Kylemore Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
BINNE • INSIDE NUUS Hartseer vir Piet Grobler bl. 7
SPORT S’Bossers reg vir Spele bl. 68
NUUS Erfenis eretoeken nings bl. 3
SPORT Alcardo praat oor dáái doel bl. 67
Jaargang 62 | Tel 021 887 2840
R5,00 (BTW ingesluit)
Tragiese Maandag ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN TWEE tragedies het hulle Maandagoggend kort opmekaar in Cloetesville afgespeel. Om 08:10 het gewapende rowers toegeslaan op die plaaslike USave en ’n inwoner is ernstig beseer toe hy met ’n geweer oor die voorkop geslaan is. ’n Tweede tragedie het kort voor 11:00 gebeur toe ’n jong manlike model deur ’n trein digby Smartie Town getref is toe hy ’n hond probeer red het. Volgens sers. Zenobia Sedeman, die polisiewoordvoerder, het die gewapende rowers Maandag toegeslaan by die USave in Langstraat. “Vyf onbekende swart mans het die winkel betree. Twee was met vuurwapens gewapen. Die twee gewapende mans het na die kantoor gegaan waar die kluis gehou word en twee bestuurders daar aangetref en hulle beveel om die kluis oop te maak. Hulle het ’n groot bedrag kontant gesteel en die bestuurders in die kantoor toegesluit. “’n Klant wat tydens die voorval in die winkel was, is ernstig beseer toe hy met ’n vuurwapen teen die voorkop geslaan is en is na Stellenbosch-hospitaal vir hulp.” Die mans is steeds op vrye voet. Enigiemand met inligting kan die ondersoekbeampte AO Charlton Pietersen bel by 021 809 5062. Kort ná die rooftog is ’n 21-jarige model van Kaapstad noodlottig deur ’n trein getref toe hy ’n hond van ’n aankomende trein wou red. Volgens sers. Sedeman het die 21-jarige man en ’n vriendin gaan stap. Die vriende by wie hulle gekuier het se honde het hulle agternagesit. Digby Smartie Town het een van die honde doodstil op die treinspoor gaan staan. “Die jong man het probeer om die hond van die spoor te red,” het ’n ooggetuie vertel. “Maar hy moes hom misgis het met die spoed van die trein en hy en die hond is noodlottig getref.
Die polisie ondersoek die toneel waar die gewapende roof plaasgevind het. Foto: Elbé van Heerden
“Die jong man is sowat 500 meter meegesleur. Die hond se lyk is ook daar naby gevind. Albei was dood.” Metrorail se woordvoerder, Mthuthuzeli Swartz, het die voorval as tragies beskryf. “Ons diepste meegevoel gaan uit na die slagoffer se familie met die skielike sterfte. “’n Trein wat teen ’n redelike stadige spoed be- ’n Jong manlike model het Maandag onder ’n trein beland. Foto: Elbé van Heerden weeg, het tot 500 meter nodig om tot stilstand te kom in geval van nood en die treinbestuurder is en die bestuurder is met siekverlof gestuur. magteloos om dit te verhoed.” Traumaberading word voorgestel en hy sal Sulke voorvalle is ook uiters traumaties eers na die werk terugkeer wanneer hy deur vir die treinbestuurders. “’n Aflosbestuur- ’n dokter as bevoeg verklaar word.” der is dadelik gevra om die trein oor te neem Die spoor is weer om 13:07 heropen.
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Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
THINGS TO DO Dinge om te doen MÔRE SE WEER
18 °C
DIE NAWEEK: Daar word geen reën vir die naweek voorspel nie en die son sal meeste van die tyd lekker skyn. Die temperature sal egter nie juis baie styg nie, met die kwik wat nie eens 20 °C gaan haal nie.
Groot lug skou: DieRadiobe
heerde Modelvliegklub, Boland Model Aircraft Club (Bomac), bied Sa terdag 28 Julie ’n groot radiobeheerde lugskou by die Stellenboschlug hawe aan. Almal is wel kom om dit by te woon. Die lugskou sal van 10:00 tot 16:00 duur en toegang is net R20 per persoon. Vir meer inlig ting besoek www.bo mac.co.za of bel Nic van Rensburg (voorsitter) by 082 700 1856.
Safe House se nuwe logo DIE Safe House L’Abrie de Dieu gaan met die hulp van Eikestadnuus sy nuwe logo aan die publiek bekend stel. Vir die volgende twee weke verskyn daar elke Vrydag ’n legkaartstukkie wat lesers in dié legkaart moet plak om ’n kans te staan om een van twee heerlike pryse te wen. Die pryse op die spel is ’n boks wyn van Ashton-wynkelders en ’n koopbewys ter waar-
de van R100 van Jade Jewellery and Design Exclusives en ’n bottel wyn van Asara. Die voltooide legkaart moet nie later nie as Woensdag 8 Augustus na Eikestadnuus se kantoor in Alexanderstraat 44 gebring word. Die legkaart moet in ’n koevert met al jou kontakbesonderhede wees. Die wenner sal in die Eikestadnuus van 10 Augustus bekend gemaak word. Navrae: 0 021 887 2840.
Stormers vs Sharks THE Stormers – with Maties such as Gio Aplon, Juan de Jongh, captain Jean de Villiers and youngster Steven Kitshoff in the team – will take on the Sharks at Newlands for a place in the final of the fiercely con-
tested Super Rugby tournament. The action starts at 16:00 with the live build-up to the kick-off, which is at 17:00. The build-up and match are to be broadcast on SuperSport HD and SuperSport 1.
27 Julie ) Jessie Keet Pre-primêr disko. 21:00, Club Boulevard. R30. 0 021 887 2061. ) Boutique Beer Festival at the Woodmill in Vredenburg Road. R30. 0 083 755 2877. 28 Julie ) Boland Model Aircraft Club Radiobeheerde Lugskou. 10:00 tot 16:00, Stellenbosch-vliegveld. R20. ) My Bookshop: Prof. Willie Esterhuyse stel Eindstryd, bekend. 10:30. 0 021 887 2997 of 2 stellenbosch@mybookshop.co.za. Winterfest. ) Lutherse 11:00, Paul Roos-sentrum. Tradisionele Duitse gebak. Super Rugby op groot skerm. ) Boland Bonsai Kai ontmoet by US Botaniese Tuin. Bespreking oor probleembome. 09:00. 0 082 715 0856. ) Big-screen rugby at Middelvlei. R160, includes a glass
DORPSKALENDER TOWN CALENDER of wine, biltong, potbrood, steak and chips and coffee and koeksisters. 0 021 883 2565. ) Brakke en Boerewors event: 09:00-14:00 at Animal Welfare, Devon Valley. Bring your pet, donate R20 and walk a dog from Animal Welfare for free. Enquiries: Estelle at 071 596 3120. 29 July ) Blaauwklippen Antique Fair. 10:00 to 15:30, Main House. Barbara Collins: 0 083 444 0133. 30 Julie ) Kalie Kirsten vertel oor sy reis na Siberië in Rusland. 18:30, Die Khaya, Kruiskerk. R100, wyn en Russiese gereg ingesluit. Helette: 0 072 547 9464. )Studietrust: Wes-Kaapse algemene ope jaarvergadering. 17:30 vir 18:00 tot 20:00, Hofmeyr-
Teken in en wen Alluviabederf AS jy tydens die maand Julie inteken op die Eikestadnuus, staan jy die kans om een nag se verblyf in ’n luukse suite vir twee persone
in die gastehuis op die Alluviawynlandgoed te wen. Dit sluit ontbyt in. Daar is ook ’n private wynproe
saal. RSVP: 2 annemariespies@googlemail.com. 31 Julie ) Vierde openbare STIAS lesing vir 2012. Prof. J. Wentzel van Huyssteen oor: The Evolution of Religion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Emergence of Self. 13:00, Con de Villiers saal, JC Smuts gebou. 0 021 808 2581. ) Stellenbosch Studie- en Besprekingsgroep oor Godsdiens en die Wetenskappe lesing: Hoe Spreek ons die Moraliteitskrisis in Suid-Afrika Aan? met dr. Chris Jones. 17:00 18:00, NG Gemeente Stellenbosch-sentraal kerksentrum.0 021 883 3690. 2 August ) Stellenbosch Community Health Day at the Ida’ s Valley Clinic. 09:00. Info about HIV, TB and mental health, HIV testing’ TB screening; refreshments, fun activities for children. 0 084 830 3761 or 082 569 8795.
vir twee. Die waarde is R3 000. Die prys kan nie vir kontant omgeruil word nie. Die prys kan net per bespreking gebruik word en is geldig vir ’n jaar. Besoek www.alluvia.co.za.
Onafhanklike ombudsman VOLGENS die redaksi onele beleid van Eike stadnuus verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommen taar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons bedui dende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asseblief inlig ting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se ge meenskapspers, Geor ge Claassen, by geor ge.claassen@me dia24.com of bel hom by 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klag tes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van SuidAfrika, Joe Thlo loe, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie ver band gerus 011 484 3612/8 of stuur ’n epos na khanyim@ombuds man.org.za of jo hanr@ombuds man.org.za.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Erfenisprojek vir S’bosch SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
IT is ons Stellenbossers se arbeid, vernuf en samewerking wat die dorp só mooi gemaak het. Dit wat julle vandag sien, is ons handewerk.” Só het die jarelange Stellenbosser, Aaron Cupido, Woensdagaand sy spesiale eretoekenning by die bekendstelling van die Stellenbosch Erfenisprojek in die US Museum ontvang. Die sertifikate word aan inwoners oorhandig wat onder meer ’n groot rol in die dorp se erfenis gespeel het, kennis dra van Stellenbosch oor hoe die dorp was en dit met ander deel, asook iemand wat gemeenskapskultuur bevorder. Die ander twee ontvangers was eerwaarde Kwetyana Lui Menziwa en Willem Lubbe. Die toekennings is deur die Erfenisprojek-reëlingskomitee toegeken as een van die komponente van die Erfenisprojek wat in Mei 2011 afgeskop het. Dié projek is Woensdagaand amptelik bekend gestel waartydens die uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Conrad Sidego, en die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) rektor en visekanselier, prof. Russel Botman, ’n Verklaring van
Hier (van links) onderteken Aaron Cupido, eerwaarde Kwetyana Lui Menziwa en Willem Lubbe die Verklaring van Voorne me by die bekendstelling van die Erfenis projek en fees Woensdagaand. Foto: Samantha van den Berg
Voorneme onderteken het. Die visie van die projek is om ’n Stellenbosch daar te stel waar almal sal tuisvoel, besoekers welkom voel, waar alle inwoners ruimte kan vind om te groei en floreer en waar daar maklik met die dorp en sy mense geïdentifiseer kan word. Die doelstelling van die projek is om Stellenbossers te kry om mekaar se kultuur te leer ken, sodat hulle mekaar kan waardeer en respekteer. Die ander komponente van die Erfenisprojek sluit in ’n Erfenisfees op 24 September, ’n jaarlikse simposium oor erfenis en ’n monument van voorneme. Botman het namens die universiteit sy volle steun vir die projek
gegee en gesê dat die US in geheel die strewe na eenheid ondersteun. “Ek glo dat ons as mense almal versoenbaar is. Ons lewe na mekaar, ons soek mekaar – ons lewe nie weg van mekaar af nie. “Ons moet saam ’n gemeenskaplike toekoms vir almal skep. Ons moet mense laat voel dat die verlede die verlede is. Die toekoms is nou hier.” Sidego het die projek as ’n “broodnodige stap vir die gemeenskap” beskryf. Hy meen dit kan die moontlikhede “van ’n besonderse gemeenskap” ontsluit. Hoewel menige Stellenbosse inwoner in verdeeldheid gebore is, is dit nou die tyd om aan te beweeg – aan te beweeg met begrip, het Sidego by die bekendstelling gesê. “Niks sal vir my groter vreugde bring as die oomblik dat die oorgrote meerderheid van Stellenbosch se inwoners sal sê dat hulle hierdie dorp eien en as ’n tuiste beskou wat hulle nie vir enige ander plek sal verruil nie.” Hy verstaan inwoners se versigtigheid en skeptisisme, maar voel dat hulle soos, ’n paar ander Stellenbossers, die geloofsprong moet maak. “Ek moedig ieder en elk aan om hande te vat en harte oop te maak. Ons dorp het dit broodnodig.”
Nora Tyres hou karaoke DIE Nora Tyres Kleuterskool bied Vrydag 3 Augustus ’n karaokeaand aan van 20:00 tot 00:00 in die Eikestadsaal in Cloetesville. Gaste moet hulle eie xyz bring. Die koste is R20 per persoon. Bel asseblief 021 889 6005 vir meer inligting.
Paul Roos Oudskolieredinee DIE Paul Roos Oudskoliereunie hou sy jaarlikse dinee 14 Augustus in die Longroom op die Markötter-plaas van 19:30 tot 23:30. Pieter du Toit (klas van 1997), nuusredakteur van Die Beeld, is gasspreker en Conrad Burke die seremoniemeester. Die drag is ’n baadjie (nie denims) en ’n Oudskoliere-das. Kaartjies (R160) is by die Oudskoliere-kantoor beskikbaar. Navrae: 021 883 8627.
Get more for less at our new Stellenbosch store. STORE OPENING 30 JULY 2012. DON’T MISS OUR CUT-PRICE SALE!
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Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Red line for tipoffs: 0 021 809 5012
TEL: 021 887 4777
Stolen metal found THREE men were arrested with suspected stolen farm equipment on 19 July in Stellenboschkloof Road, Vlottenburg. Theyarestilllookingforthe owner of the recovered items, which are presumed to have been stolen in the area. The items include a number of ploughing implements, underwater pipe fittings, and fittings for a tractor trailer. Anyone who is missing such equipment can contact the Stellenbosch SAP13. The case number is CAS
463/7/2012. Call Major B Williams on 021 809 5000 to find out more.
V Underwater pipe fittings
Ploughing implements Photos: Elbé van Heerden
Klapmuts ook geteiken
Fittings for a tractor trailer
RUGTEBOERE op Klapmuts se plase gaan gebuk onder diefstal, maar daar is ook ander probleme in die area. Verlede week het Eikestadnuus berig oor die probleme wat die boere in die wyer Stellenboschomgewing ervaar en vandeesweek is die fokus op probleme in Klapmuts. Jacques Livingstone-Louw, ’n koejawelboer in die area, loop gedurig onder vrugtediefstal deur. “Die plaas is nou al heeltemal omhein, maar hulle kom nog steeds deur. My werknemers loop met radio’s rond en as hulle iemand sien, laat hulle dadelik weet.” Die laaste ruk is heelwat diewe vasgetrek. “Die probleem lê egter daarin dat hulle maar met ’n R150 of R200 se vrugte gevang word en as hulle in die hof verskyn, word hulle op waarskuwing vrygelaat.” Baie van die diewe is ook minderjarig en kan dus nie as volwas-
senes gestraf word nie. Livingstone-Louw se voorvrou, Magdaleen Willemse, en Roos September, ook ’n werknemer, vertel dat hulle altyd op die uitkyk is vir diewe. “Ons beweeg tussen die wingerde rond en maak seker die heinings is veilig, maar as ons weer sien, is daar weer gate,” het Willemse gesê. “Verder is daar jong klonge wat rondloop wat ons kinders op pad terug van die skool voorkeer en met skerp voorwerpe dreig. “Ook oor naweke, wanneer die plaaswerkers die winkels besoek, word hulle oorval en beroof. ’n Ou man is onlangs aangerand en al sy inkopies is gesteel.” Theunis Uys boer met uitvoervrugte en wyndruiwe in die gebied. “Ons sit elektriese heinings stuk-vir-stuk op en dan is dit stil vir ’n tyd, maar dan begin dit maar weer.” Hulle maak deesdae seker dat hul uitvoervrugte toegemaak is en moet ’n wag tydens oestyd huur. Diewe het ook al voorheen sy
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huis geteiken, terwyl hy binne die huis was. “Ek weet die polisie doen hul bes, maar hul mannekrag is net te min. Ek sou graag wou hê dat ’n honde-eenheid hier gestasioneer kon wees. Ek dink dit sou ’n groot verskil maak.” Bertus de Klerk van die Uitspanlandgoed aan die rand van Stellenbosch, het gesê dat sy plaas nou in die mark is. “Dit kan net nie so aangaan nie. Ons kan nie boer nie. Al my pomphuise het reeds alarms, maar ons word nog steeds geteiken. “Hulle het onlangs 4 500 F diesel gesteel, en dít kort na die polisie by my was, maar toe na bewering uitgeroep is na ’n ander toneel. Hier is net een voertuig wat al die plase moet bedien en dit is net nie genoeg nie.” Hy is verder ook bekommerd oor die behuisingsprojek wat vir Klapmuts beoog word. “Nou word die probleme van Stellenbosch en Koelenhof na ons toe verskuif.”
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Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Tell us about crime in your area. Visit www.eikestadnuus.co.za
www.abcsecurity.co.za TEL: 021 887 4777
Slim apps help polisie
HOT SPOTS THE hot spots for crime over the last week were mostly hit by property-related crime. Residential and other burglaries were reported in Simonswyk, Banghoek Street, Borcherd Street, Dennesig Street, Ryneveld Street, Die Weides, Jamestown,
SLIMFOON-app het vandeesweek weer gehelp om diewe vas te
trek. Luca Visser, ’n kunsstudent en inwoner van Soeteweidestraat het tuisgekom en gesien daar is by haar woonstel ingebreek. Terwyl sy in die fliek was, het diewe haar woonstel leeggedra. Hulle het onder meer twee skootrekenaars, ’n Apple iPad, ’n eksterne hardeskyf, juweliersware en klere gesteel. “Hulle het tot my matrieksertifikaat en van my sketse gevat. Hulle het Hier is die span wat gehelp het om die vyf mans aan te keer wat Visser se woonstel beroof het. Voor (van links) is sers. al my kaste leeggemaak.” Henry Harmse, konst. Thembanani Mbongo, konst. Allister Sy het dadelik haar Find my Marajh, konst. en Simphiwe Mgwetana; (agter) konst. Chris iPad-app geaktiveer en ’n adres Vosloo, AO Johan Lubbe en konst. Clinton Malan. Konsts. opgetel. “Ek is na die Stellen- Ruan Mostert en Reginald Steenberg was afwesig. Foto: Elbé van Heerden bosch polisiekantoor en het vir hulle gewys waar die iPad is. Die polisiemanne het dadelik saamgekom en se Sekuriteitsdienste-beampte verseker vyf mense is in Idasvallei in hegtenis ge- dat ’n student sy Matie-fiets terugkry. neem.” Dinsdag het mense in Cloetesville proAl haar besittings is teruggevind. beer om die fiets aan die beampte, wat Dié slimfoon-app het onlangs ook ge- toe reeds van diens was, te verkwansel. help om ’n dief vas te trek wat ’n iPad ge- Toe hulle agterkom dat hy nie belangstel steel het by ’n kantoor in Klein Welgevon- nie, het hulle weggehardloop. Die beampden. Dit is kort daarna teruggevind. te kon egter daarin slaag om die fiets af Visser was baie beïndruk met die vin- te vat. nige diens wat sy gekry het en het haar Aangesien die Matie-fietse almal gerehartlike dank uitgespreek teenoor die po- gistreer is, kon die eienaar van die fiets, lisiemanne wat aan diens was. wat onder die indruk was dat die fiets nog Daar was verskeie inbrake in Die Wei- in sy kamer in Groeneweidestraat toegedes die afgelope week en veral studente- sluit was, opgespoor word. Daar is toe huise in Groeneweide het deurgeloop. vasgestel dat daar by die woonstel ingeVolgens Martin Viljoen, US woordvoer- breek is en dat verskeie items – ook by der, het die wakker optrede deur ’n US ’n ander student se woonstel – gesteel is.
Finale uitstel?
Die moordverhoor van Johan du Toit (26) wat daarvan beskuldig word dat hy na bewering sy vrou, Chanél (28), op 7 Julie 2010 verwurg het, is Dinsdag hopelik finaal uitgestel tot 22 Augustus vir die voorver hoor. Sy regsverteenwoordiger, William Booth, het gevra dat die saak uitgestel word sodat hulle die finale besluite oor die saak kan maak. Hier is Du Toit (links) en Booth Dinsdag buite die Paarlstreekshof. Foto: Elbé van Heerden
Onder-Papegaaiberg, Koelenhof (rural) and Plankenbrug (industrial). Theft was reported at La Colline, Onder-Papegaaiberg and Die Boord. Theft out of cars was reported at various flat parking areas, as well as Die Boord and Plankenbrug.
Local Government.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Neerlê van kernwaardes SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
IE vestiging en uitbou van positiewe kernwaardes is die kern van ’n nuwe projek, “Stellenbosch Vallei van Karakter”, wat vandeesweek by die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit begin het. Dié projek is ’n inisiatief van die uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Conrad Sidego, en poog om kernwaardes te vestig en ’n etiese omgewing te bevorder. Dit is ook daarop gefokus om dienslewering te verbeter en die munisipaliteit sy belangrike plek as ’n betroubare instelling in die Stellenbosch-gemeenskap te laat inneem. Sidego het onlangs Space 4 Development genader om die projek te ontwikkel en ’n inligtingsessie is reeds aan die begin van Junie vir senior munisipale beamptes aangebied. Volgens Sidego het die fokus op etiese optrede en die vestiging van kernwaardes reeds in gemeenskappe in Amerika ’n positiewe invloed. “Die resultate is wonderlik. Selfs die misdaadsyfer het in hierdie (Amerikaanse) gemeenskappe afgeneem.” Hy meen dié projek is egter ’n eerste vir Suid-Afrika.
“Ek sien uit na die impak wat hierdie projek op Stellenbosch gaan hê,” het hy gesê. Volgens dr. Sias Mostert, wat by die projek betrokke is, is die projek se fokus by die munisipaliteit op hul vyf kernwaardes naamlik integriteit, verantwoordbaarheid, respek, innovasie en uitnemendheid. Munisipale beamptes, sowel as raadslede, sal binnekort ’n interaktiewe werksessie bywoon waar kernwaardes uitgepak en ingeoefen sal word. Elke departement sal dan ’n waardeverklaring opstel in die lig van die kernwaardes wat in die plaaslike media gepubliseer sal word. Aan die hand daarvan sal evaluering elke ses maande plaasvind. Mostert verduidelik dat dit verskeie voordele vir die dorp sal inhou. “Die gemeenskap sal nou presies kan sien waarvoor elke departement staan. Dit bied ook ’n geleentheid aan gemeenskapslede om ’n saak aanhangig te maak indien ’n beampte se optrede teenstrydig is met dit wat in die waardeverklaring van sy departement staan.” Dié werksessie sal met weeklikse karakter-boodskappe opgevolg word. Volgens Mostert sal elke indi-
Vereniging takel onpadwaardige taxi’s SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
vidu in die munisipaliteit wat inkoop by die munisipaliteit se vyf kernwaardes die voordele wat daarmee verband hou kan ervaar en besluite uit ’n waardegedrewe perspektief kan neem. Die projek sal help om die waardes deel te maak van elkeen se etiese besluitneming en optrede, voeg hy by. Die inisiatief sal dus voordele inhou, nie net op persoonlike vlak nie, maar ook in die werkplek asook in die groter Stellenbosch-gemeenskap. Die “Stellenbosch Vallei van Karakter”-inisiatief wil graag ook ander instansies soos die SAPD en skole betrek by die vestiging van kernwaardes. Die proaktiewe uitgangspunt van die inisiatief is dat Stellenbosch ’n gemeenskap van ongelooflike potensiaal en moontlikhede is en nie ’n gemeenskap van probleme nie. Om weekliks ’n gratis aanhaling rondom karakter- en karakterbou te ontvang, stuur ’n epos na valley@space4dev.com.
ONPADWAARDIGE taxi’s se dae in Stellenbosch is getel. Dít kom ná die Stellenbosch Taxivereniging (STV) onlangs ’n manier bedink het om padwaardige taxi’s meer sigbaar vir die publiek en die owerhede te maak. Van 14 Augustus af sal padvaardige taxi’s in Stellenbosch met ’n oranje plakker uitgeken kan word. Dit sal egter net geld vir lede van die STV en die plakker sal dié vereniging se embleem vertoon. Die vereniging het dié inisiatief vandeesweek bekend gemaak, nadat dit deur die STV-lede en bestuur eenparig aanvaar is. Volgens die voorsitter Koos Jonkers ontvang hy gedurig klagtes van die gemeenskap oor onpadwaardige taxi’s. Hy meen die vereniging poog om deur dié inisiatief hul diens aan die gemeenskap te verbeter. “Die plakker sal egter net vir STV-lede geld. Op 14 Augustus gaan ons, tesame met
die verkeersdepartement en die polisie, die Bergzichttaxis-staanplek besoek. Die taxi’s sal nagegaan word en die taxi’s wat padwaardig is, sal ’n oranje plakker kry.” Die plakker sal agter op die taxi opgeplak word. Taxi’s wat nie aan die nodige regulasies voldoen nie, sal nie ’n plakker kry nie. “Die gemeenskap sal dan kan sien watter (van die vereniging) taxi’s onpadwaardig is. As jy aan dié vereniging behoort, moet jy sorg jou voertuig is in orde. Dít is ’n vereiste,” sê Jonkers.
Die plakker wat binnekort op alle padvaardige taxi’s van die Stellen bosch Taxivereniging sal verskyn.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
OudS’bosser, dogter sterf tragies ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
IE bekende illustreerder Piet Grobler se vrou, Marie (51) en dogter, Catherina (9), het dié week tragies gesterf in ’n botsing in Johannesburg. Piet en sy broer Diek Grobler was ook in die motor, maar is albei in ’n stabiele toestand in plaaslike hospitale opgeneem. Piet en Griet, soos sy aan haar familie bekend was, het vir baie jare in Stellenbosch gewoon, maar het in 2009 verhuis na Brittanje. Die familie was in Suid-Afrika vir Piet se pa se 80ste verjaarsdag in Warmbad en was op pad na die OR Tambo-lughawe om ’n paar dae in Stellenbosch te kom kuier. Na bewering het hul motor probleme opgetel en gaan staan. ’n Ander voertuig het toe van agter in hulle vasgejaag. Marie en Catherina was agter in die motor en is albei noodlottig beseer. Marie was jare lank musiekonderwyser aan Rhenish Primêr. Felicity Lolliot, die destydse musiekhoof en goeie vriendin, het vir byna 16 jaar saam met haar gewerk. “Ons het baie nou saamgewerk, maar het ook ongelooflike persoonlike verbintenisse gehad met dié dat ons albei by dieselfde
BABIN seniors konsert BABIN Seniors hou Vrydag 3 Augustus sy jaarlikse konsert. Die konsert, Stars in London / Sterre in Londen, sal 19:30 in die A.F. Louw Skoolsaal begin. Kaartjies is teen R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders onder 12 jaar by die deur beskikbaar. Bel 021 887 0486.
ATKV byeen DIE ATKV hou Vrydag 3 Augustus ’n spesiale geleentheid hul strategieë vir onderwys en ATKV sake-aangeleenthede te bespreek. Japie Gouws, besturende direkteur van die ATKV-groep, sal die spreker wees. Begin 18:30 in Japie Krige-saal. Drag informeel en bywoning gratis. RSVP teen 30 Julie by Esme op 021 886 7156/62 of esmeg@atkv.org.za
Piet Grobler, sy vrou, Marie (51) en hul dogter Catherina (9) Foto: Verskaf
musiekonderwyser in Johannesburg opleiding ontvang het. “Sy was ’n ongelooflik toegewyde onderwyser en het die uiterste energie aan al haar studente toegewy. Sy het ’n talent gehad om studente tot bo hul beste te laat presteer. “Sy was ook baie besorg oor die omgewing en het die skool se gemeenskapsprogram gedryf. Ons het saam besluit watter projekte om volgende aan te pak. “Marie en Catherina was albei ook baie lief vir diere.” Felicity vertel dat Marie verskriklik hard gewerk het om
haarself te kwalifiseer om in Engeland te kan musiek gee en het pas haar kwalifikasie ontvang. Marie se swaer, Erich Lutz, het die week gesê Griet was mal oor musiek, maar dat dit Catherina se grootste passie was. “Griet het ’n doktorsgraad in musiek met die tema oor Blow se musiek. “Catherina het harp, viool en sang gedoen en in haar pas afgelope musiekeksamen onderskeidings in viool en sang gekry. Sy was in Malvern St James privaat meisieskool, waar Griet musiek en Engels vir buitelanders gegee het. “Hul ou historiese huisie met die naam St. Francis is teen die Malvern-heuwels waar hulle ure deurgebring het met hul hond Alice. Catherina het ook ’n passie gehad vir perdry,” het Lutz vertel. Marie en Catherina laat ’n groot familie agter. Marie se susters Noëlline en Emma woon in Stellenbosch en Elise woon in Nieu-Seeland. Griet was die jongste van die vier. Piet sterk tans by vriende in Pretoria aan. ) ’n Gedenkdiens gelei deur Ds David Hunter sal op Saterdag, 4 Augustus om 11:00 by die United Kerk, Stellenbosch, gehou word.
Opinion / News.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Bring on the medals! WE have barely recovered from a long winter lie-in in front of the TV, watching the French Tennis Open, Wimbledon, Tour de France, the British Open and the Proteas beating England on their home ground at the Oval, and now we have the Olympics to look forward to! Watching sport on the TV is the next best thing to being there. In fact, the visuals are usually much better than if you had been there yourselves, don’t you think? Oh well, jealousy will get us nowhere, so let’s just settle down in our homes, pubs and clubs and encourage our own athletes to do their best at the London Olympics. Stellenbosch residents have a particular interest in this year’s Olympics, with local athletes and paralympic athletes expected to keep the South African flag flying high in London. Heerden Herman, the Matie swimmer, is expected to perform well in the 1 500 m freestyle – despite the lack of a swimming pool at the university. So too will swimmer Trudi Maree. hockey players Kathleen Taylor and Mariëtte Rix, and athlete Shaun de Jager. Other local representatives in London are the Matie hockey coach Kurt Cerfontyne, assistant coach to the men’s hockey team, and Dylan van der Merwe, who is the South African cycling team’s mechanic. And of course there are the many national and international athletes who use Stellenbosch facilities to hone their talents, such as triathletes Richard Murray (SA) , Jan Frodeno (Germany) and mountain biker Ralph Näff (Switzerland). We will be holding thumbs for all of them. Bring home the medals and make us proud to be South Africans.
‘Tiere’ al lank in S’bosch Met die verskyning van die luiperd, Simara in ons berge wonder ek of ek nie dalk die oudste persoon is wat ’n luiperd in Jonkershoek ervaar het nie. In die vroeë veertiger jare het ek ’n luiperd gesien wat oom Paul Neethling op Assegaaibos destsyds in ’n vanghok aangekeer het. Onthou net in daardie dae het ons gepraat van tier, want alles wat kolle gehad het en nie ’n
leeu was nie, was ’n tier! As tienjarige kind wat hier gebore en getoë is, het dit ’n blywende indruk op my gemoed gemaak. Ek sal so graag wil hoor of daar nog mense is wat hierdie geleentheid onthou en met my in aanraking sal kom. My telefoonnommer is 021 883 8788. Joanie Calitz Azaleahof
Don’t put dogs in solitary Surely Welgevonden is any big dog’s worst nightmare. Why people keep sheep dogs, rotweilers, labradors, etc, cooped up in small areas is anybody’s guess. We here in Welgevonden have one of the best security systems in Stellenbosch. Surely no one needs a big dog to guard our small properties? These poor victims sit in our tiny postage stamp–size gardens behind neat little gates from 07:00 to 18:00. Some are even locked up in a house all day. Very few get out on a short lead once every weekend, but that is not enough.
Redakteur:Elsabé Retief 0 021 887 2840 eretief@eikestadnuus.com Redaksie: Eunice Visagie, Elbé van Heerden, Sa mantha van den Berg
Uitgewer: Deleen Johnson 0 021 887 2840 x2001 deleen.johnson@media24.com
From boredom and frustration they bark all day. It does not irritate me as much as it breaks my heart. Is this not cruel? Smaller dogs are a little better off for not needing so much space, but are nevertheless very frustrated too. All dogs need exercise. Are paid dog walkers not a possibility? There should be crèches for dogs or day mothers to take care of them. Please, fellow citizens, think before putting man’s best friend in solitary confinement. Animal Lover Welgevonden
Sirkulasie:0 021 887 2840 Rekeningnavrae: Yolande Mostert 0 021 406 4363 yolande.mostert@media24.com
Riglyne vir lesersbriewe: Eikestadnuus verkies briewe van 350 woorde of minder. Skuilname is welkom, mits die skrywer se naam en telefoonnommer vermeld word. Epos briewe aan eikestad@eikestadnuus.com of faks dit na 021 883 9538. SMS kommentaar na 32464. Begin met die woord “EIKE”.
Sokker is koning in Jamestown EUNICE VISAGIE
N Jamestown is sokker koning! Die afgelope week is daar in die huis van Oom Pat van de Rheede bymekaar gekom om te gesels oor Jamestown se erfenis as dit by sport kom. Dit was duidelik dat ofskoon Jamestown se mense ander sporte ook gespeel het, was en is sokker koning in die dorp. Jamestown se eerste sokkerklub Burnley is in 1932 gestig. Met die uitbreek van die oorlog moes verskeie van die klub se spelers egter oorlog toe. In 1940 het ’n tweede klub ontstaan, genaamd Young Gardens. Burnley- en Young Gardensspelers het dalk in dieselfde dorp gebly, maar nie sommer om dieselfde tafel gesit nie. “Dit was ’n geval van kwaai vrinne,” onthou Pieter Arendse. Die derby tussen die twee spanne het gewoonlik heeltemal handuit geruk. “Dit was soos ’n oorlog in die kleine,” vertel Sammy Galant. Dit was juis die oorkook van gemoedere wat gerespekteerde individue soos Atta Pool genoodsaak het om te vra vir die samesmelting van die twee klubs. Oom Pat vertel dat op Derbydag die dorp leeg was, want almal
Hier is lede van die Jamestownsokkerklub se derde span in 1973. (agter) W. Adams, F. Jooste, C. Newman, W. Newman, F. Farao en J. Farao; (middel) K. Williams, P.M. Arendse (sekretaris); C. September (kaptein); P.J. van de Rheede (voorsitter); N. Adams, P. Williams (tesourier); D. September; (voor) J. Jooste. Foto: verskaf
het langs die sokkerveld gestaan. “Die skeidsregter het ook maar swaargekry,” vertel Eric Africa. Oom Pat was Burnley se voorsitter en het toe met die samesmelting in 1973 ook Jamestown AFC se eerste voorsitter geword. Van Jamestown se vernaamste sokkerspelers was Sammy Galant, Norman Gallagher en Martin Paulse. Oom Pat vertel verder dat daar nie iets soos ’n afrigter of spanbestuurder in daardie jare was nie. “Die kaptein het alles gedoen. Die kaptein was die groot man van die span.” Die spanpraatjie op ’n Vrydagaand sal ook nog vir jare lank onthou word. Jamestown was ook
bekend vir die streng sportkode waarvolgens die spanne bestuur is. Dié kode is veral gekenmerk deur dissipline. Met elke vergadering moes die manne hul baadjies dra en as jy deur die week met die baadjie of met jou kouse betrap is, was daar groot moeilikheid, onthou Galant. Daar is ook nooit drank by die veld toegelaat nie. Almal beaam dit met die knik van die kop dat dit een van die belangrikste aspekte was wat spelers moes nakom as hulle lid van die span wou wees. “Daar was altyd ’n plaasvervanger byderhand as iemand nie by die reëls gehou het nie,” vertel Galant.
Waterskade: wie moet uiteindelik opdok? “Nog ’n gesin ly skade”, is die opskrif in ’n vorige uitgawe van Eikestadnuus en dit laat my wonder hoekom die slagoffers self moet opdok en sien en kom klaar. Dis blykbaar die hoeveelste keer dat die pyp daar bars. Hoekom word die plaaslike regering toegelaat om skouers op te trek en weg te stap? Ek sou dink dat wanneer so ’n slag ’n gesin tref, dit alreeds ’n traumatiese ondervinding is. Plotseling bevind jy jou in ’n netelige situasie. Opeens sak ’n gevoel van magteloosheid toe en jy probeer keer en red wat te redde is. ’n Oorstroming vind plaas en jy ervaar hoe goed wat deel is van jou daag-
likse bestaan verniel word deur dié skielike katastrofe wat jy nie jou vyand sou toewens. In die geval van die Bergstedts, is dit so dat hulle gedwing is om hul lewe en bestaan te “herbou”. Hierdie herbouing sou uiteindelik R160 000 beloop en die eintlike een wat moes pa staan, die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit, maak alles af as an act of God. Asof God so iets aan enigiemand sou doen en dan nie eens verantwoordelikheid sou aanvaar nie. Die McKeith-gesin is net gelukkig dat die vloed in die swembad sou uitwoed. Ook hulle moes uit eie sak vir die skade betaal.
Hierdie ontduiking van plig en aanspreeklikheid is verregaande en skandelik. Bid jou dit aan dat die plaaslike owerheid nie verantwoordelik wil neem vir iets wat per slot van rekening hul plig is nie. Die munisipaliteit het dan juis verlede jaar ’n kontrakteur, weer eens van buite die dorp, Excio, toegelaat om letterlik die hele Idasvallei om te keer met die vervanging van waterpype. Hoekom gebeur derglike gevalle dan? Ek voel dus dis nie reg dat geaffekteerde inwoners self moet opdok vir iets wat in die eerste plek nie hul verantwoordelikheid is nie. John, Idasvallei Tel.: 076 287 8879
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
In Memoriam SYLVIA de Wet, voorheen van Langverwag Huis vir bejaardes, is Vrydag 13 Julie in die ouderdom van 97 by Helen Keller in Pinelands oorlede. Haar heengaan was sag en Sylvia de Wet rustig. Sy is in 1915 op Caledon gebore. Sy het haar moeder vroeg in haar lewe verloor en groot geword by haar vader en suster Muriel. Die susters was baie geheg aan mekaar. Muriel is in die ouderdom van 90 oorlede. Sy was getroud met Kosie de Wet, van die destydse familiesaak De Wet Broers, en het jare lank in die dubbelverdieping huis te Bosmanstraat 22 gewoon waar haar pragtuin altyd ’n lus vir die oog vir een en almal was. Sy was goed bekend in die Stellenbosch-gemeenskap, veral vir haar vriendelikheid en goeie humorsin. Haar medemens was altyd haar eerste prioriteit. Sy het gedien in talle liefdadigheidsorganisasies op die dorp en het ook die bloedoortappingsdiens gereeld bygestaan. Sylvia word oorleef deur haar kinders, Petri Hofmeyr en AndrÊ de Wet, nege kleinkinders en 16 agterkleinkinders.
DR Colin Vale died in the early hours of Friday 20 July, aged 77. His life as a diplomat, teacher and academic was an expression of his deep interest in people and the Colin Alfred Vale world around him. His passions were many: above all his wife and family of five children and stepchildren, nine grandchildren, daughters- and sons-in-law, brothers and sistersin-law, nephews and nieces and a big circle of friends, both in South Africa and abroad. Politics, reading, writing, music, golf and travelling filled his keen intellect, and renovating, repairing and tinkering with all manner of gadgets satisfied his practical side. He was born in South Africa on 11 February 1935 and educated in the country; he lived in England, the former Rhodesia and Sweden before settling in Cape Town and then Johannesburg. Upon his retirement in 1995 he and his wife moved to Stellenbosch, a town he and Dorothy had come to love deeply during his studies at the university. He has touched the life of many and is deeply missed, and will never be forgotten. Colin leaves behind his wife Dorothy, sons Chris, Roger and Alex, and daughters Bridgit and Andrea.
Community News. Visit www.eikestadnuus.co.za or our mobi site at eikestadnuus.mobi .
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Eers wyn, nou Maties melk SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
Kom geniet die Maan en sterre deur ons teleskope. Woon ‘n praatjie by oor die nuwe SKA radioteleskoop in Carnarvon, en oor die toekoms van sterrekunde, wetenskap en tegnologie in Suid Afrika.
Luckhoff Hoërskool
Maandag Julie 30, 19:00 tot 22:00 Almal welkom en bywoning is gra�s. Indien dit slegte weer is, gaan die praatjie in die saal voort. Other events during Na�onal Science Week Somerset West - Tue, Jul 31 Mitchellsplain - Wed, Aug 01 Mitchellsplain - Thu, Aug 02 Somerset West - Fri, Aug 03 Brackenfell - Sat, Aug 04 Strand - Sun, Aug 05 Brackenfell - Mon, Aug 06 Vir meer inlig�ng, skakel Edward Foster (0837870792)
ERS was daar Matie-wyn, maar nou spog Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) sommer met sy eie suiwelproduk, Maties Melk. Maties Melk is Dinsdagmiddag by die Welgevallen-proefplaas bekend gestel, tesame met ’n opgeknapte US-melkery. Die melkery het die gevaar geloop om gesluit te word weens verouderde toerusting en verliese. Dit sou egter beteken dat suiwelkunde ook afgeskaal of heeltemal afgeskaf moes word. Volgens die US-rektor, prof. Russel Botman, het die “akademiese melkboere” egter planne begin maak en ’n melkery “met die beste navorsingsgeriewe in Suid-Afrika” op die been gebring. Die opknapping van die nuwe aanleg het R4,3 miljoen gekos. Die nuwe melkery spog nou met geoutomatiseerde melkmasjiene, ’n stelsel wat die koeie se voer en aanvullings beheer en toerusting wat omvattende inligting oor die koeie en hul melkprodukte verskaf. Om die kostes te verhaal is besluit om die melkery te kommersialiseer. Die melk sal op die perseel gepasteuriseer, gehomogeniseer
Melktyd by die universiteit se splinternuwe Welgevallen Melkery. Foto:AntonJordaan
en verpak word. Die melksakkies, wat glo reeds in winkels beskikbaar is, dra die naam en handelsmerk “Maties Melk”. Volgens Botman is dit voordelig om die universiteit se handelsmerk oral in winkels te hê, maar kan dit ook ’n kopseer word as die produk nie van ’n hoë gehalte is nie. “Ons is trots dat Maties Melk ’n unieke produk van hoë gehalte is. Die melk is natuurlik en hormoonvry. Die 3 000 F melk wat daagliks geproduseer word, gaan deur ’n onafhanklike verspreider aan kleinhandelaars gelewer word. Só beoog ons om die kostes deels te dek.” Hy voeg by dat die sakeplan ook voorsiening maak vir inkomste
uit navorsing. Met die nuwe geriewe word die melksamestelling nou met elke melksessie outomaties bepaal en navorsingsdata sal meer akkuraat wees. Sowat ses proewe per jaar sal hier plaasvind, in vergelyking met die vorige jare se twee. “Met dié inisiatief posisioneer die US hom aan die voorpunt van akademiese opleiding én melkbeesvoeding én suiwelkunde. Ons skep die geleentheid vir groter betrokkenheid vanuit die privaatsektor in bedryfsgesentreerde navorsingsprojekte en daar is ook die vooruitsig vir opleidingsgeleenthede vir plaaswerkers. “Al wat ek nou kan sê is geniet die melk,” sê Botman.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Community News.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
A slippery slope ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
H A number of tractors were stuck in the mud at Koopmanskloof on Monday afternoon. Photo: Henry J Gaffley
EAVY rains last week did more than a little damage in the area – and landed some of residents in more than a spot of bother. A father and son on a fishing trip had a lucky escape on the farm Waterzicht, Klapmuts, after their bakkie slipped in the heavy mud and rolled into a dam. Wayne Coetzee and his son, Ross (7), had visited the fishing spot many times before, but the heavy rains had made the road a serious hazard this time around. “On Friday night we arrived at the dam, where the narrow road was even more slippery than usual. There is nowhere to turn around once you head out on the road, so I decided to reverse in. “After about 450 metres, we arrived at a gate. The cattle in the camp had been standing in the mud, making the natural slope very slippery. “As I reached the gate, the back of my bakkie started to drift. I stopped, pulled forward and righted the angle, but started drifting again to the edge of the dam. “As the back of the bakkie reached the dam wall, the vehicle rolled. On the second roll I managed to push Ross out of his window, which had broken during the incident, and told him to swim to safety. As the bakkie settled I managed to get out and swam to the shore.
Wayne Coetzee’s bakkie landed in a dam when he and his son went fishing. Photo: Rudolph LivingstoneLouw
“Friends of ours were waiting at the fishing spot and helped Ross to safety.” Coetzee said Ross has been talking about the incident and is just very relieved that he did not drown. “I don’t have a vehicle at the moment, but we hope to go back on another fishing trip in about two weeks.” In another muddy incident on Monday, Henry Gaffley passed Koopmanskloof on the Bottelary Road and spotted a number of tractors stuck in the mud. According to the production manager at Koopmanskloof, Charl Steenkamp, they were busy spraying weeds when the first tractor got stuck in the mud. Another was brought in to pull out the first – but it too, got stuck. The issue escalated as more tractors were brought in to help.
Hoërskool Kylemore plant bome Die liefdadigheidsorganisasie Trees4Schools het op Dinsdag 24 Julie 40 bome aan Hoërskool Kylemore geskenk. Hierdie bome gaan aan die agterkant van die skool geplant word waar dit beskerming teen die wind gaan bied. Die bome is almal inheems en sal goed aard in die klimaat waar hulle geplant word. Trees4Life het al meer as 1 500 bome oor die afgelope twee jaar geplant en het ook 67 groentetuine by skole gevestig wat sowat 700 kinders van kos voorsien. Vir meer inligting oor hierdie projek, gaan na www.trees4schools.org
Tertia Jefthas (’n wetenskaponderwyser by Hoërskool Kylemore) staan saam met Hoërskool Kylemoreleerlinge Nicole Toot, Monré Michaels en Melissa Julies by Ian Loots (agter) van Trees4Schools. Hulle is besig om ’n waterbessieboom te plant. Hierdie jong boom van sowat 2 m gaan oor 15–20 jaar omtrent 15 m hoog staan, sê Ian.
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Die aftreeoord is opgerig in ooreenkomstig die Wet op Aftrede, Nr. 65 of 1988.
artklop van die
In 1974 het Eikestad Mall se deure vir die heel eerste keer oopgemaak as die Trust Bank Sentrum.
dié prentjie-mooi dorp, so het Eikestad Mall onafskeidbaar deel van die historiese hart van Stellenbosch geword.
Daar was groot opwinding op die dorp, want dié spoggerige winkelsentrum was enig in sy soort in Stellenbosch.
Kort voor lank het die dorp uitgebrei en al hoe besiger geraak, en toe het daar groot uitdagings opgeduik; te min parkering, ’n beperkte keuse van winkels en nie naastenby genoeg restaurante nie. Skielik het mense na ander, groter winkelsentrums in die omliggende areas gereis om te kry wat hulle soek.
Van oral het hulle ingestroom; studente, boere, plaaswerkers, families, sakemanne en -vroue. Almal wou inkopies doen en gesien word in dié Eikestad Mall. Net soos kuns, kultuur, ou geboue, wingerde en natuurskoon deel vorm van
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Vir ’n oomblik het Eikestad Mall uit die kollig getree…
Tel: 021 886 6267 • www.eikestadmall.co.za
2012/07/26 3:11 PM
EN NOU! Nou het Eikestad Mall ’n splinternuwe baadjie en die dorp is weer aan die gons!
Sedert 2008 het Eikestad Mall ’n metamorfose ondergaan. Nou spog dié moderne winkelsentrum met ’n splinternuwe voorkoms; skoon modieuse interieur, blink nuwe badkamers, rolstoel fasiliteite en 24-uur sekuriteit.
in die hart van Eikestad
TOE EN NOU in d ie hart van Eik estad
Boonop is parkering ook nie meer ’n probleem nie. Met ingange van Bird-, Andringa- en Pleinstraat is daar nou meer as 550 onderdak parkeerplekke.
JANUARIE 2013 Tel: 021 886 6267 www.eikestadmall.co.za
Tel: 021 886 626 7 www.eikestad mall.co.za
Pizza, pasta, burgers or freshly baked goods, Eikestad Mall offers a delicious variety of restaurants and take-aways.
What’s more, there are now more than 75 shops, including movies, restaurants, fast food outlets and service providers. From must-have fashion and fresh produce to daily essentials and entertainment, you’ll find them all at Eikestad Mall.
EIK Launch double DPS_template_5.indd 2
2012/07/26 3:12 PM
picture this! Eikestad Mall recently hosted a photo competition, and here is the lucky winner!
I love history and vintage pictures. I collect old newspapers and my most prized paper dates back to 1898. When I heard about the competition I was very excited and entered immediately.”
Congratulations to Annabel Biggar-Davids, who won a wonderful weekend for two at Lanzerac Hotel & Spa. The prize includes 2-nights’ accommodation, breakfast, wine tasting, a cellar tour plus spa vouchers!
EIK Launch double DPS_template_5.indd 3
2012/07/26 3:12 PM
Nou kan jy kies en keur! ANKERWINKELS Edgars PEP Woolworths Game
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RESTUARANTE EN WEGNEEM-ETES Celebrate @ Julians 021 883 8317 Cinnabon 021 882 9499 Illyria 021 886 8522 King Pie 021 887 4199 McDonald’s 021 882 2934 Panarottis 021 882 8378 Roman’s Pizza 021 886 8231 Spur 021 886 4511 Steers 021 886 5718 Fishaways 021 886 5388 Wimpy 021 883 3375 SKOENE Rage Shoe City Ladies Shoerama
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SKOONHEID EN GESONDHEID Butterflies Hair Salon 021 883 8239 Clicks 021 887 1348 Fragrance Boutique 021 882 9638 Jenni’s Nail, body and skincare Studio 021 883 3978 Ralo Cosmetics 021 886 7200 Red Square 021 861 3550/1 The Body Shop 021 887 7316 SPEELGOED EN STOKPERDJIES Reggie’s 021 883 3243 Toy Planet 021 882 9717 SPESIALITEITSWINKELS Vets Mart 021 200 0729 SPORT EN BUITELUG Thule 021 887 3349 Totalsports 021 882 9766 B-Sport Warehouse 087 150 8668
Tel: 021 886 6267 • www.eikestadmall.co.za
2012/07/26 3:12 PM
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
S’bosch vroue as topwetenskaplikes vereer SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
WEE vroulike wetenskaplikes van Stellenbosch is verlede week saam met agt ander vroue in Sub-SaharaAfrika as wenners in die gesogte 2012 L’Oréal-UNESCO Regional Fellowships For Women in Science-toekennings aangewys. Vyf van dié tien vroue is SuidAfrikaners. Britt Drögemöller en Marisa Klopper, verbonde aan Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), is die Stellenbosse wenners. Die US het verlede jaar drie wenners gehad. Dit is die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar dat 10 vroue van regoor Sub-Sahara Afrika hierdie toekenning vir hul werk op die wetenskaplike gebied ontvang. Die wenners ontvang ook elk
VSA $20 000 om vir hulle PhD- persoonlikheid) ly. studies te gebruik. Die toekenDie ondoeltreffende behandenings is verlede week gemaak. ling van skisofrenie plaas ’n geDrögemöller het weldige sosio-ekoin 2006 ’n BScnomiese druk op graad in menslike die samelewing en lewenswetenskapdaar word vermoed pe aan die US verdat dié tekort aan werf, waarna sy doeltreffendheid haar honneurs- en beïnvloed word meestersgraad ook deur genetiese varihier voltooi het. Sy ante. Drögemöller het in genetika gese navorsing poog spesialiseer. om die verskille in Volgens Drögevariante te identifimöller fokus die seer. navorsing waarSy meen die mee sy nou besig is Marisa Klopper L’Oréal-UNESCO Foto’s: Verskaf op die identifisetoekennings help ring van variante baie om mense se wat bydra tot anti-psigotiese ge- persepsie oor die wetenskap te drag in Suid-Afrikaanse pasiën- verander. “Dit help wetenskaplite wat aan skisofrenie (gesplete kes wat goeie navorsing doen om
raakgesien te word. Dit is ook ’n dokter. “Hy het een middag by bewys dat wetenskaplikes nie die huis gekom, ontsteld omdat net almal mans is nie.” drie van sy pasiënte dit nie gaan Klopper, die anmaak nie. Ek het net der Stellenbosse daar besluit dat ek wenner, werk in mediese navorsing die US departewil doen, sodat ek ment vir bio-medokters kan help om diese wetenskap. hul pasiënte te Haar navorsing help.” verduidelik die Die ander wenepidemiologie van ners is Vivian Boamiddelweerstanmah (Ghana), Tsige dige TB in die OosKetema (Ethiopië), Kaap en poog om Fatemah Thawerdie molekulêre eiEsmail (Tanzanië), enskappe van die Oluwasola Fasan middelweerstan(Nigerië), Mopo dige TB-basille te Britt Drögemöller Leshwedi-Radebe ondersoek. (Suid-Afrika), MerVolgens Klopper het sy al van cy Ojoyi (Kenia), Gerda Fourie jongs af in mediese navorsing be- (Suid-Afrika) en Gcineka Mbamlang gestel. Haar pa was self ’n bisa (Suid-Afrika).
AWSS needs your help THE Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch (AWSS) urgently requires the assistance of the community to complete a quarantine facility for its cattery. The construction of the facility started in March, but the job couldn’t be completed. The AWSS has been left with a roofless skeleton of the building for the past few months. The facility should be a 24 m² room with 12 short-term holding cages. Such a facility is used to monitor the health of new arrivals before they are transferred to the cattery proper. The AWSS currently needs about R40 000 to complete the facility. Donations of services or materials and cages would also be very welcome. Contact Elmarie Immelman (cattery manager) on 0 083 692 9549 or at 2 aws-cats@metroweb.co.za, or Nicci Collins (shelter manager) on 0 083 573 6720 or 021 883 9129, or at 2 animalws@telkomsa.net.
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Local Government.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Visie vir Stellenbosch 2020 D IE uitdagings van ons land is van so ’n aard en omvang dat wanneer ons van oplossings praat ons vir mekaar moet sê: “Think big or go home!” Dit is ook wat ons vir mekaar in hierdie Stellenbosch-vallei moet sê. Kyk na behuising, werkloosheid en veiligheid en jy wil soms moedeloos raak oor die taak op hande – maar opgee is glad nie ’n opsie nie. Ons moet ernstige aanslae maak en by tye strewe om die onmoontlike te doen. Maar doen moet ons! Dit is dan nou ook tyd dat ons ons gedagtes hier by die munisipaliteit met inwoners deel. Ons by die munisipaliteit is hard aan die werk om die uitdagings aan te spreek. Eerstens is dit ons plig om eersteklas diens te lewer aan elkeen van ons belastingbetalers en ander belanghebbendes; die uitstekende diens wat reeds deur sommige van ons personeel gelewer word en
waarvoor daar dikwels ook erkenning vanaf die publiek kom. In ander gevalle is ons diens weer uiters onbevredigend. Die vernaamste voorbeeld hiervan is ons telefoonstelsel wat ons erg in die steek laat en wat groot frustrasie veroorsaak. Dit word tans weer eens deeglik ondersoek en ek onderneem dat ons binnekort na aan perfekte diens in hierdie opsig sal lewer. Intussen vra ek nederig om verskoning. Buiten die lewering van die basiese dienste aan ons toevertrou, fasiliteer ons ’n omgewing waarin die Vallei en sy mense moet kan floreer. Vandaar my persoonlike toekomsprentjie vir ons gemeenskap teen 2020 waarin die volgende verwesenlik moet word: ) Die aantreklikste omgewing vir entrepreneurs en beleggers om sake te doen. ) Die “groenste” vallei wat deur sy
“groen” ekonomie nog duisende werkgeleenthede sal help skep. ) Dat dit een van die veiligste plekke moet wees waar mense kan woon. ) ’n Gebied waar selfs die armes voel dat hulle met menswaardigheid kan leef. As dié vier elemente in die visie verwesenlik word, sal die meeste van ons huidige uitdagings teen daardie tyd dramaties verlig word. Met dié toekomsprent wat net agt jaar weg is, lê daar baie harde werk voor. Alle insette oor hoe mense kan bydra, word dus verwelkom. ’n Visie is ’n groot woord, maar kom ons noem dit so. Dis die prentjie van die vallei waarin ons kan woon. Dis ’n droom om na te jaag. Dis ’n droom wat die moeite werd is en wat ons almal behoort te inspireer. Ek glo in die onmoontlike en dis soveel makliker wanneer jy in die Vallei van Moontlikhede woon!
Oudit nie skoon, wel ongekwalifiseer SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG TERWYL die meeste munisipaliteite die onlangse oudit-toets gedop het, blyk Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit se finansiële praktyke gesond te wees. Die Suid-Afrikaanse ouditeurgeneraal (OG) het vandeesweek sy oorsig oor die land munisipaliteite bekend gemaak. Net 13 van die 283 munisipaliteite het skoon oudits vir die boekjaar tot einde Junie 2011 gekry. Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit spog egter met ’n ongekwalifiseerde oudit wat beteken dat die OG bepaal het dat die munisipaliteit alles wat geopenbaar moes word, wel geopenbaar het.
Die munisipaliteit het egter weens ’n paar “tegniese foute” nie ’n skoon oudit behaal nie. Volgens raadslid Pieter Venter, portefeuljevoorsitter vir finansies, is die punte waarop hulle vasgehaak het, dadelik aangespreek nadat die OG dit aan hulle uitgewys het. Een van dié tegniese foute is die interpretasie van en optrede oor die advertering van tenders. “Ons het dit vir 21 dae geadverteer. Die OG het egter besluit dat dit 30 dae moet wees. Ons het dadelik ons beleid reggestel en adverteer ons tenders nou vir 30 dae.” ’n Kontrak is ook aan ’n maatskappy toegeken waar een van die direkteure vir die staat werk. Ven-
ter meen hulle sou prakties dit nooit kon vasgestel het nie, omdat hulle net die maatskappy se verklaring het om te bepaal wie van die maatskappy aan die staat gekoppel mag wees. “Die OG verander ook gereeld sy reëls en prosedures gedurende die jaar. Dit maak dit dan moeilik om aan alles te voldoen en dan tel dit teen ons.” Volgens Venter is die munisipaliteit se geldsake egter gesond. “Ons is dan een van net drie munisipaliteit in die land wat finansieël volhoubaar is. Ons is baie trots op ons ongekwalifiseerde oudit, maar ons strewe vir die boekjaar tot einde Junie 2012 is om ’n skoon oudit te kry.”
Kyk saam na die opwindende nuwe 13-week WHOHYLVLHUHHNV RRU GLH RQJHORRÁ LNH PHQVH YDQ GLH Suid Afrikaanse nooddienste terwyl hulle lewens red. SABC 3, elke Donderdag 22h10. Herhaling Vrydae om 10h00. :
ware suid afrikaanse stories van moed, passie en uithouvermoe
kyk. stem. ,
maak n verskil.
:]eYjc \]mj HÚ r]j ;gfkme]j @]Ydl`[Yj]& 9hhdacYfl2 HÚ r]j DYZgjYlgja]k =\ek! :hc& Ehq& J]_ Fj&2 )1-,'(((/0)'(/& :ml]dYYf 0-$ KYf\lgf$ *)1.$ Kma\ 9^jacY& L]d2 (0.( HÚ r]j /+, 1+/!& Naj f dqk nYf Z]klYf\]d]$ ka]f n]jhYccaf_& ;=F*/,
Plaaslike Owerhede.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
‘Council warmth’ needed, says Meyer SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
OUNCILLORS need to show compassion. “Council warmth” needs to be promoted throughout the country. These were the words of Dr Ivan Meyer, Western Cape minister for sport and cultural affairs, in Stellenbosch this past weekend. Meyer was invited to be a guest speaker
at a DA conference, where he spoke on the way forward for the party. Meyer said that the DA needs to build a brand where people feel “inclusive and welcome”, one where compassion is shown to everyone - from workers, the unemployed, unions and to those people that are suffering throughout the country. “We need to open our doors and hearts,” he said.
Munisipaliteit gee terug:
Die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit se topbestuur en eta Stellenbosch het hul deel gedoen vir Mandeladag met ’n projek by die Devonvalleisportgronde. Man deladag is verlede week Woensdag wêreldwyd gevier. Individue moes 67 minute van hul tyd aan hul gemeenskap of plaaslike welsyn of gemeenskapsorganisasies gee. Die munisipaliteit het ’n vraghouer voorsien en herstel in samewerking met die sakeondernemings Well pro Aluminium, RealNet Eiendomme, Stellenbosch Coronationsrug byklub,Vorentoe Boerdery, Kaulanie Civils en Bevan en Angus Williams van Pniel. Hier is almal wat op dié dag saamgewerk het. Foto: Verskaf
Let’s Go Stellenbosch– 3e uitgawe
Om jou besigheid in te sluit, kontak Anandi Augustyn by: “Let’s Go” is ’n verbruikersvriendelike kaart 082 786 2891 of epos wat besighede in Stellenbosch aandui sodat dit anandi@letsgomaps.co. maklik is vir besoekers om die dorp en distrik te za. verken. Die een kant verteenwoordig die Wynland area en sluit Akkommodasie, Wynplase, restaurante, & aktiwiteite in. Die ander kant verteenwoordig die dorp en sluit gastehuise, restaurante, koffiewinkels, galerye, museums & ander nuttige inligting in. Daar word 20 000 kaarte gedruk. Dit word versprei by verskeie toerisme kantore (Kaapstad, Stellenbosch, Helderberg & Paarl) en by 120 besighede in die Stellenbosch distrik. Adverteerders kry ook ’n gratis gidsinskrywing by www.letsgomaps.co.za.
He added that the political landscape of South Africa is changing dramatically and that leadership is urgently needed. “We can’t just sit on committees. We need to serve our communities. We need to be visible,” he emphasised. He said that whilst political realignment is occurring, there is a need for improvement all over. He encouraged councillors to go out and
identify, discuss and address problems in their various communities and not to wait for others to inform them of what’s going on. “I want councillors to discuss problems such as leaking taps. You must go out and identify whatever is wrong in your area and inform the mayor, so that these things can be fixed. We should not be absent in our wards.”
A winter wonderland C ONTRARY to what one might think, winter really is a wonderful time for gardening. Compared to those busy summer days when weeding, watering and feeding seems to dominate our activities, the less frenetic pace of winter allows us to slow down a little and redirect our focus. While giving adequate attention to the winter-flowering annuals and tackling the seasonal pruning of your shrubs and trees, some careful planning will result in a colourful garden as we enthusiastically head toward spring. Separating your winter activities into two distinct projects will help you manage the process easily, ensuring that you have an attractive and wellmanaged winter garden that flows naturally into the exciting first few weeks of spring. Don’t be shy to consult your local garden centre if you need some advice that is specific to your region. Colour your garden and plan for an early spring There’s nothing quite like being embraced by a colourful garden. Rather than delay planting until spring, give your garden a head start with some instant colour. Plant some of the winter seedlings that are available from your local garden centre. Select
strong seedlings – consider calendula, alyssum, pansies and violas, which will enable you to create some colourful areas during what can otherwise be quite a drab period. Remember to remove the older flowers regularly; this will ensure you enjoy a bounty of blooms well into summer. This is a good time to plant lilies. Just remember to plant them as soon as you get them because they don’t much like being out of the ground. Caring for your winter garden Your winter-flowering annuals will need liquid fertiliser. While you’re at the garden centre, stock up on some compost and manure too. Improve the soil structure during winter and counter the effects of the dry months by preparing some mulch. For those who don’t have any (or enough) mulch readily available, you can pick up some organic winter mulch that will enrich the soil while protecting plants from the weeds and cold at the same time. Mix compost with some autumn leaves. If these have been shredded or chopped, perhaps after using a garden shredder, this would be ideal. Add some wood shavings, bark chips or sawdust. Mix this to make mulch and spread generously at a recommended depth of four to
eight centimetres around the base of large shrubs and trees. This will keep the roots warmer, reduce water loss and minimise weed growth. In addition to the soil benefits, mulching around the base of your trees will help give your garden a tidy and professional appearance all year round. Plant your greens One of the best ways to introduce children to the natural wonder of a garden is in the vegetable patch. Suitable vegetable seedlings are available from your garden centres. You can safely plant cabbage, leeks, onions and lettuce throughout winter. Herbs are good for you Our climate is suitable for growing herbs during most of the year. All you need is a small sunny area, ideally close to the kitchen. Prepare the soil well and add plenty of compost to ensure good drainage; you will soon have a ready supply of thyme, oregano and parsley to add to the winter pot. Herbs are generally quite hardy plants, but do require regular watering and an organic fertiliser to encourage leaf growth. For more information on bringing life to your garden, visit www.lifeisagarden.co.za or join the conversation on the Life is a Garden Facebook page.
Vegetables are a great intro to gardening.
Photos: Connall Oosterbroek
Boland Bonsai byeen You can find Eikestadnuus online every Monday morning: simply pay a visit to www.eikestadnuus.co.za. Or visit our mobi site at eikestad nuus.mobi to read the news on your mobile phone. News at your fingertips.
DIE Boland Bonsai Kai ontmoet Saterdag, 28 Julie in die US Botaniese Tuin. Probleembome en hoe om hulle te verbeter sal bespreek word. Dit vergadering begin 09:00 en sal tot 12:00 duur. Klublede sal
ook hulle eie bome vir bespreking bring. Almal is welkom. Bring jou eie stoel. Koffie sal na afloop van die vergadering bedoen word. Bel Marie-Louise du Plessis by 082 715 0856.
Your health affects others too
OMEN are known to give so much of themselves to ensure that their loved ones receive the best of everything. Between working, fixing grazed knees and providing constant support, they put their time, energy and thought into making sure their family eat nutritious and wholesome meals. However, this is often at the expense of their personal health and nutritional needs. If you’re carrying extra weight and leading an inactive lifestyle, it’s not just you that you need to worry about. Studies have shown that children who have one or more overweight parents are more likely to suffer from
obesity themselves. Maintaining a nutritious, balanced diet and a regular exercise schedule is important if you want to lower your risk of conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, not to mention provide a good example to your children. August is a month dedicated to all things women, with Women’s Day falling on 9 August. If you haven’t already, this is as good a time as any for you to take a step back and look at how much of an influence you have on the eating habits of your family. Being healthy isn’t just based on what food is consumed, but also on how active you are. Instead of restrict-
Wenke vir
depressielyers ) Kos wat jou gemoed laaf: Bak knoffelbrood. Eet vis. Vetterige vis soos sardyne, tuna, salm en haring is ryk aan omega 3-vette wat teen depressie beskerm en moontlik serotonien, ’n “goedvoel-breinstof”, vrystel. Eet sjokolade (maar nie te veel nie). Dit bevat fenieletilamien, ’n stof wat jou gemoed help reguleer. ) Bonuswenke: Liefdadigheid is ’n uitstekende gemoedsopkikker. Vrolike musiek kan ’n mens se stresvlak met meer as 40 % laat daal. – health24
Win with the Bride & Occasions Fair THE Winelands Bride & Occasions Fair is set to take place this weekend at the renowned Spier wine estate. A visit to the exhibition on 28 and 29 July will ensure that the special occasion you’re planning, such as a wedding, office event or birthday party, will be a success. Service providers on show will cover just about any service and product available to help you showcase a successful event. Highly experienced and creative experts in their various fields – ranging from function venues to your honeymoon or special holiday – will be available over the two-day period to assist with special requirements, or simply to answer your general queries. Tickets can be bought at the entrance to the show on any of the two days. The ticket price is R70 per person, which includes the three daily fashion shows at 10:30, 13:00 and 15:00. Show hours are 09:00 to 17:00 on Saturday, and 09:00 to 16:30 on Sunday. For more information phone 021 981 4737 or visit www.fabbridal.co.za. ) One lucky reader stands a chance of winning a two-night stay at Palmiet Valley estate to the value of R3 664. To enter the competition SMS your name and “Palmiet Valley Estate” to 34420. Each SMS costs R1,50. Entries close on 29 July.
ing yourself to indoor activities, why not grab the whole family and take a walk? Doing so can prove to be more than just a healthy time out – it can also be a bonding experience. If you are into adventure and excitement, consider rock climbing or mountain biking. These activities will not only burn the calories, but will also contribute to great memories. The Diet Everyone Talks About is one of the options to help you get started on your journey to a better lifestyle. To find out how you or someone you know can get started on The Diet Everyone Talks About, pay a visit to www.the-diet.co.za for details.
Loop ter wille van depressienavorsing KOM “Loop vir Hoop” en ondersteun bewusmaking van depressie. Depressie is nie om sommer net “af” te voel nie en kan nie verdwyn deur jouself “net reg te ruk” nie. Dis ’n mediese toestand en soos met ander biologiese siektes vereis dit mediese behandeling. Soos vir ander siektes moet bewusmakingsveldtogte ook vir depressie gevoer word. “Loop vir Hoop” is so een – met die doel nie net om bewusmaking te kweek nie, maar ook om geld in te samel vir depressie-navorsing Inskrywings kos R100 per persoon en die volledige inskryfgeld gaan vir ’n navorsingsfonds vir depressie. Besoek www.iqelaevents.co.za. Inskrywings is beperk.
Arts & Entertainment.
Weaving a steelstring spell
HE International Guitar Night (IGN) is a series of performances held every summer and winter to bring to our South African doorstep the world’s greatest and most accomplished acoustic guitarists of the world today. Australian virtuoso Michael Fix is IGN’s international act this winter. Giving strong South African content to the evening is Tony Cox – considered one of SA’s finest acoustic guitarists – and much-loved Capetonian jazz maestros Errol and Alvin Dyers. The concert in Stellenbosch takes place on Sunday 29 July at 18:30 in the Endler Hall. Michael Fix is a multi award–winning guitarist and composer who has been one of Australia’s leading acoustic guitarists for more than two decades. His remarkable skills on the acoustic steel-string gui-
tar have to be seen and heard to be believed. Tickets for the concert cost R185. There are concessions for pensioners, students and block bookings. Book through Facebook, Computicket, Shoprite and Checkers outlets. You can also get your tickets over the phone through 0861 915 8000, or online at www.computicket.com. IGN will donate R5 of every ticket sold to the Kronendal Music Academy, which provides music education to the diverse, and poverty-stricken communities of Hout Bay. An acoustic steel-string guitar and bag, donated by Paul Bothner, will be raffled off between the Kronendal music students and will be presented to the winner at one of the shows. These concerts have been made possible through the sponsorship of Global Migration SA, Fine Music Radio and Paul Bothner Music.
) Sasol Kunsmuseum: Stellenbosch Kunsvereniging jaarlikse ledeuitstalling. Tot 28 Julie. 0 021 808 3668. ) SMAC Art Gallery: exhibition by Richard Long titled Works on Paper in collaboration with Haunch of Venison, London, and Willem Boshoff’s Text Works. Until 2 September. 0 021 887 3607 or 2 info@smacgallery.com, or visit www.smacgallery.com. ) Oude Libertas-kunsgalery: Friends in Art se tweede uitstalling. Tot 8 Augustus. 0 021 809 7463. ) The Duck Pond Restaurant, Welmoed wine estate: exhibition of oil paintings by Capetonian artist Ellie Eburne. 0 021 881 3310. 27 July ) Klein Libertas Theatre: Mxit Technology Event – Grim Furdango with Mr Cat & the Jackal, Nomadic Orchestra, Ma’Original and Black Handed Kites. Free entry from 19:00, and free R60 bar tab if you register at the door. ) Dorpstraat-teater: Lize Beekman. 20:30. R100. 0 021 889 9158 of 2 info@dorpstraat.co.za. 27–28 Julie ) ATKV-Applousfinaal by die Bloemhof Aktiwiteitsentrum, Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof. Elke aand om 18:30. Verskeie kore tree elke aand op. Met Niël Rademan as gasheer en Andriëtte Norman as gaskunstenaar. R60 (R30 vir skoliere en pensioenarisse) by Computicket. 27, 28, 30, 31 Julie en 1–4 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: Deurbraak 2012 met regie deur Riaan Visman en musikale regie Lucas Heinen. Elke aand om 19:00. Bespreek by Christine: 0 082 335 3105.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
KUNSSKALENDER ARTS CALENDER en die Kolle (kinderteater). 11:00. R40. 0 021 889 9158 of 2 info@dorpstraat.co.za. ) Dorpstraat-teater: The Cadillacs – John Lennon Tribute. R90. 20:00 0 021 889 9158; 2 info@dorpstraat.co.za. 29 Julie ) Endlersaal: Internasionale Kitaaraand met Michael Fix en Tony Cox, Errol en Alvin Dyers. 18:30. Kaartjies kos R185 by Computicket. 2 Augustus ) Dorpstraat-teater: Gratis Donderdae met Marthie Hauptfleisch-Nel. 20:00. 0 021 889 9158. 3 Augustus ) Klein Libertas-teater: Lark se albumbekendstelling saam met Taxi Violence en Future Primitives. Deure open 19:00. Kaartjies teen R50 by www.webtickets.co.za. R50 en R60 by die deur. 7 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: AdLib Teatersport. 20:00. R20. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aandebraak@gmail.com. 8 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: Olinosterfant bied aan: Die Riebeeck Oester met Jaak Erasmus en Philip Burger. 19:00. R60. Geen kinders onder 18. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aandebraak@gmail.com.
28 Julie ) Klein Libertas-teater: Metal4Africa. Bands begin om 17:00. Deure open om 16:00. Kaartjies R60 by die deur.
8–9 Augustus ) Muratie Wynlandgoed. Luna Paige se Storielied – ’n Vrouedagkonsert. 19:00. R120. Thalia: 2 info@muratie.co.za of 0 021 865 2330.
28 Julie ) Dorpstraat-teater: Kinkel en Konkel
10 August ) Hudson’s at Vredenheim: winter
dance with music by renowned Afrikaans singer Nic Stevens. 18:30 for 19:00. R295 per couple, includes dinner and wine. Book with Charalto: 021 881 3878 or wine@vredenheim.co.za. ) Aan de Braak-teater: Pierre van Heerden in Tune jy My? (kabaret-komedie) 20:00. R60 en R30 (studente). 0 082 335 3105; 2 aandebraak@gmail.com. 11 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: Slagyster. 19:30. R30. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aandebraak@gmail.com. 13–18 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: Belydenis in Perspektief (Confessions in Perspective) deur Piet Lategan. 19:30. R50. 0 082 335 3105; 2 aandebraak@gmail.com. 17 Augustus ) Ella’s Bistro: Francois van Coke. 20:00. R100. 0 021 865 2028, 079 898 6087; 2 info@ellas.co.za. ) Eikendal-restaurant: Zamar fondsinsamelingskonsert. 19:00 vir 19:30. R350. 2 info@zamar.co.za of 0 021 886 6121. 23 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: AdLib teatersport. 20:00. R20. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aandebraak@gmail.com. 28 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: My Vallei met Herman Kleinhans, Wouter van de Venter, Hilandi du Toit, Jacques Steyn. 19:00. R50 en R30 studente. 0 082 335 3105 of 2 aandebraak@gmail.com. 31 Augustus ) Eikendal-restaurant: Zamar fondsinsamelingskonsert. 19:00 vir 19:30. R350. 2 info@zamar.co.za of 0 021 886 6121. 31 Augustus ) Aan de Braak-teater: Little Fish (musiek). 20:00. R40 (R30 vir studente). 0 082 335 3105; 2 aandebraak@gmail.com.
Van Schaik’s top ten Sunday Lunch Buffet We will be hosting a special lunch buffet on Sunday 29 July. R160 for adults, R85 for children ages 5-15 & kids under 4 eat for free! Please see our website for details.
Champagne Breakfast
Full breakfast buffet with juice, coffee/tea and a glass of bubbly for R75 per person. Available from 7am till 11am.
Van Coke in die Bos:
Francois van Coke sal op 17 Augustus te sien wees by Ella’s Bistro, Devon Place, Koe lenhof, om 20:00. Kaartjies kos R100. Be spreek by 021 865 2028 of 079 898 6087 of epos info@ellas.co.za.
AS part of a monthly promotion, Van Schaik Book Store in the Neelsie is giving away two of its best-selling books. The top-10 list comprises: 1. Fifty Shades of Grey, EL James 2. Eight Days in September, Frank Chikane 3. Fifty Shades Freed, EL James 4. Fifty Shades Darker, EL James 5. Spud, Exit: Pursued by a Bear, John van de Ruit 6. The Governor’s Wife, Mark Gimenez 7. Evita’s Bossie Sikelela, Evita Bezuidenhout 8. Who Rules South Africa, Paul Holden and Martin Plaut 9. Evita se Bossie Sikelela, Evita Bezuidenhout 10. Staat teen Anna Bruwer,
Anchien Troskie Visit the book store in the Neelsie student centre to browse these and other fantastic titles. To win one of two copies of Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James, SMS “VSCHAIK”, along with your name and contact details, to 34420. SMSes cost R1,50 each.
Kuns & Vermaak.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Matie set on Top Billing
HE My Top Billing Dream competition is in full swing, and with an old Matie in the running for the final 10, it’s time to get voting. Greg Kriek was born in Somerset West, and grew up in Gordon’s Bay. He matriculated from Paarl Boys’ High, where he was also head boy. Greg studied at Stellenbosch University from 2006 to 2008, and was in residence at Huis Marais. Some students will also remember him as MC of “Soen in die Laan” and “Kleinsêr”. He regularly visits the area, where he still has many friends. With a degree in global business leadership and a postgraduate qualification in film and television production, Greg has been working hard on developing his practical skills as a producer, writer and actor, while social development work in South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi and India has kept him inspired to reach nations in a practical way. As one of South Africa’s Brightest
Young Minds in 2010, one of the first selected protégés for The Chosen Leading CEO Council, and a member of the International Golden Key Academic Honorary Society, he is adamant to reach his full potential as a leader who has an impact on those around him. Never afraid of jumping into projects and getting his hands dirty, this creative and passionate individual aspires to help others and give back to the community. Being part of the top 10 has been exhilarating for Greg so far. “It has been a dream, completely overwhelming,” he says. “There’s this excitement of not knowing what’s coming next. It keeps you on your toes. In this scenario everyone is on an equal footing; no one has a head start.” Watch Top Billing every Tuesday at 20:00, or the reruns on Sundays at 12:00, to see Greg in action and vote for one of our own. Stay up to date by following Greg on Twitter @Greg_Kriek.
HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A RADIO PRESENTER? Greg Kriek is one of the finalists in the My Top Photo: supplied Billing Dream competition.
Contact Charita van der berg at hr@mfm.sun.ac.za or fetch a form at MFM’s offices on the 3rd floor of the Neelsie. Applications close on 03 August 2012.
Art and food at Duck Pond DESPITE the recent cold front, a number of art lovers braved the weather to experience, first hand, the work of South African artist Ellie Eburne. With a glass or two of Kumkani wine in hand, guests mingled, chatted, admired and commented on the work of this extraordinary artist. One of the most discussed features of the event, besides the large size of many of the works, was the fact that all of Ellie’s work has a real quality of “life” within it. Ranging from the smallest flower to an enormous portrayal of an elephant, Ellie has a talent to bring out the best in
her subject; vibrant, colourful, dynamic and alive. Hosted by the lively team of Charlene and Ronel at the Duck Pond restaurant, this was an evening that won’t be easily forgotten. The exhibition will be open until October. In all, the artistic contribution of three artists were on display; the art of winemaking by Allison Adams Witbooi of Kumkani wines, the culinary art of the duo of sisters, Charlene and Ronel of the Duck Pond restaurant, and topped off with the fine art of Cape Town’s new artistic blood, Ellie Eburne.
MFM 92.6 Presenter vacancies are now OPEN!
Wine, food and art were on the menu at Welmoed.
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Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
SAKE Business
5x2 fc
Eikestad Mall then… and now Then... E
vir ander koerante mei
IKESTAD Mall has been part of the thriving heart of Stellenbosch since the early seventies. The recent renovation at the mall is an initiative that forms part of an urban renewal project, which involves the redevelopment of the mall itself and surrounding properties. Since 2008, Eikestad Mall has undergone a dramatic transformation from a small convenience centre with a few shops to a modern, upmarket shopping
centre. This mixed-use development offers over 75 stores as well as offices and exclusive apartments. Parking is also no longer a problem. For added convenience, there are now more than 550 undercover parking bays with three entrances – leading from Plein, Bird and Andringa Streets. In 2012, many new stores have opened in the mall, including Incredible Connection, Game, Reggie’s, Vets Mart, PNA and
Mr Price, Capitec Bank and the Food Lover’s Market. Virgin Active Gym is planned to open by January 2013 and customers can also look forward to a large, new Checkers, Mr Price Sport and Marcel’s Frozen Yoghurt which opens in November. From fashion, food and entertainment to daily essentials and services, now Eikestad Mall has them all. For more information www.eikestadmall.co.za.
! w o N
Capitec opened its 572nd branch in Stel lenbosch yesterday. At the launch of the Eikestad Mall branch, the bank unveiled the most sophisticated ATM in South Afri ca. The new ATM, which is installed out side the branch, gives users the option of depositing notes, cheques and even individual coins. Functionality that will allow users to withdraw money by simply scanning their ID books and providing a fingerprint on a digital recognition pad will soon be set up. The machine, called a “Cash Recycler ATM”, was developed in South Africa and built in Belgium. Rodney Coetzee (left) and Gary Hodg kinson (right) were part of the team who designed the groundbreaking new ATM.
Oewerpark 12, Rokewoodlaan Stellenbosch T: 021 887 1305 F: 021 882 9046
Asara branches out with funky Nouveau THIRD-generation winemaker fact, it’s the only red wine that mas, you’ve missed the plot.” LessseriousthantheotherAsara Francois Joubert has been doing should be drunk as cold as possisome experimenting at Asara ble, according to Joubert. labels, this red is unique in its lack wine estate. It is also ideal for people who are of tannin structure, sweet palate The result is the funky Asara interested in drinking wine, but andpurpleshine,trademarksofthe Nouveau, a South African version are not ready for the heavy, seri- cultivar used to make it. of the popular French boutique ous reds just yet. wine Beaujolais nouveau. The wine is supposed to be Joubert explained that the idea drunk within four to five months behind the wine was to do some- of its release, Joubert advised. “If thing different and, as the name you still have the wine at Christsuggests, something new. “It’s so much fun to create!” he said. And indeed, it is the creation process that makes this wine so special. Unlike traditional reds, the grapes are left to “spontaneously ferment” in the tanks for less than a month without being crushed or pressed. This process makes it an easydrinking, perfectfor-parties wine. In Francois Joubert, Asara’s winemaker, tasting the new Asara wine.
27 • 28 July 2012
New flats close to campus A
N ideal opportunity for students and investors, says Pam Golding Properties (PGP) of Banghoek 2367, a brand new development launching this month. Prices range from R973 500, including VAT. The development is marketed exclusively by PGP. Stellenbosch University has a reputation for being one of the finest in South Africa, and is fast approaching its centenary (in 2018) as one of the country’s foremost academic institutions. Accommodating over 24 000 students and more than 800 lecturers can be a challenge for a small town, so it’s always good news when additional residential options are added to the mix, says PGP’s Stellenbosch office – not only for students and staff themselves, but also for investors wanting to capitalise on the student rental market. Banghoek 2367 is located immediately adjacent to the main campus in Banghoek Street, diagonally opposite the engineering faculty. This places the building within easy reach of all eight faculties on the main campus, as well as all major sports and recreational facilities. PGP agent Odette Collins says the building itself is brand new, and finished to unusually high specifications. “The developer opted to demolish the existing building on the site and rebuild from the ground up to ensure a new, clean and modern look. “Furnishing includes Hans Grohe bathroom fittings and highquality appliances in both the individual units and the communal
This newly completed apartment building, Banghoek 2367, is located immediately adjacent to the Stellenbosch University’s main campus. The building offers 13 partly furnished, serviced residential suites. areas, as well as additional touches such as double-glazed windows to minimise noise. Finding student accommodation can be difficult enough in Stellenbosch – but finding brand new, upmarket, clean and spacious accommodation like this is particularly rare.” The double-storey building offers 13 private residential suites, ranging in size from 27 m² to 34 m². The semi-furnished apartments offer a bedroom section, built-in
study area, en suite bathroom with shower, and kitchenette equipped with a microwave, sink and barfridge. Six are intended for single occupancy, while the other seven can be shared by two residents. All units are equipped with their own individual pre-paid electricity metres, as well as a television connection and Wi-Fi Internet access. Internet use, as well as weekly laundry and cleaning services, are to be levied to the occupants.
R14 699 000
Bedrooms 5 | Bathrooms 4 | Garage 2 | Flat
WEB 6646
Kantoor 021 887 4740 DIE BOORD Welgevonden 021 889 9774
Mari 082 566 1155 R3557 100 0864 000 Marina 082
R1 650 000
WEB 7369 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 Beautiful north facing home, in cul-desac. Next to park. Designer finishes.
R9 500 000
Slaapkamers 5 | Badkamers 4 | Motorhuise 2
WEB 7346
Gesogte Mostertsdrift-adres. Ou wêreldse atmosfeer, met kleiteelvloere en oregon
Excellent views and finishes! Close to town. A unique opportunity.
Communal areas at Banghoek 2367 include a fully-fitted open-plan kitchen and laundry. Each unit is allocated an open-air parking bay, located behind a secure gate with remote-control access. Additional security features include electric perimeter fencing and a code-controlled pedestrian gate and front door. PGP’s area manager for Stellenbosch, Louise Varga, says the pricing of the development is extremely com-
petitive, given its high-quality finishes and its prime central location. “Prices for the single-occupancy units range from R973 500 to R1,4044 million, while the doubleoccupancy units are priced from R1,1865 million to R1,222 million. Levies are expected to amount to about R700 to R850 per month, including services and corporate levies, depending on the size of the unit.” Varga adds that the investment potential of the building is excellent. “Being so close to campus, those buying to live here can expect an easy resale once their student years are finished, while those buying for investment purposes can expect steady demand for rentals, with expected rates in the vicinity of R5 000 to R6 500 per month. “Similar developments in the area have attracted particular interest from postgraduate students from Johannesburg, KwaZuluNatal and even as far afield as Namibia. The offering of a semifurnished and partly serviced suite is ideal for those who want to enjoy their independence without having to worry about details such as cleaning and laundry. It’s no surprise that one unit is already under offer, and we anticipate a swift response to the remaining suites.” Occupation is anticipated from August. To view Banghoek 2367, or for more information, contact PGP agent Odette Collins on 083 625 5423 or 021 887 1017, or send an email to odette.collins@pamgolding.co.za. Email PGP’s area manager for Stellenbosch, Louise Varga, at louise.varga@pamgolding.co.za.
R1 295 000
WEB 7111 Slaapkamers 4 | Badkamers 3 WEB 7366 WEB 7341 Bachelor | Bathroom 1 WEB 7330 Slaapkamers 4 | Badkamers 3 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 3 Net reg vir intrek! Inheemse tuin, 2 Spacious entertainment areas, Noordfront familiewoning. Ekstra Excellent investment and position. On ruim leefareas en kuierstoep. green route. woonstelle. Gedeelde alleenmandaat. pool and exceptional views.
R1 100 000
WEB 7325 Bedrooms 2 | Bathroom 2 Excellent investment! Near town, golf courses and Technopark.
R3 490 000
R2 750 000
NEW RELEASE Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garage 2
LOADS OF EXTRAS Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garage 2
WEB 270414
Brand new home ready September 2012. Top quality finishes with ideal location on very popular working wine farm. [O] 021 843 3368
CLAUDINE 072 610 1416 GERHARD 076 590 7758
R2 995 000
WEB 261521
Spacious family home with great living options, spacious garden with pool and mountain views. Secure living in popular estate. [O] 021 843 3368 GERHARD 076 590 7758 CLAUDINE 072 610 1416
R3 775 000
Perfect lock-up and go in popular area close to schools and amenities. 3 Living areas with covered patio to pool and private garden.
Plot in sought after Koloniesland next to the Eerste River with tranquil surroundings.
[O] 021 886 7905
[O] 021 886 7905
LEON 082 575 7356 LISBE 084 666 0011
R2 030 000
LEON 082 575 7356 LISBE 084 666 0011
R 975 000
‘N MOET SIEN! Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 2
AVOID THE RUSH! WEB 267780 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Parking 1
Noordfrontwoning met onderdak braaistoep oorkant park bied uitsigte, uitstekende afwerking en hope ekstras! [K] 021 886 7905
DROEKS 082 685 9189
R4 400 000
WEB 260009
Secure accommodation for next year for your student child. Modern, north facing with balcony. [O] 021 886 7905
DROEKS 082 685 9189
R 450 000
STELLENBOSCH MOUNTAIN BACKDROP Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garage 2 WEB 263025
FOR THE BEGINNER Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Parking 2
A position to die for!!! Within walking distance from town centre in a cul-de-sac.
Open plan reception and kitchen, two bedroom home unique for a small family.
[O] 021 886 7905
[O] 021 886 7905
SOPHIA 082 824 6798
R2 160 000
WEB 264287
GAVIN 072 707 1192
PERFECT STARTER HOME Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garage 1
NABY SKOLE WEB 269183 Kamers 4 Badkamers 3
WEB 264816
Great opportunity to acquire a compact, but spacious Noord front woning met 3 leefareas, groot home with all the extras. Underfloor heating, heated kuierstoep, swembad en tuinwoonstel. Gedeeltelik towel rails and much more! gerestoureer. [O] 021 886 7905
HETTIE 083 263 0559
[K] 021 886 7905
LEONIE 082 773 0655
Stellenbosch Boland Sold 26.07.12_Layout 1 24/07/2012 10:56 AM Page 1
On Show: Sunday 14h00 - 17h00
Sole Mandate
R3 495 000
Web Ref 194217
Location is key here. A 4 bedroom home with all the right trimmings offering a diverse life-style as it can be a lock-up and go home as well. Bordering along the parklands with sweeping views over Stellenbosch, close to main schools and shopping complex. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506
On Show: Sunday 14h00 - 17h00
Web Ref 186314
Sole Mandate
R2 735 000
Situated in Dalsig, close to top schools & easy access to main routes if working out of Stellenbosch. This newly renovated home with modern finishes will pleasantly surprise you, offering 4 bedrooms, study & direct access from the double garage. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506
On Show: Sunday 15h00 - 18h00
Sole Mandate
Web Ref 179873
R7 850 000
Kom besigtig hierdie besonderse skouhuis. Gevestigde eiendom met hope onthaalspasie, Noordfront stoepe, bergstroom, feetjie tuin – paradys! Skakel die agente vir verdere navrae. Kontak: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645
Sole Mandate
R2 200 000
Joint Mandate
Web Ref 179453
PRICE REDUCED. Situated in the Stellenbosch Winelands Security Estate. When it comes to ticking all the boxes you will be surprised at how far you will go. Unsurpassed vineyard & mountain views. Modern finishes with fine attention to detail. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506
Sole Mandate
R4 295 000
Web Ref 146885
Web Ref 125578 Joint Mandate
PRICE REDUCED. A mere 10 minute drive from Stellenobsch, this modern home offers fine attention to detail. Situated in De Wijnlanden Estate offering secure, relaxed living with tennis courts, club house & walking trails. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506
R2 850 000
R3 950 000
PRICE REDUCED. Well established family home with three garages, spacious living areas, open plan living and large plot. The indoor outdoor flow from entertainment area to swimming pool is easy and carefree. Contact: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645
Joint Mandate
Offers from R3 300 000
Charming home in La Pastorale with quaint touches, beautiful wooden floors and spacious bedrooms. A cosy home with character that offers a quaint garden and pool. Asking Price: R3 540 000 Contact: Monique Holzen 072 390 9227
Web Ref 187097 Sole Mandate
Belegging vir ontwikkeling - erf groter as 1000vkm. Maak ‘n aanbod! Kontak: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645
Web Ref 130776
Web Ref 150981
R1 300 000
This spacious duplex offers 4 bedrooms, a large living area, 2 bathrooms and a garden area. The property has easy access to main roads & Stellenbosch central town, perfect for students. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506
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Home finance for buyers – see a mortgage originator SO you’re thinking about purchasing a new property, and you know you’ll be needing bank finance – just what do you need to do? Before you start shopping for a property, you need to speak to someone about the finance you will qualify for. Why? Because the amount you actually qualify for will have a significant impact on the value of the property you can purchase. Unfortunately, many buyers neglect to do this, so they find a house they like and make an offer – only to have their finance declined. It’s hugely disappointing for them, not to mention the seller! So whom do you speak to about finance? You could talk to a home loan specialist at your bank, or you could talk to a mortgage originator who knows how all the banks work and what their different criteria are. In our experience as estate agents, there is a much higher possibility of a buyer obtaining finance when they use a qualified mortgage originator. According to Ooba, recent statistics show that 27% of applications declined by one bank were approved by another. So if you are declined at your bank, there is a 27% chance – if you used a mortgage originator – your finance would have been approved at another bank. It makes a good argument for using an originator. Something else to consider is the possibility of obtaining 100% finance. Only about one in three applications for 100% finance are approved. If you are able to pay a deposit of 10% or more, your chances of bond approval are about 50% greater. One aspect of home finance buyers often
Talking Property by
Steve Caradoc-Davies neglect to consider is the loan-to-value (LTV) they will be approved for. In other words, what percentage of the total purchase price the bank will finance – which is often different from the actual rand amount you qualify for. For example: you may qualify for a bond of R1 750 000. However, with all but one of the banks, when you purchase above R1 500 000, the maximum LTV is 90%. That means if you purchase for R1 750 000 you will only qualify for 90% of this – being R1 575 000 – even if your income qualifies you for more. So make sure, as a potential purchaser, that you understand not only how much you qualify for, but also the loan-to-value from the banks. It’s been interesting to see what interest rates the banks offer purchasers these
tKE Z^ /E t >>/E'dKE
days. Gone are the days of 2005–2006, when prime minus 2% was common! According to Ooba, over the past few months the average across the banks has been prime minus 0,02% for finance with a loan-to-value of less than 90%. For finance of 90% of the purchase price or more, the average interest rate is prime plus 0,58%. Some banks are really not competitive on interest rates. We’ve actually seen offers of prime plus 2%. Again a good argument to use a mortgage originator, as they will know which banks are competitive, not only on the LTV, but also the interest rate. On a positive note, the prime lending rate dropped by 0,5% this month. For those with property finance, this means that for every R1 million of debt you have, your instalment on a 20-year bond will have decreased by R320 per month. So if you are thinking about purchasing property, speak to a qualified mortgage originator and find our how much you qualify for, what the LTVs are and how much cash you will need for a deposit and registration and bond costs. Then, when you know what you can spend, start property hunting. You will have the comfort of knowing that, when you find your dream home, the chances of obtaining the finance you need are really good. Happy shopping! ) Steve Caradoc-Davies is principal of Harcourts Platinum and director of Harcourts South Africa. Read more of his property advice on his blog at harcourtsplatinum.wordpress.com. Mail him at steve.cd@harcourts.co.za.
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Boland Sold Paarl Quarter Page Horizontal 26.07.12_Layout 1 24/07/2012 10:26 AM Page 1
dŽ ǀŝĞǁ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ĨŽƌ ƐĂůĞ ŝŶ WĂĂƌů͕ ŽƐĐŚĞŶŵĞĞƌ ĂŶĚ tĞůůŝŶŐƚŽŶ͕ ƉŚŽŶĞ dLJƌĞĞ ŽŶ Ϭϴϯ Ϯϲϭ ϮϳϮϮ Žƌ ǀŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ Ăƚ ǁǁǁ͘ŚĂƌĐŽƵƌƚƐƉĞĂƌů͘ĐŽ͘njĂ
Paarl | Wellington
Sole Mandate
Paardeberg Estate
Starting at R2 550 000 for plot, plan and construction costs.
Web Ref 195212 Joint Mandate
With sweeping views of farmlands, the Drakenstein Mountains and even Table Mountain, the setting for this exclusive estate is incomparable. This unique position offers a tranquil and exclusive lifestyle with easy access to Northern Suburbs, Paarl and Wellington. Only seven opportunities available. Contact: Bronwyn Boyd 083 420 1747
R1 995 000
Web Ref 140738 Web Ref 181686
NEW RELEASE - A beautiful double-storey home designed to accommodate an extra large family. Set in well established neighborhood in close proximity to schools. Contact: Estelle Denys 072 141 4117
140 Hoofstraat, Paarl. t 021 870 1011 f 021 871 1175 info@sirpaarlco.za www.sothebysrealty.co.za
R2 700 000
Unieke 1,1 hektaar, skilderagtige omgewing op berg. Netjies, rustig, landelik - vrugtebome en groentetuin. Ruim 4 slaapkamer woning, kothuis, woonstel, stoor ens. Goeie water - boorgat en bergstroom, met implemente. www.farmssouthafrica.co.za Contact: Danie Hauptfleisch 083 627 2148 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated
R2 780 000
R2 350 000
NOORDFRONT HUIS OP HOEKERF Kamers 3 Badkamers 2,5 M/huis 2 WEB 270378 Sopas heeltemal oorgedoen! Moderne oopplanwoning met opvoudeure na onderdak patio met uitsig op golfbaan en berge. [K] 021 863 2109 LYNETTE 071 109 2669
SPLINTERNUUT TREK NET IN Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 2
R1 495 000
WEB 261488
Noordfront oopplan huis met moderne afwerkings. Opvoudeure na onderdak braai patio. Pragtige uitsig op golfbaan en berge. [K] 021 863 2109 THYS 082 646 0932 LYNETTE 071 109 2669
R1 350 000
WONDERLIKE FAMILIEHUIS Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 2
WEB 265164
HIER SIT DIE MANNE Kamers 4 Badkamers 3 M/huis 1
WEB 266131
Familiehuis, perfek vir die onthaler. Swembad, onder- So ‘n lekker kuier huis met binnebraai, kroeg, swembad en lekker groot leefareas. Kom maak ‘n aanbod. dak buitebraai asook binnebraai. Baie privaat. Omheinde tuin. LITA 083 498 1018 [K] 021 872 2223 LORETTA 082 473 0596 [K] 021 872 2223
R640 000
R1 495 000
PRYSVERLAGING Kamers 3 Badkamers 1 M/huis 2
WEB 265140
Huis bied volledige kombuis, aparte waskamer, ekstra groot leefarea, gastetoilet, jetmaster, binnebraai op hoekerf in stil area. Uitstekende koop. [K] 021 872 2223 BERENICE 072 423 1455
R1 085 000
PAARL ..... 1880 Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 1 WEB 261199 Bekoorlike Victoriaanse woning met oorgenoeg outentieke kenmerke. Oregonvloere, skuifraam en hortjiesvensters, onontwikkelde solder. studeerkamer. [K] 021 872 2223 VOSSIE 082 444 7003
R879 000
GEWILDE AREA Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 1
VIN VALEE-PRYSE VANAF R879 000 Kamers 2/3 Badkamers 1/2 M/huis 1/2 WEB 270342
WEB 268577
Familiehuis op boomryke groot erf. Loop afstand skole toe.
Ontwikkeling geleë in prima area regoorkant Huguenote Laerskool. Slegs 10 eenhede beskikbaar.
[K] 021 864 2948
[K] 021 864 2948
MARISA 079 877 4177
R450 000
R950 000
TEENAAN KAMPUS - CPUT Kamers 1 Badkamers 1 Parkering 1
WEB 268213
Ruim woonstel in sentraal Wellington. Loop afstand na Universiteit. [K] 021 864 2948
TERTIUS 082 877 7534
CARMEN 082 490 0994
RENTALS Boschenmeer - Thys 082 646 0932 Paarl - Vicky Bester 074 158 8016 Wellington - Mari 083 626 8567
BEKOSTIGBAAR EN NETJIES. Kamers 3 Badkamers 1 M/huis 1
WEB 261608
Siersteen huis met baie potensiaal. Aparte buitekamer met badkamer. Netjiese afdak voor garage. [K] 021 864 2948 LINDA 083 379 3769
Don’t cut corners on electrical compliance certification THE nearly 3 600 formal house fires recorded during 2010 in South Africa, according to the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA’s) most recent statistics, caused the deaths of 60 people and a monetary loss of more than R1,3 billion. Furthermore, 49% of house fires have their origins in electrical distribution or lighting equipment problems, according to NFPA figures for the period 2005–2009. This is why it’s critical to use only qualified, registered contractors to do the electrical compliance certification of a property when it changes hands, says Richard Gray, CEO of Harcourts Real Estate. Commenting on government’s decision to take the function of registering electrical contractors from the Electrical Contracting Board of SA to the Department of Labour from June this year, Gray said he hoped the move would ensure tighter control over the industry and help root out fraudulent and unregistered operators. “It’s no secret that the industry is fraught with operators who are illegally issuing electrical compliance certificates to unsuspecting consumers,” he says. “As a result, many new homeowners are labouring under the false impression that their properties are safe.” According to Chris Greager, national director of the Electrical Contractors’ Associ-
ation South Africa (Ecasa), an electrical compliance certificate – one of the legal requirements of selling a property – should confirm that a thorough inspection of a property’s electrical installation has been done by a qualified, registered contractor. “Regardless of how old a property is, it can have electrical problems such as poor earthing, illegally installed additions, open joint boxes, unreadable ratings on circuit breakers, a lack of labelling on the distribution boards, faulty light switches and socket outlets, and illegal open wiring. Fires can occur as a result of the circuit breaker being overrated for the wiring it protects. If there is a fault, the undersized wiring could then start burning before the circuit breaker detects the fault.” Other major causes of electrical fires include faulty appliances such as electric heaters and stoves, and ceiling insulation. Explains Greager: “Homeowners, when installing Think Pink–type products in the ceiling over low-voltage down-lighters, don’t always know that they have to cut holes above the lights to allow for the heat to dissipate. Down-lighters generate a lot of heat, which can cause the beams to start smouldering and eventually burst into flame.” In older homes, he continues, the wiring
may have deteriorated and need replacing, or the owners may have carried out their own illegal additions and alterations. In newer properties, the most common problem is that part of the installation, whether as a result of negligence or a lack of oversight by the original contractor, was not carried out in accordance with SANS 10142-1, which prescribes the minimum safety requirements for all electrical installations in South Africa. The severity of fire damage to a house would depend on a number of different issues, says Greager. “Thatched houses would obviously suffer significant damage. Less obvious but also vulnerable are homes under normal plaster tiles because, should the beams start burning, the roof would collapse if the fire were not extinguished quickly enough “ Inside the house, damage would be relevant to what combustible materials there are in the vicinity of the fire.” According to Greager, section 8 of the Wiring Code (SANS 10142-1) stipulates that contractors work through an extensive checklist, from the point of control (the point at which the incoming supply from the meter can be switched off) to the point of consumption (such as a socket outlet, or the supply terminals to stove or swimming
pool connections). “They must ensure that it is safe, that there is no illegal wiring and no deterioration of the system. “They then have to carry out a range of tests with instruments to ensure that the numerous readings they are required to take fall within the accepted and prescribed parameters.” Accordingly, Greager urges sellers, transfer attorneys and financial institutions to ensure that they not only use registered companies and contractors, but that they also receive the correct version of the compliance certificate. “There are still many electricians using the incorrect documentation, which will render the certificate invalid,” he cautions. He also strongly recommends that nonselling home owners use only registered electrical contractors when having electrical installation work done, and to insist on a certificate of compliance for any new installations, additions, extensions or alterations. “If such a certificate isn’t issued, any previous certificates will be invalidated, which could in turn result in an insurance claim being refused,” he warns. “For peace of mind, property owners must use the services of an electrical contractor who is a member of the ECA (SA), which guarantees their work for up to R15 000.”
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
170 Main Road, Somerset West, 7130 Tel. 021 85 22942 Fax. 021 85 12515 Cell. 083 675 3012 email. mdprop@global.co.za
www. moniquedamseauxproperties.co.za
R3,850 mil 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 2 en suite, formal lounge, sep. dining room, family room, large office, kids computer area, kitchen open plan, sep. laundry and scullery, pantry, private pool & patio area, double garage auto & access 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms MES, lounge with F/P, large workshop
5 JUNE 2012
4 double bedrooms, all en suite, guest cloakroom, 4 reception rooms, gourmet fitted kitchen, sep. laundry & scullery, 4 garages auto & access, patio, pool, borehole with storage tanks, utility room, solar panels etc. Plus lots of extras
House: ± 826m2 Plot: ±4000m2 A must to view
dining room, family room, kitchen oven & hob, sep. laundry, d/garage auto, pool, sep. guest flatlet Plot: ±2056m2
Monique - 083 675 3012
Monique - 083 675 3012
Monique - 083 675 3012
House: ± 400m2 Plot: ±977m2
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
Is property investment a good idea? IS investing in property a smart move? Possibly. Andrew Carnegie had a point when he said that 90% of all millionaires become so by owning real estate. Just look at some of the Forbes list entries: Minoru Mori (Japan), $1,9 billion; Donald Bren (USA), $12 billion; the Otto family (Germany), $17,6 billion – and we all know about Donald Trump . Looking at these fortunes – all amassed by investing in property – one might be forgiven for thinking it’s too good to be true. And to a degree it is; certainly not everyone who speculates in the real estate market makes money; in fact many have dabbled in the market only to lose badly. It’s clear that there is money to be made in property, but how to do it? “Whether you’re buying a property to live in or as an investment, the key at the moment is to take a longterm view,” says Jan le Roux, CEO of Leapfrog Property Group. “The local real estate market is barely recovering, and the smartest move at this point is to hold on to your property if at all possible.” Le Roux says he wouldn’t advise buying property to let at the moment; “If you need a home to live in, purchase. If you’re looking for a buy-to-let investment, however, I’d advise you to bide your time.” A group of property authors confirmed this point of view at a recent breakfast held by the South African Real Estate Investor magazine. Pieter Louw (From Poverty to Property), Jason Lee (Making Money out of Property in South Africa), Mike Smuts (Buying London Property) and Gordon Mackay (The Streetwise Millionaire) have all used property to create wealth, and in most cases believe in holding on to an investment for the mid- to long-term. They were also unanimous that
you only should buy when the numbers make sense. American investor and billionaire Warren Buffett recently made news by claiming he would buy thousands of American homes at distressed prices if he could find a way to manage them all. As with anything Buffett says, thousands across the globe scrambled for ways to apply his strategy locally. In South Africa, however, the situation is markedly different: “Whilst the local property market has been affected by the liquidity issues, it hasn’t hit the same all-time low as the American market. So prices here are not as reduced, and investors will have to look harder to find those bargain gems,” says Le Roux, who goes on to state that investing at present is still risky if the plan is to resell quickly. The best way to hedge your money at this point is to take a long-term view and to hold on to the property. “Short-term investors should look at other markets, but potential homeowners can buy now.” The South African market may not have bottomed out, but, if like Gordon Mackay you take a long-term view of investing in property, there are still deals to be made locally. Jason Lee shared a few pearls of wisdom in this regard: ) Run your own race – invest at your own pace and don’t try to keep up with the guy who has a portfolio of 60-plus properties. ) Insist on quality over quantity – “rather own one good property than 10 bad ones”. ) Bide your time – building a portfolio takes time and, more importantly, patience. ) Be a seller of every property you own – at the right price. ) Reinvest the money from your property sales into investment property.
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
7 OU 0 Ti % n
Ph as e1
Wine Cellar
2 Bed 1 Bath
Fitness Track
Sports Field
Herb Garden
Pool & Braai Area
Children’s Play Area FREE Appliances Incl. Dishwasher
R709 900
2 Bed 2 Bath from
R759 900
3 Bed 2 Bath from
R899 900
Luxury Apartments in Somerset West 34º 05’ S, 18º 49’ E Monique 083 229 1224
ON SHOW 2-5pm - Wed, Sat, Sun & Public Holidays
Cnr De Beers Avenue & Broadway Boulevard, Somerset West
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
For sales & rentals in the
TOP SELLING lifestyle estate in Somerset West 082 956 0599
021 855 0688
schonenberg real estate
082 733 6259
PLOTS FROM R 575 000 R 15 000 p/m
R 15 000 p/m
HOMES FROM R 1 795 000
R 20 000 p/m
3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, all en-suite. Guest toilet. Open plan lounge and dining area with fireplace. Designer open plan kitchen and separate scullery. Outside undercover braai area. Overlooking public open space. Mountain and sea views. Landscaped garden. New, never been lived in, just completed. Available immediately.
3 bedrooms (main en-suite), 2.5 bathrooms. Open plan kitchen, separate scullery, lounge and dining area with a separate indoor braai. High up on the estate on a corner plot. Established pretty and immaculate garden. Available immediately.
Offering 4 bedrooms and a study area; 2 full bathrooms and a guest toilet. Swimming pool, open plan living ideal for the entertainer – completely private ~ landscaped garden; plenty of soul…
R 9 800 p/m
R 9 800 p/m
R 12 000 p/m
ON SHOW DAILY 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages Available immediately: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, living and dining area. Lock up and go. Low maintenance garden.
ON SHOW DAILY 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages Available immediately: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, living and dining area. Lock up and go. Low maintenance garden.
ON SHOW DAILY 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages Open plan kitchen lounge and dining area with built in fireplace.Undercover patio with build in braai. Available from the 1st September.
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
17 UNITS SOLD Luxury Retirement 16 IN
Catapult SRV058
Houses from R1,82m
two bed apartments le still availab
Claim your stake NOW!
Apartments from R975 000 Show units open: Monday - Friday 10:00 to 17:00 Sundays 11:00 to 17:00 Tel: +27 (021) 852 0821 • Russell: 083 457 2007 • David: 082 410 7465 • Christina: 082 330 1209 E-mail: russellm@iafrica.com or david@exactcape.co.za • Website: www.schonenbergvillage.co.za
The village is constituted in terms of the Retirement Act No. 65 of 1988.
Helderberg Manor is a landscaped estate that is perfectly secure, convenient, friendly and upmarket. On completion the Manor will have its own gym, swimming pool, bowling green, library, restaurant, coffee shop, assisted living units and a 24 hour frailcare facility.
Altogether, the village offers 9 different types of accommodation. There are many graceful private homes available which are now complemented by an impressive array of spacious apartments, offering you the perfect way to become part of this community. The 1 and 2 bedroom ground and first floor apartments make the most of the beautiful views and the indoor / outdoor flow of the estate. The apartments are serviced by a lift from the basement parking.
a Di
ha p e Sc
Helderberg Manor Entrance Gate
R 1 359 000
Includes VAT
R 82 825 000
en M
Visit the Manor and you’re sure to see your retirement in a different light.
Vergelegen Medi-Clinic
Includes VAT
NOW SELLING On-site Sales Office open Monday to Sunday 10:30am till 5pm. For further information, or to arrange an appointment to view, please contact our well trained consultants on 021 851 0738. Bev Tarling 082 821 0066 • bev@helderbergmanor.com Joan Schnider 082 925 4735 • joan@helderbergmanor.com
As af er et i r ement WHERE to live after you have retired is always a tricky question. Many people prefer to continue living in the communities where they have an existing network of friends and family. However, in many cases it is not long before one tires of maintaining a large house and garden. Empty rooms and echoing passages eventually force you to start looking for alternative accommodation and taking a
1 2
decision on your next step â&#x20AC;&#x201C; whether to move to a flat or a retirement village. Should you remain in your home, see to it that it is safe and take all possible precautions to protect yourself from possible attacks or burglaries. Even in a retirement village, it is wise to install security systems and burglar bars. These complexes are not always that secure, and one must not be lulled into com-
placency by security gates and cameras. Should you decide to move to a complex for senior citizens, it is wise to consider institutions with frail-care facilities. An upheaval one would preferably wish to avoid is having to look for and to move yet again to another retirement village when you or your spouse are suddenly in need of medical care. Also give serious consideration to making just one move after retirement. Mov-
ing in your sixties and seventies still gives you the option of building new friendships and taking active part in the social life and activities in your new home. Waiting until a later stage, when you find yourself suddenly in need of extra or frail care, can be traumatic and can leave you extremely lonely and vulnerable. It is clear that accommodation after retirement needs a great deal of serious thought, as well as meticulous planning.
27 • 28 July 2012
HELDERBERG | July 27 -
17 UNITS SOLD Luxury Retirement 16 IN
Catapult SRV058
Houses from R1,82m
two bed apartments le still availab
Claim your stake NOW!
Apartments from R975 000 Show units open: Monday - Friday 10:00 to 17:00 Sundays 11:00 to 17:00 Tel: +27 (021) 852 0821 • Russell: 083 457 2007 • David: 082 410 7465 • Christina: 082 330 1209 E-mail: russellm@iafrica.com or david@exactcape.co.za • Website: www.schonenbergvillage.co.za
The village is constituted in terms of the Retirement Act No. 65 of 1988.
Helderberg Manor is a landscaped estate that is perfectly secure, convenient, friendly and upmarket. On completion the Manor will have its own gym, swimming pool, bowling green, library, restaurant, coffee shop, assisted living units and a 24 hour frailcare facility.
Altogether, the village offers 9 different types of accommodation. There are many graceful private homes available which are now complemented by an impressive array of spacious apartments, offering you the perfect way to become part of this community. The 1 and 2 bedroom ground and first floor apartments make the most of the beautiful views and the indoor / outdoor flow of the estate. The apartments are serviced by a lift from the basement parking.
a Di
ha p e Sc
Helderberg Manor Entrance Gate
R 1 359 000
Includes VAT
R 82 825 000
en M
Visit the Manor and you’re sure to see your retirement in a different light.
Vergelegen Medi-Clinic
Includes VAT
NOW SELLING On-site Sales Office open Monday to Sunday 10:30am till 5pm. For further information, or to arrange an appointment to view, please contact our well trained consultants on 021 851 0738. Bev Tarling 082 821 0066 • bev@helderbergmanor.com Joan Schnider 082 925 4735 • joan@helderbergmanor.com
As af er et i r ement WHERE to live after you have retired is always a tricky question. Many people prefer to continue living in the communities where they have an existing network of friends and family. However, in many cases it is not long before one tires of maintaining a large house and garden. Empty rooms and echoing passages eventually force you to start looking for alternative accommodation and taking a
1 2
decision on your next step â&#x20AC;&#x201C; whether to move to a flat or a retirement village. Should you remain in your home, see to it that it is safe and take all possible precautions to protect yourself from possible attacks or burglaries. Even in a retirement village, it is wise to install security systems and burglar bars. These complexes are not always that secure, and one must not be lulled into com-
placency by security gates and cameras. Should you decide to move to a complex for senior citizens, it is wise to consider institutions with frail-care facilities. An upheaval one would preferably wish to avoid is having to look for and to move yet again to another retirement village when you or your spouse are suddenly in need of medical care. Also give serious consideration to making just one move after retirement. Mov-
ing in your sixties and seventies still gives you the option of building new friendships and taking active part in the social life and activities in your new home. Waiting until a later stage, when you find yourself suddenly in need of extra or frail care, can be traumatic and can leave you extremely lonely and vulnerable. It is clear that accommodation after retirement needs a great deal of serious thought, as well as meticulous planning.
27 • 28 July 2012
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Kerkdienste www.olx.co.za | www.eikestadnuus.co.za
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840
INDEKS | INDEX 1 Geboortes | Births 2 Verlowings | Engagements 3 Gelukwensings Congratulations 4 Sterfgevalle | Deaths 5 In Memoriam | In Memoriam 6 Dankbetuigings | Thanks 7 Persoonlik | Personal 8 Verlore | Lost 9 Gevind | Found 10 Skoonheid & Gesondheid | Health 11 Geld & Lenings | Money matters 12 Sosiaal | Social 13 Erwe te koop | Plots for sale 14 Huise te koop | Houses for sale 15 Dorpshuise te koop | Townhouses for sale 16 Woonstelle te koop | Flats for sale 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ Smallholdings 18 Besighede te koop | Businesses for sale 19 Sakepersele te koop | Business Premises for sale 20 Eiendomme te koop gevra | Properties wanted to buy 21 Huise te huur | Houses to let 22 Dorpshuise te huur | Townhouses to let 23 Woonstelle te huur | Flats to let 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to let 25 Kantore te huur | Offices to let 26 Winkels te huur | Shops to let 27 Fabrieke te huur | Factories to let 28 Te huur gevra | Wanted to rent 29 Te koop: Algemeen | For sale: General 30 Te koop gevra | Wanted to Buy 31 Diere en Voëls | Pets and Birds 32 Algemene dienste | General services 33 Saamrygeleenthede | Lifts 34 Dagsorg | Day care 35 Onderrig | Tuition 36 Te huur: Algemeen | To let: General 37 Vakansie-akkommodasie |Holiday Accommodation 38 Toere | Tours 39 Tuindienste/ Tuinbou | Garden Services/ Landscaping 40 Sekuriteit | Security 41 Motors te koop | Cars for sale 42 Onderdele | Parts 43 Motorfietse | Motorcycles 44 Karavane/ Bote | Caravans/ Boats 45 Betrekkings gevra | Situations wanted 46 Betrekkings | Vacancies 47 Sake-geleenthede | Business Opportunities
Tel: 021 887 2840 E-pos: smalls@eikestadnuus.com
5 In Memoriam In Memoriam
MARION VALERIE DAVIDS Gebore: 04/10/1933 Gesterwe: 21/07/2012. Baie moeg het sy die laaste tree na die eindstreep afgelê. Dis nou verby en sy het die wedloop voltooi. Ons harte is seer en gaan haar oneinding baie mis. Maar gun haar die ewige rus. Begrafnis reëlings: Sa-terdag 28 Julie 2012. By die huis te Pniel 09:30. In die kerk te Pniel 10:00. Van haar 6 kinders, 14 kleinkinders en 11 agterkleinkinders.
1 Geboortes Births
JOU EERSTE verjaardag weg van ons af, maar die verlange is nog groot. Van vrou en kinders.
ALICIA JUMAT Sag heengegaan op 21 Julie 2012. Begrafnis 28 Julie 2012 te VGK Kerk, Idasvallei om 09:15.
DR COLIN VALE Beloved husband and father passed away 20th July. Deeply missed by his wife, Dorothy, sons Chris, Roger and Alex and daughters Bridgit and Andrea. Funeral service to be held on the 27th July, 12 noon, at the United Church in Stellenbosch.
Lyn advertensies: Blythe van der Vent - 021 887 2840 x 2015 Blokkie advertebsies: Mericia Adonis - 021 887 2840 x 2013
ELIZABETH BRANDT 24/07/2011-24/07/2012 Ter nagedagtenis aan jou 1ste jaar weg van ons. Kosbare herinneringe versag die bitterseer van ons verlies. Ons mis jou. Liefde jou gesin en familie. LORNA + ROSIE AFRICA Always be remembered. We miss you, but treasure your memories. Daphny Simons & children.
6 Dankbetuigings Thanks
SARA MAGDALENA ARENDS (Sheila). Born: 22 October 1948 Died: 25 July 2012. Passed away peacefully at home. Leaves behind husband, Edwin and children Zelda, James, Astrid, Jayson, Samantha and two grandchildren, Cadence and Nina. May she rest in peace. Funeral arrangements will be held at St Nicholas Catholic Church, Paul Kruger Street, Stellenbosch @ 10:00am on Saturday, 28 July 2012
DENNIS MOSES Thirteen years ago God called upon your name. I cherish all your memories. Miss you dearly. Your son Esmond.
DUNCAN PIERRE WILLIAMS We, the family of the late Duncan Pierre Williams, wish to thank everybody for their presence and contributions in our time of sorrow. From the Williams family.
4 Sterfgevalle Deaths
1 Geboortes Births
WILLEM VAN GRAAN Gebore: 29/10/1951 Oorlede: 20/07/2012. Begrafnis: Saterdag 09:00, Jacarandastraat Kerkdiens, 10:00 Rynse VGK Kerk, Die Braak. Hy laat agter sy Ma, seun en dogter, kleinkind, 6 susters en 2 broers. Gaan hom baie mis. THERESA HARINGTON 13/02/1925-22/07/2012 Memorial service Friday 27 July 2012 at 12:00. St Peter's Catholic Church. Gordon's Bay Road, Strand.
Indien u nie ’n bestaande rekeningfasiliteit by Eikestadnuus het nie, word alle advertensies op ‘n kontantbasis hanteer: • Kredietkaart • Bankinbetaling • By kantore: Alexanderstraat 44, Stellenbosch
LORNA AND ROSIE AFRICA 30 Julie 2012 is julle reeds 'n jaar van ons geskei en so dikwels val daar 'n traan wanneer ons aan julle dink. Woorde sal nooit kan beskryf hoe groot die vermisting is nie, maar julle sal altyd voortleef in ons harte. Van die Africa, Okkers, Christians, Gordon, Pietersen, Vermeulen, Jooste en Robertson gesinne.
EVA MAGDELENA JOHNSON Die woorde "baie dankie" blyk so onvoldoende te wees om ons waardering te betuig aan almal vir julle ondersteuning. Die vele besoeke, oproepe, kaartjies en blomme het ons help troos. Spesiale dank aan Dr Carstens en personeel van Medi-Clinic vir die onbaatsugtige diens gelewer. Aan vriende: Ons het groot waardering vir die lojaliteit wat julle aan haar bewys het. Baie dankie aan Ds. Coetsee, die VGK Gemeente en die begrafnisondernemers vir puik diens gelewer tydens die begrafnis van ons ma en ouma. Die Johnsons en Petersen families.
1 MARIETJIE GROBLER Geboortes Beloved colleague and Births music teacher of
11 Geld & Lenings OM TE Money matters
Rhenish Primary staff and pupils, will always be fondly remembered for her loyal dedication over seventeen years. She was the driving force and inspiration behind the establishment of our school orchestra. She and her daughter, Catherina, will be sorely missed by everyone whose lives were touched by these very caring people.
1 2 10 CASH LOANS Lenings tot R200 000. EIKESTADNUUS Swartlyn welkom. Goedkeuring in 5 min. 021 696 0676. Indien u nie ’n LOANS, bestaande CONSOLIDATION up to R90 000rekeningfasiliteit and cellular contracts. Quick Eikestadnuus approvals by & blacklisted welcome! Contact het nie, word alle 021 870 1489 / op ‘n 021 871 advertensies 1338 or send please call me 071 232 kontantbasis 3856.
• Kredietkaart • Bankinbetaling • By kantore:
AGS VAN SA, Somerset-Wes: Kinderkerk: 09:30. Rooha Kleuterskool De Hoop Laerskool, Ou Stellenbosch Weg, Somerset-Wes. NEDERDUITSCH HERVORMDE GEMEENTE: Oggenddiens: 09:00 - Ds. Chris le Roux. Aanddiens om 19:00 - Ds. Chris Le Roux. DIKAIOS CHRISTEN GEMEENTE: 09:30 - Laerskool Eikestad, Doornboschstraat. GEREFORMEERDE KERK (MARAISSTRAAT): Eredienste om 09:30 en 19:00. Predikant: ds. Johan van Heyn13 ingen. Meer inligting op webblad, www.gkstellenErwe te koop bosch.co.za. STELLENBOSCH GEMEENTE: Paul Roos Sentrum @ Plots for sale 10:00 en 19:00 | Nuwe reeks begin: Onderskeiding | 10:00 & 19:00 Dewaldt de Kock | Kinder- en Tienerkerk @ 10:00. WELGEVONDEN Navrae: info@sg.org.za 180 m². R780 000. 1 STELLENBOSCH NG SENTRAAL - DIE FAMILIE Danel 082 372 5203. 14 Huise te koop | Houses sale om 09:30 - Mariéfor Britz. Kleuterkerk, senior KERK: Erediens macyoung.co.za 15 junior Dorpshuise teAanddiens koop | Townhouses for en kategese. - 19:15. STELLENBOSCH NGK WELGELEGEN: Inligting op sale 14 www.stelwel.co.za of kontak die kerk op 021 886 5975. 16LUTHERSE Woonstelle te koop | Flats forThanksgiving sale Harvest DiviKERK: 10h00 Huise te koop ne in Engl. and German, Stellenbosch.Pastor C. Simon. 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ Houses for sale NG STELLENBOSCH-NOORD GEMEENTE: Diens Smallholdings om 09:00 - Ds Lambert Jacobs. Vir meer inligting: 4 SLPK - The Ridge 18 Besighede te koop Businesses for sbosch@cect.co.za of 082| 859 4946. R859 000. Saneya 1 NG STELLENBOSCH-WES GEMEENTE: Diens om sale 073 107 6567. 15 Dorpshuise te koop | Townhouses for 09:30 - Ds. J. Steenkamp. macyoung.co.za 19MOEDERGEMEENTE: Sakepersele te koop(Moederkerk): | Business Oggenddiens sale DALSIG Premisesom for09:30 saleen aanddiens om 19:00. Kruiskerk in Moederkerk 16 Woonstelle te koop | Flats for sale 4 Slpk R2 750 000. aanddiens om 19:00. 20 Eiendomme te Internasionale koop gevra | diens in Khaya om Jacqui 082 821 7728. 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ 10:30. Vir verder inligting gaan na: www.moederkerk.co.za Properties wanted to buy CHURCH: Vroeë ogmacyoung.co.za PNIEL CONGREGATIONAL Smallholdings genddiens 07:30.|Erediens 021 885 1300 21 Huise om te huur Housesom to10:30.Bel let MOSTERTSDRIFT 18 Besighede | Businesses for vir inligting.tetekoop Karindal gesoek. 22meer Dorpshuise huur | Townhouses to RYNSE VGK: Dankofferdiens om 09:00 - Ds. A Daniels. sale Trevor 082 556 6361. letVOLKSKERK VAN AFRIKA: IDASVALLEI - Oggendmacyoung.co.za 19 Sakepersele te koop | Business diens 10:00. Woensdag Biduur 19:30. JAMESTOWN – 23 Woonstelle te huur | Flats to let Premises forom sale Woensdag biduur 19:30. Bel 073 725 1390 vir meer 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to let inligting. 20 Eiendomme te koop gevra | 25AGS Kantore te huur Oggenddiens: | Offices to let 10:00 in Brückner IDASVALLEI: Properties wanted to buy de Primêr Skoolsaal. 26Villiers Winkels te huur | Shops to let 21AGS Huise te huur | Houses to let Erediens: 10:00; CLOETESVILLE (Laststraat): 27 Fabrieke te huur | Factories Dinsdae - Gemeente-biduur: 19:30. to let to 22 Dorpshuise te huur | Townhouses GEMEENTE: Diens om to 09:00 by In the Vineyard28INVIA Te huur gevra | Wanted rent let koffiewinkel op Algemeen die R44 - Dr.| Theo Geyser. 082 878 1525 29 Te koop: For sale: General vir inligting. te huur | Flats to let 23meer Woonstelle 30KCI Te STELLENBOSCH: koop gevra | Wanted to Buy Diens om 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to 18:00 let in die VV-saal by Neelsie by die |Universiteit - Pastoor. 31die Diere en Voëls Pets and Stellenbosch Birds 25 Kantore te huur | Offices to let Iban Vermeulen. 081 387 0626, www.kci-st.com en in32 Algemene dienste | General services fo@kci-st.com virhuur meer |inligting. 26 Winkels te Shops to let 33METHODIST Saamrygeleenthede | Lifts OF SOUTHERN AFRICA: 27 Fabrieke te–CHURCH huur | Factories to let Men’s Work Day (Trinity): 34 Dagsorg | Day care 10:00 - Men’s League; (Jame28 Te huur gevra | Wanted to rent stown): 10:00 - Die Manne; (Raithby): 10:00 – 8am Mens 35 Onderrig | Tuition League;(Cloetesville): 10:00| -For Men; (Vlottenburg): 29 Te koop: Algemeen sale: General 10:00: 36 Te huur: Algemeen To let: General Men;(Sandvlei): 10:00 - Men;| (Kayamandi 1): 10:00 - YMG; 30 Te koop gevra | Wanted to Buy (Kayamandi 2): 10:00 - YMG; (Faure): 10:00 - Men/HC; 37 Vakansie-akkommodasie |Holiday 31 Diere en Voëls | Pets and Birds (Elsenburg): 10:00 - Service @ Trinity; (Jonkershoek): Accommodation 10:00 - Service @ Trinity; |(Lanquedoc): 10:00 - YMG. 32 Algemene dienste General services 38STELLENBOSCH Toere | Tours VINEYARD CHRISTIAN FEL33 Saamrygeleenthede 09:30 in Stellenbosch and LOWSHIP: Morning service at| Lifts 39 Tuindienste/ Tuinbou | Garden 10:00 in Vlottenburg. 34 Dagsorg | DayService care every second and fourh SunServices/ day at 18:00. 021 887 8772 for more information. 35WORLD Onderrig | Tuition CHANGERS GEMEENTE: 10:00 - EikestadLandscaping 36 Te huur: Algemeen To let: General saalbus beskikbaar. Lede in|Christus Gemeente: Sondae: 40 Sekuriteit | Security Oggenddiens - 09:00, Kinderkerk |Holiday - 09:00, Aanddiens 37 Vakansie-akkommodasie 41 Motors te koop | Cars for saleBidure/Selgroepe: 19:00. Dinsdae: Susterbidure: 10:00, Accommodation 19:00. 42 Onderdele | Parts 38NEW Toere | Tours GENERATION CHURCH: 43(Somerset Motorfietse Motorcycles West):| Tuinbou Morning Service: 09:30 - Hottentots 39 Tuindienste/ | Garden Holland High School. Liberty):Boats Evening Service: 44 Karavane/ Bote(Urban | Caravans/ Services/ 19:00 - 13 Derrick Drive, Somerset West Business Park. 45 Betrekkings gevra | Situations (Stellenbosch): Evening Service: 17:00 - Rhenish Girls Landscaping wanted High School, Koch Street. 40ROMAN Sekuriteit | Security CATHOLIC CHURCH: One Parish; three chur46 Betrekkings | Vacancies 41 Motors koop | Cars for sale ches. Masseste everyday. Call 021887 5979 for more infor47 Sake-geleenthede | Business mation 42 Onderdele | Parts Opportunities COVENANT MINISTRIES OF S.A: (Fel43CHRISTIAN Motorfietse | Motorcycles lowship at Rietenbosch Primary, Bilingual): 09:00 - Special 44 Karavane/ Bote19:30 | Caravans/ Boats Service (Wednesday): - Bible Study and Prayer. Enquiries: Pastor Gary Carolus. 45 Betrekkings gevra | Situations STELLENBOSCH UNITED CHURCH: Dienste: 09:30 wanted en 19:00. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH (CESA): 09:00 46STBetrekkings | Vacancies -47 Morning Service; 18:30 - Evening Service. Enquiries: Rev. Sake-geleenthede | Business Doug Wannenburgh, 021 887 2669. Opportunities ST MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH: 07:30 - Said Eucharist. 09:00 - Sung Eucharist. Thursdays - 09:30 - Eucharist. 021 887 6912 for more information. RUA MISSION MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL: 10:00 - 12:00: Jumepipe, Number 16, Koelenhof area. Service, 16 contact Pastor Jocelyn at 073 1165 489. Woonstelle te koop EVERY NATION STELLENBOSCH (His People): Morning Service- 09:00, Youth Service- 09:00; Evening ServiFlats for sale ce 18:00. All services held at Stellenbosch High School. SHOFAR CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Bloemhof High CENTRAL School: Afrikaans service at 09:00 and English service at 2 Bedroom unit. 18:00. 0 021 887 1414 during office hours. For more inforR1 080 000. Danel mation visit www.shofaronline.org. 082 372 5203. STELLENBOSCH BAPTIST CHURCH: Morning Servimacyoung.co.za ce: 09:30. Evening Service: 19:00. Childrens church: FLAT FOR sale 09:30. 0 021 887 2454. Bosman's Crossing MARANATHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD: 09:00 - Morning R1 100 000. service and Children’s Church. 17: 00 - Evening service, Lovely apartment with Jamestown. balcony overlooking REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTRE INT: 09:30 - Oggendthe forest and river diens; 17:00 - Aanddiens; Maandag - 19:30 - Woordskool; stream, 81 m², 2 Hoërskool Cloetesville. Gebedstye is elke Sondag om bedrooms, 1 16:30 tot 18:30 en Maandag, Woensdag en Donderdag bathroom, 1 basement om 19:30 tot 21:00 12 SosiaalAnnual | Social parking. rates: COMMUNITY OF FAITH: 10:00 - Rhynse VGK - Sen706-50. Montly 13R5 Erwe te koop | Plots for saleKahlerstraat, Idasvallei. trum, levies: R1 110-00. DESTINY 14Open Huiseplan te koop | Houses for sale CHURCH: 09:30 - Celebration Service and dining & Children’s Church, VV Hall Neelsie. 15 Dorpshuise te koop for living room leading out | Townhouses PLACE OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP: 10:00: Morning to the balcony with sale service. (Wednesday) 19:30: Prayer Meetings. All Services built-in-braai. Rental held at Westgate 16 Woonstelle tep/m. koop | Flats for sale Centre, Idas Valley. income of R5 500 GRACELIFE CHURCH: Services at 09:00 and 17:00, 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes Vacant occupation with | Farms/ both at the Protea Hotel in Technopark. More info at 2 months notice Smallholdings www.gracelifeministries.co.za. period. For more info STELLENBOSCH CHURCH OF CHRIST: 18 Besighede te3455. koop | Businesses for contact 073 537 Service at 10:00. Prayer meetings on Thursday at 19:30. sale All services are held at 30 Lakay Street in Tennantville. 021 887 6495 or e-mail to stb.coc@gmail.com. 19 Sakepersele te koop | Call Business JESUS DOMINION INTERNATIONAL: Service tomorPremises for sale row at 17:00. Sunday service starts at 09:00 - Rev. Tim 20 Eiendomme te koop gevra | 082 705 3282 for more information. Omotoso.
Properties wanted to buy 21 Huise te huur | Houses to let 22 Dorpshuise te huur | Townhouses to
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Spesiale dienste
WINTER AANBOD 20% afslag
Spertye vir Diensgids is Woensdae 12 vm!
Grant Scott Installer
083 248 9624 Carel Hunlun Specialist: Installations
082 874 9491
Drain camera inspection
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SKOONMATTE Professionele stoomskoonmaak van matte, meubels, motors en matrasse asook droogsuig a.g.v. enige waterskade. Skakel Koeraai Sel: 082 575 4570 of 021 886 8058 Tevredenheid gewaarborg
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Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Spesiale dienste
WELGEVONDEN 2 en 3 slaapkamer huise te huur. Gemiddelde pryse R7 600 - R8 800 p/m. Skakel Anita Marais 082 853 4135.
23 Spertye vir Diensgids is Woensdae 12 vm!
Woonstelle te koop Flats for sale
Besighede te koop Businesses for sale COFFEESHOP Stellenbosch. R945 000. Dawid 082 410 3653. macyoung.co.za
Huise te huur Houses to let 2 VLAK PARADYSKLOOF huis, 4 slaapkamer, 3 bad, 3 leefvertrekke, dubbel motorhuis, kombuis granies afwerking, swembad, waskamer, hanteerbare tuin, alarmstelsel en baie netjies! Water ingesluit, koopkrag. R14 500. Skakel 082 723 0734
PARADYSKLOOF Pragtige 4 slaapkamer huis R14 500 p/m. DIE BOORD 4 Slaapkamer huis met 3 badkamers naby skole. R14 800 p/m. Skakle Anita Marais 082 853 4135. POLKADRAAI 2 Slpk huis tussen Stbosch & Kuilsrivier. Professionele persone. Veilig, stil. Mooi uitsig. Geen honde R4 500 p/m & elekt. 021 881 3522 / 082 501 6381. SOMERSET WEST Golden Acre 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, pool, dble garage, fenced, close to schools. R15 000 p/m neg. Avail 1st September for 6 months neg. Contact 082 853 5771. STELLENBOSCH R13 500. Cape Gable family home, open plan, 3 bedr, study, enclosed garden, pool, d/garage and loft. Contact Howard 021 852 6464 or 074 115 1826. UNIEPARK Modern home furnished to rent for 3 months. Aug - Oct. R12 000 p/m. Pool & garden services incl. Contact 082 417 2506.
2 SLAAPKAMER woonstel met tandem garage naby kampus te huur teen R5 500 p/m. Skakel 082 921 6717. BACHELOR FLATS with attic. Winelands, private estate. 8 km out of Stellenbosch. Free standing cottages with private veranda. Stunning views. Ideal for single professional. Available immediately. R4 330 p/m fully furnished. R3 930 p/m unfurnished. Contact 082 550 6230. PARADYSKLOOF Bachelor flat, with seperate entrance and small garden, semi furnished. Available immediately. W/E included. R2 800 per month. Phone 082 579 9022. PARADYSKLOOF Ruim 2 slpk eenheid. Privaat R6 000 p/m insl krag. Skakel 076 262 7282. FLAT - STELLENBOSCH Merriman Square. Two bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living area, balcony. Top floor - two bedrooms. Price R4 600 (excluding electricity) available 1 August 2012. Contact 079 431 3742 / 082 748 5536. 110M² FLAT off Dorp Street, two bedroom in security block, huge balcony overlooking the mountains. Available immediately . Contact 021 887 2078 / 072 736 0740. 2 SLAAPKAMER woonstel in veiligheids kompleks La Bella Vie met ekstra stoorkamer. Mooi uitsig. Beskikbaar 1 Aug. R5 000 p.m. Kontak 021 887 8002 / 084 580 1421. A BACHELOR flat, kitchenette, full bthrm, private entrance & stoep avail. in Die Boord to WRKR or GRAD student, quiet & mature, Non-smoking, no pets. Must have excellent contactable references R2 900 / month + R1 600 dep, avail 1 August 2012. 082 944 3870. 2 SLPK R5 500 p/m. Anja 083 657 3375. www.macyoung.co.za CUM LAUDE 1 en 2 slaapkamer woonstelle. R3 700 en R5 300 p/m. DERMONT 1 Slaapkamer woonstel. R3 800 p/m. Skakel Anita Marais 082 853 4135.
Dorpshuise te huur Townhouses to let MOOIBERGE 3 Bedr, 1½ bath with alarm and garage. From Sept R7 700 p/m. 083 449 2461.
Kantore te huur Offices to let
Woonstelle te huur Flats to let 1 BEDROOM flat in Uniepark, furnished. W/E included, DSTV, post graduate student. R3 000 per month. Available 1 August. Contact 078 862 6204.
AFSNY VAN BOME. Vervoer van meubels, tuin- & bourommel. Skakel Jurie 072 300 2315. ALLE VERFWERK binne en buite, ook dakke skoonspuit en verf. Spesiale winters afslag. Gratis kwotasies. Martin 082 349 4242. APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Specialize Speedqueen and Whirlpool repairs. Plus do all other makes of washing machines, fridges, stoves etc. Contact 072 843 2219.
1 X GEMEUBILEERDE kamer, eie badkamer, in studentehuis naby US kampus. Veilige parkering. Skakel 082 920 5919.
NORTH FACING two bedroom aprt in Die Pieke, Herte Street. Newly re-furbishedkitchen with granite tops. Built-in stove with extractor fan. Prepaid electricity, DSTV dish, northfacing patio. R6 500 p/m. Immediately available. Contact Sandra 082 850 6745. SLAWEHUIS TE deel op kampus. Eie kamer en badkamer. R3 400 p/m. Nie-roker. Skakel 083 627 2089 / 082 781 3509. STB WELGEVONDEN flat. 2 Bed, 2 bathrooms. Own yard + covered parking. R5 300 p/m + elect. Phone 082 775 9067 (ah). Dep 2 x rent (agency).
Kamers te huur Rooms to let 1 X LUXURY student room with computer & en-suite bathroom in 6 room, centrally located, fully furnished student house with bed, desk, BIC, TV + DSTV & uncapped high speed internet. R3 200. 083 261 7370. 34 ON MERRIMAN. R3 500 p/m. Kamer te huur. Nou beskikbaar. LPProp 082 788 6181. DIE BOORD Eie ingang, en-suite buitekamer vanaf 1 Aug. Water en elek ingesluit. Veilige parkering agter sek hek. Nie-rokende dame. R2 200 p/m. Skakel 072 432 4668. GROOT GEMEUB kamer met eie kookplek & badk in rustige stud huis. Parkeerplek. Veilig. Krommerivierstraat 4. R2 500 p/m. 082 501 6381. www.carelsburgh.co.za KAMER, ONDERPAPEGAAIBERG. Selfsorg met stort-badkamer en motorafdak. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Augustus 2012. Skakel 072 601 0456 of 021 887 2684 ROOM AVAILABLE to share. Female student. Within walking distance from campus. R1 600 p/m. W + E included. Contact Hein 083 948 1944. ROOM TO rent in 3 bedroom house, Welgevonden R2 667 neg. Water included, parking, furnished, lounge and kitchen. Contact Daniel on 079 302 6222. RUIM GEMEUBILEERDE SLAAPKAMER middedorp. R2 000 p/m. Water & elektristeit ingesluit. 079 467 7557. VANAF R2 750. Anja 083 657 3375. macyoung.co.za STUDENT HOUSE Nr 5 Faure Str, see www.faure5stellenbosc h.wordpress.com for full details 083 233 1342 STUDENTE HUIS Faure5Stellenbosch. wordpress.com of skakel 083 233 1342.
TECHNOPARK 200 m² & 115 m². Anja 083 657 3375. macyoung.co.za KANTOOR AREA om te onderverhuur. 155.7 m². Baie parkeerplek. Skakel Alison September 021 887 2960. OFFICE SPACE on Dorp Street. R3 800 p/m. Contact 021 887 2078 / 072 736 0740. OFFICE SPACE on Dorp Street ± 60 m². Available immediately. R5 700 p/m. Contact 021 887 2078 / 072 736 0740. STELLENBOSCH Prime offices & warehouse / factory to let. Prime offices From 119 m² to 283 m² Warehouse / Factory 539 m² & shelving 80 m². (Different areas available - Can be used jointly or seperately) 082 378 1840.
Te koop: Algemeen For sale: General
FRIDGE & FREEZER Repairs - Prompt / Reliable. Door / Door Regas @ R250. Pieter 076 552 0272.
Stellenbosch Blindings
HERSTEL by die huis ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 071 755 3390.
Soek goeie tweedehandse meubels, antie-ke meubels en yskaste. (082 823 9944
QUALITY CARPET Cleaners: Professionele stoomskoonmaak van matte, meubels, motors en matrasse asook enige waterskade. Kontak Koeraai: 082 575 4570. SAK & PAK meubelvervoer. Lokaal & langafstand. Verpakking onder toesig. Skakel Pikkie 082 378 3402. Faks 086 663 0642. johan@sakenpak.co. za www.sakenpak.co.za SAVE ON ELECTRICITY Up to 25%. Install a geyser timer from only R499 and a geyser blanket from only R350. Contact Mobile Electric on 021 887 2155. 31 Years to your service. STORAGE 45 m² units available in Plankenbrug. Safe and secure. Contact 021 882 8633.
Diere en Voëls Pets and Birds
STOOFPLATE (4) Defy Gemini in swart glas-oppervlakte. Goeie toestand. R1 200. 073 194 6382/ 021 883 3322.
Te huur: Algemeen To let: General
Motors te koop Cars for sale
Te koop gevra Wanted to Buy
MOVING ON sale in Strand on Saturday 28 July 2012, Dining tables and chairs, Bevelled mirrors, stainless steel dustbins and lamps, butler’s trays, etc. Entire contents must go! Please contact us on 076 050 4448 or helderberg@movingon.co .za Also, subscribe to our newsletter on www.movingon.co.za and be the first to know about a sale.
KRAGOPWEKKER 5.5KVA goeie werkende toestand. R3 800. Tel 084 739 6411
WISKUNDE EKSTRA klasse Gr 8 - 10. Ek help graag. 6 Jaar ondervinding. Corene 082 375 4691.
DE WET TRAILERS Trailer te huur. 082 857 6357. dudleydewet@gmail. com BBM 27D6B184
AFVAL (Gaar en verpak of rou) SKAAPKOPPE (Gebak of rou) Oom Samie se winkel. 021 887 0797. BRAAI- EN KAGGELHOUT / rooikrans Skakel 021 903 4302/ 082 658 7845
IMBUIA 5 stuk slaapkamerstel te koop. Goeie kondisie. Skakel 082 782 8403.
GEREGISTREERDE BOERBOEL hondjies. Familie vriendelike waghonde uit beste bloedlyne. R4 500. Skakel 082 786 2891 Paarl. PERSIESE CFSA registreer cream-bi wyfie baba-kat, uit kampioen ouers. 'n Fees vir die hart! Skakel 082 571 0049.
Algemene dienste General services
Onderrig Tuition
1STE VIR Elektriese + Loodgieterswerk. Ons is geregistreer by ECA en MBA. Alle werk deur gekwalifiseerde ambagsmanne gedoen + gewaarborg. Spesiale pryse vir sekuriteitskomplekse, fabrieke, gastehuise en wynkelders. Skakel Francois by 021 887 2155. Reeds 30 jaar in Stellenbosch. AFHAAL VAN bome, vervoer van meubels, tuin, bourommel en garage skoonmaak. Skakel 082 768 1921 / 083 520 4231 / 021 887 1525,
FRENCH AND Spanish courses @ Alliance Francaise. Starting 30 July to enquire or register call 078 520 7963.
CITI CHICO 1.3. R32 500. CARS, BAKKIES, bikes wanted and for sale. Cash paid. Contact Paul 072 453 6970.
Betrekkings gevra Situations wanted 24 YEAR old lady is looking for domestic or childcare job. Contact Lucinda at 084 246 8147. A LADY looking for chars for Tuesday Friday. Reference available. Honest and reliable. As a maid. Margaret 073 249 0076. A MALAWIAN man lookin for a job as a gardener & housekeeping. 6 Years exp. Promise to work hard. Contact Enock 078 057 9630. BETROUBARE DAME soek char werk vir 2 dae Woensdae en Vrydae. Goeie verwysing. Skakel 083 349 3674. DOMESTIC WORK everyday. Three years experience. Phone 079 760 8407. I AM a lady aged 35 looking for domestic housekeeping, nanny work. Very experienced. 078 340 1626. I AM a lady aged 27 looking for domestic, housekeeping, nanny work. Very hardworking. Contact me 078 278 8255. I AM a Zimbabwean girl looking for a job as a travel consultant. I have a Diploma in travel and tourism and I am and interior designer. Please call Brenda on 073 986 6392. I AM looking for a job as housekeeper or nanny. 2 Years experience. I'm a Malawian. Contact Grace 083 945 2514 / 078 682 3527. I'M GIBSON a Malawian looking for a job as a gardener with experience. Contact 083 484 9994. Ref Hilda 082 551 0596. I'M LOOKING for a job as a driver of code 10 with PDP or general job. Contact Phumwani at 073 567 0984. MALAWIAN MAN looking for two years experience in housekeeping or gardening. Very friendly and good with dogs. Contact 078 561 7148.
60 MY NAME is Sylvia, 47 years old is looking for 3 days char. Call me 083 759 6376. My ref call Dr Koornhof 083 443 7777 & Mev M Franzsen 083 302 6995. NOMATTER, Mavis Kamwanda, Kudzika. We are looking for chars or sleep in work. Contact 071 723 7736 / 078 304 5780.
Betrekkings Vacancies A MUSHROOM farm in the Stellenbosch area requires a Technologist. This challenging position requires a person with attention to detail and a "can do" attitude. Previous experience with implementing retailer standards and audits will help to secure. Please fax CV to 021 880 0270. TEACH IN Thailand. Now recruiting for Aug / Sept. Relocation cost apply. linda@teachnet.co.za
Classifieds. ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED for a FMCG/ Wholesale company. BComm Acc or tertiary qual. essential. Atleast 2-3 years exp in a similar enviroment. Applicant must have good communication skills, computer literacy and valid drivers licence. Please forward your detailed CV and cover letter to janeemey@gmail.com Expires 15 Aug 2012. GUESTHOUSE STELLENBOSCH Seeking experienced & qualified: Duty Manager & Senior Spa Therapist. E-mail CV, photo & current salary to: advertise147@gmail. com OPSOEK NA 'n deeltydse assistent met ondervinding by bekende haarsalon in Stellenbosch. Skakel Ilke Zimmerman 021 883 8323. OPSOEK NA 'n gekwalifiseerde haarkapster by bekende haarsalon in Stellenbosch. Skakel Ilke Zimmerman 021 883 8323.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
IF YOU are energetic, friendly and passionate about the hospitality industry we may have just the position for you at our hotel in Stellenbosch. We currently have the following positions available: Waiters & bartenders. You will be required to work shifts, and fluency in both English and Afrikaans will be advantageous. Experience in similar position will be beneficial. Should you be interested please forward your CV and cover letter detailing your abilities and the position you are applying for to hr@phstellenbosch. com or alternatively fax 086 535 4274. Closing date for applications: Tuesday 31 July 2012. If you have not heard from us by Friday the 3rd of July 2012 please consider your application unsuccessful. LUTEA PARFUUM 146 Geure om te bemark! Uitstekende kommissie! 083 655 0445 / madrigrobbelaar@ gmail.com / www.luteaperfume.co. za
RELIABLE BOTTLING Techician with valid licence required for wine industry. Minimum 3 Years experience. Must be willing to work long hours. Able to start immediately. Fax CV to 086 767 6641 or email to emb06@telkomsa.net RELIABLE CODE 14 driver between the age of 25 and 40 require for wine industry. Minimum 3 years experience. Must be willing to work long hours. Able to start immediately. Fax CV to 086 767 6641 or email to emb06@telkomsa.net URGENTLY SEEKING an experienced VIP Payroll Clerk to join our dynamic company. Applicant must have atleast 2-3 years exp in a payroll enviroment, good communication skills, computer literacy. Drivers license essential. Please send a detailed CV and cover letter to janeemey@gmail.com Closing date 15 August 2012.
Betrekkings Kennisgewings
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OM TE ADVERTEER IN EIKESTADNUUS Indien u nie ’n bestaande rekeningfasiliteit by Eikestadnuus het nie, word alle advertensies op ‘n kontantbasis hanteer: • Kredietkaart • Bankinbetaling • By kantore: Alexanderstraat 44, Stellenbosch Skakel 021 887 2840, of faks 021 883 9538
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Skakel Mericia by 021 887 2840 om te adverteer.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Keenan: June’s star EUNICE VISAGIE
EENAN Ribeiro wants to represent South Africa on the hockey turf at the 2020 Olympic Games. Keenan (13), from Rhenish Primary School, is the Let’s Play and Eikestadnuus Sport Star for the month of June. Keenan is a very versatile sportsman, as is evident from the fact that he excels in hockey, tennis, cricket, rugby and even chess. He plays for Rhenish’s first cricket team, but hockey is the sport he loves to play most. He has earned his Boland and
Western Province colours for his work on the hockey field. He has also received Boland colours for chess. “I really like playing hockey, mostly because it is a team sport,” he said. Keenan’s favourite hockey player is South Africa’s dragflick king Justin Reid-Ross. His biggest dream is to be part of Team South Africa at the Olympic Games. “I want to play hockey for South Africa at the 2020 Olympics,” said Keenan without blinking an eye. He is not only a big fan of playing sport – he also loves watching it.“It is a big motivating factor to watch sport and learn new stuff,” he explains. Keenan will be going to Paul Roos Gymnasium next year. ) An interview with this rising hockey star will be broadcast on local radio station MFM this Saturday at 14:30.
PRG en Maties: Die rektor van die Universiteit Stellenbosch,
Keenan Robeiro Photo: Eunice Visagie
Prof. Russell Bothma (regs), het die afgelope week twee Ngunivelle aan Paul Roos Gimnasium se rektor, Jannie van der Westhuizen (links), oorhandig wat die skool in die Marköttersuite geplaas het. Sowel Bothma as Van der Westhuizen het gewys op die besonderse band van samewerking tussen die US en PRG. Tans is Paul Roos die skool wat die meeste leerlinge na Maties stuur en die afgelope drie jaar het 500 oudleerlinge van PRG aan die US gegradueer. Nóg ’n interessante feit is dat daar 51 ingenieursgrade in drie jaar toegeken is. Aan die einde van 2011 het 19 oudleerlinge van PRG BRekHonsgrade ontvang. Foto: Eunice Visagie
Stellies se trots: Hoërskool Stel lenbosch se Calize Bosman het die SA Junior Ruiter kunsspan gehaal. Sy gaan later vanjaar in Amerika deelneem. Foto: Verskaf
Die hele skool het bymekaargekom vir die volmaak van die swembad.
Foto: Gerrit Schaafsma
Swempret vir Laerskool Stellenbosch LAERSKOOL Stellenbosch spog met ’n splinternuwe swembad. Die skoolhoof, Hawkie de Villiers, vertel trots hoe hulle hierdie week vir die eerste keer die yskoue water aangedurf het. “Ons was sewe mansonderwysers en drie vroue wat eerste ingeduik het. Die vroue het darem duikpakke aangehad, maar dit was maar koud!” Laerskool Stellenbosch het binne twee jaar amper R1 miljoen ingesamel vir die bou van die swembad. De Villiers verduidelik hoe die skool ’n verskeidenheid projekte gebruik het vir fondsinsameling, onder meer deur Ina Paarman-speserye te verkoop en gholfdae te hou. Volgens De Villiers is daar klaar belangstelling
van ander instansies, insluitende die universiteit, om die geriewe te huur. Hy maak dit duidelik dat, alhoewel die verhuring van die swembad inkomste vir die onderhoud daarvan kan genereer, die skool eers die swembad ten volle vir hul eie gebruik sal benut voordat hulle dit beskikbaar maak aan ander gebruikers. Die swembad is 25 m lank en het ’n kapasiteit van 500 000 liter. Dit is verlede Donderdag met behulp van die brandweer se toerusting volgemaak. Na ongeveer vyf uur se water intap, was die swembad uiteindelik vol. De Villiers sê die skool beplan om in die toekoms sonpanele te installeer wat die water sal verhit, maar dat daar eers nog fondse ingesamel moet word.
Book now for golf day BOOKINGS for Weber Gedenk Primary School’s 50th anniversary golf day, sponsored by Protea Hotel Stellenbosch, have opened. The event takes place on Friday 21 September at Stellenbosch Golf Course.
Four-balls are available at R2 000, or you can pay R500 per player. Limited spots are available, so book early to avoid disappointment. Contact Gilroy Williams: or 0 083 701 2682 2 williamsgilroy@gmail.com.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Alcardo praat oor dáái doel EUNICE VISAGIE
N die 80ste minuut was hy nog effens tranerig op die plaasvervangerbank, maar in die 86ste minuut het Alcardo van Graan sy droom as kind verwesenlik. Van Graan van Idasvallei het die afgelope naweek Ajax Cape Town se enigste doel in die sokkerwedstryd teen die Engelse superklub Manchester United aangeteken. Dit was nie net die feit dat hy ’n doel aangeteken het nie, dit was ’n ongelooflik hakskeenskop waarmee hy die agterkant van die doelhok getref het. “Ek dink wat gebeur het, het nog nie heeltemal ingesink nie. United is die span wat ek reeds 20 jaar lank ondersteun! “Ek is ’n plaasseun van Stellenbosch wat ’n doel teen van sy helde aangeteken het.” Van Graan was nie deel van die beginspan vir die wedstryd teen United nie. “Ek het op die plaasvervangerbank gesit en met 10 minute oor het ek gedink ek gaan nie meer speel nie en ek was baie teleurge-
Alcardo van Graan vier hier sy doel teen Manchester United.
steld. Skielik stuur die afrigter my toe op en met my eerste raak van die bal het ek die doel aangeteken.” Die United-verdedigers het versteen voor die doelhok gestaan, terwyl Van Graan en sy spanmaats fees gevier het. “Dit is ’n oomblik wat ek vir die res van my lewe gaan onthou.
Foto: Jaco Marais, foto24
Ek het ’n doel teen ’n sokkerreus van Europa aangeteken.” Van Graan is egter meer as bewus daarvan dat hy nie te veel meegevoer moet word nie. “My ouers, Nigel en Charmaine, het my gelukkig goed groot gemaak en my geleer hoe om my voete op die grond te hou.”
Die Idasvallei-sokkerklub Bevorderings Alcardo en nuwe aanstellings by Cluver Markotter met Michael Carrick se Ing: trui.Cluver Mark waar Van Graan as vierjarige graagbedie volgende bevorderings en aanstellings bekend: Lize Pecoraro (v Foto: Samantha van den Berg bevorder tot direkteur in die eiendomsafdeling; Sunette du Toit (voo gin sokker speel het, is vanjaar aangestel as assosiaat in die litigasie-afdeling; James Lamprecht (agter lin 80 jaar oud. “Ek wil vir die vanklub den Heever (agter regs) is aangestel as assosiate in die eiendomsafdelin sê dat ek hou duimvas dat al hul rik. drome waar word en dat net “Jy moet in jouself glo en altyd goeie dinge op hulle wag.” onthou dat aanhouer wen.” Vir die jong mense van Stellen) Om die video van Alcardo se bosch het hy waardevolle raad. doel te sien en vir nog foto’s be“Selfdissipline is baie belang- soek www.eikestadnuus.co.za.
Eikestad ver teenwoordig: Mer
lin Beeton van Laerskool Eikestad het die afgelope skoolvakansie vir die Westelike Provinsie se o.13 span aan ’n toernooi in Sasolburg deelgeneem. Foto: Verskaf
Rugby dié naweek: Die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit pak dié naweek vir Capitec
in ’n vriendskaplike wedstryd op Van der Stel. Die wedstryd begin Vrydag (vanaand) om 18:00 by die Van der Stelsportgronde. Hier is (agter, van links) Alroy Cyster en Denzil Esau van die munisipaliteit, Francois Julies en Gerold Abrahams en (voor) André Gabriels (Stellen bosch Munisipaliteit), Marius van Niekerk en Johan van der Horst (van Alpha Books wat die dag borg). Foto: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Paul Roos Gimnasium se kaptein Frank Slabbert in aksie teen St. John’s van Zimbabwe. Foto’s: Rory Ross, Plate Pictures
Bloemhof se LuMae Malan (links) in aksie teen D.F. Malan.
PRG en Bloemhof eindig vierde PAUL Roos Gimansium en Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof het albei vierde geëindig by verlede week se internasionale o.18-hokkietoernooi wat in Kaapstad gespeel is. Paul Roos het in die halfeindronde teen sy aartsvyand Wynberg Boys’ High met 0–2 vasgeval. Dit was ’n teleurstellende uitslag vir die Stellenbossers aangesien hulle vroe-
ër die seisoen met die spelers van Wynberg afgereken het. In die uitspeelwedstryd om die derde plek het hulle teen Paarl Gimnasium met 3–4 verloor. Bloemhof het in die halfeindronde met 0–1 teen D.F Malan verloor en toe ook die knie teen Paarl Gim (1–2) gebuig. Rhenish Girls’ High het 11de in die toernooi geëindig.
TREKKING VIR SATERDAG: Gholfloting vir môre Eck, P. Masson, P. le Grange; 07:53: L.P. du Eerste bof – 07:45: E. Toit, W.H. Steyn, A. McCarthy, C. Grundling, J. aangebied deur Fenwick, A. Crafford; Palmer, M. Cloete; 08:01: J. Brink, D. 07:53: E. le Riche, D. Burger, Brink, W. Fourie, J. du Clive Reid, A. Withers; 08:01: Peter Hill, Alwyn Toit; 08:09: P. Swart, A. Hodgkinson, J. du Rautenbach, Gerald Gant, R. Hurndall; 08:09: Piet van Toit, J. van Vuuren; Zyl, B. van Staden, P. Steen 08:17: J. Burger, J. Ha kamp, H. du Randt; J. du Preez, W. Kotze, D. van nekom, J. van Aswegen, K. Botha; 08:25: J. Emmenis, K. Serfontein; 08:25: C.P. Gerber, L. Wedgwood, K. du Toit, J. van der Westhuizen, Willemse, A. van Schalkwyk; 08:33: E. Archer, A. van Niekerk; 08:33: P. Coetzee, D. le Roux, R. Buys, K. Jordaan, V. Nienaber; 08:41: S. Loub L. Muller, S. Conradie; 08:41: P. Oelofse, L. Main ser, H. Terblanche, M. Hugo, E.J. Langer; 11:30 gard, C. Derksen, S. Roux; 11:30 TOT 11:54 LI TOT 11:54 LIGA; 12:02: B. Cooper, H. Ludwigs, GA; 12:02: P. van Breda, T. van Robbroeck, M. K. Geiger, K.A. Smith; 12:10: B. Liebenberg, C. van Rooy; 12:10: Andre Coetzee, Chris Kotze, Snyman, P. van Blerk, M. Smith; 12:26: C. Nel, H. Koegelenberg, W. Oosthuizen; 12:18: H. van F. Kieks, H. Heunis, M. Botha; 12:34: T. Gordon, Niekerk, A. Robertson, N. Erasmus, P. Malherbe; B. Bergstedt, B. Muller, A. Jacobs; 12:42: N. Peter 12:26: L. de Jager, J. Stander, J. Naude, C. Perold; sen, G. Schultz, M. Cloete, G. Hendrickse; 12:50: 12:34: E. Taljaard, C. Stander, J. Thirion, C. Mey N. Lambrecht, P. Kruger, V. Adonis, C. Wagner; er; 12:42: C. van den Heever, E. Hertzog, S. Bur 12:58: J. Bester, K. Klopper, R. Edwards, C. Scott ger, P. LeafWright; 12:50: M. Taylor, T. Hendry, Rogers. Tiende bof – 07:45: S. de Kock, D. van P. Henning, W. Nel; 12:58: D. Roos, H. Roos.
Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012
Jaargang 62 | Tel 021 887 2840
S’bosch reg vir Spele ! EUNICE VISAGIE
ERS was dit jare, toe maande, toe 100 dae, toe enkele weke en vandag is dit uiteindelik hier - die 2012 Olimpiese Spele in Londen! Daar is min twyfel dat Stellenbossers in die komende weke (27 Julie tot 12 Augustus) die TV, Internet en koerante fyn gaan dophou om op hoogte te bly van alles wat by die Spele gebeur. Dit is die derde keer dat die Spele in Londen plaasvind. Die ander geleenthede was in 1908 en 1948. Nie net is Stellenbossers ondersteuners van die Spele nie, maar daar is ook verskeie deelnemers van die dorp wat in aksie gaan wees. Die swemmers, Heerden Herman en Trudi Maree, saam met die hokkiespelers, Kathleen Taylor en Mariëtte Rix, en die atleet Shaun de Jager gaan Maties se naam hoog hou in die Engelse hoofstad. Die Maties hokkie-afrigter Kurt Cerfontyne is die hulp-afrigter van die manshokkiespan. Stellenbosser Dylan van der Merwe is die Suid-Afrikaanse fietsryspan se meganiese man.
En dan is daar die atlete wat bande met Stellenbosch het soos die driekamp-atlete Richard Murray (SA) en Jan Frodeno (Duitsland); die bergfietsryer Ralph Näff (Switserland) en verskeie internasionale naellopers en verspringers wat gereeld oor Desember by Coetzenburg te sien is. Herman, wat vir die eerste keer aan die Spele deelneem, gaan in die 1 500 m-vryslag in aksie wees. Die eindronde is op 4 Augustus “Dit is baie lekker om hier in Londen in die atletedorp te wees. Mens kan sien die organiseerders het baie moeite gedoen. Met dié dat ons afgesonder is van Londen self weet ek nie hoe die atmosfeer daar buite is nie, maar hier in die atletedorp is dit een van groot opwinding,” het Herman die afgelope week vertel. “Die werklikheid van die Spele het nou ingesink. Ek wil die ervaring net soveel as moontlik geniet en my persoonlike beste lewer.” Maree se nommer is die 50-vryslag. De Jager is deel van die SuidAfrikaanse 100 m-aflos span. Vir meer besonderhede oor die Spele besoek www.london2012.com.
Olympic excitement The 2012 Olympic Games start tonight in London. The Olympic flame has travelled through more than 1000 cities and villages throughout the United Kingdom and will be used to light the cauldron at the opening ceremony. This signifies that the games are officially open. More that 14 000 athletes from 205 Olympic teams will compete for glory in the biggest sporting event on Earth. The opening ceremony will take place tonight and will be broadcast on SABC 2 and SuperSport 4. The broadcast on SABC 2 starts at 21:34 while Supersport 4 will start at 21:45. Eikestadnuus went to find out from the folks of Stellenbosch what they are looking forward to the most. There are more than 30 different sporting disciplines to choose from, but a clear favourite is the men’s 100m sprint. You can watch this event at 21:50 on 5 August.
Analon !Nanus es (left) and Nkateko Ntim bane (right) are both in awe of Oscar Pistorius. “He is such an in spiring figure,” says Ntimbane. “It just shows you that you must never give up, no matter what your circumstances are,” says !Nanuses. Ntimbane is looking forward to watching the diving while !Nanuses can’t wait to see Usain Bolt compete in the men’s 100 m sprint.
Silke Rothkegel is excited about watching Os car Pistorius compete at the Olympics and is keen to see what ki nd of performance Lon don will put on for the opening cere mony. “I think the English are going to have a hard time topping the Chi nese.”
Danie du Toit says that he likes watch ing the Ol ympics, but because he does not own a television, he will miss most of the action. “I will have to make a plan to watch the men’s 100 m. I really want to see Usian Bolt in action.”
Juan Mason is a mountain biking enthusi ast and will be supporting Burry Stander, a South African mountain biker at the Olympics. “I think Burry has a good chance of getting a medal. Whether the Games will be a suc cess or not, depends on the weath er. Let’s hope the rain stays away.”
Die Burger MTB Challenge IT is time for the seventh annual Die Burger Mountain Bike Challenge. The challenge, happening on Saturday 28 July, will be held over distances ranging from 15 km to 75 km on and around the gravel roads of Stellenbosch. The action gets started at 08:15 at Eikestad Primary School; more than 3 000 people have entered. The event, which is renowned for its challenging and picturesque routes, is held in association with the Simonsberg Conservancy, and boasts five scenic routes to cater for all levels of riding. The 15 km fun ride is for children and novices. The 30 km fun ride is for beginner riders. The 42 km, meanwhile, is a challenge for intermediate but fit riders, while the 60 km is for advanced riders. The 75 km is an invitation-only race for top riders. Meurant Botha of Dirtopia, who has been designing and maintaining mountain bike trails for over 10 years, says the routes will pass through more than 60 farms in the area, giving riders the opportunity to tackle some of the best and most beautiful trails in the country.
Stellenbosch Evergreen: Dié week kom Stellenbosch Evergreenrugbyklub
Last year’s winner, Philip Buys. Photo: Eunice Visagie
It is important to remember that these routes are only open to the public on the day of the event, and so offer a truly unique experience. For more information pay a visit to www.dieburgermtbchallenge.co.za.
wat in die Bolandliga speel aan die beurt. Hier is (agter) Hullet Solomons, Hendrik Nero, Desmond Bob, Pieter Esau, Mdaan Pieterse en Francois Julies; (middel) Gert Booysen (afrigter), Oswald Smith, Steven Solomons, Trevor le Roux, Chandre Williams, Raymond Abrahams (voorsitter) en Anton Francis; (voor) Jerome Arense, Vernon Fortuin, Mervin Jooste en Ralton Daniels. Stellenbosch Ever green speel die komende naweek in ’n wegwedstryd teen Riebeeck United. Die ander bepalings is: Belhar t Victoriane; Maties t Villagers; NNK t Pniel Villagers; Franschhoek t Stellenbosch Coronati ons; Atlantis t Kylemore; Cloetesville t Masipumelele. Foto: Samantha van den Berg
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