It's great around here
Look around you. Where are we? ASML grows like a Japanese knotweed, NXP has turned out to be a popular bride, High Tech Campus and Automotive Campus are developing the techniques of the future, the region and the city are working together to get the city’s facilities in order with a lot of money. Not only ASML, also VDL, FEI, Philips, DAF, and other attractive companies were able to model an enviable economic and innovative engine out of the ashes of decades ago. And we can all feel it: life has become great around here. No need to be shy about that, not even from our point of view. Yes, one may have second thoughts about all the successes, because obviously, not everyone is benefiting equally from this progress. For this one time, however, we are not putting our finger on the sore spot. On the next pages, the glass is three-quarters full. Because it’s great around here!