Bibliografie Cursuri, tratate, monografii A. ĂŒQ OLPED URPkQă 1. Andrei Laura, Radu Laura -XULVSUXGHQÄ Äƒ UHOHYDQWă &(- SULYLQG FRRSHUDUHD MXGLFLDUă vQ PDWHULH FLYLOă (G 8QLYHUVXO -XULGLF %XFXUHĂşWL 2. Beleiu Gheorghe, Dreptul civil român. Introducere ĂŽn drept civil. Subiectele dreptului cLYLO (G ĂšDQVD 6 5 / %XFXUHĂşWL 3. BĂŽrsan Corneliu &RQYHQÄ LD HXURSHDQă D GUHSWXULORU RPXOXL &RPHQWDULX SH DUWLFROH 9RO , 'UHSWXUL ĂşL OLEHUWÄƒÄ L (G & + %HFN %XFXUHĂşWL 2005; op. cit., vol. I, 2005, 4. BĂŽrsan Corneliu &RQYHQÄ LD HXURSHDQă D GUHSWXrilor omului. &RPHQWDULX SH DUWLFROH 9RO ,, 3URFHGXUD vQ IDÄ D &XUÄ LL ([HFXWDUHD KRWărârilor, Ed. C.H. Beck, %XFXUHĂşWL 2006; 5. BĂŽrsan Corneliu, Drept civil. Drepturile reale principale, ed. a 3-a, UHYă]XWă ĂşL DGăXJLWă (G +DPDQJLX %XFXUHĂşWL 2008; 6. BĂŽrsan Corneliu &RQYHQÄ LD HXURSHDQă D GUHSWXULORU RPXOXL &RPHQtariu pe articole, ed. a 2-D (G & + %HFN %XFXUHĂşWL 7. Boroi Gabriel 'UHSW FLYLO 3DUWHD JHQHUDOă 3HUVRDQHOH HG D -a, Ed. +DPDQJLX %XFXUHĂşWL 8. %RWHD *KHRUJKH 0ăJXUHDQX )ORUHD, Drept, Ed. ProUniversitaria, BucuUHĂşWL 9. Ciobanu Viorel Mihai 7UDWDW WHRUHWLF ĂşL SUDFWLF GH SURFHGXUă FLYLOă (G 1DÄ LRQDO %XFXUHĂşWL 10. Ceterchi Ioan, Luburici Momcilo 7HRULD JHQHUDOă D VWDWXOXL ĂşL GUHSWXOXL 8QLYHUVLWDWHD GLQ %XFXUHĂşWL %XFXUHĂşWL 11. Chelaru Eugen 'UHSW FLYLO 3DUWHD JHQHUDOă HG D -a, Ed. C.H. %HFN %XFXUHĂşWL 12. Cojocaru Asapazia 'UHSW FLYLO 3DUWHD JHQHUDOă HG D -a, Ed. 8QLYHUVXO -XULGLF %XFXUHĂşWL 13. Deak Francisc 0RĂşWHQLUHD OHJDOă (G $FWDPL %XFXUHĂşWi, 1996; 14. Dogaru Ion, Elementele dreptului civil. Introducere ĂŽn drept civil. 6XELHFWHOH GUHSWXOXL FLYLO (G ĂšDQVD 6 5 / %XFXUHĂşWL 15. 'UăJKLFL 6RQLD )XQGDPHQWHOH FRQVWLWXÄ LRQDOH DOH GUHSWXOXL FLYLO Ed. C.H. Beck, %XFXUHĂşWL 2010; 16. Duculescu Victor, 3URWHFÄ LD MXULGLFă D GUHSWXULORU RPXOXL (G /XPLQD /H[ %XFXUHĂşWL
17. Fuerea Augustin, Manualul Uniunii Europene, ed a 4-D UHYÄ&#x192;]XWÄ&#x192; ĂşL DGÄ&#x192;XJLWÄ&#x192; GXSÄ&#x192; 7UDWDWXO GH OD /LVDERQD (G 8QLYHUVXO -XULGLF %XFXUHĂşWL 2010; 18. *LRVDQ /XFLD 0Ä&#x192;JXUHDQX )ORUHD, Drept civil Âą Curs pentru faculWÄ&#x192;Ä LOH FX SURILO HFRQRPLF (G 3UR8QLYHUVLWDULD %XFXUHĂşWL 19. Iancu Gheorghe 'UHSW &RQVWLWXÄ LRQDO ĂşL ,QVWLWXÄ LL 3ROLWLFH (G /XPLQD /H[ %XFXUHĂşWL 20. ,RQDĂşFX 7U %DUDVFK ( ,RQDĂşFX $ %UÄ&#x192;GHDQX 6 (OLHVFX 0 Economu 9 (PLQHVFX < (UHPLD 0 5RPDQ ( 5XFÄ&#x192;UHDQX , =OÄ&#x192;WHVFX 9 , 7UDWDW GH GUHSW FLYLO 3DUWHD JHQHUDOÄ&#x192; (G $FDGHPLHL %XFXUHĂşWL 21. Lupan Ernest, Pop-6DEÄ&#x192;X ,RDQ, Tratat de drept civil român. Partea JHQHUDOÄ&#x192; (G & + %HFN %XFXUHĂşWL 22. Manolache Octavian, Tratat de drept comunitar, ed. a 5-a, Ed. C.H. Beck, %XFXUHĂşWL 2006; 23. 1LFRODH 0DULDQ 7UXĂşFÄ&#x192; 3HWULFÄ&#x192;, Drept civil român Âą Introducere ĂŽn GUHSWXO FLYLO 6XELHFWHOH GUHSWXOXL FLYLO (G 8QLYHUVXO -XULGLF %XFXUHĂşWL 2001; 24. Pavel Nicolae, Egalitatea vQ GUHSWXUL D FHWÄ&#x192;Ä HQLORU ĂşL QHGLVFULPLQDUHD (G 8QLYHUVXO -XULGLF %XFXUHĂşWL 25. 3LYQLFHUX 0RQD %RURL *DEULHO 5Ä&#x192;GXOHVFX 7XGRU ,ULPHVFX /XFLD, 'UHSW FLYLO 3DUWHD JHQHUDOÄ&#x192; ([SOLFDÄ LL WHRUHWLFH VSHÄ H ĂşL JULOH (G +DPDQJLX %XFXUHĂşWL 26. Popa Nicolae, Eremia Mihail, Cristea Simona 7HRULD JHQHUDOÄ&#x192; D GUHSWXOXL (G & + %HFN %XFXUHĂşWL 27. Popescu Corneliu-Liviu 3URWHFÄ LD LQWHUQDÄ LRQDOÄ&#x192; D GUHSWXULORU RPXOXL Âą VXUVH LQVWLWXÄ LL SURFHGXUL (G $OO %HFN %XFXUHĂşWL 28. Renuncii Jean-Francois, Tratat de drept european al omului, Ed. +DPDQJLX %XFXUHĂşWL 29. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (SLVWROH FÄ&#x192;WUH /XFLOLXV (G 3ROLURP %XFXUHĂşWL 30. Cercel Sevastian, Dogaru Ion 'UHSW FLYLO 3DUWHD JHQHUDOÄ&#x192; (G & + %HFN %XFXUHĂşWL 31. Sudre Frederic, DrHSWXO HXURSHDQ ĂşL LQWHUQDÄ LRQDO DO GUHSWXULORU omului, Ed. Polirom, 2006 32. 6WÄ&#x192;WHVFX &RQVWDQWLQ %vUVDQ &RUQHOLX 'UHSW FLYLO 7HRULD JHQHUDOÄ&#x192; D REOLJDÄ LLORU HG D ,;-D UHYÄ&#x192;]XWÄ&#x192; ĂşL DGÄ&#x192;XJLWÄ&#x192; (G +DPDQJLX %XFXUHĂşWL 2008; 33. ĂšWHIDQ 7XGRUHO $QGUHĂşDQ-Grigoriu Beatrice, Drept comunitar, Ed. & + %HFN %XFXUHĂşWL 34. 7Ä&#x192;QÄ&#x192;VHVFX 6LPLQD 3ULQFLSLXO HJDOLWÄ&#x192;Ä LL vQ GUHSWXO URPkQHVF (G $OO Beck, %XFXUHĂşWL 1999; 35. Turianu Corneliu 'UHSW FLYLO 3DUWHD JHQHUDOÄ&#x192; 3HUVRDQHOH &XOHJHUH GH SUDFWLFÄ&#x192; MXGLFLDUÄ&#x192; Ed. C.H. Beck, %XFXUHĂşWL 2007;
36. Udroiu Mihail, Predescu Ovidiu 3URWHFÄ LD HXURSHDQÄ&#x192; D GUHSWXULORU RPXOXL ĂşL SURFHVXO SHQDO Ed. C.H. Beck, %XFXUHĂşWL 2008. B. Ă&#x17D;n alte limbi 37. Bell Mark, Anti-Discrimination Law and the European Union, Oxford University Press, 2002; 38. Betten Lammy, Grief Nicholas, EU Law and Human Rights, Longman Press, 1998; 39. Chalmers Damian, Tomkins Adam, European Union Public Law, Cambridge University Press, 2007; 40. Craig P., de Burca G., EU Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press, 1998; 41. Craig P., de Burca G., EU Law Âą Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press, 2007; 42. Curtin D., Kellermann A.E., Blockmans S., The EU Constitution: the Best Way Forward?, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2005; 43. Darity W., International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, ed. a 2-a, Gale Press, 2008; 44. Doebler Curtis, The Principle of Non-Discrimination in International Law, CD Publishing, Washington, D.C., 2007; 45. Donnelly Jack, Non-discrimination and sexual orientation, Ed. $FDGHPLD UHJDOÄ&#x192; GH DUWÄ&#x192; ĂşL ĂşWLLQÄ Ä&#x192; GLQ 2ODQGD 1999; 46. Foster Nigel, EU Law. Questions & Answers, Oxford University Press, 2007; 47. Foster Nigel, EU Law Directions, ed. a 2-a, Oxford University Press, 2010; 48. Gosepath Stefan, Equality, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University Press, 2001; 49. Hobbes Thomas, Leviathan, The English Work of Thomas Hobbes, Paragon House, 2001; 50. Kaczorowska Alina, European Union Law, ed. a 2-a, Ed. Routledge, 2011; 51. King Cynthia, Musonius Rufus: Lectures and Sayings, Ed. William B. Irvine, 2010; 52. Koskenniemi Martti, From Apology to Utopia: The Structure of International Legal Argument, Cambridge University Press, 2005; 53. Leach Philip, Taking a Case to the European Court of Human Rights, ed. a 2-a, Oxford University Press, 2005; 54. Lewis Arthur, European Community Law, Ed. Tudor Business, 1997; 55. Loucaides Loukis, The European Convention of Human Rights. Collected Essays, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007;
56. Marshal Jill, Personal Freedom through Human Rights Law? Autonomy, Identity and Integrity under the European Convention on Human Rights, International Studies in Human Rights, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009 57. Marx Karl, On the Jewish Question, Paragon House, 2001; 58. McIlwain Charles, The Growth of Political Thought in the West: From the Greeks to the End of the Middle Ages, Ed. MacMillan, New York, 1964; 59. Mowbray Alastair, Cases and Materials on the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford University Press, 2007; 60. Rousseau J.J., On the Social Contract, Ed. Flammarion, Paris, 1971; 61. Spierman Ole, International Legal Argumentation in the Permanent Court of International Justice: The Rise of the International Judiciary, Cambridge University Press, 2004; 62. Steiner Josephine, Woods Lorna, EU Law, ed. a 10-a, Oxford University Press, 2009; 63. Sudre Frederic, Droit europĂŠen et international des droits de OÂśKRPPH 3UHVVHV 8QLYHUVLWDLUHV GH )UDQFH ; 64. Weiler Joseph, Wind Marlene, European Constitutionalism Beyound the State, Cambridge University Press, 2003; 65. Williams Andrew, EU Human Rights Policies. A study in Irony, Oxford University Press, 2004.
Studii, articole, interviuri, rapoarte
$ Ă&#x152;Q OLPED URPkQÄ&#x192; 1. BĂŽrsan Corneliu ,QWHUYLX DFRUGDW SXEOLFDÄ LHL HOHFWURQLFH -XULGLFH UR ĂŽn data de 17 martie 2009,; 2. Deleanu Ion 2EOLJDWLYLWDWHD KRWÄ&#x192;UkULORU &XUÄ LL (XURSHQH D 'UHSWXULORU 2PXOXL ĂşL DOH &XUÄ LL GH -XVWLÄ LH D &RPXQLWÄ&#x192;Ä LORU (XURSHQH vQ 'UHSWXO nr. 2/2007; 3. Gergely Dezideriu, Standarde europene privind sarcina probei ĂŽn FDX]HOH GH GLVFULPLQDUH ĂşL WUDQVSXQHUHD vQ GUHSWXO LQWHUQ FD H[FHSÄ LH D principiului de drept comun affirmati incumbit probatio ,QVWLWXÄ LL MXULGLFH FRQWHPSRUDQH vQ FRQWH[WXO LQWHJUÄ&#x192;ULL 5RPkQLHL vQ 8QLXQHD (XURSHDQÄ&#x192; (G ProUniversitaria, 2008; 4. Djuvara Mircea 'UHSW ĂşL GUHSW SR]LWLY $8% QU
5. Ionescu Iustina 1HGLVFULPLQDUHD vQ MXULVSUXGHQÄ D &XUÄ LL HXURSHQH D drepturilor omului,Centrul de Resurse Juridice, 2007, nepublicat; 6. 0RĂşQHDQX $ &RQFHSWXO GH SUHHPLQHQÄ Ä&#x192; D GUHSWXOXL FRPXQLWDU VDOHQÄ HOH DFHVWXLD FRQIRUP MXULVSUXGHQÄ HL &XUÄ LL GH MXVWLÄ LH D 8QLXQLL Europene, ĂŽn Themis nr. 2/2005; 7. ĂšWHIDQ 7XGRUHO 3ULQFLSLXO QHGLVFULPLQÄ&#x192;ULL vQ GUHSWXO FRPXQLtar: LPSDFWXO DVXSUD RUGLQLL MXULGLFH QDÄ LRQDOH vQ 7KHPLV QU ; 8. 6WXGLXO $QDOL]Ä&#x192; GH GLDJQRVWLF D GRPHQLXOXL HJDOLWÄ&#x192;Ä LL GH ĂşDQVH ĂşL JHQ GLQ 5RPkQLD SUREOHPH QHYRL VROXÄ LL HXURSHQH SXEOLFDW GH &HQWUXO GH Resurse Juridice, 2010. B. Ă&#x17D;n alte limbi 9. Alott Philip, Case Note on Factortame, Cambridge Law Journal, 1990; 10. Barnard Catherine, The Changing Scope of the Fundamental Principle of Equality, McGill Law Journal, 2001; 11. Binder Darcy, The European Court of Justice and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Community: New Developments and Further Possibilities in Expanding Fundamental Rights Review to Member State Action, The Jean Monnet Center for International and Regiopnal Economic Law and Justice, New York University, School of Law, 1995, publicat la, XOWLPD YL]LWÄ&#x192; 12. Correard Valere, Constitution europĂŠenne et droits fondamentaux: vers une complexitĂŠ annoncĂŠ, Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme, nr. 67, 2006, p. 501; 13. Debre G., EgalitĂŠ et discrimination en droit interne et en droit LQWHUQDWLRQDO 7UDYDX[ GH OÂś$VVRFLDWLRQ +HQUL &DSLWDQW 7RPH ;,9 3DULV 1965; 14. Lauterpacht Hersch, The Grotian Tradition in International Law, British Yearbook of International Law, 1946; 15. Ellis Evelyn, The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on Gender Equality, European Gender Equality Law Review no. 1/2010; 16. Favoreau L., /H SULQFLSOH GÂśpJDOLWp GDQV OD MXULVSUXGHQFH GX &RQVHLO Constitutionnel, FRORFYLX GHVIÄ&#x192;ĂşXUDW OD 9DUĂşRYLD - PDL QHSXEOLFDWÄ&#x192; 17. Juanjan O., /H SULQFLSOH GÂśpJDOLWp GHYDQW OD ORL HQ GURLW DOOHPDQG, PUAM Economica, Paris, 1992; 18. Kuhnert Kathirin, Bosphorus: Double Standards in European Human Rights Protection?, Utrecht Law Review, vol. 2, no. 2, 2006, p. 177; 19. Maduro Miguel, The European Court of Justice and Antidiscrimination Law, European Anti-Discrimination Law Review No. 2, 2005;
20. Martin Denis, Strasbourg, Luxembourg et la discrimination: influences coisĂŠes ou jurisprudences sous influence?, Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme, nr. 69, 2007, p. 107; 21. Punt Bart &XUWHD HXURSHDQÄ&#x192; D GUHSWXULORU RPXOXL XQ LQVWUXPHQW PXOWLIXQFÄ LRQDO &('2 Âą aspecte civile, disponibil la adresa de web:, ultima accesare: 4.09.2011; 22. Simma Bruno, Paulus Andreas, The Responsability of Individuals for Human Rights Abuses in International Conflicts Âą A Positivist View, American Journal of International Law, 1999; 23. Weiler Joseph, Thou Shalt, Not Oppress a Stranger: On the Judicial Protection of the Human Rights of Non-EC Nationals Âą A Critique, European Journal of International Law, 1992; 24. Fundamental Rights: Challenges and Achievements in 2010, raport HODERUDW GH $JHQÄ LD SHQWUX 'UHSWXUL )XQGDPHQWDOH D 8QLXQLL (XURSHQH GLQ data de 15 iunie 2011; 25. Joint Communication from Presidents Costa and Skouris, Luxembourg, 17 ianuarie 2011; 26. 2010 Report on the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental 5LJKWV HODERUDW GH &RPLVLD (XURSHDQÄ&#x192; 27. 2009 Country Report on Human Rights Practices: Romania, elaborat de Departamentul de stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, publicat la 11 martie 2010; 28. 2008 Country Report on Human Rights Practices: Romania, elaborat de Departamentul de stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, publicat la 25 februarie 2009; 29. Non-Discrimination: a Human Right. Seminar marking the entry into force of Protocol no. 12 to the European Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe Publishing, 2006; 30. Yearbook of the European Convention of Human Rights. Key Extracts from a Selection of Judgments of the ECHR and Decisions and Reports of the European Commission of Human Rights, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1999; 31. JOCE, 1977.