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Unlimited safety pages
DC power supply 3 Ampere – 30 Volt
- Use only a fused power supply with a quality label.
Ear protection
- Use protective headphone on all noisy construction and operation.
Eye protection
- Wear safety glasses when drilling, cutting and all dusting activities.
Heat injury
- Never touch the nozzle of a 3D printer. - The same remark applies for soldering and hot air gun.
Dust and fume extraction
- Milling and drilling can produce a lot of dust. - Use appropriate dust suction. - Wear a quality safety mask. - Vinyl cutting with laser can produce toxic fumes: use fume extraction and filtering. Even better is to do it outside or not.
- The 6 X and Y stepper motors are strong and quick. Stay out of reach during operation, - Do not wear lossy clothes. Keep visitors out of reach. Turn power off during maintenance.
- Read the safety instructions that come with your device. - Work only with a weak 500 mW blue laser. - Do not turn on laser if it is not properly mounted with ray directed downwards. - Never use on reflective surfaces, glossy paper, glossy vinyl, copper or other reflective metal surfaces. Reflected laser rays are dangerous. - A weak laser doesn’t work on glossy or white surfaces. - The laser itself could be destroyed by the reflections. - Wear always protection glasses of decent quality. - Do not allow anybody else to enter the room during laser operation. - Keep fire extinguisher at hand.
The Z99 apparatus as described here has no CE or EMC qualifications. Personal use is allowed. Commercial use is not allowed.