Portfolio Pablo Toranzo

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Pablo Toranzo Photographer Portfolio


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Plants & Landscapes

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I started as a photographer amateur since 1995 photographing travels, climbing and mountain expeditions that we did with a mountains group to which I belonged. Study in the College of Nuestra Señora de Montserrat and I graduated in Geography in 2002 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of Tucumán. In 2005 I get concluded a Masters in Geography at the Universidade de Sao Paulo - Brazil. During the 2003 working for Greenpeace I ended up working for Human Shield where I got the chance to start photographing military incursions into the Iraq war. While I was earning my master degree I´ve worked for Greenpeace Amazon in mapping and also I did some work there as a photographer monitoring the Dení lands demarcation campaign and the Tupi-Guarani conflict for the Belo Monte dam. In 2007 I was working for Medecines Sans Frontieres photographing the state of rebuilding of Beirut City after the bombing 2006 by Israel. I made a documentary collection of 150 of the 168 known animal species in the Brazilian-Bolivian Pantanal for the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) in his Homme Pantaneiro Project. Between 2,009 and 2,012 in Andalgalá Jachal, Famatina Valley, Tinogasta and Amaicha I published my work “North Gassed”, presenting the problem of repression to the movements against open-pit mining protests. Like I said before I published this work on the web by the NGO Conciencia Solidaria. This work is being edited for a book publication soon. In Andalgalá population do documentary work called Andalgalá the other bicentennial, published on the web by the NGO Conciencia Solidaria and it was presented in the Argentine-Cuban House also in the Borges Cultural Centers and Cooperation Society in Buenos Aires. Between 2010 and 2012 in the Salt lands of Cordoba-Argentina I´d worked in the project “Las Ollas, between the desert and salt”, published on the web by the NGO and Multimagen photography site. It was also published by Action Magazine. Today I have 3 projects in different state of preparation, study, logistic analysis in which some already started my period of capture.

Xingu Aboriginal Territory - This area belongs to the aboriginal tribus. All arrond this place was destroyed to build the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam.



by Pablo Toranzo

Belo Monte Dam Amazon - Brazil

Faluya & Bagdad Middle East - Irak

Amazon from the air & over the ground Para - Brazil

Cacao Papua New Guinea

When the busness bacame slavery

El Algarrobo Assemby - Andalgalรก Social Moviment against the openpit mining

Just 10 years ago people were living on those houses. They were forced to move for the hundreds of TNT explosion everyday.

Lime is used to reduce acid levels Amanao River. The source of the Amanao river is the place where is discharged contaminated water with heavy metals and several chemical elements used to separate gold form the rock. Almost 100.000.000 liters of freshwater are getting polluted everyday.

disappearing landscapes

In a few year several unsustainable open-pit mining project will start to extract minerals from these inhospitable regions 5.000 meters above level sea. Already a few rock glaciers are getting cut. Already is visible the marks of the necessary infrastructure.

This rock glacier lake is reducing in yhe last year 20% of its size. A minig way is passing less than 20 meters from it.

Las Ollas, between the desert and the salt Where was the river?

Climate change is causing several changes arround the world. This place is not the ecepcion.

Where Luis removes sand and salt a river was passing 7 years ago. Climate change could by one of the causes but the most probable are the bombs dropped from small planes by insurance companies to prevent hail precipitations. Those bombs are destroyig all chances of precipitation in the West of C贸rdoba.

Aboriginal people hunting from Papua new Guinea



by Pablo Toranzo

Papua New Guinea

From the Jungle

Bolivia and Peru

From the Altiplano

Fishermans Brazil

from Yemen


New Zealand sea bird


by Pablo Toranzo

Papua New Guinea natural rainforest view

Plants & Landscapes

by Pablo Toranzo

Goias - Brazil

Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

Andalgalรก - Argentina

Sea & river


Indoor climbing


by Pablo Toranzo

Emirat Place Hotel main roof . Abu Dabhi - Emirat Arabs United.


by Pablo Toranzo

Sagrada Familia Cathedral Barcelona - Spain

Alexandria - Egypt

Alexandria Library

La Polvorilla railway bridge Salta - Argentina

Old windows

Big towers looking to the sky

Macchu Pichu

Rio de Janeiro from the Sugar Loaf


by Pablo Toranzo

...my passions, my view, my pictures, my life...

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