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Typefaces all around me

7 Eleven The typography used to create visually satisfying pieces that involve in a direct and simple way, exactly what 7-eleven is about. are present wherever you go.

Vapiano For me, a design deeply rooted in its overall theme, tone and message, bringing the elegance and the professionalism of the Italian cuisine.

Gelatissimo I really like this font, the color, remind me of the 50s and the old ice cream trucks that existed, a great example of a modern store with an old theme, bringing the flavors and colors to its name.

Starbucks From all types of typography that exist, starbucks is one of my least favorite, though I love its coffees, the font doesn’t bring any message about what is about, and what you can expect.

Typefaces all around me

Typeface all around me Designed by Boschetti, Douglas Antonio Conclude on 9th of May, 2019 Certificate IV in Design

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