ALL AROUND ME typography.indd 1
2020/8/6 下午3:02
We constantly use a lots of written words to communicate with each other no matter in our phones , in books or on website. The words is a good tool to express ourselves, so we choose words wisely when we want to tell a good story. It the same in the films world.
BLACK WIDOW - Black Widow font AVENGER - AVENGEANCE HEROIC AVENGER CAPTAIN AMERICAN - American Captain So as some animation movies from Disney
Beauty and the beast -BeautyoftheBeast Frozen - Frozito A header of a movie is like the soul of the Sherk -Sherk font body. Not only the words they choose for the header but also the typography can make up the different moods, atmospheres and emotions. As we mentioned above, the typography can easily express different atmospheres, lots of hero movies they create their own typography to make the movie unique and also more close to the story atmospheres.
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2020/8/6 下ĺ?ˆ3:02
As we know the typography is becoming more important and being the main visual element in all successful movie poster designs. Creating a unique typeface for the poster is a choice, but choose an existing one would be another choice and be more efficient. By the idea of changing the size, weight , colour , position could make the typeface looks very different on the poster. Here are the 3 most used typeface. The first one would be Helvetica / Helvetica Neue Helvetica is one of the most popular typefaces in the world since 1957. It’s been used for every typographic project imaginable, including print, movie titles, the web and other digital media, and type in motion. It is a common choice for commercial word mark including those famous
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Helvetica Helvetica brand , such as 3M, BMW, Epson, Skype, Target. Apple use it as the system typeface of iOS until 2015. Road signs in Japan and South Korea formerly used Helvetica as well.
It is popular and widely used in the design world when it was created. It is easy to see and doesn't convert any meaning , so it is applicable to very different contexts.
2020/8/6 下午3:02
Futura typography.indd 6-7
Futura is a versatile, high-quality font that is almost as popular as Helvetica. It immediately becames popular upon its release in 1927, and today it's pretty much everywhere. Futura can easily help the designers to create a modern, clean elegance poster. Futura is widely used in ads , logos and publishing industry as a general -purpose font. More recently, it has seen widespread use in many films and video games. Futura can display the letters well in the space-sensitive environments. Its letter forms is based on simple geometric forms — triangles, squares and near-circles , so it can be set in a small size and works well in legibility levels.
2020/8/6 下ĺ?ˆ3:02
Trajan typography.indd 8-9
Tr a j a n is a cl a ssic a l st y l e t y pefa ce designed in 1989. The design originally is based on the letterforms of roman s q u a r e c a p i ta l s a n d u s e d f o r t h e inscription at the base of Trajan volume, which the typeface takes its name.
It is never as popular as Helvetica , but the designer enjoy using it because of the cl assic feel and stoic look . A s Trajan is an all-capital typeface, it is not a boring font. It contains lots variation in width, finely tapered differences stroke weight.
As Trajan is a classic style, we can easily find it’s been used in the romantic love movies and also the old time stories such as the movie “MUMMY”.
2020/8/6 下午3:02
~ The End ~
typography.indd 10
2020/8/6 下午3:02