EikestadNuus 28-09-12

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Eikestad VRYDAG, 28 September 2012 | Prys: R5.00 | Tel 021 887 2840 | Faks 021 883 9538 | www.eikestadsnuus.co.za




Zelda Costa en vriende praat


Munisipale huis gestroop 4

Stellenbosch’s crime statistics 5

Jong helde Hier is (van links) Jean­Pierre Mynhardt, Matthew Tindall, Paul Elias, Garron Bre­ witt en Chalton Swartz wat gehelp het om die Ryneveldstraat­verdagte aan te keer. FOTO: VERSKAF


Gyselaars helder oordag ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN ’n Bejaarde man en sy dogter is verlede week helder oordag vir ’n uur en ’n half gyselaar gehou in Ryneveldstraat. Die twee verdagtes, een ’n minderjarige, is later dieselfde dag in hegtenis geneem met die hulp van twee heldhaftige studente en goeie speurwerk van die Stellenbosch SAPD. Irene Waugh (54) en haar pa, Mike van Zyl (84), het verlede Woensdag kort ná 15:00 by haar suster se woonstel in Ryneveldstraat aangekom. ’n Man het op die stoep gesit. “My pa was besig om die deur toe te maak toe die man dit hard van buite oopstoot,” vertel Irene. “Hy het ’n rewolwer op ons gerig en aan ons begin pluk vir ons ringe. Ek het dit toe self afgehaal en oorhandig.” Hy het ook haar handsak uitgegooi en kontant en haar selfoon gevat.

“Hy het my pa in die gesig geslaan en gestamp dat hy val, maar my pa het teruggeslaan.” Hul hande en voete is vasgebind en hulle is in ’n klein badkamertjie ingedruk. “Hy wou my motorsleutels hê, maar kon nie die motor aan die gang kry nie. Hy het heenen-weer geloop en my gedreig en gesê dis die verkeerde sleutels.” Toe hy weer die huis binnekom, het ’n tweede rower – slegs 16 jaar oud – hom vergesel. Hy het ’n geweer op die twee gyselaars gerig. “Ek het saggies met hom gepraat en gevra waarom hy dit doen. Hy het geantwoord dat niemand hom liefhet nie, maar ek het vir hom gesê Jesus het hom lief!” Die jong man het vir haar pa ’n baie sterk drankie gegooi, maar self niks gedrink nie. Hy het later ook haar pa se ring teruggegee. Die ouer rower het intussen spore gemaak en die kind in die huis gelos. “Ek was angsbevange dat my suster met

Diefwering met styl

haar nuwe motor by die huis sou kom voor hulle weg is. Sy het kort ná die eerste man gevlug het, tuisgekom. “Die jong man het op die vlug geslaan, maar my suster het hom met haar handsak bygedam en hy het die geweer laat val. Ons het toe eers besef dit was ’n speelgoed-geweer.” Die vlugtende kind het twee manstudente se aandag getrek. Volgens Martin Viljoen, ’n woordvoerder van Universiteit Stellenbosch, het Matthew Tindall en Garron Brewitt hom in die rigting van Die Rand agternagesit. “’n Patrolliemotorfiets van Kampussekuriteit was in die omgewing en is ook agterna. Die skelm is uiteindelik naby die NG KerkNoord deur die studente platgeduik. “Skofleier Paul Elias en patrolliebeamptes Jean-Pierre Mynhardt en Chalton Swartz het toe die studente bygestaan aangesien die skelm baie aggressief en gewapen was.” Volgens lt. Natalie Martin van die polisie

het speur-konst. Marlon Appolis en ao. André Manus die aand ná 21:00 ’n leidraad gevolg en is hulle na Bellevue-plaas op die Bottelarypad waar hulle die gesteelde voertuig opgemerk het. ’n Ses-en-veertig-jarige man is aangekeer en is saam met die 16-jarige seun van huisroof aangekla. Albei het verlede Vrydag in die hof verskyn en die saak is uitgestel na Maandag vir hul borgtogaansoek. Dit was egter die tweede keer dat Irene deur gewapende rowers oorval is. Die eerste keer was op 21 Desember 2010 om 08:15 by die Katjiepiering restaurant in die Botaniese Tuin wat hulle vir ‘n funksie gehuur het. Alberto Costa was by hulle en is ook in die voorval beroof. Hy is twee maande later in ’n gewapende rooftog doodgeskiet. Sy het voorts die speurtak geloof vir hul vinnige reaksie en puik speurwerk wat die tweede rower help aankeer het.


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Nuus News.

28 September, 2012

Things to doDinge om te doen MÔRE SE WEER

12 °C DIE NAWEEK: ’n Nat en koue naweek word voorspel. Die son sal vroeg volgende week weer skyn met net een dag se reën wat voorspel word. Temperature sal egter nog laag bly.

Onafhanklike ombudsman Volgens die redaksionele beleid van Eikestadnuus verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asseblief inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of bel hom by 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Joe Thloloe, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie verband gerus 011 484 3612/8 of stuur ’n e-pos na khanyim@ombudsman.org.za of johanr@ombudsman.org.za.

Wen! Eikestadnuus en S’bosch Hotel NUWE September-intekenaars op Eikestadnuus staan die kans om ’n aand se verblyf met ontbyt in die Stellenbosch Hotel te wen. Teken nou in op Eikestadnuus om in aanmerking te kom vir die prys. Vir meer oor die hotel besoek www.stellenboschhotel.co.za. Vir ’n intekenaarvorm bel Eikestadnuus by 021 887 2840 of 2 eunice.visagie@eikestadnuus.com.

Hondsdolheid-inentings GRATIS hondsdolheid-inentings sal soos volg in die Stellenbosch-omgewing beskikbaar wees: 2 Oktober: Cloetesville: Eikestadsaal, 10:00 – 15:00; 3 Oktober: Idasvallei-sportgronde, 10:00 – 15:00; 4 Oktober: Oorkant Klapmuts-sportgronde, 10:00 – 15:00. Navrae: Maresa Fourie: 0218085025/5253.


TOWN CALENDAR 28 September )Little Flower School karaoke. 20:00 tot laat, Laerskool Brückner de Villiers, Idasvallei. R20 per persoon. Dominique: 0 084 299 2428. )Laerskool Cloetesville en wyk 7 (Primrose- en Pinestraat) karaoke. 19:00 by die skool. Toegang is R25. Bring eie xyz. 0 076 865 8534 / 071 368 1135. )Moonlightmass-pretrit deur die dorp. 19:00, parkeerterrein agter Brazen Head. Aangebied deur die Nasionale Fietsry-akademie en Maties Fietsryklub. Almal welkom. Dra ’n valhelm en klere wat weerkaats en bring ’n fietslig. 2 info@ridelife.co.za of 0 083 238 3023. 29 tot 30 September )Cansa Relay For Life Stellenbosch. Deurnag op die Idasvallei-sportgronde. Neem in spanne deel teen R60 per persoon. Alle fondse aan Cansa geskenk. Gwen Simmers: 0 082 533 3563 of Nadia Henry: 0 076 148 7035. 29 September )Van Ryn’s Distillery brandy-andfood-pairing event. Sit-down dinner with four dishes created by Umami. Dishes paired with Van Ryn’s. 18:00 for 18:30. R350. Book at 021 881 3875 or www.vanryn.co.za. )Celebrate Heritage month and taste Spier’s premium Chenin Blanc and Pinotage. 12:30 – 13:30. R85 per person. Meet at the wine tasting venue 12:00 for a glass of Spier MCC. 0 021 809 1944 or 2 taniac@spier.co.za. )Protea Boekwinkel: Michael de Jongh, die skrywer van “Roots and Routes – Karretjie People of the Great Karoo”,

Last chance to enter! ONE lucky child could win a 30-second trolley dash through their local Reggie’s. Cut out the entry form to the left, fill it in and drop it off at Reggie’s Eikestad Mall by Sunday 30 September. Only original entry forms will be accepted. 0 021 887 2840; 2 eunice.visagie@eikestadnuus.com.

gesels 11:00 hieroor. Athol Fugard is die gespreksgenoot. 0 021 882 9100 of 2 ls.protea@mweb.co.za. )Azaleahof Boetiek-klereverkoping. 09:30, Azaleahof, Van Riebeeckstraat. Nuwe en gebruikte klere en skoene, tee en verversings. 0 021 887 0136. )Stellenbosch hiking club: 16 km hike up Landdroskop. Visitors asked R20 donation. Permits or Wild Cards. Meet 07:00 for 07:15 in front of the JS Marais building. Linda: 0 021 8871548 / 0721070213 or 2 lindadt@mweb.co.za. 30 September )Blaauwklippen Spring Antique Fair from 10:00 to 15:30. Antique and costume jewellery, fine silver, glass, porcelain, art, etc. Free entry. Barbara: 0 083 444 0133. 1 Oktober )Poësiekring Stellenbosch byeen. 10:00, Bergzicht Heerenhuis. Zandra Bezuidenhout praat oor “Weerlig van die Ongeloof” deur Johann de Lange. R30, tee en verversings. 0 021 887 1924 of 2 hekron@absamail.co.za. 2 October )Stellenbosch Ladies Luncheon Club meet at L’Auberge du Paysan from 10:30. Shiloh Noone speak on “Have we lost the soul of music”. Val: 0 021 855 2616. 3 October )Stellenbosch Square Pink Drive for breast cancer. Women over 40 who’ve never had a mammogram can get one for R650. From 08:30. 0 083 301 8789 or 2 mammo@pinkdrive.co.za. 5 Oktober )Kinders van die ses se nuwe show “Ek watch jou” vir debutanteprojek. 19:00 vir 19:30, Rietenbosch-skoolsaal, Cloetesville. Kaartjies: R60. Theo: 0 071 851 3500.

Van Schaik give-away AS part of our monthly promotion, Eikestadnuus and Van Schaik are giving away two of their top ten sellers of the last month. The top ten for September were: 1. Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James 2. Fifty Shades Freed by EL James 3. Spud, Exit: Pursued by a Bear by John van der Ruit 4. Endgame by Willie Esterhuyse 5. Eight Days in September by Frank Chikane. 6. Fifty Shades Darker by EL James 7. Red Mist by Patricia Cornwall. 8. Philida by André P. Brink. 9. Staat teen Anna Bruwer by Anchien Troskie 10. The Governor’s Wife by Mark Gimenez. Two of these titles, Red Mist (Cornwall) and Philida (Brink) can be won this month. SMS the word VSCHAIK, the title you would like to win, your name and contact details to 34420 (SMS’s cost R1,50).


Nuus News.

28 September, 2012


Naastes berus by vonnis ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN


yna twee jaar ná Alberto Costa se dood op sy plaas Cloetesdal, praat sy familie en vriende oor die vonnis wat verlede week opgelê is. Costa (44) is 18 Januarie 2011 op sy plaas Cloetesdal doodgeskiet. Die drie mans wat tereg gestaan het op sy moord, Mfundise Yese (26), Simankele Mralaza (30) en Cedric Vusuzi Mphakathi (21) is verlede week tot lewenslange tronkstraf gevonnis. ’n Vierde verdagte, Vicicelo Madolo (27), wat as staatsgetuie opgetree het, is 20 jaar tronkstraf opgelê. Zelda Costa, Alberto se weduwee, het dié week gesê dat sy dankbaar en verlig is dat dié gedeelte nou afgehandel is.

“Ek wil tog net weer eens my waardering uitspreek teenoor die polisie, forensiese deskundiges, die staatsgetuies, en advokaat Maria Marshall, waarsonder die skuldigbevinding nooit moontlik sou gewees het nie. “Die (lewenslange tronkstraf} is die beste uitkoms waarvoor ’n mens kan hoop in ’n moordsaak. My hart gaan uit na duisende ander slagoffers van misdaad wat nooit soos ons closure sal kry nie. Ek hoop maar net dat die vier skuldiges hulle tyd in die gevangenis positief sal aanwend en iets van hul lewens sal maak.” Zelda en haar kinders het intussen dorp toe getrek, maar volgens Zelda gaan dinge nie noodwendig beter of slegter as toe hulle nog op die plaas was nie. “Dis bloot anders. Ek probeer altyd om die beste van ’n situasie te maak en voel bevoor-

Alberto en Zelda Costa op hul troudag.


reg dat ek vir my kinders ’n tuiste in die dorp kon skep waar hulle weer veilig voel. “My kinders verbaas my. Ek kyk na hulle en dan weet ek wat beteken onverdiende genade. Hulle hou my staande. “Ons toekoms is in God se hande. Die Here is my lewe, Hy sorg vir my. “Sonder my ma, sussies en al my en Alberto se wonderlike vriende se liefde en hulp sou ek nooit hierdie afgelope 18 maande kon hanteer het nie.” Rudi Buys, ’n jare lange vriend van Alberto en sy gesin, het gesê dat hy tevrede is met die straf wat op die ou end opgelê is. “Hulle is die swaarste moontlike straf opgelê vir die moord. Ek is egter bly dat die reg sy gang gegaan het en dat hulle skuldig bevind is en tot die maksimum gevonnis is. “Ons is almal verlig dat dit vir eers verby is en dat ons kan aangaan met ons lewens. Die straf sal ten einde niks verander nie, maar ek is bly dat hulle nou van die straat af is. “Ek dink ook die polisie het ongelooflike goeie werk gedoen, veral hul forensiese span, en die staatsgetuie was natuurlik ook van groot hulp. Hy het self ook nie lig daarvan afgekom nie, wat verblydend is. Die staat kon dus ’n waterdigte saak voorlê wat gehelp het om hulle skuldig te bevind,” meen Buys. Tiaan Strauss, die oud-Springbok en self ’n goeie vriend van Alberto, is dit eens. “Ek dink regtig ’n mens kan baie tevrede voel. Die polisie kan ook gekomplimenteer word. Van die begin af het hulle deeglik ondersoek gedoen. Ek dink nie ’n mens kan vir ’n beter straf vra nie. Mens kan nou net hoop dat hulle nie gou op parool vrygelaat word nie.” Hy voel verder dat die saak ’n tyd gevat het om af te handel, maar dat dit redelik goed verloop en vinnig afgehandel is.


Posh event at Vredenheim THE Anglican Chaplaincy Trust will host the Bishop of False Bay dinner and wine auction at Barrique Restaurant on Vredenheim Estate, Friday 12 October. The sumptuous 5-course event starts at 18:30 with sherry on arrival. The auctioneer of Stellenbosch’s finest wines and other collectables will be acclaimed winemaker, Beyers Truter. Tickets are R200 per person and includes table wine. Call Lionel Cloete on 082 850 7845 or Bereneace Katts on 021 887 6519 for further information.

Mouton gasspreker by ACVV Jannie Mouton, stigter en voorsitter van die PSG Groep, tree Donderdag 11 Oktober as gasspreker by ’n wynveiling en ete vir die ACVV Stellenbosch op. Die geleentheid sal 19:00 in die ACVV-saal in Merrimanlaan begin. Kaartjies kos R150 per persoon. Bel 021 887 6959 vir meer inligting.

Santa Shoebox incentive for businesses Stellenbosch companies don’t need to have a complex social responsibility programme to make a difference in their community. By taking part in the Santa Shoebox Project 2012, the business community of Stellenbosch can assist in putting a smile on many underprivileged children’s faces. Staff members of the local business IMQS in Technopark are taking part in the project for the third time this year. Recently IMQS staff members gathered over a lunchbreak and took the time to decorate the 20 shoeboxes they are planning to pledge. With a predetermined budget for each box, two staff members

shopped for the content and then packed all the boxes within an afternoon. “What was supposedly a charitable effort on our part actually turned into a great team-building hour for all the staff,” noted Rob Knight, the CEO. IMQS will be pledging boxes for the third time this year. “It really is a great way to give back to the community that we operate in, and it also happens to be great fun for us,” says staff member Willem Pretorius. With 1 562 boxes pledged out of 4 702 children registered in the Stellenbosch area, the project organisers appeal to the business community to help in not disappointing any of the kids.

The Santa Shoebox Project is a non-profit organisation that has been working to collect gifts at Christmas time for thousands of underprivileged children since 2006. Donors personally choose and fill gift boxes and then decorate and label each one with the recipient’s name. Uniquely, the donor knows the name, age, gender and care institution of the child the gift was bought for. The Santa Shoebox project distributes the gifts. Visit the website at www.santashoebox.co.za for step by step instructions. The drop-off of completed boxes in Stellenbosch will take place from 23 to 25 October at the NG Kerk Welgelegen.

St Idas hou karnaval

Shelter to charge more

Die St. Idas RK Primêre skool hou die naweek van 19 en 20 Oktober sy jaarlikse karnaval van 16:00 tot 01:00 op Vrydag en 10:00 tot 24:00 Saterdag by die Idasvallei-sportgronde. N2, Solfamadink, Ricky D Esp en Cuppucino sal musiek maak. Besoekers kan uitsien na stalletjies, speletjies, heerlike eetgoed, lewendige vermaak, ’n biertent en baie meer. Toegang is R15 vir volwassenes en R7 vir kinders. Almal is welkom. Bel die skool by 021 886 6021.

Admission to the Stellenbosch Nigh Shelter has recently been increased by R2 to R7 per night for the unemployed and from R10 to R12 per night for the employed or those who have grants or pensions. The shelter also requests the community not to give money to beggars, but rather buy them a ticket to the shelter. Tickets can be bought at the shelter in Tennant Street, Fidders in Andringa Street or at Oom Samie’s Winkel in Dorp Street. 0 021 886 6173.

Jaarlikse skooldans Die Pieter Langeveldt Primêre Skool hou Vrydag 19 Oktober sy jaarlikse skooldans met die alombekende Strand Combo dansorkes. Dit sal 19:30 in die Stellenboschstadsaal in Pleinstraat begin. Gaste moet hul eie platters en xyz bring. Toegang is R80. Vir meer inligting bel die skool by 021 889 5449.

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Nuus News.

28 September, 2012

PRAAT SAAM! SMS jou naam, die woord “Eike” en jou boodskap aan 32464 (SMS’e kos R1)

Caught on camera looking for a dop A security guard was arrested on 21 September after he was spotted breaking into the bar area. The ADT security guard was posted at the Devonvale Golf Estate on Bottelary Road where he allegedly tried to burgle the estate’s bar. According to Lt Natalie Martin, the police spokesperson, the Devonvale Estate manager noticed that one of the cameras had been blocked out when he checked it at 07:00 on Thursday morning. “He immediately went through the video footage and saw one of the ADT security guards opening the door of the bar premises, crawling through and climbing onto the counter.” This was recorded around 03:16. “He opened some of the cupboards and looked inside. He then noticed the camera and allegedly damaged it, but he had already been captured on screen.”

The 32-year-old guard was arrested on charges of housebreaking an appeared in court on Tuesday. Rob Dale, Managing Director of ADT Security Western Cape said that they are aware of the alleged involvement of an ADT Security employee in a housebreaking at Devonvale Estate and are assisting the South African Police Services (SAPS) with their investigation. “We view this matter in a very serious light and although the employee in question has no prior criminal record and is a member of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA), we have suspended him from active duty until the investigation is completed. “All ADT employees undergo thorough background checks that surpass standard industry practices prior to their employment and we have stringent policies in place which govern the conduct of our security officers,” Rob Dale said.


Munisipale huis gestroop SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG


Leë dop. Dít is al wat oor is van ’n munisipale huis wat oor die laaste paar maande in Onder-Papegaaiberg deur diewe gestroop is. Die huis is sedert Februarie 1982 deur Hans Groenewald, ’n voormalige senior tegnikus by die department verkeersingenieurswese van die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit, en sy gesin bewoon. Hans het einde 2011 ná 45 jaar se diens afgetree en hy en sy gesin het einde Januarie 2012 uit die huis getrek. Dié huis is een van ses munisipale huise in dié woonbuurt. Volgens Hans se dogter, Andri Groenewald, is daar vyf dae ná hulle uitgetrek het reeds begin om die huis te stroop. “Ek is terug om ons pos te gaan haal en het omgeloop om te kyk of daar nie potplante agtergebly het nie. Ek het egter deur die vensters geloer en was geskok om te sien dat die dakwaaiers wat my ouers geïnstalleer het, asook al die ligte uit die dak geruk is. “Ons buurman het laat weet hy het drie mans met ’n bakkie gewaar wat met die geiser daar weggery het. Die gras rondom die huis is die afgelope paar maande ook nie gesny nie en die plante het gevrek.” Volgens Groenewald is die polisie

Die badkamer is verwoes en al die krane en pype is uitgeruk. Die wasbak is reeds verwy­ der. FOTO’S: SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG bewus van die situasie. Dit is “hartverskeurend” vir hul gesin om die huis so te sien vergaan, veral omdat haar pa die laaste tien jaar wat hy by die munisipaliteit werksaam was verskeie pogings aangewend het om die huis te koop. Sy versoeke is egter afgekeur. “Ons gesin wou so graag die woning bekom en het mooi daarna omgesien. Nou staan dit leeg en vergaan terwyl dit kaal gestroop word. Watter aanwins is dit nóú vir die munisipaliteit? Dit is hoe die raad hulle bates hanteer – hulle laat dit verval in onbruik.” Oud-buurman, Ben Malan meen die leë huis is ’n veiligheidsrisiko vir die straat, want dit lok sekere elemente. Volgens hom sukkel die buurman di-




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rek langsaan die huis met diefstal uit sy erf. “ Daar is twee ander leë munisipale huise in die straat bo ons wat ook geplunder word.” Piet Smit van die munisipaliteit se departement eiendomsbestuur het by navraag vandeesweek aan Eikestadnuus gesê hy onderneem om dadelik ondersoek na die situasie in te stel. Sy departement is verantwoordelik vir die instandhouding van munisipale geboue. Hy kon hom nie uitspreek oor wanneer iemand weer in die huis sal trek nie en gesê dit word deur die behuisingsdepartement hanteer. “Ek verstaan die Groenewald-gesin se sentimente, maar ons word verbied om reëlings in plek te hê wat huurders voorkeur gee om huise te koop.”




Die hoofslaapkamer se toilet is uitmekaar gehaal en die pla­ fon is ook stukkend.

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28 September, 2012

Besoek die Eikestadnuus se webblad by www.eikestadnuus.co.za of eikestadnuus.mobi

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Murder down, rape up



hroughout the country it appears as if crime is on the decline and if there are fewer reported murder cases. This is also the case in Stellenbosch, although house robberies, burglaries and sexual crimes have all shown an increase. “We are not yet where we want to be. Our relationship and cooperation with the public still needs a lot of work,” said Stellenbosch cluster commander, Brigadier Dirk Mentoor. The Stellenbosch cluster consists of the Stellenbosch, Cloetesville, Klapmuts, Groot Drakenstein, and Franschhoek stations. In this cluster 44 murder cases have been reported this year as opposed to 62 last year. According to Mentoor 24 of these were committed in Stellenbosch. “Of the 24 murders, 15 have not been resolved. Most of them were committed in Kayamandi and Enkanini and we suspect most of these had to do with bundu courts. “Klapmuts had four murders, all of which have been solved. The seven murders committed in Franschhoek and the three murders in Groot

HOT SPOTS THE hot spots for crime the last week were: ) Sector 1: Dorp Street between Bird Street and Stadler Street (theft out of motor vehicle and burglary), Andringa Street between Merriman Avenue and Banghoek Road (theft and robbery), Dennesig Street (theft out of motor vehicle). Campus between Ryneveld Street and Marais Street and Van Riebeeck Street and Banghoek Road (robbery, theft out of motor vehicles, theft of motor vehicle). ) Sector 2: Suburbs mostly affected – Dalsig (burglary and theft), OnderPapegaaiberg (theft out of and theft of motor vehicle) and Die Boord (theft out of and theft of motor vehicle). ) Sector 3: Farms on Bottelary Road (theft of copper and burglary). ) Sector 4: George Blake, Plankenburg (robberies). ) Report crime in your area by visiting www.eikestadnuus.co.za. Click on the Crime Watch tab and fill in the incident report.



Nuus News.

Brigadier Dirk Mentoor Drakenstein are currently in court and out of the six murders in Cloetesville, five are in court and one is still under investigation.” Sexual crimes, which include sexual assault and rape, have risen by 3,6%, from 252 to 261. “It is especially of concern that most of the rape and sexual assault victims are under the age of 18. “There has been a significant increase in minors being abused and children being neglected. “These crimes are also mostly committed by family members which make them extremely hard to prosecute.

“We have had a spate of rapes in Klapmuts, but with the help of social services we are beginning to make people more aware of the problem. “Awareness campaigns should be an ongoing method of curbing these crimes, Mentoor said.” Robberies with aggravating circumstances have also shown a significant increase of 9,4 % (from 299 to 327 cases) on top of last year’s increase of 37,8 % from 217 cases. “These are committed by organised groups from outside of town. “They usually have one person who knows the area to identify targets. “Up to now we have identified six such groups, but as soon as a group is arrested, such as the recent arrest of five men, the remaining culprits form faction groups. “The groups work in various areas, but we are very satisfied with our intelligence networks between the clusters who all work together to stop these robberies.” Burglaries have risen with 5% from 1 515 to 1 591 on top of last year’s increase of 4,8 % from 1 446. “Stellenbosch has its problem areas in the centre of town and around campus, where we still keep an eye out. There was a spate of burglaries in the Klein Welgevonden area which we have identified as being

Statistics 2010 - 2012 Crime

2009- 2010- 20112010 2011 2012

% B






Sexual Crimes




+3,6% A

linked to drug use and have Robbery with since been neutralised. Earaggravating 217 299 327 +9,4% B ly parole release also plays circumstances a role as we find the same Housebreaking 1446 1515 1591 +5% A perpetrators committing Theft of motor crimes. Laptops, televi250 271 262 -3,3% B vehicle sions and equipment which can quickly be disposed of, Theft from 1583 2285 1884 -17,5% A are mostly targeted.” motor vehicle “Theft of motor vehicles Drug related 1359 1431 1583 +10,6% A and theft out of motor vehicrime cles have shown a decline, Residential 18 23 33 +43,5% A but are still high, with 262 robbery vehicles stolen in the time Please note that the above statistics is a compilation of frame. the whole cluster and not only the Stellenbosch station. “Those crimes that depend heavily on police action for detection should show an increase as this shows the in the area. “This will not only help stop drunken driving, but at the police are doing their job. “Drug-related crime has in- same time we will search for illegal creased 10,6% overall with 1 583 cas- firearms and drugs and help stop vees reported. Altogether 793 of these hicle theft.” One of the biggest concerns is cases were opened in Cloetesville. “We have a new strategy to curb house robberies, which have risen gang- and drug-related crime and with 43,5% from 23 to 33 reported have put pressure on certain known cases. “These crimes are also comindividuals in the area. We are hop- mitted by organised syndicates ing to completely remove the drug rather than opportunistic individuelements and thus also stop gang-re- als. We had an influx of these crimes in Klapmuts and the same group of lated activity.” Drunken driving has shown a de- men were tied to robberies in Belcrease and Mentoor said that they ville and Hout Bay. They have since will be working with the traffic de- been arrested and robberies in these partment to have more road blocks areas have declined.”



Nuus News.

28 September, 2012



Betoging kos sakelui baie SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG


og ’n kriminele klag is teen die organiseerders van die onwettige optog onlangs in Klapmuts gelê.

Francois Klomp, ’n siviele ingenieur van WEC-Consult en die ontwikkelaar van ’n groot projek op die Groenfontein-plaas in Klapmuts, het verlede Vrydag ’n klag van saakbeskadiging by die Klapmuts-polisie gelê. Dit kom nadat ’n optog sowat twee weke gelede op ’n Donderdag hier gehou is. Die inwoners is glo ongelukkig oor die stand van behuising in die gemeenskap. Die paar honderd mense het met Klapmuts se hoofweg in die rigting van die R44 af beweeg en die polisie moes kort voor die R44 skokgranate afvuur om die skare te stuit. Eikestadnuus het verlede week berig die organiseerders van die onwettige optog is aangekla vir die hou van ’n onwettige optog en sal eersdaags in die hof verskyn. Klomp het egter vandeesweek aan Eikestadnuus gesê die betogers het gedurende die optog ook sy grond betree. Hier het hulle sy kontrakteurs, Power Konstruksie en Eskom, gedreig, ge-intimideer en verjaag.

Die betogers het glo vir hulle gesê hulle gaan hul werk stop en hul voertuie aan die brand steek. “Ek het twee maande vir Eskom gewag om ’n kragpaal te kom verskuif en op die dag wat hulle beskikbaar is, word hulle deur betogers weggejaag. Ons moes heelwat konstruksiewerk uitstel en dus het my maatskappy finansiële verliese gely,” sê Klomp. Die totale skade, wat onder meer vertraging insluit, behels sowat R110 000. Volgens Klomp moet iemand verantwoordelikheid vir die optog vat. “Dit is onverantwoordelik van die inwoners om ’n minderheidsgroep toe te laat om die hele dorp op sleeptou te neem. Die gemeenskap moet verstaan hierdie tipe optrede is nie goed vir ontwikkeling nie.” Klomp voeg by die ontwikkeling op Groenfontein het reeds meer as ’n 100 inwoners werk gegee en hou soveel geleenthede vir die gemeenskap in – veral met Shoprite en Engen wat ook daar gaan belê. “Die gemeenskap moet wakker word – hulle kla terwyl dinge om hulle gebeur. Ons is baie positief oor Klapmuts as ’n ontwikkelingsgebied en wil hê die gemeenskap moet ’n positiewe bydrae lewer. Hulle moenie toelaat dat ’n minderheidsgroep hulle aftrek nie.”

Uit die Burgemeester se kantoor

DIT is tog so dat een prent duideliker spreek as ’n dorp in die land. Ons dorp besit alles wat benodig word om so ’n ideaal ’n werklikheid te maak – alles behalwe duisend woorde. Die naweek se Eikestadnuus-voorblad het grusame selfgeloof en die wil om ’n verskil te maak. Terwyl die dorp vanjaar sy 333ste bestaan vier, het foto’s van padongelukke vertoon, terwyl Die Burger se voorblad die bruisende Eersterivier tydens die kano- een van ons kerke sy 90ste bestaansjaar oor die afgelope naweek gevier. By hierdie geleentheid was die modevaart op Erfenisdag uitgebeeld het. Dit laat my vra: “Op watter wyse is Stellenbosch rator van die Volkskerk se tema “Vreemd maar Relevant”. Die tema beteken dat, as ons ’n eerste, op grond waarvan kan ons land verskil wil maak, ons anders moet wees. op eerste internasionale plek aanStellenbosch, as die vallei van moontspraak maak?” likhede en karakter, sal net bewaarheid Wat is die hoofteks wat mense hier word as ons in so ’n sin “vreemd” sal by die huis en in ander lande oor ons wees. Vreemd soos ’n Pieter Nel wat verland en dorp lees? skoning vra vir gebeure wat dekades geleAan die een kant het ons die onnodide gebeur het, vreemd soos in kuier en ge slagting op ons paaie, die noodlottisamesyn oorkant die Banghoekweg van ge rooftogte wat internasionaal opslae verdeeldheid en vreemd soos in onvoormaak, die toenemende bendegeweld, waardelike uitreik en herstel van mense die straatresies wat snags plaasvind en se menswaardigheid, ongeag alle bestaanmense wat steeds vir dronkbestuur de skeidslyne. aangekeer word. Our town cannot afford to mark time Daarenteen staan die lof wat deur Raadsheer – to stand in the same place and wait for vise-president, Kgalema Motlanthe, Conrad Sudego matters to run their course. There are aan Stellenbosch se Universiteitskoor toegeswaai is vir die wyse waarop hulle die land se ominous signs everywhere that we need to redouble kultuurerfenis help integreer, die 700 skoolkinders uit our efforts to reach consensus on finding ways of collec16 hoërskole wat as ’n massakoor in die Kruiskerk ’n tively addressing our challenges. We cannot just ask our young people to find comgedeelde erfenis uitgebeeld het en prof. Nico Koopman se beroep op jong mense om daardie erfenis op te mon ground. We, the generation supposedly in charge, needs to be at the forefront of collective efforts to eis en uit te bou. Dwarsoor die land is daar hierdie botsende tendense remove the barriers that obstruct meaningful dialogue that will address the underlying issues. van negatiwiteit en positiwiteit te bespeur. If we fail we will be the first to feel the brunt of Waar staan ons as dorp? Wat simboliseer die “eerste” in Eersterivier? Ons het die geleentheid om eerste a wave, a tsunami, of change over which we shall have te wees in uitnemendheid – die mees vooruitstrewende no control.

Jan Marais-reservaat ’n speelpark vir eekhorings? SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG

’n Unieke verskynsel in die groot dennebome in die Jan Marais-natuurreservaat laat die reservaat se adviesraad hulle koppe krap. Kinderspeelgoed is onlangs op die takke van die groot dennebome in die reservaat se park-area gehang. Prof. Jan Giliomee, die voorsitter van die adviesraad, het vandeesweek aan Eikestadnuus gesê dat dit vermoedelik ’n “eekhoringspeelpark” is. Volgens hom het hy die reservaat sowat ’n week gelede besoek, waarna hy die speelgoed hoog bo in die bome gewaar het. “Ek vermoed dit is eekhorings, maar ek is nie seker nie. Ons het heelwat eekhorings in die reservaat en hier is baie dennepitte vir hulle om te eet.

“Daar is nog ’n speelpark vir kinders hier naby en ek vermoed die eekhorings het die speelgoed daar opgetel en hier vir hulself kom hang. Hulle het seker die ou klere in die De Wet-steeg in die dorp gesien en gedink hulle kan ook ‘kuns’ hier in die reservaat aanbring,” skerts hy. Giliomee is egter nie seker wat die speelgoed-verskynsel is nie en nooi die gemeenskap om daarna te kom kyk en spekuleer oor wat dit mag wees en hoe dit daar gekom het. “Toegang tot die reservaat is gratis en daar is voltydse sekuriteit oor naweke. Die reservaat is nou besonder mooi en ons nooi almal uit om hierdie natuurskat te kom geniet.” ) Stuur voorstelle oor wat dié speelgoed-verskynsel mag wees na Eikestadnuus se SMS-lyn by 32464. SMS’e kos R1 elk.

Die beweerde “eekhoring­speelpark” in die bome by die Jan Marais­natuurreservaat.



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Groot buitelug lofprysingsaand Die NG-gemeente Stellenbosch-Sentraal hou Vrydag 12 Oktober ’n buitelug lofprysingsaand wat beloof ’n spesiale aand te wees wat min sal vergeet. Die geleentheid sal 19:00 op die Hoërskool Stellenbosch-sportvelde begin. Almal is welkom en toegang is gratis. Jong musikante van die kerk, Endler en die Universiteit Stellenbosch gaan saam musiek maak. Die bekende Canticum Novum-koor sal ook optree. Bel Francois Lamprecht by 082 374 3983 of 2 francois@familiekerk.com vir meer inligting.


Nuus News.

28 September, 2012

R1 miljoen verdwyn uit Suspi se koffers EUNICE VISAGIE

die SAS mede-gebruikers van die swembad sal word. Die sloping van die US se ou, buitenshuise swembad neem hierdie week ’n aanvang terwyl bouwerk aan die nuwe swembad na verwagting in Oktober sal begin. Die bestaande swembad is meer as 60 jaar oud en is gesluit vanweë ’n permanente lekkasie weens strukturele skade wat oor tyd heen ontstaan het. Die nuwe verhitte swembad maak voorsiening vir sportsoorte soos swem, waterpolo en onderwaterhokkie. Pawiljoene vorm nie deel van die bou van die swembad nie, maar die beplanning is dat dit as ’n tweede fase gebou sal word sodra fondse daarvoor beskikbaar word. Die nuwe swembad sal, afhangende van weersomstandighede, einde April 2013 of kort daarna voltooi word.


Daar is gróót moeilikheid by die Stellenbosch Universiteit se Sportprestasie-instituut (Suspi). Dít nadat ’n forensiese oudit deur KPMG onderneem is na die verbreking van universiteitsreëls en finansiële prosedures by die Suspi-gimnasium. Volgens die verslag is daar sowat R1 miljoen waarvoor daar nie rekenskap gegee kan word nie. Die verslag is voorgelê en die betrokke werknemers is voor ’n dissiplinêre verhoor gedaag. ’n Onafhanklike voorsitter was aan stuur van sake. “Na aanleiding hiervan is een personeellid uit diens gestel en twee is geskors, waarvan een besluit het om Suspi se diens te verlaat,” het Mohamed Shaikh, ’n senior woordvoerder

van die US gesê. “Die afwykings van aanvaarde bestuurspraktyke het oor ’n verloop van tyd in die Suspi-gimnasium plaasgevind en geen ander afdelings is geraak nie. Die ondersoek het gedui op aansienlike bedrae geld waarvoor nie na behore rekenskap gegee kon word nie.” Daar word lankal reeds in plaaslike sportkringe bespiegel oor die voortbestaan van Suspi. Met die stigting van die Stellenbosch Akademie vir Sport (SAS) in Januarie vanjaar was daar diegene wat van mening is dat SAS die laaste spyker in die doodskis van Suspi is. ) Die beleggingsmaatskappy Remgro gaan saam met die US die nodige finansiering vir die bou van ’n 50 m Olimpiese-grootte swembad voorsien. ’n Formele ooreenkoms word vroeg volgende week gesluit waarin

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Menings / Nuus Opinion / News

28 September, 2012

Kom ons skep nuwe erfenis Stellenbossers het die afgelope Maandag op Erfenisdag na die oewers van die Eersterivier gestroom om deel te wees van die dorp se eerste Erfenisfees. Daar was dié wat skepties was oor die sukses van só ’n fees. Met ’n mens se aankoms in Die Laan is enige twyfel egter vinnig uit die weg geruim oor die volhoubaarheid daarvan. Saam het Stellenbossers, oor historiese grense heen, die sport en sports rondom die Eersterivier geniet. Met die reuk van braaivleis in die lug – dit was immers ook mos Braaidag – iets koud in die hand en die klank van verskeie van Stellenbosch se musiekkulture en kinders se gelag in jou ore, is gestalte aan ’n nuwe, gedeelde erfenis gegee. Dieselfde naweek het die Volkskerk van Afrika ook sy 90ste verjaardag in Idasvallei gevier. By dié geleentheid het ds. Simon Adams gevra vir die verskuiwing van grense en die feit dat dit nou tyd geword het vir Stellenbossers van alle dele van die dorp om hande te vat en vorentoe te beweeg. Hy het daarop gewys dat wat in Stellenbosch gebeur, altyd aanleiding gee tot wat in die res van die land kan plaasvind. By dié diens het dr. Donald Katts die sowat 1 000 lidmate gevra om “vreemd” te wees. Nie vreemd soos in weird nie, eerder anders – bepaald anders as die res van die land. Saam met dr. Katts, daag ook Eikestadnuus Stellenbossers uit om vreemd te wees soos gasvry, vergewensgesind, liefdevol vir alles en almal, ongeag wie of wat hulle is, om die ekstra myl te loop en om inklusief te wees. Kom ons in Stellenbosch wees vreemd en bou aan ’n nuwe, gedeelde erfenis vir ons dorp wat vanjaar 333 jaar oud is. Suid-Afrika se visepresident, Kgalema Motlanthe, het by sy onlangse besoek aan Stellenbosch die optrede van die Universiteitskoor in die Kruiskerk as voorbeeld gebruik van waartoe ons land se mense is staat is. Hy moes óók op Erfenisdag in die Kruiskerk gewees het om te ervaar hoe 700 leerlinge van 16 plaaslike skole saamsing, saamkuier en saam harte roer. Wat ’n besondere week was dit nie in die geskiedenis van Stellenbosch nie!

Gevestigde inwoners se regte in gedrang Die voorgestelde wysiging van die definisie van “gesin” in die munisipaliteit se konsepvoorstelle vir die Integrated Zoning Scheme om voorsiening te maak vir tot vier onafhanklike persone wat ’n gemeenskaplike huishouding vorm, laat die rooi ligte flikker vir groepbehuisingskemas in residensiële sones. Uit my ervaring is dit juis dié kategorie inwoners wat talle probleme (onder meer steurnis en parkering) vir ander inwoners en die bestuur van sodanige skemas skep. Ek verwys ook nie net na studente nie. Talle sogenaamde jong professionele persone skep ook bogenoemde probleme. Ook kommerwekkend is dat eienaars (dikwels welvarende en gesiene gemeenskapslede) en verhuringsagente van eenhede in groepskemas wat tans hierdie tipe bewoning onwettig toelaat, dikwels in hul onbetrokkenheid skitter en

hul hande in onskuld was indien daar probleme voorkom. Opvallend in die briewe oor die soneringsvoorstelle in die Eikestadnuus van 14 en 21 September 2012 is verwysings na die “praktiese” aard daarvan. Die vraag is natuurlik: Prakties vir wie? Dit is ironies dat die munisipaliteit bogenoemde verhuringspraktyk deur die uitbreiding van die definisie van “gesin” wil kondoneer aangesien dit dikwels gevolge het wat die lewens van bona fide-gesinne in onder meer groepbehuisingskemas versuur. Indien die munisipaliteit met dié nuwe verordeninge meer verantwoordelikhede na die algemene publiek wil afwentel, moet die legitieme belange van permanente en gevestigde inwoners (waarvan al hoe meer in groepskemas woon) nie uit die oog verloor word nie.

Volkskerk van Afrika vier 90 jaar EUNICE VISAGIE DIE Volkskerk van Afrika het die afgelope naweek 90 glorieryke jare gevier. Sowat 1 000 leraars en lidmate was teenwoordig by die Dankseggingsdiens wat Sondag in Idasvallei gehou is. Die feesprediker was dr. Donald Katts (moderator) van die Volkskerk. Dr. Katts en ds. Simon Adams (vise-moderator) het dit as ’n emosionele en opwindende dag bestempel. “Dit is wel ’n emosionele dag, maar ook ’n merkwaardige een waarop ons 90 jaar van geskiedenis kon vier,” het Katts gesê. Adams het op sy beurt gesê dit is ’n voorreg om deel te wees van die vieringe. “Ek was nog my hele lewe deel van die Volkskerk. Dit is werklik ’n vreugdevolle oomblik.” Vir Adams is dit belangrik dat die Volkskerk soos die afgelope 90 jaar vir volgende 90 jaar steeds moet aanhou om ’n rol in die gemeenskap te speel.

“Ek gaan wel nou nie vir nog 90 jaar hier wees nie, maar dit is belangrik dat ons altyd ’n rol speel. Daar is nog baie uitdagings soos die feit dat alle mense nog nie ekonomies bevry is nie.” Met die oog op die volgende 90 jaar is dit Adams se wens dat na almal in die Groter Stellenbosch uitgereik sal word. “Die boodskap wat ons wil uitdra is dat ons moet handevat met mekaar. Ons moet die kwaad van die verlede agter ons sit en deur alle grense breek. “Ons het al voorheen gesien dat wat hier op Stellenbosch gebeur, altyd ’n invloed op die res van SuidAfrika het.” Die tema van Katts se preek was “Vreemd, maar relevant deur 90 jaar se genade”. Die skrifgedeelte was 1 Petrus 1:1–2. “Die kerk mag nooit volledig van hierdie wêreld wees nie, nooit bloot net die gesindheid en visie van die samelewing – wat dikwels deur sy beleid en wette uitgedruk word – naaap nie. Die kerk mag nooit onkri-

ties die status quo van die dag seën nie – daarom en hieroor is die vreemdheid, andersheid en uniekheid van die kerkgemeenskap so belangrik.” Hy het voorts gesê: “Wanneer ons deur die werking van die Heilige Gees oortuig word om in Jesus te glo, Hom te volg, word ons vreemd vir die wêreld waarin ons leef. Vreemd nie soos konserwatief, onbekend, onbetrokke of onkundig nie. Vreemd soos in onverwags, alternatief, gasvry, insluitend, sewentig maal sewe vergewe, liefde vir die vyand, te seën wie jou vervloek, slaafskap in stede van baasskap, die aflê van die tweede myl en die gee van jou onderbaadjie. “Dan is ons vreemd soos in vreemdelingskap, ’n vreemdheid wat relevant is. ’n Vreemdheid wat ons kwesbaar laat, maar ’n vreemdheid wat menslikheid uitspel.” Hy het afgesluit deur te sê: “Kom ons help mense onthou dat ons vreemdelinge en bywoners hier op aarde is omdat ons God en sy Koninkryk-waardes vergestalt.”


Moenie honde oor naweke alleen los Honde wat alleen gelaat word oor vakansies en naweke is ’n geweldige steurnis vir bure. Eienaars het geen idee hoe hul honde dag en nag te kere gaan nie. Gun mede-bewoners ook rus deur honde by vriende

Nuusredakteur: Eunice Visagie 0 021 887 2840 Eunice.Visagie@eikestadnuus.com Redaksie: Elbé van Heerden Elbe.vanHeerden@Eikestadnuus.com Samantha van den Berg Samantha.VanDenBerg@eikestadnuus.com Uitgewer: Deleen Johnson 0 021 887 2840 x2001 deleen.johnson@media24.com

te laat of om hulle na ’n hondeherberg te neem. Anders kan die munisipaliteit gevra word om hulle te verwyder weens rusverstoring.


Hier is (agter) di. Basil Williams, Jack Roberts, prop. Ebrahimilda Booysen, di. Desmond Robyn, Ivan Clarke, Garrett Moller, Janette Olivier en Isaac Daniels; (middel) juff. Radeline Williams, Dorothea du Plessis, prop. Jeniel Smit, di. Martin Williams, Louis Jansen, Donald Katts (moderator), Simon Adams (vise­moderator), Samuel du Plessis, Wendoll Davidson, Leon Smith en Me. Hillary Potgieter; (voor) juff. Hendrina Moller, Margie Robyn, Sha­ ron Roberts, Rochelle Williams, Roselyn Katts, Stephanie Adams, Patricia Davidson, Wendy Daniels en Neva Smith. FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE

Sirkulasie:0 021 887 2840 Rekeningnavrae: Yolande Mostert 0 021 406 4363 yolande.mostert@media24.com

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Eikestadnuus verkies briewe van 350 woorde of minder. Skuilname is welkom, mits die skrywer se naam en telefoonnommer vermeld word. E-pos briewe aan eikestad@eikestadnuus.com of faks dit na 021 883 9538. SMS kommentaar na 32464. Begin met die woord “EIKE”.


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Nuus News.

28 September, 2012

Choir inspires EUNICE VISAGIE

THE Stellenbosch University Choir has inspired the deputy president of South Africa. Kgalema Motlanthe witnessed a performance of the choir at last week’s inaugural Oscar and Rose Mpetha Memorial Lecture held in Stellenbosch’s Kruiskerk. During his Heritage Day speech on Monday in Upington he referred to the choir’s rendition of the national anthem and traditional songs. “The performance of the choir left all of us spellbound. For the duration of the performance I was so engrossed in the proceedings it escaped me that the choir, that was filling the venue with a uniquely African experience through such masterful technique, was actually predominantly white students singing African songs in indigenous languages. “Feelings of pride in being a South African gushed through me.” Motlanthe said that it was at that point that he realised that South Africans indeed have a common heritage. “All we need is to make an effort to embrace our diversity.” The memorial lecture was held for Oscar and Rose Mpetha who devoted much of their lives to the struggle for a free and democratic South Africa. Motlanthe focused on the challenges of post-apartheid that included corruption. “It threatens to pull the rug from under the high moral claims of the democratic state. Because the ideals of post-colonial society are about delivering social justice, corruption amounts to betrayal since it is usually practised by people in power or close to it. To succeed in this area, the democratic state can learn from other matured democracies elsewhere.” He referred to the state of New South Wales that came up with an exemplary initiative called “The Independent Commission Against Crime of New South Wales” which speaks to the problem of corruption in state. “Corruption amounts to a gross lack of capacious moral responsibility on the part of some of those historically charged to pave the way for a human-centred society.” Motlanthe called on all to wage an all-out war against corruption.

The SU Choir performs at the Oscar and Rose Memorial Lecture in the Kruiskerk.


Fisheries need observers Stellemploy is assisting with the assessment and recruitment of fisheries observers. Suitable candidates must be between 20 and 26 years old and be in possession of a grade 12 certificate. They must also have passed Physical Science or Biology and Mathematics in grade 12. Suitable candidates will be trained and will complete internships. Please call Gaino or Betta as soon as possible on 021 886 6993.




Skoonheid & Gesondheid Health & Beauty

28 September, 2012

SWEDE TOE VIR DOKTORSGRAAD: Bernard Wessels, ’n Stellenbosser, is gekies om sy PHd in Umeá, Swede, in die distrik van Vas­ terbotten, sowat 400 km die Ark­ tiese sirkel, te studeer. Wessels het in 2004 matriek geslaag aan Hoër­ skool Stellenbosch en in Maart 2012 sy meestersgraad in Plantpatologie aan Uni­ versiteit Stellenbosch ontvang. Hy sal van 1 Oktober sy PHd in Plantpatologie stu­ deer aan die Umeá Plant Science Centre, ’n gesamentlike navorsingsentrum van twee universiteite, die Umeá­universiteit en die Swedish Agricultural University.

700 LEERLINGE BYEEN VIR KOOR-OPTREDE: Die Stellenbosch Erfenisfees se massakoor het Maandag, 24 September in die Kruiskerk opgetree. Die koor, met sowat 700 leerlinge van 16 plaaslike skole, is deur musiekonderwysers van die onderskeie skole en ook deur prof. Johan de Villiers, dirigent van die Libertaskoor, gedirigeer. Zorada Temmingh het as orrelis opgetree. Die koor se optrede was ’n hoogtepunt van die Stellenbosch Erfenisfees, wat dié dag op die walle van die Eersterivier in Die Laan aangebied is. Dié fees gaan nou ’n jaarlikse instelling in die dorp wees. FOTO: DENZIL MAREGELE/FOTO24


MEKSIKAANSE JUWELE UITGESTAL: ’n Nuwe uitstalling met antieke Meksikaanse ju­ wele is onlangs geopen by Slee­galery by Dorpstraat 101. Die uitstalling is slegs tot Sa­ terdag oop vir die publiek. Hier (van links) is Marlene van der Westhuizen, Jo­Marie Rabé (die spreker van die aand) en Heleen Bossi (uitstaller). FOTO: THYS VISSER GEWAARDEERDE SKENKING: Bergzicht­opleiding het onlangs ’n groot skenking van SAB op Stellenbosch ontvang. Die skenking het onder meer strykysters, besems, stofsuiers en ’n verskeidenheid elektriese kombuis­toebehore ingesluit. Die skenking is aan Bergzicht se huisbestuur­groep gemaak. Rowan Dunne (agter middel) het die goedere aan die Berg­ zicht­personeel en studente oorhandig. FOTO: SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG

Hier (van links) is die uitstaller Heleen Bossi, Andries Janse van Rensburg (voorheen verbon­ de aan die Suid­Afrikaanse diplomatieke diens) en Hilton Gischen (ere­konsul van die Meksi­ kaanse Konsulaat).. FOTO: CARLA SCHNETLER

SPESIALE BAS-XILOFOON GESKENK: Aan Laerskool Weber Ge­ denk in Jamestown is Dinsdag ’n spesi­ ale bas­xilofoon geskenk vir gebruik in die skoolorkes. Die skool se voormalige musiekonderwyseres, Henriette Mans, het die instrument spesiaal vir die skool laat bou. Hans Heuer, mede­eienaar van die musiekwinkel W. Heuer, het die instrument se note geskenk en Mike Stedman het die boks daarvoor gebou. Hier is (agter van links) skoolhoof Bern­ hard Williams, Mike Stedman, Henriette Mans en Hans Heuer by die oorhandi­ ging van die instrument. Voor is Weber Gedenk­leerlinge Roelene Muller, JT­Lyn­ ne Smith en Bianca Baadjies.


Hier is Roger, Rocco, Belinda en Christi Noa­ des nadat hulle aan die Jonkershoek­halfma­ rathon deelgeneem het.


Hier is die Poole­familie – Charne, Dezroy, Brad, Karen, Britni en Leon – by die Erfenis­ fees op die oewers van die Eersterivier.


Kuns & Vermaak Arts & Entertainment.

28 September, 2012

KUNSKALENDER ART CALENDAR ) Art on 5, Andringastraat 7b: Maryna de Witt en Pera Schilling.0 021 887 7234. ) Slee-galery, 101 Dorpstraat: Meksikaanse Antieke (Vintage) silwer juweliersware deur Heleen Bossi van Paisleys Antique Jewellery. Tot 29 September. 0 021 887 3385 of 2 gallery@slee.co.za. 28 September ) Klein Libertas-teater: Van Coke Kartel, Frank Freeman, Verona Walls en Willem Welsyn. 19:00. Kaartjies: R50 by die deur. ) Aan de Braak Theatre: Luna Paige. 19:30. R80. 0 082 335 3105, R80pp. ) Hidden Cellar, De Akker: Rock and Roots with Voortvlugtend, Brother & Brother, Kaal, Enovelle, RoseBlood. 19:30. Entrance: R30. ) Endlersaal: US Camerata onder leiding van Arjan Tien met solis Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt (tjello). 20:00. Kaartjies R110 en R85 by Computicket. ) Dorpstraat-teater: Magna Carta. 20:30. R130. 021 889 9158 of info@dorpstraat.co.za. 29 September ) Klein Libertas-teater: Gert Vlok Nel stel sy nuwe album bekend. 20:15. R250.

Short & Sweet at KLT

Besprekings: 021 883 8164 of info@kleinlibertasteater.co.za.

A short film festival kicked off at Klein Libertas Theatre this week. The Short & Sweet Film Festival at Klein Libertas Theatre will run every Tuesday night for six weeks. Doors open 18:00 and the films start 19:30. Tickets cost R25 at the door.

30 September ) Ella’s Bistro: Country Chix. 16:00. R195 met groot ete ingesluit. Bespreek by: 021 865 2028 / 079 898 6087 / info@ellas.co.za. ) Nederburg Manor House Classic Concert: Soprano Vanessa Tait-Jones and saxophonist Abraham Mennen. 17:00. Tickets: R170, includes drink and light supper snacks. Book at concerts@distell.co.za or 021 809 8345 or 021 809 8106. 2 Oktober ) Ella’s Bistro: JayCee Crause. 19:30. R100 (spyskaart beskikbaar). Bespreek by: 021 865 2028 / 079 898 6087 / info@ellas.co.za. ) Klein Libertas Theatre: Short en Sweet Film Festival. Doors open 18:00, films start at 19:30. R25. Bookings: 021 883 8164 or info@kleinlibertasteater.co.za. 3 October 2012 ) Café Art: Movie Evening. Strangers on a Train (1951). 20:00. 2 cafeart@letme.co.za of www.cinemuse.co.za. 6 Oktober ) Endlersaal: Pieter Schoeman leier van die Londense Filharmoniese Orkes as solis in ’n huldigingskonsert vir prof. Roelof Temmingh, wat in opdrag van SAMRO ’n viool concerto vir Pieter gekomponeer. 20:00. Kaartjies by Computicket teen R110 / R85.

CELLIST TONIGHT IN ENDLER: The award­winning Stellenbosch University Camerata will again enjoy collaboration with fine internationally acclaimed musi­ cians, this time featuring well­known Ger­ man cellist Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt (pic­ tured), conducted by Dutch maestro Arjan Tien. Hailed by the great Rostropovich as one of the leading cellists of our time, Schmidt’s busy performing career includes concerts with major orchestras in Europe, Asia, U.S.A. and Russia. Arjan Tien is a frequent visitor to the Cape Philharmonic and ranks amongst the top conductors who visit South Africa. Local cellist, Peter Mar­ tens, will appear alongside Schmidt as so­ loist in the effervescent concerto for two celli and string orchestra by Vivaldi. The concert takes place tonight (28 September) in the Endler Hall at 20:00. Tickets at R110 and R85 are available at Computicket.

Potter House vier 10 jaar Kom sluit aan by Potters House se viering van 10 jaar se dans- en dramaproduksies. Hul jaarlikse dans- en dramaproduksie vind op 28 en 29 September in die AF Louw-skoolsaal plaas. Vanjaar se tema is “Armoede”, ’n gepaste titel is vir die sosiale probleme binne die plaaslike gemeenskappe. Die groep jeugdiges bestaan uit leerders van Rietenbosch Primêre Skool, Laerskool Pieter Langeveld, Klapmuts Primêre Skool, Cloetesville Primêre Skool, Idasvallei Primêre Skool, Laerskool St Idas, Brückner de Villiers Laerskool, Laerskool Eikestad, Rhenish Primêre Skool, Lückhoff Senior Sekondêre Skool, Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof, Kylemore Sekondêre Skool en Cloetesville Hoërskool. “Vir die eerste keer het ons ook studente van Universiteit Stellenbosch en Boland Kollege as deel van die drama,” het Monean Wenn van Potter’s House gesê. “Die eerste aand is spesifiek vir die jeug binne die onderskeie Stellenbosch gemeenskappe (en omliggende gebiede). Jeuggroepe is meer as welkom om dit by te woon. Die AGS Radical

Die toneelgroep van Potter House is eersdaags te sien by die viering van hul tiende be­ staansjaar. FOTO: VERSKAF Worshippers sal die gehoor vermaak met opbouende lofliedere.” Kaartjies vir die eerste aand kan by die deur verkry word. Die tweede aand is gemik op ouers en volwassenes in die plaaslike gemeenskappe en toegang is slegs by wyse van ’n kaartjie. Die produksie sal voorafgegaan word deur formele geleentheid, en gaste word gevra om formele swart te dra. Navrae: Monean Wenn by 083 229 0885.


Rock and Roots is a live music event that was born out of the love and inspiration for Rock, Blues, Folk and will take place at the Hidden Cellar on 28 September. The artists that will be performing are Voortvlugtend, Brother & Brother (pictured), Kaal, Enovelle and RoseBlood. Tickets cost R30 and the show starts at 19:30 at the Hidden Cellar, above De Akker.



Sake Business

28 September, 2012

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A World Luxury Award! The Le Franschhoek Hotel & Spa has won a category in the prestigious World Luxury Hotel Awards 2012. The awards will be presented on 13 October. This will be the second year that the hotel has been recognised in these awards. The World Luxury Hotel Awards annually recognise exceptional hotels for world-class facilities and service. “The Le Franschhoek team is thrilled to be recognised at the World Luxury Hotel Awards for the second time, especially within the sphere of luxury and service excellence,” says Le Franschhoek Hotel & Spa general manager Eben Lassen. He will travel to Malaysia to collect the accolade.


Whose biltong is best? T

he top three finalists for the 2012 Stellenbosch Hills Biltongmaker of the year Competition have been announced.


Le Franschhoek has also been chosen for New York’s The Daily Meal – “101 Best Hotel Restaurants in the World” list. Le Franschhoek is one of two South African hotels who have made their debut on this outstanding internationally acclaimed list. The newly launched 101 Best Hotel Restaurants list is set to appear annually and pays homage to hotels that have set the benchmark for their industry.

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They are, in alphabetical order: Frik Crafford, from Worcester, Jakes van der Merwe from Middelburg and Schalk van Deventer from Somerset West. “Stellenbosch Hills was the first cellar to combine two proudly South African delights with our Biltong & Wine Adventure to be enjoyed at our cellar door. The art of drying meat nowadays is as specialised as the art of wine making. Our aim was to create a competition where two of South Africa’s most popular products – wine and biltong – could be combined,” says PG Slabbert, Winemaker and Manager at this cellar of this exiting competition. This year’s competition is much bigger than previous years, especially as Freddy Hirsch, South Africa’s foremost spice suppliers to the meat industry, has signed up as sponsor. The Biltong Maker of the Year competition has proven to be a huge success since its inception four years ago. Each year a different Stellenbosch Hills wine is chosen to be the inspiration for entrants. The winner’s biltong must be the best match for the chosen wine. This year the choice of wine is the Stellenbosch Hills Shiraz 2007. The 54 entries were tasted by a panel of 6 judges: PG Slabbert, Stellenbosch Hills cellar master, Philip Kriel, Stellen-

The 2012 judging panel: (front) PG Slabbert, Jenny Morris, Hermann Schultz; (back) Sue Von Hirschberg, Philip Kriel, Ilse Fourie.. PHOTO: SUPPLIED bosch Hills director & recreational biltong maker, Jenny Morris, one of South Africa’s favourite celebrity chefs, Ilse Fourie, popular MasterChef contestant, Sue Von Hirschberg and Hermann Schultz. “We chose to partner in the Stellenbosch Hills annual competition as it combines two of South Africa’s most popular products, biltong and wine, and this competition is ideal for biltong makers to showcase their skills to a broader audience” said Deanne

Nicolau Group Marketing Manager of Freddy Hirsch. The winner will be announced on 19 October at an awards luncheon at 96 Winery Road. The first prize is R15 000 cash as well as R15 000 worth of products from Stellenbosch Hills and Freddy Hirsch, the second prize is R10 000 cash as well as the equivalent in products and the third prize is R5 000 cash and the equivalent in products. The results were audited by SDK Chartered Accountants.

Marco Zichella awards for olive oil The 11th event for honouring the late Marco Zichella, whose passion for olive oil inspired so many South Africans to start producing their own was held on 31 August. Marco’s wife Piera and daughter Benedetta keep his memory alive by hosting this fun-filled competition and awards evening. From all over the country and across the borders, proud owners of Oliomio olive oil extraction equipment, sent their samples to Stellenbosch to be tasted by a specially selected panel of judges, made up of Linda Costa, Reni Prize­winners and judges included (front, from left): Lin­ Hildenbrand, Carlo Costa, Anne- da Costa, Reni Hildenbrand; (middle) Nick Wilkinson Marie Ferreira, Benedetta Lami- (Rio Largo), Craig Rippon (Springvale), Benedetta Lami­ Zichella, Kelly White and Leonard Zichella, Richard and Silvana Atkinson (Waterfall Ri­ Arangies. ver), Henri Chamberlain (Muiskraal), Piera Zichella, Le­ The number of entries has in- onard Arangies, Kelly White; (back) Peter Du Toit (Oak­ creased steadily over the years as hurst), Brendon Mc Hugh ( Buck’s Ridge), Carlo Costa the event is gaining more stature and Rob Kempen (Saailand) PHOTO: SUPPLIED and support. This year 26 entries were received, and this made for a wonderful in each category and special mentions. The producers who received the best accoevening of camaraderie, underpinned by the exciting competitive spirit of each producer lades were: Delicate:1st Springvale (Grahamstown); believing his oil is best! And, as usual, all the guests attending the evening were asked to 2nd Muiskraal (Riversdale); Medium:1st and best in competition: Oakhurst (Tulbagh); taste and vote for the Consumer’s Choice. For the tasting panel, it proved once again 2nd Buck’s Ridge (Tulbagh); Intense:1st Wato be a tight contest, making it extremely dif- terfall River (Franschhoek); 2nd Shalom ficult not to award at least 19 prizes. Being (Swakopmund, Namibia). The Consumer’s choice first prize went to a competition, only one prize was awarded in each of the three categories, namely, deli- Rio Largo (Scherpenheuwel Valley), followed cate, medium and intensely fruity. The prize by Shalom, Oakhurst and Waterfall River. is a beautifully hand-painted ceramic plate Special mention certificates were awarded to (by Papillon Blue), while certificates were La Bourgogne (Franschhoek), Saailand (Eiawarded to the oils obtaining second place landia – Robertson).


Motors Motoring

28 September, 2012


Victory for Toyota in the 2012 Cape dealer rally GEMMELL and Swan take second win of the year and regain championship lead with two rounds remaining. Johnny Gemmell and Carolyn Swan (Castrol Team Toyota Auris) made a sponsor’s dream come true with victory in the Toyota Cape Dealer Rally in the Western Cape this afternoon. It was their second win of the season and in the process they regained the lead in the SA Rally Championship. They now enjoy a five-point advantage with two rounds remaining over Mark Cronjé and Robin Houghton (Ford Fiesta), who finished third, 50 seconds in arrears. Former champions Enzo Kuun and Guy Hodgson (VW Polo) were second, 45 seconds behind the winning Toyota pair. Leading Toyota privateer and multiple Western Cape rally champion Jean-Pierre Damseaux and co-driver Grant Martin

(Team Total Auris) took full advantage of Damseaux’s knowledge of local conditions to finish fifth overall behind the Ford Fiesta of Jon Williams and Cobus Vrey. The two-day rally, held over 13 special stages and some 180 kilometres of forest and gravel roads in the Grabouw and Caledon areas, featured the same head-tohead battle be- tween Gemmell and Cronjé that has characterised most of the previous five rounds and seen them win five FLY. Johnny Gemmell and Carolyn Swan (Castrol Team Toyorallies between them and share ta Auris) made a sponsor’s dream come true with victory in the Toyota Cape Dealer Rally in the Western Cape. the podium on five occasions. Pic: QuickPic Gemmell and Swan, seeking a They opened up their lead over Kuun first championship title, led at the end of Friday’s six special stages by 16 seconds and Hodgson with each stage on Saturfrom Enzo Kuun and Guy Hodgson (VW day, controlling the rally from the front, Polo) and by 54 seconds from Damseaux before slowing their pace on the last of the long gravel stages as victory was assuand Martin.

red. Toyota Motorsport team-mates Giniel de Villiers and Celeste Snyders (Imperial Toyota Auris) finished seventh overall in their third event together. Leeroy Poulter and Elvene Coetzee were officially classified as finishing 19th overall and 15th among the four-wheeldrive S2000 cars in the second Castrol Team Toyota Auris. They were forced to retire on the fifth stage on Friday when a sheared gearbox input shaft prematurely ended their challenge for what was looking like a podium finish. Poulter recorded a number of top-four stage times and won the short, final stage at the Caledon rugby club. The next round of the championship is the Polokwane Rally in Limpopo on October 6 and 7. Follow the fortunes of the Castrol Team Toyota and Imperial Toyota rally teams on Twitter, www.twitter.com/toyotalive.


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Motors Motoring

28 September, 2012

Tyre safety tips: follow these simple steps to ensure safety TYRES are one of the most important and often overlooked components of our cars. Tyres are the only thing that attach our cars to the road, and tyre problems affect your car’s ride comfort, handling and sa-

fety. Here are some simple tire safety tips to help keep you and your car’s occupants safe. Check your tyre pressure regularly. Tyres tend to lose air over time. Buy a digital tyre gauge and check your tyres once a month and before a long trip. Proper inflation pressures can be found in your owner’s manual or on a sticker on the car. Remember to check tyre pressure only after the car has been sitting for several hours in order to ensure that the tyres are cold. The friction of driving heats the tyres and increases pressure, which can hide an under-inflated tyre. Address under-inflated tyres immediately. An under-inflated tyre has more rolling resistance, which increases fuel consumption. It also creates more heat, which can lead to tyre failure. Don’t forget the spare. Getting a flat tyre and discovering that your spare is also flat is a miserable experience. Inspect your spare as you would your other tyres. If you have a compact spare, the inflation pressure will usually be written on the tyre. If your car comes with a compressor and/or flat repair kit in lieu of a spare, check their operation regularly. Check for tread depth. Check tread depth by placing the edge of a penny upside-down into the grooves of the tyre’s

tread. Never buy a single tyre - it’s best to replace two or all four tyres at once, but at the very least they should be bought as axle pairs (both fronts or both rears). Rotating your tyres every 5000 to 10000

TYRES. Here is a chart one can follow to easily determine what is wrong with your tyres.

km will help ensure that all four tyres wear at the same rate. Check for even wear. When you check tread depth, check both the inside and outside edge of the tyres.

Uneven tyre wear is usually a sign that your car is out of alignment. Proper alignment optimises handling and helps prevent premature tyre wear. Look for tyre damage. When you check pressure, inspect the sides of the tyres for nicks, bulges, cracks and cuts. Such damage often cannot be repaired and will require replacement of the tyre. Stay balanced. If your car develops a vibration (a back-and-forth vibration, usually felt through the steering wheel) at a certain speed, it’s possible that one of your tyres has lost its balance weight. Having your tyres re-balanced is a fairly inexpensive job. Buy the right tyre for the job. Most cars come with all-season tyres, the tyre equivalent of a jack-of-all-trades. And most importantly: Never hesitate to replace a worn or damaged tyre. Tyres are not cheap, but they are vital to the safety of you and your car’s occupants. Remember, the tyres are the only thing that connect your car to the road. Advanced safety features such as antilock brakes and electronic stability control can’t do their life-saving jobs without four good tyres. Take care of your tyres because whether you know it or not, you’re counting on them to take care of you.

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Motors Motoring

Eikestadnuus 28 September, 2012




Motors Motoring

28 September, 2012

Hennie Groenewald storms to wet race win at Killarney

HENNIE GROENEWALD headlined the Sasolracing Circuit Team’s weekend with an exceptional drive in tricky, mixed conditions to claim a commanding win in the first race in the Bridgestone Production Car Championship although various factors kept the Subaru WRX STIs from maximising their race pace in the remaining races. Richard Pinard had a troubled weekend in the second WRX STI, finishing the first of the three races. Hennie started the weekend as the 6th fastest driver in a wet session, working his way up to the top of the timesheets in the final session after finding a handling balance that suited his driving style. Richard missed most of the day’s running as he flew in directly from a business trip in Italy. Richard had an exhaust come off during his timed run and had to settle for 10th on the grid. The unpredictable Cape Town weather saw sunshine turn to rain ten minutes before the start of race 1. In a frenetic dash to turn one, Hennie slipped over the kerb, but retained 2nd place.

By lap three, he was hounding race leader Michael Stephen and in an audacious move, dived past the Audi at the tight Cape Town corner, taking the Sasolracing Subaru around the outside of his rival.

and in the typically tight pack, Hennie gave Tschops Sipuka the slightest nudge. Although there was no external damage, a chassis member severed the turbo boost pipe and Hennie was forced to pit.

GRIP. Richard Pinard shows the superior grip levels he achieves in his all-wheel drive Subaru. His team mate Hennie Groenewald won the past weekend’s racing at the Killarney Racetrack.

Over the remaining laps, Hennie built up a solid two second lead. Race two saw a top four grid inversion

Richard had a great fight with Johan Fourie in the opening race until gear selector problems intervened and he circu-

lated to the finish. In race two, he was unable to use second gear and was forced to retire. In race three, starting from the back of the grid as he didn’t set a time in race two which determines race three positions, Hennie was quickly into his stride and passed his first rival at the first corner. As the German marques tripped over each other in the jostling pack, Hennie slipped through into 3rd place at corner two. The water temperature almost immediately rocketed off the gauge and fluctuated alarmingly, so Hennie wisely called it a day to save the engine. Richard started race three in the T-car which hadn’t received the level of preparation as the race cars and started to misfire midway through the race and he too opted to save the engine and pulled out of the race. Carel Pienaar, Team Principal and owner of SP Race Engineering who prepares the Sasolracing Subarus was philosophical. With the championship challenge over for the year, Sasolracing will aim to end the year on a high at the final round on 27 October, provisionally scheduled for Kyalami.


Skole Schools

28 September, 2012


Win with leafy sidewalk Add beauty and curb appeal to the front of your home with a sidewalk garden and you could stand a chance to win a fantastic garden make-over to the value of R75 000 with Builders Express stores. The garden make-over will be presented by Tanya Visser, the editor of The Gardener magazine and the Home Channel show of the same name. There are other great prizes up for grabs too. Sidewalk gardens soften the look and feel of your street, benefiting everybody. An added benefit is that the replacement of concrete with trees and plants allows for the absorption of heat that would otherwise be reflected. These open areas also absorb more rainfall, reducing the strain on drainage and sewer systems. How do you stand a chance

to win? ) Any Builders Express customer with a valid receipt number is eligible to enter their sidewalk garden. ) A board at the entrant’s sidewalk garden will show a unique number, and the community will be given the opportunity to vote for their favorite garden via SMS. ) Simply purchase any product from one of the competition sponsors – Mayford, Ryobi, Hozelock, Turf.AG, Gardena, The Gardener or Die Tuinier magazine – at any Builders Express store. ) Competition entries are available in-store, and via The Gardner or Die Tuinier, PE Express and Om die Huis. SMS voting lines will open on 12 October. Judging will commence on 12 November. The overall winner will be announced on 21 November.

NATUURRESERVAAT BESOEK! Laerskool Rietenbosch se voetslaanklub het SA Nasionale Parkeweek gevier deur Tafelberg Natuurreservaat by Kaappunt te besoek. Hulle het onder meer die ligtoring en die skeepswrak besoek en talle plante en diere in die natuurreservaat gewaar en geniet. Die leerlinge wat die uitstappie meegemaak het, is Udéy Lackay, Dario Lackay, Bronwin Elias, Enriké Jooste, Porcia Ross, Meeka­eel Witbooi en Shakeel Witbooi. Hulle is vergesel deur Uhlan Lackay (opvoeder) en Roleen Otto (Maties tweedejaar onderwysstudent).


BOME GEPLANT: Laerskool Rietenbosch het boomplantdag gevier deur vyf bome, geskenk deur die Stellenbosch­munisipa­ liteit, te plant. Hul parkeerarea was ook vroeër deur die aan­ planting van 30 bome wat deur MTN geskenk was, versier. Cape Garden Centre het ook 10 bome geskenk en daardie bome is langs die rugbyveld geplant. Alles het deel gevorm van Laer­ skool Rietenbosch se Boom­ plant­maand en bewusmaking van die belangrikheid van bo­ me. Hier is Mnr. Uhlan Lackay en sy leerlinge besig om een van die bome te plant.

EIKESTAD PRESTEER IN WISKUNDE OLIMPIADE: Nege leerlinge van Laerskool Eikestad het plekke onder die top 30 behaal met hul deelname aan die Wiskunde Olimpiade van die Stigting vir die Be­ magtiging van Afrikaans. Chrismari de Wet en Renier Hattingh deel ’n tweede plek en Evonne Venter, Nicola Steenkamp en Alita de Villiers deel gesamentlik ’n derde plek. Hier is (van links) Charl du Toit, Tiaan van den Heever, Marais Cloete, Renier Hattingh, Evonne Venter, Alita de Villiers, Nicola Steenkamp, Katerine van der Spuy en Chrismari de Wet. FOTO: VERSKAF


VEILIGHEID EERSTE: Laerskool A.F. Louw beskik uiteindelik weer oor sy eie skolierpatrollie wat voor skool en na skool leerlinge oor die straat help. Hier word die skolierpatrollie deur offisier L. Chat­ burn van die verkeersdepartement opgelei. FOTO: VERSKAF

THEY CAN SPELL! Three Foundation Phase pupils from Rhenish Primary partici­ pated in a spelling competition at Stellen­ bosch Primary. John­Ross (Grade One), Dimpo Makena (Grade Two) and Rachel Caffin (Grade Three) competed against pu­ pils from other schools within circuit one. John­Ross Campbell (left) came second in the Grade One English category and Dim­ po Makena came first in the Grade Two English category. They will now proceed to the next round when all the pupils who were placed first, will compete against pu­ pils from other Western Cape circuits.

CIRCUIT SPELLING COMPETITION: AF Louw Pri­ mary’ Foundation Phase pupils recently took part in the Circuit Spelling Competition. Tiffany Meyer (Grade 1) obtained a first place for Afrikaans, Yusrah Ar­ nolds (Grade 1) a first place in English, Faten Saoud (Grade 2) a third place in English and Taylin Allie (Grade 3) a second place in English. The pupils who came first and second will represent the circuit at the District Spelling Competition scheduled for October. Here are (from left) Yusrah Arnolds, Tiffany Meyer, Faten Saoud and Taylin Allie with their principal Mr Calvyn Solomons. PHOTO: SUPPLIED



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

28 September, 2012

Spesiale dienste

Spertye vir Diensgids is Woensdae 12 vm!

SKOONMATTE Professionele stoomskoonmaak van matte, meubels, motors en matrasse asook droogsuig a.g.v. enige waterskade.

Drain camera inspection

Skakel Koeraai Sel: 082 575 4570 of 021 886 8058 Tevredenheid gewaarborg





* * * * * * * * *

om plaaslik te Adverteer (021 887 2870)

New roofs Re roofing Damp proofing Waterproofing Painting Pergolas Guttering Fascias Ceilings


Accredited Installer


Contact Eben: 083 690 8005

CELL 083 248 9624


Drostdy Restourasie

Voortreflikheid in Selfstoor

Herstel & restoureer van meubels * Algemene houtwerk binne & buite * Verf-en bouprojekte Chris Aucamp

082 855 1881 auca@telkomsa.net

880 0790


It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure his advert is correct on the first day of publication and placed according to his instructions; and that mistakes are corrected before the next edition. The Eikestadnuus does not accept responsibility for more than one faulty placing. No credits will be allowed for insignificant typographical or typing errors which do not affect the value of the advertisement. NB: ALL CANCELLATIONS MUST BE DONE IN WRITING. NO CREDITS WILL BE PASSED WITHOUT WRITTEN PROOF OF CANCELLATION


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

28 September, 2012



www.olx.co.za | www.eikestadnuus.co.za

Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840 PASTEL ACCOUNTING - beginners: 04 & 05 Oct 2012 @ SCA 021 887 7577.


In Memoriam



Diere en Voëls Pets and Livestock 3 HOË GEHALTE Hereford bulle en 7 dragtige koeie teen bekostigbare pryse. Kontak Bevan 082 445 4070.

EETKAMERSTEL, sitkamerstel, TV, TV kas, koffietafels, halfmaantafel, beddens, matrasse, spieëltafel, bedkassies, tafel, stoof, wasmasjien, tuimeldroër, yskas, vrieskas, mikrogolf, werksbank, polleerder, tent. 021 887 1954.




Sterfgevalle Death Notices

DESMOND STEPHANUS. 24 September reeds vyf jaar van ons ontval. Word met liefde onthou deur vrou, kinders & kleinkinders.

QUINTON TROMP (Trompie). 24 Sept was jou 2de jaar weg van ons. Die verlange is nog groot. Ons mis jou baie. Van: Ma, vrou en kinders.


HESTER ARENDS. Oorlede 25.09.2012. Begrafnis: Saterdag 29.09.2012 om 07:30 by huis. 09:00 by VGK Idasvallei.

CHARLES HENRY ADAMS. 28.09.2012 is your first year away from us. When our thoughts go back, we cherish the memories we have of you. You will always be loved and remembered. From your sisters & brother and the extended Adams family.

IKAMVALETHU DANCE Group from Kayamandi is looking for a sponsor as they will be taking part in a competition in Johannesburg. The competition will take place from 23 25 Nov 2012 at the CocaCola Dome. Any assistance will be appreciated. Please contact Thembakazi or Langa Mpotulo on 082 511 3339 or 078 220 6740.


Onderrig/Education iPAD and iPHONE setup and training. SCA 021 887 7577.


Algemeen Miscellaneous BRAAI / KAGGELHOUT, Rooikrantz, Blackwattel, Bloekom, Firestarters, Spider gum, Myrtle braaihout. Gratis aflewering (radius 50km), verpakking ekstra. Kontak 083 493 6894 / 083 718 6978 /021 854 7052 BRAAI- EN KAGGELHOUT. Rooikrans. Skakel 021 903 4302 of 082 658 7845.


CASH PAID FOR used clothes, shoes, linen, etc. I collect. Contact Stanley 071 154 1845. VERHUIS: Goeie toestand enkelbed + matras R450. Wasmasjien R300. Sitk lampe, wasbak + kas R250. Stortpanele + ekstras. 083 630 9455.

Smalls@ eikestadnuus. com

Kamers te Huur Rooms to Let 2 FURNISHED ROOMS to rent in house. Available from 1 Oct & 1 Nov 2012 at R1600 per month. Deposit needed. Contact 083 519 9325. GROOT GLAS TAFEL met glasstaander R800. Ronde dubbelbed met kop-stuk en matras R800. Kontak 071 474 3660.

AKKOMMODASIE op kampus vir 2013 studente vanaf R2950 pm. Water / krag ingesluit en US WiFi. Kontak 021 886 8831.

AGS VAN SA, Somerset-Wes: Kinderkerk: 09:30. Rooha Kleuterskool De Hoop Laerskool, Ou Stellenbosch Weg, Somerset-Wes. NEDERDUITSCH HERVORMDE GEMEENTE: Oggenddiens: 09:00 - Ds. Chris le Roux. Aanddiens om 19:00 - Ds. Chris Le Roux. DIKAIOS CHRISTEN GEMEENTE: 09:30 - Laerskool Eikestad, Doornboschstraat. GEREFORMEERDE KERK (MARAISSTRAAT): Eredienste om 09:30 en 19:00. Predikant: ds. Johan van Heyningen. Meer inligting op webblad, www.gkstellenbosch.co.za. STELLENBOSCH GEMEENTE:Paul Roos Sentrum | Tema: Die klank van aanbidding @ 10:00 en 19:00 Tim Theron | GEEN Kinder- en Tienerkerk (Skoolvakansie) | Navrae: info@sg.org.za STELLENBOSCH NG SENTRAAL - DIE FAMILIE KERK: Erediens om 09:30 - Ds Kobus de Leeuw. Kleuterkerk. Senior en junior kategese. Aanddiens om 19:15. STELLENBOSCH NGK WELGELEGEN: Inligting op www.stelwel.co.za of kontak die kerk op 021 886 5975. LUTHERSE KERK:10h00 Devine Service, Stellenbosch; Pastorin C. Simon NG STELLENBOSCH-NOORD GEMEENTE: Diens om 09:00 - Proponent Magriet de Villiers . Vir meer inligting: sbosch@cect.co.za of 082 859 4946. NG STELLENBOSCH-WES GEMEENTE: Diens om 09:30 – Ds. Jacques Steenkamp. MOEDERGEMEENTE: (Moederkerk): Vir volledige besonderhede van die eredienste gaan na www.moederkerk.co.za. PNIEL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH:Aannemingsdiens om 09:00.Bel 021 885 1300 vir meer inligting. RYNSE VGK: Erediens om 09:00 - IGK. VOLKSKERK VAN AFRIKA: IDASVALLEI - Oggenddies om 10:00. Woensdag Wyksbiduur om 19:30. Bel 073 725 1390 vir meer inligting. AGS IDASVALLEI: Oggenddiens: 10:00 in Brückner de Villiers Primêr Skoolsaal. AGS CLOETESVILLE (Laststraat): Erediens: 10:00; Dinsdae - Gemeente-biduur: 19:30. INVIA GEMEENTE: Diens om 10:00 by In the Vineyard-koffiewinkel op die R44 - Dr. Theo Geyser. 082 878 1525 vir meer inligting. KCI STELLENBOSCH: Diens om 18:00 in die VV-saal by die Neelsie by die Universiteit Stellenbosch - Pastoor. Iban Vermeulen. 081 387 0626, www.kci-st.com en info@kcist.com vir meer inligting. METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTHERN AFRICA:(Trinity): 10:00 - J. Isaacs; (Jamestown): 10:00 - J. Pietersen; (Raithby): 10:00 – Youth Service;(Cloetesville): 10:00 - D. Nefdt; (Vlottenburg): 10:00: M. Pietersen;(Sandvlei): 10:00 - G. Jacobs; (Kayamandi 1): 10:00 -Rev R Jonas CB; (Kayamandi 2): X. Siyo; (Faure): 10:00 - C. de Wet; (Elsenburg): 09:00 - C. Hector; (Jonkershoek): 10:00 - R. Philips; (Lanquedoc): 10:00 - S. Masokanye. STELLENBOSCH VINEYARD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Morning service at 09:30 in Stellenbosch and 10:00 in Vlottenburg. Service every second and fourh Sunday at 18:00. 021 887 8772 for more information. WORLD CHANGERS GEMEENTE: 10:00 - Eikestadsaalbus beskikbaar. Lede in Christus Gemeente: Sondae: Oggenddiens - 09:00, Kinderkerk - 09:00, Aanddiens - 19:00. Dinsdae: Susterbidure: 10:00, Bidure/Selgroepe: 19:00. NEW GENERATION CHURCH: Oude Libertas; Corner of ADAM Tas&Oude Libertas road;Sunday 09:30. Phone 0218525278 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: One Parish; three churches. Masses everyday. Call 021887 5979 for more information CHRISTIAN COVENANT MINISTRIES OF S.A: (Fellowship at Rietenbosch Primary, Bilingual): 09:00 - Special Service (Wednesday): 19:30 - Bible Study and Prayer. Enquiries: Pastor Gary Carolus. STELLENBOSCH UNITED CHURCH: Dienste: 09:30 en 19:00. ST PAUL’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH (CESA): 09:00 Morning Service; 18:30 - Evening Service. Enquiries: Rev. Doug Wannenburgh, 021 887 2669. ST MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH: 07:30 - Said Eucharist. 09:00 - Sung Eucharist. Thursdays - 09:30 - Eucharist. 021 887 6912 for more information. RUA MISSION MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL: 10:00 12:00: Jumepipe, Number 16, Koelenhof area. Service, contact Pastor Jocelyn at 073 1165 489. EVERY NATION STELLENBOSCH (His People): Morning Service- 09:00, Youth Service- 09:00; Evening Service 18:00. All services held at Stellenbosch High School. SHOFAR CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Bloemhof High School: Service at 09:00 and 18:00. 021 887 141 during office hours. For more information visit www.shofaronline.org. STELLENBOSCH BAPTIST CHURCH: Morning Service: 09:30. Evening Service: 19:00. Childrens church: 09:30. 0 021 887 2454. MARANATHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD: 09:00 - Morning service and Children’s Church. 17: 00 - Evening service, Jamestown. REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTRE INT: 09:30 - Oggenddiens; 17:00 - Aanddiens; Maandag - 19:30 - Woordskool; Hoerskool Cloetesville. Gebedstye is elke Sondag om 16:30 tot 18:30 en Maandag, Woensdag en Donderdag om 19:30 tot 21:00 COMMUNITY OF FAITH: 10:00 - Rhynse VGK - Sentrum, Kahlerstraat, Idasvallei. DESTINY CHURCH: 09:30 - Celebration Service and Children’s Church, VV Hall Neelsie. PLACE OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP: 10:00: Morning service. (Wednesday) 19:30: Prayer Meetings. All Services held at Westgate Centre, Idas Valley. GRACELIFE CHURCH: Services at 10:30 and 17:00 both at Rhenish Girls’ High School.For more info please contact us at (021) 882-9881 or email us at info@gracelifeministries.co.za. STELLENBOSCH CHURCH OF CHRIST: Service at 10:00. Prayer meetings on Thursday at 19:30. All services are held at 30 Lakay Street in Tennantville. Call 021 887 6495 or e-mail to stb.coc@gmail.com. JESUS DOMINION INTERNATIONAL: Service tomorrow at 17:00. Sunday service starts at 09:00 - Rev. Tim Omotoso. 082 705 3282 for more information.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

28 September, 2012

FURNISHED bachelor apartments. R3 500 to R4 200 pm. Electricity included + R5 000 dep. Single senior students from Africa. Street parking only. Year contracts only. Contact 083 233 1342. FURNISHED bedroom with bathroom. Water, elec + DStv + gas from R3300 pm. Single room, communal kitchen and lounge. Phone 079 073 8104. gabi@hanliesproperties. com GOEDKOPER SKOON gemeubileerde kamers naby kampus. Alles ingesluit. Kontak 021 887 1710 of 082 455 5971. KAMER TE HUUR: Gemeubileerde en-suite kamer met eie ingang. Deel kombuis met ander huurder. R2 350 per maand. 021 887 2312 of 076 120 6863. KAMERS TE HUUR: Simonswyk. Veilge area. Elek ingsl. Kontrak 1 Des. R 3000 pm. Kontak Nadine 083 461 8253. KAMERS te huur vanaf 1 Des. Vir beginselvaste, Afrikaans sprekend mans. Geen rokers en drinkers. W/E ingesluit. Vanaf R2750 pm. Skakel 021 883 2932. SIMONSWYK: Studente akkommodasie. R2 300 pm + dep. W/E, DStv ings. Beskikbaar 1 Jan 2013. Kontak 083 684 1006. SINGLE ROOM available from 1 October 2012. R1800. Student / young working person. W+E included. Phone Hein on 083 948 1944. SINGLE ROOMS available for December and January only. Students / young working people / holiday makers. R1500 W+E included. Phone Hein on 083 948 1944.

Algemene Dienste General Services UNIBLINDS. Top kwaliteit blindings. Mededingende pryse, vinnige diens. Kontak 071 241 2467. 1STE VIR Elektriese + Loodgieterswerk. Ons is geregistreer by ECA en MBA. Alle werk deur gekwalifiseerde ambagsmanne gedoen + gewaarborg. Spesiale pryse vir sekuriteitskomplekse, fabrieke, gastehuise en wynkelders. Skakel Francois by 021 887 2155. Reeds 30 jaar in Stellenbosch.


Geld/lenings Money/Loans 1 2 10 CASH LOANS. Lenings tot R200 000. Swartlys welkom. Goedkeuring in 5 min. Kontak 021 696 0676.


te Huur/to Hire

SAVE ON ELECTRICITY Up to 25%. Install a geyser timer from only R499 and a geyser blanket from only R350. Contact Mobile Electric on 021 887 2155. 31 Years to your service.


Skoonmaakdienste Cleaning Services

GOLDEN GLOVES cleaning service. We provide excellence in cleaning of homes, student flats. Farm homes, businesses and guest houses. Please phone 082 744 9706. Windows and ironing. QUALITY CARPET Cleaners: Professionele stoomskoonmaak van matte, meubels, motors en matrasse asook enige waterskade. Kontak Koeraai: 082 575 4570.

Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage 1 LOAD small movals @ best rates. Contact 083 714 7368.



Stellenbosch Blindings

BLOMME WINKEL / Geskenke. Prys R396 000. Antomar 021 855 2603. GRASSNY DIENSTE: 208 Kliente. Meer as 400 snye. Netto wins R18 500 pm. Prys 380 000m. Antomar 021 855 2603.

AKKOMMODASIE 2013: Studentehuise 6 en 8 slpk vanaf R17 800. Bachelor en eenman eenhede vanaf R4200. 2 Slpk: De Cingel R8000. 2 Slok: Die Rand R5800. 2 Spk: Boschenpark R7900. 2 Slpk: Zimbabwe R7500. SMS navrae na 072 576 0106.


Huise te Huur Houses to Let BOORD. Naby skole. 3 Slpk, studk, 2 badk, opwask, d/m. Goeie sekuriteit. 1 Okt. 2 Leef areas. R13 500 pm + dep. 083 630 9455.

CARPET AND upholstery cleaning. Contact 083 714 7368.



Besighede te Koop Businesses for Sale

Eiendomme te Huur Property to Let

STELLENBOSCH Springkastele: Glybane en kastele te huur. nadine@cozumel.co.za Nadine: 083 461 8253.




Binnenshuisdienste Home Services Interior



STELLENBOSCH Middedorp, Dorpstraat. Netjiese eenman-woonstel met aparte kombuis. Veilige parkering. Beskikbaar 1 Oktober @ R4700 pm. Kontak 079 437 7995.

KOFFIE WINKEL. Chic! Fantasties. Netto Wins R25 500 pm. Prys R695 000m. Antomar 021 855 2603.



DIE BOORD - Spacious two bedroom apartment with large balcony and safe parking close to all amenities. R6400pm, water included, pre-paid electricity. Available 01.12.2012. Contact 083 640 9329.


Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs APPLIANCE REPAIRS Specialize Speedqueen and Whirlpool repairs. Plus do all other makes of washing machines, fridges, stoves etc. Contact 072 843 2219. COOL CONNECTIONS. Repairs to fridges and freezers. Cold rooms. Airconditioning services. Summer special R150. Repairs done at home. Re-gas - R250. Call Neels 079 573 0605. FRIDGE -0 Refrigeration. Repairs to all fridge & freezers. (24hrs 082 079 8308 HERSTEL by die huis. Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 071 755 3390.

Smalls@ eikestadnuus. com


Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale 1997 CHICO GOLF 1.3. Puik toestand. Geen roes. Nuwe mitchelen bande. R 30 000. 082 414 7734. CARS, BAKKIES, bikes wanted and for sale. Escort 1.6 R29 900. Mercedes C 220 R39 900. Camry R35 500. Mazda 323 R11 500. Corsa 1.4 Lite R36 500. Contact Paul on 072 453 6970. WIT CAROLLA 1997. Namibiese registrasie. Uitstekende toestand. R35 000. Kontak 083 313 4215.

Huise te Koop Houses for Sale HOUSE IN RETIREMENT VILLAGE. Paradyskloof Villas - Stellenbosch. Villa: 178m² with double garage, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Best position in tranquil environment in cul de sac. Price R3 million. Private Sale. Contact Rina Wasserman on 013 751 3475.


Woonstelle te Huur Flats to Let 100M FLAT off Dorp Street, two bedroom in security block, balcony overlooking the mountains. Available from 1 November 2012 . Contact 021 887 2078 / 072 736 0740. 2 BEDROOM North facing, spacious flat. Central. Parking bay and garage available, security. DStv & internet. Avail 1 December. R6 400pm. Contact 084 669 9584. 2 SLPK WOONSTEL beskikbaar 1 Des 2012 in Stellenbosch 101. Huurgeld: R6 000 pm. Skakel 082 733 4556.

LA PASTORAAL. 3 Slaapkamer huis te huur. Gemeubileerd, swembad, lugreëling. R14 000 per maand. SMS 076 087 1952.

AFHAAL VAN BOME vervoer van meubels, tuin, bourommel en garage skoonmaak. Skakel 082 768 1921 / 083 520 4231 /021 887 1525. AFSNY VAN BOME. Vervoer van meubels, tuin- & bourommel. Skakel Jurie 072 300 2315.



APARTMENT / HUIS. Paradyskloof: Ruim 2 slpk eenheid. Privaat. R6 000 pm, krag ingesluit. Skakel 076 262 7282. BANGHOEK: Bachelors. Yskas, stoof, ketel, wasmasjien, mikrogolf, blindings en parkering ingesluit. Balkon met ingeboude braai. Beskikbaar 01.12.2012. R4950. Vir navrae 071 860 8070. BOSCHENPARK - 1 Dec. 2 Bed, 2 parkings - R7800. Bosman's Crossing - 1 Jan. 2 Bed - R6900. Jamestown - 1 Dec. 3 Bed house R6500. Simonsrust - 1 Dec. 2 Bed (furnished) R10 000. 34 On Merriman - 1 Dec. Room in 2 bed flat R3500. Contact LP PROP 082 788 6181.

STELLENBOSCH: Gerieflike gesinshuis. Vanaf Desember 2012. By Universiteit en skole. Geen studente. Skakel 082 806 3759. WELGEVONDEN: 3 Slaapkamer meenthuise beskikbaar vanaf of Des of Jan. Skakel Anita, Rooms 4 Africa. 082 853 4135.

DIT BETAAL om plaaslik te Adverteer (021 887 2870)

CAPE GATE/DE BRON Kamer in 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer - gemeubileerde duplekswoonstel. Manspersoon, 23 - 30 jaar. R2 100 p.m. vanaf 1 Nov. Skakel 071 523 0596. CLUVERSTRAAT: Enkel eenhede. Gemeubileerd, skoonmaak, wasgoed en 24 uur sekuriteit ingesluit. Beskikbaar 01.12.12 vir navrae. 071 860 8070. DIE BOORD. 3 Slpk, 2 badk, toesluit garage, parkeerplek en stoor. Toegangsbeheer. Stoep met tuin toegang. Stoof opsie. Netjies. Nie studente. Geen troeteldiere. R6700. 021 886 4952. DIE BOORD - Large bachelor flat, semifurnished, stove, fridge, washing machine. Private entrance with off street parking. R3800 pm, water included, pre-paid electricity. Available 01.12.2012. Contact 083 640 9329. DIE BOORD - Secure one bedroom apartment, private entrance with off street parking. R4200 pm, water & electricity included. Available 01.12.2012. Contact 083 640 9329.

UPMARKET LOFT apartment to rent in Bosman's Crossing. One bedroom, two bathrooms and open plan kitchen and lounge with fire place. R6 700 per month including water, waste removal and secure underground parking. Please contact 082 226 1483 or 082 515 3424. LA REZ: Two spacious bedrooms, lounge/kitchen area. Secure parking. Complex includes gym, laundry and excellent security. Close to Stellenbosch Campus. R4600 pm. Contact: 076 214 0585 / 083 701 2017. ONE BEDROOM garden flat (small) on farm Polkadraai Road, 9km from Stellenbosch. Availble 1 October 2012. Rent: R4000 excluding electricity. Contact 082 377 2068. PLUMBAGO: 3 & 4 slaapkamer eenhede. Gemeubileerd. Wasgoed en skoonmaakdiens ingesluit. 24 uur sekuriteit. Parkering beskikbaar. R3200 pp. Vir navrae: 071 860 8070. ROOMS FOR AFRICA. De Oude Schuur: 2 slpk, 1 badk, kombuis, woonvertrek, kaggel, tuin, ten volle gemeubileerd, veilige parkering. Tuindienste ings. Beskikbaar van Jan. R5 600 pm. AMATONI: 2 slpk en 'n loft. Woonvertrek en kombuis. 1 Onderdak parkering. Beskikbaar vanaf Des. R6 800 pm. DERMONT: 1 Slpk, kombuis, woonvertrek, badk. Ten volle gemeubileerd. Veilge parkering. Beskikbaar vanaf Nov. R4 200 pm. PRINSPARK: 2 Slpk, kombuis, woonvertrek. Veilige parkering. Beskikbaar vanaf Des. R4 450 pm. LA BELLE VIE: Klein Welgevonden. 2 Slpk, 1 badk, woonvertrek, kombuis, balkon. Veilige parkering. Beskikbaar vanaf Des. R6 000 pm. UNIELAAN 19: Bachelor met badk en kitchenette. Parkering. W/E ings. Beskikbaar vanaf Des. R3 600 pm enr groter een vir R3800. CHRISTELLAHOF: Bachelor, ruim, midkampus. Kombuis, badk, motorhuis. Beskikbaar vanaf Des. R5 500 pm. THE MERRIMAN: Bachelor luuks, op kampus. Kombuis met stoof/oond en wasmasjien. Balkon, houtblindings. Ondergrond parkering. Beskikbaar vanaf Jan. R5200 pm. Skakel Anita by 082 853 4135.


Woonstelle te Koop Flats for Sale STRAND. Ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel (50m van see) met sekuriteits parkering, baie netjies. R650 000. Kontak 082 292 1420.


Verblyf Gesoek Accommodation Wanted OUERS van 15 jarige Bloemhof dogter soek dringend verblyf vir 2013 by standvastige, godsdienstige en verantwoordelike ouers was haar kan akkomodeer asof dit hulle eie dogter is. Die verblyf sal alleenlik vanaf Maandae tot Vrydae oggende wees. Sy is 'n sprankelende, spontane en lewenslustige boeredogter. Ons verkies 'n ouerpaar wat redelik naby aan Bloemhof Meisieskool woonagtig is. Haar buitemuurse aktiwiteite is hokkie, swem, drama, kuns en debat. Skakel gerus 083 955 4937.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

28 September, 2012



Algemeen General Vacancies


DRIVER AND CLIENT Services Representative. Code 10. Valid PDP. Grade 12. Own transport. References. Fax CV to 086 693 6985.


Kantore te Huur/ Verkoop Offices to Let/ for Sale


OFFICE SPACE on Dorp Street. R3 800 p/m. Contact 021 887 2078 / 072 736 0740.

To Let PRIME OFFICE SPACE Techno Park Upmarket unit available in prime office location. 2 (200 m ). Unit has 7 dedicated parking bays (4 in basement). Ample informal parking. Phone 082 8323310



Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted 30 YEAR OLD Zim lady seeks job as nanny or cleaner. Have experience. Available immediately. Call 079 901 9404. 40 YEAR OLD seeks job as domestic worker / chars / sleep in. For reference call Elsabe on 082 568 3163. ADSON, a Malawian man is looking for gardening work or any handyman job. Honest, reliable & hardworking. Contact 078 198 7201. AN EXPERIENCED housekeeper is looking for a job in Guesthouses. Ref available. Please contact 078 372 1948. EUGINIA is looking for 2 or 3 days per week char work. Contact 078 231 4066. Reference: Sonia 082 412 6172. HARDWORKING, strong Zimbabwean man, seeks permanent general work. Available immediately. Please contact Taffy 073 199 9975.

GESOEK: Betroubare persoon om Gastehuis op te pas vanaf 6 - 18 Okt. Vorige ondervinding noodsaaklik. Kontak Johan 072 912 1464. IF YOU ARE energetic friendly and passionate about the Hospitality Industry we may have just the position for you at our hotel in Stellenbosch. We currently have the following positions available: Waiters and Bartenders, Chef de Partie and Night Chef de Partie. You will be required to work shifts, and fluency in both English and Afrikaans will be advantageous. Experience in a similar position will be beneficial. Should you be interested please forward your CV and cover letter detailing your abilities and the position you are applying for to hr@phstellenbosch.com or alternatively fax 086 535 4247. Closing date for applications: Tuesday 02 October 2012. If you have not heard from us by Friday 05 October 2012, please consider your application unsuccessful. MEDIESE ONTVANGSDAME vir halfdag pos. Rekenaar geletterd. Ondervinding in ontvangs. Epos CV na lesbet3@hotmail.com. Kontak dringend Elizabeth / Dariol by 021 886 8272. OPSOEK NA haarkapster met ondervinding vir salon. Kontak 082 352 5436. PAINTING Subcontractor wanted. Must have reliable bakkie, contactable reference and reside in Stellenbosch area. Contact 082 457 0980. SKOONHEIDSTERAPEUT Kleinmond. Skoonheidsalon in Kleinmond beskik tans oor 'n vakature vir 'n gekwalifseerde skoonheidsterapeut met minimum 3 jaar ondervinding. Passie vir skoonheidsorg. Ondervinding in Environ & TheraVine sal voordelig wees. Salaris R4000 basies plus kommissie. Stuur 2 bladsy CV na suzdeswardt@gmail.com

HONEST LADY from Zim seeks full / part-time housecleaner or childminder work. Have ref & exp. 083 673 9264. I AM LOOKING for work. Chars / sleep-in or everyday work. I have good references. Contact 078 150 4694. MALAWIAN MAN seeks gardening / housekeeping/ painting or any domestic work. Contact Bright on 073 299 8367. PLAXEDES, 28 year old seeks housekeeping or cleaning job. Stay in or chars. 073 503 9603. WE ARE SISTERS looking for nanny / babysitting jobs. Hardworking with ref. Contact 071 071 0890.

TEACH IN Thailand. Relocation cost apply. linda@teachnet.co.za

Smalls@ eikestadnuus. com

Skakel Mericia by 021 887 2840 om te adverteer.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

28 September, 2012

vacancy bulletin eXciting oPPortunities for Persons Who Want to maKe a Difference





Farm Aid Technology, Research and Development Services, Institute for Animal Production, Elsenburg Remuneration: R 63 798 per annum (Level 2) Reference number: AGR 43/2012/EN Enquiries: Mr JA Botha: (021) 808 5237 or 083 641 5160 Requirements: • Basic literacy and numeracy (ABET level 3 – Grade 12); • A minimum of 1 year relevant experience; • A valid driver’s licence. Key performance areas: • Render technical assistance in animal production research projects; • Weigh daily feed allowances of research animals; • Collect feed samples to determine feed intake of research animals; • Record live weights and feed intake of research animals; • Monitor health of research animals and treat as required; • Cleaning stalls of research animals; • Render help in general farm tasks as well as in milking parlour tasks. Competencies: • Knowledge of key performance areas; • Must be able to communicate freely and easily with colleagues and clients alike; • Must be observant and meticulous; • Proven skills in dairy cattle care, dairy calf rearing and feeding as well as handling of dairy cattle. Applications are to be submitted on fully completed Z83 forms obtainable from any government department or www.westerncape.gov.za/eng/jobs/ clearly indicating the position being applied for and reference number. Applications must include a current CV (5 pages maximum) together with copies of ID, Academic qualifications and proof of other requirements as indicated in the advertisement. The candidature of applicants will be considered on the information as supplied in the submitted application documentation. Applicants who are considered for the interview and further selection processes may be required to submit documentation supporting such information with due regard to conditions that may be set. Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview and/or competency assessments/proficiency tests on a date and time as determined by the department. Forward your application to Judy Johnstone, Ayanda Mbanga Response Management, PO Box 833, Green Point 8051 or place in the Ayanda Mbanga Response Management Job Application box located at Ground floor, 1 and 4 Dorp Street, Cape Town. Applications not submitted via Ayanda Mbanga or applications not received on or before the closing date as well as faxed or e-mailed applications will not be considered. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful.


The WCG is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.

Closing Date 5 October 2012 Human Communications C95593

SERvicE bENEFiTS: 13th cheque, employer’s contribution to the pension fund, housing and medical aid allowance. REquiREMENTS: MiNiMuM EDucATiONAL quALiFicATiON: Health professionals in possession of a health related qualification registrable with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) or South African Nursing Council (SANC). ExPERiENcE: Appropriate experience in liaison with Medical Aid (funders) and managed care organisations with regards to MHC policies, protocols, optimal fund utilisation and updated clinical information. cOMPETENciES (kNOWLEDgE/SkiLLS): • Knowledge of the Uniform Patient Fees Schedule, Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998 (e.g. section on Prescribed Minimum Benefits – PMB’s) • Knowledge of ICD 10 Codes and Prescribed Minimum Benefits • Ability to work with Excel spreadsheets, MS Word and web-based programs (medical aids) • Good interpersonal skills and the ability to act independently, under pressure, objectively, with confidence and handle a high work volume and meet strict deadlines • Knowledge of Clinicom • Ability to communicate effectively in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • Supervisory experience. DuTiES (kEy RESuLT AREAS/OuTPuTS): • Assist with the management and implementation of Case Management policies, protocol and procedures in the hospital • Liaise with Medical Schemes with regard to Case Management policies, protocols, optimal fund utilisation and updated clinical information • Assist with clinical audits of patient accounts • Control the correctness of discharged notes and ensure that accounts reflect the following: ICD 10 coding, authorisation numbers and all services and procedures • Assist Hospital Fees with the identification of Prescribed Minimum Benefits • Provide quotations for medical procedures • Assist with the compilation of statistical reports for distribution to management and relevant departments. NOTE: This position is not linked to any of the Occupational Specific Dispensations. ENquiRiES: Mr B Abrahamse: 021 808-6112 Please submit your aPPlication for the attention of ms J salie to the District Director: caPe WinelanDs District office, Private bag X3079, Worcester 6849. iNSTRucTiONS TO APPLicANTS: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or www.capegateway.gov.za) must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. Applications without the afore-mentioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to shortlisted candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of Public Service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are shortlisted and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.

P O S i T i v E A b O u T P E O P L E W i T H D i SA b i L i T i E S

The Western Cape Government is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard would be appreciated.

closing Date 12 October 2012 Human Communications C95621E


Sport Sport

28 September, 2012

PRG hockey plan annual golf day The Paul Roos Gymnasium Hockey Committee has started a new fund-raising initiative for 2012 in the form of an annual golf day. The golf day is planned for Tuesday 9 October at the Bellville Golf Course. The aim is to raise funds to assist the school to con-



tinue nurturing hockey players with talent, elevate already high standards and to ultimately broaden hockey development at PRG. For further enquires please contact Cyril Camara on 082 291 5521 or linostrading@mweb.co.za

Matie skole swemprogram by Rhenish Hierdie swemprogram sal slegs in die eerste kwartaal van 2013 aangebied word. Inligting is op die webblad www.maties.ac.za/swimming beskikbaar. Inskrywings hiervoor kan van Maandag 22 Oktober tot Vrydag 26 Oktober gedoen word. Inskrywings moet persoonlik by die Matie-

swemklub, in die Sportwetenskap-gebou gedoen word van 09:00 tot 12:00 en van 14:00 tot 16:00. Volg die aanwysings vanaf die hoofingang van die Sportwetenskap-gebou. Alle inligting en vorms is beskikbaar op die webblad www.maties.ac.za/swimming.

Participants in the VriendsCUP event at Stellenbosch High School.

Sport/s galore! EUNICE VISAGIE The Eerste river K1 canoe race was held in exciting conditions on Monday, Heritage Day. For the second year running, Maties’ Owen Gander won the race in very fast flowing water. His winning time for the 14 km from the Hangbrug to Spier was 39 minutes and 40 seconds. He was followed closely by former Matie Heinrich Schloms in 39,56 and Louw van Riet (also Maties) in 40,39. Schloms said afterwards that it was one of most amazing races he has every done. Maties’ Tamika Haw (48.32) won the ladies’ race in convincing fashion. Nikki Mocke (51.57) and Debbi Grotepas (1:12.46) finished second and third respectively. ) About 400 athletes ran the Jonkershoek half marathon in perfect conditions on Saturday. Lindikhaya Mthanyaya (1:11.08) and Bubelwa Simae (1:28.17) won the men’s and women’s race respectively. In overcast conditions with scattered rain

STELLENZICHT-UITBLINKER: Elton Booysen van Stellenzicht Sekondêr het die Boland­ span by die Wes­Kaapse Landloop­byeen­ koms verteenwoordig. Hier is Booysen by sy skoolhoof, Lester Allies. FOTO: VERSKAF


and on a flat course, fast times were at the order of the day. Mthangaya was joined on the winner’s podium by Mthandazo Qhina (1:11.15) and Sinethemba Mdzanga (1:13.36). Ronel Nattrass (1:29.12) and Belinda Noades (1:29.40) were second and third respectively. ) In the tube race Simonsberg and Minerva took the Inter-Koshuis men’s and ladies’ honours respectively. ) Some 300 pupils from all over Stellenbosch participated in this year’s VriendsCUP, an integrated school sporting event initiated by Eikestadnuus in 2010. This year it was held at Stellenbosch High School and activities included touch rugby, soccer, tug of war and indigenous games. “The VriendsCUP 2012 achieved its goal to bring pupils from different areas of Stellenbosch to play together and share their skills with one another. All the participants received a Gold Medal and the school with the most participants, Cloetesville High, received a trophy,” said Jose Cabral, event coordinator.

STELLIES TENNIS-DUO: Rossouw Norval en Minette van Vreden, Laer­ skool Stellenbosch se voorste tennisspe­ lers het onlangs die KFC­tennistoernooi in Kuilsrivier gewen. Dit was ’n ge­ mengde dubbelspel­toernooi waarin 16 skole uit die Wes­Kaap deelgeneem het. Rossouw en Minette het nie een pot in die toernooi afgestaan nie.

Here are Oom Ben (Maties Athletics club), Johann Mur­ ray (chairperson of the Heritage Com­ mittee), Loré Fullard (Moore Stephens Stellenbosch) and Mohamed Aly (Maties Athletics club) at the start of the Jonkershoek half marathon.

Much fun was had with the tube race on the Eerste River.


Gholfloting vir môre aangebied deur

TREKKING VIR SATERDAG: Eerste bof – 07:45: E. McCarty, C. Grundling, J. Fenwick, C.P. Gerber; 07:53: P. Hill, A. de Wett, R. Hurndall, C. Reid; 08:01: A. Germishuis, M. Kruger; 08:09: P. Swart, A. Hodgkinson, J. du Toit, J. Janse van Vuuren; 08:17: J. van Aswegen, K. Botha, J. Hanekom, J. Burger; 08:25: G. Jonas, P. de Villiers, D. Barnard, J.C. Engelbrecht; 08:33: E. Archer, R. Buys, K. Jordaan, V. Nienamber; 08:41: S. Loubser, H. Terblanche, Retief, E.J. Langner; 11:30: B. Cooper, K. Smith, K. Geiger, H. Ludwigs; 11:38: B. Liebenberg, C.P. Gerber, C. Snyman, P. van Blerk; 11:46: C. Wagner, B. Muller, T. Gordon, N. Petersen; 11:54: P. Kruger, N. Lamprecht, M. Cloete, V. Adonis; 12:02: B. Bergstedt, G. Schultz, A. Jacobs, G. Hendricks; 12:10: H. van Niekerk, A. Robertson, N. Erasmus, P. Malherbe; 12:34: C. Nel, F. Kieks, H. Heunis, M. Botha; 13:14: A. Crafford, H. Koegelenberg, J. Crafford, F. Greeff. Tiende bof –

07:45: S. de Kock, P. Masson, S. van Eck, P. le Grange; 07:53: L.P. du Toit, H. Steyn, A. Palmer, C. van den Heever; 08:01: J. Brink, D. Brink, M. Fourie, J. du Toit; 08:09: K. Klopper, J. Bester, D. Roos, R. Edwards; 08:17: J.M. du Toit, S. Blommaert, G. Booysen, J. Spies; 08:25: J. Wedgwood, K. du Toit, P. Gerber, R. Gerber; 08:33: S. Burger, J. Sheppard, P. Leafwright, F. Smith; 08:41: P. Oelofse, L. Maingard, C. Derksen, C. Roux; 11:30: P. Coetzee, R. Votteler, D. le Roux, L. Muller; 11:38: A. Tromp, Tromp, Tromp, Wagner; 11:46: P. van Breda, J.P. Theron, T. van Robbroeck; 11:54: F. de Vries, M. de Vries, Venter, Viljoen; 12:02: K. Solomons; 12:10: J.H. Swiegers; 12:26: A. Kotze, C. Potgieter, J. Stander, J. Naude; 12:34: C. Meyer, J. Thirion, N. Laubscher, C. Stander; 12:42: J. Kotze, A. Velisariou, L. de Jager, A. Kruger; 12:50 – 12:58: S.West Group; 13:14: J.M. de Villiers, P.D. de Villiers, E. Hertzog, E.E. Hertzog.


Probleme vir Pniel? Nadat ’n rugbywedstryd in Pniel die afgelope Saterdag vir die tweede keer vroeg beëindig moes word weens oproerige ondersteuners, is die Pniel Villagers-rugbyklub op hete kole oor wat die toekoms vir hulle inhou. Pniel Villagers speel tans in Superliga B van die Westelike Provinsie se klubrugbyreeks. Hulle staar reeds relegasie in die gesig, maar nou is daar selfs onsekerheid of die klub volgende jaar sal kan speel in die WP se reeks. Verlede Saterdag is die wedstryd tussen Pniel Villagers en Brackenfell vroeg beëindig omdat die grensregters onveilig gevoel het weens die skare se gedrag en die skeidsregter gevra het om die eindfluitjie vroeër te blaas. Dudley Lackay van Pniel Villagers het gesê dit is moeilik om nou amptelike kommentaar te lewer. “Omdat die voorval nog ondersoek moet word, wil ek my nie verder uitlaat alvorens die ondersoek afgehandel is nie.” Die WP se Herman Abrahams, verantwoordelik vir klub-aangeleenthede, het ook gesê hy wil hom nie nou al oor die voorval uitlaat nie. Ofskoon niemand amptelik wou praat oor die moontlike implikasies vir Pniel Villagers nie, word geweld teen skeidsregters in ’n baie ernstige lig gesien. Daar is selfs sprake van tydelike skorsing. Al was die spelers of beamptes van die klub nie self by die voorval betrokke nie, is dit wel hulle wat sal boet vir die optrede van hul ondersteuners.


Veelsydige Stellie ’n ware ster EUNICE VISAGIE Adriaan Basson van Laerskool Eikestad is Let’s Play en Eikestadnuus se sportster vir September. Dié veelsydige sportman is ook onderhoofseun van die skool en ’n musikant wat hom uitleef op die klavier of met die saksofoon. Adriaan het vanjaar sy provinsiale kleure in hokkie en atletiek verwerf. Hy speel ook vir die skool eerste span rugby en tweede span tennis. Ofskoon hy veelsydige is en al sy sporte geniet, is dit hokkie wat hom naaste aan die hart lê. “Hokkie is my gunstelingsport en dit is my droom om eendag vir die Suid-Afrikaanse manshokkiespan te speel. Ek het verlede jaar eers hokkie begin speel, maar ek geniet dit baie. Atletiek is ook lekker.” Dit is egter nie net op die sportveld waar Adriaan uitblink nie, hy vaar ook baie goed

in sy musiekeksamens. “Ek geniet die jazz-klanke van die saksofoon,” het Adriaan oor sy belangstelling in dié instrument gesê. Met die verskeie sporte en musiek om hom besig te hou, het Adriaan nie juis tyd om baie ander dinge te doen nie. As hy egter die kansie kry geniet hy dit om rustig voor die rekenaar te sit. ) Die plaaslike radiostasie MFM 92.6 gaan Saterdag om 14:30 ’n onderhoud met Adriaan uitsaai.


Robyn surprises herself at World Champs EUNICE VISAGIE

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Adriaan Basson

Robyn Kime


Nobody was more surprised when she won a silver medal at the weekend’s World Marathon Championships on the Tiber River in Rome than Matie student and rower, Robyn Kime, herself. It was the first time ever Kime had participated in an international event, let alone a world championships. “I really didn’t expect the medal because in general I didn’t know what to expect from the race itself.” Starting in the outside lane – as she was not seeded – Kime systematically shook off her more

fancied opponents until she was left in a two-boat sprint with the defending u.23 champion, Eva Barrios of Spain. “When there were only three of us left, I knew I could win a medal as long as I didn’t mess it up!” A mere second separated Barrois (1:42:17 ) and Kime (1:42.18). Belgium’s Lize Broekx (1:42.27) was third. The silver medal is the highlight of Kime’s career thus far. Just two weeks ago she won the SA K2 River Marathon title at the Breede River Canoe Marathon with Eloise van Geysen. She is also a mulitple winner of the Berg River Canoe Marathon.

PRG LAAT WIELE ROL: Die berg­ fietsryspan van Paul Roos Gimnasium is die afgelope naweek vir die twee­ de agtereenvolgende jaar as nasio­ nale kampioen gekroon toe hulle die 2012 Spur School Mountainbike Lea­ gue­eindronde in Magaliesburg ge­ wen het. Dié Stellenbosse skool het ook die Wes­Kaapse reeks vroeër ge­ wen. PRG se Jannes Buijs was eerste oor die wenstreep in die wedren vir seuns (17–18 jaar). Sy spanmaats Matthew Lombardi en Stephan Sene­ kal was onderskeidelik tweede en derde in die wedren vir seuns (15–16). Wat die algehele stand be­ tref het PRG 116 punte versamel, ge­ volg deur Hoërskool Montana van Worcester (96) en Hartebeespoort (83). Hier is die wenspan saam met die organiseerder Meurant Botha (middel agter) en Andrew Cronjé van Spur (heel regs). FOTO: VERSKAF

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