Director's Report - April 2008 Master Document

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director’s report april 26-29, 2008 todd buegler

elca youth ministry network - director’s report april 26, 2008

Dear friends and colleagues, It continues to be a great time for the Network! As we move ahead into the reality of the new vision, there is energy developing. I think that the Network stands at a place of great potential. Thank you for all of your time and energy in making this happen! There is much to tell you about! The “table of contents” for my report includes the following: 1. The box scores 2. The 2008 Extravaganza Post-mortem 3. The 2009 Extravaganza 4. The Vision Progress 5. Personnel Review 6. The Regional Facilitators 7. Leadership E-Mail Protocol 8. Data Policy 9. Connect Journal 10. Financial Update 1. The Box Scores: Date:

Network Membership:

October, 2005


October, 2006


October, 2007


February, 2008


April, 2008


2. The 2008 E8xtravaganza Post-mortem Overall, we had a great Extravaganza experience. The E-Team met in mid-March to process the evaluations and to do the planning for the 2009 event. The total evaluation summary runs 28 pages long. I have created an executive summary (3 pages) and have attached it to this report. People felt good about this event. This event took some chances programmatically, and generally people felt good about those pieces. One statistic that startled the team was that 33% of the event participants were “first-timers” to the Extravaganza. We think that this was largely because of the database project, energy around the new vision, and the fact that we mailed out over 4000 brochures this year, instead of the 1200-1500 we have mailed out in the past. We also think the weekly e-newsletter is creating closer connections and more of a sense of ‘belonging’ among the members. Among those we heard from who chose not to come this past year, the primary reason cited in conversation was economic. Most of what we heard was around congregational continuing education budgets being cut. Some of it was also around the cost of the event.

elca youth ministry network - director’s report april 26, 2008

We pay close attention to our costs. In 2008 the program cost was $225. In 2009 it will be $229. We are very aware of the costs and work hard to be good stewards of people’s resources. I have done some simple research on the cost of other events that are somewhat comparable to the Extravaganza and that we hear our members attend. 2008 Conferences

# days


Passing on the Faith Conf



The Extravaganza in 2008



National Catholic Conference on Youth Ministry Willow Creek Student Ministry Conference early bird rate for WCA members The Missouri Synod National Youthworkers Conference Youth Specialties “super early bird” rate Princeton Youth Ministry Forum Presbyterian Youth Worker’s Association Youth Ministry Conference Faithink H2H University















(includes meals and hotel)

What does this tell us? I am open to the conversation. Initially, it appears that the Extravaganza is a good value. The feedback from the evaluations would seem to bear this out as well. We know it is still an expensive event, and we will need to work hard to keep our costs down. However, as support from both Thrivent and the ELCA has shrunk over time, and as requests for scholarships has increased slightly, this is going to continue to be a tension for us. An “Executive Summary” of the evaluations can be found in the appendix of this document. One other thing to note. I was touched when after the event I received a note with a check for $900. The Extravaganza Team took up a collection amongst themselves to give as a gift to the Network. They indicated in the note they sent with the check that that they do this because they are so strongly committed to the mission and vision of the Network, and because they are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this ministry. I’ve always said that the strength of the Network is in its committed, dedicated core of people. The E-Team epitomizes this for me. They are as gifted a group of people as I’ve worked with, and Scott does a tremendous job funneling and freeing their passion and energy. 3. The Extravaganza 2009 I am very excited about the 2009 event. Each year, the theme for the event “leans into” one of our three vision words: Renew, Educate or Connect. This year is an “educate” year (not to the exclusion of the others, but rather as a way of focusing our planning energy). The theme is “Shift” and will focus on the shifts

elca youth ministry network - director’s report april 26, 2008

occurring in our world, our culture, our church, and most importantly, how the grace of God shifts the human/divine relationship, shifts us from brokenness to wholeness, from Good Friday to Easter, from darkness to light and from death to new life. A full treatment of the theme can be found on the Network web site. The biggest “shift” in the event for next year is in the schedule, and is based on the event evaluations. The schedule for 2009 will have many more options almost all of the time. There will be very little unscheduled time. We are going to have program options going almost all the time, and will really encourage people to “create their own event.” We will ask the question “what do you need?” and will encourage them to create a schedule for themselves that will meet that need. We will tell them to not expect to go to everything, but that there will always be an option available for them. We are going to shorten the general sessions to one hour, and will separate worship experiences at a different time and in a different space. The Board asked us to take a look at the “Network Business meeting.” We decided to get rid of it (in its current form). Our feeling was that in its current manifestation, it isn’t serving its purpose. Instead, we are going to create a “Network Celebration” that will include some food (probably desert), the presentation of the Hunstad Award, the other recognitions, and other Network business, but in an atmosphere of celebration. More time and attention will also be given to “Network vision and business” at the general sessions. Working ahead, we also picked a theme for the 2010 event: Irresistible. 4. The Vision Process I am pleased with the progress of Vision 1.0. In particular: •

The Definitions Document: This has been a healthy process for us to go through as a Network, and I have heard good feedback about how we opened up the document in a collaborative model of writing. I have taken the feedback we have received by e-mail, and in the vision sessions at the Extravaganza, and am re-editing the documents into a version 1.1, for redistribution and more feedback. Goal #1: Standards and Guidelines. This team has begun its work together online. They are discussing the overlap and the gaps between the wide forms of training available, and the wide set of needs in adults who work with youth. The team is also working to identify 23 new members to widen their diversity. Goal #2: Network of Networks. At the Extravaganza, we hosted the annual meeting of the Youth Ministry Roundtable. This gathering already really is a network of networks. That group has also been searching for direction and purpose in the last 2 years. We hope to harness the energy of this existing group to jump start this goal. There was healthy conversation at this meeting, and an initial meeting of a steering committee took place at the Extravaganza.

elca youth ministry network - director’s report april 26, 2008 •

Goal #3: Training. The online training portion of this goal is where the most development has taken place. We have entered into an expanded partnership with the ELCA that has the potential to completely jump-start this initiative. In the past, the Network has had responsibility for the Academy at the ELCA Youth Gathering. These are the adult opportunities for renewal, education and connection at the Gathering. This year, the new structure of the Gathering really removes the education portion of our task as adults will be learning alongside the young people in the midst of the event. Yet, the strong service aspect of the Gathering puts even more importance on the role of the adults who accompany the young people at the event to help them process their experience. We proposed moving the “Education” part of the Academy to an online environment in the months before the Gathering. We would be training the group leaders to do this kind of theological reflection with young people. This training would occur through, and would in fact become the pilot of our online training program. Hal and I traveled to Chicago earlier this month to meet with Bill, Heidi (and other ELCA staff in other meetings). We had great meetings. Both Bill and Heidi, as well as the other Gathering team leaders working in this area, have green lighted this project. The funds that could come from the Gathering (out of the Academy budget) to fund this pilot would be up to $50,000. We spent time working on the list of names for those (mostly people involved in the Gathering) who would be a part of the design team for the Gathering. We then worked on creating a list of people to be a part of the design team for the larger Online Training project. We are contacting those people now and are creating a planning timeline. Our hope is that the Gathering-related online pilot can launch in January. This will result in an earlier-than-expected shift in Hal’s role. Hal has been on our roster of paid staff for the past two years, serving as learning coordinator for the Extravaganza. This online project is going to take more of his time and perhaps a shift in his responsibilities at Luther Seminary. We will be increasing his time and compensatino as his role with this project increases. As this is being written, we are in the process of creating a new position description and working through budget and remuneration. Hal will be working in the dual roles of Team Lead for Goal #3, and also the instructional designer for the online project, bringing his experience from playing this role with Luther Seminary in the development of the Distributive Learning program. Overall, I am really excited about these recent developments. This partnership will do much to strengthen our partnership with the ELCA, and to move this project forward in a way that will provide much of the infrastructure needed to continue online learning beyond the Gathering.

Goal #4: Partnerships. This goal rests with the Board. I look forward to these conversations, in particular as it relates to the data policy (see below). 5. Personnel Review. My review was completed on April 11, 2008. As this is being written, I am in the process of doing the reviews for the Network’s paid staff. My hope is to complete this process prior to our meeting in Chicago. The process

elca youth ministry network - director’s report april 26, 2008

has been good so far. 5. Regional Facilitators. The RF’s have not met since their meeting in Anaheim. They have, however, been busy in completing forming their Regional Teams, and representing the Network at different events. The Network will have been “present” at at least 8 different events around the country with its display board. We actually have just ordered a second display and have re-designed both of our displays. Seven out of Nine of the regions have their Regional Teams established. In each of those seven, there are probably one or two synods where the positions remain vacant. My hope is to have the remaining regional positions filled by the end of summer. 7. Leadership E-Mail Protocol. I’ve heard from a couple of you that you have received spam e-mail that might have originated because automated spambots have “harvested” your e-mail addresses from our leadership page on our web site. It’s always been important to us that our leaders are listed and available publicly. However, I also don’t want that to create more spam for your e-mail boxes. One option we would have would be to create e-mail “aliases” for board members and folks listed on the site. So the e-mail would be (for example) When someone e-mails to that address, the system would autoforward to your existing e-mail address. Then, when your board term is complete, we would just delete the alias. This would be a way of keeping your regular e-mail addresses private, but still maintain your availability. Please let me know if you would like this option initiated. 8, The Data Policy. I have continued to work on the data policy. The most recent edition can be found in the appendix to this report for your review. The key now will be a Board conversation at some point on what constitutes, and for the purposes of this policy, who are our partners? My recommendation is that while we can continue to tweak our privacy policy, I would hold off on making it “live” until the partnership question is addressed. The conversation about partnership is actually much larger than simply the privacy policy. Rather, it is the Network’s Goal #4, which in previous conversations we determined is the work of the Board. If we are talking about now creating a partnership status, I would ask the board to work on defining this status. 9. Connect Journal. We have received good feedback on issue #1 of the Connect. People have appreciated the new resource being available to them. Issue #2 will be mailed out in mid-May. The next 10 issues are going to carry us through the ten words in the Definition of Youth Ministry (plus Fall of 2008, which will focus on Service Formation, in preparation for the Youth Gathering.) 10. Financial Update The Network’s financial condition continues to improve, largely due to the increase in dues we instituted last July. I would define our current financial state as “stable”. I believe that in the next two years, we are going to move into a stage

elca youth ministry network - director’s report april 26, 2008

of “growth.” I believe that our membership is going to grow in the next two years, and that the Extravaganza is going to drive our numbers up. I believe that we are moving into “growth”. Our financial reports bear this out (see the appendix). Our revenues are on track, as our expenses. Our budget projections indicate that even with a couple of unexpected expenses (had to replace a computer, had to purchase an extra display board) some larger bills (this meeting...some printing…) we should finish the last two months (our fiscal year runs July 1-June 30) with cash on hand. Plus, there is an annual campaign letter going out soon from the Development Team. The biggest issue in the budget, as I see it, is the lower than expected level of Extravaganza registration income. While ultimately, the Extravaganza did finish with a positive cash balance, we are analyzing this in order to be closer to our expectations for 2009. Conclusion As I think back over the 3 months since we last met, I am reminded that our greatest resources are human. This Network is filled with good people who strongly believe in its mission. The energy and drive of the E-team, the excitement of the new vision teams, the wisdom of the Facilitators, the creativity of the marketing and Connect Journal team, the commitment of individuals who take the ball and run with it...It reminds me that this Network is infused with the Holy Spirit, who breathes life into our work. On behalf of all of the volunteer teams and staff, I want to thank you for your leadership. It continues to be an honor to be able to work and serve alongside you, and all of these people. Thanks be to God!

Rev. Todd E. Buegler Executive Director

Extravaganza 2008 Evaluation Executive Summary Evaluations were distributed at the closing session of the Extravaganza. We received 207evaluation responses, though not every response answered every question. Generally, it can be assumed that between 198 and 207 responses were given for every question, unless it is otherwise noted. When the evaluation data was entered, the full report was over 28 pages in length. This executive summary will provide the numerical values for the major program areas, and then the “themes” that the Extravaganza Team ‘heard’ from the individual comments. Great weight was placed on the results of this evaluation in the preparation of the 2009 Extravaganza.

Overall Numbers: There were, of course, many more questions asked than these 14. However, these 14 apply to the whole of the event. The others are about individual speakers/musicians/etc…

Q# 1 2

Question: Overall, this event was (1=dud, 10=awesome):

Average Score: 8.07


The event was worth the money spent (1=not a chance, 10= completely) The schedule and format for the Extravaganza was (1=terrible, 10=wonderful) Speaker Sessions (1=terrible, 10=wonderful)



Worship Experiences (1=terrible, 10=wonderful)



Evening Concerts (1=terrible, 10=wonderful) Note: 125 responses to this question The Hotel (1=terrible, 10=wonderful)


Regional Networking (1=terrible, 10=wonderful) Note: 168 responses to this question Exhibit Area (1=terrible, 10=wonderful)



7 8 9 10

8.27 7.68


7.64 6.84


Network “Business Meeting” (1=terrible, 10=wonderful) Note: 92 responses to this question Evening Entertainment (1=terrible, 10=wonderful)


Publicity and Promotion (1=terrible, 10=wonderful)



Communication after registration (1=terrible, 10=wonderful)



Sound/Lights/Production (1=terrible, 10=wonderful)



Themes we heard from the individual comments: Main Stage Sessions: • Generally, people understood what we were trying to do this year with using speakers from within the ELCA tradition and moving away from the “talking head” or “big name” speakers. People appreciated that move. • At the same time, there was a sense of “missing” the inspirational piece of the bigger name speaker at the event. • There was some confusion with the blending of what was “general session” and what was “worship.” • We heard a theme in the evaluations that the general “vibe” of the speakers was more on the “brokenness” and “stuckness” of the human condition than the sense of “fresh” that comes in God’s grace. While one cannot have one without the other, we heard that people thought that the speakers focused perhaps too much on the ‘brokeness’ and not enough ‘fresh.’ • We heard in the evaluations that people would like more information and announcements form the main stage. Cost: • •

As with every year, we again heard concern about cost. The cost does create a tension between creating a quality program…a reduction in grant/gift support…increasing costs of overhead… This is just a reality with which we are going to have to continue to live.

Workshops: • Need to differentiate better between Intensive Care Workshops and Early Bird Workshops. • There was a minor theme of frustration over workshops that were about a particular topic, but once in the workshop, were really promoting a product or a program for sale. This has not been a huge issue, but yet it has been one that we’ve heard about pretty much every year. • We heard positive feedback this year an on intentional change we made: The team worked hard to seek out practitioners to do workshops who had not been given a platform for doing this before. There were fewer of the teaching/resource provider/’experts’ and more practitioners who were actually doing ministry teaching workshops. This also provided a much wider selection of workshop options. People appreciated this emphasis. However, on the flip side: • We also heard a small but consistent theme that there were a few workshop presenters who were unprepared, or whose workshops were “problem focused” instead of “solution focused.” Again, this was a very small amount of feedback, but we are paying attention to it. Hotel: • People absolutely loved the hotel venue. The only negative feedback was from a couple of evaluations (literally just 2 or 3) where people were mad (apparently at us) that the hotel rooms did not have free wifi. But the property, the location and especially the staff all received rave reviews. Hospitality: • There was an increased focus this year on hospitality and creating a sense of ‘welcome.’ This manifest itself mostly in terms of creating spaces for organizations to inexpensively and easily host receptions. This dramatically increased the number of these receptions available, and thus the amount of free food available. People appreciated this. • We identified a goal for 2009 to continue this focus, and to add to it an even stronger focus on welcoming the individual and to connecting them up to each other. We had

around 60 people at the “first timers” orientation on the first night, but when we take into account that 33% were first-timers, we need to expand this. We heard that we need to have something of a “glossary” in the program book that describes “insider” terms (i.e. what is SYMBOL? What is Roundtable? Etc…)

Displays: • Generally, the feedback on the displays was positive. • People were appreciative of having the wifi and the computers provided. • People were disappointed that Augsburg-Fortress had downsized their display and sales area. AF told us that this was largely an economic decision, and was because they are pushing online resources (i.e. akaloo) more with youth ministry people. • This event affirmed that physical proximity is “everything” in the success of the display area. People were pleased to be attached to the main ballroom. • This event also affirmed for us the need to do some kinds of “event-type” activities in the space to draw people into the display area. Schedule: • Responses to the event schedule were all over the board. Some people wanted more…some people wanted less…some people wanted more worship…some people wanted more “head stuff.” We’ve come to realize that people are coming from such vastly different “places” in their lives and ministry, that nothing will make everyone happy. • We decided to approach this by adding to the schedule, so that there are always options, but being even more clear that this is THEIR event, and that it is their responsibility to do what best feeds them…in a sense to “create their own event.” In other words, we’d rather ‘overschedule’ and give people permission to not go to stuff, than to ‘underschedule’ and have people wish there had been more. Overall: Overall, we were very pleased with the event, and were very pleased with the quality and the tenor of the feedback. We took some chances with the schedule and the program, and the event benefited from that. We also learned some some important things that will definitely affect the program and schedule for 2009.

ELCA Youth Mninistry Network Budget Update Fiscal year: July 1 2008 - June 30 2009

* Accurate as of April 20, 2008

Income: Item: Membership Dues Orginizational/Institutional Gifts Individual Donations Extravaganza Registrations Extravaganza Revenue - Other Connect Journal Subscriptions Online Training Registrations Grant Income (Training Goal #3) Grant Income (Database Project) Total

07-08 Budget $ 45,625.00 $ 37,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 120,200.00 $ 32,400.00 $ $ $ -

Item: Staff Salaries Network Directory Board & Facilitators Meetings Other Meeting Expenses Business/Operational Expenses Regional Networking Member Recognition Network Gear Extravaganza Connect Journal Vision Team Development Council Database Project Hardware/Software (Goal 3) Shipping costs Total

07-08 Budget $ 40,000.00 $ 400.00 $ 22,488.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 11,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 1,515.00 $ 500.00 $ 143,700.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ $ $ 237,903.00

07-08 To Date* $ 24,111.37 $ 250.00 $ 8,016.48 $ 2,156.86 $ 1,060.33 $ 304.78 $ 1,411.85 $ $ 126,699.42 $ 4,693.61 $ 1,698.51 $ $ 6,600.00



Profit (Loss):






07-08 To Date* $ 44,340.09 $ 46,450.00 $ 11,825.57 $ 88,834.14 $ 22,773.55 $ -

$ $

9,000.00 223,223.35

08-09 Budget $ 54,125.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 122,500.00 $ 36,500.00 $ $ 2,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $




08-09 Budget $ 85,440.00 $ 500.00 $ 32,600.00 $ 17,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 500.00 $ 155,750.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 380,440.00 $


Network Account Balances Wells Fargo Checking Account: Mission Investment Fund Account: Total assets:

$22,126.68 $22,217.87* _________ $44,344.55

Balances accurate as of 20 April, 2008 * - Please note, the majority of the MIF funds ($18k+) are restricted funds as seed money for a scholarship endowment.

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