Canning Your Brand

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Canning Your Brand WRITTEN BY Dave Hardman | PHOTOS BY Kevin Hulett

Today’s brand stands for something more than a visible identity; it stands for the company’s demonstrated organizational values, customer service, reputation and mission.

Innovative marketing strategies for products and businesses are developed on a continuum. The marketing industry works tirelessly to generate programs to assist companies in achieving their fullest potential - branding is one of them. A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that consumers connect with. Branding is when that idea or image is marketed so that it is recognizable and identified with a certain product or service. Although branding remains ubiquitous, it is hardly a new approach. No denying, branding surged during the end of the 20th century. Emphasis was not only placed on branding companies and their products, but was also adapted to non-profit organizations, educational institutions, municipalities, and even people. But branding actually goes as far back as 1300 BC, when potter’s marks were used on pottery and porcelain in China, Greece, Rome and India. The branding of cattle and livestock can be traced back to 2000 BC, all for the purpose of specific identification. Between the 1600s and 1800s, criminals were branded (literally) as a form of punishment and identification. But it was in the mid-to-late 1800s that Proctor & Gamble led other consumer product companies to brand in earnest. Enter the 21st century and technology. Brands must describe or identify the organization or product and stand the test of time to be woman

successful. Today’s brand stands for something more than a visible identity; it stands for the company’s demonstrated organizational values, customer service, reputation and mission. It must be easily recognized and differentiated in the marketplace as well as legal and functional. The brand must be cohesive across all marketing media and product identification. The result of brand identification and meaning is value. Brands like Coke, Jeep, Sony and Apple have taken branding to a whole new level. A newly launched product out of southern Utah, ‘In A Pikle,’ has approached branding itself with vigor (not vinegar). From its concept to its packaging, this innovative product canned its brand. The founders behind ‘In A Pikle’ took serious consideration to the product identity and were willing to share the process that ultimately defined their product.


The Product Concept

The ‘In A Pikle’ bag is an organizer originally designed by Marianne Porter. It is small enough to fit into a women’s handbag, briefcase, diaper bag, or backpack. It is designed to keep her organized and supplied with everything she might need in the event of a small, but frustrating emergency. Marianne fashioned the homemade originals herself and gave them as gifts for friends and family. One of those friends, Tamara Foster, thought the idea was brilliant. Together they decided to market and sell the bags “to other busy ladies - like us.” It took four years to ensure that the ‘In A Pikle’ concept was indeed unique and viable. Described as a self-funded, boot-strap business women, Marianne and Tamara went through the process of design, prototype, patenting, manufacture search and finally production. Supported by talented, experienced, and well-connected friends and family, the outcome was worth the wait. The time vested in research and product development resulted in a well-branded product.



The Branding Process

A company’s marketing efforts will be defined by whether or not they have a strategic basis on which to build from. In other words, advertising and marketplace communications need to be based upon a solid brand strategy–a strategy that will illuminate the “one thing” that makes their product better, different, and more relevant than other options. Prior to their launch of ‘In A Pikle,’ Marianne and Tamara narrowed their brand objectives down to five. Does branding have a creative design and unique identification? The ‘In A Pikle’ name and logo derived from the product’s purpose: to get a person out of a pinch. The name is easy to remember and curiously fun. The logo was designed with clean lines to evoke a sense of organization and simplicity. Their signature color “green” visually relates to their name, tying in a lasting impression. Every ‘In A Pikle’ bag comes with over 20 convenience items, including nail clippers, tweezers, a spot remover pen, wet wipes, band-aids, safety pins, a sewing kit, scissors, and mini screwdrivers. Most of these convenience items have been designed specifically for the product and are stamped with the delightful signature logo. Is branding consistent across all marketing media? ‘In A Pikle’ used their website and multiple social media avenues to launch and promote the product line. Both media are fraught with graphics, photography, technical information. The website itself is as vibrant and lively as its packaging materials. In addition, Marianne and Tamara supplemented their electronic marketing tools with good old-fashioned direct mail to friends and family.

on career, and many were balancing both. The entire marketing campaign for ‘In A Pikle’ focused directly on this demographic. Product shots feature models with children, working at a desk, in the car, and on the go who benefit from the convenience of owning the designer bag.


This fusion of fashion meeting function in a, well ... pickle, was designed with a trendy yet stylish appeal. They provided four different styles of ‘Pikles’ (the styles differ by their closure) and eight different colors.

Fall of 2011, the product was launched in six locations throughout Utah. Each event was supported by signboard graphics, press releases, mailings, social-media and website announcements. When attendees arrived, they were welcomed by the same well-executed graphic presentations featuring professionally designed, large scale, product photography of their branded models.

Marianne and Tamara reached out to various media whose products or programs targeted their demographics. The ladies appeared on Utah television programs including Good Things Utah, Studio 5, and Channel 2’s Fresh Living. Online, the “In A Pikle” bag caught the attention of thousands of Pinterest fans, to which a large portion of initial sales can be attributed.

Is the branding relevant? Does it have an emotional connection with the customer? With millions of products and services on the market, many of which have no discernible differences, the way a company or product can stand out is by creating an emotional connection with the consumer. ‘In A Pikle’ has a niche target audience directed toward women whose lives keep them on the go. With the surge of stay-at-home moms generating income from blogging and direct sales, the grassroots story of the two on-the-go moms who brought ‘In A Pikle’ to fruition has its own synergy with their demographics.

Does branding communicate a cohesive message? For positive branding to occur, a company must consider every way it touches prospective and current customers, including advertising, public relations, and customer service. All elements of a company’s marketing must mesh seamlessly for a new or reinvigorated brand to break through the clutter.

In addition, the website boasts what Marianne and Tamara coined, “In A Pikle Moments.” This page was designed to share the stories of those who have been saved from the mild calamities of life by their ‘Pikle’. Finally, the product’s catchy tagline emphasizes what most hectic households could herald as a theme. Creatively stated, “Life’s crazy – dill with it,” solidifies the need to possess a ‘Pikle.’ Does the branding demonstrate an understanding of the customer and target market? Marianne created her original version of the small bag with everything her busy friends would need in a pinch. These were busy women, some in the midst of raising their children, others focused


‘In A Pikle’ created a cohesive brand beginning with their product and including the details of their packaging: from stickers that adhere to the packing wrap around the product to the vividly colored shipping box; from exceptional customer service to honoring the emotional need. Each marketing piece was strategically selected to ensure a cohesive way to promote the product and its use.

Initial Response

Why focus so much time, energy and capital on branding? The benefits were extremely valuable for Marianne and Tamara. The ‘Pikle’s’ initial sales provided a remarkable 50% sell out in eight weeks. The company is scheduled to reveal their expanded Spring line featuring more styles and colors spurred by customer feedback. With a proven branding strategy, the company will proceed by increased product development. With such a canned brand, Marianne and Tamara are positioned to dill with sweet success.


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