Men’s Residence on Tuesday evening. Mazibuko was speaking on race and reconciliation, following the racist tweets posted on Twitter by the two models caused an outcry within the South African community. On Friday evening Dos Santos tweeted: “Just, well took on an arrogant and disrespectful k***** inside Spar. Should have punched him, should have.” In response to her tweet, Thamana tweeted: “Dear Mr Peter Mokaba… I wish all whites had been killed when you sang ‘Kill the Boer’, then we wouldn’t have to experience @JessicaLeandra’s racism [sic].” Mazibuko said what the models had done was insensitive, and an indication that South Africans have lost the reconciliatory spirit of Nel-
son Mandela. The only way this would change was if citizens were to campaign for the rights of other communities on a daily basis, she added. Mazibuko also said that politicians should take responsibility for this, referring to the manner in which they also use race at times. “Reconciliation is toothless without redress,” said the parliamentary leader. The event was organised by Dagbreek residents Julian van Zyl and Marnus Engelbrecht. Law student Wiaan Visser wanted to know from Mazibuko why Dos Santos and not Thamana had been reported to the South African Human Rights Commission, and whether Mazibuko would be laying a complaint with the commission. In response, Mazibuko challenged Visser to report the model to the commission himself. She said she no longer felt anger towards the two. BA student Allison-Claire Hoskins questioned why the DA speaks about reconciliation and integration, but during elections go
to separate communities to campaign, making no effort to bring different groups together. Mazibuko replied, saying that from the question she had realised that there is a fine line between engaging with people in a way they feel comfortable with and doing so in a way that makes them feel separate.
Marnus Engelbrecht, Lindiwe Mazibuko and Julian van Zyl. Pic: Nadine Moodie
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
05 TEL: 021 887 4777
Ongelukke eis twee ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
WEE ongelukke in die vroeë oggendure van Sondag het twee lewens geëis. Die eerste ongeluk het net ná 02:00 op die Helshoogtepad, net voor die Kylemore-afrit, gebeur. Na bewering het Victor Davidse van Pniel, in ’n wit VW Polo, wat in die rigting van Kylemore gery het, beheer oor sy voertuig verloor. Die voertuig het gerol en hy is op die toneel oorlede. Volgens supt. Lizelle Stroebel van Stellenbosch-verkeersdienste blyk dit of die bestuurder aan die slaap geraak het toe die ongeluk plaasgevind het. Hy was alleen in die voertuig tydens die ongeluk. Kort daarna is ’n man in ’n fratsongeluk oorlede toe sy motor bo-op hom geval het terwyl hy daaraan
’n Man het Sondagoggend gesterf toe sy motor digby Kylemore gerol het. Foto: verskaf
gewerk het. Na bewering het die Toyota Tazz se dryfveer gebreek. Bystanders het hom toe gehelp om sy motor tot by Stellenbosch-treinstasie se parkeerarea te stoot waar hy self probeer het om die motor reg te
maak. Die domkrag het egter gebreek en die linker-voorkant van die voertuig het bo-op die man se kop te lande gekom. Hy is op die toneel oorlede.
Longifolia robber nabbed by security guard A MAN was arrested in Paradyskloof after a house robbery and theft in Longifolia Street. Lieutenant Natalie Martin, police spokesperson, says a woman, in her living room at the time, was stunned when a man wielding a knife walked in. “He threatened her and asked for
her cellphone, money and jewellery. “He then followed her to her room, where she took out her costume jewellery and threw it on the bed. “As he was picking it up, she ran out and pushed the panic button. The robber jumped through the window and ran away.” A neighbour, who saw the robber,
called CSS Tactical, whose officers responded and nabbed him. When the man was searched, the officers found two more cellphones and a wallet that had been stolen at another house in the same street.
Caught playing chicken TWO people were charged with theft after they were caught attempting to steal pieces of chicken from a poultry shop in town. While on patrol in Protea Road at 10:30 on 3 May, Stellenbosch Watch officer John Siebrits spotted two people loading a heavy bucket into their vehicle. “When the officer stopped to ask the pair what they were doing, they replied that they had been given the bucket full of chicken pieces by a local business owner,” said Stellenbosch Watch CEO Glenn Schooling. “Siebrits contacted the
CPF elections
THE Stellenbosch police are in the process of electing a new executive committee for the Stellenbosch Community Policing Forum for the 2012–2013 period.
central monitoring centre and requested that they confirm this. The business owner denied the claim.” The suspects were handed over to the police. “This is a further example of the success of the community partnership between the Stellenbosch Watch, ADT and residents, which enables these security resources to be deployed in the area,” Schooling said.
Application and nomination forms to register can be obtained from Lieutenant Natalie Martin at room 116. Completed forms must be handed back to room 116 before or on 12 June. Call Lt Natalie Martin at 021 809 5061.
KERMIS Saterdag, 9 Junie 2012
Pak jy? Trek jy? Alle boeke en tydskrifte sal waardeer word!
Skakel 021 887 5080
Community News.
Prof. Roelof Temmingh Foto: Foto24
PROF. Roelof Temmingh, een van Suid-Afrika se eerste avant-garde komponiste en bekende musikus, is Sondagaand in Pinetown oorlede. Gebore in Amsterdam op 28 September 1946, het hy en sy familie in 1958 na Suid-Afrika verhuis en op Griekwastad geland. Daarvandaan is hulle na Klerksdorp en toe na Kaapstad waar sy pa, Roelof, musiekdosent en orrelis by Groote Kerk was. Temmingh het sy skoolloopbaan aan Hoërskool DF Malan voltooi, waarna hy aan die Universiteit Kaapstad gestudeer het. Volgens sy gewese vrou, die bekende orrelis Zorada Temmingh, het hy daarin geslaag om twee grade, ’n BMus en BA, gelyktydig te behaal. Hy was aanvanklik dosent by Unisa, en daarna by die universiteit van Port Elizabeth. Hy is in 1973 by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) as
dosent in musikologie en komposisie aangestel. Temmingh het komposisie by onder andere Gideon Fagan gestudeer. Hy het vroeg reeds begin komponeer en was veral bekend vir sy elektroniese en aleatoriese musiek wat hy in die 70’s en 80’s gekomponeer het. Hy het ook talle meer konvensionele werke die lig laat sien. Prof. Winfried Lüdemann, hoof van die US Konservatorium vertel dat Temmingh gehou het van die kontroversie wat hierdie oënskynlike teenstrydigheid by kritici uitgelok het. “Die wroeging en pyn waarmee sommige skeppende kunstenaars aan hul werke geboorte gee het hy nie geken nie. Komposisie was vir hom ’n absoluut natuurlike saak, soos om asem te haal, die musiek het as ’t ware uit hom gevloei en hy het teen ’n verbysterende tempo die een ná die ander werk die lig laat sien. Baie daarvan word as meesterwerke binne Suid-Afrika se musiekkultuur erken. “Hy het meermale gesê dat hy nie weet waar sy musikale ingewings vandaan gekom het nie, hy het dit net neergeskryf. Met sy tipiese sin vir humor het hy (seker maar met tong in die kies – mens het dikwels nie geweet of sy uitsprake ernstig, spottend of doelbewus raaiselagtig bedoel was nie) beweer dat hy elkeen van die onderskeie bewegings van sy eerste Konsert vir Hobo en
Eikestadnuus Friday, 11 May 2012
Orkes op opeenvolgende Saterdagmiddae gekomponeer het,” vertel Lüdemann. As komponis het hy uiteraard ook ’n intense belangstelling in 20ste eeuse musiekgeskiedenis gehad. Dit is as dosent in hierdie vak dat die meeste van sy studente hom sal onthou. Sy ander groot belangstelling was die verskillende sisteme waarvolgens musiekinstrumente gestem word. Vir sommige studente was dit dalk ’n baie droë onderwerp, maar dit het hom as persoon met ’n baie fyn ontwikkelde gehoor uitermate gefassineer, vertel Lüdemann. In die laat-tagtigs het hy die eksperimentele musiek gelos en meer konvensionele stukke gekomponeer, sy derde romantiek, soos hy dit genoem het – die herontdekking van die melodie. Tussen 1995 en 1998 het hy drie operas geskryf: Enoch, Prophet of God, wat ’n hele aantal opvoerings in die destydse Nico Malan operahuis beleef het, Sacred Bones en Buchuland, ’n opdragwerk vir die Staatsteater in Pretoria. Die tekste vir hierdie werke is geskryf deur sy swaer, die dramaturg Michael Williams. Temmingh is die enigste komponis in Suid-Afrika wat die Helgaard Steyn-prys drie keer gewen het: vir Drie Sonnette in 1988, vir Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein in 2001 en vir Kantorium in 2006. Hy het vele werke geskryf vir kore, soos Himne
vir die Libertaskoor, ook verskeie concerto’s vir klavier, orrel, hobo, tjello, fluit en viool. Selfs ná ’n beroerte-aanval einde 2004 het hy steeds werke gekomponeer. Volgens Lüdemann is Himne seker Temmingh se bekendste werk. “Dit is nooit gepubliseer nie, maar het in die vorm van roofkopieë in talle lande verspreiding gevind en word nog steeds deur baie kore gesing. Hy het dikwels gesê dat alleen hierdie werk hom ryk sou gemaak het as hy beheer oor die kopiereg daarvan sou kon behou het.” In reaksie op die dood van Temmingh het die rektor van die US gesê sy “bydrae tot die Stellenbosse en Suid-Afrikaanse musiekkultuur kan moeilik oorskat word en hy word as een van die belangrikste komponiste van sy generasie gereken”. Temmingh word oorleef deur sy broers, suster, en sy kinders by Zorada, die tweeling Roelof en Zorada (15). Hy was ook voorheen getroud met Sandra Temmingh by wie hy twee seuns, Henk (39) en Stefan (34) gehad het.
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Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
NWETTIGE kragherleiding het onlangs in die Plankenbrug-nywerheidsgebied kop uitgesteek. Dit kom ná inwoners van die Enkanini-plakkerskamp, bokant Plankenbrug, onwettig kragdrade na ’n munisipale kragvoorsieningsboks in Bridgeweg gespan het. Eikestadnuus het Vrydag die perseel in Bridgeweg besoek waar die kragboks geleë is. Die boks was oopgebreek en die kragdrade het regoor die voetpaadjie gestrek waar mense geloop het. Volgens ’n sake-eienaar wat anoniem wil bly, was Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit en die polisie reeds verskeie kere daar om die kragdrade te verwyder. Die kragdrade word dan sommer dieselfde dag weer aangelê. “’n Hond is reeds hier verkool. Die drade is nie geïsoleer nie en lê daar waar kinders speel. Wat as ’n kind doodgeskok word?” Volgens André van Niekerk, direkteur van ingenieursdienste, is hulle bewus van die probleem en beoog hulle om die kragboks te verwyder. “Daar word baie probleme met kragdiefstal ondervind, asook kabeldiefstal, met herhaalde oortredings wat voorkom nadat korrektiewe stappe geneem is. As ons die distri-
busiekas verskuif, word die spesifieke probleem opgelos, maar dit sal waarskynlik daartoe lei dat die kragdiewe ’n volgende teiken sal kies.” Die samewerking van die polisie en die gemeenskap is egter nodig om die probleem op te los. Volgens Neville Langenhoven, waarnemende direkteur vir openbare veiligheid, het hulle briewe in Kayamandi begin uitgee aan inwoners met onwettige kragaansluitings na hul wonings. Hulle is versoek om dit teen ’n sekere datum te verwyder. Volgens Langenhoven beoog hulle ’n operasie waartydens hulle die drade sal verwyder. Die datum en besonderhede van dié operasie kan egter weens veiligheidsredes nie bekend gemaak word nie.
Onwettig-geleide drade van Enkanini na Plankenbrug is ook ’n veiligheidsrisiko. Foto: Samantha van den Berg
Blue Drop awards for S’bosch ELSABÉ RETIEF
STELLENBOSCH Municipality has achieved Blue Drop awards for four of its five water supply systems. This good news was announced at a ceremony held at the Cape Town International Conference Centre on Monday evening. Municipal employees Dries van Taak (manager of Water Services), Brett Keyser (head of Water and Wastewater Treatment) and Esias de Jager (head of reticulation) were among those who attended the awards.
Three were received in conjunction with the City of Cape Town, which supplies water to the systems of Blackheath, Faure and Wemmershoek, and with which the local municipality has a close working relationship. Stellenbosch Municipality also once again received a Blue Drop award for the Stellenbosch water supply system, which reflects the quality of water processed by the Ida’s Valley and Paradyskloof treatment plants. Since the inception of the Blue Drop System in 2008, the municipality has never failed to receive a Blue Drop award for this partic-
ular system. André van Niekerk, Stellenbosch director of Engineering Services, says Blue Drops are given annually as part of the regulating function of the Department of Water Affairs. A minimum score of 95% must be achieved before a water supply system receives a Blue Drop award. Franschhoek’s water supply system is still being upgraded, but the municipality is confident that it too will achieve Blue Drop status.
Wemmershoeksaal se nuwe baadjie DIE Wemmershoek-gemeenskapsaal spog tans met ’n splinternuwe baadjie nadat opknappingswerk van sowat R550 000 daaraan voltooi is. Die saal is onlangs deur Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit aan Wemmershoek-gemeenskap oorhandig. Dit is sowat 60 jaar oud en het meesal uit hout bestaan voordat dit vervalle geraak het. Opknappingswerk is die afgelope drie jaar aan die gebou gedoen. Dit spog nou met ’n nuwe dak, vloer, plafon, kombuis met toebehore én ’n kan-
toor vir wyksraadslid, Nicholas August. Dit het lugreëling en ’n crèche en ’n rekenaaropleidingsentrum word óók daar beoog. Raadslid Martin Smuts, die onderburgemeester, het die saal geopen en gesê die oorhandiging hou sekere verantwoordelikhede vir die gemeenskap in. Volgens hom is daar nou ’n “sosiale kontrak van verstandhouding” tussen die gemeenskap en die munisipaliteit en moet die gebou gesamentlik deur die munisipaliteit en die gemeenskap besit, beheer en onder-
hou word. “Julle moet na die gebou omsien asof dit jul eie is. Té dikwels word geboue vernietig, geplunder of afgebrand. In ’n land soos SuidAfrika kan ons nie bekostig om dít te vervang wat reeds daar is nie. Dis u gebou, sien om daarna. Dit kos net ’n paar uur om dit wat jare geneem het af te breek.” ’n Mobiele kliniek word ook vir die saal beplan. -Samantha van den Berg
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Eikestadnuus Friday, 11 May 2012
Vrae oor kragbesparingsprojek
‘Let’s rather keep Stellenbosch a secret’ Jerome Turner, Stellenbosch, writes: My mother was born and buried in Stellenbosch and I presently live here, so you could say I am a Stellenboscher to some degree or other. Thus I would like to air my views regarding [the branding of Stellenbosch]. I moved to Somerset West in 1980 when it was the quaintest little village, with gravel roads, and about 25% of the properties were smallholdings with cattle. I stayed there for 25 years. Then came all the razzmatazz about progress and worldwide exposure and opportunities, etc, etc. Well, today Somerset West is really not a very great place to live anymore. While I applaud most of the “360” ideas, I think there will be highly
undesirable consequences in the long run in terms of exposing Stellenbosch as the number one place to live. I agree that it is, but once we get an extra million people living here it will no longer have that title. I was in Namibia for three months last year, and the charm of this place is that it is not on the radar screen, and that is how they all like it. Recently huge oil reserves were discovered off the Namibian coast, and I cannot find one Namibian who is happy about it, as they realise that their little idyllic hideaway’s time is short-lived. Let’s rather keep Stellenbosch a secret.
Hannes van Zyl, Somerset-Wes, skryf: Ek het ’n rukkie gelede oor die radio gehoor hoe Stellenbosch-inwoners aangeraai word om deel te wees van die kragverskaffer (het nie gehoor of dit Eskom of die munisipaliteit is nie) se projek om elektriese krag te spaar. Dit word bewerkstellig deur ’n stuk elektroniese toerusting gratis in jou huis te laat installeer waardeur jou verhitter (geiser) per afstandbeheer aan en af geskakel word. Die bewoording het geïmpliseer dat die verbruiker daardeur bevoordeel sal word, maar luister bietjie hierna. Ek woon in Somerset-Wes en ons bedryf ’n gastehuis. Verlede maand het ons tot ons ontsteltenis agtergekom dat die water uit die geiser koud word. Ek het natuurlik onmiddellik in die elektriese kas gaan kyk en het gesien dat al die skakelaars aan is. Ek het ’n elektrisiën laat kom. Hy het een kyk gegee en aan die lag gegaan. Hy wys my toe die toestel (wat deur die munisipaliteit geïnstalleer is voor ek die huis gekoop het) en verduidelik dat wanneer die munisipaliteit dit goeddunk om krag
op die stelsel te spaar, stuur hulle ’n sein deur die elektriese netwerk na al die verbruikers in SomersetWes en die Strand wat die toestel het. Dié sein skakel die geisers af totdat die verskaffer gelukkig is dat genoeg krag daardeur gespaar is. Maar dit was nie die einde van die sage nie. Ek bel die elektriese navraagkantoor en die vrou deel my mee dat dit ’n fout is waaraan die tegnici werk en dat niemand weet hoe lank dit gaan neem om te herstel nie. Wat ’n infame leuen! Die probleem kon opgelos gewees het deur die blote aansit van ’n skakelaar. Ek kan nie bevestig of hierdie dieselfde situasie is nie, maar stel voor dat Stellebossers die kat eers mooi uit die boom kyk. Daar is glo kommersiële produkte op die mark waarmee verbruikers hul geisers kan beheer sodat jy, wat die verbruiker is, nut daaruit kan put. Daar is natuurlik ook die sonverhitting-oplossing waarna eerder gekyk moet word. Christelle Holtzhausen, projekbestuurder van Energie Dienste Maatskappy (ESCo), verantwoordelik vir die uitvoering van
die huishoudelike lasbestuurprojek in die Stellenbosch-area, antwoord soos volg: Ek is nie bewus van die stelsel wat in Somerset-Wes en Strand geïmplimenteer is nie. Ons het al vir die afgelope 7 jaar residensiële lasbeheerstelsels geïmplimenteer en nog glad nie ondergenoemde klagtes gekry nie. Dié stelsel is goedgekeur deur die munisipaliteit en Eskom met ’n getekende vyfjaar-kontrak wat sê die munisipaliteit mag net tussen 18:00 en 20:00 die geisers afsit om die hoë las te skuif om minder las op Eskom se nasionale netwerk te hê. Die voordeel met hierdie tweerigtingstelsel is dat ons onmiddellik kan sien wanneer ’n huis se skakelaar nie werk nie en dit dadelik kan oplos. Dus in kort, kan die munisipaliteit nie net die geisers afsit wanneer hulle wil nie. Ek glo as die hele SuidAfrika saamwerk, skakel ons die moontlike loadshedding uit wat ons almal beleef het in 2007.
Die Antwoord bring hoop
Yarnbomber strikes again!
Yarnbomber, who is keeping the sculptures of the 20Stellenbosch exhibition warm, has struck once again, this time with a scarf for the Dancer, a work by Sue Pam-Grant, situated in the Botanical Gardens. Pic: Yarnbomber
Piet Paradys, skryf: Woensdagaand: Watter verligting om vanaand saam met sowat 1 500 mense (my skatting) met Die Antwoord op Stellenbosch te kon sê: f#! the system – f#! ons en f#! julle. Om weer ’n slag perspektief te kon kry op ons eie “o, so belangrikheid” wat ons nêrens bring nie. Helaas bly daar nie ’n gat in die water wanneer ons ons hand uit die emmer water trek nie. Die verligting lê in die besef dat daar 1 500 (goed, nie almal was studente nie) mense op Stellenbosch is wat buite die hoofstroom dink en doen - daar is hoop! Die nederigheid en erns waarmee Yo-Landi en Ninja ons probeer wakker skud uit ons voorstedelike slaap is verbluffend. Ek verstaan nou waarom hulle internasionale helde is – hulle is eg en slim. Zef wys ons die teendeel van ons verblindende “sofistikasie”. Weliswaar is daar nou ’n “Antwoord” op ons stiksienigheid. Ek gaan lekker slaap vanaand.
Eikestadnuus Friday, 11 May 2012
STELLENBOSSE SKOLE EN SELFONE STELLENBOSSE skole het gemengde gevoelens oor ’n verbod op selfone in skole. Die Nasionale Vereniging vir Skoolbeheerliggame het verlede week versoek dat selfone by skole verbied
moet word. Eikestadnuus het die afgelope week met van die hoërskole in die Eikestad oor die onderwerp gesels.
Stellies: Hoërskool Stellenbosch het ’n suksesvolle kultuurweek aangebied. Hier is Annette Kemp, Louisa Wynand, CJ Reynecke, Alwyn van der Merwe, Misha Botha, Anke Hanekom, Edward King en John Genis, (voor) Mardi Strydom, Chené van der Merwe en Janda Fouché.
Mnr Jannie van der Westhuizen, Paul Roos Gimnasium: “Ons laat die gebruik van selfone toe by die skool, maar die gebruik word gereguleer deur die skool se amptelike selfoonbeleid. As veiligheidsmaatreël is dit noodsaaklik dat kinders moet kan kommunikeer.”
Mev. Helmien Slabber, Rhenish Girl’s High: “Die beleid is dat leerlinge die selfone mag skool toe bring, maar dit moet weggesit word in die selfoon-sluitkassies voor skool begin. Indien ’n leerling met ’n foon betrap word, word dit vir twee weke gekonfiskeer. Dit is nie prakties om fone te verban nie.”
Mev. Wilna van Heerden, Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof: “Geen selfone mag aangeskakel wees in die klas nie. Indien dit sou lui, word dit vir drie skooldae afgeneem en in die kluis gebêre. Die opvoeders gebruik selfone in hul onderrig. In verbruikerstudie Google hulle ontwerpers en handelsname en in geskiedenis wetgewing.”
Mnr. David Andrews, Hoërskool Cloetesville: “Die beleid van ons skool is dat geen selfone op die skoolterrein mag wees nie. Die versoek van die NVS word dus reeds toegepas by Cloetesville.”
Mnr. Clive Hendrickse, Hoërskool Lückhoff: “Ons beleid is dat geen selfone by die skool toegelaat word nie en dus ondersteun ons die NVS se versoek.”
Mnr. Charles Ndlebe, Hoërskool Makupula: “Ons beleid is dat leerlinge se selfone afgeskakel moet wees, want ons sal dit afneem indien dit aangeskakel is. Ons verwelkom die versoek van die NVS om selfone te verbied, want dit is ’n stoornis as kinders op die selfone sit en speel in die klaskamer.”
Arts & Entertainment.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
) Oude Libertas-galery: uitstalling getiteld Woordvrou. Verskeie kunstenaars. Tot middel Mei. 0 021 809 7463 of 2 ) US Kunsgalery: uitstalling getiteld Ons Land deur Carl Becker en Monique Pelser tot 12 Mei. 0 021 808 3489/3524. ) Lanzerac Manor House: From Paris to Pop by Anita van Zyl, Vernon Fourie and Marieke Prinsloo-Rowe. Until 13 May. 0 082 415 5609. ) Sasol Art Museum: Journey of a Woman featuring oil paintings by internationally renowned artist Rachelle Bomberg. Until 16 May. 11 Mei ) Dorpstraat-teater: Brandon October. R100. 20:30. 0 021 889 9158 of 2
Elsabé Daneel, Susanne Beyers en Joanie Combrink. 19:00. R100 by Computicket.
siteitskoor OLV André van der Merwe. 16:30. R99 of R75 by Computicket. 14 May ) Endler Colloquia: Reflections on Academic and Artistic Collaboration: The Boeremusiek Project by Willemien Froneman (SU) and Niklas Zimmer (UCT), facilitated by Professor Stephanus Muller. 15:00 to 16:30. Free. ) Klein Libertas-teater: Ont met Wessel Pretorius. 19:00. R90 (R60 studente) by Computicket. Geen kinders onder 16. 15 tot 16 Mei ) Klein Libertas-teater: Ou Blare met
12 May ) La Motte Classic Concert: Alexander Ramm and Tinus Botha (cello and piano). 19:00. Book with Angela: 0 021 876 8000; 2 ) Endler Koorfees: Schola Cantorum OLV gasdirigent, Kåre Hanken. 20:00. R99 of R75 by Computicket. ) Dorpstraat-teater: Andre Schwartz. 20:30. R100. 0 021 889 9158 of 2 13 Mei ) Endlersaal:
15 May ) Endler lunchtime concert series: US Brass Ensemble. 13:00. Free. ) Café Art: French movie evening with Les Apprentis (English subtitles). 19:00. R20 movie and popcorn. Organised by the Alliance Française of Stellenbosch. 16 May ) De Oude Bank Bakkerij: Albert Frost live. R50. 0 021 883 2187. ) PJ Olivier-kunssentrum: Friends in Art jaarlikse groepuitstalling met verskeie plaaslikse kunstenaars. Nelis Koegelenberg open die uitstalling om 18:00. 17 May ) Endler Lunchtime Concert Series: Tricia Theunissen plays Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. 13:00. Free. ) PJ Olivier: nuwe uitstalling met 20ste eeuse chinese drukkuns. Gasspreker: Ambassadeur Tian Xuejun van die Raad van die Chinese Ambassade. 18:00 vir 18:30. RSVP voor 14 Mei by 0 021 886 4854. ) Klein Libertas-teater: Ont met Wessel Pretorius. 19:00. R90 (R60 studente) by Computicket.
’n Nuwe uitstalling van 20ste eeuse geselekteerde Chinese drukkuns open op 17 Mei by die PJ Olivier-kunssentrum.
Fri: 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sat, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 —————————————————————————————————————————————
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Fri: 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30 Sat, Tue: 9:15, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30 —————————————————————————————————————————————
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Fri: 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sat, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 —————————————————————————————————————————————
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Fri: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sat, Tue: 9:15, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 ————————————————————————————————————————————— Daily: 11:00, 14:00, 17:15, 20:15
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Fri: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45, 22:15 Sat, Tue: 9:10, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45, 22:15 —————————————————————————————————————————————
THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL ˛ Ç ƒ Fri: 11:50, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sat, Tue: 9:05, 11:50, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 11:50, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45
SATERDAG 12 MEI: 20h00
Oil on canvas:
A new exhibition featuring oil paintings by internationally renowned artist Rachelle Bomberg recently opened at the Sasol Art Museum. The exhibition will be open until 16 May. For more information call 021 808 3695.
Vriende kom saam:
Vanjaar se Friends in Art-uitstalling open op 16 Mei by die P.J. Olivier-kunssentrum. Die uitstalling sal tot 31 Mei te sien wees. Dit is vanjaar die derde groepuitstalling. Nelis Koegelenberg sal die uitstalling om 18:00 op 16 Mei open.
SONDAG 13 MEI: 16h30 UNIVERSITEIT STELLENBOSCH KOOR 2012 WERELD KOOR KOMPETISIE o.l.v. Andre van der Merwe Bespreek By Computicket: 0861 915 8000/ en by die deur
DINSDAG 15 MEI Stellenbosch Koperblaasensemble DONDERDAG 17 MEI TRICIA THEUNNISSEN: VIVALDI 4 SEISOENE Gratis toegang Navrae: 021 808 2358 / 084 682 1337 I
Daily: 11:00, 14:00, 17:15, 19:30, 20:15
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THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS 3D ˛ ◊ ß Daily: 10:15, 12:30, 14:50, 17:00
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¸ ˛ ◊ †
Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:10, 14:40, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 9:45, 12:10, 14:40, 17:15, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:45, 12:10, 14:40, 17:15, 19:45 Tue: 9:45, 12:10, 14:40, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 ————————————————————————————————————————————— Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:00, 22:35 Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:00 Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:00, 22:35 —————————————————————————————————————————————
Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:00 Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:00, 22:45 —————————————————————————————————————————————
Daily: 9:15, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30
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THE RAVEN Daily: 9:30, 12:00
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Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:05, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:05, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Tue: 9:05, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 —————————————————————————————————————————————
THE HUNGER GAMES Daily: 14:40, 17:40, 20:45
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Kuns & Vermaak.
Eikestadnuus Friday, 11 May 2012
Fees van die Uitverkooptes
Herbert Coetzee: Die werke van die bekende kunstenaar, Herbert Coetzee (1921-2008), sal van 10 tot 18 Mei uitgestal word by die Astervue Huisgalery. Ná sy afsterwe het ’n groot aantal werke sy kinders toegeval, waarvan heelwat by dié uitstalling te sien is. Vir nadere besonderhede bel vir Philip by 083 378 8396.
IE rekordverkope tydens die dertiende US Woordfees het ’n opwindende nuwe inisiatief tot gevolg – Die Fees van die Uitverkooptes wat van 14 tot 28 Mei in die Klein Libertas Teater op Stellenbosch en die Baxter Teaterkompleks in Kaapstad gehou word. Ses toneelstukke wat tydens die Woordfees uitverkoop is, kry ’n verdere speelvak in Stellenbosch en Kaapstad. Ont, Wessel Pretorius se eenmanvertoning wat bekroon is met die Woordtrofee vir beste dramavertoning tydens die Woordfees, is een van die stukke wat te sien sal wees. Ook Nag Ma, ’n drama oor ’n komplekse verhouding tussen ’n ma en haar dogter, met Sandra Prinsloo en Antoinette Louw, sal weer speel. Rachelle Greeff se tweede teks, Buitepos, nou met Deon Lotz in die rolverdeling, word weer opgevoer. Die stuk handel oor ’n doo-
N is vir Neurose is ook weer te sien.
dgewone man met baie tyd, en vroue en spoke uit die verlede wat hom jaag. Albert Maritz se bekroonde Die rebellie van Lafras Verwey , met onder andere Carel Nel
Franschhoek Literary Festival 2012 NG MOEDERKERK SOMERSET WES
Kersmark 2012 Uitstallers word uitgenooi om voor Woensdag 6 Junie 2012 aansoek te doen om hul unieke handgemaakte produkte by die Kersmark wat vanaf 23 November tot 1 Desember 2012 gehou sal word, te verkoop.
Inskrywingsvorms en navrae: Ilse 083-6295921 Lina 084-5015097
RADIO and Idols personality Gareth Cliff will be among the many famous faces at this year’s Franschhoek Literary Festival, taking place from today (Friday 11 May) to Sunday. Many love him, many loathe him, but it’s widely acknowledged that Cliff has an opinion on just about everything. In The Price of Fame, a session chaired by satirist Ndumiso Ngcobo, Cliff joins Alexandra Fuller and Richard Mason in a candid chat about what it’s like to be recognised in public, and the mixed blessing of persistent fans. You’ll also find Gareth in Tweeting for Africa with equally celebrated Jonathan Jansen, and On Being Bolshy with fellow mavericks Denis Beckett and Martin Welz of Noseweek, chaired by multi-talented Marianne Thamm. Fuller and Mason can be spotted again in Bestsellers, talking about Letting the
ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY STELLENBOSCH TEL: 021 886 4901 *After Hours 0711 6999 22 Dogs: Sarah 021 886 4901 • Cats: Elmarie 083 692 9549 E-mail: /
“Adoption the Most Compassionate Option” MAGNUM & PATCHES Patches is 3 and Magnum 1 year. We would love to rehome them together as it was love at first site when they were introduced. Kennel life is getting stressful and they desperately need a good home.
HERBIE Was confiscated in Apr 2012. 4 - 5 Years. Small breed. Sweet boy who deserves a good home where he'll be given all the love he deserves.
PEANUT Was surrendered to us in Apr 2012. 2 Years. Medium breed. She was brought in with her 4 puppies who's all been rehomed. She's such a lovely girl; very gentle.
FRAZZEL Found as a stray in March 2012. Born in Dec 2011. Medium size. He has loads of character with the cutest ears and learns fast; very playful.
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Cat out of the Bag with Hawks spokesman McIntosh Polela. Pieter-Dirk Uys fans can focus on Pieter, not Evita, when Marianne speaks to the man behind the characters we have grown to love, and the cabarets starring Tannie Evita’s wicked sister Bambi Kellermann, a racy vamp from 1930s Berlin. To see one’s name in lights is the dream of many a theatre maker, and in Script to Stage illustrious director Janice Honeyman goes behind the scenes with PieterDirk Uys in playwright mode with Mike van Graan and Craig Higginson. The full festival programme is online at, with bookings open at
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Male; 7 months
PLEASE SUPPORT US. DONATIONS CAN BE MADE TO NEDBANK, BUSINESS WINELANDS BRANCH, ACCOUNT NO: 149 804 2856, BRANCH CODE 149 821 ! Donations are tax deductible ! Together we make a difference!
Forging into film THE LivingIt Ubuntu Teen Film Festival is preparing to shine the light on the world of young film for the third time. The opening of this annual festival will take place on 23 May at 19:00 at the Oude Libertas Auditorium, with six excellent short films of under five minutes each screened in conjunction with the Kwas en Klei art opening at the Oude Libertas Gallery. Two more screenings will take place at 10:00 and noon on Saturday morning, 26 May. A select few short films will be shown twice during the course of the festival, which is being supported by the likes of the Distell Foundation, Basa, JIP, Die Burger, Volksblad, Beeld, CityVarsity, Artscape and Cape Town TV. LivingIt challenges and inspires youngsters between 12 and 28 years old to make films of less than five minutes’ duration. They can present animation, music videos, dramas or documentaries.
Fassbinder gehuldig by Aan-de-Braak AS deel van die internasionale vieringe van die Duitse rolprentmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder se werk word ’n huldeblyk met enkele van sy rolprente, ’n dokumentêr oor sy werkswyse, asook ’n verhoogstuk dié naweek by Aan de Braak-
teater aangebied. Die verhoogverwerking van Fassbinder se Die bitteren tranen der Petra von Kant deur die dramaturg en regisseur Charles J. Fourie, word onder meer opgevoer. Vir besprekings en meer inligting
oor die volledige program op 11 en 12 Mei by Aan De Braak-teater bel vir Carin Bester by 072 305 1525 of Johan Falck by 072 266 2786.
'I am Beautiful ‘at Avontuur 2012 What's on this week: MOTHER'S DAY 13 MAY 2012 Blaauwklippen Family Market Mother's Day Lemon & Lime 10:00-15:00 Tel: 084 608 6325
Join us for themed morning of Guest speakers, Scrumptious eats and Treats.
Three speakers per event Spectacular prizes and goody bags Breakfast/Brunch • Seating limited.
Female; 8 months
en Stian Bam, is vir oulaas te sien. Elsabé Daneel, Susanne Beyers en Joanie Combrink sorg vir vermaak in Leon Kruger se Ou blare, ’n gesinskomedie wat die maskers laat waai en ’n fakkel dra vir vroue van ’n sekere ouderdom. Die jonger generasie draf onder leiding van die talentvolle dramaturg-regisseur Christiaan Olwagen ’n alfabet van neuroses kaf in N is vir Neurose. Die stuk handel oor grootword, klein bly, werk, trou en kinders maak en liefde vind. Besprekings vir die Fees van die Uitverkooptes kan gedoen word by Computicket. Afslagpryse is beskikbaar vir pensionarisse, studente en skoliere. Om die volledige program te sien, besoek
Diarise: 15 May 2012 ~ ‘JOY’ 19 June 2012 ~ 'DREAM' 17 July 2012 ~ 'IMAGINE' 9 August 2012 ~ 'CREATE’ Time: 8h30 - 11h30 • Investment: R150 R.S.V.P: 021 855 4296
Hartenberg Wine Estate Mother's Day Lunch 12:00-14:00 R180 (kids u/12 pay R45) Tel: 021 865 2541 Hidden Valley Chocolate & Wine Pairing 09:00-17:00 R55 includes gift for all mothers Tel: 021 880 2646 JC Le Roux Seasons Restaurant Mother's Day Buffet 12:30-15:00 R160 Tel: 021 865 8222 Lanzerac Mother's Day Buffet R250 Tel: 021 886 5641 Morgenhof Estate Special Mother's Day Menu R180 Tel: 021 889 5510 Morgenster Sofia's Restaurant Mother's Day lunch plus free olive and wine tasting for ladies 10:00-15:30 Tel: 021 852 1738 Simonsig Cuvée Restaurant five course lunch 12:00 R350 Tel: 021 888 4932 Spier Hotel Mother's Day Lunch 12:30 R275 Tel: 021 809 1100 For more information on other events, wine farm opening times and tours, please contact the Wine Desk at 021 886 4310 or visit our website
Chinese drukkun s
’n Uitstalling van 20ste eeuse geselekteerde Chinese drukkuns open op 17 Mei by die P.J. Olivier-kunssentrum. Die gasspreker, die ambassadeur Tian Xuejun van die Raad van die Chinese Ambassade, sal die uitstalling om 18:00 vir 18:30 open. Die uitstalling sal van 18 Mei tot 15 Junie oop wees vir die publiek. RSVP voor of op 14 Mei by 021 886 4854 om die openingsgeleentheid by te woon.
Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
Moenie die Stellenbosch Univrsiteitskoor se uitvoering dié Sondag, op Moedersdag, misloop nie. Die uitvoering begin om 16:30. Kaartjies is teen R99 en R75 beskikbaar by Computicket.
A makeover for moms MOMS can pamper themselves with a complete makeover at Bugz Play Park on 17 May. The Mom’s Total Makeover event promises to be a winner for all fabulous moms. Have your hair done by Richard B from Premier Hair with a complementary cut and blow (worth R500); Madeleen from Health and Beauty Studio will treat some moms to a complete makeover. Isabel Salgueiro from vivAvida will help motivate
you around lifestyle skills, and Joep Loots will tell you how to keep fit without going to the gym. Petro van Vuuren from Playing Mantis will bring principles and values to storytelling. Mom’s Total Makeover will take place on 17 May. Tickets cost R320 (presale), or R350 at the door. Visit, or book at Computicket.
Indulge her SPOIL mom with an elegant outing to Longridge Wine Estate and Restaurant for Mother’s Day. Chef Bruce von Pressentin has prepared a special Mother’s Day set menu at R250 per person. You can also order from the awesome autumn menu. A lucky mom will win a mixed case of Longridge HPG wines. Lunch is served from 12:00 to 15:00. Booking is essential; call 021 855 2004.
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Durand neem leisels oor 5x2 fc
vir ander koerante mei
ANNIE Durand het vandeesweek die leisels as die nuwe hoof van Remgro oorgeneem. Dié stap volg ná die voormalige hoof, Thys Visser, sowat twee weke gelede in ’n motorongeluk op die N1 buite Rawsonville gesterf het. Visser en sy vrou Amanda was op pad na hul plaas by Barrydale toe hulle in ’n botsing reg van voor met ’n Toyota Hilux-bakkie betrokke was. Sy vrou is ongedeerd. ’n Roudiens is verlede Woensdag vir Visser in die NG Moedergemeente op Stellenbosch gehou. Remgro het Maandag vir Durand, die hoof beleggingsbeampte by die maatskappy, as Visser se opvolger aangekondig. Remgro-voorsitter Johann Rupert het in ’n verklaring gesê dat die raad bevoorreg is om meer as een goeie kandidaat vir die posisie te hê. Die deurslaggewende faktor was egter dat die raad ’n nuwe generasie-aanstelling wou gehad het, soortgelyk soos toe Visser aangestel is. “Die raad posisioneer homself vir die toekoms,” het Rupert afgesluit.
Jannie Durand (45)
Foto: Verskaf
Durand het vandeesweek by navraag aan Eikestadnuus gesê dat sy grootste uitdaging as die nuwe hoof sal wees om “Visser se skoene vol te staan”. Hy voorsien egter op die oomblik nie groot veranderings onder sy leierskap nie. “Ek was deel van die bestuurspan onder Thys (Visser) en het sy visie
en die strategie ten volle ondersteun.” As een van die grootste maatskappye op Stellenbosch, voel Durand dat Remgro ’n belangrike rol moet speel met betrekking tot sy maatskaplike verantwoordelikheid teenoor die dorp. “Ons is besig met ’n nuwe inisiatief waar ons meer betrokke in die dorp wil raak deur ons mense.” Durand het in 1984 aan Paul Roos Gimnasium gematrikuleer waarna hy onderskeidelik aan die Universiteite van Stellenbosch en Oxford gestudeer het. Hy het ’n honneursgraad in rekeningkunde en ’n meestersgraad in bestuurstudies. Durand was ook voorheen ’n finansiële direkteur by VenFin Bpk gewees. Hy is getroud met Ilanie, en hulle het vier kinders naamlik Mariëtte (14), Jean (12), Daniel (9) en Anja (6). ’n Plaasvervanger in Durand se plek sal aangewys word sodra sy aanstelling gefinaliseer is.
Akademia in S’Bosch
AKADEMIA, ’n inisiatief van die Solidariteit Beweging, het die afgelope Woensdag sy studiesentrum in Stellenbosch bekendgestel. Paul Steyn, akademiese hoof van Akademia, het ook aangekondig dat midjaar-innames nou gedoen word. Akademia is ’n private verskaffer van studieprogramme wat op dieselfde vlak as dié van universiteite is. Daar is ook leersentrums in Centurion, die Moot in Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark, Boksburg en Roodepoort. Tans is sowat 40 studente by Akademia ingeskryf. Die plan is om binne vyf jaar ’n leersentrum in elke groot sentrum in Suid-Afrika te bedryf. Marthinus Visser, besturende direkteur van Akademia, meen die krag van die Akademia-model is dat dit bekostigbaar en eenvoudig is om leersentrums in enige gemeenskap te vestig. “Ons vat Afrikaanse hoër onderwys na die mense toe. Die gevorderde onderrigtegnologie maak dit moontlik dat ons hoër onderwys bekostigbaar kan aanbied. Ons programme is tussen
30% en 50% goedkoper as in die res van die mark.” Die programme word in Afrikaans aangebied en is daarop gemik om mense gekwalifiseerd en indiensneembaar in ’n groeiende ekonomie te maak. Akademia bied na-uurse, interaktiewe lesings by ’n hoëtegnologie-leersentrum. Studente ontvang ook ’n tabletrekenaar vir navorsing, opdragte en kommunikasie. Voornemende studente kan uit twee programme vir die Mei-inname kies. Studente sal ook toegang tot ’n elektroniese biblioteek hê. Dié programme is ’n Hoër Sertifikaat in kantooradministrasie en ’n Hoër Sertifikaat in rekeningkunde. Kostes is tussen R15 000 en R17 000 per program. Registrasie is tussen 2 Mei en 16 Junie. Vir nadere besonderhede oor Akademia besoek of bel 0861 222 888.
Four new Cape Wine Masters graduate
The four new Cape Wine Masters are Raymond Noppé, Lizette Tolken, Derek Ramsden and Dave March. Noppé, Tolken and March all belong to the Wild Tasting Group of Stellenbosch. Photo:
THE Cape Wine Academy (CWM) and the Institute of Cape Wine Masters recently announced the four new graduates to claim the title of wine master. This year each CWM graduate also received a special award: Lizette Tolken was recognised for her knowledge of viticulture, Raymond Noppé for viniculture, and Dave March for sparkling wine, while the brandy award went to Derek Ramsden.
The graduates represent a broad spectrum of occupational interests: Tolken is an attorney, Noppé a logistics controller for a wine company, and Ramsden a former businessman turned wine consultant; March, a former athlete and retired teacher and education manager, is now a freelance wine writer. Tolken’s dissertation topic was Cabernet Franc in South Africa and across the globe. Noppé dealt with the Chinese
PROFESSIONELE DIENSTE Om weekliks in hierdie gids u professionele diens te adverteer, skakel MERICIA ADONIS op (021) 887 2840 x 2013
Oewerpark 12, Rokewoodlaan Stellenbosch T: 021 887 1305 F: 021 882 9046
wine market and its potential as a global wine export destination, and March focused on wine investment in South Africa. Ramsden placed South African brandy in an international context. Dr Paul Clüver of Paul Cluver Wines and De Rust Estate in Elgin was designated Wine Personality of the Year for his expansive contribution to the industry.
Nuus net vir jou
VARS nuus net vir jou is Eikestadnuus se doelwit en daarom wil ons graag die koerant by nóg meer lesers uitbring. ’n Lekker verrassing wag die volgende twee maande op ’n gelukkige intekenaar! Indien u nou hernu of inteken, kom u in aanmerking vir ’n winterbederfnaweek vir twee by die pryswennergastehuis Summerwood (twee nagte en ontbyt) in Jonkershoekweg en twee fynproewer-etes by De Volkskombuis. Die trekking vind einde Mei plaas. Moenie wag nie, teken vandag nog in op die Eikestadnuus! Bel Heidi Martin by 021 887 2840, en dan pos, e-pos of lewer ons u intekenvorm by u huis af. Meld afleweringklagtes aan by Arita Agenbag 0 083 565 1089.
Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
HOUSE ON Waterkloof farm to let. Beautiful views, two bedrooms / ensuites, two pools & covered parking. Available immediately. R15 000 p/m negotiable. Phone 084 434 1403.
8 Verlore Lost
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840
INDEKS | INDEX 1 Geboortes | Births 2 Verlowings | Engagements 3 Gelukwensings Congratulations 4 Sterfgevalle | Deaths 5 In Memoriam | In Memoriam 6 Dankbetuigings | Thanks 7 Persoonlik | Personal 8 Verlore | Lost 9 Gevind | Found 10 Skoonheid & Gesondheid | Health 11 Geld & Lenings | Money matters 12 Sosiaal | Social 13 Erwe te koop | Plots for sale 14 Huise te koop | Houses for sale 15 Dorpshuise te koop | Townhouses for sale 16 Woonstelle te koop | Flats for sale 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ Smallholdings 18 Besighede te koop | Businesses for sale 19 Sakepersele te koop | Business Premises for sale 20 Eiendomme te koop gevra | Properties wanted to buy 21 Huise te huur | Houses to let 22 Dorpshuise te huur | Townhouses to let 23 Woonstelle te huur | Flats to let 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to let 25 Kantore te huur | Offices to let 26 Winkels te huur | Shops to let 27 Fabrieke te huur | Factories to let 28 Te huur gevra | Wanted to rent 29 Te koop: Algemeen | For sale: General 30 Te koop gevra | Wanted to Buy 31 Diere en Voëls | Pets and Birds 32 Algemene dienste | General services 33 Saamrygeleenthede | Lifts 34 Dagsorg | Day care 35 Onderrig | Tuition 36 Te huur: Algemeen | To let: General 37 Vakansie-akkommodasie |Holiday Accommodation 38 Toere | Tours 39 Tuindienste/ Tuinbou | Garden Services/ Landscaping 40 Sekuriteit | Security 41 Motors te koop | Cars for sale 42 Onderdele | Parts 43 Motorfietse | Motorcycles 44 Karavane/ Bote | Caravans/ Boats 45 Betrekkings gevra | Situations wanted 46 Betrekkings | Vacancies 47 Sake-geleenthede | Business Opportunities
Tel: 021 887 2840 E-pos:
3 Gelukwensings Congratulations
1 Geboortes Births
ELIZABETH MAGDALENA ARNOLDS Gesterf: 06/05/2012 Saterdag 08:00, Bergsipresstraat, Cloetesville. 09:00, Rynse Kerk.
WILLIAM SCHOEMAN Born: 22/12/1938 Died: 04/05/2012. Viewing at home 13:00. Service at Old Apostolic Church at 14:30. Will be dearly missed by wife, children and grandchildren.
HENRIETTA ROSA AFRICA 112 Mei is jou eerste verjaarsdag weg van Geboortes ons. Die vermisting en Births verlange is groot, maar
11 Geld & Lenings Money matters
ons weet jy is veilig by Jesus. Van Reggie, Ferno, Sharne, Arnold, Kiara en Kaylee.
AFRICAN BANK We offer loans from R1 000 - R180 000. Up to 72 months to repay. Fixed monthly instalment. For more information please feel free to contact our friendly consultants at Stellenbosch branch Felicia 079 372 8726 / 021 886 9308. Fax 021 882 8936. An authorized financial service provider. CO.REG.NO 1975/002526/06 NCR REG. NO. NCRCP5. Terms and conditions apply. AFRICAN BANK We offer loans from R1 000 - R180 000. Up to 72 months to repay. Fixed monthly instalment. For more information please feel free to contact our friendly consultants at Stellenbosch branch Princess 074 240 5775 / 021 886 9308. Fax 021 882 8936. An authorized financial service provider. CO.REG.NO 1975/002526/06 NCR REG. NO. NCRCP5. Terms and conditions apply.
JEROME ARENDSE In loving memory of Jerome Arendse who went home to be with the Lord. This is my first Mother's day gone. Although your heart is broken because my body is gone. My love will always be there. As you go along the way. Cathy, Ashley, Veraline, Wilma, Michayla and Shannon.
VEELS GELUK met jou 21ste verjaarsdag. Van die Van Graan familie.
HEYLEN HOUGH 8 May 1991. You're 21! Unlock the door to a bright new future and make the best of it. Happy Birthday. Love Pieter, Cecilia and Petro Hough.
Plaas ’n foto met woorde van gelukwensing in hierdie kolom. Skakel Blythe van der Vent 021 887 2870
1 Geboortes Births
4 Sterfgevalle Deaths EVELYN GALANT 12/05/2012. Jou 3de verjaarsdag en Moedersdag weg van jou gesin. Sou graag 'n drukkie wou gee maar weet jy is veilig in God se arms. Die seer en vermisting is nog vars in ons harte. Lief vir jou vir altyd. Ricardo, kinders en skoonma.
DEON (LEPEL) ADONIS Gebore: 11/12/1978 Gesterwe: 06/05/2012. Sag heengegaan op 06/05/2012. Word diep betreur deur die familie. Hy laat sy ma, pa en kinders agter. Begrafnisdiens: 12/05/2012, by huis te Kloofstraat E1 om 09:00. Diens 10:00 te Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Eikestraat. Begrafnisondernemer Aubrey Solomon Begrafnisdienste. Tel: 021 862 5346 / 021 886 5568 / 082 953 9919.
FRANCIS BUCCHIANERI 07/05/1932. In our hearts and thoughts each day of the year. We cherish precious memories of you our "mamma, ouma" and a friend as we commerate your 80th birthday. Loving children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Skoonheid & Gesondheid
Health MADELEIN RIEKERT Make-up artist Bridal / wedding. Evening. Special effects. Dances. Contact details: Cell 082 557 6459. Email: madi.riekert@gmail. com
5 In Memoriam In Memoriam
ADAM DE VILLIERS 80 Jaar oud op 09/05/2012. God se seën op verjaarsdag. Van kinders, skoonseuns en dogters, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders.
WOENSDAE 16:00 Smalls
MICHAEL MALGAS Aan ons geliefde vader jou 1ste verjaarsdag in die hemel, wens ons kon met jou vier. Ons mis jou baie. Van jou seun en familie en vriende.
ROBERT SAMUELS 12/05/1954-11/05/2010 Vandag 2 jaar gelede weggeneem van ons, en môre jou 3de verjaarsdag weg van ons. Met baie verlange. Liefde en herinneringe. Mis jou verskriklik. Ons berus ons dat jy op die regte plek by jou Skepper is. Liz, Roderick, Ricardo, Gaynor en Grace.
14 Huise te koop Houses for sale CLOETESVILLE R399 900. 2 Slpk, 1 badkamer huis in stil straat in Weltevrede. Skakel eienaar 082 564 2255. GESOEK Huis te koop in Cloetesville, Idasvallei en Jamestown. Saneyah 021 883 2445 083 728 1223. GESOEK Huis te koop in Welgevonden. Danel 082 372 5203. MAC YOUNG Eiendomme Dalsig 4 slpk - R3.95m Die Boord 3 slpk R2.85m. Jacqui 082 821 7728.
DIT BETAAL om plaaslik te Adverteer ? (021 887 2870)
HUISE TE KOOP Weltevrede: 2 slaapkamers, 1 badkamer R 330 000 The Ridge: 2 slaapkamers, 1 badkamer R 795 000
2012 DE Rawson 8x1.cdr |
BELONING! Goeie beloning vir terugvind van Dell Laptop en 2GB hardeskyf in rooi Columbia rugsak. Skakel 082 990 5176.
MAC YOUNG Eiendomme Gesoek - Huis in Dalsig of Die Boord. Anja 083 657 3375. MODERN FACE brick
house in Paradysklooof The Ridge: situated in cul-de-sac. 2 slaapkamers + 5 Bedrooms, 3 10 1 badkamer (2 en-suite) Ekstra erf 565m| Moneybathrooms 11 Geld & Lenings matters and a guest toilet, moR 950 000 12 Sosiaal | Social dern kitchen and scullery, lounge and 13 Erwe te koop | Plots for sale room overChris Theunissen 14 Huise te koop | Houseslooking forbraai sale swimming pool 076 341 9001 / 15 Dorpshuise te koop | Townhouses for and large garden, 021 882 8960 aircon and solar sale geyser, double garage 16 Woonstelle te koop | Flats sale car port. and for lockable 16 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ R16 900 p/m. Contact 082 781 3713. Smallholdings Woonstelle te koop ONDERPAPEGAAI18Flats Besighede for for salete koop | Businesses BERG sale MAC YOUNG 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, living-, 12 Sosiaal | Social 19 Sakepersele te koop | Business dining-, and TV room. Eiendomme 13 Premises Erwe te- koop | te Plots for Kitchen, sale scullery, 2 x Gesoek W/stel for sale garage, pool & alarm. koop. R800k - R1.5mil 14 Huise te koop | Houses for sale 20Danel Eiendomme te koop gevra R11|900 p/m or fully 082 372 5203. 15 Dorpshuise te koop | Townhouses for 900 furnished R13 Properties wanted to buy 21 sale Huise te huur | Housesp/m. to letAvailable 1 June. 082 378 1840. 16 Woonstelle for sale to 22 Dorpshuisete tekoop huur | Flats Townhouses 18 PARADYSKLOOF 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ let Villas aftree-oord. te te koop Smallholdings 3 Slaapkamers, 2 23Besighede Woonstelle huur | Flats to let motorhuise, mooi uitsig sale 18Businesses Besighede te koop | Businesses for 24 Kamers tefor huur | Rooms to let vanaf 1 Julie. R10 000 sale 25 Kantore te for huur | Officesper tomaand. let SHOP/OFFICE sale Skakel historic centre 19inSakepersele teofkoop | Business 26 Winkels te huur | Shops to072 let 432 4666. Stellenbosch. 36sale m². Premises for 27 Fabrieke | Factories toPNIEL let Contact 082 te 902huur 0891. Spacious 3 bedroom 20 Eiendomme te koop gevra | 28 Te huur gevra | Wanted to rent home with garage. Properties to buy 29 Te koop: wanted Algemeen | For sale: General Available immediately. 19Huise 21 te huur totolet 30 Te koop gevra| |Houses WantedContact Buy073 501 0410. STELLENBOSCH 22 Dorpshuise Townhouses to 31 Diere en Voëls |huur Pets|and Birds Sakepersele tete koop KOELENHOF Business premises for sale | General let 32 Algemene dienste services Gewilde rustige 23 Saamrygeleenthede Woonstelle te huur | Flats to let 33 | Lifts plaasverblyf 6km MAC YOUNG (R304) 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to letuit dorp. Om34 Dagsorg | Day care Eiendomme ring deur wingerde en gebou 25Kommersiele Kantore te huur | Offices to let 35 Onderrig | Tuition berge. Uitsig op Tafelgesoek in middedorp. 26 Te Winkels te huur | Shops to let 36 huur: Algemeen | To berg. let: General Ruim 1, 2 en 3 8-10% opbrengs slpk van 27 Vakansie-akkommodasie Fabrieke huur | Factories toeenhede let verwag. te Trevor 37 |Holiday 450 p/m plus diens556gevra 6361.| WantedR3 28Accommodation Te082 huur to rent te. Nou beskikbaar. www.stellenbosch29 Toere koop: Algemeen | For sale: General Ingeboude braais. 10% 38 | Tours op huur vir die 30 Tuindienste/ Te koop gevraTuinbou | Wanted to Buy 39 | Afslag Garden 1ste 3 mnde. Skakel 21Diere en Voëls | Pets and 31 Birds Services/ 071 330 4155 / 072 32 Algemene services 406 2872 / 021 865 Landscaping Huise te huurdienste | General 2391 / 082 904 3166 / 33 Saamrygeleenthede | Lifts 40 Sekuriteit | Security Houses to let 011 958 1181. 34Motors Dagsorgte| koop Day care 41 | Cars for sale DIE BOORD WELGEVONDEN 354Onderrig | Tuition 42 Onderdele | huis Parts Slaapkamer 2 Slp kamer, enkelvlak, 36 Motorfietse Te vanaf huur:Junie Algemeen | To let: GeneralR6 200 motorhuis, 43 | Motorcycles R15 600 p/m. p/m, verkieslik 37 Vakansie-akkommodasie |Holiday 44 Karavane/ Bote | Caravans/ Boats WELGEVONDEN enkellopend, 45 Betrekkingsmeentgevra | Situations 3Accommodation Slaapkamer langtermyn huurder, huise vanaf Junie, Auvanaf 1 Julie. Skakel 38 Toere | Tours wanted gustus en Desember 39 Tuindienste/ Tuinbou |Magdel Garden083 991 7350. 46 Betrekkings | Vacancies R7 900 p/m. Skakel WELGEVONDEN Services/ 47 Sake-geleenthede Anita Marais Rooms | Business Fynboslaan binnebraai 1 Opportunities for Africa Landscaping en groot stoep wat leef 082 853 4135. 15 Dorpshuise koop | Townhouses forplaas. na aangresende 40 Sekuriteit |te Security DRIESLAAPKAMER 3 Slaap, 2 badkamers, sale 41 Motors te koop | Cars for sale woonhuis met 1 garage. R9 000 p/m. 16 Woonstelle koop | Flats for sale 42 Onderdelebraai |te Parts swembad, / Onmid. beskikbaar. 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ onthaalarea, sit-, |eet-, 43 Motorfietse Motorcycles 082 733 4556. studeer-, stoor- en WELGEVONDEN 44Smallholdings Karavane/ Bote | Caravans/ Boats buitekamer in Netjiese 3 for slaapkamer 18Brandwacht Besighede koop || Situations Businesses 45 Betrekkings gevra tetehuur met ruim leefarea en sale aan 'n familie vanaf wanted swembad. R10 500 1 Julie 2012 teen 19 Sakepersele te koop | Business p/m. Beskikbaar 46 Betrekkings | Vacancies R17 500 per maand. 1 Julie. Skakel Elize Premises for sale 47 Sake-geleenthede Skakel 082 851 0250. | Business 082 837 8896. 20Opportunities Eiendomme EDEN - te koop gevra | Properties wanted R17 500 p/m. Baie to buy22 21 Huiseluukse te huur | Houses to let dubbelverdieping 4Dorpshuise te huur 22 Dorpshuise te to slaapkamerhuis methuur 4 | Townhouses Townhouses to let volledige badkamers. let Ruim leefareas, te netjies 2 SLAAPKAMER 23 Woonstelle huur | Flats to let afgeronde en goed inmeenthuis, 1 toesluit 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to let De Oewer gerigte kombuis, motorhuis, 25onderdakbraai-area, Kantore te huur | Offices 48,to Dielet Boord, Stellendubbelmotorhuis. Baie 26 Winkels te huur | Shopsbosch. to let R6 600 maangoeie sekuriteit. Vir deliks. Beskikbaar 1 27 Fabrieke te Skakel huur | Factories let Skakel meer inligting. Junieto 2012. Adele Bekker by Terra Rand 28 Te huur gevra | Wanted Petro to rent Eiendomme 430General 4400 tussen 29 Te021 koop: Algemeen | For051 sale: 887 0106. 08:00 - 13:00. 30 Te koop gevra | Wanted to Buy HOUSE AVAILABLE 31 Diere en Voëls 23Birds from 1 June 2012 in| Pets La and Colline (Irene Rd) for | General services 32 Algemene dienste Woonstelle te huur R7 000 per month plus 33 Saamrygeleenthede | Lifts service costs (Water, Flats to let 34 Dagsorg | Dayetc). care electricity, alarm, 1- en 2-Slaapkamer Please contact Angus 35 Onderrig | Tuition opsies. LANGVERon 082 665 7142 or 36 Te huur: Algemeen | To let: WAGGeneral AFTREEOORD. Nuut, ruim en luuks. 37 Vakansie-akkommodasie |Holiday za Hennie 082 477 6464. Accommodation 38 Toere | Tours 39 Tuindienste/ Tuinbou | Garden Services/ Landscaping 40 Sekuriteit | Security 41 Motors te koop | Cars for sale 42 Onderdele | Parts
021 887 5119
2 BEDROOM flat, semi-furnished, close to University, DSTV, W/E incl. Ideal for post grad / professional couple. Immediately available. R5 500 p/m. Contact 078 862 6204. 2 BEDROOM flats including loft (attic). Available immediately. R5 900 to R6 900p/m. Contact 083 729 1121. 2 ROOM fully furnished loft apartment on campus. R6 000 p/m. Contact 082 779 2066.
Tel: 021 886 6633 WOONSTELLE TE HUUR Belcanto – Peekastraat , Die Boord – 3 slpk, 2bad,garage + toesluitmotorhuis – R8,800.00 – 1 Augustus Bosmans Crossing – 2 slpkamer , R6,500.00 Eikenbosch gemeubileerde 1 slpkamer – R4,750.00 Kommandeurslaan - 3 slpkamer volledig gemeubileerd – R7,000.00 Oewersig – 3 slpkamer, 2.5 bdkamers, ten volle gemeubileerd – R10,500.00 Proteahof – 1 slpkamer woonstel R3,400.00 vanaf 1 Julie Studente huise - Paul Kruger straat - kamers beskikbaar – R3,100.00 Studentehuis – Mount Albertstraat – 2 gemeubileerde kamers – R2,750.00 + R3,000.00
2012 DE Maranatha 11X1
BOSMAN'S CROSSING 2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur met veilige parkering. R6 200 per maand. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel 082 975 7900 indien u belangstel. DIE RAND - (upper level simplex). Prime position. Newly painted 2 Beds, (bic), open plan living / kitchen area. Tiled bathroom, carpeted, garage, pool, braai and laundry facilities. Security. Immediate occupation. R5 000 p/m. Contact 083 310 1105.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
Spesiale dienste Mobile
Grant Scott Installer
Electric & Plumbing Drain camera inspection
082 874 9491
Professionele stoomskoonmaak van matte, meubels, motors en matrasse asook droogsuig a.g.v. enige waterskade.
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PLEASE NOTE: ALL EIKESTADNUUS ADVERTISERS It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure his advert is correct on the first day of publication and placed according to his instructions; and that mistakes are corrected before the next edition. The Eikestadnuus does not accept responsibility for more than one faulty placing. No credits will be allowed for insignificant typographical or typing errors which do not affect the value of the advertisement. NB: ALL CANCELLATIONS MUST BE DONE IN WRITING. NO CREDITS WILL BE PASSED WITHOUT WRITTEN PROOF OF CANCELLATION
New pools, rim flow pools Designer pools Relining, fudging & wooden decks.
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Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
FURNISHED R7 500. 2 Bedroom in Simonsrust. Lock-up garage, garden. Immediately available. 082 788 6181. GARDEN FLAT View, garden, pool braai fac secure parking. 10 Min to town. R4 600 p/m. E/W incl. Immed avail 083 525 4876. GARDENS CITY BOWL. Home from home. Lovely furnished 1 bedroom flat in secure modern complex. Non smoker. Suitable for Boland, City commuter. R5 500 p/m + R300 p/m for secure undercover parking. 073 240 4205. KRIGEVILLE "Bachelor" woonstel aan huis met privaat in-gang. Beveiligde parkering. Gemeubileerd. R3 800 p/m. Onmiddellik / 1 Junie 2012 beskikbaar. Skakel 084 669 9584.
LA REZ STELLENBOSCH APARTMENTS TO LET 24 - Hour Security Satellite TV & Wireless Internet Courtyard & Braai area Laundry & Cleaning facilities Gym & Pool Table 2 Bedroom units from R 4 100 For more info visit our website: To view, contact Annemie or Mariska during office hours (021) 888 7400 083 381 6961 LIBERTAS R3 600. "Bachelor" woonstel op kampus met parkering. Skakel Adele by Alet Bekker Eiendomme 021 887 0106. MAC YOUNG Eiendomme Gesoek: Woonstel te huur. Anja 083 657 3375. MIDDEDORP R7 500. Netjiese ruim 2 slaapkamer met pragtige uitsig op park. Parkering en motorhuis.
DIT BETAAL om plaaslik te Adverteer ? (021 887 2870)
NOOITGEDACHT R5,350 pm Modern 2bed 1bath Good security and 2 basement parkings! Avail immed DORP STREET R7,000 pm Spacious renovated 2bed in small block Beautiful wooden floors and modern kitchen and bathroom. View over a lovely garden. Garage and 1 parking bay Avail immed BOSCHENPARK R6,000 pm Modern 2bed 2bath apartment. Avail immed MOSTERTSDRIFT OFFICES R10,700 pm +VAT Brand new luxury offices with patio and built-in braai. Easy access from R44 - 91sqm + covered patio. Basement parking R500pm + VAT Store R300pm + VAT OUDE HOEK - R8,500 pm Fully furnished 1bed apartment in centre of Stellenbosch Walk to campus! Secure basement parking and excellent security. Avail 1 June 2012 CYRUS - R7,700 pm East-facing 2bed 1bath apartment with 24hr access control and excellent security + 1 covered parking Avail 1 June 2012 OEWERSIG 4 Slpk eenheid te huur. Beskikbaar onmiddellik. R7 500 p/m. Skakel Johan 083 264 6252. PARADISE FOUND On a farm 10 km outside Stellenbosch 4 Bedroom 2 bathroom cottage. Pet friendly. R7 400 p/m. Contact Duncan 082 901 5800. PARADYSKLOOF Bachelor flat, with seperate entrance and small garden, semi furnished. Available 1 June. W/E included. R2 800 per month. Phone 082 579 9022. PLANKENBRUG Two room flat from June. R2 900 p/m + R2 900 dep. E-mail solardome@solardome ROOKVRYE eenmanwoonstel in The Majestic, Strand. Minimum een jaar kontrak. Oop parkeerruim binne veiligheidsheining ingesluit. Elektrisiteit uitgesluit. R2 000 per maand. Skakel 011 976 3039. STEER & CO Stellenbosch / Simonshof. 2 B/r flat @ R4 600 no parking / garage, available 1 June 2012 close to amenities, situated in a secure and well maintained block. Phone 021 426 1184/5 or visit our website SYBRAND MANKANDAN Dorpstraat "bachelor" Junie, R4 400 p/m. LA BELLE VIE 2 Slaapkamers. Onmiddellik. R5 400 p/m. ACKERHOF Ruim 1 slaapkamer. Onmiddellik. R4 500 p/m. DERMONT Gemeubileerde 1 slaapkamer, Julie. R4 200 p/m. Skakel Anita Marais Rooms for Africa 082 853 4135. TUINWOONSTEL eenman. Eie ingang. Ongemeubileerd. Beskikbaar 1 Junie. R2 800 p/m. Skakel 082 565 1836.
Te koop: Algemeen For sale: General
Algemene dienste General services
BRAAI- EN KAGGELHOUT / rooikrans Skakel 021 903 4302/ 082 658 7845
1STE VIR Elektriese + Loodgieterswerk. Ons is geregistreer by ECA en MBA. Alle werk deur gekwalifiseerde ambagsmanne gedoen + gewaarborg. Spesiale pryse vir sekuriteitskomplekse, fabrieke, gastehuise en wynkelders. Skakel Francois by 021 887 2155 reeds 30 jaar in Stellenbosch. AFSNY VAN BOME. Vervoer van meubels, tuin- & bourommel. Skakel Jurie 072 300 2315. ALLE VERFWERK binne en buite, ook dakke skoonspuit en verf. Gratis kwotasies. Martin 082 349 4242.
Kamers te huur Rooms to let 3 ROOMS mature students. View, garden, kitchen fac avail. 10 Min to Stb centre. Secure parking. Immed avail. R2 300 p/m. 083 525 4876. KAMER IN woonstel te huur vir 'n student of enkel werkende. 2de Vloer, Eikenwaters nr 28, ds Bothastraat, Stellenbosch. R2 400 per maand. Kontak Axl Maas (student) 072 721 4418 of Pieter van Niekerk (eienaar) 082 554 9919. ROOMS TO rent. Large fully furnished up and downstairs suite with ensuite bathroom. Veranda and large garden. Suitable for a single professional. Enjoy the security and quiet lifestyle of De Zalze golf Estate. R6 100 per month. Call Tim 082 442 5244.
Kantore te huur Offices to let
MAC YOUNG Eiendomme Technopark. Kantore 200 m² & 115 m². Anja 083 657 3375.
To Let PRIME OFFICE SPACE Techno Park Upmarket unit available in prime office location. 2 (200 m ). Unit has 7 dedicated parking bays (4 in basement). Ample informal parking. Phone 082 8323310 26
Te huur gevra Wanted to rent GESOEK: Veilige kothuis op plaas vir sorgsame afgetrede egpaar. Skakel 072 298 2440. GESOEK: Veilige fabrieksruimte. 50 - 100m². Skakel 072 298 2440.
PROFESSIONAL LADY / lift. Mon - Fri, Starts 08:15. From Simonswyk area to Cape Town. 072 707 8133.
INDIVIDUAL COMPUTER training, any day of the week @ SCA 021 887 7577.
TASSE, SLOWCOOKER, stoompot, panne, 2 x honde dra hokkies, 1 x opvou baba "cot". Alles uitstekende toestand. Skakel 021 886 4455.
iPAD SETUP & training @ SCA 021 887 7577. PASTEL TRAINING for beginners 29, 30 & 31 Mei 2012 @ SCA 021 887 7577.
CARPET RESTORATION Expert repairs to antique, persian and contemporary carpets. Contact 078 416 6281.
Stellenbosch Language School. 10 Languages. 021 883 9014 / 082 840 6552.
COOL CONNECTION Repairs @ home to fridges & freezers, cold rooms, airconditioners. Regas R250. Call Neels 079 573 0605.
DIE VERVOER van meubels, tuinvullis, bourommel en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel 021 887 1525, 083 520 4231 DRYWER, BAKKIE en sleepwa te huur vir mini trek ook na Vrystaat en Gauteng. Kontak Alwyn 082 492 4175. FRIDGE & FREEZER Repairs at your home. Regas R250. Prompt reliable service. Phone Tinka 076 552 0272.
Te huur: Algemeen To let: General JUMPING CASTLES Stellenbosch. Kastele en glybane. Bubble- and foam machine. Nadine 083 461 8253 za
Motors te koop Cars for sale CARS, BAKKIES, bikes wanted and for sale. Cash paid. Contact Paul 072 453 6970. KYMCO TOP Boy Cobra for sale. Excellent condition. New rear tyre. Helmet included. Service record and roadworthy certificate. 14 000km only. R7 500. Contact Martin on 082 832 3313.
VW MIKROBUS slegs 132 000 kms. 1994, 2.5i, aircon. Power steering. Towbar. Roof racks. R67 500 neg. Marelize 082 683 3228.
Stellenbosch Blindings
Winkels te huur Shops to let LOVELY 36 M² shop/office to rent from 1st June 2012. In historic centre of Stellenbosch. Contact 082 902 0891.
Saamrygeleenthede Lifts
Onderrig Tuition
BUZZ CONSTRUCTION and cleaning. Skoonmaak van matte. Dakke, plaveisel ens vanaf R10 p/m². Kontak David 072 822 6387 / Lee 078 270 4423 / 021 839 3217.
Tel: 021 886 6633
22m² – R5,000.00 vanaf 1 Junie
STEWIGE SELFSTAANDE staalraamrakke 10 pilare, 18 horisontale arms hoog 204 cm wyd, 280 cm. R1 200. Skakel 084 739 6411.
Kantoor / Winkelspasie te huur – Eikehoff
QUALITY CARPET Cleaners: Professionele stoomskoonmaak van matte, meubels, motors en matrasse asook enige waterskade. Kontak Koeraai: 082 575 4570. SAVE ON ELECTRICITY Up to 25%. Install a geyser timer from only R499 and a geyser blanket from only R350. Contact Mobile Electric on 021 887 2155. 31 Years to your service.
SAAMRYGELEENTHEID vanaf S/Wes (Heldervue / Steynsrus) omgewing na S/bosch. Vertrek 07:00 terug 16:30. Skakel 083 234 1808.
2012 DE Maranatha 5X1
HILDA 021 883 8493 / 078 560 4825
2012 CE Chas Everitt 6x1
BACHELORS Mannheim R4500 Student rooms R2500 ONE BED Brandwacht R6200 2 BED 2 Pieke R5200 Simonsrust R7900 Office space in Stellenbosch central Rentals urgently required
2012 CE Devtrust13X1
Merimanlaan 53 021 887 8760 ! Faks: 021 887 1138
TWO BACHELOR flats en-suite in Dalsig. Furnished incl fridge R2 200 / R2 500. Electricity & water inclusive. Private entrance, sec parking. Lovely garden. Contact 076 470 7892.
Betrekkings gevra Situations wanted PAINT SHUTTLE Call Sakkie 072 128 4526 for a free quotation on painting and waterproofing. PAULS VAC Shop, Plankenbrug. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Call 021 886 8425.
26 YEAR old male looking for general work. Computer literate. Refs call Simon 084 558 0089 or simonbigit9@yahoo. com A MALAWIAN boy is looking for a job as gardener & housekeeper. 4 Years exp. I promise to work hard. Please call Penjan 073 715 1691.
A MATURE experienced lady with traceable reference is looking for a job as a housekeeper or childminder. Reference Mr Macdonald 074 959 0266. A SOUTH AFRICAN lady is looking for domestic work or any kind. I have got experience. Contact Ida on 078 672 0348 and 082 890 1349 for reference. EK SOEK dringend char werk vir Dinsdae en Donderdae. Goeie verwysings Lilian Pietersen 072 028 9897. I AM a 36 years old lady looking for a fulltime or char job. I'm good with children and elderly people. 078 738 0843. I AM Joyce looking for a job as a housekeeper. Full week or parttime. Contact 073 097 5822 / 073 062 7382. I AM looking for a job as a houseclean, iron or childminder. 3 Days per week. I got reference and exp. Honest. 083 673 9264. I AM Noluvuyo looking for char work Tues & Thurs. I have 7 years experience. I have reference. My contact number is 078 149 6347. I CHRISTIAN Zim lady seeking sleep in maid job. 33 Years of age. Exp 3 years. Ref + cooking course. Contact Evelyne 073 702 8450. I'M 27 yeard old. I am looking for 3 days chars Mon, Thur, Sat. My cell is 078 151 1622. I stay in Eersteriver. My name is Angeline. I'M 27 years old looking for everyday chars. I stay in Eersteriver. My cell is 078 904 3760. My name is Farirai. I'M A Zimbabwean lady aged 27. I'm looking for char work Tuesday and Friday please. Contact Joyce 084 279 0718. LOOKING FOR a job. Know how to do all domestic work. Contact 073 614 1035 John 076 936 792 Willard ref 083 230 1639 Schalk. LOOKING FOR domestic work. Aged 35 years old. Experienced. Contact 078 144 7666. MY HARDWORKING, extremely pleasant gardener is looking for work. Phone Linda 082 808 6577. RELIABLE LADY looking for chars Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat. Ref available or job offered. Phone Getrude on 074 526 1594.
Betrekkings Vacancies ADVERTISING SALES Be part of dynamic, fast, deadline driven industry. Telesales, office bound position. Where? Stellenbosch. What's on offer? Excellent commission structure + small basic for first month. Great earning potential. Full training provided. What are we looking for? Ability to handle pressure. Good telephone skills. Confidence + self motivation. Hard workers. Driven by earning commission. If you feel you have what it takes please call Eugene on 021 880 0869.
D'OUWE WERF HOTEL seeks: Receptionist. Valet Driver. Requirements: Min 2 years experience in similar position within hotel industry. Willing to work shifts. Must be a team player & hardworking. Friendly and professional appearance. Good communication skills. Willing to help out where needed. OPERA experience required (Receptionist). Valid drivers licence (Valet Driver). Closing date: 18 May 2012. Please fax or email a 2 page CV to 021 887 4626 / Please make note of the position applying for. IF YOU are energetic, friendly and passionate about the hospitality industry we may have just the position for you at our hotel in Stellenbosch. We currently have the following positions available: Restaurant Duty Manager, Waiters & Bartenders. You will be required to work shifts, and fluency in both English and Afrikaans will be advantageous. Experience in a similar position will be beneficial. Should you be interested please forward your CV and cover letter detailing your abilities and the position you are applying for to hr@phstellenbosch. com or alternatively fax 086 535 4274. Closing date for applications: Tuesday 15th of May 2012. If you have not heard from us by Friday the 18th of May 2012 please consider your application unsuccesfull. ITALIAN MAITRE D with experience. Email CV to za
SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER S/Bosch – Min 3 yrs development exp secures. Exp with C#, JavaScript and ASP.Net secures. HR MANAGER S/Bosch – Qual + min 5 yrs in a Generalist / Management role secures. HOTEL RECEPTIONIST Franschhoek – Rel qual + 2 yrs exp in Hospitality env secures. SPA MANAGER Franschhoek - Rel qual + 2 yrs exp in a similar role. Dermalogica product knowledge adv. For above positions contact candice@helderberg QUALITY ASSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR SOMERSET WEST Fruit Industry. Rel qualification + min 2 yrs exp in a similar role secures. jm@helderberg BEE. SECRETARY / PERSONAL ASSISTANT SOMERSET WEST . Min 2 yrs relevant experience + Code 08 licence jm@helderberg
Tel: 021 852 5693 www.helderberg
VERSORGER VIR verlamde dame benodig. Kontakbare verwysings. Dagskofte. Faks CV 021 882 8924 of Skakel 072 243 4607. VERY BUSY restaurant in Stellenbosch is urgently looking for a Kitchen Manager Assistant as well as experienced waitresses. Please send your CV with photo attached to
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
Betrekkings Kennisgewings Veilings Veilings Boedels Betrekkings
Kennisgewings Boedels
Security officers needed: Grade B with relevant 2 yrs Supervisory/Retail/Mall experience Grade C with relevant control room experience Residing in Stellenbosch Valid RSA I.D Valid bank account No criminal record All applicants to fax their CV's to 086 5797 809 or email to by no later than 14th May 2012.
Admin Klerk / Kantoorpersoon Ondervinding van Krediteure & Debiteure; Rekenaarvaardig – Excel/Word Kursusse geslaag aanheg – vereiste; Data Program – Quickbooks – vereiste; Goed Tweetalig; Neem van telefoniese bestellings; Tik – 40 wpm. – vereiste;
epos cv aan: or faks: 021-886 9092; Geen telefoniese Navrae; Indiensneming : 1/06/2012
A specialist upmarket Alzheimer’s/Dementia facility in Somerset West, require the services of Registered Nurses, with: • 3-5 years previous experience with sound knowledge of Geriatric care would be required • Specific experience in Alzheimer’s/Dementia care advantageous • Proof of registration with SANC • Ability to work 12 hours shifts (day and night duty) • Good interpersonal skills • Reliable transport
Large retail store outside Stellenbosch requires Customer Assistants for various departments including: Frontline, Bakery, Butchery and Deli.
The Green Road is a community-based non-profit organisation that runs an organic/biodynamic food supply chain and follows a short supply chain approach in the provision of organic and bio-dynamic food products. Due to the growth of the initiative and its anticipated future continued expansion, it now needs to appoint a driven and results oriented individual in Stellenbosch:
Relationship Manager (General Manager Designate)
This role will see you charged with steering growth and increasing membership significantly. To this end, you will be responsible for: • establishing The Green Road in the market and enrolling 500 new members by the end of 2012 • actively promoting The Green Road and its concept such that the profitability and productivity is positive as soon as is feasible • improving the relationship and credibility of The Green Road concept in the community such that the products and short supply chain model become purchase of choice by customers • expanding the initiative into surrounding areas by end 2014 • managing the Participatory Guarantee System • change/innovation • work quality • maintaining complete and accurate records • controlling expenses, inventories, etc.
If you have a passion for patient care, please forward your CV with contactable references to or fax to 086 724 9818landline during office hours 021 851 6886
2012 DE P&PVAC 8x2 .cdr
PRIMA BOX, an independant and owner managed corrugating and converting company situated in Broadlands Strand who employs about 100 staff members invites applications for the under mentioned vacancies. Interested candidate should apply through sending CV to za soonest and not later than 15 May 2012. Human Resources Manager Coordinates all aspects of human resources functions in support of the organization and should preferably have experience in: 1. Employment contracts. 2. Be able to administrate attendance and payrolls. 3. BEE accreditation. 4. Training. 5. Employment equity. 6. Staff motivation. 7. Grievances and disciplinary procedures. 8. Wage administration preparation. Prospective candidate should have an applicable university or technical collage training and 2 to 3 years experience. Factory engineer Hands on maintenance and coordination of preventative maintenance / parts stock program. Prospective candidate should have an applicable university or techincal collage training and 2 to 3 years experience. IT Technician Accountable for maintenance / enhancing of all computers and the current and future networks and business systems. Prospective candidate should have an applicable technical college or other applicable specialized training and 2 to 3 years applicable experience. za
2012 DS SECVAC 5X2
To achieve this, you will need to be suitably qualified and, in addition to your natural confidence, drive, competitive nature and independent initiative, meet the following requirements: • previous experience in marketing and management • expertise in and an in-depth understanding of the financial arena • computer literacy • the ability to practically solve new or unfamiliar problems • multi-tasking abilities to take charge of a number of varied activities • the ability to troubleshoot for problems independently and to expand the business into new markets • good interpersonal, persuasion and influencing as well as leadership skills • deadline orientated but most importantly you must have an entrepreneurial spirit and be willing to create your own success. To apply, please send your maximum 4-page CV to, to reach them by no later than Friday, 11 May 2012. Interviews will be conducted after a series of testing and screening. Commencement of duties is envisaged for 1 July 2012.
BOEDEL KENNISGEWING Ingevolge Artikel 29(1) van Wet 66/1965 in die boedel van wyle LOUISA GEDULD, (Identiteitsnommer 470817 0114 080), Hine Str 7, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch. Wie oorlede is te Stellenbosch op 13 Maart 2012. Boedelnommer: 3730/2012 Meesterskantoor: Kaapstad DEBITEUR EN KREDITEURE in die bogemelde boedel word hiermee versoek om hul skulde te betaal en hul eise in te dien by die onderstaande binne 'n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan. GEDATEER TE STELLENBOSCH OP HEDE DIE 11de DAG VAN MEI 2012 (mev) A C KOTZE, AGENT VIR EKSEKUTEUR, P/A ANNA KOTZE CONSULT, Valerida Sentrum 216, Piet Retief Straat, Stellenbosch, Posbus 946, Stellenbosch 7599, Tel 021-887 1113.
Indien u nie ’n bestaande rekeningfasiliteit by Eikestadnuus het nie, word alle advertensies op ‘n kontantbasis hanteer:
• Kredietkaart • Bankinbetaling • By kantore: Alexanderstraat 44, Stellenbosch
Skakel 021 887 2840 of faks 021 883 9538
REZONING AND DEPARTURE PORTION 58 OF FARM NO 183 STELLENBOSCH DIVISION Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 17 and 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (No 15 of 1985) that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the Director : Planning & Development Services at the Planning Advice Centre, Plein Street, Stellenbosch (Tel 021 808 8606). Enquiries may be directed to Mr R Fooy, P O Box 17, Stellenbosch, 7599, Tel. 021 808 8680 and fax number 021 808 8651 week days during the hours of 08:30 to 15:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director on or before 11 June 2012 quoting the above relevant legislation and the objector's erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid. This advertisement is also available on the Municipal website, on the Planning and Development page. Applicant : Emile van der Merwe Town Planning Consultants Erf/Erven number(s) : Portion 58 of Farm No 183, Stellenbosch Division Locality/Address : Devon valley industrial area Nature of application : 1. The proposed rezoning of a portion (measuring ±25 586m² in extent) of Portion 58 of Farm No 183 Stellenbosch from General Industrial to General Residential and General Business, in order to develop Phase 3A (96 residential units), Phase 3C (96 residential units) and Phase 3 B (4200m² retail on ground floor with 168 residential units above ground floor), together with an open space measuring ±9375m² (37%). 2. The proposed departure to allow for the development of 5 storey buildings in lieu of 3 storey buildings. MUNICIPAL MANAGER (Notice No. P 12/12)
Administration Clerk (Facilities) Kromme Rhee, Stellenbosch Remuneration: R 101 007 p.a. (Salary Level 5) (Ref: DOTP 27/2012/EN) Applications are to be submitted online via the Western Cape Government website on The WCG is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard would be appreciated.
Closing Date 25 May 2012 Human Communications C94538E
HERSONERING EN AFWYKING GEDEELTE 58 VAN PLAAS NR 183 AFDELING STELLENBOSCH Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikels 17 en 15 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Nr. 15 van 1985), dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en by die kantoor van die Direkteur : Beplanning & Ontwikkelingsdienste by die Advieskantoor (Tel. 021 808 8606) in Pleinstraat, Stellenbosch ter insae lê. Navrae kan aan Mnr. R Fooy by Posbus 17, Stellenbosch, 7599, Tel. nr. 021 808 8680 en Faks nr. 021 808 8651 weeksdae gedurende 08:30 tot 15:30 gerig word. Besware, met volledige redes daarvoor, mag skriftelik by die kantoor van die bogenoemde Direkteur, op of voor 11 Junie 2012 ingedien word, met vermelding van die relevante wetgewing, die beswaarmaker se erf- en telefoonnommer sowel as adres. Enige besware ontvang na voormelde sluitingsdatum, mag as ongeldig geag word. Hierdie kennisgewing is ook beskikbaar op die Munisipale webtuiste, op die Beplanning en Ontwikkelingsblad. Applikant : Emile van der Merwe Stadsbeplannings Konsultante Erf/Erwe nommer(s) : Gedeelte 58 van Plaas Nr 183, Afdeling Stellenbosch Ligging/Adres : Devonvallei industriële area Aard van aansoek : 1. Die voorgestelde hersonering van 'n gedeelte (±25 586m² groot) van Gedeelte 58 van Plaas Nr. 183, Afdeling Stellenbosch, vanaf Algemene Nywerheid na Algemene Residensiëel en Algemene Besigheid, ten einde Fase 3A (96 residensiële eenhede), Fase 3C (96 residensiële eenhede) en Fase 3B (4200m² kleinhandel op grondvloer en 168 residensiële eenhede bo grondvloer), asook 'n oopruimte van ±9375m² (37%) te ontwikkel. 2. Die voorgestelde afwyking vir die ontwikkeling van 5-verdieping geboue in stede van 3-verdieping geboue. MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER (Kennisgewing Nr. P 12/12)
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
TREKKING VIR SATERDAG 4 BB STABLEFORD mishuys, T v/Robbroeck; 08.25; G Gainsford, Cobus Eerste bof: 07.45; W H Steyn, L P du Toit, A Palmer, du Toit,Wim v/Heerden. Anton Malan; 08.33; J WedgColin Grundglingh; 07.53; Simon Hill ,D Burger, Aubrey wood, K Olivier, A Crafford, K v/Loggerenberg, 08.41; Withers, C Reid; 08.01; R Hurndall, Peter Hill, Andre B Liebenberg, CP Gerber, P van Blerk, A Geldenhuys: de Wet, G Gant; 08.09; P Swart, P H de Villiers, J C 11.30; Trevor Hendry, Mark Taylor, Robert Lombard; Engelbrecht,J v/Vuuren; 08.17; J du 11.38; D Roos, K Klopper, J Bester, S BlomPreez, W Kotze, K Serfontein, D v/Emmaert; 11.46; R van Graan, Le roux Conmenis; 08.25; G Jonas, D Richards, M Gholfloting vir môre radie, Daan le Roux, D Comerma; 11.54; Alberts, D Barnard; 08.33; R Buys, E ArP Malherbe, N Erasmus, A Robertson, H aangebied deur cher, K Jordaan, J Nienaber; 08.41; S van Niekerk; 12.02; T Pauw, R Pauw, J TerLoubser, M Hugo, H Taylor,H Terblanche; blanche, James v/Niekerk; 12.10; A Kotze 11.30; B Cooper, K Geiger, H Ludwigs, J Thirion, C Potgieter, A KruP T Nel; 11.38; C Wagner, G Hendrikse, ger;12.18;08.25; G Gainsford, Cobus du A Jacobs, B Muller; 11.46; P Kruger, N Toit,Wim v/Heerden. Anton Malan; 08.33; Lambrecht, M Cloete, T Gordon; 11.54; J Wedgwood, K Olivier, A Crafford, K v/LogV Adonis, W Gordon, G Schultz, G Gordon; 12.02; P gerenberg, 08.41; B Liebenberg, CP Gerber, P van Henning, C Bezuidenhout; HJK Ferreira, C Grove; Blerk, A Geldenhuys: 11.30; Trevor Hendry, Mark Tay12.10; C Nel, H Heunis, M Botha, F Kieks;12.34; S lor, Robert Lombard; 11.38; D Roos, K Klopper, J Burger, F Smith, J Sheppard, P Leaf-Wright; 12.42; N Bester, S Blommaert; 11.46; R van Graan, Le roux ConLaubscher, W Oosthuizen, K de Waal, S Borgin; 12.50; radie, Daan le Roux, D Comerma; 11.54; P Malherbe, P Cyster, B Bergstedt, R Cyster, N Pietersen; 12.58; N Erasmus, A Robertson, H van Niekerk; 12.02; T Jacques de Villiers, J de Villiers, JM de Villiers, P de Pauw, R Pauw, J Terblanche, James v/Niekerk; 12.10; Villiers; 13.06; Andre v/Niekerk, Jaco v/d Westhuizen. A Kotze J Thirion, C Potgieter, A Kruger;12.18; J L Tiende bof: 07.45; S de Kock, S van Eck, P Masson, Stander, D Destroo, J Naude, C Perold; 12.26; J Kotze, P le Grange; 07.53; D Cloete, L Cloete, G Beukes, K J Newman, L de Jager, P Carinus; 12.34; H Dreijer, v/Schalkwyk;08.01; J Brink, D Brink, M Fourie, J du L Venter, K Johnson, Sarel Malan; 12.42; N de Jager, Toit;08.09; Philip Robinson, Anton Muller,P Robinson C van Niekerk, L Brink, T Engledow; 12.50; W A Nel, (snr) , F Welden; 08.17; M Kruger, Piet v/Breda, A GerP NEl, Alex Velissariou, W Ravenscroft, 12.58; Geo Venter, W Prinsloo, R de Klerk, J Prinsloo; 13.06; D van Rensburg, J Bredell, J Esterhuizen, J Wentworth; 13.14; Roy Braxton, A Heward, C Heward, J Huskinson
Tiende vir Burdens
Marinus, Matilda en Hugo Burden met hul medaljes by hul 10de Safari-halfmarathon.
TRAFFIC CONGESTION STUDY - REDIRECTING OF TRAFFIC (R44 - ADAM TAS STREET - STRAND STREET ROUTE) Motorists have all experienced traffic congestion when travelling through Stellenbosch. Congestion happens when there are simply too many vehicles on our roads. This may make many motorists unhappy, more impatient and less tolerant of other motorists or pedestrians. Stellenbosch Municipality wants to improve the situation and undertook a betterment study. We are therefore testing (piloting) alternative control solutions at the intersections on the R44 - Adam Tas Street -Strand Street Route. This is done in an effort to optimise the current capacity of traffic flow through the intersections. Traffic will be redirected at the Dorp Street intersection at Strand Street. No right turn from Dorp Street, north onto Strand Street will be allowed. Traffic continuing to Adam Tas Street may then turn right onto Adam Tas Street in the direction of the station and Strand Street. Redirecting traffic may lead to temporary further congestion. Traffic flow patterns will stabilise after motorists have adapted to these changes. These pilot tests will continue till the end of May 2012 after which the best control solutions will be used. It is expected that traffic flow should improve especially during off-peak times. Due to the over capacity scenario during peak-times, the benefits will be minimised during these times. Motorists are requested to be more careful and understanding during this period. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you but appreciate your cooperation.
RIE lede van die Burden-gesin – Hugo, Matilda en Marinus – van Stellenbosch het verlede week hul 10de Safari-halfmarathon gehardloop, en sodoende hulle permanente nommers vir dié wedloop verwerf. Hiermee saam het hulle ook verdere mylpale met die wedloop bereik. Marinus (24) is die jongste persoon ooit in die geskiedenis van die SAD/Safari-halfmarathon om ’n permanente nommer te verwerf. Hy het sy eerste wedloop afgelê in 2003 toe hy maar 15 jaar en 6 maande oud was en het daarna nog elke jaar die wedloop gehardloop. Hugo en Matilda het met hierdie wedloop boonop elk hul 75ste halfmarathon gehardloop.
Hulle is ook albei vroeër vanjaar aangewys as onderskeidelik die beste mans- en vroueatleet in die Meesters-kategorie by die jaarlikse prysuitdeling van die Stellenbosch-atletiekklub. “Ons draf ter wille van die gesonde leefstyl. Dit help ook baie om ’n leefwyse van selfdissipline te kweek wat mens elders in jou lewe kan toepas. Dit is natuurlik ook ’n wonderlike kopskoonmaak-oefening as jy ’n vol beroepslewe het. “Dit is ook ’n kans om iets saam te doen al hardloop ons nie dieselfde spoed nie. Ek bly maar ver agter!. Dit is wel heerlik om saam na die wedlope te gaan,” het Matilda bygevoeg.
A report will be compiled on the findings of the pilot project. It is also intended that a discussion meeting will be held with interested and affected parties during this process. Please contact Nigel Winter for more information by sending an e-mail to and to secure an invitation to the discussion meeting.
VERKEERSVLOEI-OPEENHOPING - VERKEERSVLOEI VERANDERING (R44 - ADAM TAS WEG - STRANDSTRAAT ROETE) Alle motoriste ervaar 'n verkeersopeenhoping wanneer hulle deur Stellenbosch ry. Die verkeersopeenhoping is die gevolg van té veel motors op die pad. Dit veroorsaak dat motoriste ongelukkig en ongeduldig raak en dan onverdraagsaam optree teenoor ander padgebruikers. Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit wil graag die situasie verbeter en is besig met 'n verbeteringstudie. Ons is tans besig om alternatiewe beheermetodes te toets by die interseksies op die R44 - Adam Tas Weg - Strandstraat roete. Ons poog hiermee om die maksimum verkeersvloeikapasiteit van die interseksies te benut. Verkeersvloei sal verander by die interseksie van Dorp en Strandstraat. Die regsdraai vanuit Dorpstraat noord op Strandstraat word verbied. Verkeer wat afbeweeg in Dorpstraat na Adam Tas Weg mag regs draai in Adam Tas Weg in die rigting van die stasie en Strandstraat. Die veranderinge mag lei tot verdere tydelike toename in verkeersopeenhopings. Verkeersvloeipatrone sal stabiliseer nadat motoriste weer gewoond is aan die verstellings. Die loodsprojek sal duur tot die einde van Mei 2012 waarna die mees geskikte verkeersbeheer ingestel sal word. Dit is te verwagte dat die verkeersvloei sal verbeter, veral tydens die stiller tye van die dag. Die kapasisteitsbeperkings gedurende die piek-tye kan egter veroorsaak dat die voordele van die verbeteringe minimaal sal wees. Motoriste word gevra om met begrip en versigtig te bestuur tydens die toetsperiode. Ons vra om verskoning vir die ongerief en bedank u vir u samewerking. 'n Verslag sal saamgestel word met die bevindinge van die loodsprojek. Daar word ook beoog om 'n gespreksvergadering te reel met betrokkenes en geïnteresseerdes, gedurende hierdie proses. Kontak gerus vir Nigel Winter vir meer inligting by en om 'n uitnodiging na so 'n gespreksforum te ontvang.
Spelers van die toekoms: Op Saterdag 14 April het Jamestown se gholfklub, in samewerking met die SA Gholf Ontwikkelingsraad ’n junior ontwikkelingswerkwinkel by Stellenzicht Sekondêr aangebied. Die dag is deur 55 voornemende gholfspelers tussen 6 en 17 jaar oud bygewoon. Twee afrigters van die Ontwikkelingsraad het hulle oor die basiese vaardighede van die spel kom touwysmaak. Ontwikkeling vind elke Saterdagoggend by Stellenzicht plaas onder die leiding van Daniel Flandorp, die klub se junior ontwikkelingsbeampte. Vir nadere besonderhede bel Flandorp 0 082 500 8592. Foto: Verskaf
Wynland se sportdag is 19 Mei DIE Wynland Distriksraad se jaarlikse Sportdag is op Saterdag 19 Mei by die Kanonkop-wynlandgoed. Aksie begin om 11:00 en dit duur tot 17:00. Verskeie sporte en sports sal op dié gewilde dag plaasvind. Van die sporte is netbal, sokker, toutrek en tradisionele sportse soos sakresies gaan aan die orde van die dag wees. Verversings sal ook beskikbaar wees en daar sal musiek en vermaak wees. Vir nadere besonderhede bel Deon Carinus by 082 944 3919.
Vrydag, 11 Mei 2012
Jaargang 62 | Tel 021 887 2840
WEN kaartjies vir Junior Wêreldbeker! LESERS van Eikestadnuus kan kaartjies wen vir die Junior Wêreldbeker-rugbytoernooi wat in Stellenbosch in Junie plaasvind. Twee lesers kan elk twee kaartjies wen vir een van die drie dae waarop groepwedstryde in die Danie Craven-stadion gespeel word. Drie wedstryde vind plaas op elk van dié drie dae. Dag een is Maandag 4 Junie. Die wedstryde is Wallis teen Fidji; Nieu-Seeland teen Samoa en Suid-Afrika teen Ierland. Op Vrydag 8 Junie speel Australië teen Argentinië, Nieu-Seeland pak Wallis en Engeland durf
Ierland aan. Die laaste dag waarop groepwedstryde gespeel word, is Dinsdag 12 Junie. Op di dag speel Ierland teen Italië, Frankryk teen Australië en Suid-Afrika teen Engeland. Om in aanmerking te kom vir die rugbykaartjies moet jy net die volgende vraag beantwoord en per SMS stuur saam met Dag 1, Dag 2 of Dag 3 aan 34420. Die vraag is: “Wie is tans die verdedigende kampioen van Junior Wêreldbeker?” Elke SMS kos R1,50.
Paul Roos pak Gim:
Die rugbywedstryd tussen Paarl Gimnasium en Paul Roos Gimnasium wat Saterdag by Paarl Gimnasium gespeel word, word regstreeks op televisie uitgesaai. Afskop is om 12:00 en die uitsending begin om 11:50 op SuperSport 5. Dit is ’n baie belangrike wedstryd vir PRG wat ’n wisselvallige seisoen tot dusver beleef. Twee verrassende nederlae teen Grey High en Hoërskool Tygerberg, maar ook die eerste sege oor Affies sedert 2007 kenmerk die eerste span se seisoen. Die losskakel Jason Worral (foto) gaan ’n belangrike rol speel in die wedstryd teen Paarl Gimnasium, veral omdat ’n paar sleutelspelers tans met beserings sukkel. Foto: Eunice Visagie
Maties vat voor in WP-Superliga EUNICE VISAGIE
ATIES se rugbyspan is steeds onoorwonne in die Westelike Provinsie se klubrugby-reeks. Chean Roux sê Maties was veronderstel om Woensdagaand teen Tygerberg te speel, maar die manne van Bellville het gekanselleer en die vyf punte is aan Maties gegee. Die Stellenbossers, wat in Superliga A speel, het nou 25 punte ná vyf wedstryde. Maties het nog nie ’n enkele wedstryd verloor nie. Daar is tans net een ander span wat onoorwonne is, naamlik Durbanville. Komende Saterdag pak dié twee onoorwonne spanne mekaar in die Danie Cravenstadion. Afskop is om 16:00. Tot dusver is dit ’n moeilike begin tot die seisoen vir ander Stellenbosse klubs. Victoriane het al vyf wedstryde gespeel, maar net twee gewen. Hulle is egter tans vierde op die Superliga A se punteleer. Franschhoek het sterk begin met twee seg-
Pniel Villagers se agtsteman Charlston Williams op spoed.
es uit drie wedstryde. Die spelers lewer goeie spel en speel aanskoulike wedstryde. Hulle is tans derde op die punteleer van Premierliga B.
Foto: Eunice Visagie
Die ander twee klubs saam met Franschhoek in dié liga, Stellenbosch Coronations en Van der Stel, sal graag die komende naweek broodnodige momentum aan hul
Is Eikestadnuus se sportster in jou skool? DIT is weer tyd om Eikestadnuus en Let’s Play se Sportster van die Maand te soek. Nominasies vir die maand van Mei sluit op Maandag 28 Mei.
’n Onderhoud met die wenner van die maand sal in die Eikestadnuus van Vrydag 1 Junie verskyn. Skole is welkom om nominasies aan Eu-
nice Visagie te stuur per e-pos na of faks 021 883 9538.
seisoen wil gee. Stellenbosch Coronations het nog net een wedstryd gewen, terwyl Van der Stel nog op die wenpad moet kom. Van der Stel is laaste op die punteleer en loop dus die gevaar om gerelegeer te word. Pniel Villagers, wat in Superliga B speel, kon ook nog nie ’n wedstryd wen nie en dié naweek staan die gedugte Helderberg in hul pad. Pniel het beslis die vermoë om Helderberg te klop, maar dan moét hulle vir 80 minute voluit speel. Cloetesville, wat in Afdeling 3 speel, het ook nog nie ’n wedstryd gewen nie. Daarom is dié naweek se wedstryd teen Whistling Wheels ’n belangrike een. Die naweek se bepalings: SATERDAG 12 MEI – Maties t Durbanville; Victoriane t Belhar; Pniel-Villagers t Helderberg; Silvertree t Stellenbosch Coronations; Van der Stel t Lagunya; Franschhoek t Milnerton; Kylemore t Watsonia; Hamediehs t Raithby Universals; Cloetesville t Whistling Wheels.
Chennells Albertyn Attorneys notaries & conveyancers
021 8833189 (tel) 44 Alexander St Stellenbosch
Stuur alle navrae, inligting en versoeke oor sport aan Eunice Visagie by e-pos of skakel haar by 021 887 2840.
Eikestadnuus word uitgegee en opgemaak deur die eienaar, Boland Koerante Beperk, Stellenbosch en gedruk deur Paarl Post Media (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 248, Paarl, 7620.