sunken pearl Identity Manual

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Identity Manual

established 2010


Identity Statement Logo & Usage Parameters Typography Color Palette Collateral Stationery Newsletter Brochure Advertising Packaging Promotion Giveaway Monumental Signage Vehicles

Table of contents

3 4 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 21 22 25


This identity for sunken pearl is targeted toward both the scientific community and wealthy tourists with an interest in exotic travel. With a strong emphasis on education and environmental causes, the identity appeals across a wide spectrum. sunken pearl can launch successfully through marketing channels, such as conferences and conventions for academia, hydrology and green living seminars.

Identity statement

The corporate identity uses contemporary aesthetic that will appeal to trend setters, individuals, and families interested in cutting-edge opportunities. The distinctive logo is accessible and friendly through its playful, organic references to ocean life. The form suggests movement of the ocean and the element of travel that sunken pearl provides. Through extensive corporate saturation throughout San Diego, the logo and brand will permeate the market and become instantly recognizable and ready for globalization.


Default logo.

The logogram can be removed from the logotype or be put in these different orientations where the corporation has already displayed the main logo and visual identity.

Logogram increased on right hand side.

It is preferrable that these be used minimally, except for the isolated logogram, which stands on its own when partnered with the sunken pearl identity described in this manual.

In cases where logo must be horizontal for external collateral such as sponsorship listings.

Isolated corporate iconography for graphical emphasis.

Logo Variations


x-height (vertical margin) 1.5 x-height (horizontal margin)

margins from the edge: 1.5 by 1 (x-height) The logotype is all lowercase, with logogram flush left with “sunken,” and “pearl” flush right. Of special note, the rightmost part of the ‘n’ is aligned with the ascender of the ‘l.’

bounding box with margin

Logotype containment


Leading space between the logo text is equivalent to the width of a typographic stem.

For instance, the black line is the same thickness as the descender in the “p.�

Logotype spacing


The logo is infinitely scalable until it reaches a minimum width of 0.5� or approximately 9 pt font. For faxing, the logo must be a width of 0.75� for readability.

Logo Scaling


Using the primary colors are acceptable in the following foreground/background iterations. This allows for flexibility among websites, printed collateral, products, and sign technologies.

Logo background reversals


Single Color and Black & White Options are also permissible in either knockout or without a background color. This format is beneficial for faxing, one-color printing jobs, and low-cost prints.

Logo Simplification


x x x x x x

Logo violations

x x x x

The logo is prohibited to take further alterations, distortions, and overlays that obstruct the delicacy of the forms. Do not attempt to replicate anything similar to these misused design changes: • • • • • • • •

stretching and shrinking height or width aligning logogram outside of the logotype block spreading the words apart outlining forms overlapping logo elements adjusting the tracking of letters twisting, tilting, warping, and rotating using shading, patterns, or additive filters



Cohesive typography is important to maintain consistency across different media.

helvetica medium

(36+ pt)

Aller Small Caps (12-48 pt) Aller Regular (7-12 pt)

Suitable alternatives when the above are not available, such as a web-user: Helvetica: Arial, Franklin Gothic Book Aller Small Caps: Trebuchet MS, Tahoma Aller Regular: Trebuchet MS, Tahoma



Arial Regular

Franklin Gothic Book

Trebuchet MS

small caps

Trebuchet MS


Logotype: sunkenpearl sans Headings: lowercase helvetica medium Subheadings: Aller Small Caps Body Text: Aller Regular


small caps



1 1




Pantone: DS 210-4C RGB: 77, 117, 160 CMYK: 76, 50, 19, 1 Web: #4D75A0

4 4



Pantone: DS 201-1C RGB: 29, 61, 107 CMYK: 98, 82, 32, 19 Web: #1D3D6B




Pantone: 221-9C RGB: 225, 236, 248 CMYK: 10, 0, 3, 0 Web: #E1ECF8




Color palette

2 Pantone: 333 C RGB: 117, 211, 204 CMYK: 50, 0, 25, 0 Web: #75D3CC

5 Pantone: 228 C RGB: 158, 31, 99 CMYK: 36, 100, 35, 9 Web: #9E1F63

8 Pantone: 372 C RGB: 231 239, 187 CMYK: 10, 0, 33, 0 Web: #E7EFBB

3 Pantone: White RGB: 255, 255, 255 CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 Web: #FFFFFF

6 Pantone: 105 C RGB: 149, 155, 111 CMYK: 44, 29, 65, 4 Web: #959B6F

9 Pantone: Black RGB: 0, 0, 0 CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100 Web: #000000



2 place

1066 North Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101-2235

stamp here

1066 North Harbor Dr. San Diego, California 92101-2235 tel 858.720.4000 fax 858.720.4001




Joseph Ekloff indentification number


Joseph Ekloff creative director

1066 North Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101-2235 tel 858.720.4000 fax 858.720.4001

Collateral stationery

Joseph Ekloff 1066 North Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101-2235

KEY 1. Folder 2. Letterhead & Envelope 3. Identification Badge 4. Business Card 5. Mailing Label


Monthly Newsletter spring 2010 | vol. iv | issue 3

Current Resident 1066 Superior Court Dr. Suite 150 San Diego, California 92101-2235

Underwood Systems Venture

1066 North Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101-2235 no. 6940 permit Postal

In this issue: Underwater Lab Complex Opens History Channel comes to Sunken Pearl CRI Sponsors Coral Genomics Workshop

Save paper and water by subscribing to our newsletter online. Go to

spring 2010 | vol. iv | issue 3

We are now, once again, at full strength and positioned for leadership in the state and the nation. Our new state-of-the-art building and Underwood Systems Sea Laboratory have become the signal example of marine sustainability. Soon we will break ground (actually “break tides”) on the building’s water-powered roof, complete with a “aqua ramada” that will power all of the building’s studios. In response to the national demand for oceanography, we will be reinitiating the research fund that will provide free guides of the Sunken Pearl Monthly to all universities with oceanography degree programs.

It is often said of today’s competitive world that if you are not moving forward, you are sliding backward. Things are no different under the water. Sunken Pearl’s vision is to be recognized for the creation of a new model for next-generation ocean harnessing, building solutions to major environmental challenges. This new model breaks down traditional divisions – between academia and practice as well as between disciplines - that inhibit the creation of innovative ideas. This new model focuses on the education of collaborative practitioners capable of working within fluid team settings. Sunken Pearl is very proud of its standing as a national/international leader in emerging engineering of materials and design. Going forward, we have set our sights on expanding our expertise in these two areas. I would also like to extend a warm invitation for you and your family to join us for our Sea Lab Celebration on May 24th and 25th. We will be commemorating the ground breaking for the new facility and the award-winning submerged complex. All of us at Sunken Pearl hope to see you.

Jim Naples of NCRI Sponsors Coral Genomics Workshop

History Channel Comes Onsite Sunken Pearl

In conjunction with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Sunken Pearl sponsored the first “Coral Genomics for Nongenomics Scientists” workshop at the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) National Conservation Training Center in San Diego, California. The workshop took place June 21–26. Jose Lopez, Ph.D., OC associate professor, served as one of the instructors. OC Ph.D. candidate Vince Richards was one of the 20 invited attendees. Attendees represented countries that included Tanzania, Mauritius, Malaysia, Columbia, and the United States (from Maryland to Hawaii). The intent was to convey the tools and discuss the benefits surrounding the new field of genomics and its technologies in the context of coral reef biology. Further information can be found at http://www. This was the first joint-venture workshop of this type to be held. Other similar workshops are scheduled for late 2010and 2011.

The History Channel has chosen the Sunken Pearl and its scientists as a central part of its new series on ice ages. While it may not be intuitive at first sight why the the facilities of Sunken Pearl should be used to demonstrate ice ages, it all becomes clear when looking at the rock record here. At our National Coral Reef Institute, scientists have been studying the traces left by sea-level change on ancient coral reefs and rocks. There is no better place than San Diego to study the effects reefs on the shelf. Right off the

The intent was to convey the tools and discuss the benefits surrounding the new field of genomics and its technologies in the context of coral reef biology. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) National Conservation Training Center in San Diego, California. The workshop took place June 21–26. Last year, Helmle was featured in another documentary, explaining his techniques to study growth bands, akin to tree rings, in corals. The interest by impact of NCRI’s and the OC’s research the media shows the value

and high scientific


What an exciting time for Sunken Pearl. In the midst of discovering 24 new species of fish, we also mark a new era for research and development. With the first ever co-location of the company’s institute of science and tourism – has come a new dynamic setting for interdisciplinary expeditions. I am pleased to announce that the Planning Program has been approved by the Woods Hole Organization!



Sunken Pearl Headquarters, there are three drowned reef tracts that formed when sea level was lower. It is these that NCRI scientists Kevin Helmle, Ph.D.; Brian Walker, Ph.D.; and Bernhard Riegl, Ph.D., show and discuss in the series. It is not the first History Channel show that was shot here. Last year, Helmle was featured in another documentary, explaining his techniques to study growth bands, akin to tree rings, in corals. The interest by the media shows the value and high scientific impact of NCRI’s and the OC’s research and serves as a powerful outreach and public relations tool for the corporation.

sea-level change on the position of coral

New York University

Jim Naples in the Sunken Pearl Research Library after contributing $750,000 to the institute.

and serves as a powerful outreach and public relations tool for the corporation. Jose Lopez, Ph.D., OC associate professor, served as one of the instructors. OC Ph.D. candidate Vince Richards was one of the 20 invited attendees. Attendees represented countries that included Tanzania, Mauritius, Malaysia, Columbia, and the United States

develops six courses with

Sunken Pearl Technology

This fall, the second university to implement Sunken Pearl ocean probes, is launching the “Tallest Mountain Descent” Series as part of their Accelerated Marine Biology Master’s Degree. The six courses use six devices that were developed in our factory in the past two years, including our latest prototype, the Specima. Introduction to Geochemistry

Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering

Working diligently in the field and lab, modeling of ocean processes,

A unique collection of scientists, engineers, technical support person-

and opening our eyes with chemical analyses that help us better see

nel specializing in centripetal travel. Uses Sunken Pearl’s Forgea.

how this ocean planet works. Uses Sunken Pearl’s Treinta.

Oceanography & Topographics Exploring the physics & geography of ocean currents & water properties. Uses Sunken Pearl’s Helixa.

Deep Marine Biology Studying the biology of marine organisms, their spatial & temporal distributions, and their interactions. Uses Sunken Pearl’s Organa.

Oceanic Geophysics Conducting studies of the oceans in past climate change, the geologic structure and tectonics. Uses Sunken Pearl’s Specima.


ships & technology

SHIPS Sunken Pearl operates four research vessels, which are specially designed for efficient operation by small crews. • Specialized Location Systems

NATIONAL DEEP SUBMERGENCE FACILITY NDSF is a federally funded center that operates, maintains, and coordinates the use of three vital deep ocean vehicles.

• Research Vessels

• NDSF Vehicles

• Cruise Planning

• Data

• Marine Facilities & Operations

• Cruise Planning

• Hyrdolic Technologies

• Ocian Physics Highlights



Sunken Pearl engineers and researchers build, maintain, and use a variety of underwater vehicles to study the oceans.

Information on the observation and monitoring systems used by researchers to observe the oceans.

• National Deep Submergence Facility Vehicles

• Ocean Observatories

• Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle (HROV) Nereus

• Moorings & Buoys

• Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)

• Floats & Drifters

• Towed Vehicles • Multidisciplinary Instrumentation in Support of Oceanography (MISO)




Inside Spread


ships ar&l seektechnology n s to lear em pe sunken entire Earth syst e how the investigating th shape by ks or ses that e w y proces th planetar rface, regulate d an Earth’s suy of its oceans, tr is nts. chem inhabita affect its

SHIPS Sunken Pearl operates four research vessels, which are specially designed for efficient operation by small crews. • Specialized Location Systems

NATIONAL DEEP SUBMERGENCE FACILITY NDSF is a federally funded center that operates, maintains, and coordinates the use of three vital deep ocean vehicles.

• Research Vessels

• NDSF Vehicles

• Cruise Planning

• Data

• Marine Facilities & Operations

• Cruise Planning

• Hyrdolic Technologies

• Ocian Physics Highlights



Sunken Pearl engineers and researchers build, maintain, and use a variety of underwater vehicles to study the oceans.

Information on the observation and monitoring systems used by researchers to observe the oceans.

• National Deep Submergence Facility Vehicles

• Ocean Observatories

• Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle (HROV) Nereus

• Moorings & Buoys

• Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)

• Floats & Drifters

Deep Ocean Exploration means different things to different people often depending on the period of time in question. To 18th and 19th century naturalists it meant going beyond the shores of Europe to discover all manner of things biological and material. To late 19th and early 20th century engineers it meant developing the techniques to join oceans by canals, build bridges and railways that spanned continents, and develop the technology that we now take for granted that propels us through air, land and sea. It is innate for humans to explore; seeking that which defies explanation or lies just out of reach—our intuition telling us it is likely to be there. It is not an understatement to say that human evolution has been in large part driven by exploration at many physical and spiritual levels. Sunken Pearl serves the critical role of fostering scientific inquiry throughout Sunken Pearl—it helps to facilitate cross-disciplinary science and the engineering advances that often enable discovery. The world’s oceans and the Earth’s crust and mantle beneath them offer some of the best windows into how our planet works and the processes that drive chemical, biological and geological activity which sustain and shape our dynamic world. Revealing the fundamental forces that drive our planet Earth and its oceans are not a fixed and static surface veneer, but rather components of a dynamic, interacting system—all set in motion by underlying forces at work in deeper layers of our planet. Sunken Pearl seeks to learn how the entire Earth system works by investigating the planetary processes that shape Earth’s surface, regulate the chemistry of its oceans, and affect its inhabitants.

• Towed Vehicles • Multidisciplinary Instrumentation in Support of Oceanography (MISO)


Inside Spread



Only our vehicles can get you here.

don’t be afraid of the dark. It gets brighter at the bottom.

A bed so exciting, you won’t want to sleep.

Advertising (billboard & magazine)


Boxes can be used to ship packages, store products, or be used as boutique gift containers.

Packaging (boxes)


Bags will help carry your purchases to your car and the waterproof lining will prevent them from water damage. Lost your purse? Sunken Pearl bags are the perfect replacement.

Packaging (bags)


Cylinders will safely hold your maps, spiroscopes, and specimens, so that you can navigate the Mariana Trench and head back to the lab with what you need.

Packaging (Cylinders)


Sunken Pearl brand WATERBLOCK, with 45 WPF provides broad spectrum H2O protection.

Promotional givaways



Scale is 1:20. 2



1. Top View 2. Front View 3. Side View 4. Perspective Drawing Height: 6.4 ft Width: 2 ft Depth: 1.67 ft Notes: • Teal line denotes light fixture that shines light upwards after dusk • Logo is adhered on the inside via vinyl adhesive

Environmental signage (drawings)


Signage has differentiation for day and night. It collets solar energy during the day, and by night the transulecent blue plexiglass glows from the beam of light that turns on. The light is secured to the center of the sign. Notes: • Logo appears ⅓ of the height from the top • Curving edge appears ⅔ from the top and contains the translucent layer above it • Signage

Environmental signage (prototype)


Street banners are composed of reflective vinyl that shines metallic blue in the logo.

Street banner posters


Vehicles (drafted illustrations)


Above: Semi-truck with trailer Left: Underwater rover

Vehicles (prototypes)


Uniforms easily identify employees. If you have a problem or question, look for the sunken pearl creature embroidered on the shirt of our knowledgeable staff. sunken pearl is an equal opportunity employer.



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