EikestadNuus 17 August 2012

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Kylemore Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


Jaargang 62 | Tel 021 887 2840

R5,00 (BTW ingesluit)

BINNE • INSIDE NEWS Theft rife in Stellen­ bosch ­ p 4

NUUS S’Bossers praat oor Spele ­bl. 43

NEWS Vrouedag gevier: foto’s ­ p 37

Ongeluk op die R304:

’n Vroulike bestuurder moes met swaar toerusting uit haar motor verwyder word ná ’n botsing op die R304 Woensdag. ’n Man wat saam met haar in die motor was het kopbeserings opgedoen toe hul motor teen ’n vragmotor gebots het. Die ongeluk het net ná 11:00 op die R304 (Koelenhof­pad) by die afrit na Sandringham ­plaasgevind. Die vragmotor het van die toneel weggery. Dit was die eerste ongeluk die afgelope paar maande waar iemand ernstige beserings opgedoen het. Luidens Mediclinic se woordvoerder is Mary Thomson, die bestuurder, ná die ongeluk in die Stellenbosch Mediclinic opgeneem waar sy tans vir ’n heupfraktuur behandel word. Haar toestand is stabiel. Foto: Elbé van Heerden


Twee doodskote CARRYN­ANN NEL

SPORT Vuurwarm interskole­ aksie ­ bl. 44


lk van die twee koeëls wat Alberto Costa verlede jaar deurboor het, sou op sy eie dié Stellenbosse boer se dood veroorsaak het. Dr. Deidré Abrahams, ’n forensiese patoloog, het Woensdag in die Wes-Kaapse hooggeregshof oor die wonde aan Costa se liggaam getuig. Sy het die ondersoek op die oorledene se liggaam op 20 Februarie verlede jaar gedoen. Costa (44) is op 18 Februarie 2011 voor die deur van sy plaashuis buite Stellenbosch doodgeskiet toe hy ondersoek na ’n inbraak

gaan instel het. Drie mans – Mfundiso Yese (25), Simamkele Mralaza (29) en Cedric Mphakati (27) – staan in verband met die voorval tereg op aanklagte van moord, poging tot huisbraak en die onwettige besit van ’n vuurwapen en ammunisie. Al drie ontken skuld. ’n Vierde beskuldigde, Vicicelo Madolo, (27), is in Junie ná ’n pleit-en-vonnisooreenkoms tot 20 jaar tronkstraf gevonnis. Hy het reeds getuig. Costa is in die nek en bors geskiet. Hy het ook geringe beserings aan sy voorkop, elmboog en knie opgedoen – vermoedelik van die

val ná die skote. Die persoon wat die skote gevuur het was aan die linkerkant van die oorledene, het Abrahams getuig. Albei skote het Costa van links na regs deurboor. “Elke wond sou op sy eie die oorledene se dood veroorsaak het.” Op ’n vraag van die staatsaanklaer, advokaat Maria Marshall, oor hoe lank ná die skietery Costa dood is, het Abrahams gesê dit het enkele minute geneem. “Ek sou sê hy is een, twee, selfs drie minute ná die skote dood.” Die verhoor voor regter André le Grange duur voort.




Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

THINGS TO DO Dinge om te doen MÔRE SE WEER

18 Augustus ) Daniel Hugo gesels 11:00 in die Protea Boekwinkel met Zandra Bezuidenhout oor sy nuutste digbundel, Hanekraai. 0 021 882 9100. ) Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain hack. 08:00 for 08:15, Paradyskloof Pine Forest gate. Take refreshments, protective clothing and a mug. Equipment available. Lewis Silberbauer: 0 082 892 4300 or 021 886 4203.

22 °C DIE NAWEEK: Dit sal sonnig wees met matige temperature vir Saterdag en Sondag. Maandag sal dit weer koud wees met lae temperature en swaar reënbuie.

19 Augustus ) Bergklub van Suid-Afrika, Stellenbosch: Botmaskop Square Towernek dwarsstap. Vertrek: 07:00 van die Uniepark-winkelsentrum in Morkelstraat. Teuns Kok: 0 083 267 4455 of 021 887 8278. ) Rynse VGK vroue bied ’n kerkdiens vir alle vroue in uniform aan. 09:00, Rynse Kerk op Die Braak. Almal moet in hul uniforms geklee wees. Virginia Jumat: 0 083 704 6872.

Onafhanklike ombudsman VOLGENS die redaksionele beleid van Eike­ stadnuus verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommen­ taar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons bedui­ dende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asseblief inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se gemeenskapspers, George Claas­ sen, by george.claassen@media24.com of bel hom by 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid­Afrika, Joe Thloloe, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie verband gerus 011 484 3612/8 of stuur ’n e­pos na kha­ nyim@ombudsman.org.za of johanr@ombuds­ man.org.za.

21 Augustus ) Kindersorg Suid-Afrika, Stellenbosch algemene jaarvergadering.

DORPSKALENDER TOWN CALENDER 10:00, Rooikruis Gemeenskapsaal in Banghoekweg. RSVP by 021 887 2816. ) Palissander Kamerkoor tree op in ’n konsert in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes. 19:00. R40 vir kinders en pensionarisse; R80 vir volwassenes. 0 021 886 5132. ) Cansa Relay for Life Stellenbosch spankapteine vergader 18:30 in die Rooms-Katolieke Kerk in Idasvallei. Gwen Simmers: 0 082 533 3563. ) Protea Boekwinkel stel Chris Karsten se derde titel in die Abel Lotz-reeks, Die Afreis van Abel Lotz, 19:00 bekend. RSVP teen 18 Augustus by 0 021 882 9100 of 2 ls.protea@mweb.co.za. ) Jacana Media and Verbatim Bookstore launch Ashraf Kadgee’s book, Khalil’s Journey. 18:00 for 18:30, Verbatim Bookstore, Dorp Street. RSVP: 0 021 886 8746.

    

25 Augustus ) Reisskrywer Dana Snyman vertel van sy eie lewensreis. 11:30 tot 15:00, Solms-Delta. R195, sluit gesprek, buffetmiddagete en optrede deur die Soetstemme in. RSVP: 0 021 874 3937; 2 restaurant@solms-delta.co.za. ) Marié Heese will discuss her latest novel, A Triple Headed Serpent, at Protea Bookshop. 0 021 882 9100 or 2 ls.protea@mweb.co.za. 26 August ) Annual lecture of the Archaeological Society of the Western Cape and the Friends of the Stellenbosch Museum. Title: “An Archaeological Wander through Time – Some Perspectives”. 10:00 to 15:30, Erfurthuis, Ryneveld Street. R150, including tea and lunch .Bookings essential. Esme Adriaanse: 0 021 887 2937.

S’bosch Hills­ prys te wen

Kom vier die lewe VIER die lewe met Huis Horison en top Stellenbosch-sjefs Bertus Basson, George Jardine en Michael Broughton by Overture op die Hidden Valley-wynplaas op Saterdag 8 September. Die sjefs sal spesiale disse met landgoedwyn voorsit, terwyl World@South musiek maak. Net 50 gaste kan dit bywoon en kaartjies kos R750 per persoon. Bel Martie de Lange by 021 887 5080 of 2 bemarking@huishorison.org.za.

22 August ) Franschhoek Toastmasters meeting. 18:45, Blueberry Hill Cottages, Middagkrans Road, Franschhoek. Claire: 0 021 876 3362.

Emo Adams op Klapmuts:

Die Klapmuts Primêre Skool is die plek om te wees op Vrydag 24 Augustus. Die talentvolle Emo Adams gaan kon­ sertgangers by dié skool vermaak. Die vertoning begin om 19:00 in die skool­ saal en alle belang­ stellendes word ge­ nooi om ’n prettige aand van sang en dans deur een van Suid­Afrika se top­ kunstenaars by te woon. Kaartjies vir hierdie vertoning kos R80 per persoon en is by die skool beskik­ baar. Bel die skool by 021 875 5471 vir meer inligting of om jou kaartjie te kry.

HIERDIE maand kan nuwe intekenare op die Eikestadnuus ’n heerlike prys van Stellenbosch Hills losslaan. Indien jy in Augustus op Eikestadnuus inteken kan jy die gelukkige wenner wees van ’n biltong-en-wynproe vir ses mense by Stellenbosch Hills. Daar is ook ’n kis van dié kelder se wyn op die spel. Vir meer besonderhede bel Eikestadnuuskantoor 021 887 2840. Vir meer oor Stellenbosch Hills besoek die wynlandgoed se webwerf by www.stellenbosch-hills.co.za.



Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


Vrede, aanvaarding nodig SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG


S jy die woord kanker hoor, dan dink jy dadelik net aan die dood.” Só sê Linda de Vries (49), ’n ma van drie van Cloetesville, wat in 2008 met borskanker gediagnoseer is. Eikestadnuus het vandeesweek met Linda, as ’n eerste in ’n reeks artikels in aanloop tot die CANSA Relay for Life Stellenbosch, oor dié soort kanker gaan gesels. Die Relay word vanjaar van 29 tot 30 September op die Idasvallei-sportgronde aangebied. Die tema vanjaar is borskanker. Die Relay bied ’n geleentheid aan alle Stellenbossers om hul ondersteuning vir kankerlyers te wys deur aan die deurnag-stap deel te neem. Linda vertel dat sy op ’n aand in 2008 ’n knop in haar bors gevoel het, maar eers nie veel aandag daaraan gegee nie. Dit is egter eers toe dit haar begin pla dat sy die dokter besoek het en met borskanker gediagnoseer is. Sy moes binne ’n week twee operasies ondergaan waar daar sowat 28 kliere by haar verwyder is. “Dit is regtig ’n groot skok om die woord kanker te hoor. Ek het vir ’n ruk lank gehuil, waarna ek vrede daarmee gemaak het en dit kon aanvaar.

Dit is belangrik vir kankerlyers om vrede met die siekte te maak. “Ek het net vir die Here gebid om my krag te gee en te genees.” Ná die operasies moes Linda chemoterapie, asook 31 aaneenlopende dae van bestraling ontvang. Sy verduidelik dat elke kankerlyer dié sessies anders ervaar en dat sy vreeslik naar gevoel het. Gemmerkoekies het egter soms met die naarheid gehelp. “My man, Deon, het ook elke sessie saam met my deurgemaak. Sy ondersteuning was vir my só kosbaar.” Sy voeg by dat ná die sewentiende dag van bestraling, haar hare begin uitval het. “My hare het op my skouers gehang. Toe dit begin uitval het ek sommer dadelik haarkapper toe gegaan en alles afgesny. “Ek was nie juis skaam nie, want ek het soveel komplimente gekry.” Linda is nou sowat vier jaar skoon van kanker, maar pronk steeds trots met ’n borselkop weens die kankerpil wat sy gebruik. Die kanker kan egter enige tyd terug-

kom, maar sy is voorbereid, selfs vir die moontlikheid dat haar borste afgesit kan word. Die kanker het haar sterker gemaak, voeg sy by. Sy meen dat vroue egter nie genoeg oor borskanker weet nie en dat dit belangrik is om gereeld getoets te word. Vir ander kankerlyers het sy die volgende raad: “Raak betrokke by organisasies soos die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) en neem deel aan geleenthede soos die relay waar jy oor jou kanker kan praat.” ) Die CANSA Relay for Life Stellenbosch word deurnag van 29 tot 30 September gehou en almal is welkom. Stappers neem in spanne van tien lede deel en die inskrywingsgeld is R600 per span. Spanne moet teen 26 September registreer. Bel Gwen Simmers by 082 533 3563) of Nadia Henry by 076 148 7035 vir meer inligting.


Pink party for cancer JOIN Sway Events on 1 September at Klein Libertas Theatre for their Pink Party III to promote breast cancer awareness. Sway Events, a young four-piece-team of vibrant professional women, decided to organise a fun evening where women from Cape Town to Stellenbosch and everywhere in between can network and socialize together for a cause. The aim is to raise funds for a local

organisation that supports breast cancer awareness. The line-up for the event includes the Wedding Boys, Hats & Hearts, Ballistic Blues, Roxy Le Roux and MFM 92.6 Dj’s, who will put colour into this festive evening. Doors open at 19:00 and will continue until late. Tickets (R40) are available at the doors or pre-booked through Klein Libertas Theatre at 021 883 8164.

Linda de Vries (49), van Cloetesville, is in 2008 met borskanker gediagnoseer.

Foto: Samantha van den Berg


Huise vanaf R1,82m


Benut jou kans NOU!

Catapult SRV057


2-Slaapk nog Woonstelle beskikbaar

Woonstelle vanaf R975 000 Skou-eenhede oop: Maandag - Vrydag 10:00 tot 17:00 Sondae 11:00 tot 17:00 Tel: +27 (021) 852 0821 • Russell: 083 457 2007 • David: 082 410 7465 • Christina: 082 330 1209 E-mail: russellm@iafrica.com of david@exactcape.co.za • Website: www.schonenbergvillage.co.za

Die aftreeoord is opgerig in ooreenkomstig die Wet op Aftrede, Nr. 65 of 1988.




Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


www.abcsecurity.co.za TEL: 021 887 4777


Rowers slaan Safeguard your house weer toe ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN


NUMBER of areas have been targeted by burglars over the past week, and theft from cars has also been on the rise. Die Boord, Jamestown and Plankenbrug were hot spots for burglary, while theft from cars is being reported in many areas throughout Stellenbosch. Police spokesperson Lieutenant Natalie Martin warned residents to take care, as a number of the recent burglaries took place while the residents were at home. “Make provision for good outside lighting, but switch them off during the day. If lights are on during daytime, burglars will take it as a sign that no one is at home. “Never open the door automatically whenever the bell rings or someone knocks. Make sure the person wanting to enter is expected. “Install the best security you can afford – for example, security gates at outside doors. Keep these gates locked and, if possible, fix a door viewer and latch chain. “When approaching your house – be it

by foot or car – be aware of persons loitering in your street. Call the police if you notice any suspicious persons in the area,” Martin urged. “Never leave your gates, garage, front or back door open – or even partially open – because this serves as an invitation to burglars. “When leaving your home, make sure windows are closed, and make sure you remove unnecessary keys from the inside of doors. “Be sure to know all your emergency numbers, and keep cash and valuables in safes or banks.” Martin also warned that thefts from cars are often the result of negligence. “Do not leave valuable items in your vehicle when you park. Many motorists leave their cars for a long time and notice the break-in on return. “A number of valuable items, including four laptops, three hard drives, sun glasses, two wallets, a leather jacket, clothing and a cellphone, were stolen from vehicles only last week,”Martins pointed out. “Be more aware of crime, and rather carry valuables with you – or make sure to lock them in your boot.”


Elizabeth Februarie

Foto: Verskaf

ELIZABETH Februarie (néé Goliath), bekende inwoner van Cloetesville, is op Saterdag 11 Augustus oorlede in die ouderdom van 67 jaar. Sy was bekend as Antie Lisbet van Oom Long Tonie wat by Telkom gewerk het. Sy is in 1968 met Jimmy Februarie getroud. Uit die huwelik is ses kinders gebore. Elizabeth was ’n geliefde persoon veral by die kinders en sy sal onthou word deur haar familie en groot vriendekring. Elizabeth word oorleef deur haar man Jimmy, drie seuns Adam, Franklin en Anthony, drie dogters Leonie, Catherine en Hester en 11 kleinkinders.

Adam ( Eric) Adriaanse

ADAM Eric Adriaanse van Cloetesville is Donderdag 9 Augustus skielik oorlede by sy woning in Cloetesville. Eric het vir jare gewerk by Bokomo-bakkery, Boland Busdiens,W Heuer en voordat hy ongeskik vir werk verklaar is, by die Kaapse Stadsraad. Hy was ook ’n priester in die Ou Apostoliese Kerk te Cloetesville. Sy familie sal hom onthou as iemand met ’n oop hand wat sy medemens met liefde gedien het. Hy was baie lief vir musiek en sy God en kerk was vir hom ’n prioriteit. Hy was ook ’n entrepreneur en het werk aan talle mense verskaf. Hy laat ’n broer, vier susters, skoonfamilie, sy vrou Josephine, kinders en kleinkinders agter.

Amelia Chatherin Wané

AMELIA Wané is Dinsdag 14 Augustus in die ouderdom van 79 jaar oorlede. Sy is op 1 Mei 1933 in Stellenbosch gebore. Sy was vir 55 jaar lank getroud met Stephanus Wané en uit die huwelik is ses kinders gebore. In haar jong dae was sy ’n kranige netbalspeler en in later jare aktief betrokke by die destydse Sustersbond. Sy was ook baie lief vir sing en tuinmaak. Vrygewigheid en lojaliteit was twee van Amelia se uitstaande karaktertrekke. Sy het haar gesin altyd eerste gestel. Sy was ook ’n toegewyde Christen en lid van die VKG-Idasvallei. Sy word oorleef deur haar eggenoot, vyf kinders, 14 kleinkinders en vyf agterkleinkinders.

’n GROEP gewapende mans het vandeesweek weer toegeslaan in die Eikestad en met ’n groot bedrag kontant gevlug. Volgens sers. Zenobia Sedeman, die polisiewoordvoerder, het die voorval Maandag om 11:45 by die Caltex-motorhawe in die omgewing van Du Toitstasie in Birdstraat plaasgevind. “’n Gepantserde voertuig het by die vulstasie gestop om kontant uit die valkluis te haal. “Die kluis maak aan die kant van die gebou oop. Die beampte het die kluis oopgemaak toe twee mans agter hom kom staan. Een van die mans het ’n vuurwapen gehad. “Hulle het die beampte beveel om die tas met kontant neer te sit, dit opgetel en oor die pad gehardloop waar ’n blou Toyota-voertuig vir hulle gewag het. Hulle het in die rigting van Kayamandi gevlug.” Die voorval volg op ’n reeks gewapende rooftogte die laaste twee maande by verskeie winkels in die area. Niemand is tot dusver in hegtenis geneem nie.

A NUMBER of hot spots for burglary and bicycle theft have been reported over the last week. A number of bicycles were reported stolen in the toll parking area at Pick n Pay, on the Braak, at Simonsrust, and at the parking area at the train station. The burglaries reported were committed in Die Boord, Jamestown and Plankenbrug.

Sector 2 meeting A COMMUNITY meeting for Sector 2 will be held on 22 August at 19:30 at Eikestad Primary School. The areas included in Sector 2 are Die Boord - north and south, Jamestown, Paradyskloof, Dalsig, Brandwacht and Krigeville. For more information call Warrant Officer AC Hendriks at 082 522 1690.

Stellenbosch Watch AGM STELLENBOSCH Watch will be holding their annual general meeting on 27 August at 18:30 in the NG Church Welgelegen in Brandwacht. For any further enquiries, point your browser at the watch’s web address at www.stellenboschwatch.org.za.



Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


REPORT CRIME Red line for tip­offs: 0 021 809 5012


Burglars target crèche ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN


NLY a few weeks after the Stellenbosch police spent their 67 minutes for Mandela Day to help Sizamile Crèche in Kayamandi, it was targeted by burglars. Twice. According to the principal, Nomonde Sotondoshe, the first burglary happened on the night of 7 August. “They broke into the toddlers’ classroom and stole a television – and also took the burglar bars, which were broken out of the window. “They returned on 8 August to break into the older children’s classroom, and stole our microwave.” The crèche, which has been operating in Ndzawumbi Street, Kayamandi, since 1980, has only been targeted once before while Sotondoshe has been principal. Police spokesperson Lieutenant Natalie Martin says officers chose the crèche as part of their

Lieutenant Natalie Martin (left) and Brigadier Nomthetheleni Mene visited Sizamile Crèche on Mandela Day. Photo: Elbé van Heerden

Mandela Day activities as they’d noticed at a previous visit that the crèche didn’t have enough educational toys, and was struggling to keep the children occupied. “It is sad that the crèche

was targeted so soon after we made an effort to make their lives a little better. The theft of the TV will also now effect the children’s education.” The crimes are under investigation.

Richfields weer voor hof ’n BOER en sy seun wat tereg staan op ’n aanklag van poging tot moord het gister weer in die Stellenbosch-landdroshof verskyn. Dit volg ná hulle ’n inwoner van Cloetesville, James Brand, wat hout op hul plaas bymekaargemaak het na bewering aangerand en byna verdrink het. Volgens lt. Natalie Martin, polisiewoordvoerder van Stellenbosch, het Brand (37) op 26 Junie om 11:50 hout versamel op Michael Richfield se plaas toe hy deur Michael genader is. “Die eienaar wou weet wat hy daar maak en hy het verduidelik dat hy hout kom soek het.” Volgens Brand het Richfield hom toe glo aangeval. Brand het toe gevra dat hulle eerder die polisie laat kom aangesien hy besef dat hy oortree het. Nóg twee mans, een na bewering Richfield se seun Leonard, en ’n bruin man, het op die toneel opgedaag en het Brand glo verder aangerand met ’n piksteel. “Hulle het hom toe in ’n dam op die plaas gegooi. Hy het sy bewussyn verloor en toe hy weer

bykom, het hy op die kant van die R44 gelê. Onbekende mense het toe verbygekom en die ambulans geskakel,” aldus Martin. Die man is na die Stellenboschhospitaal gebring en behandel vir ’n gebreekte been en verskeie kneusplekke. Michael (68) en Leonard (43) Richfield is in hegtenis geneem op ’n aanklag van poging tot moord. Die mans se borgtog van R1 000 elk is Donderdag verleng en die saak is tot 13 September vir verdere ondersoek uitgestel.

Michael en Leonard Richfield

Foto: Elbé van Heerden




Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

Reward their valour A TEAM comprising the men and women of the Stellenbosch Municipal Fire and Rescue Department, along with the Stellenbosch Emergency Medical Services, is one of 16 finalists in the Centrum Guardian Project 2012. This competition gives recognition to the people in the SA emergency services. This year the 16 semifinalists include men and women in the emergency services who’ve given 100% to save lives. Now, everybody is invited to vote for the semifinalists who inspire them to live life to the fullest.Eachsemifinalist’sstory is available for reading at www.centrumguardian.com. Public votes will determine who will be awarded the title

of Centrum Guardian of the Year for 2012. The proceeds from SMS votes will be donated to the base station of the Guardian voted for. The Stellenbosch Municipal Fire and Rescue Department’s story is called “Endurance”, and is about an incident that took place in August last year, when fire, medical and rescue personnel worked for hours to rescue a group of homeless men trapped under a collapsed building in Ida’s Valley. To vote for the Stellenbosch team, SMS the word “endurance” to 33123, or vote online by pointing your browser at www.centrumguardian.com. Each SMS cost R1,50. Voting closes at midnight on 30 September.

Team Endurance, consisting of members of the Stellenbosch Municipal Fire and Rescue Department and Emergency Medical Services, is one of 16 finalists in the Centrum Guardian Project 2012. Photo: Supplied


Safety in the lap of luxury SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG


HE five Kayamandi councillors whose lives were threatened by protesters spent a night in five-star accommodationforsafetybecausethere were no other options, a Law Enforcement official has said. This comes after the Stellenbosch Municipality councillors’ houses were stoned by protesters on Monday evening, 23 July. Eikestadnuus reported about two weeks ago that the protesters had gathered before the home of ANC Ward 12 councillor Nokuthula Gugushe, and threw stones at it. The group then advanced on to the homes of fellow ANC councillors Phelisa Sitshoti, Lindela Ronoti and Nomthunzi Gcaza. ANC councillor Lizzie Siwakamisa and her spouse had been similarly threatened by this group. The Stellenbosch town council then stepped in, took the beleaguered councillors from their homes, and provided them with safe accommodation.

In terms of council’s policy on the protection of councillors, the municipal manager may provide temporary accommodation should the life of a councillor and or his or her family be placed under threat. The affected councillors stayed in the five-star Evergreen Guest House for the first night, after which they and their immediate families were moved to the cheaper Stellenbosch Protea Hotel in Techno Park. Eikestadnuus readers enquired last week as to why taxpayers’ money had been used for five-star accommodation. Neville Langenhoven, acting manager for Law Enforcement, told Eikestadnuus that the administration had been unaware that the Evergreen Guest House was listed as five-star accommodation. According to him, the “situation necessitated immediate accommodation”, and the normal procurement process would have been impractical at that stage. “Securing accommodation that night proved to be diffi-

cult, seeing that most places were either fully booked or not open to book accommodation. “The first place was fully booked, after which the administration went on to the second available place, which was prepared to accommodate the councillors.” Langenhoven said that the situation was assessed the following day, but it could yet not be determined whether the councillors’ lives were still at risk as the police were still investigating the matter. “In the absence thereof it was decided that the affected councillors should be provided with further alternative accommodation,” he said. “They were then accommodated at the Stellenbosch Protea Hotel with their immediate families, until the unrest normalised. “It was a much cheaper option,” he added. According to Langenhoven, the cost for the alternative accommodation was covered by council’s travel and subsistence budget for councillors.

Lasbeheereenhede nou reg geïnstalleer SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG SOWAT 10% van Stellenboschhuishoudings wat ingesluit is by die huishoudelike lasbeheerprojek (HLB), se beheereenhede moet oor installeer word. Dit kom ná klagtes uit woongebiede soos Onder-Papegaaiberg dat dié beheereenhede, wat warmwatersilinders in piektye afskakel, nie werk nie. Die HLB-projek, ’n nasionale projek, is in Maart vanjaar in Stellenbosch van stapel gestuur en poog om die aanvraag na elektrisiteit te verminder. Dit is ’n inisiatief van Eskom en behels die gratis installering van ’n beheereenheid in sowat 10 500 Stellenbosse huise. Dié eenheid skakel die geiser tussen 18:00 en 20:00 saans af.

Volgens Vernon Bowers, woordvoerdervan Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit, is beheereenhede in die verlede met groot vrug geïnstalleer, omdat lasskuiwing deur munisipaliteite gedoen is. Met die groot bewusmakingsveldtogte sedert 2005 skakel inwoners nou self hul warmwatersilinders af en veroorsaak dit dat die beheereenhede ook nou outomaties afgeskakel word. Volgens Bowers word dit die driedraad-metode genoem. “Die Western Cape Approved Electrical Installation Authority het toe ’n vierdraad-metode vir die installering van die beheereenhede goedgekeur. Beheereenhede sal nou deurlopend van elektrisiteit voorsien word al word die warmwatersilinder deur die inwoner af-

geskakel,” verduidelik hy. Bowers voeg by dat Powertech IST, die installeringsmaatskappy, nou weer 10% van die huise in die projek besoek om die beheereenhede volgens die vierdraad-metode te installeer. Die woongebiede sluit Onder-Papegaaiberg, Cabernet Oude Libertas 6, Liberté Oude Libertas 4, Welgevonden en Paradyskloof in. Kwaliteitinspeksies sal ook gedoen word. Beheereenhede moet nog in Bosman’s Crossing, Die Boord, Dalsig, Lieberheim, Mostertsdrift, Uniepark, Rozendal, Aanhouwen, Karindal, Simonswyk, Universiteitsoord en in die middedorp geïnstalleer word. Bel die HLB-projekkantoor by 083 228 0268 oor enige probleme.



Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


Bright young chefs trained


TELLEMPLOY’s first group of students in food preparation and cooking have completed their 12-month certificate course. Five of the 10 students who qualified for the final City & Guilds international examination passed with distinction, while the other five passed with merit. Chef Léta du Toit October presented the course. What makes this achievement even more exceptional is that some of these students previously couldn’t even pass matric due to their social and economic situations. Now four people out of this group of 10 have already found employment. The students in this course were selected from a group of students from developing communities who’d taken part in short cooking courses that Stellemploy has been presenting over the last two years. During these short courses, it became clear that some of these students had the potential to become fully qualified chefs. Stellemploy used donor funds to first expose these students to basic cooking and knife skills,

The students work on their practical training amid their food preparation and cooking course. All 10 students passed with flying colours. Photo: supplied

and in the process improve their confidence. Being aware of the students’ potential, Stellemploy considered it an important, new challenge to run a pilot project in the community for training professional chefs. The Institute of Culinary Arts indicated it was willing to assist with the implementation of City & Guilds certificate programme. The Swiss–South African Cooperation Initiative and Distell

provided the funding. The course included theory and practical classes, as well as an internship at the Apprentice Restaurant. The students were also exposed to additional learning experiences at venues such as the Cape Wine Academy, where they learned how to pair food and wine. Three of the students also entered the Galliova Student Food Writer’s competition, where each of them received awards.


Heritage day treasure hunt for primary schools ALL pupils in Grades 5 to 7 from schools in Stellenbosch and surrounds are invited to take part in an educational heritage treasure hunt on Monday 24 September. The treasure hunt will form part of the annual Heritage Day celebrations. The aim of the exercise is to teach pupils an appreciation for their cultural heritage – not only for what has been created by humans, but also for natural heritage such as water and plants, says Laurika Schneeberger, Stellenbosch Voortrekkers chief organiser. The pupils can represent a school, church or any other organisation of their choice. Groups must be made up of four to five pupils each.

Each group will receive a team passport, which will supply them with clues on how to discover nine treasures in the historic part of Stellenbosch. The Stellenbosch Heritage Day Festival will be concentrated mostly on the banks of the Eerste River, in the region of Die Laan, this year. It will include a half marathon, fun cycle ride, canoe race, river tube races, live music, braai sites, stalls and a mass choir. The treasure hunt will start at 09:00 at the Ou Landbousaal in Die Laan. The entrance fee is R10 per pupil. Call Laurika Schneeberger on 078 248 0725, send a mail to aeslaurika@iafrica.com or see www.heritagefestival.co.za.

Fun race on Papegaaiberg THE Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership invites schools and community groups to participate in its

“Amazing Race” on Papegaaiberg on 22 September from 08:30 until 11:30. Entrance is R100 per school. Teams

must consist of eight participants each. Hot dogs and cold drinks will be served. Email



Menings / Nuus.


Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

Swem US, swem! DIE gewag is verby. Stellenbosch gaan uiteindelik sy eie Olimpiese standaard 50m-swembad kry. Dit is natuurlik meer as net goeie nuus vir die Universiteit Stellenbosch op wie se eiendom die veelbesproke swembad gaan wees. Die hele dorp gaan hieruit voordeel trek. Stellenbosch is reeds ’n dorp waarheen verskeie internasionale en nasionale atlete kom vir hul voorseisoen voorbereiding. Daar is egter nog talle meer wat sou wou kom, maar die afwesigheid van ’n goeie gehalte swembad het hulle gedwing om eerder na lande soos Australië of Spanje te gaan. Daar is verskeie internasionale swemspanne wat nou ook in Stellenbosch sal kom oefen, om nie eens te praat van die internasionale multisport-atlete nie. Ofskoon dit natuurlik wonderlik is as oorsese sportmanne en vroue Stellenbosch hul tweede tuiste maak, moet die eerste prys sekerlik wees as nasionale helde dié Bolandse juweel hul eerste tuiste kan maak. Dink aan manne soos Chad Le Clos en Cameron van den Burgh, wat ná die Olimpiese Spele die name op almal se lippe is. Maties-swemafrigter Pierre de Roubaix glo as dié veelbesproke swembad-projek reg bestuur en aangewend word, sal dit nie sy gelyke in die land hê nie. Dan kan dit sekerlik nie te vergesog wees om te dink dat Cameron en Chad hulle hier in die gunsteling bestemming vir sportmanne en vroue sal kom vestig nie.

The security van was snapped near Rhenish Girls’ High.

Sidewalk sneak WHEN does being in a hurry allow you to break the rules? The driver in the photo was apparently in too much of a hurry to sit in traffic on Friday 3 August, and decided to drive onto the pavement and use the pedestrian and cycling path alongside Rhenish Girls’ High. He almost came a cropper at Rhenish Primary School, as there are wooden posts across the path. No problem for the G4S driver, who drove across the grass and down onto the zebra crossing. Mission accomplished for him, and never mind any cyclists or pedestrians! All this took place at close on 14:40, when pupils from Rhenish Primary and Laerskool Eikestad

Nuusredakteur: Eunice Visagie 0 021 887 2840 Eunice.Visagie@eikestadnuus.com Redaksie: Elbé van Heerden Elbe.vanHeerden@Eikestadnuus.com Samantha van den Berg Samantha.VanDenBerg@eikestadnuus.com Uitgewer: Deleen Johnson 0 021 887 2840 x2001 deleen.johnson@media24.com

were running a cross-country race, and many children were trying to walk and cycle home. Please, Stellenbosch Municipality, fence off this path before someone is hurt. And G4S – you’re a security company, no excuse! STELLENBOSCH RESIDENT JP van Rooyen, G4S Cash Solutions SA branch manager, responds: G4S Cash Solutions would like to thank you for bringing this incident to our attention. The necessary disciplinary action will be taken against the driver of this vehicle, and we would like to assure your readers that safety is always a top priority.

Sirkulasie:0 021 887 2840 Rekeningnavrae: Yolande Mostert 0 021 406 4363 yolande.mostert@media24.com

Riglyne vir lesersbriewe:

Eikestadnuus verkies briewe van 350 woorde of minder. Skuilname is welkom, mits die skrywer se naam en telefoonnommer vermeld word. E­pos briewe aan eikestad@eikestadnuus.com of faks dit na 021 883 9538. SMS kommentaar na 32464. Begin met die woord “EIKE”.



E’nuus­redaksie se hoogtepunte EIKESTADNUUS se redaksie het die 2012 Olimpiese Spele in Londen terdeë geniet. Hier is van ons hoogtepunte van die grootste skouspel in sport. Eunice Visagie: “Oomblikke ná die halfeindronde van die 400 m vir mans toe die wê­ reldkampioen (uiteindelike Olimpiese kampi­ oen) Kirani James van Grenada na Suid­Afrika se Oscar Pistorius gestap het en hom gevra het om sy nommer (waar­ mee hulle gehard­ loop het) uit te ruil. Ek het ’n traan weggepink, want dit is waaroor die Olimpiese Spele vir my gaan. Oom­ blikke soos daai. Chad Le Clos se goud in die 200 m­vlinderslag en sy trane met die sing van die Volkslied sal ek ook vir altyd onthou. En dan is daar min dinge so mooi soos Usain Bolt op volle vaart!”

Oor PRG­rugby Ek verwys graag na verlede week se brief “Wat het van PRG se rugbytrots geword?” in Eikestadnuus. Eerstens stem ek heelhartig saam met sy skrywe in sy geheel. Dit wil my regtig voorkom – by verskeie geleenthede vanjaar het ek dit opgemerk – dat PRG se eerste rugbyspan se dissipline by die venster uit is. Is dit dalk ’n nuwe kultuur? Voorts moet ek ook opmerk dat daar twee spelers in die WP Cravenweekspan is wat nie eers gereeld vir PRG se eerstespan speel nie. Een speel sommer ook vir SA-skole. Die rugby-publiek vra vrae hieromtrent. Die verduideliking hiervoor sal interessant wees om aan te hoor. RUGBYENTOESIAS Stellenbosch Mnr. Jannie van der Westhuizen, Rektor van Paul Roos Gimnasium, het as volg reageer: Paul Roos Gimnasium verkies om nie by enige media-debatte van hierdie aard betrokke te raak nie. Die skool het ’n trotse rugbykultuur. Elke Paul Roos-ondersteuner kan weet dat dit altyd met erns en verantwoordelikheid gekoester sal word.”

Samantha van den Berg: “Beslis Suid­ Afrika se viertal­roeiers wat goud in die liggewig­afdeling gewen het. Ek dink nie my hart het al ooit so vinnig geklop toe Matthew Brittain, Sizwe Ndlovu, John Smith en James Thomp­ son, wat teen die halfpadmerk nog in die vierde plek was, Brittanje verby gesteek het om die goud te wen nie. Chad Le Clos se goud in die 200 m­vlinderslag en Caster Semenya se silwer in die 800 m vir vroue was ook hoogtepunte. Caster was nog altyd vir my ’n voorbeeld van iemand wat ten spyte van alles haar kop oplig en haar beste gee.” Elbé van Heerden: “Iets wat ek nie sommer sal vergeet nie was die BBC se onderhoud met Chad Le Clos se pa, Bert, nadat Chad goud gewen het in die 200 m­vlinder­ slag en in die proses net­net vir Mi­ chael Phelps geklop het. Hy was so ongelooflik trots op sy seun en kon nie uitgepraat raak oor hoe goed hy gedoen het nie.” Vir dié wat nog nie die onderhoud gesien het nie, besoek www.eikestad­ nuus.co.za. Foto’s: Verskaf

Thanks for nothing DEAR owner with the black Toyota (registration CL 28630): You can run across a parking lot. I cannot. You can handle an umbrella and your box of expensive coffees. I can’t, because one of my hands is taken up with my walking stick. You could take your time ordering your drinks, and fooling around with your friends in your car afterwards. I can’t, because I have limited time to stand. Tonight (Tuesday, in the rain, at the Pick n Pay garage on Merriman), you gave me an extra dose of painkillers, an extra uncomfortable drive home, and a bad case of the shakes, because you were too thoughtless to find an ordinary parking space. That extra five minutes it took for me to walk to the shop – yes, I am slow, a consequence of being mobility-impaired – caused me

extra pain, shaking, aggravation, and expense, because I’ll be using up my prescription that much quicker. I have lost a night’s grace – maybe I’ll have another bad night before payday, when I can refill my meds – to your urgent craving for someone else to make you coffee. I’m only grateful that I don’t yet need a wheelchair, because then I would have had to go home without my emergency groceries. The disabled parking is extra wide to allow wheelchair users to retrieve, unfold and repack their equipment. In a few years, I will not have that luxury. I hope I will not be sharing a town, and a parking lot, with you then. My thanks to the management who apologised for your rude behaviour. DISABLED SHOPPER

Opinion / News.


Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


Nuwe wynwoordeboek STEPHANIE NIEUWOUDT


AASBEKWINGERD”, “wyndief” en “engeleporsie”. Hierdie is maar net drie van die lieflike Afrikaanse woorde wat in die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse Drietalige Wynbedryfwoordeboek opgeneem is. Die eerste deel van die woordeboek, saamgestel in Afrikaans, isiXhosa en Engels, is nou aanlyn beskikbaar. Dit is ’n inisiatief van Winetech, wat navorsing in die wynbedryf koördineer, en Sawis (SA Wynbedryfinligting en -stelsels), wat wyne sertifiseer. Volgens dr. Michele van der Merwe, verbonde aan Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), en die projekleier vir die samestelling van die woordeboek, het die laaste wynwoordeboek in Suid-Afrika in 1973 verskyn. “Daar is intussen baie navorsing gedoen en die kennis van die wynbedryf en verwante velde het geweldig uitgebrei. “Daar was ’n groot behoefte aan ’n nuwe woordeboek,” sê sy. Verskeie US-akademici uit verskillende akademiese dissiplines het Van der Merwe met die same-

Dr. Michele van der Merwe

Foto: Justin Alberts

stelling bygestaan. “Ons woon in ’n veeltalige land waar al meer isiXhosa-sprekendes in die Wes-Kaap by die wynbedryf betrokke raak. Daar was geen wynterme in isiXhosa nie en hopelik vul die woordeboek dié leemte,” verduidelik sy. Van der Merwe is ’n opgeleide leksikograaf en het vir ’n ruk lank in Spanje navorsing gedoen oor

die samestelling van vakwoordeboeke. Dié woordeboek bevat tans ’n woordeskat van 3 500 woorde in al drie tale, maar die verklaring van die woorde is nog net in Engels. Met ’n volgende fase sal die verklaring ook in Afrikaans en isiXhosa beskikbaar gestel word. Die woordeboek word ook in onderwerpvelde verdeel, sodat die gebruiker dadelik weet of hy/ sy met terminologie uit wynkunde of wingerdkunde te make het. Volgens Van der Merwe is die woordeboek belangrik vir die opleiding van studente en ander wat in die bedryf werk. “Iemand wat opleiding bied in byvoorbeeld wingerdkunde, het nie noodwendig die nodige taalkennis nie. “Die woordeboek is ’n instrument wat gratis op die Internet beskikbaar is. “Ek wil graag hê dit moet so wyd moontlik gebruik word – nie net deur navorsers en studente nie – maar ook deur mense wat eenvoudig net lief is vir wyn.” Vir meer inligting of om die eerste deel van die nuwe drietalige Wynbedryfwoordeboek aanlyn te lees besoek die webwerf by www.sawis.co.za/dictionary.


Electrical skills training offered STELLEMPLOY is presenting a training course in electrical skills for unemployed people from 3 to 21 September.

Candidates must be fluent in English, possess a Grade 12 certificate and be between 18 and 26 years old. Call 021 886 6993.

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Arts & Entertainment.


Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


Youth Music Festival at Artscape THE 41st annual Youth Music Festival for classical music instrumentalists and singers will be held this Saturday (18 August) at 19:30 at the Artscape Theatre in Cape Town. This is a celebration of young musical talent from the Western Cape, in concert with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Arjan Tien. The 15 young musicians taking part were selected from over 50 participants in auditions. They are considered to be among the finest of the Western Cape’s young up-and-coming classical music talent. Ranging age from 14 to 26 years, they are, in programme order: Tatiana Thaele (22, flute), Jeffrey Armstrong (15, violin), Lize van der Merwe (16, soprano sax), Noluvuyiso Mpofu (21, soprano), Levy Sekgapane (21, tenor), Victoria Stevens (21, soprano), Carla van der Merwe (21, clarinet), Jane Yu (22, piano), Henley Jun (14, piano), Jessie Brand (15, violin), Nomsa Mpofu (21, soprano), Siyabulela Ntlale (26, baritone), Janel Speelman (24, soprano), Nkosana Soko (19, flute) and Roelof Temmingh (15, piano). Representing the adjudicating panel are Alastair Cockburn

Clockwise, from left: Jessie Brand, Carla van der Merwe and Henly Jun, who will perform at the festival, are from Stellenbosch.

(Artscape), Ronnie Samaai (member of the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra’s board of directors) and Aviva Pelham (opera star and director). The main criteria for candidates are that they be music students, perform at a very high standard, and live or study in the Western Cape. The age restriction for participants is 10 to 23 years for instrumentalists and

up to the age of 27 for singers. Cockburn said this year’s programme includes a somewhat different repertoire – “Several of our young participants are performing a very attractive, appealing, engaging, but less-often performed repertoire – and also at least one new work, possibly never performed before in South Africa: a saxophone concerto by Villa-Lobos.”

The musical festival is sold out every year, so it’s best to book immediately to avoid disappointment. Tickets cost R80 (pensioners and students pay R40 with valid ID, pupils 5 to 18 years pay R40, and block bookings of 10 or more get a 10% discount). Book through Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 7695, Computicket, Shoprite and Checkers outlets, or at www.computicket.com.

Portrait painting day A NUMBER of wellknown local artists will be participating in a public portrait-painting day at the PJ Olivier Arts Centre on 1 September. The artists can be seen at the centre between 11:00 and 13:00. They are Tisa Mertz, Marié Stander, Marieke Kruger, Theresa-Jo Wessels, Anne-Marie vd Westhuizen, Vernon Fourie, Jean Veassey, Jeanne Hendricks, Jaq Vrey, Evelyn Rust, Mila Posthumus, Corlie de Kock, Annelise Potgieter, Tessa Wessels, Maryna de Witt and Jemma Thorne. The artworks they create will be sold on auction at a later date, with the funds set to go towards House Horizon for people with special needs. Contact the convenor, Fawa Conradie, at fawa@netactive.co.za or on 082 4586922 if you have any queries.

Blind virtuoso plays at Bordienghuis: Vi­ brant nine­year­old pianist Ying­Shan Tseng, born visually impaired, recently succeeded in her audi­ tion for the Samro National Music Competition, and will be performing at the Die Bôrdienghuis Theatre in Wellington on Tuesday 21 August at 19:00. She started with her first piano lessons in October 2007. From the start she was taught to play like a sighted child, and she has gone on to win numerous awards in both district eistedd­ fods and provincial competitions. The finest awards she has claimed to date include most in­ spired junior performer at the National Eisteddfod Academy in 2009, and the grand champion award for instrumentalists aged 5 to 15 years in 2010 at the South African Championships for Per­ forming Arts. Tickets for her recital at the Bôrdien­ ghuis Theatre on Tuesday cost R120 per person, and can be booked by calling 082 812 1112.

17 Augustus ) Ella’s Bistro: Francois van Coke. 20:00. R100. 0 021 865 2028 of 079 898 6087, of 2 info@ellas.co.za. ) Eikendal-restaurant: Zamar fondsinsamelingskonsert. 19:00 vir 19:30. R350. 2 info@zamar.co.za of 0 021 886 6121. 17–18 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: Belydenis in Perspektief / Confessions in Perspective deur Piet Lategan. 19:30. R50. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aandebraak@gmail.com. 18 en 19 Augustus ) Klein Libertas-teater: The return of Elvis du Pisani met Pierre Theron (Mr Cat & The Jackal). 20:15. R90 (afslag vir groepe.) 2 info@kleinlibertasteater.co.za of 0 021 883 8164 18 Augustus ) Endler Hall: Stellenbosch meets Paris – Round 2! University Stellenbosch Symphony Orchestra will present a programme of masterpieces by Debussy and Ra-




25 Augustus ) Klein Libertas Theatre: Pants on Fire (comedy). 20:00. R100. 0 021 883 8164.

vel. 20:00. Conducted by Corvin Matei and soloist Luis Magalhães. R110 and R85 at Computicket. 20 Augustus ) Slee-galery: Nuwe fotouitstalling van Erhardt Thiel getiteld Gewels / Euwels - Visuele Geraas in die Eikestad. Strijdom van der Merwe en Bun Booyens is gassprekers by die opening om 18:00.0 Carla: 021 887 3385 of gallery@slee.co.za. 22 en 23 Augustus ) Klein Libertas-teater: Expectant met Rebecca Makin-Taylor. 20:15. Kaartjies: R90 (afslag vir groepbesprekings). 2 info@kleinlibertasteater.co.za of 0 021 883 8164 23 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: AdLib teatersport. 20:00. R20. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aande-

28 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: My Vallei met Herman Kleinhans, Wouter van de Venter, Hilandi du Toit, Jacques Steyn. 19:00. R50 en R30 studente. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aandebraak@gmail.com. 30 Augustus ) Ella’s Bistro: Nedine Blom met Met my hele hart deur Nedine Blom. Vertoning om 20:00. R200; sluit 3-gangmaaltyd en vertoning in. Bespreek by 021 865 2028 / info@ellas.co.za. 31 Augustus ) Eikendal-restaurant: Zamar fondsinsamelingskonsert. 19:00 vir 19:30. R350. 0 021 886 6121. ) Aan de Braak-teater: Little Fish (musiek). 20:00. R40 en R30 studente. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aandebraak@gmail.com.

Kuns & Vermaak.


Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


Dan Patlansky stripped


HE super talented musician, Dan triots, Andy Maritz (Drums/Percussion) Patlansky is setting off on a first, and Clint Falconer (Bass). Fans, both old an entirely stripped-down acous- and new, can expect to be blown away tic tour of the country and he will be per- by Dan Patlansky’s music. “I am really looking forforming in Stellenbosch ward to this tour – it’s someon 12 September. thing that the fans have The idea for an acoustic asked for directly and it’s altour was informed by ways great to give the fans Dan’s fans. Dan recently what they want. The opporreceived a Facebook post tunity to spend time with that he should do an fans from all over the counacoustic tour and the try makes it even better,” overwhelmingly positive Patlansky said. response from his loyal Dan’s latest album 20 fanbase made him decide Stones, has been hailed as a then and there to get the critical triumph is currently wheels rolling. available at music outlets Venues across South Dan Patlansky Photo: Supplied across the country. Africa are now readying He will be performing live themselves to be rocked by Dan Patlansky – and if there’s anyone at Dorpstraat Teater at Summerhill Wine who can rock a venue with an acoustic Farm on 12 September at 20:00. Tickets cost R110. Book at 021 889 9158 or inset, it’s Dan. He will be accompanied by his compa- fo@dorpstraat.co.za or 072 735 5696.

Teaterkoor soek nuwe lede DIE Klein Libertas Teaterkoor is op soek na nuwe lede. Dié koor bestaan reeds meer as ’n jaar waarin hulle opwindende projekte aangepak en met welslae uitgevoer het. Ná net sewe maande se bestaan het hulle hul eerste suksesvolle konsert in November 2011 gehou. By die US Woordfees 2012 het hulle deelgeneem aan Suiderkruis Mis en ’n vier-ster resensie in Die Burger ontvang. Die koor se volgende produksie, La Dilemma Dell’Amore word op 11 en 18 November by die Klein Libertas-teater aangebied. Die koor is ’n gemeenskapskoor met die klem op teater. Enige persoon van enige ouderdom is welkom om aan te sluit en daar word nie oudisies gehou nie.

Die Klein Libertas Teaterkoor is op soek na nuwe lede. Foto: verskaf

Repetisies is Maandagaande van 18:00 tot 20:00. As jy lus is vir lekker sing en speel, skakel die Klein Libertas-teater by 021 883 8164 of die koorleier by 072 988 7384, of kom kuier saam op ’n Maandagaand.

Maties Kleinsêr gewild DIE Maties Kleinsêr-kompetisie nader sy einde met die semi-finale op 20 en 21 Augustus. Die mans se semi-finaliste is Pieke, Huis Visser, Wilgenhof, Hippokrates Mans, Eendrag, Dagbreek en Metanoia Mans. By die vroue se semi-fi-

naal sal die volgende groepe optree: Huis Francie, Nerina, Minerva, Heemstede, Venustia, Sonop, Hippokrates Dames en Lydia. Kaartjies vir die semi-finale het soos soetkoek uitverkoop.Die finaal is op 25 Augustus in die Endler-saal.

TRADITIONAL SUNDAY BUFFET LUNCH On offer is a feast for families and food lovers alike including a number of South African favourites. R125 per person | between 12h00-15h00 Vegetarian option available at R85 per person. To make a booking please contact us on 021 887 4608 or restaurant@ouwewerf.co.za

Kry jou Endler­ seisoenkaartjie DIE Endler Konsertreeks het vanjaar ’n subskripsieprogram bekend gestel. Die tweede subskripsie-seisoen duur van Augustus tot November. Alle intekenaars word aanspraak gegee op ’n vaste sitplek vir hul verkose konserte en sal ’n afslag van 25% op die gewone kaartjieprys ontvang. Bepalings en voorwaardes geld. Die subskripsie vir die tweede seisoen bestaan uit ’n keuse van enige 9 uit die volle reeks van 14 konserte teen die prys van R700 (gewoon) en R530 (pensionarisse/studente). Die Joshua Bell Galakonsert op 26 Augustus vorm egter nie deel van die subskripsiepakket nie.Vir besonderhede en ’n inskrywingsvorm bel Louise by: 021 808 2358 / 084 682 1337 of e-pos howlett@sun.ac.za.


St. Idas hou karnaval DIE St.Idas RK Primêre Skool wil inwoners graag solank na hul jaarlikse karnaval op 19 en 20 Oktober uitnooi.

Besoekers kan na stalletjies, heerlike kos, vermaak en ’n biertent uitsien. Bel 021 886 6021 vir meer inligting.


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SAKE Business

Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

Learn about business and get connected MEMBERS of Stellenbosch Business Connect are reminded of this month’s networking breakfast. It will take place next Wednesday (22 August) at Stellenbosch Hotel. This month Nic Dupper will be the guest speaker. Dupper is the founder of the company Flying Kites, a human resources development company specialising in the development of entrepreneurship, leadership and other essential aspects of business. Flying Kites has a fully accredited seven-

initiative programme designed to develop social and commercial entrepreneurship through leadership. Dupper will share how businesses can communicate effectively with their market. There are still three minute speaking slots available. Members should let René Botha know as soon as possible if they want one of these slots; mail her at rbotha@discoverymail.co.za. Remember to take a friend, small gifts for the lucky draw, and, of course, your business cards.


Answers for Africa ZOË MAHOPO


LAN Knott-Craig believes that the right to remain anonymous is integral to people’s freedom. Knott-Craig, who is the CEO of Africa’s biggest social network – Mxit – spoke at the third Technology, Entertainment and Design (TEDx) Stellenbosch conference, held on Friday at Spier. “I used to think that anonymity was for criminals – until I bought Mxit.” He said he was confronted with the question after having observed how the Cape Flats community used Mxit to communicate. Knott-Craig said he realised that the anonymity offered by social media helped people to access drug counselling services, extra maths tuition and relationships without fear of being judged by the community. The theme of this year’s confer-

ence was “What if Africa?” The aim was to get innovative thinkers around the country to talk about African solutions for global problems. Other speakers included cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro (Zapiro), adventurer Patricia Glyn and author Mmatshilo Motsei. Motsei, addressing the question, “What if Africa could remember its true greatness?” moved the audience to a standing ovation. She said she had initially wanted to ask, “What if Africa could colonise the world? “Because I decided that I didn’t want to remain a stubborn, wrinkled old woman who’s forever complaining about the dark continent. I decided to change.” Environmental activist Jonathan Deal said he would unashamedly borrow from Motsei’s words and ask, “What if Africa could colonise the world?” Deal spoke on the environmen-

tal dangers of fracking in the Karoo. Fracking involves the use of explosives, toxic chemicals and drilling one to five kilometres below the earth’s surface to extract natural gas. Deal urged Africans to work hard at finding safer fuel alternatives, and to stop taking their lead from the West. TEDx Stellenbosch commenced with a number of musical performances and a talk by Zapiro, who kept the audience laughing with his impersonation of Nelson Mandela. Organiser Gareth Pearson said the keyword for the day was “inspiration”. “People walked away with a lot to think about.” He said it would be ideal to have more Stellenbosch students participate in organising next year’s TEDx. To view video clips of TEDx Stellenbosch, pay a visit to www.tedxstellenbosch.org.

Vir kosliefhebbers: Daar was die afgelope week nog goeie

nuus vir Stellenbossers met die opening van die Food Lovers Market in die Eikestad Mall. Hier is van die bestuur en personeel van die winkel wat gister sy deure oopgemaak het. Foto: Neil Snyder


Bergzicht­opleidingsentrum het ’n donasie van R25 000 van Lewis ontvang, waarvoor die sentrum besonder dankbaar is. Hier is (van links) Carol Newman (hoof : opleiding) Dave Shaw (Lewis­ takbestuurder), Faith Brown (uitvoerende beampte, Bergzicht) en Liesl Schwella (administratiewe assistent). Foto: Verskaf

Fynproewers byeen:

Boere­tapas was onlangs die tema van Annelise van Zyl en Elly Verhoogt en hul span se sprankelende Fynproewersgilde­ledevergadering te Guardian Peak. Hier is (agter, van links) Amanda de Klerk, Bettie Loedolff, Theresa Groenewald, René van Wyk, Phelia Burger, Paulette Koch, Francis Martin (Guardian Peak), Maria Pietersen (Guardian Peak), Louisa Greeff (Guardian Peak) en Marinda Vosloo; voor Annelie van Zyl (paneellei­ er), Ellen Engelbrecht, Carla Boessenkool, Kippie van der Spuy, Elly Verhoogt (paneelleier) en Warren Granat­Mulder (Guardian Peak). Foto: Verskaf

A celebration of iconic Stellenbosch wines

Oewerpark 12, Rokewoodlaan Stellenbosch T: 021 887 1305 F: 021 882 9046

WHO ever said that savouring iconic Stellenbosch wines is only for the elite? Now, everyone will get the opportunity to enjoy fine brands such as Ernie Els, Warwick, Ken Forrester and many more – at the inaugural Fine Wines Celebration. The event will be held at the Lanzerac Hotel & Spa in Stellenbosch from 12:00 to 17:00 on 15

and 16 September. You’ll get to mingle with local winemakers in an ultramodern marquee while they answer all your questions and share their knowledge of winemaking. Participating wineries include Rust en Vrede, Warwick, Tokara and Neil Ellis, to name but a few. Two formal, themed and tutored tastings will be presented

each day at 10:30. Seating for the tastings is limited to 20 people per tasting, and each costs R50 per person. An entrance fee of R250 per person allows you access to the marquee, and includes a booklet of tasting coupons. Tickets for both the marquee and formal tastings can be booked directly through www.webtickets.co.za.

In The News.


Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

7 / - % . 3




Gouws kry wyd erkenning


ROF. Amanda Gouws, van die departement politieke wetenskap aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), is een van nege kommissarisse wat president Jacob Zuma onlangs in die Kommissie vir Geslagsgelykheid (KGG) aangestel het. Slegs sowat ’n maand ná dié aanstelling het dié hoogleraar in genderpolitiek, Suid-Afrikaanse politiek en politiese gedrag, nóg ’n prestasie om te vier. By die 22ste wêreldkongres van die Internasionale Vereniging vir Politieke Wetenskap (IPSA) het sy die Wilma Rule-toekenning vir die beste referaat in die kategorie “Gender en Politiek” gewen. Dié kongres is van 6 tot 12 Julie in Madrid, Spanje, gehou. Gouws se wenreferaat het oor multikulturalisme in Suid-Afrika en die oënskynlike teenstelling tussen universele menseregte en kultuur/tradisie gehandel. Die prys word sedert 2000

toegeken om navorsing op die gebied van gender en politiek aan te moedig. Gouws sê: “Ek was sprakeloos, want ek het dit glad nie verwag nie. Tog is dit ’n groot eer. In sekere sin is dit ook ’n eer vir SuidAfrika. Dié referaat konsentreer op die probleme van ’n ontwikkelende land. Dis ’n pluimpie vir ons dat ’n organisasie soos IPSA die politieke uitdagings van ’n ontwikkelende land erken.” Oor haar aanstelling in die KGG sê sy: “Ek is opgewonde om saam met my mede-kommissarisse te werk. Hulle is almal bewus van die erns van geslagsdiskriminasie in Suid-Afrika en besef heelwat van die oplossings wat in die verlede aanbeveel is, werk nie en dat dit nou tyd is om na nuwe oplossings te soek.” Sy sê sy hoop ook om die openbare profiel van die kommissie gedurende haar ampstermyn te verhoog en te verbeter.

ANC Women’s League care:

The Stellenbosch branch for the ANC Women’s League visited 109­year­old Wilhemina Pienaar from Cloetesville on Women’s Day last week for a special pampering session. The ladies didn’t just provide Wilhemina with a special food and fruit hamper, but the also gave her a healing foot massage and treatment. Here are (middle) Wilhemina Pienaar with members of the league (from left) Elizabeth Joseph, Angela Flink, Zoleca Swakamisa and Christine Moses. Photo: Samantha van den Berg

Prof. Amanda Gouws

Vyf geslagte vroue: Dit is Augus­

tus en Vrouemaand en die Cloetesville­familie van ge­ meenskapsweldoener Dah­ lia Olivier het onlangs ’n vyfde geslag dogtertjie in hul familie verwelkom toe haar kleindogter, Chanay Jaftha, die lewe geskenk het aan ’n baba­dogtertjie. Hier is Dahlia Olivier, haar ma, Dulcie Rhode, haar dogter, Deidré Jaftha met kleindogter, Blaythan Jaftha en (agter) Blaythan se ma, Chanay. Foto: Samantha van den Berg

High tea with the ladies: TheLongridgeWineEstate

and Restaurant, just off the R44 between Stellenbosch and Somerset West, launched their own high tea series on Women’s Day last week Thursday. Invited guests were treated to a glass of bubbly each, after which they could savour delectable treats made by the Longridge chef. Here (from left) are Heloise Priem, Amor Blatherwick and Dawn Oosthuizen, who were amongst the very stylish guests who attended the high tea launch. Photo’s: Samantha van den Berg

Rona Jacobs and Kathy Austen found some time to catch up over a cup of tea before they tried out the delectable treats served at the launch.

Here Gretchen Visser and Henriette Neethling enjoy a glass of the Longridge bubbly twhich was served at the special Women’s Day launch.

Klapmuts se watervrou wen 3de prys: Lee­Anne Witbooi, ’n jare lange inwoner van Klapmuts,

het verlede Vrydag ’n derde plek in die nasionale Vroue in Water­toe­ kennings behaal. Eikestadnuus het verlede week oor dié besonderse vrou berig wat die afgelope vyf jaar ’n projek van haar huis af bedryf waar sy reënwater opvang. Dié water word dan óf as drinkwater óf in haar huis gebruik om onder meer kos te maak, skottelgoed te was, die toilet te spoel, klere te was en die tuin nat te lei. Sy verskaf selfs gratis water aan haar gemeenskap. Lee­Anne is as finalis in die departement waterwese en bosbou se kompetisie aangewys, waarna sy by die toekenningsgeleentheid verlede Vrydag ’n derde plek in die kategorie “Opvoeding en Bewusmaking” behaal het. Baie geluk Lee­Anne, Eikestadnuus is trots op jou! Foto: Samantha van den Berg




Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

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Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


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Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840             

INDEKS | INDEX 1 Geboortes | Births 2 Verlowings | Engagements 3 Gelukwensings Congratulations 4 Sterfgevalle | Deaths 5 In Memoriam | In Memoriam 6 Dankbetuigings | Thanks 7 Persoonlik | Personal 8 Verlore | Lost 9 Gevind | Found 10 Skoonheid & Gesondheid | Health 11 Geld & Lenings | Money matters 12 Sosiaal | Social 13 Erwe te koop | Plots for sale 14 Huise te koop | Houses for sale 15 Dorpshuise te koop | Townhouses for sale 16 Woonstelle te koop | Flats for sale 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ Smallholdings 18 Besighede te koop | Businesses for sale 19 Sakepersele te koop | Business Premises for sale 20 Eiendomme te koop gevra | Properties wanted to buy 21 Huise te huur | Houses to let 22 Dorpshuise te huur | Townhouses to let 23 Woonstelle te huur | Flats to let 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to let 25 Kantore te huur | Offices to let 26 Winkels te huur | Shops to let 27 Fabrieke te huur | Factories to let 28 Te huur gevra | Wanted to rent 29 Te koop: Algemeen | For sale: General 30 Te koop gevra | Wanted to Buy 31 Diere en Voëls | Pets and Birds 32 Algemene dienste | General services 33 Saamrygeleenthede | Lifts 34 Dagsorg | Day care 35 Onderrig | Tuition 36 Te huur: Algemeen | To let: General 37 Vakansie-akkommodasie |Holiday Accommodation 38 Toere | Tours 39 Tuindienste/ Tuinbou | Garden Services/ Landscaping 40 Sekuriteit | Security 41 Motors te koop | Cars for sale 42 Onderdele | Parts 43 Motorfietse | Motorcycles 44 Karavane/ Bote | Caravans/ Boats 45 Betrekkings gevra | Situations wanted 46 Betrekkings | Vacancies 47 Sake-geleenthede | Business Opportunities

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5 In Memoriam In Memoriam

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                              

4 Sterfgevalle Deaths

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8 Verlore Lost                 

10 Skoonheid & Gesondheid


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                        

6 Dankbetuigings Thanks

Tel: 021 887 2840 E-pos: smalls@eikestadnuus.com

3 Gelukwensings Congratulations

                                

                                                                                             

11 Geld & Lenings Money matters                 

13 Erwe te koop Plots for sale           

                 

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Woonstelle te koop Flats for sale               


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          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Dorpshuise te huur Townhouses to let                                                                       

                                                                                                         


Woonstelle te huur Flats to let                                                                                                            


Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012


Algemene dienste General services

Onderrig Tuition

                                                                                                                                      


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                                                                  

Fabrieke te huur Factories to let

                                                       

            




Te koop: Algemeen For sale: General                                                                        


Te huur: Algemeen To let: General                               

Vakansie-akkommodasie Holiday Accommodation

                                

                                                    


Kantore te huur Offices to let


                                                                        




Stellenbosch Blindings

                                                                                                

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Betrekkings gevra Situations wanted                                                                                    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Betrekkings Vacancies                                         

                                                          

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Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                           

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Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

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Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

Higlights of the 2012 London Olympic Games

Geraldine Makaties:“The marathon for men was my highlight. The runner from Uganda showed such courage.”

Pierre de Rou­ baix, Maties Sport: “Cam­ eron van den Burgh’s gold medal was my highlight. Not only because he was the first South African man to receive an individual gold medal for swimming at the Olympics, but also because he thanked everyone – his coach, his physiotherapist, even his roommate – for their contribution towards winning the medal.” Tanya van Willingh: “Caster Se­ menya’s silver medal. She didn’t win, but made us all proud.”

Garth le Roux, Maties Sport: “There were many great mo­ ments, like see­ ing Michael Phelps become the most deco­ rated Olympian with 22 medals; the tears rolling down Chad Le Clos’s cheeks whilst singing the national an­ them upon receiving his gold medal, and Oscar Pistorius showing that any­ thing is possible if you put your mind to it. But the ultimate accolade should go to Usain Bolt, an icon and undoubt­ edly the best sprinter of all time.”

Droom binnekort werklikheid


Louis Nel, stu­ dent: “Usain Bolt’s victories in the sprints. It is a privilege to be able to see an athlete like that in action.”

Jenny King, Maties Sport: “My highlight was the SA team of four winning the gold medal in the rowing. The look on the boys’ faces when they turned and saw they had won gold was something I will never forget. I also enjoyed the syn­ chronised swimming and Kathrine Grainger’s gold in the rowing.”


SOUTH Africa finished the 2012 London Olympic Games with six medals – three gold, two silver and one bronze. Eikestadnuus went to the streets and asked some locals to give their highlights of the games.

Bobby and Christine Behan: “From my perspective at Specialized, I’ve worked directly with three medallists,” said Bobby. “Jaroslav Kulhavy from Czech Republic won gold in the men’s moun­ tain biking and was here briefly in March. Javier Gomez (Spain) has spent significant blocks of training time here in Stellenbosch. Javier won silver in the men’s triathlon. Lisa Norden (Sweden) won silver in the women’s triathlon, in a nail­biting sprint finish when she and race winner Nicola Spirig finished in the same time!” Christine: “For me the highlight of our three gold medals was that of Chad le Clos. To beat Michael Phelps at the age of 20 is like a world record. The sportmanship between Le Clos and Phelps gave me goose bumps! There is nothing greater than a humble legend. Phelps deserves another gold just for that.” Garth Fredericks: “Usain Bolt, be­ cause he is the fastest and the most brilliant ath­ lete. And also Os­ car Pistorius. He’s an inspiration – if he can do it, any­ one can.”

Dan Hugo, multi­ sport athlete from Stellen­ bosch: “The mountain bike race was a high­ light – not just to watch Burry Stander do so well, but to see Specialized win on a dual suspen­ sion, by a Czech rider (Jaroslav Kul­ havy) who was signed by Bobby Be­ han, now a Stellenbosch resident. Al­ so on the support staff were Stellenbosch’s Dylan van der Merwe and Pieter Wehmeyer, who would have helped the victory in a major way. I was delighted for them all.”

Alcardo van Graan, Stel­ lenbosch’s Ajax Cape Town soccer player: “I really enjoyed the 100 m, 200 m and the 4­by­ 100 m relay because I was a sprinter my­ self, but the performances by swimmers Chad le Clos and Cameron van den Burgh were my highlights because they showed the kind of talent we have in South Africa.” Photos: Supplied


Á bykans 13 jaar se gestoei kry die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) uiteindelik ’n olimpiese standaard 50m-swembad. Eikestadnuus het verlede week berig dat ’n weldoener die fondse aan die US geskenk het om die 50 m-swembad te bou. Die swembad by Coetzenburg staan sedert 2010 leeg. Die vreugde vure het hoog gebrand by Maties Sport by die aanhoor van dié nuus. Volgens Maties se swemafrigter en een van die vernaamste rolspelers in die stryd om die nuwe swembad, Pierre de Roubaix, gaan dié swembad Stellenbosch se trots wees.

“Die swembad gaan ons in ’n ander liga plaas. Indien dit volgens die huidige olimpiese standaarde gebou gaan word, gaan dit nie sy gelyke in Suid-Afrika hê nie,” het Roubaix opgewonde vertel. “Dit gaan die speelveld vir alle sporte en die US verander en dit gaan ’n invloed op die hele dorp hê.” Jackie Wiese, direkteur van Maties Sport, het op 4 Oktober 1999 die eerste keer ’n memorandum uitgestuur oor die moontlikheid van ’n 50 m-swembad. “Ek wil net baie dankie sê aan die weldoener. Ons het so lank gewag vir dié oomblik dat ek nou skaars kan wag vir die oomblik wanneer ons dit open. Dit sal beslis ’n ongelooflike gebeurtenis

wees,” het Wiese gesê. Volgens Wiese is die verwagting dat die swembad teen volgende Mei of Junie dalk kan klaar wees. Vir Wiese, wat al 32 jaar lank by Maties Sport (eers die Sportburo) betrokke is, is die realisering van dié droom ’n hoogtepunt. “Ek kan nou met ’n geruste hart eendag aftree. Mission accomplished.” Eikestadnuus het uit verskeie onafhanklike bronne verneem dat Remgro Beperk die “weldoener” is wat die nodige geld vir die swembad verskaf het. Die maatskappy se uitvoerende hoof, Jannie Durand, se reaksie op navraag was egter: “Geen kommentaar.”


Hier is Laerskool Stellen­ bosch se Chaldwin Ortell in aksie by die skool se jaarlikse Wintersportdag waaraan 1 300 leerlinge van sewe laerskole deel­ geneem het. Ortell is die o.13­span se linkervleuel en hy het twee drieë in die wedstryd teen Laerskool Welgemoed gedruk. Foto: Daan Williams

Soete wraak vir PRG in tennistoernooi PAUL Roos Gimnasium se o.15tennisspan het die afgelope naweek die nasionale toernooi vir dié ouderdomsgroep vir die eerste keer sedert 2008 gewen. Die tennisfees het in Pretoria plaasgevind en Pretoria Boys’ High School was die gasheer. Die ander spanne in die toernooi saam met PRG en Boys’ High was Afrikaans Hoër Seunskool (Affies), Selbourne Kollege, St Benedicts, Grey Kollege, Waterkloof, Nelspruit, Menlopark en ’n uitnodigingspan. Die PRG-span is deur Jan-Louis Maritz, Weyers Meintjies, Jurgen Badenhorst, Gerbrand Smit, Franco Esterhuizen, Hannes Vorster en Jean Smit verteenwoordig. Hulle het hul afdeling teen Pre-

Gholfloting vir môre aangebied deur

TREKKING VIR SATERDAG: Eerste bof – 07:45: E. McCarthy, C. Grundlingh, A. Craf­ ford, Stompie Buys; 07:53: A. Withers, C. Reid, R. Hurndall, G. Gant; 08:01: Peter Hill, E. le Riche, D. Burger, R. Stevens; 08:09: Tour­ vest travel, Tourvest travel, Gavin Stevens, G. Stevens; 08:17: A. Germishuis, M. Kruger, C.P. Gerber, P. Gerber; 08:25: G. Jonas, P. de Villiers, S. Alberts, D. Barnard; 08:33: J. Wedgwood, R. Buys, V. Nienaber, K. Jor­

Hier is Jacobus Swanepoel (afrigter), Gerbrand Smit, Weyers Meintjies, Jan­Louis Maritz, Jean Smit, Hannes Vorster en Franco Esterhuizen; (voor) Jurgen Badenhorst. Foto: verskaf

toria Boys’ High, Waterkloof, Nelspruit en die Uitnodigingspan oortuigend gewen. In die proses het hulle net ’n enkele wedstryd verloor. In die eindstryd het PRG – soos ook die geval in 2010 en 2011 – teen Affies te staan gekom. Die

daan; 08:41: S. Loubser, E.J. Langer, H. Ter­ blanche, H. Taylor; 11:30: B. Cooper, K. Smith, K. Geiger, H. Ludwigs; 11:38: A. van Niekerk, J. van der Westhuizen, J. Nell, M. van Rooy; 11:46: C. Wagner, T. Gordon, G. Schultz, G. Gordon; 11:54: A. Jacobs, N. Lampbrecht, B. Muller, A. Kruger; 12:02: B. Bergstedt, V. Adonis, M. Cloete, G. Hendrikz; 12:10: B. Liebenberg, C. Snyman, P. van Blerk, C. Marais; 12:26: C. Nel, F. Kieks, M. Botha, H. Heunis; 12:34: E. Hertzog, K. van der Walt, G. Swiegers, W. Kotze; 12:42: J. Sheppard, P. Leaf­Wright, S. Burger, F. Smith. Tiende bof – 07:45: S. de Kock, P. Masson, S. van Eck, P. le Grange; 07:53: L.P. duToit, W.H. Steyn, A. Palmer, H.J.K. Ferreira; 08:01: D. Brink, J. Brink, M. Fourie, J. du Toit; 08:09: Tourvest, Tourvest, Gavin Stevens;

nederlae die vorige twee jaar het die spelers egter aangespoor om die bordjies te verhang. PRG het uiteindelik met 5–4 geseëvier. ) Finale stand: 1. Paul Roos Gimnasium; 2. Affies; 3. Pretoria Boys’ High; 4. Greg Kollege; 5. St. Benedicts; 6. Waterkloof.

08:17: S. van Huyssteen, A. Hodgkinson, Ja­ co van Vuuren; 08:25: P. Coetzee, L. Muller, S. Groenewald, D. le Roux; 08:33: N. van Staden, J. Mulder, H. Wolff, G. Els; 08:41: P. Oelofse, L. Maingard, C. Derksen, H. de Jongh; 11:30: A. Coetzee, H. Koegelenberg, J.M. du Toit, D. Roos; 11:38: Albert Visser, H. Smit; 11:46: Le Roux Conradie, Daan le Roux, T. van der Spuy, C. Bruwer; 11:54: H. van Niekerk, P. Malherbe, A. Robertson, N. Erasmus; 12:02: C. van den Heever, W. Nel, P. Carinus, R. Bosch; 12:10: N. de Jager, T. Engledow, L. Brink, C. van Niekerk; 12:18: A. Kotze, J. Thirion, C. Potgieter, J. Stander; 12:26: W. Oosthuizen, N. Laubscher, C. Stander, P.T. Nel; 12:34: L. de Jager, E. Tal­ jaard, J. Naude, J. Kotze; 12:42: G. Venter, W. Prinsloo, R. de Klerk, W. Lindstroom.

Kylemore Vrydag, 17 Augustus 2012

Helderberg Jaargang 62 | Tel 021 887 2840


Vuurwarm Interskole­aksie EUNICE VISAGIE


TELLENBOSSERS kan uitsien na vuurwarm Interskole-aksie die komende naweek. Hoërskool Stellenbosch kom Saterdag op hul tuisveld vir die 29ste keer teen Hoërskool Montana van Worcester te staan. In Pniel pak die spanne van Hoërskool Kylemore en Groendal Sekondêre Skool mekaar vir die 15de keer. Die jare lange stryd tussen Paul Roos Gimnasium en Grey Kollege word vanjaar in Bloemfontein voortgesit. Die Interskole tussen Stellenbosch en Montana is gewoonlik ’n naelbyt-tradisie met die spanne wat in alle dissiplines goed teen mekaar opweeg. Die hokkie sal eerste aan die beurt wees met die meisies se wedstryd 08:30 en die seuns 09:40. Die eerste netbalspan sal 10:50 in aksie wees, met die rugbyspanne wat 12:30 op die veld draf. Vir meer besonderhede oor die program bel die skool by 021 887 3082 tot 14:00. ) Terwyl Kylemore die afgelope drie jaar elke keer die netbal gewen het, was dit Groendal wat op die rugbyveld baas was sedert 2009. Die afgelope twee jaar is die algehele titel as wenners egter tussen die twee skole gedeel en in 2009 was Kylemore die wenner. Die skaak, sokker en vlugbal is reeds gister beslis met die rugby en netbal wat môre plaasvind. Aksie begin reeds 10:00 by die Pniel-sportgronde. Die eerste netbalspanne speel 12:45, terwyl die eerste rugbyspanne 16:00 mekaar die stryd aansê. Vir meer besonderhede oor die program bel die skool by 021 885 1341. ) In Bloemfontein word die meeste van die sporte reeds vandag beslis, met die rugby wat môre aan die beurt is. Volgens die jongste ranglys vir die top-rugbyskole in die land bevind Grey hom in die vierde plek en die Stellenbossers is tans vyfde. Die twee skole het al 26 keer teen mekaar gespeel. Grey het 19 keer gewen en PRG sewe keer. Paul Roos se seges was in 2009, 2006, 2004, 1997, 1994, 1993 en 1991. Verlede jaar se stryd was ’n riller met Grey wat met ’n enkele punt gewen het (36–35). Vir meer besonderhede oor die geskiedenis van dié interskole besoek www.rugby15.co.za. Die hoofwedstryd is 15:10, maar dit word ongelukkig nie op TV uitgesaai nie. Vir dié wat Twitter het kan Paul Roos Gimnasium by @PaulRoos_Gym volg vir die jongste verwikkelinge.

HIer is die kapteins van Ho­ erskool Stellenbosch (agter) Balthazar Kloppers (sok­ ker), Ruan Krüger (hokkie), Ben Brockman (rugby) en Stefnie Burger (netbal); (voor) Suemari Bezuiden­ hout (skaak) en Michaela Haarhoff (hokkie). Foto’s: Eunice Visagie

Kylemore se kapteins: (ag­ ter) Hershel Swartz (sokker), Dimitri Benting (skaak) en Chenay Pietersen (netbal); (voor) Brunielle Messiah (sokker), Regina Stubbs (vlugbal), Jacques Septem­ ber (rugby) en Keenan Hen­ dricks (vlugbal).

Sportster­nominasies gesoek SKOLE het tot Maandag 27 Augustus tyd om nominasies vir die Let’s Play en Eikestadnuus se Sportster vir die maand van Augustus in te stuur. ’n Onderhoud met die wenner sal in die

Eikestadnuus van Vrydag 31 Augustus verskyn. Stuur nominasies en die motivering agter die voorstel aan eunice.visagie@eikestadnuus.com.

Hier is Paul Roos Gimnasi­ um se kapteins (agter) Dylan Raubenheimer (gholf), An­ dré Huisamen (rasieleier), Marc van der Merwe (ten­ nis), Leonard Duvenhage (rugby), Hein Stegmann (Drumline), Daniel van Zyl (waterpolo), Wihann Dann­ hauser (koor); (voor) Johan Botes (tafeltennis), Llewellyn Groeneveldt (biathle), Frank Slabbert (hokkie), Alexander Lloyd (debat) en Jandré van Tonder (muur­ bal).

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Stuur alle navrae, inligting en versoeke oor sport aan Eunice Visagie by e­pos eunice.visagie@eikestad­ nuus.com of bel haar by 021 887 2840, uitb. 2006.

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