director’s report january, 2011 rev. todd buegler
elca youth ministry network - director’s report January, 2011
Dear friends and colleagues, Greetings! Welcome to Kansas City! I am very excited for our time together. Thank you again for all of the time and energy that you put into the Network. Table of Contents: 1. The Box Scores 2. Extravaganza 2011 3. Extravaganza 2012 4. Relationship with the ELCA 5. Partnerships 6. Extravaganza 2013, 2014 and 2015 7. Financial Report 8. Audit in 2011-2012 9. Budget 2011-2012 10. 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering 11. Standards and Guidelines: Professionals 12. Standards and Guidelines: Volunteers 13. Standards and Guidelines: Congregations 14. Upcoming Board Meetings 15. 3rdTuesday Conversations
October, 2005
October, 2006
October, 2007
October, 2008
October, 2009
October, 2010
January, 2011
1. The Box Scores As expected, our membership numbers have bounced, from a low of 460 last May, past 551 in October and as of this writing we sit at 615. 2. Extravaganza 2011 We are very excited about this year‟s event. At the time this is being written, we are expecting 484 people “in the house” for E11. As a point of comparison, we had 351 “in the house” for E10. I believe there are several reasons for this, including: The proximity to the Midwest, where the largest percentage of our constituency is based. A slightly reduced price point compared to last year for both the event and the housing. A strong program. Promotional material and information was released earlier than in past years. The E-Team, led by Pastor Scott Maxwell Doherty, has done a fantastic job putting together a high-quality event. I‟m really excited to see what comes out of E2011. I have 2 requests for the Board for this year‟s event: Please jump in and participate fully in the event, and engage the participants, our members and owners in conversation about their ministry. Anything that we can do to make ourselves smarter about the Network members will benefit us long term. Please take every available opportunity to say „thank you‟ to all of the volunteers who make the Network happen. This year we are printing the listing of all the Network leadership in the Extravaganza program book. 2 Please thank those individuals who work so hard to make the Network happen. Appreciation goes a long, long way!
elca youth ministry network - director’s report january, 2011
As in past years, I‟m hopeful that the Board and the RF‟s will be willing to serve as distribution folks for both the Network “crosses” on Friday night and for Communion throughout the event. I will have specific times for you when we meet in KC. 3. Extravaganza 2012 We‟re also heavy into thinking and planning for Extravaganza 2012, back in New Orleans. (The first promo video will be shown at the final general session at this year‟s event!) As a theme, the E-Team chose the word “Go”. This work was influenced in two ways: We have taken a page from the recent writings and talks by Bishop Mark Hanson. Specifically when he challenges the church to not be timid; to boldly step out in faith and to proclaim the love and grace of God; to resist being defined by what we do not have, or by our conflict, and to be defined instead by the gifts that God does give to us. The work of the National Study on Youth and Religion that speaks of a faith colonizing mainline churches that is tilting itself towards moralistic therapeutic deism. And so together, we “go”. We go to serve...and to be about the mission of God in the life of a broken world. We do expect some of our costs to increase next year. We have a really good contract with the Sheraton in New Orleans. However, the costsof any convention business in New Orleans are more expensive than many other cities. We will be working hard to keep our costs down. We are excited that we have a commitment from Bishop Mark Hanson to be with us for E2012. At the moment, he is scheduled to be with us for the full event. I expect, however, that this might change depending on what else is going on. He will be preaching once during the event. 4. Relationship with the ELCA We are still “living in” to the new normal that is our relationship with the ELCA, and at this point, we don‟t have many more answers than we did back in October. Tammy Jones West, chairperson of the SYMBOL Network, and I traveled to Chicago to meet with Stephen Boumann, Sue Rothemeier and Mark Burkhart. We discussed the past and the future of the relationships between the ELCA and both the Network and SYMBOL. We discussed ways of strengthening the relationship and building support. But it is very, very early in the process. We will know more in the upcoming months. Please continue to keep this process in your prayers. 5. Partnerships One year ago, we launched the idea of Network Partnerships; a new way of entering into a more intentional relationship with organizations. We have had a good response to these partnerships and look forward to finding new ways to market this to other organizations.
elca youth ministry network - director’s report january 2011
To date: Silver Partners: Everyday Ministries Lutheran Educational Conf of North America Lutheridge+Lutherock Ministries Marilyn Sharpe Ministries Youth Leadership
Gold Partners: Augsburg Fortress Publishers ELCA Youth Gathering Luther Seminary Thrivent Financial
6. Extravaganzas 2013, 2014 and 2015 E2013 is good to go in Anaheim. We won‟t begin work on that until next fall. Currently, we are working now on identifying sites for E14 and E15. Our goal is to have the 2014 site identified by March and the 2015 site identified by the end of May. As in the past, if feasible, our 2015 event will be held in the city of the ELCA Youth Gathering. 7. Financial Update It is our normal protocol that we don‟t include a regular financial update in this report. Our financial situation in January and February changes dramatically from day-to-day as Extravaganza income is received and bills are paid. I will include a more detailed update at our spring meeting. Our current balance in our ELCA Mission Investment Fund account is: $20,424.09. 8. Audit in 2011-2012 At our fall, 2010 meeting, we discussed our desire to do a full, external audit. We haven‟t done one since 2005. As I mentioned in the fall, the cost of a full, external audit was very high, and we weren‟t actually sure we‟d even be able to do one. However, I met with our CPA to get more information after our fall meeting, and was able to clarify some information that would result, we think, in a lower cost for the audit. Our CPA was assuming that we dealt with a lot of cash income while at the Extravaganza. If that is the case, there are in-depth controls that need to be in place in the handling of money in a different city, and the audit would actually require us bringing one or two of the auditors to the Extravaganza to observe our processes. Once I clarified that we actually deal with very little cash while in the Extravaganza city, he said that we then fit into a different category and that the cost would be lower than his first estimate. He believes now that we could do a full, external audit for in the neighborhood of $4000-$5000. We are planning on doing a full, external audit beginning with the start of our next fiscal year, July 1, 2011. We should have results at the winter or spring, 2012 meeting. I have built this audit cost into the 2011-2012 budget (see below). 9. The Network Budget, 2011-2012 One of our tasks while we meet in Kansas City is to approve a budget for the 2011-2012 (July 1 -June 30) fiscal year. I have attached a budget as an appendix to this document. The document is very close to the preliminary draft I presented in October, with the following changes: The addition of the costs of the audit. The elimination of financial support from the ELCA. (I have not been told that this is the 4 case, but I am trying to be prepared for its possibility.)
elca youth ministry network - director’s report january 2011
10. 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering As I mentioned in October, the Network will be working in partnership with the ELCA Youth Gathering developing and producing one of the three program days at the ELCA Youth Gathering. Catherine Anderson (Northeast Minnesota Synod Staff and Network RF Coach) and I are facilitating that process. Work is now well under way in the planning. We anticipate an even stronger Network presence with the Gathering at the 2012 event. Part of the partnership will be in providing monthly online training in general children, youth and family ministry, beginning in October, 2011. The primary audience will be adults bringing young people to the Gathering, however the content will be applicable to anyone. 11. Standards and Guidelines: Professionals The Standards and Guidelines document has been complete for a year now. A team of people has begun the work of revising and further developing this document, with the goal of linking the Standards and Guidelines to resources. If a person were to find the Standards and Guidelines, there would then be a easy, intuitive way for the person to link directly to the resources necessary to show competencies in those areas. As a side note, this year the Extravaganza workshops are all organized around these areas of competency. 12. Standards and Guidelines: Volunteers The feedback of the Board from our meeting in October was very helpful. We will begin this spring the process of editing the document with that feedback in mind, and incorporating more volunteers into its writing and editing. My hope is that we will have a document for the Board to review at its October, 2011 meeting. 13. Standards and Guidelines: Congregations A team has been assembled to work on this third phase of Standards and Guidelines. They are just now beginning their collaborative work and those who will be in Kansas City will have their first face-to-face conversation while there. Our goal is to have an initial draft of a document ready for Board review in February of 2012. 14. Upcoming Board Meetings We have our next 3 Board meetings scheduled: May 1-3, 2011; ELCA Offices, Chicago. October, 2011. We had originally planned on meeting in Maple Grove, Minnesota from October 21-23. However, that weekend is not good in the schedule at Lord of Life (and thus not for me, either.) Iâ€&#x;m wondering about the possibility of moving the dates to October 19-21, or to a different weekend. Can we please discuss this when we meet in Kansas City? Thank you! February 8-9, 2012; Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans, LA. 15. 3rdTuesday Conversations We have had great response and feedback to the 3rdTuesday Conversations. In December we made the shift from a traditional conference call format to an online webinar format, which gives us many new options in terms of promotion and marketing, tracking participants, and visual aids in the conversation. This webinar format is also what we will be using in the online training relating to the Youth Gathering.
elca youth ministry network - director’s report january 2011
16. MartinsList is a new resource sharing tool we plan on launching this winter/ spring. Based on the idea of a “Craig‟s List”, we will use database technology we already own to create a space for people to share resources (Bible studies, curriculum, retreat programs, etc) that they have created and are willing to share. The database would be searchable by type of resource. The database arichitecture for this project is complete and there is a team forming now to be thinking about how to best promote and monitor the material. In conclusion This is a good time to be the Network. There is anxiety throughout the church about the future. But I think the Network is well positioned (if underfunded) to continue its service. I am grateful to the Board for its leadership and support as we move ahead. Peace,
Rev. Todd Buegler Executive Director
ELCA Youth Mninistry Network Budget 2011-2012 Fiscal year: July 1 2010 - June 30 2011
Income: Item: Membership Dues Orginizational/Institutional Gifts Individual Donations Extravaganza Income Network Partnership Income Connect Journal Advertising Misc Income Gathering in the East Total
09-10 Budget $ 63,750.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 165,000.00
09-10 Actual $ 41,984.56 $ 31,160.29 $ 8,064.61 $ 140,464.32
3,661.10 229,424.88
10-11 Budget $ 40,875.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 240,875.00
11-12 Budget $ 44,625.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ $ 243,125.00
$ $
5,000.00 2,000.00
$ $
Expenses: Item: Staff Salaries Board & Facilitators Meetings Other Meeting Expenses Business/Operational Expenses Regional Networking Member Recognition Extravaganza Connect Journal Vision Team Development Council Online Training Expenses Shipping costs Misc expenses Repay the Savings Account 3rdTuesday Conversations Gathering in the East Audit
09-10 Budget $ 35,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 15,200.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00
09-10 Actual $ 32,925.66 $ 17,597.69 $ 164.23 $ 9,581.03 $ 165.99 $ 1,887.75 $ 136,989.25 $ 6,976.00 $ $ $ $ 2,487.30 $ 2,176.44 $ 10,000.00 $ 147.29 $ 3,661.10
10-11 Budget $ 35,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ $ 2,700.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 600.00 $ 2,000.00
11-12 Budget $ 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ $ $ $ 4,500.00
Profit (Loss):
ELCA Youth Ministry Network Account Balances
9 January, 2011 Checking Account (Wells Fargo):
Savings Account (Mission Investment Fund):
$20,424.09 __________
Total Assets: