The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, The Divine Office (Breviary), The Rosary, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Novenas, Missions, Retreats and Days of Recollection, Devotions to the Saints, Processions, Sacramentals, Relics, Rosaries, Blessed Palms, Blessed Candles, Holy Oils, Holy Water, Medals, Stations of the Cross, Bible Studies, Blessings of People, Places and Things, etc Parish Councils/Vestries, Sunday Schools, Parish Organizations, Confraternities, Third Orders, Altar Societies/Guilds, etc.
North American Old Roman Catholic Church 73 Pleasant Street Springvale, ME 04083 Phone (207) 850-1958
“In essentials, unity; In non-essentials, liberty; In all things, charity.”
All Seven Sacraments: Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction.
The Old Roman Catholic Church
WHO ARE THE OLD ROMAN CATHOLICS? ____________________________________________
Roman Catholics of an “older” Tradition ________________________
Old Roman Catholics are members of an honored and historic part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by our Lord Jesus Christ which emerged into public ministry on the first Pentecost in Jerusalem, built upon the labors and sufferings of the Apostles and Martyrs, the Saints and Blessed, since the first days of Christianity. Today Old Roman Catholics are organized into various dioceses under a Primate and their own College of Bishops. In DOCTRINE Old Roman Catholics, differ little from their brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic Church. In LITURGY, we continue to use the traditional form of the Mass, sometimes called or referred to as the Tridentine Mass or now designated by Rome as the “Extraordinary Form,” …however it has been the custom, for over 100 years, for Old Roman Catholics to celebrate this Mass in either Latin or in the vernacular language of the parish. In DISCIPLINE, i.e., in how we live out our Catholic Faith, we are both traditional and contemporary.
___________________ “A Traditional Church For Today’s Catholics”
In PHILOSOPHY Old Roman Catholics believe in the supremacy of a properly formed and informed conscience over blind obedience to an unrestrained and absolute authority.
WHAT IS THE OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH … “I’ve never heard of it before?” ___________________________________________
The Old Roman Catholic Church is a small, totally independent and self-governing Catholic Church. It has been independent from the Roman Catholic Church, from which it is derived, since 1724. It has its origins in the ancient Archdiocese of Utrecht in Holland. For what were primarily political issues, not theological, the Church of Utrecht, despite all of her protests, was forced out of communion with the Church of Rome, and has remained independent since that time. The Old Roman Catholic Church maintains all of the same doctrinal teachings of the Roman Catholic Church as of the date of our separation. That means that while we accept and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary under her titles of the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption, they are not dogmas for us, but rather pious beliefs that are not held to be necessary for salvation. We also honor the Holy Father as “First Among Equals” and as the visible center of Christian Unity and we pray for him by name in our Mass, but are not bound by the doctrines of Papal Infallibility or the Universal Jurisdiction of the See of Peter, which were only proclaimed dogmas in 1870. Our clergy (Bishops, Priests, Deacons, etc) are recognized by Rome as standing in the line of true Apostolic Succession, (i.e. they are true and valid Bishops, Priests and Deacons), but do not have the approval of the Pope or the local Roman Catholic Bishops to function and minister to the faithful….this is the exact same position that Rome has taken with clergy of the Eastern Orthodox Churches and also the Polish National Catholic Church.
Paul. They are employed in various secular occupations, which allow them to be available and to minister to people where they are, and not just at church. Our clergy may receive a small stipend from their parish (“They who serve at the altar should
SOME SPECIAL DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF THE OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ________________________________________________
live by the things of the altar.” 1 Corinthians 9:13)
Several distinctive features of the Old Roman Catholic Church may be of interest.
1. Liturgically,
our Mass and the administration of the Sacraments are conducted primarily in the vernacular language (the language of the people), although at certain times, and by request, we celebrate them in the original Latin language too. 2. All of our parish or mission congregations either rent, share or own their own properties. They are not owned by the Diocese or by the Old Roman Catholic Church. 3. Clerical celibacy is optional within the Old Roman Catholic Church. Like Eastern Catholic priests, many of our priests are married with families of their own. 4. The Religious Life (priests, brothers and sisters of Religious Orders) is highly esteemed within the Old Roman Catholic Church and maintains a visible presence. 5. The vast majority of our clergy are “worker-priests” after the example of St
but they do not receive a salary from the parish or mission. All moneys and offerings received at Mass or by donation to the mission or parish are used for the maintenance and care of the parish, its property and its apostolic work and ministry. Our laws governing marriage and the remarriage of divorced persons, while maintaining the sanctity of the marriage bond, take a more pastoral approach than is often encountered at present in the Roman Catholic Church. All persons are welcome to attend, pray with, and join our parishes or missions, which is often accomplished by means of Baptism or Confirmation, by requesting membership, or by a Letter of Transfer. They are welcome to receive Holy Communion if they fulfill the three necessary conditions for the reception of Holy Communion, the same as our own parishioners… (see below). We still try to maintain the older customs of fasting and abstinence, such as “no meat on Friday” and the other traditional days of fasting and abstinence that have been abandoned or have been made optional within the Roman Catholic Church. We still encourage the practice of regular Confession of sins for absolution, spiritual direction, counsel, and the obtaining of Sanctifying Grace.
TRULY ROMAN CATHOLIC Since the Old Roman Catholic Church has neither added nor subtracted any doctrines or dogmas to
the Faith, since the day of our isolation from Rome in 1724, we consider ourselves still to be truly members of the Roman Catholic Faith, but by circumstances, are required to live and minister independently. EUCHARISTIC FAST We encourage everyone to observe a period before receiving Holy Communion by the ancient and revered custom of fasting. The suggestion is to refrain from solid foods for three hours and liquids for one hour. If this is not possible, an appropriate time may be substituted as opportunity allows. HOLY COMMUNION All are welcome to receive Holy Communion who fulfill these three requirements: (1) are properly baptized with water in the Name of the Holy Trinity. (2) believe they are receiving the Real and True, Body and Blood of Christ. (3) are in a state of grace (i.e. in love and peace with God and their neighbor.) It is our custom to receive Holy Communion kneeling at the Altar Rail. We receive, on the tongue, either in one species only (the Sacred Host) or by intinction (the Priest dips the Sacred Host into the Precious Blood) and places it upon the tongue of the communicant.
HISTORICAL TIMELINE 33 AD Founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ at Jerusalem. 696 AD Established at Utrecht by Saint Willibrord.
1710 AD 1724 AD
1763 AD 1823 AD
1827 AD 1853 AD
1870 AD
1908 AD 1914 AD
The initial estrangement begins between the Church of Rome and the Church of Utrecht. Bishop Dominique Marie Varlet, a missionary with the Diocese of Quebec working in the Louisiana Territories, introduces the French-Roman succession into the Church of Utrecht. The Church of Utrecht proclaims her fidelity with Rome, but is rebuffed by her. The Church of Utrecht reiterates her fidelity with Rome and her status as a true Roman Catholic Church. Rebuffed again. The Church of Rome renews her isolation of the Church of Utrecht. The Church of Rome violates the ancient Canons of the Church, and ignoring the existence of the Church of Utrecht, creates a new hierarchy and diocese there. The First Vatican Council proclaims the new dogmas of Papal Infallibility and the Universal Jurisdiction of the Pope. The Old Roman Catholic Church is established at London, United Kingdom. The Old Roman Catholic Church is established in the USA and Canada.