Elizabeth King-Smith
How Teachers Can Engage Their Students: Issues-centered Learning – an approach of addressing problematic, open ended questions that does not have a definitive right or wrong answer. ● Example topic: taking care of our community. ● Ask: do you think we should be taking care of our community? ○ If so, how do we do that? ○ If not, what could happen? What could be some results? ● Activity: ○ Read story titled, “Why We Live Where We Live.” ○ Students work in small groups to discuss and research what makes up our own community (can be school or local neighborhood community). ○ Students research/discuss ways that we can help our local community.
Elizabeth King-Smith
Action-based Learning – students learn to take action as a result of what they study. ● Example topic: how to be a good friend/what to do about bullying ● Activity: ○ Read book titled, “Enemy Pie” ○ Role play different scenarios: ■ Someone being unfair or mean on the playground. What can you do? ■ Someone is sitting alone on the playground bench. What can you do?
Elizabeth King-Smith
Primary texts and dramatization – approach in which students learn to interpret primary sources rather than to simply consume it. ● Example topic: examining a family artifact → what can a family artifact tell about a family’s history. ● Activity: ○ Analyze your family artifact. ○ Ask: What do you notice about the artifact? ■ Is it fragile? ■ Have the colors faded? ■ Is it something you would use as a toy or everyday item today? ○ *If analyzing an old family photo – ask: what do you notice about the people in the photograph? ■ What are they wearing? ■ Does the style of clothing look like something we’d wear today? ○ Turn and share with your neighbor: ■ Are there any similarities or differences between the items?
Elizabeth King-Smith
Engaging parents and community – approach in which parents and community members are well informed about the content being covered (so that they don’t feel threatened or offended). This approach also allows for parents and some community members to be a resource of learning. ● Example topic: inviting parents into the classroom to share about their Lunar New Year traditions. ● Activity: making red and gold paper lanterns.