Web designing, from the technical aspect means building a website which involves planning of course, as to how to design or build a website. Web designing comprises of three important components – the web developer, the client for whom the websites are going to be designed and the end user for whom the client is giving the web developer the task of designing the website. Planning involves several questions before actually designing a website of a certain kind.
What are the website’s aims? What is the customer base like? What does the developer or the client expects the end users to do when they visit the website? Who are the other contenders who could possibly be the potential threat to the company’s or the website’s success?
Web Designing is divided into two parts – Front end and back end. The front end is known as web designing whereas the back end it is referred to as web programming. The front Enders use HTML, CSS and JavaScript and PHP for back end. There are many more languages that branch out and are necessary when designing websites. In web designing, HTML forms the base where the codes are composed. Next is CSS which instructs which one to make blue or red or flashy. PHP forms the backbone actually.
These are taught in a website designing training center in Kolkata to students who want to establish their career in this field. The whole subject is very easy and it takes a little knowledge of HTML to grasp the essence of the topic. Web designing can be fun and very interesting as the developers can design the website their way at the same time keeping in mind what the client and end users desire. It can be very difficult to find a web designing training center in Kolkata if one knows nothing about the institution. One needs to be very careful as to what qualities a training center should have to qualify that criterion. Contact Information: Main Office: Vasundhara Complex NP-9, Sector5, SaltLake, Kolkata -102 O : (033)30492908-9 M : 09830125644 Branch Office: AJ-124, Ground Floor Sector-2, SaltLake, Kolkata -91 O : (033)30492908-9 M : 09830125644 Website: http://www.ejobindia.com/ Follow Us: