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NTU 2nd year Prodcut Design 2021-2022

ABOUT Hi, I am Eilleen. Currently, study product design in my second year at Nottingham Trent University. I believe I am a creative and productive design student to pay passion in creating process, enjoy the process of designing a new items step by step. I am enthusiastic and enjoy learning new skills or knowledge that I need to design and complete a new project. During my education in a college course, I have learnt how to explore my mind and how to work as a group. In the future, I aim to become a successful product designer and bring creativity and passion into my work.


INTEREST reading / traveling photography / sketching

CONTACT e35796094@gmail.com | 07598417269 IG eilleen.design






Hair Dryer Project Brief In this project, I redesign the outlook of hairdryer. The design language and aesthetic was the key aspect to consider. The design should reflect the given element from the moodboard into the appearance design and can assemble all of the components into the inner construction. My design is inspired by curved surfaces as well as flowing lines to bring an elegant feeling to the overall product.

吹風機外觀設計 : 結合現代流行元素,設計新型的吹風機外殼 我的吹風機已流暢優美的線條以及光滑柔和的表面,以及運用白色和 玫瑰金,表現出高級、優雅的設計





2 concepts



Rose gold, white and grey are three colours applied to the hairdryer design. White is mostly used on the surface of the main body to give a clean and light appearance. The rose gold is used on the key part such as the vent and the pointed end of the handle as the decoration to make it elegant and delicate.


The main body is made of plastic produced by injection moulding in the manufacturing process. The rose gold part is used aluminium to make it a bit shiny and highlighted.


The final design presents a matte finish on both plastic and aluminium surfaces to give a highclass look to the product. The elegant line and pattern are applied on the body and handle with a flowing shape to reflect the sophisticated, cured and elegant element.

Technical Drawing Light Housing

Left Housing Nozzel


Switch Slider Switch


The sectional view of hairdryer. All internals are placed with tenons.

Cable Grommet

Explored View

Animation : https://www.instagram.com/tv/CceMP1VjrGh/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=

Sliding Laptop Design Direction This project is a group project collaborating with MATTER brand, it required teaming up with partners and extensive brand analysis to understand Matter's values, design language and target user, to produce a concept that would fall naturally into their portfolio and generate greater brand value and loyalty.

在疫情散布全球的同時,越來越多的人被強制在家工作、上課,這導致了原本其 他功能的房間必須同時來辦公、學習,從而導致類似收納或是孩童照顧、安全的 問題 因此,我們這次設計出一個能在桌子邊緣自由移動並同時擁有儲存功能的電腦支 架,希望能幫助家長在辦公之外的休閒時間能輕鬆、快速的整理好桌面,以避免 物品丟失或是雜亂的桌面會傷到孩子。

User Profile Anna

32 years old Finance Manager Working professional, mother, 32, renting a two-bedroom flat based in the South Finance Manager, 1 day a week in the local office, 35K salary Married with 1 child, in pre-school, 3 days-per-week Home office location: Kitchen area Flexible working hours, schedule based around childcare

Working Space Home Environment

London Office

Home Office

Under the environment that covid spread around the world. Remote work is getting popular currently. More and more employees work at home and use remote communication. In this situation, the hybrid working space becomes important for the users. Here are some data to show the trend of " working from home" :

35 ℅

45 ℅

Of that 65 percent, over half of them said they prefer to work mostly from the office, while 45 precent prefer to work mostly from home.

About two-thirds of respondents who have been working from home over the past year said that a hybrid work environment was their ideal work model.

65 ℅

55 ℅

Wakes up in a sleepy mood planning She gets frustrated when she is not able to find her work supplies because she hid it from her kid When the child is not disturbing, she is work with

· wake up · take care of kid (feeds kid, · gives kids activity make breakfast, for the morning dress kid) · start working

Struggles to find toy for kid distracts kid with toy to keep them away from danger in kitchen She feels happy spending quality time with her family.

Wake up from the nap, feel energatic

· have dinner · put kid to bed · watched tv with partner · tidies up get ready for bed

· go to nap · wake up · kids bored and distracted mom · kidd starts playing with things on desk · cleans up · starts work again · trouble finding office supplies after hiding them from kids · has conference calls · makes kid lunch · feeds kid · cleans up

· make kid a snack · feed kid · clean up · work again · kid start mess up the table · signs out from work tidies up desk · plays with kid · clean up

Key finding in a survey

In the research, we interview a mother who works under a hybrid home condition. From the feedback, we get more understanding of her daily life and work. Cleaning room is the thing that she repeats mostly every day. She needs to clean the desk when she switches her job to the next job. The organization and children's safety are also the things that bother her a lot. She spends time with her children to avoid she/he being hurt by stuff which is placed on the desk

key thing to think about?......




Solution Design a storage space to allow users clean and organize easily and can switch the working area for another use in a short time. It helps the mother to balance her work and the responsibility of taking care of children in her tight schedule.

The main box of the laptop stand is made of soft fabric to gives a warm and soft feeling for the product. The wooden cover is alos used as a laptop stand and it can be stopped at several heights to satisfy different needs.

Detail Design adjustable leg : a tenon design on the leg to allow the laptop stand box sets at the different thickness of the edge of table stably. (fig1-fig3) charging design : battery and socket are set into the box. The users can charge the electronic product insight the box without worrying about the length of the cable. (fig4) dividers : the insight of box is divided into sever spaces for storage purposes. (fig5)






-the laptop stand can be support at several levels for satisfied different needs. (fig6-fig8)

cover: the cover is made of ash wood. It is also the part laptop stand where can place the laptop or iPad.

supports : two metal sticks can support the laptop stand stops at different levels of height. shell


storage box: the main body is made of plastic, the inside is divided into small spaces for storage.

body shell : The storage box is covered by white fabric which can provide protection and decoration for the product

adjustable legs

tenon : the grooves at the bottom can stuck the laptop stand

Scenarios This sliding laptop stand with storage space is perfect for owners with busy work. It is able to provide a clean and organized place in their hybrid space that is used for both life and work. The sliding laptop stand includes storage in the main body of the box and the cover becomes a stand to place the laptop. The user can adjust the two adjustable legs set at the bottom to make sure the laptop stander is stable on the table and can be slid to another side simply and the place can be changed to a dining area without cleaning motion.

此產品輕便且易於操作,當結束工作後,使用者便能將平板電腦及雜物放進盒子中,而當快速的整 理完桌面後,輕輕將整體滑向桌子的另一端,空出的桌面便能留給其他用途

Tea Set Design Brief

In this project, I design a product or system that makes a statement about myself as a designer and who am I, not who I think I should be in the future. Growing up in a typical Chinese family, I was influenced by Chinese culture a lot when I grow up. The beauty of traditional cultures gave me lots of inspiration. I love the colour and pattern that I usually found in architecture and furniture design. Also, nature is one of the significant elements in Chinese design, the natural materials can mostly be found in handmade products such as wood or bamboo. In this project, I will aim of developing the beauty of traditional Chinese art with function. This design should functional, natural, organic and simple.

茶具設計 : 此設計項目需要融合自身背景,以 " 我 " 本身為主,完成一項能表 達 " 我是誰 " 概念的設計 因為從小接受中華文化的薰陶,對於一些傳統文化相當感興趣,尤 其是飲茶文化,因為家中長輩喜歡用茶葉泡茶,家中也有幾套不同 的茶具,對於茶葉有一定的認識,同時我也觀察到不論是亞洲或是 英國,在現在的這個世代 , 大部分人更喜歡用茶包取代茶業,簡化泡茶的步驟,可以更快的完 成泡茶這項舉動,因此在這個設計項目中,我希望設計出一套便於 泡茶的茶具並融合傳統中華美學,除了外觀能讓年輕人更能接受以 外,也能讓茶葉泡茶變的更加容易。

Primary Research Tea culture is one of the significant cultures in Taiwan. In the past, people drink tea in Cantonese restaurants that provide places for people to stay, relax and have a conversation with neighbours or friends. In the Cantonese restaurant, the customers can buy different types of traditional teas such as Oolong tea, Long jing tea or P'uli tea, they are natural and good for the body's health. However, the questionnaire with questions related to the behaviours of young people toward drinking tea. It is surprising to see tea is still a popular drink you the young generation, but the traditional tea culture has gradually declined in society. Young people seldom go to the Cantonese restaurant to get a cup of tea, the teabag, bottled tea or shaken tea take place of the traditional tea culture in recent generations.


of young men drinking tea every day.


of young men prefer to use a tea beg and 37.4% like to buy a bottle of tea rather than steeping tea.


drinking tea while they are working and 21.7% have tea in office

The result presents that tea is not a symbol of the connection between people in the recent society, it becomes a way to provide energy and meet physiological needs in their daily life or during their work. And the tea bag can provide a more convenient and faster way to steep the tea so it is popular with the younger generation.

Pollution From Tea Bag -Teabag is composed of 75% natural fibres, 25% oil-based plastic and cotton cord. Tea begs to release millions of microscopic plastics into drink and it produces millions of pounds of waste. -Removing the bag can reduce 815 million teabags and 16.2 tons of plastic.

Reframe Brief Looking at the primary research, tea culture is a significant culture in both traditional and recent society in Taiwan. The young men treat it as a functional drink to meet their needs. Compared with the elderly who prefer to spend time steeping the tea, more young people choose to buy it at the store or use a teabag. However, it can result in the tone of the pollution released from the bottle or tea bags. Design a tea water bottle to replace the plastic-made product by using natural materials such as ceramic and bamboo and bringing the traditional Chinese beauty in the product as the decoration This water bottle provides a more convenient and modern way to encourage young men to easily steep the tea at any time.

Sketching and Moodboard


neutral color



Explored View


bottle sleeve bamboo weaving

water bottele

bamboo weaving

tea bag

tea leave container

Sustainability To reduce the waste from using a plastic bottle and an unrecycled tea bag, my product is fully biodegradable. The main part of the body is made of ceramic, the sleeve and reusable tea bag are composed of bamboo weaving. The material comes from nature, so it can easily be recycled. The pattern of the wood and handmade weaving could be seen as decorations to improve aestheticism.

Color White and brown are the main colours in this tea set design. It presents a clean, neutral and stable feeling for the users. Fresh tea leaves come from nature, it is organic and good for the health. I hope this design can make them feel a connection with nature while they steep and drink the tea.

Material The tea set is mainly made of ceramic and the bamboo is used as a decoration to cover the object. Ceramic is one of the materials that could be found in the art of traditional Chinese crafts. It uses handmade to build the item. After the final form is made, glaze the pottery to provide a gloss on the smooth surface.

Final The ceramic surface gives a smooth and warm feeling to the users. The bamboo weaving presents the sophisticated and geometric pattern on the outlook of the teacup and bottle. Moreover, the weaving can give the user a better hold while they are holding the cup

This tea water bottle provides an all-in-one function with every tool that tea lovers need in one kit. Tea lovers can steep the tea whenever and whatever they want. It incluedes a reuseable tea bag, tea leaves, a cup and a main bottle to store water. The tea bag can be store in the tea container on the bottom or in the water bottle to steep the tea.

茶具以陶瓷為主體,以竹編作為裝飾,把中華美學以及環保的概念融入到產品的外觀中卻不失現代流行的美感。整個 產品包含了一個水瓶、一個杯子、一個茶葉罐以及一個用竹編製成的濾網用以泡茶,它將繁雜的泡茶用具整合成一個 簡單的產品,除了能在外觀上吸引顧客以外,也能實現 " 簡單泡茶 " 的概念

Efficent Desk Within this brief, this project should explore the commercial home-ware market, developing a single or range of products specifically for sheet material manufacturing such as laser, water and plasma cutting. Using a piece of 2mm thick stainless steel sheet to produce an item. The look of produc reflects the contemporary and minimalistic style, using a geometric shape as well as elegant detail and neutral colour to make the design looks simplistic and modern to fit Antonine's house design style.

效率燈 : 當人們長時間的在家工作,效率容易降低,手邊的 雜物或是電子器材會導致容易分心,這款能夠幫助 提高工作效率的檯燈可以限制手機的使用從而幫助 人們遠離電子產品的干擾以達到提高效率的目的

Profile Antonin is an architect who runs his own business in Pairs. He works at home where he designed on his own and his design style is minimalistic and clean. He is a meticulous and detail obsessive person and he always makes sure his room is well clean and organized. He spends lots of time on architecture design and he hopes he can be efficient and concentrated on his work at home.

Problem In research, I identify three important problems that a designer may face if he works at home. They are messy working space, fatigue conditions and noisy environment. Those problems can affect the designer's efficiency during his work. Thus, my design is based on those found to build the solution way. To create a product can help a designer work in a simple, relaxed and joyful atmosphere.





Name: Antonin Location: Pairs Occupation: Architecture

Working from home, the environmental condition can affect workers a lot, mobile applications and messages are a significant effect. It can easily be accessed by people and cause them to lose concentration in their work. Thus, the solution goes to creating office equipment which keeps the phone away from the user and can force them to concentrate on their work efficiently.


Color · Material

The colour and pigment are not applied to the final product. It keeps the original feature of metal. Aluminium gives it a cold and neutral tune with a single colour to keep the product simple and minimalistic. But the socket shell of the bulb is using the golden colour of aluminium giving a highlight on the product to make the lamp design vivid and eyecatching.


The surface of lamp base is rough, it is produced without any additional manufactory process. The feeling of metal makes it cold and hard but the round angle and the smooth surface give a warm feeling to the users.

lamp shade

lamp base


switch socket shell bulb

Final Outcome The complete product is made of a single steel sheet. The simple structure makes the production process easy and cheap. This final product is manufactured using” Laser Cutting”, ”Metal Bending” and “Metal Welding” Sheets are first cut by the laser cutting machine into the shape of the needs and then bend to form the desired shape. I do not choose to colour this lamp to keep the law metal colour to fit Antonine's house style. The form bases on a solid geometric cube and expands the bottom surface to stabilize the whole body on the table. The unique curved line of the lamp arm makes the item become much more elegant and appealing. The motive behind the product is to add a contemporary element to the area where the product is placed. The lamp arm, shade and main base are a combination, it makes the manufacturing process easier.

phone phone storage

The lamp has a special design for the worker to concentrate on the work. The switch is removed, and the phone becomes a switch to turn on the light. Before the users start, they need to plug the phone into the space behind the lamp base and the light will be turned on. During working, they are not able to see their phone and not able to use them. It can keep the phone away from their hand and keep their concentration on the work.

此檯燈易於操作,使用者僅需將手機插入背後的空格即可打開開關, 拿起手機後燈光將自行關閉 僅僅簡單的一步就能讓手機遠離手邊,達成更高效的工作效率

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