What to know about Federal Skilled Worker Immigration in AB?

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What to know about Federal Skilled Worker Immigration in AB? Those who are planning of getting a Federal Skilled Worker Immigration in AB need to know several things. Any person wanting to get it can’t get it. There are several things involved and you must follow that in order to make the process hassle-free. Here are some of the things every person need to know about. The Registration Process The first thing you need to do for Federal skilled worker immigration in AB is to get yourself enrolled. By registering it would allow the department to assess the job, the location , the education, wage, language ability, etc. The department would then review it against the British Columbia labor market requirements. You need to remember that the registration is free. As registrants you should meet the category requirement and minimum program. Who can register for skilled worker immigration? If you are an applicant under the skilled worker category you need to register under the Skills Immigration Registration System or (SIRS). Mainly, the Skills Immigration stream is a way for the people with experience, skills and more to apply for permanent residence in Canada. What is known SIRS? SIRS is a point-based registration as well as application system that helps British Columbia choose the best workers to meet the labor requirement effectively. Thereby, through registering you are expressing your interest to apply for the Provincial Nominee Program and not for permanent residence. The Invitation All the eligible registrants under the category of Skilled Worker would receive an invitation to apply under the Skilled Immigration in Edmonton AB. However, you must know that an invitation doesn’t guarantee that you will be invited to apply. How do the workers get ranked? The workers are usually ranked along with other applicants in the same category. Remember that your score would be based on the location, the job, the wage, etc. The application

How do you submit the application? The workers usually have a 30 days’ time to apply by paying a nominal amount. The Nomination How does this work? If the application is approved, the department would send the authorized representative:

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A confirmation on the nomination. A nomination package providing the guidance on what to do next.

Obtaining work permit support letter The department accepts work permit support letters from the nominees. But for that, they need t meet some considerations.

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You need to be nominated by the Provincial Nominee Program. You have submitted the application before the nomination certificate has expired. You try to meet the nomination conditions.

Hence those who are looking for Federal Skilled Worker Immigration in AB, they must follow the step-wise process. Know about the registration, the invitation, the application and the nomination.

Get in Touch Address: 4003 98 Street Unit 68 Edmonton AB T6E 6M8 Phone: (780) 468-3331 Mail: info@optimumglobal.info Fax: +1 78046 83321 Web: https://www.optimumimmigration.ca/federal-skilled-worker/

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