G8 leaders’ Final Statement, Hokkaido Toyako 9 July 2008
To promote improved transparency, accountability, good governance and sustainable economic growth in the extractive sector, and to address the natural resource dimensions of armed conflict and post-conflict situations, we: continue to support initiatives such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and call for its full implementation and for candidate countries to complete the validation process in a timely manner. We encourage emerging economies and their companies to support the initiative.
Paul Collier and Michael Spence Financial Times, 10 April 2008
Any international standards for resource extraction must be voluntary. Fortunately, in this area voluntary standards have a good record. The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, launched in 2002 as a standard for revenue reporting, has a wide take-up. Standards provide rallying points for reformers and a benchmark for performance and promote competition between governments.
Kofi Annan, Tony Blair, Bob Geldof and Muhammad Yunus in Africa Progress Panel’s 2008 Report Rex W. Tillerson Chairman and CEO, Exxon Mobil in the EITI Business Guide (2008) EITI International Secretariat Ruseløkkveien 26, 0251 Oslo, Norway Tel +47 22 24 21 05 Fax +47 22 24 21 15 secretariat@eitransparency.org www.eitransparency.org
Both the APRM and the EITI have been successful, even groundbreaking, in their efforts to improve governance — and both have resulted in improvements on the ground. One of the key strengths of EITI is that each stakeholder group has so much to benefit from constructively engaging with the others. For companies, the reasons to engage are compelling since it promotes a more transparent business environment, reinforces a company’s international credibility and shows industry leadership.
China, India, Korea and G8 Energy Ministers’ Joint Statement, Aomori Japan, June 8 2008 EU-Africa Summit: A joint Africa-EU Strategy Lisbon, 9 December 2007
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Managing Director, World Bank Abuja, January 2008 US House of Representatives Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Section 935 Washington, 18 December 2007
We welcome the efforts of countries exporting oil and gas as well as minerals that are implementing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) on a voluntary basis to strengthen governance by improving transparency and accountability in the extractives sector.
Africa and the EU will enhance cooperation in the context of international initiatives to counter the illicit trade and to promote the transparent and equitable management of natural resources, such as the Kimberley certification process, the Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI). NEITI has lifted Nigeria’s profile in the eyes of investors and helped lead to significant increases in FDI not only in the oil sector (about US$ 6 billion a year) but also in the other non-oil sectors US$3 billion.
It is the sense of Congress that the United States should further global energy security and promote democratic development in resource-rich foreign countries by encouraging further participation in the EITI by eligible countries and companies; and promoting the efficacy of the EITI program by ensuring a robust and candid review mechanism.
Publish What You Pay In Letter to the Prime Minister Stoltenberg of Norway 14 August 2006
Effective implementation of the EITI is an essential first step so that investments in natural resource sectors promote sustainable development and economic growth in the more than 50 resource-rich developing countries where they are macro-significant around the world.
UN Presidential statement at the 5705th Security Council Meeting
The Security Council recognizes the role of voluntary initiatives aiming at improving revenue transparency, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.
President U. M. Yar‘Adua of Nigeria Abuja, 29 January 2008
We signed on to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) four years ago with a view to boosting our fight against corruption in all its ramifications. I am glad to state that NEITI has recorded major achievements in its four years of operations. Among other accomplishments, it commissioned and popularized the first comprehensive audit of the petroleum sector for the period 1999 to 2004; it conducted studies that swelled government’s coffers by over $1 billion; and it catapulted our country into a leading position among countries implementing the EITI.
EITI International Secretariat Ruseløkkveien 26, 0251 Oslo, Norway Tel +47 22 24 21 05 Fax +47 22 24 21 15 secretariat@eitransparency.org www.eitransparency.org