director’s report
october 16-18, 2008 todd buegler
elca youth ministry network - director’s report october 16, 2008
Dear friends and colleagues, It is good to be together...for the sake of our community...for the sake of our ministry...for the sake of the Network. Thank you for being a part of the leadership of this movement. I believe that we are on the front end of impacting and affecting ministry in congregations throughout our church. It continues to be a great time to be the Network. The “table of contents” for my report includes the following: 1. The box scores 2. 2007-2008 Financial End of the Year 3. Finances: 2008-2009 Current 4. Vision 1.0 Review 5. Extravaganza 2009 6. Partnerships: LACE 7. The Regional Facilitators 8. Gathering in the East 9. Information Handling 10. Data Policy 11. Connect Journal 1. The Box Scores: Date:
Network Membership:
October, 2005
October, 2006
October, 2007
October 2008
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 October, 2005
October, 2006
October, 2007
October, 2008
2. 2007-2008 Financial End of Year Our fiscal year ended on July 31, 2008. I have very mixed feelings about the financial end of the year. As you can see from the end of year financial report, we finished the year $1734.49 in the red. Obviously, I’m not particularly happy that we didn’t finish in the black. I’ve spent quite a bit of time analyzing the data and talking with our bookkeeper and accountant and there are several reasons for finishing the year with a deficit: • The “almost a housing crisis” we experienced at last year’s Extravaganza. While we did hit our housing numbers, doing so did cost us approximately $10,000 more than what had originally been budgeted for. • A large number of scholarships for the Extravaganza was given. • Our original hopes for fundraising were not realized. We came in around $10,000 less than had been originally budgeted. So while I regret that we didn’t finish with a positive end of year balance, I am still pleased with how we finished the year. After the Extravaganza, when we knew that
elca youth ministry network - director’s report october 16, 2008
finances would be tighter, the staff and volunteers did a very good job of limiting expenses. There is a member of my congregation who serves as an unofficial mentor for me regarding the Network and its finances. He is a CPA and does the work for several different churchrelated non-profit organizations. His observation was that “while we always want to be in the black when we can, organizations that are moving forward and are growing are always treading the line between red and black ink. That’s not something to be afraid of. The problem is when we live in the red for several years in a row.” That was a reassuring word for me to hear. We are moving into the next fiscal year with an equally strong commitment to growth and to caution. The Extravaganza Team is budgeting more caution (and re-negotiated our housing contract to reduce our risk in terms of ‘room nights’). While I am hopeful for continued growth in development, we are also budgeting more conservatively with regard to revenue. 3. Finances: 2008-2009 Current Please see the attached update. We are currently “on target” with the exception of two lines of our budget: Some computer expenses came in higher than expected because of the need to update equipment. We will compensate in other lines to make up for this. And the cost of the Vision 2.0 meeting came in higher than budgeted. 4. Vision 1.0 Review Work on the Vision 1.0 initiatives continue. It is broken down into these 5 areas: A. Definitions of Effective Youth and Family Ministry—Work continues on this document. A new version was released in May, 2008 for public review. We received substantially less feedback than on previous versions. But at the same time, we received word that several synods and a couple of the ELCA colleges with youth and family ministry programs were beginning to use the document as a teaching and training tool. What does this tell us? We think we are getting close to a complete document. We expect continuous review and tweaking. But we think we are now in the “vicinity” of a final form. We plan on trying to release another version prior to year’s end. B. Goal #1: Standards and Guidelines—The team working on this initiative has been busy sketching out drafts of standards and guidelines for adults working with youth. Their hope is to take the drafts “public” at the Extravaganza for feedback in a process similar to last year’s Vision conversations and paralleling the Vision 2.0 conversations for the upcoming year. C. Goal #2: Network of Networks—This goal has been less about “doing” and more about “being.” Again we will be hosting the Youth Ministry Roundtable at the Extravaganza, which is the gathering of the Network of Networks. A steering committee did meet at last year’s event and did some initial work on even defining what a Network of Network’s is and looks like. I hope that after this year’s Extravaganza, a written piece with definitions and further hopes and dreams for this goal can be made available for review. D. Goal #3: Training—The primary focus here has been on the Online Training Initiative. Phase I of this initiative, centering around the Youth Gathering training will be beginning in just a few weeks. A great spirit of partnership with the ELCA has permeated this event, and Hal Weldin has done a terrific job giving shape to the learning environment and working with Jeremy Myers (author of the Getting Ready materials) and Kathy Hunstad (Team lead for synod coordinators) to create appropriate content. We have also received great help from Heidi Hagstrom (Director for the Gathering) and Evelyn Parker (Learning Team Leader)
elca youth ministry network - director’s report october 16, 2008
and Bill Bixby in working out much of the language around the training. Phase I will be exciting, and will lead a large number of people to exposure to the Online Training experience and to the Network. It will also highlight the relationship between the ELCA Churchwide expression and the Network. Phase II of the Online Training is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2009. A design team is being recruited now and will include: 1) churchwide representation (Bill Bixby); 2) resource provider representation; 3) educational institution representation; 4) ecumenical representation, and; 5) congregational practitioner representation. E. Goal #4: Partnerships—This is the goal that the Network Board primarily owns. I would like for the board to spend some time here or at a future meeting discussing this, particularly in relation to the Network’s data privacy policy, discussed below. 5. Extravaganza 2009 We are planning on a great event! There are a few things this year we are trying to “add into the mix” regarding the event: 1. A stronger link to the city and culture of New Orleans than we’ve had to our host cities in the past. Largely through music, at least one speaker being from the city (Rev. Patrick Keen) and the opportunity for a “Prayer Tour” through the city. 2. A strong link to the Gathering, via the Intensive Care Course and the “Gathering Site Tour” on Sunday. We want to make the event a tool to strengthen the preparation for the Gathering, without making the Extravaganza about the Gathering. 3. A stronger link to Network initiatives with space during workshop/learning times for Vision 2.0 and Vision 1.0 Goal #1 discussion. 4. A separation between “main stage—keynote” events and worship experiences. 5. A stronger emphasis on marketing the event to newcomers and first-timers, and then connecting and supporting those first-timers while at the event. 6. Partnership: LACE Our relationship with LACE (Lutheran Association of Christian Educators) is developing. They are a younger organization than us, and were initiated by the churchwide structure, somewhat in response to the success of the Network. Their focus is on adults who work in Christian education across the full-spectrum of life. That would, of course, include those who work in youth and family ministry. They are a smaller organization, and they do not have the capacity to do an event like the Extravaganza on their own. In the past, they have linked to ecumenical organizations to do their events. For the last couple of years, they have met as a “sub meeting” at a Presbyterian based event. There is also a sense that LACE is not necessarily representative of Children’s ministry who work in education and faith-formation, who have come to us in the past asking for expanded offerings at the Extravaganza. 2 years ago they sent a couple of their folks from their leadership group to see the Extravaganza. Last year they asked if they could do a couple of workshops, and since their topics filled gaps in our program, they were able to do so. (As a general rule of thumb, we don’t offer up workshops based on a representative model...i.e. don’t say that we have to make sure we let _____________ do a workshop because they are from ____________ organization and we want to make sure that they are included). They also put up an exhibit for LACE in our exhibit area. This year they have been speaking with us about continuing this, and further
elca youth ministry network - director’s report october 16, 2008
expanding the partnership. One of the ways this manifest itself is their request that LACE members be allowed to attend the Extravaganza at the same “member rate” as Network members. We spent quite a bit of time discussing this; there are some financial realities that exist. Our membership dues cover quite a bit of staff and infrastructure time and materials. But we decided to offer them the Extravaganza at the membership rate, committing to doing it for this one year, as a pilot. We want to explore and develop the partnership, and in all honesty, we want to put as many people “into the room” at the Extravaganza. We will continue to tend this relationship. 7. The Regional Facilitators The summer is the “slow time” for the work of the facilitators. They have been busy with summer trips, camps and other experiences, as are most of the folks in their synods. As the fall has begun, requests for the display boards, Network brochures, Connect Journals and other materials have started to come in. There are probably 8-10 events that are on the calendar for them to be representing the Network in some way. The facilitators will also be having a conference call in the week prior to our meeting. I will likely have more to report when we gather in Philadelphia. 8. Gathering in the East As we discussed when we met in Chicago, I had conversations with Barbara Harner, Chris Bruesehoff and other leaders from that event. They are in transition and have decided to not hold an event in the winter of 2009, but to re-gather in 2010. They are very interested in increasing the strength of the connection to the Network. They are using our graphic artist to “re-brand” the event. And we have a conference call scheduled to discuss the Gathering in the East web site being hosted on our web site. Strengthening our connection with them will allow us more space to make sure that the values of that event reflect our values. I have been invited into their planning process and will meet with them while in New Orleans at the Extravaganza. 9. Information Handling It’s been a very busy 4 months in the digital world of the Network. At the end of July we found out that our internet service provider was, for all practical purposes, going out of business. We did a quick survey of possible options and decided to go with Infusion Corporation. We then had a month to learn a new platform and to create a new web site. To be honest, while it was a lot of work, it was also kind of fun. It also allowed us to do a full cleaning of the web site and to jettison things on the web site that we weren’t using any more. We’ve been very happy with the new web service provider. They have been helpful and responsive, and I believe that we have a much better web presence now. It also gives us really interesting and helpful reporting mechanisms. At the same time, we have been transferring our database system to a webbased solution called TrackVia. It is a secure environment, and it will allow for distributed information and secure ways of sharing our database project information with Regional Facilitators and members of the SYMBOL Network. I can demonstrate both the web reporting, and the online database while we meet,
elca youth ministry network - director’s report october 16, 2008
if the board would find it helpful. 10. Data Policy I have attached a copy of a proposed data policy for the Board to consider. It is fairly straightforward. What is not straightforward, and what I’d like the Board to discuss, is what it is to be a partner of the Network. What does being a partner organization mean? Who should that include? If we can create a workable and consistent definition, it will give the data policy meaning. 11. Connect Journal We have now sent out 3 issues of Connect, and we are pleased with the results. We have received good feedback on the content. Our initial advertising income was about 30% below projections, but are now beginning to meet our expectations. Those who have worked in this field for years have told us that this is not unusual because it takes advertisers some time to “discover us.” Thank you again for your partnership, your support and your friendship. It continues to be an honor to work with all of you. The Network is, I firmly believe, on a growth trajectory. It is good to be the Network! Peace,
Rev. Todd Buegler
ELCA YOUTH MINISTRY NETWORK Comparative Statement of Financial Position As of June 30, 2008 and 2007 ASSETS Jun. 30, 2008 CURRENT ASSETS Cash In Bank - Checking Cash in Bank - Savings Total Current Assets
Jun. 30, 2007 $
2,045.05 3,524.28 5,569.33
957.21 6,850.28 7,807.49
$ $
15,000.00 30,000.00
$ $
15,000.00 30,000.00
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT OTHER ASSETS Tom Hunstad Scholarship Fund Total Other Assets Total Assets
LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE Jun. 30, 2008 CURRENT LIABILITIES Payroll & Payroll Taxes Total Current Liabilities
$ $
907.86 907.86
UNRESTRICTED FUNDS Beginning Balance Net Income (Loss) Ending Fund Balance RESTRICTED FUNDS Tom Hunstad Scholarship Fund
Jun. 30, 2007 $ $
1,411.53 1,411.53
6,395.96 (1,734.49) 4,661.47
1,895.57 4,500.39 6,395.96
Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $
See Accountants' Audit Report and Notes to the Financial Statements.
ELCA YOUTH MINISTRY NETWORK Comparative Income Statement As of June 30, 2008 and 2007 12 Months Ended Jun. 30, 2008 UNRESTRICTED FUND INCOME: Contributions & Pledges Members Dues Interest Income Reimbursed Expenses Extravaganza Merchandise Sales Advertising Miscellaneous Income Database Project Inc Connect Journal Total Income EXPENSES: PROGRAM Staff Compensation Extravaganza Expenses Total Program Expenses ADMINISTRATIVE Staff Compensation Office Supplies & Expenses Rent, Telephone & Utilities Conferences & Meetings Staff Contract Labor Advertising Data Base Project Connect Journal Expenses Computer Hdwr & Access Regional Expenses Accounting & Bookkeeping Legal Fees Board Travel & Meeting Expenses Travel Vision Team Visioning Design & Printing Other Admin Expenses
$ $ $
12 Months Ended Jun. 30, 2007
11,715.64 47,988.65 553.32 219.89 155,342.21 24.47 0.00 4,944.98 9,000.00 4,618.75 234,407.91
5.00 20.47 0.24 0.09 66.27 0.01 0.00 2.11 3.84 1.97 100.00
17,217.78 146,545.40 163,763.18
7.35 62.52 69.86
12,536.05 2,436.81 6,030.15 257.98 466.70 400.00 6,600.00 9,527.11 1,342.90 322.54 6,023.50 25.00 13,522.35 2,464.41 60.26 1,638.25 6,530.21
5.35 1.04 2.57 0.11 0.20 0.17 2.82 4.06 0.57 0.14 2.57 0.01 5.77 1.05 0.03 0.70 2.79
31,374.37 14.62 33,746.66 15.73 507.09 0.24 643.96 0.30 147,629.96 68.80 0.00 0.00 687.50 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 214,589.54 100.00
17,932.34 147,472.62 165,404.96
8.36 68.72 77.08
13,000.89 313.32 4,236.56 197.42 860.00 350.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,993.00 25.00 12,493.39 1,498.97 386.92 0.00 1,280.72
6.06 0.15 1.97 0.09 0.40 0.16 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.79 0.01 5.82 0.70 0.18 0.00 0.60
ELCA YOUTH MINISTRY NETWORK Comparative Income Statement As of June 30, 2008 and 2007
Total Administrative Expenses
12 Months Ended Jun. 30, 2008 $ 70,184.22 2,195.00 2,195.00
FUND RAISING Promotional Materials Total Fundraising Expenses
Total Expenses NET INCOME (LOSS)
$ $
Pct 29.94
12 Months Ended Jun. 30, 2007 $ 42,636.19
Pct 19.87
0.94 0.94
2,048.00 2,048.00
0.95 0.95
236,142.40 100.74 (1,734.49) (0.74)
$ $
210,089.15 4,500.39
97.90 2.10
Notes on the end of year financial report:
1. If you’ll note, the percentage of our income in 2008 that came from the Extravaganza decreased by more than 2% while the percentage that came from membership increased 15% to 20%. I think that is a healthy trend. We have spoken for years about how we want the Network to be more than just the Extravaganza. This would indicated steps towards that goal. 2. Under expenses, “Office Supplies and Equipment” showed a significant increase. Partially because we had some larger capital expenses (a copier, etc…) and partially because we combined some expense categories from previous years into this single line to simplify the budget. 3. “Rent, telephone and utilities” includes all of our internet and e-mail costs, our phone costs, our toll free phone service and our web hosting costs. 4. “Vision Design and Printing” includes both the production of the “Vision for the Future” booklet last year, and also the vision video with board interviews. 5. “Other Administrative Expenses” includes all of our postage, supplies (paper, ink, pens, etc…), Meeting costs and misc. TB
Proposed ELCA Youth Ministry Network Data Policy We recognize that the Network’s database is a great resource for the Network. It also is a great resource for other organizations and agencies who would want to access this data. This being the case, the Network Board is in the role of steward of this data. The following policies will help establish how this information is used: The Network’s database is broken into these two forms: 1. Network members. 2. Network members and others who are not members of the Network. Non-Member’s data: Non-member information will not be made available at any time to third-parties. It will be used internally only by the Network and SYMBOL for the purposes or communication. Member’s data: 1. This is not public information. 2. We will include a line on the Network membership forms that indicates that we do make our membership data available only to our partner organizations and information on where they can find what constitutes a partner organization, and who those organizations are. 3. We will make this information available to the Network’s partner organizations within the following guidelines: a. To be considered as a partner organization, an organization must meet the following criteria: • Be a not-for-profit, church-related and faith based organization dedicated to the service of youth and/or the adults who work with youth. • Be in some form of working relationship with the Network, either through the Extravaganza, providing Network discounts, or at the discretion of the Network Executive Director. b. The Network database is available in two ways: • Single use: The database is available for organizations to use once per year for a single snail mail or e-mail campaign. The cost of a single use database is $150. c. For planning purposes, a “year” will always begin January 1 and will end Dec. 31. d. We ask that partner organizations do not dump the membership data into their own database. e. We request that prior to receiving the dataset, the partner organization submit a sample of the mailing to the Network. Mailings that are inconsistent with the mission of the Network might be rejected, at the discretion of the Executive Director. In this unlikely event, a full refund will be provided. f. Database information will be provided in electronic form, either as an excel spreadsheet or as comma separated values (CSV). g. The database can be requested at h. An invoice for the payment will be sent to the partner organization, and payment th can be submitted to: ELCA Youth Ministry Network; 11821 98 Place N., Maple Grove, Mn 55369 3. The Network database will be made available regionally to our facilitators for Network purposes, and synodically to members of the SYMBOL network at no cost. Our goal is to work with the SYMBOL Network members to maintain the database. Proposed: October, 2008
1 2 Fiscal year: July 1 2008 - June 30 2009 3 4 Income: Item: 5 Contributions and Donations 6 Membership Dues 7 Interest Income 8 Reimbursed Expenses 9 Extravaganza Income 10 Merchandise Sales 11 Advertising 12 Misc. Income 13 Database Project Income 14 Connect Journal Income 15 Online Training Income 16 Total 17 18 19 Expenses: Item: 20 Staff Compensation 21 Extravaganza Expenses 22 Office Supplies and Equipment 23 Telephone/Web/Internet 24 Conferences and Meetings 25 Staff Contract Labor 26 Advertising 27 Database Project 28 Connect Journal Expenses 29 Computer Hardware 30 Regional Expenses 31 Accounting and Bookkeeping 32 Legal Fees 33 Board Meeting and Travel 34 Other travel 35 Vision Team 36 Vision Design & Printing 37 Other Administrative Expenses 38 Fundraising Expenses 39 Academy Online Training 40 Total 41 42 Profit (Loss): 43 4,975.00
08-09 Budget $ 31,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 300.00 $ 500.00 $ 400.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 6,200.00 $ 100.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 274,500.00
08-09 Budget $ 20,000.00 $ 54,125.00 $ 550.00 $ 300.00 $ 160,000.00 $ $ $ 4,000.00 $ $ 5,500.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 279,475.00
(1,734.49) $
07-08 Actual $ 29,753.83 $ 146,545.40 $ 2,436.81 $ 6,030.15 $ 257.98 $ 466.70 $ 400.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 9,527.11 $ 1,342.90 $ 322.54 $ 6,023.50 $ 25.00 $ 13,522.35 $ 2,464.41 $ 60.26 $ 1,638.25 $ 6,530.21 $ 2,195.00 $ $ 236,142.40
06-07 Actual $ 30,933.23 $ 147,472.62 $ 313.32 $ 4,236.56 $ 197.42 $ 860.00 $ 350.00 $ 2,000.00 $ $ $ $ 5,993.00 $ 25.00 $ 12,493.39 $ 1,498.97 $ 386.92 $ $ 1,280.72 $ 2,048.00 $ $ 210,089.15
07-08 Actual $ 11,715.64 $ 47,988.65 $ 553.32 $ 219.89 $ 155,342.21 $ 24.47 $ $ 4,944.98 $ 9,000.00 $ 4,618.75
06-07 Actual $ 31,374.37 $ 33,746.66 $ 507.09 $ 643.96 $ 147,629.96 $ $ 687.50 $ $ $ -
ELCA Youth Mninistry Network Proposed Budget 2009-2010
21,250.00 283,350.00
$ $
35,000.00 155,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 11,000.00 1,500.00 4,500.00 6,300.00 100.00 14,500.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 25,000.00 275,200.00
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
22,500.00 63,750.00 550.00 300.00 165,000.00
$ $ $ $ $
09-10 Budget
ELCA Youth Mninistry Network 2008-2009 Actual To Date Fiscal year: July 1 2008 - June 30 2009
Income: Item: Contributions and Donations Membership Dues Interest Income Reimbursed Expenses Extravaganza Income Merchandise Sales Advertising Misc. Income Database Project Income Connect Journal Income Online Training Income Total
08-09 Budget $ 20,000.00 $ 54,125.00 $ 550.00 $ 300.00 $ 160,000.00 $ $ $ 4,000.00 $ $ 5,500.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 279,475.00
08-09 Actual $ 963.90 $ 12,423.37
$ $
8,270.72 7,624.98
$ $
1,156.77 31.20
$ $ $
1,800.00 3,803.09 105.90
Item: Staff Compensation Extravaganza Expenses Office Supplies and Equipment Telephone/Web/Internet Conferences and Meetings Staff Contract Labor Advertising Database Project Connect Journal Expenses Computer Hardware Regional Expenses Accounting and Bookkeeping Legal Fees Board Meeting and Travel Other travel Vision Team Vision Design & Printing Other Administrative Expenses Fundraising Expenses Academy Online Training Total
08-09 Budget $ 31,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 300.00 $ 500.00 $ 400.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 6,200.00 $ 100.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 274,500.00
$ $
497.00 2,904.69
Profit (Loss):