Fit In Room
Fit In Room (A studio base fitness gym ) We are trying to build up a community to help all our clients to get a better life, either their metal and physical health. We have professional exercise physiology, dietitian, group exercise i n s t r u c to r s , p e r s o n a l t r a i n e r s a n d a l s o consultants. We are here and ready for help.
Fit In Room DESIGN CONCEPT * as the brand aim for getting a better life contains the meaning of tranforming, so we want to make the logo looks like the movie transformer. * we also want our brand can show all the audience that we are very serious with our service. nothing unprofessional is accceptable. all the clients can feel comfortable and reliable with our service. * we also want our clients feel they can be treated as a unique and special one. we hope they feel like home when they are here.
Fit In Room clolor plaette * WE USE 3 color in this brand. green , blue , and white. we use the GREEN color to CREATE THE fresh and health image , the blue color to create the determined and prfessional image, and the white color to create easy going and spare space for everyone.
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Fit In Room logo * we use a type of the words showing sharper shape to create Sense of technology. as Fit in room is abrand base on fitness training but also monitor the results by the high technology to make the resulte accountable and more reliable. * we put "f" is the biggest part of the logo shows the most important concept in this brand in the "fitness" , also put "i " in to the "F" means no matter how fast the business growing. we still want each of our client are satisfied with our service.
Fit In Room business Card
Fit In Room
Fit In Room
Fit In Room letter head
Fit In Room Bibliography * google design
*Material design *logo design