Architecture Urbanism Portfolio Kotsikou

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PORTFOLIO Helen-Ann Kotsikou




[ p. 4-5 ] [ p. 6- 61 ]







































pack design





pack design



arch. work



arch. work








[ p. 62 ]


CV ΗELEN – ANN KOTSIKOU 8 Huntly Road, Talbot Woods, Bournemouth, BH3 7HH +44[0]7501224792 ekotsikou[at]

I am a trained Architect [ Part II equivalent] and Urban Designer [ Msc] with fine design abilities in various scales. I have four years of professional experience working with internationally renowned architectural and urban planning offices, designing residential and healthcare buildings as well as masterplans. Through my practice I have developed advanced technical skills [ AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite, GIS etc.] and received several prizes for my academic performance, which prove my passion for architecture.

EDUCATION ΜSc European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism | 2008 - 2010. Delft University of Technology [ TU Delft], the Netherlands. Diploma of Architectural Engineering [ Distinction] | 2001 - 2007. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki [ AUTH], Greece. WORK EXRERIENCE Project Manager-Site Co-Supervisor, Freelance Architect | Nov. 2011 – present. Construction of Residencies in Athens, Greece, 500 sqm. Architectural Competition for a central Square in Thessaloniki, Greece. Architect-Urban Designer, ‘Theorema Co.’, Athens, Greece | Apr. 2010 – Jun. 2012. General Urban Plan for two communities in Cyprus. Urban Plan for the city of Nikaia, Greece. Regional Plan of Epirus, Greece. Researcher at “Studio 09” [Secchi & Viganó], Venice, Italy | Sept. 2008 – Jan. 2009. International Consultation of Research & Development of Great Paris. Assistant Architect at Stefano Boeri Architetti, Milan, Italy | Dec. 2006 – Jan. 2008. The Vertical Forest, two green Residential Towers in Milan [ built area: 40.000 sqm - budget: 65.000.000,00€.] First Prize at the International Architectural Competition for the Polyclinic of Milan.


LANGUAGES Greek: Mother language. English: Fluent | Certificate of Proficiency of Cambridge University, 2003. Italian: Fluent | Six months course and 2 years of practice in Italy, 2007 - 2008. French: Moderate | C1, 2006. German: Basic | Grundstuffe, 1999. AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS ▪▪ Postgraduate Scholarship, “Michelis” Foundation, 2008. ▪▪ Award for Best Graduate in Architecture [ AUTH], Technical Chamber of Greece, 2007. ▪▪ Honorary Mention for Thesis Project, Technical Chamber of Greece, 2007. ▪▪ Award for the Best Female Graduate in Architecture [ AUTH], EDEM, 2007. ▪▪ Student Scholarship, Bequest of Kritski, 2002-2007. ▪▪ Erasmus Scholarship, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2005. ▪▪ Excellence in Studies Scholarship, Greek State Scholarships Foundation, 2002 & 2003. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ▪▪ Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece. ▪▪ Member of Greek TICCIH [ The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage ]. PUBLICATIONS ▪▪ Kotsikou E., Danou M., 2012, ‘The mining museum in Serifos’, in the Technical Magazine KTIRIO [ online]. ▪▪ Le Grand Pari(s)- De L’ agglomeration Parisienne, 2009, ‘Studio 09, Le Grand Paris Consultation Internationale’, amc. ▪▪ Leloup Michele & Bertone Marion, 2009, ‘Le Grand Paris les Coulisses de la consultation’, Archibooks. ▪▪ Kotsikou E., Danou M., 2007, ‘The mining museum in Serifos’, 5th Pan-Hellenic Meeting of TICCIH. SOFTWARE KNOWLEDGE ▪▪ Microsoft Office. ▪▪ AutoCAD [ 2D and 3D]. ▪▪ Adobe Creative Suite [ Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, Flash]. ▪▪ ArcGIS, Depthmap. ▪▪ 3DStudio Max, Sketchup, Archicad. INTERESTS ▪▪ Dancing [ contemporary dance, release]. ▪▪ Writting at Craftuts+ and Savoir Ville [ online Tutorials for craft projects]. ▪▪ Drawing and crafting jewelry [ online shop]. 5





01. Freedom square

2013_Competition by: E. Kotsikou | M. Danou

This is an architectural contest for the refurbishment and improvement of Eleftheria Square in a very populated district of Salonika in direct proximity to the harbour and to the historical neighbourhood of Ladadika, with a considerable pedestrian network and nowadays an important tourist and recreation attraction. Its current use is that of a parking lot. The first and foremost principle, from a functional point of view, was the maximum possible insulation of the square from the heavy traffic around it, so as to transform it into a real square providing recreation, rest and culture to the occupants. Thus, the first decision towards this end was to break the traffic loop around the area, which suffocates the square, by converting I. Dragoumi Street into a pedestrian street, attached to the Ladadika pedestrian network and so connecting the whole square with it. The second decision towards the same end was to create an artificial diagonal “hill” to protect the square from the traffic nuisance, heat and pollution produced on both Mitropoleos and Venizelou streets. The hill is proposed to be created by the product of the excavations. The slope serves as a relaxing area with a view to the sea, and creates space underneath where the shops are located. Other functional principles applied to the proposal are: taking advantage of the sea view, managing the square to function as a “gate” to the city as well as emphasizing the historical value of the area. Therefore, the only “unprotected” side of the square is the one facing the harbor and the sea as the factor of the view couldn’t be neglected. Additionally, by extending the higher part of the hill towards the sea, a promenade is created at a higher level and space for the cafeteria is provided for the functional and financial revival of the area. The complex of the promenade and the slope create an amphitheatric arrangement with a possibility to host social and cultural events. The promenade creates morphologically a gate, which becomes the main entrance of the square. An information point is proposed at this location, essential for the project to act as a Gate to Salonika for visitors coming from the sea. Paying tribute to the memory


of the approximately 50,000 Jews of Salonika murdered by the Nazis during the Second World War, the project comprises an experiential monument. The monument is a ditch with a side wall decorated with the outline of the Star of David and inspired by the “Hebrew Wailing Wall”. It is also situated in the main entrance area marking the entry point while functioning, as a lighting element during the night. From an aesthetic point of view, the old Chinese puzzle tangram in conjunction with a 9.00m x 9.00m module are used as a canvas for the floor design, which is composed of 3 different materials, namely hard surfaces, flowerbeds and green spaces. This gives a possibility of an infinite play of forms without ignoring the need for unity, which is obtained by the 9.00m x 9.00m canvas. In aesthetic cohesion, a moveable 1.50m x 1.50m tangram set is also designed for the benches, offering users multiple options of arrangements according to their needs. As a result, the thermal comfort band of occupants may increase substantially by giving them the option of where to sit. The study aims to improve the microclimatic conditions of the area. Anthropogenic heat can be substantially decreased by removing the bus terminal. Additionally, thermal comfort conditions can be obtained, not only indoors by using passive systems, but also outdoors with the careful distribution of the greenery, the creation of multiple transitional spaces, the correct choice of the finishing textures as well as the direct evaporation through the fountain. Active systems, such as photovoltaic panels and LED bulbs, are provided to light up the outdoor space. Additionally, the recycling of pluvial water may be used for complementary irrigation of the greenery. In conclusion, the whole design is based on the principles of “Design for All” and aims at the successful regeneration of the square giving it a new recreational, informational and monumental role and a character friendly and interesting for everybody.

Above: Diagramm explaining the concept with the creation of the “hill”. Down: Close up view of the square with the “hill” and the “gate” to the city with the monument.


Above: Plan of the square | Down: Aerial view of the square and the surrounding area.


Above: Sections of the square | Down: Aerial view of the square towards the sea.


02. The Pallis House

Ongoing_project by: E. Kotsikou | M. Danou client: Pallis

This is a double housing project in Voula, Athens. The total area of the project is around 500 sq.m., including the basements and the garage. Each house is developed in two levels with the living areas on the ground floor and the sleeping zone on the first floor. The two houses have a significant 3,8 m. difference in height one from the other, due to the 37% ground inclination. The project is under construction.

The view from the living room






Above: Plan of the double housing Down: North facade [main]

Under construction: photos showing different stages of the construction of the house





03. PMI Reception

2012 _ project by:E. Kotsikou|M. Danou,| P.Manari

This is an interior design project. A proposal for the renovation of the reception area of Papastratos factory in Athens. The main consideration for the design solution was the direction of flows to the main areas of the factory. The main reception desk is moved forwards to the entrance where the natural light is stronger. All the designed equipment gives a strong identity to the place matching the factory’s brand.

Concept: Smoke - Flows

BIrd’s eye view


The reception desk and the coffee corner

Diagram of Flows and Pause.

1. Reception desk | 2. Brand corners | 3. Waiting lounge 4. Coffee corner | 5. Smoking lounge | 6. Business corner





04. The mining museum in Serifos thesis project [AUTH]: 2006_project by: E. Kotsikou | M. Danou academic responsible: M. Nomikos

The project site is situated at Mega Livadi in Serifos, where intense mining activity developed from 1861 till 1963. On August 21, 1916 a general strike of the miners was launched demanding an 8-hour working day; 8 of them were killed. In 1983 the administration building, together with movable items belonging to it, was declared a work of art by the Ministry of Culture and the housing settlement was declared a historical site . This diploma project proposed the creation of a mining museum which includes both the mining zone and the administration building. In fact it is proposed, first, the conservation, rehabilitation and re-use of the administration building, designed to become the administrative core of the museum. Based on the research, it is decided that two extensions will be created to the building. The one typologically and morphlogically emphasises the central axe of the neoclassical building. While the other is a secondary entrance with an elevator. Secondly the project proposes the conservation of the installations and putting them in the limelight by creating a path connecting them. It was also considered necessary for the best function of the park to create a theatre, a bar, observatories, as well as exhibitions of machinery, minerals and also a space for contemporary exhibitions.


Plan of the Mega Livadi gulf showing the administration building [up-right] and the mining zone [down]


Administration building: Current condition


Administration building: Proposal


Proposal plan for the mining zone [ design scale 1:500 ] Diagram of flows 1. entrance (gates), 2. gallery, 3. maquettes exhibition (blacksmithcarpenter), 4. observatories (“toumpatoria”), 5. outdoor theater, 6. storage of explosives [former use], 7. refreshment-observatory, 8. machinery exhibition, 9. loading bridge 10. exhibition of wagons, 11. exhibition of minerals (“toumpatoria”), 12. exhibition of toolsperiodic exhibitions


Proposal of the open air mininmg museum at the mining zone





05. landscape architecture [EACF]

2005_project by: E. Kotsikou [E. Gialama, D.Schilke] academic responsible: Bonnet_Marsillon

The area of study is at Courpiere in France, and the intervention is the creation of a river park, a cultural building, a bridge and an area of housing. The idea was based on the theory of total landscape and only the cultural building of the park was studied at a further level. According to the solution proposed the old town of Courpiere was given an urgue of developement not through a direct intervention but through the creation of a cultural pole of developpement at the other side of the town. This pole as an ending of the river park was planned to connect the old town with a new part of housing proposed at the opposite side of the river. The bridge connected the two areas directly and the cultural building connected the three different uses: of housing, industry and the river park by adopting the use of a technological center. Its form derived from the idea of being well connected with the park and the goal was that the outside of the building could interact with the inside as a total. The three parts of the building were handled with different kind of design, which had as acommon base the fact that they were a result of the different use of the base slab. Building 1 [housing of artists] was created with the concept of superposition, building 2 [theatre] with folding and building 3 [exposition] with intersection. At first it was a group work with E. Gialama and D. Schilke but here is presented only the personal project which was the study of building 2: the theatre.


The concept of the building b corresponds to a folding of the base of the central slab. There are two folding surfaces: the one is the husk and the other corresponds to the technological elements, like structure and ventilation. The principal entrance of the building is at the north face in order to collect the flux of the people coming from the station. As far as the movement is concerned, the idea was the creation of vertical passage on the principal axe of the building so as to connect the horizontal circulation between the three blocks. The general form of the building is issued with the dynamics formed by the two lateral facades; indeed these two facades reveal all the dynamics of the fabric of the folding. The main materials of the building are the corten steel, which is used for the for the shell while the structure is made of steel. The walls that constitute the lateral facades are made of wood with a special structure inspired by industrial construction. These facades filtrate the natural light at the west and east but they limit it at the area of the theatre.

Above: Analysis of the city of Croupiere, zooming in the plot and the connection of the three buildings of the cultural centre with the train station and the industry. Right: the groud floor plan of the cultural cente with the pathways Down: Concept for the three buidlings of the cultural centre and aerial view of the intervention and the wider area.


Up: Sketches with first ideas of the folding form and the flows Down: Plan and section of the theatre


Up: View of the passage Down: Facades with materials





06. theatres and cultural buildings [AUTH]:

2004-5_project by: M.Danou|E. Kotsikou Professors: Martinidis | Tourptsoglou

The project is a building combining two usages, the one of the theatre and the other of the department of dramatic studies of the school of fine arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The building plot was near Egnatia highway and inside the University Campus. In the proposed solution the theatre and the school have separate entrances, while the center of the idea as well as of the movement is the atrium. From the one side of the site there is a stream which can easily be used and therefore this facade of the building is the most interesting, while there is the possibility of communication between the atrium and the stream. The school on the one hand is comprised of one part which includes the classes for the theoretical courses and the library, another one which consists of the entrance, the offices and the bar and a third part with the studios and the laboratories. The theatre on the other hand consists of two cubes one inside the other. The inner cube is the actual theatre. The inspiration for the theatre was the quotation of Victor Hugo “Le théâtre est un creuset de civilisation”. This lead to the minimal formal interpretation of a theatre like a simple cube, a black box. The theatre can host a diversity of events and cover diverse needs of spectacle as it is flexible and can be arranged in an italian scene, a bilateral scene, a three quarter scene as well as an arena scene.

Hand-drawn sketches showing initial morphological ideas for the whole complex and the theatre, plan arrangements and technical sketch for the theatre.


entrance offices cafĂŠ


labs theoritical classes



Up- rigth: 3d model- bird eye views of the project Down: Model of the project and diagram of the functions.


Plan of second level

Section Δ-Δ’ and facade from atrium


a. Bilateral Scene

b. Arena Scene

Plan of the theatre

c. Three quarter Scene

d. Italian Scene Section B-B’

The different arrangements of the flexible theatre




07. place-type-form [AUTH]: 2004-5_project by: E. Kotsikou [ D. Melpo | G. Charalampidis] Professor: M. Nomikos

This is a project of a complex of three dwellings in a plot at the old tow of Thessaloniki. The idea was based, first of all, in the usage of the great view of the town that the place offers as well as on the usage of the design of typologies of houses of traditional architecture at the area, in combination with contemporary design. The complex, inspired by traditional design, is looking inwards. A strong peripheral wall encloses the inner courtyard protecting the housing and distinguishing clearly the public from the private space. The communication and circulation between the 3 houses is achieved through the 4-level central courtyard. Each dwelling differs from the other at the height of a floor. For the form of the dwellings there was a loan of the form of “sachnisi” which is common in the area. This traditional morphological element was emphasised and exaggerated in a more contemporary design. The size of the living units is of 150 m2.

General plan of the residential complex


The traditional wall and inner courtyard

The evolution of the traditional morphological element of “sachnisi”


Model of the housing complex highlighting the presented residence


Ground floor plan

First floor plan


Section B-B’

Section Γ-Γ’

Section A-A’

Southwest facade





08. cONSERVATION and rehabilitation of the State Odeum of Thessaloniki [auth] 2004_ E.Kotsikou | M. Danou | G. Charalampidis Professor: M. Nomikos

This project consists of two phases the analysis and the displayed proposal. The analysis of the building, which is the State Odeum of Thessaloniki , was realised at multiple levels, by a team consisting of 20 students. The building was designed by Vitaliano Poselli in 1905, initially functioning as a bank, and went through five construction phases.The usage according to the proposal was the function of the building as the department of dramatic arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , because it could cover the needs of the department, which now does not have a proper building. All the proposed changes for the restoration and the reuse of the buildibg were done with respect to the initial intentions of the architect as well asaccording to the contemporary views for restoration.

Perspective Sketch of the alterantive scene on the upper floor of the building

Photomontage showing the extension for the vertical circulation.


Photo of the opening maquette. You can see the roof of the main scene on the first floor and the alternative scene on the upperfloor. At the back of the building you can notice the extension for the vertical circulation.


Proposal: basement plan

Proposal: First floor plan


Proposal: ground floor plan

Proposal: Second floor plan

Section B-B’ showing the staircase.

Section Δ-Δ’ cutting through the main stage [first floor] and the alternative stage [second floor]

Photos of the model






09. De-Fragmenting Athens [ tudelft ]

2010 _ master thesis by: E. Kotsikou Mentors: S. Read | P. ViganĂł

The city of Athens underwent a rapid expansion that initiated in the 1950s and 1960s because of the transition from the agricultural to the industrial economy. Today, the capital of Greece is undergoing different transformations due to the shift from the industrial to the post-industrial and informational era. Dross is the residual of the urban processes, the left-over, in other words the waste landscapes of the territory. The thesis attempts to confront the problem of wastelands, drosscape and brown-fields and research for new tools to deal with them. The main research question investigated is: ÂŤHow can we re-use the waste landscapes of the Attica basin by combining the needs of both the metropolitan and the local scale?Âť. The analysis aimed at identifying the dross areas while looking at the factors contributing to their formation and trying to predict the future waste landscape within the specific territory of Athens. Through a historical analysis of the city it was realised that wasted landscapes are formed due to specific territorial conditions and as an effect of the metropolitan scale infrastructure dynamics. By looking at the drosscapes as a potential for the city, the design used the method of scenarios in order to investigate potentialities and risks. The area of Eleonas, drosscape in the process of attrition, was selected for testing the scenarios. One option is that dross could be reused in order to reconstruct the basic ecological connections. A second potential is that dross could constitute a new centrality for the city connected to all levels of infrastructure. These two opportunities may be combined in an integration strategy serving the needs of both the metropolitan and the local scale. Dross offers the ground for massive change and the opportunity of a new future for the city if viewed as a whole within a specific strategy for the entire territory and not as isolated fragments.


Above: Image of the area of Eleonas with the Acropolis at the background and the concept of the accumulation and attrition of dross like an automated recycling process of the cities. Next page: A historical analysis of the city of Athens lead to the understanding of the city, its routes, its development, its dynamics. The formation of dross related to the main infrastructural elements of the city changing according to the technology of the era. Dross was categorised in three phases: current dross, short-term future dross and long term future dross.













dross of accumulation dross of attrition


industry 1

industry 2




Left: The three scenarios tested in the area of Eleonas. Down: view of the design proposal Rigth page: The plan of the desing proposal based on the integration strategy for the area of Eleaonas



proposed urban fabric

exisitng green elements

stripes of diverse green

metropolitan park

water storage areas


urban fabric

secondary street network

primary street network

new train line





10. RUROPOLIS in the making [ tudelft ]

2009 _ project by: B. Hausleitner |T. Hodgson |N. Jazaei | H. Khosravi | E. Kotsikou |K. Rashidzadeh | A. Wandl Tutors: R. M. Rooij | R. C. Rocco Mobility Strategies: The objective of this work was to develop design, research and analysis in order to make spatial interventions in large metropoles, particularly in the development of mobility related spatial strategies Context South Holland: A province of the Netherlands with both local and global connections that already has the characteristics of future urban growth in WesternEurope. Planning Problem: To develop a spatial mobility strategy for South Holland: Which is an already heavily networked region with ambiguous intermingling of urban and rural areas that is not currently seen as a comprehensive whole. Methodology The territory was first analysed by producing maps concerning nature, governance, infrastructure, economy and society. Themapping was realised by using GIS and all the data were normalised in a grid of 500m to 500m in order to have a more objective view of the territory. This method provided the possibility to know the characteristics of each pixel of South Holland and by giving values to all the mapped categories the identity barcode of the area could be generated. According to the issues previously stated, the principles for strategic planning for Ruropolis are written into five categories: infrastructure, urban growth and form, social issues, environmental threats, and governance. Each category is described first with a slight overview on the context, then goals for the strategy are introduced, and the principles underpinning and defining the goals are stated. Infrastructure and urban growth are the physical categories that planning principles can have the most


directly effect on. Environmental threats, social issues, and governance principles so to say more goals than principles resulted in new ‘spatial’ principles that propose answers through infrastructure and growth. The basic step for operation of these principles is that infrastructure and growth are together a group and not separate issues, and implementation of the strategy in time phased stages should be seen as multiple back and forth processes that are inevitably interlinked. In general, increasing connectivity, quality, networks, multimodality & accessibility are the general goals, and each category has explicit goals within this framework. There are situations that are repetitive in the territory. The node, the link and the plug describe the main three typologies. For each of them possible strategies to manage growth were developed which can be applied across the territory to the same typology. For each of these typologies an area was selected as an example and two alternative interventions were tested and evaluated with the use of the identity barcode. Instead of providing possible solutions for the territory as a whole, the concept of Ruropolis can be seen as process. It works with principles and model-interventions that can be applied not just at a unique place. In this sense it is a flexible system that can easily be adapted to new emerging lifestyles with permanent changing needs of the society.

Analysis: The territory of South Holland is normalised in a 500m x 500m grid and using GIS is mapped in the shown categories. As a result the above maps [second column] are created and through this mapping the “identity barcode� of each area is available.


Using the “identity barcode and by setting certain values, based on the mapping categories, three typologies of areas for intervention are spoted: the node ,the link and the plug. For each of these typologies an area was selected as an example and two alternative interventions were tested.







11. The porous city : GRAND PARIS [ IUAV ] 2008 _ project by: E. Kotsikou| B. Vendemmia Tutors: B. Secchi | P. Viganò | Teaching Assistants : L. Fabian | P. Pellegrini | E. Giannotti

This work was part of the research of the group studio 09, Bernando Secchi and Paola Viganó for the international consultation of research and development of Great Paris and the Parisian agglomeration and was presented in the the exhibition “Le Grand Paris” [April 2009]. The aim of this work is to analyze the relation existing between the phenomena of spatial fragmentation and social segregation. The study territories are three areas of 3x3 km that are included in a cross section along the Region of Ile de France. Mapping “immaginaire” The only way to understand what can engender social segregation was to understand where this segregation is generated. For that reason a series of interviews of the inhabitants was carried out in order to understand the mentality and culture. The spatial interpretation of the interview has as result three maps of “imaginaire” providing a new plan of the city where mental borders, social enclaves, social attractors and places of fear are represented. In the spatial analysis three tools were used: infrastructure, equipments and typologies,working from the scale of Ile de France to the scale of the neighborhood and comparing densities. The analysis was focused on accessibility, permeability and enclave. In order to relate the social and the spatial phenomena, the final result of this study is a map created by overlapping the “imaginaire” with the spatial maps of square 1 and 5. > Open Scenario : What if… entropy increases? This is an open scenario that attempte to dissolve enclaves and enhance interaction between different groups of people. The initial decision was orientate this scenario towards the direction of social “mixité”. The starting point was making the hypothesis that by minimizing spatial fragmentation the spatial conditions for a social change could be provided. The tool to achieve this goal is increasing entropy in order to break the enclave and enhance interaction between different groups of people. The concept of entropy is used as a strategic device for generating change.


In square 5 the administrative borders of the municipalities correspond with spatial limits and mental borders such as the Seine, the RER and highway infrastructures. This results in composing a territory of separated stripes of land which differ in quality, character and urbanization forms. The coexistence of industrial activities, “grand ensembles” and “pavillionaires” creates a contrast between the productive city and the inhabited city. According to the spatial analysis on infrastructure and accessibility, where the degree of enclave depends on the number of entrances to an area and the shape of the street in terms of loops and dead ends, the areas of “grands ensembles” in Alfortville were considered enclaves in contrast to the area of the single family housing that were more open. Based on this statement, the design proposal doubts one of the principals of organization of space, according to the modern movement: the slabs that provide a large ground area for communal use. The doubt derives from the fact that all this space, due to the existence of dead ends is becoming privatized and used only from the people habiting in the social housing. This results in the social segregation of this group and also to the privatization of a territory of the city. Based on Lefevbre that suggests “the street serves a meeting place (topos)”, the design proposal is “opening up” the area of grands ensembles and maximizes accessibility and permeability by adding a street network that breaks up the groups of blocks of housing. The strategy is first to preserve all existing housing and industrial buildings, second increase accessibility with a new street network, then use the blocks as a structural element of the area and permit parking around them, define the semi-public areas around housing blocks and finally redefine public space with a patch based method and design a coherent network. The public network consists of parks, equipments, remarkable buildings, playgrounds, commerce, water and finally a typology of a flexible square. The flexibility is ensured by a grid of infrastructure that gives the possibility of changing the use of the place as a theatre, a market or a playground and adapting the space to the needs and cultures of users.

Analysis: Mapping “immaginaire�


Above: Aerial view of an example of the flexible square. Right: The enclavement structure of a “grand ensemble� , situated in square 5 from the areas analysed, re-designed in an open structure in the scenario: What if...entropy increases? Next page: The strategy and the design of the public space network in the entropy scenario







12. the HAgue International: Constructing the city [TU Delft] 2008_ project by: Kotsikou Tutors: W. Hermans| F. Colombo| H. Thoele|

>Peace or Security Den Haag should invest in its role as “city of peace and justice� in order to define its identity and then promote it internationally. This is possible only if the concepts of peace and justice are reflected spatially and the public realm has the opportunity to be actively expressed. The security measures that international organizations demand are contradictory to the identity of the city. Attention should be paid to the threat of creating enclosures that fragment the urban fabric and on the need for protection of the public space of Den Haag. After the research, it was decided to apply security regulations in order to protect the quality of public space and balance it with the demands of international organizations. In order for this to succeed, direct spatial limits like fences and gates are prohibited, while physical limits like green and water as well as locations with natural defensive positions due to land inclination are proposed. >The international zone Networks in both directions are needed: supporting coherence of the zone but also using it as a connector and not as a limit, by using the urban green, the water and the mobility network. The international zone has to be flexible and its boundaries have to be negotiated. The area could be more understood as an international network instead of an international zone defined so rigidly. Together with the international program, mix of uses is proposed with functions like services, health, education and housing. Along this axe the green network should be improved and connected with the coastal regional system of the dunes. The two water canals vertical to the coast are strategic and potential drivers of development. The key points, defined as the nodes of the four networks, can be potential anchor points. >The world forum From initial World Forum analysis, it was first realized that in terms of scale it is an island the size of a whole district and furthermore, it is not connected with the surrounding urban


fabric, as all roads end at buildings. Secondly, even though its density is not high the quality of the space is low due to the low architectural value of the buildings and incoherent public space and it is obvious that it was not realized according to a plan. It is decided to open up the park of Zorgvliet to the city. In order to achieve the connection of the World Forum with the park it is proposed to underground the ring road for almost 1km. The two main roads from the urban fabric of the Statenkwartier are extended south and divide the area in three clear parts. The central area is connected with the neighborhood and has a residential character while the other two are connected with the park. One part is of international character and contains the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, two new buildings, one for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and one for Eurojust providing the 30 meters of security around the building by placing it in the park. The third part of the Forum is cultural containing the Gementee Museum. It is proposed to reinforce the existing housing, give space to the neighborhood and let it reach the park by extending the existing grid for new housing. The typology chosen is residential towers due to the prime location with view to the park. It is proposed to demolish the congress center because it was not functional, as well not of great architectural value and because future program demanded more space. The new congress center is located in the current sports fields on the node of the Segbroeklaan and the Afroerkanaal, which is a position of great strategic value for the new international network of Den Haag. A linear park is designed in order to connect the congress, the museum and the park using as a basis the existing linear green designed by Dudock. The two main axes, the neighborhood fabric and the linear park, create new entrances to the green heart of the city, meet in front of the museum and culminate in a new public square. The new World Forum should be open to the city and function as a real forum with an active public space that could attract international festivals or even local events with discussions concerning the future of the city itself.

The linear park leading to the International Forum


Above: concept: the international zone of the Hague as a black hole and a strategy to connect it with the city Donw: The strategic plan for the whole international zone with interconnections of green, asphalt and water


Above: Concept for the design of the forum and the proposed functions Donw: The design of the forum with the museum the linear park and the new Eurojust building with “green� security.



13. PERSONAL EXHIBITION 2006_ Personal project

These are some of the works that were presented at my first personal exhibition of painting that took place at Aldebaran in Thessaloniki. It concerns mostly studies of human figures and some portraits. The paintings presented here are 52 cm to 25 cm and are made with mix technique, mainly collage, pencil and acrylic colours.



Αυτά είναι μερικά από τα έργα που παρουσιάστηκαν στην πρώτη μου ατομική έκθεση που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Aldebaran στη Θεσσαλονίκη (Μάρτιος,Απρίλιος 2006). Τα έργα αποτελούν κυρίως μελέτες ανθρώπινων γυμνών.




CD pack, concept, layout, design 2008_ E. Kotsikou Client: Interstellar Overdrive

Graphic design of the album of the music group Interstellar Overdrive with the title “Hibernation”, that was released in 2008 in Greece from Studio II records. Down you can see the two posters promoting the release of the album. In the right page you can see the print on the CD itself and the cover of the album on the top right corner and the back and front of the leaflet with the lyrics which folds in three parts. All the photos used are from a derelict neoclassical building that is in a sense in “hibernation” waiting to be restored and rehabilitated. The lyrics of each track are written inside each room of the building on the first floor plan. So someone can have a tour through the building while listening to the album. The drawings of the hibernated animals are made from the painter Stefanos Rokos. Left: Posters for the launch of the cd Rigth page up: Print on cd and Cd cover Rigth page down: triptych leaflet with lyrics and credits front and back






15. POlyclinic of Milan international Architectural competition, First prize 2008_ project by: Boeri Studio [E.Kotsikou: collaborating architect of Boeri Studio]

The proposed project intervenes in the delicate actual system that consists of an enclosure and of several single pavilions by introducing a different logic of intervention that is based on three main characteristics: The new buidling of the hospital is integrated and is puts at first place the two sanitary poles the maternal and the medical one. The new intervention connects in a network the sanitary and not services with all the other pavillions. This interconnection is the second outstanding characteristic of the proposed intervention. The third characteristic is that the construction of the new hospital complex gives increase public and urban value of the area due to the permeability of the open public space, the continuity of the green areas and the introduction of new urban program.

Sections of the project



3d represantation of the proposed Polyclinic of Milan, its connection with the existing building and its realtion with the surrounding buildings.



16. the vertical forest

2008_project by: Boeri Studio client: Hines Italia S.r.L. [E.Kotsikou: collaborating architect of Boeri Studio]

The first example of a vertical forest will appear in Milan in the Isola district. The Vertical Forest consists of two residential towers that will host almost 900 trees from 3 to 9 meters high and different kind of green distributed on the facades based on the orientation and the sunlight. In an horizontal area the vetical fforest would consume an area of 7000 sq.m. The equivalent area in single family housing would need at least an area of 75.000 sq. m. The Vertical Forest will help to construct a microclimate; it will produce humidity, it will absorb CO2 and dust and it will produce oxygen. The irrigation of the trees could be mainly realised through a central installation filtering the grey water. In addition, sistems of eolic energy [ wind mills installed on the roof or the two towers] and photovoltaics could contribute, together with the microclimate produced from the Vertical Forest, to increase the grade of energetic self-sufficiency of the two towers. The management of the green will be centralised by an agency that could be open to the public.

Diagram: Bioenergy> Green> Vertical Forest




3d represantation of the two residential towers in Milan “vertical forest” [ “Bosco Verticale”]. the towers will host almost 900 trees.


urb. work

17. Kelokedara- salamiou- cyprus 2011_project by: Theorema [E.Kotsikou: collaborating urbanist]

This project is a general urban plan for the communities of Kelokedara and Salamiou that are in the south-west part of the island of Cyprus near the city of Paphos. The main goals of the plan was to ensure the sustainability of the communities and to protect and enhance the natural and cultural resources as well as the urban environment of the settlements. These two main goals after the analysis, the discussions with the residents and stakeholders and the visits to the villages and the greater area were further developed and formed as follows: • Snap population - improving demographic indicators • Employment Opportunities - improving production indicators • Restructuring of production structures and relationships • Upgrading technical / social infrastructure • Creating Networks settlements / communities - improving the accessibility • Town planning, urban regeneration and enhancement of core • Protection, enhancement and mild recovery of valuable natural resources • Protection, preservation and promotion of the architectural and cultural wealth of the community. • Formulation and promotion of tourist product of the community.


The core of the proposal recommended by the Plan is based on the implementation of the following guidelines: • Formation of multidisciplinary networks. • Exploiting the comparative advantage of accessibility due to proximity to Paphos and the airport. • Connect sectors of production, mainly linking agricultural production to agrotouristic activity. • Protection and enhancement of natural and cultural environment. • Improvement of technical and social infrastructure. • Regeneration of the urban core through a series of restoration projects and creation of pathways.



Above: Design proposal for the pedestrian route of the village completed in three phases Down: Proposed Masterplan for Salamiou

Above: Design proposal for a new square at the entrance of the village Down: Proposed Masterplan for Kelokedara

PAFOS Salamiou Kelokedara

Proposed projects green space - playground parking space public green space remarkable building-to be listed buidling to be restored amelioration of surrounding space Folklore Museum Sign of concentration of remarkable buildings Gym- sport space Route paving phase 1 paved stairs phase 1 paving - phase 2 paving phase 3


reference letters


reference letters


reference letters



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