eilidh allan architectural portfolio a selection of university, professional, and personal works
2019 | Portfolio
contents the circus in the sky
architectural design - stage 3 module
the report
architectural practice - stage 3 module
the urban hinge
urban intervention - stage 3 module
residential design
collective dwelling - stage 2 module
roof construction
forms and structure - stage 2 module
activity centre
architecture & landscape - stage 2 module
professional work
Frank Reynolds Architects / Poole Phillips Associates
personal work
a selection of sketches and paintings
Academic work - University of kent Professional work - Frank Reynolds Architects, Poole Phillips Associates 01
2019 | Academic | Architectural Design | the circus in the sky
the circus in the sky circus /’səː :kə s/ e e
a travelling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which gives performances, typically in a large tent, in a series of different places
The new circus school in the coastal town of Cliftonville, Kent, stemmed from two concepts which aimed to regenerate and reinvigorate the once vibrant area. In taking the acrobat as the focal point, the idea of flight was expored. The first avenue looked at a child’s perception of flight, which would primarily involve objects they’d witnessed flying; aeroplanes, birds, balloons. The second came from an challenging an adult’s perception of flight. Habitully recognising stability and formal gravitas, the building intended to create a feeling of impossible floaing when inside of it. These concepts operate at both a physical and narrative state, and explore the circus theme through it’s entirity.
Exhibited in the 2019 Kent School of Architecture and Planning’s End of Year Show 02
Site analysis | Basic principles 05
Model of the ‘UP’ house
North elevation | Long section | Short Section 06
Exploded axonometric
Interior perspectives 07
Typical floor plan - third floor
Construction Section 08
Envelope detail | Floorplate detail
2019 | Academic | Architectural practice | the report
the report report /rI’pͻ:t/ an account given of a particular matter, especially in the form of an official document, after thorough investigation or consideration
The report aimed to broaden understanding on the professional practice aspect of architecture. Tasks included creating an organisational diagram, drafting a fee proposal letter, calculating an order of cost estimate, and showing how a building complied to various planning policies and building regulations. Compiled into a report, this followed the ‘building’ of the circus school proposal in Kent, and demonstrated how a concept is brought into reality in today’s world.
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2018 | Academic | Urban Intervention | the urban hinge
the urban hinge hinge /hɪɪ n(d) ʒʒ/ a movable joint or mechanism on which a door, gate, or lid swings as it opens and closes or which connects linked objects
This adapt and extend project saw an old depository building transformed into an art school, theatre, and residential complex in Margate, Kent, where the vision was to provide the community with the support and resources it needed. Using the depository as the locus, it provided support, resources, and the opportunity for integration. The theatre extension would hinge off the building, perhaps more metaphorically than physically. The existing building therefore acts as a joint between community and future inspiration. The hinged extension uses the building as physical support, and the existing openings as integration points between new and old, becoming almost parasitic in nature. Parasites - organisms attaching themselves to a host for support - became an inspiration, and so the glass box extensions appear as foreign entities in contrast to the old depository. 11
Existingsite | Existingdepositoryconstruction 13
Concept diagram
Elevation | Section 14
Typical floor plan - first floor
Exterior perspectives 15
Interior perspectives
Construction section 16
Proposed wall section
2018 | Academic | Collective Dwelling | residential design
residential design irregular /I’rεgj l / eΩ
not even or balanced in shape or arrangement ‘Regularity, order, desire for perfection, destroy art. Irregularity is the basis of all art.’ Pierre Auguste Renoir
Faversham, Kent, is a market town rich with antiquity. With the creek an integral part of Kent’s history, it become the inspiration for the residential design, its form most vital. Fashioning a unique shape throughout the town, the architecture hence built follow it’s irregular path. The irregular streetscape is mirrored by the irregular skyscape; a diverse roofscape from a multitude of buildngs. This concept inspired a playful take on creating a new community, finding irregular forms and patterns to follow. The intention follows the nurturing of the irregularity already offered, and the exploration into creating a scheme even more unique.
Concept sketches 20
Environmental | Night perspective
Ground floor 21
Upper floors
2018 | Academic | Forms and Structure | roof construction
roof construction roof /ru:f/ the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle
Designing a roof and it’s supports, precedence was taken from Foster and Partners Canary Wharf Crossrail station. Required to cover four-hundred square metres, providing a minimum headroom of five metres, the roof structure was to be analysed under gravitational and lateral forces, demonstrating the resultant deflected shapes. A scaled model was produced alongside orthographics and force analysis. Inspired by the strength of tesselating shapes, the design features a curved roof supported on a series of columns.
2017 | Academic | Architecture & Landscape | activity centre
activity centre view /vju:/ a sight or prospect, typically of attractive natural scenery, that can be taken in by the eye from a particular place
The activity centre was a bridge for the community, uniting the new building and surrounding landscape. Located in Hambrook marshes, Canterbury, an embankment runs through the centre of the large site. Embodying the notion of bridge, the activity centre bridges the gap in the embankment, becoming a central hub in both physical and narrative nature. To best connect the landscape to the site, the idea was to create unique focal points within the activity centre, framing specific views. The spaces within the building took in a particular view that would compliment the activity; a tranquil space inside the activity centre, yoga or physiotherapy, warranted a tranquil view, natural swimming pool or sensory garden. Equally spaces such as the kitchen, had a framed view of the kitchen garden. This made a cohesive and unified building and landscape.
Spring | Summer 26
Autumn | Winter
2019 | Professional | Frank Reynolds & Poole Phillips | architectural assistant
architectural assistant frank reynolds architects /august 2019 present / working as a part one architectural assistant in a vibrant office in the centre of London, primarily in residential design of varying size
poole phillips associates /july - august 2018 / working as a part one architectural assistant in a small market town, involved in various smaller scale works
Working as a part one architectural assistant broadened my understanding, developed my skills, and boosted my confidence within the industry. By seeing projects from the different RIBA work stages, it put architecture as a career into perspective. My technical knowledge expanded dramatically, invovled extremely early on in detailing of a RIBA stage 4 scheme. Attending a range of CPD’s and other engaging talks, allowed me to better understand the wider prospects of the industry.
Attended a Revit Architecture 101 Yellow Belt training course, gaining certification of the software. 27
Fencote Hall - Ground floor 28
Fencote Hall - First floor
Various | Personal | Art & architecture | personal work
personal work personal /’p :s( )n( )l/ e
e e
done or made by a particular person
My personal work aims to show the diverse range of interest in and around the subject of architecture. Throughout education, modules allowed the exploration of different mediums and subject matters. Throughout personal work, it allowed me to pick what inspired me most, and expand on it.
Exhibited in the 2016 Prince Henry’s High School Art Show, as well as previous years.
Artists studies - Tjalf Sparnaay 31
Evesham Abbey