Client Cancer Council Queensland is an organization in which the mission is reducing the burden of cancer. Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ) raises funds that are dedicated to improving quality of life for people living with cancer, through research, patient care, prevention and early detection.
Event name
Concept Thinking about the importance of the event and the importance of always being together with those we love, I created a visually simple design, with highlighted titles so that important information is not lost. Simple colors to attract public attention and simple images, enhancing happiness and at the same time subconsciously inserting the idea of protection against the sun. The slogan ONE FOR ALL AND ALL AGAINST SKIN CANCER was an adaptetation from The Three Musketeers quote “ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE” that is a historical adventure novel written in 1844 by French author Alexandre Dumas. The quote means that one defends everyone and when he needs everyone is on his side to help him, defend him, whatever he needs.
Colour palette
RGB: 238, 182, 63 CMYK: 6, 29, 87, 0
RGB: 250, 250, 250 CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 38, 41, 92 CMYK: 98, 94, 34, 26
Design elements In this project I have chosen to use basic design elements
Shapes (to emphasize titles) Scale (Main slogan) Colour
After choosing the elements, I applied the concepts to the logo and slogan, and then I inserted in a social media plataform. Digital posters will be applied on these platforms The physical poster will be printed
Logo / Slogan B & W version
Colour version
Reverse version
Posters Digital