Medical Marijuana and the Benefits of Non-Psychotropic Cannabis SURPRISING HEALTH BENEFITS OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA YOU SHOULD KNOW Marijuana or medically known as cannabis is a psychotropic drug from the cannabis plant that is mainly used for medical purposes. It is included in many medications and medical therapies. Medical marijuana is made from extracting the chemicals or compounds from the cannabis plant that can treat diseases and aid certain medical conditions. HOW IS MEDICAL MARIJUANA SAFE TO USE? Marijuana has more than 100 active compounds. However, CBD or known as cannabidiol is the least controversial and has less intoxicating properties. Medical marijuana is made by sucking out the tetrahydrocannabinol which is a chemical that causes the "high" in people. CBD is the most dominant strain in non-psychotropic cannabis causing it to be effective on patients. It causes little to no unconsciousness and is a very effective drug. The least intoxicating properties of CBD make it usable and legal in all states of the United States of America. Non-psychotropic cannabis is recommended by a doctor for its immense health benefits. About 85% of Americans are supporting cannabis to be legal in all of the states due to the health benefits of medical marijuana. This drug is undergoing medical trials. Furthermore, FDA has recently approved a CBD based liquid treatment that is useful to aid childhood epilepsy, Dravet syndrome and Lennox- Gastaut syndrome. According to different researches and studies, there are immense benefits of medical marijuana. Let us discuss some major health benefits of medical marijuana.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA STOP THE CANCER CELLS PRODUCTION According to research, it was found that medical marijuana can stop cancer cells from growing. It destroys a gene known as Id-1. Findings from another research held at Pacific Medical Center stated that it may prevent the cancer cells from spreading. The researchers stopped the growing cancer cells in breast cancer by turning off the Id-1 gene through medical marijuana. Due to the health benefits of medical marijuana, it is used to slow down the tumor growth in the brain, breasts, and lungs. PREVENT ALZHEIMER'S The progression of Alzheimer's is very fast, especially in adults. According to a study carried out by Kim Janda the most psychoactive ingredient in marijuana tetrahydrocannabinol is effective in slowing down the Alzheimer's progression. THC deteriorates the formation of plaques. These plaques are solely responsible for killing the brain cells, ultimately leading to the last stage of Alzheimer's stage. TREAT GLAUCOMA A studied recently showed that smoking or eating medical marijuana can lower down the
intraocular pressure in people with Glaucoma disease. Glaucoma is caused by increased pressure in the eyeballs. It injures the optic nerve and blinds you instantly. Smoking marijuana can lower the levels of intraocular pressure in the eyeballs. Thus, medical marijuana can prevent loss of vision. RELIEVE ARTHRITIS Medical marijuana is said to cause the "high" in people. This state reduces pain, inflammation and promotes sleep. People with rheumatoid arthritis can reduce the pain and inflammation by smoking or eating medical marijuana. CONTROL EPILEPTIC SEIZURE Health benefits of medical marijuana also include treating patients especially children with epilepsy. It can be used to control epileptic seizures. The tetrahydrocannabinol present in non-psychotropic cannabis is responsible for controlling the epileptic seizures by binding the brain cells which control the regulatory excitation of the body. WHAT ARE CANNABINOIDS? Cannabinoids are one of the 100 active elements in medical marijuana. These compounds are similar to that our body makes when controlling our appetite, memory, pain, and movements. Many types of research, experiments and studies have been led on the health benefits of Cannabinoids. Let us see the health benefits of Cannabinoids.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF CANNABINOIDS EASE THE PAIN OF SCLEROSIS Cannabinoids can ease the pain of multi sclerosis. A study was carried out in which, people were made to smoke marijuana. Not only did it help them to relax but also reduced the painful contractions in their muscles. Cannabinoids work to reduce neurological disorders and muscle spasms in people with multiple sclerosis. Tetrahydrocannabinol binds the nerve cells or receptors to relieve pain in muscles. DECREASE THE SYMPTOMS OF DRAVET'S SYNDROME Non-Psychotropic cannabis can be used to decrease the symptoms of Dravet's syndrome. According to a certain experiment on a little girl with Dravet's syndrome the non-psychotropic cannabis reduced her seizures from 300 per week to 1-2 seizures per week. The non-psychotropic drug interacts with the nerve cells to reduce the excitation activities in the brain. Non-Psychotropic cannabis is high in cannabidiol and less in tetrahydrocannabinol. DECREASE ANXIETY Low doses of Cannabinoids can help the brain to relax and reduce the excitation activities in the brain. It is used to aid anxiety and depression in some patients. The non-psychotropic cannabis can also be used as a low-level sedative to perform minor surgeries but it is not recommended
to use it during major surgeries as it causes minimal consciousness. It can also help to enlighten a patient's mood and helps him to gain back the appetite by reducing nausea and vomiting. REDUCES NAUSEA AND VOMITING FROM CHEMOTHERAPY The overall health benefits of Cannabinoids include the reduction of nausea and vomiting for the patients undergoing chemotherapy. Cancer patients who are fighting against cancer have to undergo severe pain, nausea, and loss of appetite during chemotherapy. This can cause other medical complications for the patients. Taking Cannabinoids can help to reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. The non-psychotropic drug can also help to stimulate the appetite in cancer patients. PROTECTS BRAIN AFTER STROKES According to a study, non-psychotropic cannabis can protect the brain from the effects of the stroke. Smoking non-psychotropic cannabis can reduce the area under the influence of the stroke, thereby, protecting your brain. It also helps to protect the brain by severe trauma, shock or other traumatic events like concussions. FINAL THOUGHTS Although medical marijuana is a subject of many medical studies and researches the health benefits of medical marijuana are convincing enough for the doctors to prescribe it. Not only can it help to reduce the cancer cells in cancer-diagnosed patients but it also helps to reduce the symptoms of other severe diseases. Emile J. Fagerstrom IV