The Rincon

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The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

The Rincon The Rincon is a vibrant, sustainable, international community that supports human flour‐ ishing through a focus on wellness, personal and social development, and connections with nature and the arts. Introduction The Rincon





COSTA RICA Puerto Limon

Puntarenas San Jose

Puerto Viejo SAN JOSE

Costa Ricans report the highest life satisfaction in the world, with an ecological footprint that comes close to achieving the goal of ‘one planet living.’ 666/.(>>8>'(3-$13+-X/*"2


Buenos Aires


Costa Rica is a peaceful nation with political stability, no military, year round pleasant weather, friendly people, a slower paced lifestyle and !"#$%&'(##%()*"+(,'-%.-('$.%&("-/%%0*"-123%134-#$5-3$%.(#%2"*63%(3‐ 37(''8%($%(3%(4-"(2-%"($-%*9%::;%#13&-%:<<</%%=-"%&(>1$(?%5*"-%@5-"1‐ &(3#%'14-%.-"-%$.(3%(38%*$.-"%&*73$"8%*7$#1+-%*9%$.-%AB@/%%@%'(3+%*9% volcanoes, rain forests, waterfalls, and rivers, the opportunities for (+4-3$7"-% ("-% 5(38% (3+% 4("1-+/% % C-#>1$-% .(4132% *3-% *9% $.-% .12.-#$% #$(3+("+#%*9%'14132%13%D($13%@5-"1&(?%>7"&.(#132%>*6-"%1#%&*3#1+-"(,'8% 2"-($-"%$.(3%13%$.-%AB@%*"%E(3(+(/



%F.-%G13&*3%>"*>-"$8%1#%(%HIJ%.-&$("-KLJ<%(&"-%>"1#$13-%5*73$(13%"(3&.% located 45 minutes from the Liberia International Airport in Guana‐ &(#$-/%%F.-%G13&*3%>"*>-"$8%1#%&*5>*#-+%*9%2-3$'8%#'*>132%!-'+#?%4('‐ '-8#?%(3+%,-(7$197''8%9*"-#$-+%("-(#%61$.%&"--M#%(3+%#>"132#/%%B-4-"('% #>-&$(&7'("%41-6>*13$#%.(4-%LJ<%+-2"--%41-6#%$.($%13&'7+-%$.-%=(&1!&% N&-(3%$*%$.-%6-#$%(3+%$.-%G13&*3%+-%'(%O1-P(%4*'&(3*%$*%$.-%-(#$/%%@$%(3% -'-4($1*3%*9%J<<%5-$-"#KH?QR<%9--$?%F.-%G13&*3%-3P*8#%#*5-%*9%$.-%,-#$% 6-($.-"%13%E*#$(%G1&(?%61$.%L<<%+(8#%>-"%8-("%*9%#73#.13-?%(3%(4-"(2-% $-5>-"($7"-%*9%RIS0K:LSE?%(3+%(4-"(2-%"(139(''%*9%JQ%13&.-#KH?RT<%55/

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!"#$%&'(!"#)$*+($*(#)$,(-"%./&*#(%"*,#$#.#&,(0*($*1$#0#$"*("2(0*("3&2(4"2(#)&(5.2%)0,&6(,.7,%2$5#$"*(4"2("2(,08&("4(0*9(,&%.2$#$&,("2(0*($*-.%&/&*#(#"(0*9($*1&,#/&*#:((;)$,( document contains forward‐looking strategies and statements that are subject to a wide range of factors that are not necessarily under the control of the company.


An Evolved Model of

Community After visiting The Rincon site and agreeing to assist us with the formation of the arts program at The Rincon, we asked playwright Bill C. Davis to write his impressions of the project. The local habitation is Costa Rica – the name is F.-%G13&*3/%%["-($%(3+%134-3$14-%513+#%("-%&"-‐ ($132%$.-%41#1*3%(3+%("&.1$-&$7"-%9*"%(%5*+-'%(3+% $-5>'($-%9*"%'19-%13%(%6*"'+%.732"8%9*"%"-3-6('% (3+% "-+-5>$1*3/% F.1#% 15(213132% *9% 13$-''12-3$% (3+%13$-2"($14-%'14132%.(#%,--3%#6-''132%9*"%8-("#% (3+%3*6%61''%,-%214-3%#.(>-%*3%(%&(34(#%*9%LJ<% (&"-#%13%$.-%\-#$-"3%"-21*3%*9%E*#$(%G1&(/ as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name. BU@]VB=V@GV%^%ZWCBAZZVG_B%`W[UF%CGV@Z

2 >>>

F.-%>-*>'-%(3+%$.-%$.13M132%,-.13+%F.-%G13&*3% .(4-%2"*63%*4-"%$.-%8-("#%(3+%$.-%$15-%1#%3*6% to add three dimensional reality and create an (&$7('%>'(&-%$.($%.(#%.-('$.?%P*8%(3+%-'-2(3$%13‐ 9"(#$"7&$7"-%(#%1$#%13#>1"($1*3%(3+%($%1$#%&*"-/

Sustainability F.13M%*9%'14132%,8%41"$7-%*9%,-132%&*33-&$-+%$*% $.-% +(1'8% "-('1$8% *9% $.-% -("$./% W3#$-(+% *9% $"7&M#% (""14132%$*%!''%*1'%$(3M%a%$.-%#73%"1#-#%a%$.-%613+% ,'*6#%a%$.-%6($-"%b*6#%a%(3+%$.-%&*"-%$-5>-"(‐ $7"-% *9% $.-% -("$.% 81-'+% -3-"28/% %F.($% -3-"28% 1#% *7"% 3*3&*5,7#$1,'-?% 3*3c>*''7$132% ,1"$.% "12.$/%% At The Rincon, the architects, who are in many ways poets, have planned and researched and

The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

An Evolved Model of Community

-5,"(&132%13$-2"($14-%.-('$.?%#85>$*5#%+1#(>‐ >-("/% % i8% 214132% $.-% ,*+8% 6.($% 1$% 3--+#% $*% &"-‐ ($-% 3-6% &-''#% (3+% $*% M-->% (''% #8#$-5#% 6*"M132% 6-''%$*2-$.-"?%-4-"8%*$.-"%(#>-&$%*9%'14132%.(#%(% &.(3&-%$*%$."14-/%%N"2(31&%9**+?%8*2(?%(87"4-+(?% and mind/body principles will be the medicine &.-#$%9*"%$.-%G13&*3/%%


61$.%$.-%"(6%5($-"1('%(3+%$.-%'(327(2-%*9%&7$‐ $132% -+2-% $-&.3*'*28% .(4-% +-#123-+% $.-% 6(8#% $*%.("3-##%6.($%$.-%-("$.%*)-"#%-4-"8%+(8/%%W9%1$% 6-"-%+1('*27-%,-$6--3%$.-%-("$.%(3+%$.-%G13&*3% d>*-$#_%c%$.-%-("$.%#--5#%$*%,-%(#M132%e6.($%("-% 8*7% 6(1$132% 9*"fg% @3+% $.-% G13&*3% (3#6-"% 1#?% “The wait is over. We begin now.”

Health Rather than look for disease and imbalance in our bodies, the Rincon model will watch for and >"*5*$-%$.-%6(4-%*9%.-('$.%(#%1$%5*4-#%$."*72.% 7#/%%F.-%h7-#$1*3%1#%.*6%$*%M-->%$.-%,"1''1(3&-%*9% $.-%.75(3%,*+8%b*6132%($%1$#%>-(M/%%F.-%G13&*3% >"*2"(5%'**M#%9*"%.-('$.%(3+%61''%7#-%5-(#7"-#% that have been proven to maintain a steady and ,('(3&-+% -X1#$-3&-/% % F.-% >"(&$1&-% *9% 5(#M132% #85>$*5#% 1#% 3*$% 6.($% #-&7"-#% *7"% .-('$./% % i8%

U*6%6-%6('M%$."*72.%$.-%7314-"#-%*9%.75(3%"-‐ lationships and spiritual connections is a myste‐ "1*7#% -3+-(4*"% a% ('6(8#% .(#% ,--3/% %F.-% G13&*3% -5,"(&-#%3*%>("$1&7'("%+*25(%-X&->$%$.-%$"7$.#% $.($% ("$% "-4-('#/% % Z7#1&?% +(3&-?% $.-($"-?% #&7'>‐ $7"-?% >(13$132?% &13-5(% a% (''% #$157'($-% 7#% $*% $.-% wonders of the invisible world – to the power *9%.75(3%-5*$1*3#%a%$*%$.-%#-3#-%$.($%6-_"-%(''% &*33-&$-+%,8%#*5-%M13+%*9%&*55*3%.75(31$8/%% \-% $.13M% *9$-3% $.($% 6-_"-% ('*3-% 13% $.1#% 6*"'+% c% -4-3%13%$.-%5*#$%&"*6+-+%5-$"*>*'1#/%%F.-%51#‐ sion statement of art is to remind us – daily – that 6-%("-%3*$%('*3-/%%F.-%G13&*3%61''%.(4-%1$#%*63% theatre and will allow for any space to become a $.-($"-%*"%(%2(''-"8%+->-3+132%*3%6.($%6*"M%*9% ("$%3--+#%$*%,-%>"-#-3$-+/%%@$%$.-%G13&*3?%@"$%61''% ,-%$.-%&*55*3%'(327(2-%*9%$.-%#>1"1$/ “Imagination bodies forth”: The Rincon 61''% ,-% $.-% #$(2-% (3+% .*#$% 9*"% (''% 9*"5#% *9% .7‐ 5(3%&"-($14-%15(213($1*3/%%F.-%G13&*3%a%(%6*"M% 13%>"*2"-##%a%(%6*"M%*9%("$%a%13#>1"($1*3%!3+132% '*&('%.(,1$($1*3%(3+%(%3(5-/%%The Rincon in Costa Rica. It is our hope that our Series A and Founders Pro‐ gram investors will share this vision,and that what we accomplish will lead the way for current and future generations to enjoy an extended, healthy 8$4&(<)$8&(%"5$*+(<$#)(/"2&(-$=%.8#(0*-(%)088&*+‐ ing times for our planet.

>>> 3


Project History The goal of the masterplan is to develop a sequence of patterns that will sustain life and health in the natural and built environments, thus helping to shape a living community. The Rincon property was (&h71"-+% 13% @>"1'% :<<R% ($% (3% -X&->$1*3('% 4('7-/%% B$7+1-#%(3+%>'(33132% activities were conducted by project part‐ ners TKWA, and by CV==@F, a trusted name in Costa Future Phases Rica for environmental and >.8#1&('%>'(33132/%%0(&1*%j%E(‐ nas?% (% '-(+132%E*#$(% G1&(% '(6% !"5?% &*3+7&$-+%'-2('%+7-%+1'12-3&-%(3+%>"*‐ 41+-#% *32*132% '-2('% #7>>*"$% $*% $.-% >"*P-&$/%% The property has abundant water resources with $6-'4-%(&$14-%#>"132#%(3+%#-4-"('%&"--M#/%%%=.*$*#%*9% $.-%>"*>-"$8%&(3%,-%41-6-+%,8%&'1&M132%.-"-/% F.-%>"*>-"$8%1#%'*&($-+%,-$6--3%$6*%-X1#$132%.*$-'#/%%N3% one side is F.-%i*"13h7-3%G-#*"$%(3+%B>(, an upscale hotel #7""*73+-+% ,8% ,"-($.$(M132% '(3+#&(>-#?% '7#.% 9*"-#$#% (3+% 3($7"('%.*$%#>"132#%$.($%*)-"#%(%4("1-$8%*9%*7$+**"%(+4-3‐ $7"-%(&$141$1-#%(3+%#123($7"-%B>(%$"-($5-3$#/%%N3%$.-%*$.-"% side is the i7-3(%O1#$(% D*+2-, a more rustic property lo‐ &($-+% *3% $.-% #'*>-#% *9% $.-% 4*'&(3*% $.($% *)-"#% (+4-3$7"-% (&$141$1-#%('*32%61$.%$.-"5('%6($-"#?%#(73(#%(3+%4*'&(31&% 57+%$"-($5-3$#/ W3%:<<R%(3+%:<<k?%,(#-%'13-%#$7+1-#%6-"-%&*5>'-$-+%(3+%(% #-"1-#%*9%+-#123%&.("-$$-#%6-"-%&*3+7&$-+%*3%$.-%#1$-/%%F.-% 5(#$-"%>'(3%6(#%$.-3%2-3-"($-+%,8%(%#-h7-3&-%*9%>($$-"3#?% -(&.%+-#&"1,132%$.-%&*3+1$1*3#%3-&-##("8%$*%"-#*'4-%(3%1##7-% #>-&1!&%$*%$.-%.-('$.%*9%,*$.%$.-%.75(3%(3+%3($7"('%&*5‐ 5731$1-#?% #7>>*"$-+% ,8% $.-% >'(33-+% ,71'$% -341"*35-3$/%

4 >>>

Neighborhood Cluster

Market Center

T h e result‐ 132% 5(#$-"‐ Phase One plan is centered around a Market Cen‐ ter, the active social heart of the community and the place 6.-"-% "-#1+-3$#% 5--$?% 13$-"(&$?% +13-?% (3+% +*% ,7#13-##/% F6-'4-% #7""*73+132% 3-12.,*".**+#% &*3$(13% $.-% #-$$'-‐ 5-3$_#% JRT% '14132% 731$#?% *"2(31l-+% 13% &'7#$-"#% 6.1&.% *9‐ 9-"% 4("8132% +-2"--#% *9% #*&1('% &*33-&$141$8% (3+% #-&'7#1*3/% F.-% >'(3% 1#% b-X1,'-?% (''*6132% 9*"% 2-3-"($14-?% #7#$(13(,'-% 2"*6$.%(#%$.-%&*55731$8%-X>(3+#?%(3+%'-(4-#%kT;%*9%$.-% #1$-%9*"%2"--3%#>(&-%(3+%"-#$*"-+%-&*'*28/

The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

Natural Amenities C*63%$.-%.1''%9"*5%F.-%G13&*3?%$.-%,-(&.%41''(2-%*9%Cu‐ ajiniquil *)-"#%#&7,(%(3+%#3*"M-'132?%+(8%$"1>#%,8%,*($% to secluded beaches in nearby Santa Rosa National =("M% (3+% Z7"&1-'(2*% W#'(3+?% 6.('-% 6($&.132?% !#.132?% (3+% M(8(M132% 13% $.-% 5(32"*4-#/% % `-(",8% 1#% ,-(7$197'% Cuajiniquil Beach?%(6("+-+%(%i'7-%0'(2%9*"%1$#%#7>-"1*"% -341"*35-3$%#$(3+("+#%(3+%#(9-$8%9(&1'1$1-#/ Nearby Santa Rosa National Park -3&*5>(##-#%(%.72-%&.73M%*9%$.-% B(3$(% V'-3(% =-313#7'(% c% IQ?THT% .-&$("-#KH:T?<<<% (&"-#% $*% ,-% >"-&1#-/%F.-%>("M%1#%$.-%*3'8%*3-% of its kind on the planet, where H<% +1#$13&$14-% .(,1$($1*3#% &(3% ,-% 9*73+/% C-&1+7*7#% 9*"-#$#?% *(M% 9*"‐ -#$#?% 5(32"*4-% #6(5>#?% '1$‐ $*"('% 6**+'(3+#?% -4-"2"--3% forests, marshlands and savannahs &*4-"% $.-% -3$1"-% >("M% ("-(/%F.-% >("M% is home to over 115 species of mam‐ 5('#?%*4-"%H<?<<<%#>-&1-#%*9%13#-&$#?% :T<%#>-&1-#%*9%,1"+#?%(3+%("*73+%H<<% species of amphibians and other rep‐ $1'-#/%\.1$-$(1'%+--"?%P(27("#?%&*''("-+%

peccary, olive ridley turtles, coatimundis, leatherback $7"$'-#% (3+% P(27("73+1#% ("-% P7#$% 9-6% *9% $.-% 5(38% (31‐ 5('#%$.($%&(3%,-%9*73+%"*(5132%9"--'8%13%$.1#%>("M/ 0"*5%$.-%`-6%m*"M%F15-#%F.-%LH%='(&-#%$*%[*%13%:<H<n% E*#$(%G1&(%.(#%,--3%*3%(38%-&*c513+-+%$"(4-'-"_#%"(‐ +("%9*"%8-("#?%,7$%61$.%(%3-6%,1"+132%"*7$-%13%$.-%3*"$.‐ -(#$%"-21*3%*9%$.-%&*73$"8?%$.-"-_#%(%3-6%"-(#*3%$*%>(8% $.-% &*73$"8% (% 41#1$/% %N>-3-+% 13% -("'8% :<<Q?% $.-% Costa Rican Bird Route%-3&*5>(##-#%HL%9("cb732%3($7"-%"-‐ serves with phenomenal avian diversity — the sites are .*5-%$*%5*"-%$.(3%T<<%,1"+%#>-&1-#/ 0*"% 8-("#?% $*7"132% Rincon de la Vieja National Park .(#%,--3%*3%0"*55-"_#%0(4*"1$-%VX>-"1-3&-#%13%E*#$(% G1&(%a%W3%(++1$1*3%$*%.*$%#>"132#%(3+%57+%>*$#?% 8*7% &(3% -X>'*"-% 6($-"9(''#?% (% '(M-?% (3+% 4*'&(3*% &"($-"#/% % F.-% ,1"+c6($&.132% .-"-% 1#% -X&-''-3$% (3+% $.-% 41-6#% across the pastureland to the =(&1!&%N&-(3%("-%#$733132% o0"*55-"_#% E*#$(% G1&(% :<H<p/

>>> 5


Development Plan ;)&(/0,#&2(580*($,(>&?$78&6(088"<$*+(4"2(+&*&20#$1&6(,.,#0$*078&(+2"<#)(0,(#)&(%"//.‐ nity expands, and leaves 85% of the site for green space and restored ecology. Phase One Development Plan The i31$1('% >.(#-% &*3#1#$#% *9% (% :Tc#71$-% 0*73+-"#% D*+2-% a% (% small, upscale hotel with restaurant and bar; facilities for well‐ 3-##%(3+%-3"1&.5-3$%>"*2"(5#%(3+%(&$141$1-#q%(%>**'%(3+%!$‐ 3-##%&-3$-"q%'(3+#&(>132?%2("+-3#%(3+%-X$-"1*"%9-($7"-#q%(3+% >($.#%(3+%$"(1'#%$."*72.*7$%$.-%>"*>-"$8/%%\-_''%.(4-%*"2(31&% 2("+-3#?%(%37"#-"8%9*"%'(3+#&(>132%(3+%"-9*"-#$($1*3?%(3+%"-‐ 3-6(,'-%-3-"28%#8#$-5#%7#132%613+%(3+%#*'("%"-#*7"&-#/% @%0*73+-"#%="*2"(5%61''%,-%'(73&.-+%$*%!3(3&-%=.(#-%N3-% +-4-'*>5-3$/%%0*73+-"#%("-%-("'8%(+*>$-"#%1341$-+%$*%>("$1&1‐ pate in the creation of The Rincon community and related 6-''3-##%(3+%-3"1&.5-3$%>"*2"(5#/%%0*73+-"#%61''%"-&-14-%(% :T;%9"(&$1*3('%*63-"#.1>%*9%(%0*73+-"#%D*+2-%#71$-%9*"%$.-1"% 7#-%*3%(%b-X1,'-%,(#1#%9*"%7>%$*%H:%6--M#%>-"%8-("/%%%W3%(++1‐ $1*3?%0*73+-"#%61''%"-&-14-%(%rT<?<<<%&"-+1$%$*6("+#%(%6.*'-% *"%9"(&$1*3('%>7"&.(#-%*9%(38%"-#1+-3$1('%731$%13%(%#7,#-h7-3$% >.(#-/%%\.1'-%*)%#1$-?%0*73+-"#%61''%.(4-%(&&-##%$*%133*4(‐ $14-% 41"$7('% >"*2"(55132% (4(1'(,'-% $."*72.*7$% $.-% 8-("/%% F.-#-%(3+%*$.-"%,-3-!$#%61''%5(M-%$.-%0*73+-"#%="*2"(5%(% &*5>-''132%4('7-%>"*>*#1$1*3/

&*55731$8/%%\-_"-%(''*&($132%:<;%*9%>"*P-&$%>"*!$#%$*% $.-%C-4-'*>5-3$%F-(5%,*37#%>**'%13%*"+-"%$*%($$"(&$% $.-%,-#$%>*##1,'-%"-#*7"&-#%$*%$.-%>"*P-&$/%% 2

!" #$%&'()*+, E*5>'-$-% "-#-("&.?% ,"(3+132% (3+% 5-#‐ #(2132q%!3('1l-%>'(3#%(3+%&*5>'-$-%5($-"1('#%9*"%*7"% 0*73+-"#%="*2"(5 !" " -'.)+*" $*/" 0'%1)(., E*5>'-$-% +-#123% *9% $.-% 01"#$% Phase infrastructure and structures and solicit the re‐ h71"-+%-3$1$'-5-3$#K>-"51$# !" " 2)('" 0%'3$%$()4*, Make improvements to the site; &*5>'-$-% $*>*2"(>.8% (3+% *$.-"% #$7+1-#q% (+4(3&-% '(3+#&(>132%>'(3#%(3+%-#$(,'1#.%*7"%37"#-"8%9*"%'(3+‐ #&(>132%(3+%"-9*"-#$($1*3%(&$141$1-# 3

Launch the Founders Program campaign. Po‐ $-3$1('%0*73+-"#%61''%,-%($$"(&$-+%$."*72.%$.-%>-"#*3('% relationships of the project stakeholders plus a series of #('*3#%.*#$-+%13%&1$1-#%("*73+%$.-%AB@%(3+%-'#-6.-"-/%% N7"%5("M-$132%131$1($14-%61''%9*&7#%*3%($$"(&$1*3?%"($.-"% $.(3% >"*5*$1*3?% (#%F.-% G13&*3% 61''% ,-% &*5>-''132% 9*"% $.-% "12.$% >-*>'-% a% 133*4($*"#?% &7'$7"('% &"-($14-#% (3+% -4*'7$1*3("1-#/%%\-%61''%-X$-3+%(3%1341$($1*3%$*%b*7"1#.% physically and to step towards a life of enhanced mean‐ 132%(3+%#1231!&(3&-/


Prospective Founders who are attracted to The Rincon will be invited to visit The Rincon in Costa Rica. %\-_''%(##1#$%$.-5%61$.%$.-1"%$"(4-'%>'(3#?%.*#$% $.-5%9*"%(%#$(8%($%$.-%3-12.,*"132%i*"13h7-3%B>(%(3+%G-‐ #*"$?% 214-% $.-5% (3% *"1-3$($1*3% $*%F.-% G13&*3% (3+% 1341$-% $.-5%$*%,-&*5-%(%0*73+-"/%%C7"132%=.(#-%N3-%&*3#$"7&‐

N7"%&7""-3$%9*&7#%1#%*3%=.(#-%N3-%+-4-'*>5-3$%a%9*''*6132% are our key objectives: 1

Expand our Board of Directors and Development Team to include individuals with the comple‐ 5-3$("8%#M1''#%(3+%-X>-"1-3&-%$*%*>$151l-%$.-%#7&&-##% *9%=.(#-%N3-/%%F.1#%*,P-&$14-%1#%73+-"6(8%(3+%.(#%,--3% forwarded with the addition of two well known local ,7#13-##5-3%6.*%"-&-3$'8%P*13-+%*7"%i*("+%(3+%C-4-'‐ *>5-3$%F-(5/%% C1#&7##1*3#%("-%('#*%73+-"6(8%61$.%>"*9-##1*3('#%9"*5% $.-%6-''3-##?%.-('$.&("-%13+7#$"8%(3+%!3(3&1('K,(3M132%

6 >>>

Complete preparation for Phase One Development/%\*"M%61''%,-%&*5>'-$-+%13%$."--%("-(#n%

The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

Development Plan

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Develop The Rincon Wellness & Enrichment Programming. This includes: a. $.-%-X>(3#1*3%*9%*7"%-X1#$132%3-$6*"M%*9%%6-''3-##%(3+% enrichment advisors b. the development of an advisory board to s%+-4-'*>%*7"%6-''3-##%>"*2"(5#%(3+%#-"41&-#% s train and mentor our team of life coaches s%vet third party health providers s% >"*41+-% &*73#-'132% $*% "-#1+-3$#% 9(&132% #1231!&(3$% .-('$.%&.(''-32-# c. the development and production of enrichment pro‐ 2"(5#%'-+%,8%*7"%3-$6*"M%*9%.-('$.%>"*9-##1*3('#?%("$‐ 1#$#?% (3+% $.*72.$% '-(+-"#% *)-"-+% 13% 6*"M#.*>#% (3+% 2($.-"132#


Complete Phase One Development, which con‐ #1#$#%*9%(3%-3$"(3&-%(3+%>.(#-%*3-%139"(#$"7&$7"-q%(%:T% #71$-%0*73+-"#%D*+2-%61$.%"-#$(7"(3$%(3+%,("q%9(&1'1$1-#% 9*"% 6-''3-##% (3+% -3"1&.5-3$% (&$141$1-#q% (% >**'% (3+% !$‐ 3-##% &-3$-"q% '(3+#&(>132?% 2("+-3#% (3+% -X$-"1*"% 9-(‐ $7"-#q%>($.#%(3+%$"(1'#%$."*72.*7$%$.-%>"*>-"$8q%*"2(31&% 2("+-3#% (3+% (% 37"#-"8% 9*"% '(3+#&(>132% (3+% "-9*"-#$(‐ $1*3q% (3+% "-3-6(,'-% -3-"28% #8#$-5#% 7#132% 613+% (3+% #*'("%"-#*7"&-#/

56'")*('*/'/"%'.78(."49"06$.'":*'," s% V#$(,'1#.% *7"% !"#$% 3-12.,*".**+% ($%F.-% G13&*3% c% (% 51&"*‐ cosm of the project ‐ a vibrant community enjoyed by the "-#1+-3$#?%3-12.,*"#?%(3+%41#1$*"# s% E"-($-%(%5*+-'%9*"%#7#$(13(,'-%+-#123%(3+%>"(&$1&-# s% @&.1-4-% (3% -X&->$1*3('% "-$7"3% *3% 134-#$5-3$% 9*"% >"*P-&$% stockholders

Subsequent Phases With =.(#-%N3-%&*5>'-$-+%(3+%(%&*55731$8%*9%0*73+-"#?%$.-% project will be well positioned to advance development of sub‐ #-h7-3$%>.(#-#%*3%$.-%#1$-?%-(&.%*9%6.1&.%61''%97"$.-"%-3"1&.% $.-% &*55731$8% (3+% 5(M-% #1231!&(3$% &*3$"1,7$1*3#% $*% >"*!$‐ (,1'1$8/ ="*!$#% "-$(13-+% 9"*5% =.(#-%N3-% +-4-'*>5-3$% 61''% ,-% "*''-+% *4-"% 13$*% =.(#-%F6*% +-4-'*>5-3$/% % ="*!$#% 9"*5% =.(#-%F6*% (3+%#7,#-h7-3$%>.(#-#%61''%,-%#7,#$(3$1(''8%+1#$"1,7$-+%(#%+141‐ +-3+#%$*%*7"%#$*&M.*'+-"#/ B7,#-h7-3$%>.(#-#%61''%&*3#1#$%*9%&'7#$-"#%*9%"-#1+-3$1('%41''(#?% (3+% >*##1,'8% #*5-% #1$-#% 9*"% #132'-% 9(51'8% .*5-#/% % 0*''*6132% are some of the community amenities and features planned $."*72.*7$%>.(#-+%+-4-'*>5-3$?%(''%*9%6.1&.%61''%,*$.%97"$.-"% enrich the community and enhance stockholder value: s% =-"9*"5(3&-%B>(&-%(3+%E*39-"-3&-%E-3$-" s% F.-%E-3$-"% 9*"% U75(3% 0'*7"1#.132% 9*"% 6-''3-##% >"*2"(5#% and services s% O1#1$*"_#%E-3$-" s% Z("M-$%E-3$-" s% G-#$(7"(3$#%(3+%&(9-#% s% N>-3%F.-($"-K&.(>-' s% 0("5-"_#%Z("M-$ s% B>*"$132%["--3 s% @++1$1*3('%$"(1'#%(3+%,"1+2-#%61$.%'*&($1*3#%$."*72.*7$%the property for conversation, contemplation and individual (3+%#5(''%2"*7>%(&$141$1-# s% i7$$-"b8%[("+-3# s% 0*"-#$%B>( s% Vh7-#$"1(3%E-3$-" s% D1,"("8%(3+%@"$%[(''-"8 s% @%i-(&.%E'7,%(3+%E($(5("(3%+*63%($%$.-%,-(&. s% B$7+-3$%13$-"3%(3+%4*'73$--"%.*7#132

>>> 7


Financial Overview Phase One results: A vibrant community, a model of sustainable design and an exceptional ROI for project stockholders. 1. Ownership and Capitalization Title to the property is held in the name of LAL Rincon Cos‐ $(%G1&(%B/@/%oD@Dp?%(%E*#$(%G1&(3%&*">*"($1*3/%%F.-%>7"&.(#-% >"1&-%*9%$.-%>"*>-"$8%6(#%rH/<<%>-"%#h7("-%5-$-"%o(>>"*X1‐ 5($-'8%rI?<IR%>-"%(&"-p%9*"%(%$*$('%*9%rH?T<T?kIH%13&'7#14-% *9%+7-%+1'12-3&-?%'-2('%(3+%$"(3#9-"%9--#?%*9%6.1&.%rk<k?kIH% 6(#%>(1+%($%$.-%&'*#132/%% F.-"-%1#%(%rR<<?<<<%5*"$2(2-%*3%$.-%>"*>-"$8%($%H<;%>-"% (3375%13$-"-#$%61$.%5*3$.'8%13$-"-#$%>(85-3$#%*9%rT?kLL/%% The property consists of two titled parcels divided by an (,(3+*3-+% >7,'1&% "*(+n% (% '("2-"% >("&-'% *9% (>>"*X15($-'8% HL<% .-&$("-#KL:H% (&"-#% (3+% (% #5(''-"% >("&-'% *9% (>>"*X1‐ 5($-'8%HJ%.-&$("-#KI<%(&"-#%9*"%(%$*$('%*9%HIJ%.-&$("-#KLJ<% (&"-#/%%F.-%5*"$2(2-%1#%#-&7"-+%,8%$.-%'("2-"%>("&-'%(3+%$.-% #5(''-"%>("&-'%1#%*63-+%,8%D@D%9"--%(3+%&'-("/%%

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*excludes a $50,000 note with an option to convert to Se‐ ries A shares which we anticipate will be exercised =)+E" FGH," ;.'" 49" 0%4I''/." (4" )138'1'*(" $I()J)()'." 47(8)*'/" )*" @('1"H"49"(6'"06$.'":*'"-'J'8431'*("08$*E

B755("8%139*"5($1*3%>"*41+-+%*3%$.-#-%>(2-#%1#%+-"14-+% 9"*5%$.-%>"*P-&$%(&&*73$132%"-&*"+#%(3+%!3(3&1('%5*+-'#/%

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@+5131#$"($14-%VX>-3#-#% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%rLJ?:<k% %







8 >>>


As we develop the property, add residential units and scale up wellness facilities, perfor‐ mance space, conference facilities and ameni‐ ties, the value of undeveloped portion of The G13&*3%>"*>-"$8%61''%(>>"-&1($-%#1231!&(3$'8/

The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

Financial Overview

=)+E"PGK,56'"94884Q)*+"($R8'")887.(%$('."(6'"I7%%'*("4Q*'%.6)3"49" (6'"I413$*L"$*/"(6'"$//)()4*$8"KNOFO"49"2'%)'."C".6$%'."Q'"$%'" 4S'%)*+"94%".$8'"$("TKNOOO"3'%".6$%'E




Shares awarded for +-9-""-+%&*5>-3#($1*3% %%%%%r:<<?<<<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:<<%%%%%%%%%%%%%J/JR; Shar-#%*>$1*3-+% %











B.("-#%(4(1'(,'-%% %







Grand Total




Phase Two Projections In Phase Two?%6-%-#$15($-%T<%"-#1+-3$1('%731$#%61''%,-%#*'+% 13%:T;%9"(&$1*3('%*63-"#.1>%(3+%(3%(++1$1*3('%T<%"-#1+-3‐ $1('% 731$#% 61''% ,-% #*'+% 13% 6.*'-% *63-"#.1>% a% $.-% 9*''*6132% $(,'-%>"*P-&$#%(%"(32-%*9%'*6%$*%.12.%4('7-#%,(#-+%*3%"-#1‐ +-3$1('%731$%>"1&132/%%



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Phase One Projections




In Pha#-%N3-?% H<<% 0*73+-"#% -(&.% &*551$$132% $*% (3% 13‐ 4-#$5-3$%*9%rHT<?<<<%61''%2-3-"($-%rHT%51''1*3%6.1&.%61''% 973+%=.(#-%N3-%+-4-'*>5-3$/%%

-'J'8431'*("5'$1" 3%4U(".6$%'%c%:<;%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%rJJ<?<<<%% %%%%%%%%%rL?kk<?<<<

Founders"3%4+%$1,%H<<%731$#% u%rHT<?<<<% %%%% %



0%4U(V*'("G"06$.'":*'" """"""""TXNYXONOOO"" """""""TXNYXONOOO
























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`*$-n%$.-%#1$-%1#%5(#$-"%>'(33-+%9*"%(3%(++1$1*3('%T<<v%"-#1‐ dential units, to be developed in additional phases, which 61''%81-'+%#1231!&(3$%(++1$1*3('%>"*!$(,1'1$8/

>>> 9


The Team Shared values, complementary skills and a passion for the project – these are the characteristics that make up the team that will create The Rincon . . . Charles Gohmann

W3% :<<T?% >"*P-&$% 9*73+-"#% Charles Gohmann and Anthony DiBenedetto met and almost immediately #$("$-+%+1#&7##132%$.-%+-4-'*>5-3$% of an innovative residential commu‐ 31$8%13%E*#$(%G1&(/%% E.("'-#%.(#%+1"-&$-+%(%+*l-3%13$-"3($1*3('%#$("$‐ 7>%(3+%&*5>(38%-X>(3#1*3#%*4-"%$.-%>(#$%$.1"$8%8-("#%13% 4("1*7#%>("$#%*9%$.-%6*"'+/%%U-_#%'14-+%(3+%6*"M-+%13%E*#$(% G1&(%9*"%$.-%>(#$%$.1"$--3%8-("#?%+7"132%6.1&.%$15-%.-%&*c founded and served as President of 01"#$%E*#$(%G1&(3%F1$'-% and Trust?%(%'-(+132%#-"41&-%>"*41+-"%$*%+-4-'*>-"#%(3+%13‐ 4-#$*"#%13%E*#$(%G1&(/%%i*$.%@3$.*38%(3+%E.("'-#%("-%*3% $.-%i*("+%(3+%E.("'-#%#-"4-#%(#%5(3(2132%>("$3-"/ @3$.*38%.(#%*4-"%L<%8-("#%-X>-"1-3&-%13%$.-%&*3#-"4($1*3% (3+%"-3-6(,'-%-3-"28%#-&$*"?%$(M132%.1#%&*5>(38% E*3*2-3%9"*5%#$("$%7>%$*%(&h71#1$1*3%,8%Vh71‐ $(,'-%G-#*7"&-#%o`mBVn%VwFp/%% @3$.*38%C1i-3-+-$$*

@9$-"%(3%-X$-3#14-%#-("&.?%$.-%9*73+-"#% were introduced to the property which 6(#%$*%,-&*5-%F.-%G13&*3/%%F.-8%"-$(13-+%

10 >>>

Carlos Valverde and Tomas Guardia, partners in 0(&1*%

j%E(3(#?%$.-%'("2-#$%(3+%5*#$%>"-#$121*7#%'(6%!"5%13%E*#‐ $(%G1&(?%$*%&*3+7&$%'-2('%+7-%+1'12-3&-%(3+%#-"4-%(#%>"*P‐ -&$%'-2('%(+41#*"#/%%0*"%$-&.31&('%+7-%+1'12-3&-%$.-8%.1"-+% C->>($?%(%$"7#$-+%3(5-%9*"%*4-"%:<%8-("#%13%-341"*35-3‐ $('%(3+%>.8#1&('%>'(33132?%+-4-'*>5-3$%+7-%+1'12-3&-?%+-‐ #123?%>'(33132?%"-('%-#$($-?%(3+%("&.1$-&$7"-%#-"41&-#/


@9$-"% (&h71"132% $.-% #1$-?% $.-8% moved forward with plan‐ 3132% (3+% #-'-&$-+% The Kubala Washatko Architects, Inc. as >"*P-&$% >'(33-"#% (3+% ("&.1$-&$#/% % TKWA 1#% (% 97''% #-"41&-% ("&.1$-&$7"('?% >'(33132?% (3+% 13$-"1*"% +-#123% 91"5% >"*41+132% (6("+c6133132% -X>-"$1#-% 9*"%(%61+-%"(32-%*9%>"*P-&$%$8>-#%13&'7+132n%#7#‐ $(13(,'-% &*55731$8% >'(33132K+-#123?% 7",(3% (2"1&7'$7"('% 9(&1'1$1-#?% 3($7"-K-+7&($1*3% &-3‐ $-"#?%"-'121*7#%13#$1$7$1*3#?%.*#>1$('1$8?%.1#$*"1&% preservation, theaters, museums, libraries, educational, residential, recreational, retail, and *991&-%9(&1'1$1-#/

The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

The Team

F.-8% .(4-% "-&-14-+% 375-"*7#% (6("+#% 9*"% .12.c>-"9*"‐ 5(3&-?% -341"*35-3$(''8% #-3#1$14-% +-#123/% W3% :<<R% $.-1"% @'+*% D-*>*'+% D-2(&8%E-3$-"% "-&-14-+% $.-% .12.-#$% DVVC% "($132% $*% +($-% (3+% 6(#% .*3*"-+% ,8% $.-% @W@% (#% *3-% *9% :<<k_#%F*>%F-3% ["--3% ="*P-&$#/% % @9$-"% P*13132% $.-% $-(5?% F]\@%,-&(5-%(%!3(3&1('%>("$3-"%13%$.-%>"*P-&$/

“The person who suppresses the animal side of his nature may become civilized, but he does so at the expense of decreasing the motive power for spontaneity, creativity, strong emotions, and deep insight.“ ?CZB@A"]CZZ


Alejandro Martinez% 5(3(2-#% !3(3&1('%

(3+% (+5131#$"($14-% 5($$-"#/% % \1$.% E.("'-#?% Alejandro was a co‐founder of 01"#$% E*#$(% G1&(3%F1$'-% j%F"7#$, where his duties included 5(3(2-5-3$%(3+%+1#,7"#-5-3$%*9%$-3#%*9%51''1*3#% of dollars for property transactions and supervision of all -#&"*6%(&&*73$#/%%@'-P(3+"*%.(#%,--3%(%>("$3-"%13%(3+%>"*‐ 41+-+% !3(3&-% (3+% (+5131#$"($1*3% #-"41&-#% $*% #-4-"('% "-('% -#$($-% >"*P-&$#% 13&'7+132% SULA Condominiums and Las F"(3&(#%O1''(2-/

Eduardo Villafranca

@#% 6-% 5*4-% $*6("+#% '(73&.132% =.(#-% N3-% *9% $.-% >"*P-&$?% 6-_4-% (++-+% #-4-"('% #$"*32% "-#*7"&-#% $*% $.-% $-(5/% Eduardo Villafranca has P*13-+%*7"%i*("+%(3+%C-4-'*>5-3$%F-(5/%% Eduardo is CEO of Grupo Islita, developer of Hotel Punta Islita and V'%B1'-3&1*%D*+2-%j%B>(, two of the most presti‐ 21*7#%13+->-3+-3$%.*$-'#%*9%E*#$(%G1&(/%%F.-%U*$-'%=73$(% W#'1$(%6-,#1$-%>"*41+-#%139*"5($1*3%*3%$.1#%(6("+%6133132% >"*>-"$8%(3+%$.-1"%.12.'8%(&&'(15-+%6*"M%61$.%#$()?%$.-1"% &*55731$8?%(3+%$.-%-341"*35-3$/%% Eduardo was past president of the Cámara Nacional de Turismo Costarricense and the Cámara Costarricense de U*$-'-#q% 1#% (% 9*73+132% 5-5,-"% *9% $.-% i*("+% *9% C1"-&$*"#% *9%\*"'+%U-"1$(2-%@''1(3&-?%(%P*13$%131$1($14-%*9%$.-%A31$-+% `($1*3#%(3+%VX>-+1(q%(3+%6(#%3(5-+%V3$"->"-3-7"%*9%$.-% m-("%:<<k%,8%$.-%'-(+132%'*&('%,7#13-##%3-6#>(>-"/%%

>>> 11


The Team


Fernando Zumbado is another

recent addition to our Board and C-4-'*>5-3$% F-(5/% % 0-"3(3+*% 6(#% formerly the Costa Rica Minister of U*7#132q%(%9*"5-"%,*("+%5-5,-"%*9%$.-% Central Bank of Costa Rica; the former Costa Rican ambassador to the USA; the former Costa Rican am‐ bassador to the United Nations; and the author of various >7,'1&($1*3#% *3% #*&1('% 1##7-#?% -&*3*51&#?% >'(33132% (3+% #7#$(13(,'-%+-4-'*>5-3$/

F*%#7>>*"$%*3%$.-%2"*73+%#7>>*"$%(3+%'*&('%M3*6c.*6%9*"% #7#$(13(,'-% +-4-'*>5-3$?% 6-_4-% "-&"71$-+% Jason Borner $*% ,-% *7"% #7#$(13(,1'1$8% &*3#7'$(3$/% % x(#*3% 1#% ="-#1+-3$% *9% Poderco?%(%'*&('%!"5%$.($%#>-&1('1l-#%13% &*3#7'$132?% +-#123% (3+% 15>'-5-3‐ $($1*3% *9% "-3-6(,'-% -3-"28% #8#‐ tems, backup power systems, water supply and sustainable #*'7$1*3#%9*"%2"--3%,71'+132 Jason Borner


F*%(##1#$%7#%61$.%.*$-'%+-!31$1*3?%&*3‐ &->$?% 41#1*3?% 5-##(2132% (3+% *>-"(‐ $1*3('% 271+(3&-?% 6-% -32(2-+% Edmund Sulzman, a hospitality consultant with *4-"% :T% 8-("#% *9% -X>-"1-3&-% 13% $.-% !-'+/% % V+‐ mund worked for over a decade in various positions for ,*7$1h7-%.*$-'%>1*3--"%i1''%]15>$*3?%13&'7+132%[Z%($%$.-% U*$-'%O13$(2-% ='(l(% 13% =*"$'(3+% (3+% $.-% U*$-'% Z*3(&*% 13%B-($$'-/%%B7,#-h7-3$'8%.-%P*13-+%B$("6**+%U*$-'%(3+% G-#*"$#%(#%ENN%*9%b(2#.1>%\%`-6%m*"M%6.-"-%.-%.-'>-+% 5(M-%\%$.-%9(#$-#$%2"*6132%.*$-'%,"(3+%13%$.-%6*"'+/%%W3% "-&-3$%8-("#%.-_#%6*"M-+%61$.%*63-"#%(3+%+-4-'*>-"#%*3% .12.c-3+% >"*P-&$#% 13% i7-3*#%@1"-#?%B.(32.(1?% `-6%m*"M% (3+%D*71#41''-/

12 >>>

C1#&7##1*3#% ("-% 73+-"6(8% 61$.% .-('$.%>"*9-##1*3('#?%>"*2"(5%'-(+-"#?%$.*72.$%'-(+‐ ers and other candidates for our advisory board and (++1$1*3('% $-(5% >*#1$1*3#/% %\-_"-% +1#&7##132% &*''(,*‐ ration with Hospital Clinica Biblica, a Joint Commission (&&"-+1$-+%>"14($-%.*#>1$('%$.($%1#%,71'+132%(%3-6%5-+1&('% 9(&1'1$8%3-("%F.-%G13&*3/%%


Elliott Dacher, whose latest book is

W3$-2"('% U-('$.n% F.-% =($.% $*% U75(3% 0'*7"1#.132, spent 6 weeks with us in Costa Rica early this year to work on plan‐ 3132%9*"%F.-%G13&*3%6-''3-##%#-"41&-#%(3+%>"*‐ 2"(5#%(3+%$*%'-(+%*7"%!"#$%>1'*$%>"*2"(5/%%

The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

Planning Retreat W3%0-,"7("8%*9%$.1#%8-("?%HT%$-(5%5-5,-"#%2($.‐ -"-+%($%F.-%G13&*3%9*"%(%Lc+(8%>'(33132%"-$"-($/



Janine Fafard?% 6.*% .(#% 13$-"c5132'-+%

.-"% $*7"1#5% 13+7#$"8% -X>-"1-3&-% 61$.% #$7+8132?% >"(&$1&132% (3+% $-(&.132% 8*2(% j% -3-"28% >#8&.*'*28?% 1#% (% &*3#7'$(3$% $*% F.-%G13&*3/%% Renata Beffa, a successful Swiss business‐

6*5(3%(3+%'*32%$15-%"-#1+-3$%*9%E*#$(% G1&(?%1#%6*"M132%61$.%7#%$*%+-4-'*>%(3% Ayurveda% >"*2"(5% *9% &*5>'-5-3‐ $("8%(3+%('$-"3($14-%5-+1&13-/%%%

@''-3%\(#.($M*%*9%F]\@%+1#&7##132%F.-%G13&*3% 5(#$-">'(3/


\-_4-% 1341$-+% (6("+% 6133132% >'(86"12.$% (3+% writer Bill C. Davis, who wrote the introduction to this memo, to be our arts consultant and our link to the arts &*55731$8/% % \-_4-% 13$"*+7&-+% i1''% $*% *7"% 9"1-3+#% E("'*#% 0"(3&1#&*% V&.-4-""1(?% 9*"5-"% Z131#$-"% *9%E7'$7"-q% Z(37-'% @"&-?% C1"-&$*"% *9%E7'$7"-% ($% $.-%Centro Cul‐ tural, whose objective is to join people $."*72.% ("$?% &7'$7"-% (3+% -+7&($1*3q% Edin Solis, a founder of three‐time ["(558% (6("+% 6133132% 2"*7>% Editus; and other prominent Costa G1&(3%("$1#$#%(3+%&7'$7"('%'-(+-"#/%%

Hospit('1$8%&*3#7''$(3$%V+573+%B7'l5(3%'-(+132% (%,"(13#$*"5132%#-##1*3/


>>> 13


Why Costa Rica? A peaceful nation with political stability and no military, year round pleasant weather, 42$&*-89(5&"58&6(@2,#(%80,,()&08#)(%02&(A($#B,(*"(,.252$,&(#)0#(4"2&$+*($*1&,#/&*#()0,(+2"<*( at an average rate of 22% since 2000 – per capita, more Americans live here than any other country outside of the USA… Why Costa Rica? The%G13&*3%1#%,-132%+-4-'*>-+%9*"%o(p%LOHAS (Lifestyles of U-('$.%(3+%B7#$(13(,1'1$8p%>"*9-##1*3('#%*9%(''%(2-#%(3+%o,p% i(,8%i**5-"#%&*3#1+-"132%"-$1"-5-3$/%%DNU@B%&*3#75-"#% ("-% 13$-"-#$-+% 13% 2"--3% ,71'+132?% #*&1(''8% "-#>*3#1,'-% 13‐ 4-#$132?%('$-"3($14-%.-('$.&("-?%*"2(31&%9**+?%>-"#*3('%+-‐ 4-'*>5-3$?% 8*2(% (3+% *$.-"% !$3-##% >"*+7&$#?% -&*c$*7"1#5% (3+%5*"-%c%(3%-#$15($-+%r:<Q%,1''1*3%5("M-$>'(&-/%%@#%(3% environmental leader, *3-%*9%$.-%>'(3-$_#%>"15-%-&*c$*7"‐ ism destinations?% (3+% (% #$(,'-% &*73$"8% 61$.% *7$#$(3+132%% >"*#>-&$#%9*"%2"*6$.%*4-"%$.-%&*5132%8-("#?%E*#$(%G1&(%1#% ($$"(&$132%>"*9-##1*3('#%*9%(''%(2-#%'**M132%9*"%3-6%(3+%-X‐ &1$132%*>>*"$731$1-#%9*"%'14132%(3+%6*"M132%(,"*(+/%%

Barry Golson, editor of 0*",-#F"(4-''-" and author of Retire‐ ment Without Borders speaks of Costa Rica as the peaceful *3-n%%(%&*73$"8%$.($%'7"-#%61$.%(3%(>>-('132%&*5,13($1*3%*9% $.-% -X*$1&% (3+% $.-% 9(51'1("q% (% >'(&-% 6.-"-% '19-% 1#% 97-'-+% ,8% basic human warmth; and a culture of peace, modest pros‐ >-"1$8% (3+% (% &*551$5-3$% $*% >"*$-&$132% $.-% '(3+_#% $"*>1&('% ,*73$8%61$.%*4-"%(%h7("$-"%*9%$.-%&*73$"8%#-$%(#1+-%13%>("M#% (3+%"-#-"4-#/%%[*'#*3%'1#$#%$.-%$*>%"-(#*3#%(%2"*6132%375,-"% *9%i(,8%i**5-"#%("-%&*3#1+-"132%'14132%(,"*(+n """C"2'*.'"49"C/J'*(7%'n%%`-6%$.132#%$*%+*?%(%8-("3132%9*"% &.(32-?%(%+-#1"-%$*%"-134-3$%8*7"#-'9/ Z4Q'%"?4.("49"Z)J)*+," with real estate and investment >*"$9*'1*%4('7-#%+*63%(3+%.*7#132?%13#7"(3&-%(3+%5-+1‐ &('%&*#$#%7>?%>"*#>-&$#%*9%'14132%13%D($13%@5-"1&(%("-%-3‐ $1&132/ """C"284Q'%"0$I'n%%D($13%@5-"1&(%-X>($#%73(315*7#'8%&1$-% (% 5*"-% $"(3h71'?% #'*6-"c>(&-+% '19-#$8'-% (#% *3-% *9% $.-% &.1-9%>'-(#7"-#%*9%$.-1"%3-6%'14-#/ """?8)1$(',""$.-%41-6%9"*5%(,"*(+%*)-"#%(%6*"'+%*9%2**+% 6-($.-"%$*%&.**#-%9"*5/

]'$8(6"?$%': health insurance, medical care, medical >"*&-+7"-#?% .*#>1$('% 9(&1'1$1-#% c% 5*"-% ()*"+(,'-% (3+% (% '*$%,-$$-"%$.(3%5*#$%@5-"1&(3#%"-('1l-/

Costa Rica and the Environment 0*''*6132%("-%#-4-"('%"-&-3$%"-9-"-3&-#%*3%E*#$(%G1&(_#%-3‐ vironmental position and reputation, and the climate for '14132%(3+%6*"M132%13%&*73$"8/ `-6% m*"M% F15-#% N>cV+% E*'7531#$% F.*5(#% 0"1-+5(3%


14 >>>

The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

Why Costa Rica?


1$-+?%E*#$(%G1&(%1#%13#1#$132%$.($%-&*3*51&%2"*6$.%(3+%-3‐ 41"*35-3$('1#5%6*"M%$*2-$.-"_/%

m('-%E-3$-"%9*"%V341"*35-3$('%D(6%(3+%=*'1&8_#%:<H<%V341‐ "*35-3$('%=-"9*"5(3&-%W3+-X%oV=Wp%"(3M-+%E*#$(%G1&(%(#% 375,-"%L%*9%HJL%&*73$"1-#%*3%:T%13+1&($*"#%$"(&M-+%(&"*##% #1X% -#$(,'1#.-+% >*'1&8% &($-2*"1-#% a% $.-% *3'8% &*73$"1-#% (.-(+%*9%E*#$(%G1&(%("-%W&-'(3+%(3+%B61$l-"'(3+/

Costa Rica President Oscar Arias% .(#% +-&'("-+% $.-% 2*('% *9%"-+7&132%$.-%&*73$"8_#%3-$%&(",*3%-51##1*3%$*%l-"*%,8% :<:H/% F.-%`($7"('%G-#*7"&-#%C-9-3#-%E*73&1' lists Costa Rica (#% (% i1*[-5/% % dC-#123($132%E*#$(% G1&(% (#% (% i1*[-5% "-‐ 9'-&$#% `GCE_#% +-$-"513($1*3% $*% #7>>*"$% $.-% &*73$"8_#% commitment to achieve carbon neutrality and become a 5*+-'%9*"%$.-%6*"'+?_%#(1+%=-$-"%D-.3-"?%`GCE_#%VX-&7‐ $14-%C1"-&$*"/ %%W3%$.-%8-("%:<<R?%$.-%='(3$%(%F"--%&(5>(123%#-$%(%2*('%$*% >'(3$%T%51''1*3%$"--#%c%$.-%2*('%6(#%#7">(##-+%,8%('5*#$%H% 51''1*3%$"--#%>'(&132%E*#$(%G1&(%(#%$.-%375,-"%*3-%&*73‐ $"8%13%$.-%6*"'+%9*"%>'(3$-+%$"--#%>-"%&(>1$(/% The last World Bank survey for Global Governance Indica‐ tors% "(3M#% E*#$(% G1&(% 13% !"#$% >'(&-% 61$.13% D($13% @5-"1&(% 9*"%>*'1$1&('%#$(,1'1$8/%%W3%Z("&.%:<<Q%The Economist Intel‐ '12-3&-%A31$%"(3M-+%E*#$(%G1&(%(#%$.-%6*"'+_#%-12.$.%5*#$% >*'1$1&(''8%#$(,'-%&*73$"8/%

Facilities, Adventure and Entertainment There are numerous opportunities in the area for adventure and entertainment, and many more planned for the area – 9*''*6132%1#%(%>("$1('%'1#$%*9%&7""-3$'8%(4(1'(,'-%*>$1*3#n

?4.($">)I$a."*$()4*$8"b4Q'%N"(6'"`7$%)$" #4%$/$"c`7$%)$*(6'".&)**'%)d"4%I6)/

F.-% "(32-% *9% .(,1$($#% 13%E*#$(% G1&(?% (% &*3#-h7-3&-% *9% 1$#% 731h7-% 2-*2‐ raphy, creates an incredibly rich di‐ 4-"#1$8%*9%b*"(%(3+%9(73(%a%13%9(&$%3*% other country on the planet has such 4("1-$8% 13% #7&.% (% #5(''% 2-*2"(>.1&('% ("-(/% % W3% HQQT% $.-% \*"'+% G-#*7"&-% W3#$1$7$-% >7,'1#.-+% (% #$7+8% #.*6132% $.($%E*#$(%G1&(%&*3$(13-+%(3%(5(l132% JHT%>'(3$%#>-&1-#%>-"%-4-"8%H<?<<<%#h% M5z%%E*5>("-%$.($%$*%$.-%A/B/?%6.1&.% .(#%*3'8%H<I%#>-&1-#%>-"%-4-"8%H<?<<<% #h%M5/%% E*#$(%G1&(%.(#%&'(##1!-+%*4-"%H<?<<<% #>-&1-#% *9% 4(#&7'("% >'(3$#/%F.-% #$("#% *9% $.1#% +1#$13271#.-+% 2"*7>% ("-% $.-% orchids, of which there are some HL<<%,-(7$197'%5-5,-"#/%@#%*9%:<<I?% Costa Rica contained more than Jk?<<<% +1)-"-3$% M3*63% #>-&1-#% *9% (315('#z% % F.-"-% ("-% #*5-% kT<% #>-‐ cies of birds in Costa Rica (more than in most continents and more than 13% $.-% 6.*'-% *9% $.-% A31$-+% B$($-#p?% :J<%5(55('%#>-&1-#?%Hk<%#>-&1-#%*9% (5>.1,1(3#?% :LT% "->$1'-% #>-&1-#?% kLT% #>-&1-#%*9% !#.?% (3+%JT?<<<%"-&*"+-+% 13#-&$%#>-&1-#/

>>> 15


Why Costa Rica?

Earth University

Neighborhood Amenities (within 10 minutes) i*"13h7-3%U*$%B>"132#%B>(%(3+%G-#*"$% i7-3(%O1#$(%D*+2 Spa treatments F.-"5('%#(73(#?%4*'&(31&%57+%(3+%.*$%6($-"%#>"132# Canopy tours Water slide Waterfalls U*"#-,(&M%"1+132%(3+%(+4-3$7"-%$*7"#

Earth University is a private, interna‐ $1*3('?% 3*3c>"*!$% 7314-"#1$8% +-+1&($‐ -+%$*%-+7&($1*3%13%$.-%(2"1&7'$7"('%#&1‐ ences and natural resources in order to contribute to sustainable develop‐ 5-3$%13%$.-%$"*>1&#%,8%#--M132%(%,('‐ (3&-%,-$6--3%(2"1&7'$7"('%>"*+7&$1*3% (3+%-341"*35-3$('%>"-#-"4($1*3/%%

Area Amenities (within 30-60 minutes) Rincon de la Vieja National Park – one of 0"*55-"_#%0(‐

4*"1$-%VX>-"1-3&-#% Santa Rosa National Park Cuajiniquil a% #>*"$#% !#.132?% #&7,(?% #3*"M-'132?% #7"!32?%

+(8%$"1>>132?%6.('-%6($&.132 08$L$"?7$[)*)e7)8– beach activities

F.-8% ("-% +-4-'*>132% !4-% &*5>*‐ 3-3$#% *9% $.-1"% 3-6% H?k<<KI?T<<% (&"-% D(% 0'*"% &(5>7#?% '*&($-+% (,*7$% IT% 5137$-#%9"*5%F.-%G13&*3/%%F.-#-%("-% the Center for the Transformation of ]3*6'-+2-%$*%#-("&.%9*"%6(8#%$*%15‐ prove the environment, productivity and human capacities; the Sustain‐ (,'-%@2"1&7'$7"('%E-3$-"q%$.-%B7#$(13‐ (,'-%F-&.3*'*28%E-3$-"q%(%E-3$-"%9*"% @2"*cV&*cE7'$7"('% F*7"1#5?% (3+% (% ["--3%E*39-"-3&-%E-3$-"/

Z)R'%)$%a%$.-%"(>1+'8%2"*6132%>"*413&1('%&(>1$('% 248$%)71 a%H%51''1*3%#h7("-%5-$-"#KHH%51''1*3%#h7("-%9--$%

51X-+% 7#-% &*55-"&1('% (3+% "-#1+-3$1('% >"*P-&$% (&"*##% from the Liberia airport <$%(6";*)J'%.)(L c%+-+1&($-+%$*%>"*5*$132%+-4-'*>5-3$% $."*72.% -3$"->"-3-7"1('% #>1"1$% ?% #*&1('% P7#$1&-?% $-&.3*‐ '*21&('%133*4($1*3%(3+%>"*$-&$1*3%*9%$.-%-341"*35-3$ Numerous%>*>7'("%,-(&.%&*55731$1-#%13&'7+132%08$L$" /'8"?4I4V08$L$":I4($8 and 08$L$"]'%14.$ @% 2"*6132% 375,-"% *9% ,-(&.% "-#*"$#% 13&'7+132% $.-% f"^"

#$%%)4((" `7$*$I$.('" >'.4%(" $*/" 23$, The Paradisus Resort, the RIU Resort and the ])8(4*"0$3$+$L4">'.4%("

Golf courses% 13&'7+132% $.-% 0$3$+$L4" `489" g" ?47*(%L" Club and 56'"=47%"2'$.4*."`489"?47%.' – other courses are planned for the area The Ellerstina Polo Club ‐ ocean view, championship >*'*%!-'+%+-#123-+%,8%[*3l('*%=1-"-#

B7"!32 at ^)(I6a." >4I&V08$L$" A$%$*[4 – one of most

famous breaks in the country

16 >>>

The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

Why Costa Rica?


The Rincon



The Rincon is located within C",#0(D$%0B,(78.&(E"*&6("*&( "4(@1&(2&+$"*,("4(#)&(<"28-( where people commonly live active lives past the age of 100 years.


Costa Rica

Puerto Limon



Puerto Viejo

San Jose



(3+%97''c#-"41&-%"-#*"$#?%13&'7+132%U8($$_#%@3+(l%=(>(‐ 2(8*%(33*73&-+%13%x(37("8%:<H</

Noteworthy Projects in the Area Z)R'%)$" @*('%*$()4*$8" C)%34%( – located 45 minutes 9"*5% F.-% G13&*3?% (% rLT% 51''1*3% -X>(3#1*3% (3+% 7>‐ 2"(+-% >"*2"(5% 1#% 73+-"6(8% $*% -X>(3+% $.1#% 9(&1'1$8?% 6.1&.% (9$-"% (% +-&'13-% 13% :<<Q% .(#% "-,*73+-+% 61$.% (% :I/R;%13&"-(#-%13%(""14('#%13%$.-%!"#$%h7("$-"%*9%:<H</%% The Liberia Airport is currently served by American, E*3$13-3$('?%C-'$(?%A31$-+%(3+%AB%@1"6(8#/%%%

]4.3)($8"?@#C and ]4.3)($8"?8)*)I$" h)R8)I$ are Joint Commission accredited private hospitals – both have (&h71"-+%#1$-#%13%$.-%("-(%9*"%+-4-'*>5-3$%*9%&*5>"-‐ .-3#14-% 5-+1&('% 9(&1'1$1-#/%F.-% rH:T% 51''1*3% U*#>1$('% CIMA project recently ,"*M-% 2"*73+ on phase one $.($%13&'7+-#%$.-%.*#>1$('%(3+%5-+1&('%*{&-%$*6-"/%%%%%

`7$*$I$.('"?47*(%L"?87R – located just down the hill

from The Rincon, this project will feature a Jack Nick‐ '(7#% B123($7"-% [*'9% E*7"#-?% DVVC% &-"$1!-+% .*5-#?% (3+%H#$%E'(##%01$3-##%D19-#$8'-%@5-31$1-#/ 0'*)*.78$"0$3$+$L4 ‐ the current home of F.-%0*7"%

Seasons Resort, which has established Costa Rica as a world class resort destination, and future home of #*5-% *9% $.-% 6*"'+_#% 5*#$% +-#1"(,'-% ,*7$1h7-% .*$-'#%

Blue Zones The Rincon is located within E*#$(%G1&(_#%,'7-%l*3-, one *9%!4-%"-21*3#%*9%$.-%6*"'+%6.-"-%>-*>'-%&*55*3'8%'14-% (&$14-%'14-#%>(#$%$.-%(2-%*9%H<<%8-("#/%% \-_"-%&"-($132%(3%-4*'4-+%5*+-'%*9%&*55731$8n%>7"-%6(‐ ter, clear air, fresh local food, an intimate connection with *$.-"#%(3+%61$.%3($7"-?%(%#'*6-"%>(&-?%$.-%9*#$-"132%*9%"-‐ lationships: between individuals, between producers and &*3#75-"#?%,-$6--3%&7'$7"-#?%(3+%61$.%3($7"-/

Competition The Rincon is well positioned to compete with projects (3+%&*55731$1-#%13%$.-%AB@?%Z-X1&*?%$.-%E("1,,-(3?%*$.-"% Central American countries and with other projects in Cos‐ $(%G1&(/%%E*#$%*9%'14132?%&'15($-?%.-('$.%#8#$-5#?%'19-%#($1#9(&‐ $1*3%*9%$.-%>*>7'($1*3?%'19-%-X>-&$(3&8?%$.-%-&*'*21&('%9**$‐ print of the country, and facilities in the Guanacaste are all 5(M-%F.-%G13&*3%(3%4-"8%+-#1"(,'-%&.*1&-%9*"%'14132/

>>> 17


Why Costa Rica?

A. Cost of Living

B. Climate

:<H<%W3$-"3($1*3('%E*#$%*9%D14132%E*5>("1#*3%"(3M132%9*"% selected North American cities:

Climate statistics for The Rincon from the Costa Rica Na‐ $1*3('%Z-$-*"*'*21&('%B-"41&-n CJ'%$+'"5'13'%$(7%',%RI|0K:L|E

?@5D" "



B(3%0"(3&1#&*%E@% % `-6%m*"M% % % i*#$*3%Z@% % % F*"*3$*%E(3(+(% % O(3&*74-"%E(3(+(% % \(#.132$*3%CE% % =*"$'(3+%NG%% % E.1&(2*%WD% % % Z1(51%0D% % % Z*3$"-('%E(3(+(% % @$'(3$(%[@% % % Z-X1&*%E1$8%Z-X1&*% % [7($-5('(%E1$8%[7($-5('(% F-27&12('>(%U*3+7"(#% =(3(5(%E1$8%=(3(5(%% Z(3(27(%`1&("(27(% % B(3$*%C*5132*%CG% %

L<% T<% T:% TQ% RH% Rk% H<T% H<k% HH<% HHR% HJT% HJQ% :HJ% :HR% ::I% :LL% :LT%


San Jose Costa Rica



18 >>>





C. Health The Worl+% U-('$.% N"2(31l($1*3_#% "(3M132% *9% $.-% 6*"'+_#% health systems for selected countries: W3%"(3M132%E*#$(%G1&(%(#%$.-% 2"--3-#$%(3+%.(>>1-#$%&*73‐ E(3(+(% %%%%%% L< try in the world, The Happy Costa Rica 36 ='(3-$% W3+-X scored Costa AB@% %%%%%% LR Rica in the areas of life satis‐ Z-X1&*% %%%%%% JH 9(&$1*3?% '19-% -X>-&$(3&8% (3+% `1&("(27(% RH -&*'*21&('% 9**$>"13$/% % New =(3(5(%%%%%%% QT m*"M% F15-#% N>cV+% E*'75‐ Honduras 131 nist Nicholas Kristof said in x(37("8%:<H<n%dU555/%m*7%$.13M%1$_#%(%&*13&1+-3&-f%E*#$(% Rica is one of the very few countries to have abolished its ?:;A5>D"""""""


The Rincon: An Evolved Model of Community

Why Costa Rica?

("58?%(3+%1$_#%('#*%("27(,'8%$.-%.(>>1-#$%3($1*3%*3%-("$./_%% Below are tables with the data of selected countries pre‐ pared by the `-6%V&*3*51&#%0*73+($1*3/

D. Life Satisfaction Index ?:;A5>D"

Costa Rica

E(3(+(% =(3(5(% AB@% % Z-X1&*% `1&("(27(%



%%%%%k/<< %%%%%R/k< %%%%%R/k< %%%%%R/R< %%%%%R/H<

E. Life Expectancy ?:;A5>D"




Costa Rica

AB@% % Z-X1&*% =(3(5(% `1&("(27(%


%%%%%RR/Q< %%%%%RT/J< %%%%%RT/H< %%%%%RH/Q<

I have no illusions about the speed or accuracy with which an ecological conscience can

F. Ecological Footprint ?:;A5>D"

Costa Rica

`1&("(27(% =(3(5(% Z-X1&*% E(3(+(% AB@% %



%%%%%:/<< %%%%%L/:< %%%%%L/I< %%%%%R/H< %%%%%Q/I<

G. Costa Rican Tourism Outlook Business Monitor%"->*"$#%$.($%(9$-"%13&"-(#132%9"*5%:/<J% 51''1*3%13%:<<J%$*%:/T:%51''1*3%13%:<<k?%$.-%375,-"%*9%$*7"‐ 1#5%(""14('#%+1>>-+%$*%(3%-#$15($-+%:/:R%51''1*3%13%:<<Q/%% @""14('% 375,-"#% ("-% 9*"-&(#$% $*% 13&"-(#-% 13% :<H<% (3+% $*% 2"*6%($%(3%(4-"(2-%"($-%*9%k;%73$1'%$.-%-3+%*9%*7"%9*"-&(#$% >-"1*+%13%:<HI/%

become functional. It has required 10 centuries to define decent man-to-man conduct and the process is only half done; it make as long to evolve a code of decency for man-toland conduct. In such matters we should not worry much about anything except the direction in which we travel. CZ-:"Z<:0:Z-

>>> 19


If we will have the wisdom to survive, to stand like slow growing trees on a ruined place, renewing, enriching it... then a long time after we are dead the lives our lives prepare will live here, their houses strongly placed upon the valley sides... The river will run clear, as we will never know it... On the steeps where greed and ignorance cut down the old forest, an old forest will stand, its rich leaf-fall drifting on its roots. The veins of forgotten springs will have opened. Families will be singing in the fields... Memory, native to this valley, will spread over it like a grove, and memory will grow into legend, legend into song, song into sacrament. The abundance of this place, the songs of its people and its birds, will be health and wisdom and indwelling light. This is no paradisal dream. Its hardship is its reality. \V`CVDD%iVGGm


20 >>>

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