Golgi Apparatus By Ignacio Vilches
Discovery The golgi Apparatus was discovered in 1898 by the Italian Biologist Camilo Golgi. It was one of the first organelles to be discovered an be observed due to its large size.
Golgi apparatus Consist of flattened membrane sacs. However the Sacs are not as long, and are often curved.
Characteristics Each sac is called dictyosome In a prokaryote cell we cannot find it, as it has no organelles. Is a membranous structure
Functions Distribute the proteins created in the cell One of the most important functions is the creation of lyosomes. Envelop molecules to then be moved to the exit of the cell
Location It is located in both cells in animal and in plant cells
Bibliography http://biology.tutorvista.com/animal-and-plant-cells/ golgi-apparatus.html?view=simple http://www.answers.com/Q/ What_is_the_function_of_the_Golgi_apparatus http://faculty.une.edu/com/abell/histo/golgi_mem_gran.jpg http://www.sciencephoto.com/image http://xarquon.jcu.cz/edu/uvod/04organels/043golgi/ images/golgikomplex2.jpg