УДК 811.111(075.4) ББК 81.2Англ Х 35 Оформление обложки и иллюстрации О. Поповича
Х 35
Хейнонен, Елизавета. 167 загадок для тех, кто хочет знать английский лучше / Е. Хейнонен. — Москва : Эксмо, 2015. — 320 с. — (Иностранный в картинках). ISBN 978-5-699-72621-9 В этой книге собрано множество загадочных историй и таинственных происшествий, ребусов и головоломок, шифрованных записок и секретных кодов. Для их решения читателям предстоит вспомнить все, что они знали об английском языке, и не забыть о логике и здравом смысле. В книге содержатся загадки на правописание, фонетику, лексику и грамматику, рассматриваются популярные каламбуры, омонимы и омофоны. Найдя правильные ответы на каверзные вопросы, изучающие язык уберегут себя от досадных грамматических ошибок и двусмысленных заявлений, научатся лучше применять грамматические конструкции и лексические единицы в речи. Все загадки снабжены не только ключами, но и пояснениями, которые помогут больше узнать о рассматриваемых грамматических явлениях, устойчивых выражениях, заставят обратить внимание на распространенные ошибки. Пособие рассчитано на учащихся начинающего уровня, владеющих основами английского языка и стремящихся говорить на нем свободнее. УДК 811.111(075.4) ББК 81.2Англ
ISBN 978-5-699-72621-9
© Елизавета Хейнонен, 2015 © ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2015
I. WORD AND GRAMMAR PUZZLES Лексические и грамматические загадки . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 II. RIDDLES Загадки и ребусы . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 III. HUMOROUS PUZZLES Шуточные загадки . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 IV. DETECTIVE PUZZLES Детективные загадки . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 KEY Ключи . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199 Англо-русский словарь . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227 Русско-английский словарь . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319
I Лексические и грамматические загадки
I Word and Grammar Puzzles
The Essay
After the summer holidays, the teacher asked her class to write an essay on how and where the children had spent their vacation. Johnny worked on his essay for almost an hour, yet he wasn’t sure how the teacher would take it.1 And indeed, when the teacher opened his exercise book, she frowned, because she saw something she never expected to see. This is what she saw:
But the next moment she smiled and said to herself, “This little rascal is really very talented. I hope he liked his stay in—”
In what country? Where did Johnny spend his summer holidays? 1
how the teacher would take it — как учительница это воспримет Лексические и грамматические загадки
Johnny’s Grammar ,
VOICE ON THE PHONE: Are your father and mother at home? LITTLE JOHNNY: They was, but they isn’t now. VOICE ON THE PHONE: They was, but they isn’t! Where is your grammar? JOHNNY: She is out, too.1
She is out, too. — Ее тоже нет дома. Word and Grammar Puzzles
He Wanted a Horse , , ,
. : . CUSTOMER: Can I rent a horse? GROOM: How long do you want it? CUSTOMER: As long as you have, laddie. There are five of us.1
here are ive of us. — Нас пятеро. Лексические и грамматические загадки
Is or Does?
Five-year-old little Johnny was lost, so he went up to a policeman and said, “I’ve lost my dad!” The policeman said, “What’s he like?” Little Johnny replied, “Beer and women!”
Low Opinion .
The inspector was making his monthly visit to the village school. After examining the children thoroughly he rose to his feet and, looking around the room, remarked: “I wish I could be1 a little boy at school again.” After waiting for this to sink in2, he added: “Do you know why I wish that?” For a moment there was silence. Then a little girl raised her hand and said: “Because you forgot everything you ever knowed.” 1
I wish I could be — хотел бы я быть ater waiting for this to sink in — подождав, пока его слова дойдут до сознания учащихся 2
Word and Grammar Puzzles
The Farmer and His Sheep
A farmer had seventeen sheep. All but nine died. How many live sheep does he have left?1
How So?
There was a theft in Jack Brown’s office. Someone had stolen a very important document. A police inspector came to look around and to talk to the employees.2 He found out that the theft had taken place at exactly 5:15. Jack told him that he had left his office by 5:15. His friend, Nick, who also worked in the same office, said, “I didn’t leave the office until 5:15.” In other words, the two young men left the office at about the same time, but the inspector, having asked Jack a few questions,3 released him. For some reason, he decided that Nick could tell him more, and he asked him to stay.
How so?4 1
How many live sheep does he have let? — Сколько живых овец у него сталось? 2 Инфинитивная конструкция с частицей to указывает на цель действия: он пришел, чтобы осмотреться и побеседовать c сотрудниками. 3 having asked Jack a few questions — после того, как задал Джеку несколько вопросов 4 How so? — здесь: Как так могло получиться?
Лексические и грамматические загадки
Drag, Drug, Drugged ? .
The police physician was called to examine an unconscious prisoner who had been arrested and brought to the station house for drunkenness. After a short examination, the physician addressed the policeman who had made the arrest. “This fellow is not suffering from the effects of alcohol. He has been drugged.” The policeman was greatly disturbed, and spoke falteringly: “I’m thinkin’ ye’re right, Sor.1 I drugged him all the way to the station.”
ye’re = you are; Sor = Sir Word and Grammar Puzzles
How Is That Possible?
A man removed the hands and the face. He cleaned and oiled them, then put them back in place.
How is that possible?
She Misunderstood Him
, ? ?
A policeman spotted a woman driving and knitting at the same time. Driving up beside her, he shouted out of the window:
“No,” she shouted back, “a pair of socks!”
Лексические и грамматические загадки
What Does a Clown Taste Like?
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: “Does this taste funny to you?”
Word and Grammar Puzzles
A Difficult Riddle
A first grader will solve this riddle in five minutes,1 a fifth grader in fifteen minutes, a university student in an hour, a university professor may never solve it.
Here is the riddle: What could the word ottffssent possibly mean?2 Decipher it.
Bon Appétit!3
“What do the guests do at a cannibal wedding?” “They toast the bride and groom.”
1 in ive minutes — за пять минут. Здесь предлог in указывает, за какой срок может быть выполнено действие. 2 What could the word ottfssent possibly mean? — Что может означать слово ottfssent? Здесь possibly используется как слово-усилитель. 3 bon appétit — приятного аппетита (франц.)
Лексические и грамматические загадки
Fine for Parking
POLICEMAN: Why did you park in front of the firehouse? WOMAN: Why,1 it says here: “Fine for Parking.”
Здесь why — междометие со значением возражения, смешанного с удивлением: «А что я такого сделала?» Word and Grammar Puzzles