director’s report october, 2011 rev. todd buegler
elca youth ministry network - director’s report october, 2011
Dear friends and colleagues, Greetings! Welcome to Maple Grove! It is great to be able to host the Board at Lord of Life. Please make yourself “at home” while you are here. This has been a good season for the Network, and I’m looking forward to our time together as we work to grow this ministry. Table of Contents: 1. The Box Scores 2. Extravaganza 2012 3. The Practice Discipleship Project 4. MartinsList 5. 3rdTuesday Conversations 6. Financial Report 7. Audit in 2011-2012 8. Staffing Proposals 9. Faith Formation Summit 10. Upcoming Board Meetings 1. The Box Scores The current Network membership sits at 685. 18 months ago it was at its low point of 460. I’m hopeful that our pattern of growth will continue, and I suspect with Extravagnza registration in progress, that our numbers will continue to grow.
October, 2005
October, 2006
October, 2007
October, 2008
October, 2009
October, 2010
October 2011
Extravaganza registration (as of Oct 20, 2011): 168 Extravaganza registration (as of Oct 20, 2010): 131 2. Extravaganza 2012 Extravaganza 2012 is going to be a great event. I am especially excited about the way that the theme is being woven throughout the entire event. The theme of “Go” is going to be a departure for us. Typically the themes have had a focus on the heart of the leader. This theme is going to be more about the activity of the leader...the sense of call...the sense of mission...But still in a thoughtful way, as we as questions about “where do we go…”and “to whom do we go?” The hotel property is one that we are very familiar with, and that familiarity has been very helpful in the planning process. At the same time, we also know that this hotel property has higher costs (New Orleans) and that they work hard to increase their revenue stream. Because of this we have put in new controls in spending. Tom Hogel, Catherine Anderson and I met with the hotel staff last week when I was in New Orleans. Jeanna, our Convention Services staff person was the same one we had worked with in 2009. She works with probably 100 different groups every year. About 15 minutes into our conversation, we saw the light bulb go on, and she said “I remember your group! You are the really fun group!” From that moment on, I had a definite sense that she was working with us. 2
elca youth ministry network - director’s report october, 2011
3. The Practice Discipleship Project We are deep into partnership in creating the “Practice Discipleship Day” at the ELCA Youth Gathering. There are 2 parts to this project: Pre-Gathering training for adult leaders. A curriculum has been developed by Tiger McLuen, Dr. Terri Elton and Dr. Jeremy Myers. The materials are being presented in 3 ways: Live webinars (that are recorded and can also be watched later); Trainings in each synod by synod coaches who were trained live here in the Twin Cities last March and in workshops being presented at the Extravaganza. To date, over 195 training seminars have been scheduled in the 65 synods, and 3 of the webinars have been produced. Each of the webinars has been of very high quality. The potential for long-term impact in the whole of the church, because of this partnership, is amazing. Likewise, the Network playing such a critical role in the content and the delivery systems of these seminars and webinars is of immeasurable value in promoting the Network. We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this project. 4. has grown in the number of site visits, and the resources there are very well-received and appreciated. We need to increase promotion of the site, and to increase the number of resources people are placing on the site. Hopefully our staffing initiative (see below) can give this even more good attention. 5. 3rdTuesday Conversation The 3rdTuesday Conversations have gone very well this fall. We began a month early, in August, with a “Special Edition” 3TC featuring Heidi Hagstrom, Director of the ELCA Youth Gathering. Over 150 people preregistered, highlighting the hunger for information about the youth gathering. While the 2 following 3TC’s were smaller than that one, they have both been larger than our average from last year. The team would like the expand the size of its team and are in the process of recruiting. 6. Financial Report Please refer to the copy of the end of the year financial report, attached to this report. We finished the year in one of the best financial situations we have had. This is due to Higher than expected “Partnership” commitments Increases in giving from the ELCA Membership that exceeded projections Some pretty careful cost-control (mostly by the E-Team.) While we feel good about these numbers, we are a little bit nervous about the upcoming year and higher Extravaganza expenses. We will continue to monitor the budget closely. 7. Audit We will be doing a full audit of our financial systems in the upcoming year. The audit process will begin yet this month. We hope to have an audit report for the board at our spring meeting. The cost of the audit will not exceed $3500. 3
elca youth ministry network - director’s report october 2011
8. Staffing Positions At our last meeting, the Board approved the creation of two new (very) part-time positions. One would focus on providing administrative direction and support for the Vision 2.0 initiative. The other would coordinate our resources. I have two people who I think would be very good in these roles, and I have had preliminary discussions with both of them, and they are both interested. The next step will be the development of position descriptions. I believe that the resource person could begin as early as November 1. The timeline for the Vision 2.0 position would be a little later. 9. Faith Formation Summit As we discussed at our May meeting, I participated in a “Faith Formation Summit” in September that brought together leadership from many different organizations and networks within the church that all focus on faith formation. Sue Rothmeyer was present with other ELCA staff members, and Linda Staats was there representing the Book of Faith Initiative. A full draft of an executive summary, written by Brenda Smith, is attached to this report. I was impressed by the variety of organizations involved in the conversation. The primary purpose of the summit was to attempt to assess the landscape of faith formation within the ELCA. We spent quite a bit of time in an asset mapping exercise. For awhile, it felt like we might be moving toward creating some kind of a faith formation network. To be honest, I had very mixed feelings about this. I’m not sure that we need yet another network. However, Mark Jackson gave language that I thought was helpful. Rather than a new Network, it may be about “codesharing” (think airlines). It’s about how the organizations can live into a culture of mutual support. For me, the biggest value was in the new relationships with organizations and individuals that I think could really be beneficial. We walked away from the conversation still not sure of what the outcome would be, but committed to continuing the conversation. 10. Upcoming Board Meetings February 8-9, 2012; New Orleans (confirmed) April 29-May 1, 2012; Chicago (confirmed) October 18-20, 2012; TBD (tentative) January 24-25, 2013; Anaheim (confirmed) In conclusion Thank you for your work on behalf of the Network. Peace,
Rev. Todd Buegler Executive Director
ELCA Youth Mninistry Network Budget 2010-2011 Fiscal year: July 1 2010 - June 30 2011
Income: Item: Membership Dues Orginizational/Institutional Gifts Individual Donations Extravaganza Income Network Partnership Income Connect Journal Advertising Misc Income Gathering in the East Total
09-10 Budget $ 63,750.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 165,000.00
09-10 Actual $ 41,984.56 $ 31,160.29 $ 8,064.61 $ 140,464.32
10-11 Budget $ 40,875.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 6,000.00 4,090.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,000.00 3,661.10 $ 2,000.00 229,424.88 $ 240,875.00
$ $
5,000.00 2,000.00
$ 304,250.00 $
10-11 Actual $ 45,309.71 $ 37,750.00 $ 6,163.14 $ 142,597.54 $ 14,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,431.12 $ 2,749.32 $ 251,500.83
Expenses: Item: Staff Salaries Board & Facilitators Meetings Other Meeting Expenses Business/Operational Expenses Regional Networking Member Recognition Extravaganza Connect Journal Vision Team Development Council Web/Internet Costs MartinsList Shipping costs Misc expenses Repay the Savings Account 3rdTuesday Conversations
09-10 Budget $ 35,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 15,200.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00
09-10 Actual $ 32,925.66 $ 17,597.69 $ 164.23 $ 9,581.03 $ 165.99 $ 1,887.75 $ 136,989.25 $ 6,976.00 $ $ -
10-11 Budget $ 35,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00
$ $ $
$ $ $ $
2,487.30 2,176.44 10,000.00 147.29
$ $ $ $ $
3,500.00 1,500.00 5,000.00
Gathering in the East
Profit (Loss):
281,100.00 $ 23,150.00
2,700.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 600.00 2,000.00
10-11 Actual $ 32,673.00 $ 15,616.75 $ 2,009.19 $ 11,139.72 $ 960.16 $ 1,635.93 $ 123,560.21 $ 12,943.78 $ 2,710.35 $ 450.00 $ 4,973.45 $ 164.00 $ 3,048.72 $ 667.04 $ 5,000.00 $ 170.28 $ 2,680.00
224,759.73 $
236,700.00 $
ELCA Youth Ministry Network Account Balances as of October 19, 2011
Wells Fargo Checking Account:
$ 23,657.74
Mission Investment Fund:
$ 31,210.81
Petty Cash:
Total Financial Assets:
$ 54,902.10
Executive Summary (Draft) ELCA Faith Formation Summit Luther Seminary - St. Paul, MN September 26 - 28, 2011 Purpose: Survey the landscape in the ELCA for faith formation with a special focus and concern for those in the first third of life; gain a clear picture of the networks and institutions that tend faith formation and how they are connected and supported; clarify relationships between various ELCA expressions, networks and institutions; and explore the potential for coordinated efforts for a sustainable, hope-filled and faith filled future. Participants: A gathering of 22 stakeholders and champions. See attached List.. Process: Sessions during the summit helped participants map and analyze the assets of the networks represented as well as look at possibilities for the future. Participants wrestled with the shape of faith formation for those in the first third of life and how we might better serve children, youth, and young adults more collaboratively. The group was particularly engaged by stories of faith formation and affirmed and energized by the work they do in each of their settings. The experience helped to spark new ideas and new ways of working together. Outcomes: • • • •
• •
Ask the CSM unit to convene, steward, and tend a faith formation network, but not direct or control the network. Request that the CSM unit articulate a theology of mission and lead a discussion on faith formation and mission. Have continuing conversation about the meaning of terms such as, “faith formation”, “discipleship”, “Christian education”, and “first third of life.” Call on and challenge the whole church to re-imagine how we do faith formation in light of significant cultural shifts impacting children, youth and young adults. Utilize new technologies to connect faith formation leaders and enhance faith formation delivery systems. Opened a new “Faith Formation Summit” Facebook group so that participants can continue the Summit conversation and invite other faith formation leaders into this continuing conversation. Consider the development of a Faith Formation Network website that would connect faith formation leaders and organizations throughout the ELCA. Another name for this website might be “Partners in Faith Formation.” A definition of this website might be; “A place of connection for individuals,
organizations, and networks that serve the ELCA who support faith formation with children, youth, and young adults.” Ask a small group of Summit participants to draft a proposal for the CSM unit regarding the development of a process for helping congregations to write Congregational Mission Plans that include a faith formation component. Authorized the Summit planning team to continue having periodic conversations regarding follow-up and next steps.
FAITH FORMATION SUMMIT OVERVIEW (Formed Foundation for Gathering) A Gathering of Stake Holders and Champions who tend the journey of lifelong faith formation and life of discipleship in the ELCA, with a special focus and concern for those in the first third of life and the adults who care for them. GOAL To survey the landscape in the ELCA for Faith Formation. OBJECTIVES • Gain a clear picture of networks and institutions within the ELCA that tend faith formation and how they are connected and supported. • Clarify the relationship between the ELCA and the various expressions, networks and institutions gathered. • Create space for discursive terrain, shared dialogue and communication. • Ask, “What is at stake in the language we use when discussing and referring to faith formation?” • Asset mapping - for each age and stage of the baptismal journey, name who is: o leading the research, o creating and delivering resources, o tending networks, o equipping and training the various stakeholders in synods and congregations, o casting the vision. • Ask, “Where are the gaps?” and explore solutions. • Ask,” What is generative about what we are doing?” • Explore long-term sustainable funding & financial implications. • Coordinated efforts for a hope-filled and faith-filled future. • OUTCOMES • A movement towards a more clarified and unified vision for tending the baptismal journey of the first third of life. • A new and renewed sense of partnership for a common mission of faith formation.
• • •
Appreciation for the role of our ELCA institutions, organizations, networks and the individual champions for creating disciples. A recognition and celebration of the Holy Spirit at work in the midst of this changing landscape in our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A sense of wonder and anticipation of what God will do through us.
ELCA Faith Formation Summit Participants
Participants and the Network, Institution and/or Area of Ministry Each Represents 1. Julie Aageson Association of Lutheran Resource Centers, ND 2. Dick Bruesehoff Missional Leadership Schools, Coordinator, ELCA 3. Todd Buegler* ELCA Youth Ministry Network, MN 4. Mark Burkhardt* Congregational Centers for Mission, Director, ELCA 5. Gayle Denny Evangelical Lutheran Education Association (ELEA), AZ 6. Teri Elton* Luther Seminary (Children, Youth & Family), MN 7. Chad Hershberger Outdoor Ministry, PA 8. Mary Hess* Luther Seminary (Educational Leadership), MN 9 . Diane Hymans Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Christian Education), OH 10. Mark Jackson Trinity Lutheran College (Children, Youth & Family),WA 11. Greg Kaufmann Select Learning, WI 12. Sunitha Mortha Mission Formation and Relationships, Director, ELCA 13. Jeremy Myers* Augsburg College (Youth & Family Ministry), MN 14. Mindy Roll Campus Ministry, Texas A&M/Blinn-Bryan, TX 15. Sue Rothmeyer Campus Ministry, Youth & Young Adults in Service, ELCA 16. Diane Rundman Augsburg Fortress (Child Dev. & Faith Formation), MN 17. Diane Shallue* Lutheran Association of Christian Educators (LACE), MN 18. Brenda Smith* Faith Practices/Missional Leadership, Program Dir. ELCA 19 Linda Staats* Book of Faith, AZ 20. Karis Thompson Diversity of Ministry and Multi-cultural settings, MN 21.Tammy Jones West* Synod Youth Ministry Band of Leaders (SYMBOL), 22. Chuck Werth Bethesda Lutheran Communities (People with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities), WI
* Indicates Planning Team Members
From: Charlene Rollins To: Network Board of Directors
October 18, 2011
Proposal to Not have a Board meeting at the E-2012 I would like to propose that the board not have a meeting at the upcoming E-2012 but rather extend an invitation to a few youth workers from MYLE and DAYLE to attend the E-2012 at the Network's expense. The funds that would have been used to pay for the board members to attend could then be used to pay for the expenses of the invited MYLE and DAYLE youth workers instead.
Because 2012 is a Gathering year, I think this will be a great opportunity to introduce a few of the MYLE and DAYLE youth workers to the Network, especially for those that are planning to attend the Gathering: o they will have the added incentive to attend the E-2012 and have the opportunity to preview New Orleans and pickup firsthand knowledge of the city as they prepare for the Gathering. o they will also have the opportunity to make personal contacts within the Network that could be extremely useful as they prepare for and then attend the Gathering.
At the May board meeting we set the following goals for Vision 2.0: 1. Promote Network growth in Persons of color membership and Extravaganza attendance by an increase of 1% per year over the next three years. 2. Have an annual teleconference meeting between the board and Vision 2.1 team, to foster dialogue and support for one another. Also one board member should be present at all 2.0 teleconferences to encourage/ promote dialogue between the board and the team. 3. Network presence at MYLE AND DAYLE 4. Identify anti-racism resources in each synod by publishing on the website. 5. Create a category of Anti-Racism resources on 6. Ensure that 100% of the Thrivent Financial Fellowships are used as designated. 7. Adding a staff person to tend to Vision 2.0 8. Budget Increase. By inviting and paying for a few MYLE and DAYLE youth workers to attend the E-2012, we will be actively working towards goals 1, 3 and 8. In turn, their personal experiences and news of the Network will help to increase awareness about the Network in their communities and among their own personal contacts. I would also like to suggest that the board consider not having a board meeting whenever the Extravaganza is being held in the Gathering city or every three years.
Respectfully submitted, Charlene Rollins
The Tom Hunstad Award for Excellence in Youth Ministry
The History... When the Network was started, there were many all over the country who were an important part of making it happen. There was energy, excitement and enthusiasm. But it was Tom, who was serving as the chairperson of the first task force, and then the first president of the Network, who emotionally carried the Network on his shoulders, calling people together, casting a wide vision, and making it happen. There was quite literally one point when the Network was on the verge of fading away, when Tom pretty much single handedly carried it on his back. Tom was a youth minister, serving in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and then a pastor, serving at Olivet Lutheran in Fargo, North Dakota and then at Westwood in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Tom was diagnosed early in 2000 with an aggressive form of cancer. After a short, but courageous battle with the disease, Tom died just before Thanksgiving of that year. He is survived by his wife, Lynn and his 2 children, along with many family members, many friends, and this Network. To honor Tom, the Network Board created an award, the Tom Hunstad Award for Excellence in Youth and Family Ministry. The award is given annually, by the Network. It is not a “youth minister of the year” award…there are no nominations made.* Rather it is an honor, bestowed on someone by the Network through its board. We select someone that we want to honor and to thank for their service. It is the highest award given in the field of youth and family ministry…as far as we know, it is also the only award given in the field of youth and family ministry.
The Criteria: The Tom Hunstad Award is presented to someone who:
Has had a significant influence on youth ministry in the ELCA Whose ministry has impacted the ministry of a large number of people Encourages others in youth ministry
To also consider:
How will this person’s being selected have a positive effect on the membership?
Past Recipients 2001 – Rollie Martinson 2002 - Daryl Koenig 2003 - Kelly Chatman 2004 – Mike Yaconelli 2005 – Jane Prestbye 2006 – Bill Kees 2007 – Susan Pursch 2008 – Faye Belskey 2009 – Dave Scherer “Agape” 2010 – Dick Hardel 2011 – Bishop Paul Blom