Directors Report - Winter 2009

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director’s report january 29, 2009 todd buegler

elca youth ministry network - director’s report january 29, 2009

Dear friends and colleagues, Welcome to the Extravaganza! I’m really excited to be here with you. We’re really looking forward to a great event. I think that there are opportunities for the Board to do three really important things at this year’s event: A. To spend time with the “owners”, to hear their stories, to listen to their needs. B. To walk alongside and thank all of the staff and volunteers who are here at this event, making all of these things happen. C. Of course, to model what this event is all about and to give yourself opportunities for renewal, education and connection. As always, the event itself takes ‘center stage’ this weekend. Our Board meeting will be shorter and more ’disjointed’ than our fall and spring meetings. In the past, it has served more as a ‘check in.’ The “table of contents” for my report includes the following: 1. The Box Scores 2. Extravaganza 2009 3. Network Celebration 4. Extravaganza 2010 5. Finances: 2008-2009 Current 6. Budget 2009-2010 7. Vision 1.0 Review 8. The Regional Facilitators 9. Gathering in the East 10. Shifting Exec. Dir. Role for Vision 2.0 visits 1. The Box Scores: Date:

Membership: 676

October, 2006


October, 2007


October 2008


January 2009


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2. Extravaganza 2009 I am very excited for this event. Responding to feedback from the previous events, we’ve made significant scheduling changes. Most significantly, we have added much more into the schedule. Our goal is for people to ‘create their own event.’ Rather than a ‘one size fits all’ model, there will almost always be programming going on. People can work out for themselves how busy or how ‘low-key’ they want/need their event to

elca youth ministry network - director’s report january 29, 2009

be. We are going to give people permission to pick and choose. The Network’s volunteers continue to be one of the most talented, gifted and passionate group of people I have worked with. They are completely dedicated to the effectiveness of the Network, and of this event. My request to you: if you run into an E-Team member, a regional facilitator, a Connect Journal team member, Development Team member, or members of any of the other teams, please take a second to thank them for all of their work. It will mean a lot to them. Our current event registration for E2009 is 525 (without the exhibitors, speakers and musicians in the database yet). As a point of comparison, E2008 had 434 registrants, including speakers, musicians and exhibitors. We’ve been paying very close attention to our room-block pickup this year. If you’ll recall from 2008, we were very concerned just a couple of weeks prior to the event that we weren’t going to hit our room night guarantee and would be penalized by the hotel. We did the “free registration” promotion, and put the word out to the Network that we needed their help to book rooms. We did meet our room guarantee in 2008, but it was a close call. After that, we reviewed our 2009 plans. Our room guarantee for 2009 was similar to 2008: around 1240 rooms nights. Cautious, we renegotiated with the Sheraton New Orleans to get our room block lowered to around 1150 room nights guaranteed. This year, in actuality, as of about a week ago, our actual pickup was approximately 1460, well over the original guarantee. We are certain that our higher numbers for attendance and room block are largely due to being in the Gathering city. 3. Network Celebration We’re excited to give what was the Network Business Meeting a whole different flavor and vibe. Like all things new, it is an experiment, and we'll be looking for feedback at our meeting in April. Our goals are: A. To create a positive, forward-looking atmosphere and ‘vibe.’ B. To celebrate what God has done in the Network in the past year. C. To honor and thank leaders. I am attaching a tentative “rundown” of the Network Celebration program in the appendix of this report. 4. Extravaganza 2010 With the unknowns in the economy, and without knowing how the 2009 event was going to go with registration numbers, we have been cautious about making a commitment for 2010. However, by the time we meet, we will have signed a contract with the Hilton City Center Hotel in downtown Charlotte, North Carolina. The Intensive Care Courses will be February 4-5, and the main event from February 58, 2010. Our event theme is “irresistible.” Even though our numbers are up this year, we are anticipating the effects of the economy to affect us next year. For contract and guarantee purposes, we are planning on a smaller event. We are

elca youth ministry network - director’s report january 29, 2009

working on 2011 and 2012 right now. 5. Finances 2008-2009 Current As per our normal practice, I am not attaching a current financial report. We never do at our winter (Extravaganza) meeting. The reasoning for this is that we are currently at the absolute peak of our cash flow and income is coming in quickly, and checks are being written in a flurry, as the Extravaganza is upon us. I could give you a financial report, but it would literally be out of date before you finished reading it. For our April meeting, we will have a full report, that will include all of the Extravaganza post-event analysis. Just as an information point, our current checkbook balance is: $118,643.72. Our current balance in our Mission Investment Fund account is: $22,634.97. 6. Budget 2009-2010 I am attaching a 2009-2010 budget proposal. It was first presented in October. I’ve taken your input and adjusted accordingly. It is, I think, a conservative budget. It reflects a reduction in Netowork members and a reduction in Extravaganza participants. Our goal is to approve a budget at this meeting. 7. Vision 1.0 Review Work on the Vision 1.0 initiatives continue. It is broken down into these 5 areas: A. Definitions of Effective Youth and Family Ministry—We have incorporated the public feedback from our most recent release in May, 2008 into the document. We think that we have a helpful tool. Our plan now is to take the Definition’s document, add some ‘study guide’ questions after each individual ‘statement’, to make it a usable tool for congregational teams or committees, perhaps include the Standards and Guidelines document (see below) and then self-publish the Definitions as a book on a web site such as We want the document to be a useful tool. This ‘publish on demand’ option would be a good way to make it available, the format would give it a greater sense or credibility, the cost would still be affordable and possibly, the Network might earn a small amount for each copy ‘sold.’ B. Goal #1: Standards and Guidelines—The team working on this piece of the Vision has been hard at work. They have assembled a draft that is being circulated through the web site and is published in the Extravaganza program book. They will seek and receive feedback at a workshop/focus group at this event. I have attached a copy of the draft to this report. They will take the feedback, will tweak appropriately, and will then come back to the Network Board, hopefully for the April meeting, with a proposal and plan for the Board to consider. C. Goal #2: Network of Networks—This goal has been less about “doing” and more about “being.” We are hosting again a gathering that once was known independently as the “Youth Ministry Roundtable.” I have been working with Bill Bixby and Peggy Contos Hahn on the agenda for the meeting. We will be focusing on the movement of God within our community. Bill and I will be co-facilitating the meeting. D. Goal #3: Training—Semester 1 of Phase 1 of the Online Training Project is complete. Overall, we are very pleased with how it went. Much to our surprise, over 430 people registered to participate in the Online Training Initiative. Of that number, 320 actually registered to participate in one of 3 courses, built around

elca youth ministry network - director’s report january 29, 2009

training and preparation for the ELCA Youth Gathering. I have attached a copy of an Online Training Report from Semester 1, by Hal Weldin. The design team for Phase II (beginning next fall) will have an initial meeting here at the Extravagnaza. E. Goal #4: Partnerships—We continue to see out and build partnerships. In the last 3 months, fruitful conversations have taken place with LACE and LECNA. We have also had good initial conversations with Thrivent Financial which might lead to an expansion of their presence and their grants around the Extravaganza. Unfortunately, our primary contact at the Wheatridge Foundation has left to take a new position in the ELCA offices. I am in the process of trying to connect with a different member of their staff right now. 8. The Regional Facilitators The RF’s have been hard at work this fall and winter. Our Network display Boards have been pretty continuously on the road, traveling from even to event. They have been working on the election process as well. At this Extravaganza, there will be 3 RF positions up for regular election: Regions 3, 7 & 9. In addition, there will be a special election in Region 2 because their RF, Erin Morris, has moved out of her Region. The Region 3 rep, Raul Garcia III is not eligible for another term. Both Chris Bruesehoff and Erik Mathre have expressed a desire to not re-run for their position. So the RF group will have 4 new members this next year. 9. The Gathering in the East Our relationship with The Gathering in the East has been moving in positive ways. We have worked to figure out how we can offer a greater level of support for the event. The Gathering in the East web site will now be housed within the web site of the Network. ( We may also be offering assistance with online registration or other logistical support. We want to support and celebrate the good work that happens at this event, and the great group of volunteers that make the event happen, while maximizing opportunity to help their event link seamlessly to the Network and the Network’s values. The Gathering in the East will be held April 16-18, 2010 at the Holiday Inn in Harrisburg, PA. 10. Shifting Exec. Dir. Role for Vision 2.0 visits At our October board meeting, the Board asked me to come back with a plan as to how my role might shift to accommodate spending some time visiting with and listening to communities addressed by this vision. I think that this is a healthy step. It excites me to think about this initiative. My thoughts and actions so far: • I have adjusted the budget to allow for additional spending in this area. • I do currently play an administrative role with the Extravaganza. (Budget, resources, liaisons, team communications, some contracts, etc…) I would move away from much of this and would hire another person to handle most of these responsibilities. • I would harness existing opportunities when I am traveling on either Network or congregational trips to make these sorts of visits. • I would seek Board, RF and SYMBOL input on places/people with whom to spend time. • Any additional travel that I might to do these visits would begin in the fall of 2009 because I am already ‘calendared’ through spring and summer of 2009. • I would hand off much of the database and membership management I do to existing staff, or perhaps this new person. • I would seek to add to the people who are working with our communication

elca youth ministry network - director’s report january 29, 2009

venues (web site, Twitter, phone calls, etc.) to free me up from those tasks. It would be critical to go into these conversations with a posture of listening. I would invite more conversation at the April board meeting, with input from the V2.0 Team about the goals and hoped-for outcomes of these conversations. This continues to be a great time to be the Network. I continue to be amazed by how God’s Spirit blows through this organization and this movement. There is a healthy, organic energy that requires our tending, but not our handling. I have become aware of more network meetings, more groups, more support and more community happening across the church, because of and sometimes in the name of the Network. It cannot be controlled. It should merely be connected. It continues to be a gift to be a part of this movement. Thank you, for all of the work you do on behalf of the Network, and for your wisdom, guidance and support. Peace

Rev. Todd Buegler






ELCA Youth Mninistry Network Proposed Budget 2009-2010

1 2 Fiscal year: July 1 2009 - June 30 2010 3 4 Income: Item: 07-08 Actual 08-09 Budget 09-10 Budget 5 Contributions and Donations $ 11,715.64 $ 20,000.00 $ 26,000.00 6 Membership Dues $ 47,988.65 $ 54,125.00 $ 52,500.00 7 Interest Income $ 553.32 $ 550.00 $ 550.00 8 Reimbursed Expenses $ 219.89 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 9 Extravaganza Income $ 155,342.21 $ 160,000.00 $ 165,000.00 10 Merchandise Sales $ 24.47 $ 11 Advertising $ $ 12 Misc. Income $ 4,944.98 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,500.00 13 Database Project Income $ 9,000.00 $ 14 Connect Journal Income $ 4,618.75 $ 5,500.00 $ 7,000.00 15 Online Training Income $ 35,000.00 $ 18,500.00 16 Total $ 234,407.91 $ 279,475.00 $ 274,350.00 17 18 19 Expenses: Item: 07-08 Actual 08-09 Budget 09-10 Budget 20 Staff Compensation $ 29,753.83 $ 31,000.00 $ 38,000.00 21 Extravaganza Expenses $ 146,545.40 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 22 Office Supplies and Equipment $ 2,436.81 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 23 Telephone/Web/Internet $ 6,030.15 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 24 Conferences and Meetings $ 257.98 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 25 Staff Contract Labor $ 466.70 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 26 Advertising $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 27 Database Project $ 6,600.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 28 Connect Journal Expenses $ 9,527.11 $ 10,000.00 $ 11,000.00 29 Computer Hardware $ 1,342.90 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,500.00 30 Regional Expenses $ 322.54 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 31 Accounting and Bookkeeping $ 6,023.50 $ 6,200.00 $ 6,300.00 32 Legal Fees $ 25.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 33 Board Meeting and Travel $ 13,522.35 $ 14,000.00 $ 14,500.00 34 Other travel $ 2,464.41 $ 2,500.00 $ 4,000.00 35 Vision Team $ 60.26 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 36 Vision Design & Printing $ 1,638.25 $ 1,500.00 $ 37 Other Administrative Expenses $ 6,530.21 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 38 Fundraising Expenses $ 2,195.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 39 Academy Online Training $ $ 35,000.00 $ 20,000.00 40 Total $ 236,142.40 $ 274,500.00 $ 269,200.00 41 42 Profit (Loss): $ (1,734.49) $ 4,975.00 $ 5,150.00 43 44 45 46 Income is based on 650 Network members and on 450 Extravaganza participants 47 48 49 50 51


ELCA Youth Ministry Network: Vision 1.0 Goal #1 – Standards and Guidelines The Goal: To set a high standard of excellence for adult youth and family ministry leaders. Introduction A team was established in March of 2008 to begin work on the first goal of the Network’s new vision. That team has been hard at work for the past 10 months and has created a tremendous framework for our standards and guidelines. This first phase focuses on expected competencies. The Competencies: It is our expectation that an adult who works with youth would be able to demonstrate competency in the following areas: I. Theological Thought and Reflection Competency can be demonstrated by either: •

An understanding of these four areas: o An understanding of Biblical studies (both Old and New Testaments) o An understanding of Lutheran theology and confessional writing o An understanding of our Lutheran church history (in particular in our North American context) o A basic understanding of systematic theology Or Being rostered in the ELCA as an associate in ministry, a pastor, a deaconess or a diaconal minister

II. Youth and Family Proficiencies All of these areas are vital to effective youth and family ministries. However, we believe that competency should be able to be demonstrated in at least 6 of these 12 categories, with progress being made towards competency in the other areas: 1. Spiritual development of children and youth 2. Christian education ministry 3. Retreat/outdoor ministry development 4. Inter-generational ministry 5. Gifts assessment 6. Marking faith and life transitions 7. Youth leadership development 8. Bible study/worship 9. Prayer 10. Pastoral care 11. Mission/servant events 12. Congregational awareness of youth and family ministries

III. Administrative Proficiencies We believe that it is vital for adults working with youth to be able to demonstrate competency in both these categories: 1. Risk Management a. Initiating best practices that keep young people, your staff your volunteers and you safe. b. Developing and implementing policies and programs that are legally sound. 2. Administration a. Crisis Management: Working with youth and families in crisis.

b. c. d. e.

Communication skills including print, media, internet, etc. Strategic planning for youth and family ministry Volunteer recruitment, training and evaluation Finances: fundraising and budgeting

IV. Professional Growth Component Personal and professional growth is vital to the development of the individual in ministry. We believe that this growth happens within the framework of personal renewal, continuing education, and networking and support. We believe that these 3 things are critical in personal and professional growth. • Maintaining annual membership in the ELCA Youth Ministry Network. • Participating in at least one ELCA YM Network Extravaganza or other ELCA Network event every three years. • Participating in at least 20 contact hours of quality continuing education annually.

V. Degree (applicable to those who are professionals in youth and family ministry) The ELCA Youth Ministry Network encourages formal education. Individuals who feel called to youth and family ministry professionally should have received a bachelor’s degree or a graduate degree in a field appropriate to the designated field of specialization is required. (Some examples include: Christian Education, education, sociology, psychology, religion) If the degree is in an unrelated field of study, significant supplemental work or competency in the field of specialization must be demonstrated. VI. Development of a Waiver System We recognize that congregational youth and family ministry is not a “one size fits all” vocation. Individuals will come to this ministry with a variety of gifts, experiences and skills. Knowing this, we recognize that as our standards and guidelines develop, and as eventually a system is put into place for recognizing those who have met the Network’s standards and guidelines, a system of waivers for providing flexibility will need to be established. The goal of setting a high standard of excellence is intended not to close doors for people, but rather is to guide people into becoming the best possible youth ministers as possible, in the name of Jesus Christ. VII. Next Steps Phase II of initiating this goal will involve: • Receiving feedback on this proposal and editing these standards • Discussion around creating a system for communicating these standards across the church • Discerning a system for tracking these standards and guidelines for individuals

Standards and Guidelines Team: Tammy Jones West, AIM; Team Leader Eric Griggs Jo Mueller, AIM Chris Turner Beth Smallbeck Julie Miller Rev. Scott Searl Rev. Rick Schowalter

Online Training Initiative Phase I Director’s Report Hal C Weldin January 16, 2009

Overview: The goal of this project is to provide an online training experience for the adults leading youth to the 2009 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. The online training consists of three six week semesters: • Semester 1: November 10 – December 19th • Semester 2: February 9th - March 20th • Semester 3: April 20 - May 29th. Three courses are offered during each semester. There is no fee for participants in the courses, due to the partnership with the ELCA Youth Gathering. Funding: A proposal to the Gathering team was created by Todd Buegler and Hal C Weldin for funding this project out of the already assigned (Academy) funds to support the adults through the Youth Ministry Network’s efforts at the Gathering. Rather than this project requiring additional funds, this project was funded out of the already budgeted funding for the Academy effort. Content: Several conversations took place with Dr. Jeremy Myers of Augsburg College, who was already producing the Gathering “Getting Ready” materials, around the content and the construction of the three courses taught online. The goal of these conversations was to complement the work he has done in developing the theme for the Gathering, not duplicating material, rather providing an additional instructional effort. Three courses were then created: 1. The Gathering Big Picture: What is Christian Mission? 2. My Job Description: Faithful Christian Adults working with Youth, and; 3. What Did I Get Myself Into: Youth Ministry basics. These three courses were written by Hal C Weldin and reviewed by Todd, Jeremy and others on the Gathering team. Each of the three courses will be offered each semester and students can participate in only one course per semester. In addition to the three courses, several social forums have been created to facilitate meeting other students and share youth ministry ideas (trip logistics, fundraising, etc…) Online “Moodle” Tool: FishersNet FishersNet provides an online course management system titled Moodle. Part of the funds have been spent to employ FishersNet as our online course management provider. Moodle allows students to register with the Moodle site, enroll in courses and participate in the open social forums. Participants: Initially we anticipated 80 to 100 students in the first semester. We were pleasantly surprised to end the first semester with over 430 participants registered and participating in the social forums with about 300 students actually enrolled and participating in one of the three courses. We anticipate this number to only increase as potential students discover this resource. The initial design of the learning experience for a fewer number of students was reassessed in the second week of the semester and resulted in a completely different course structure implemented in week three of the semester. Launch Process: The first task was to secure the Moodle course management system with FishersNet. The second task was to research, collaborate and create the course content. The third task was to

take this course content and create the courses within the Moodle learning environment. Then an invitation was sent out to the registered adult leaders with the help of the Gathering team. 200 plus students registered prior to the start of the first courses. The remaining 230 participants registered during the first six week semester. Students were allowed to join the already in process courses through the second week of the semester. Students who registered after the second week in the semester were welcomed in the social forums, but not allowed into the existing first semester courses. These students and future registrants are in the “queue” for second semester courses. Strengths: We clearly hit a need and desire to take online training represented by the large number of participants. Through both a mid-course evaluation and a final semester evaluation process students overwhelmingly appreciated their experience. Several adults who had little experience with youth as an adult leader mentioned their gratitude for both the content and the opportunity to connect with other peer students. Challenges: 1. Moodle: We experienced several technical “bumps” within the first two weeks of this project. Entering into the launch of the courses the database connected to the learning tool was corrupted and needed to be restored resulting in a delay of courses being ready for student participation. There were additional technical issues with the way the courses displayed information that was for the most part worked out by the third week of classes. The result of these challenges was that we ran out of time before Christmas for the lesson planned for week six of the courses. Conversation with FishersNet is ongoing to address some of these technical issues in anticipation of the next two semesters. 2. Some students experienced issues with cookie enabled browsers and spam filters that prevented their participation. About 80% of these students were able to resolve these issues and participate in the site. 3. The overwhelming response of student numbers shifted the way in which the courses were originally designed to accommodate a larger conversation within the course structure. 4. With the high numbers of participants, more time was spent in supporting “newbie” students with low computer or online experience and skills. Those students who were familiar with Facebook or other social networking prior to entering the Moodle environment found Moodle to be easy to use. Those students who were experiencing online communication like discussion boards or threaded discussions for the first time had a learning curve to overcome. 5. There was a broad range of student’s experience with youth ministry. The majority of those participating had very little experience working with youth in a congregational setting. The content was designed more for these students rather than for the experienced youth leader. The challenge was to create weekly focus questions that would engage both the experienced and inexperienced student. 6. Tapering off of student participation within courses. High numbers of students participated in week one and two in each course. As the weeks continued fewer students posted and responded to other student posts. Several possible reasons for this phenomenon: 1. several students mentioned that the closer to Christmas the more difficult their schedules became for their participation. 2. Some of the technical issues that pushed back our course timeline were frustrating for some students. 3. During week three of all the courses, the structure of the courses was shifted to allow a greater number of students to see each other’s work within each class. 4. Some students anticipated a differing experience than what was offered. Obviously the more students actively participating in courses enhance the experience for everyone involved. Tasks for future semesters: 1. Redesign the site and structure of the courses to address some of the data collected in the evaluation process. 2. Seek resolution for some of the technical issues including the cookie and spam filter issues as well as several other minor content and member enrollment issues. 3. Review and tweak the class sessions within each course.

4. Create addition social forums that enhance participant interaction around pertinent content not related to the course material. 5. Enlist students who actively participated in the first semester to be course guides in the second and third semesters. Conclusion: I would suggest that this was a very successful first semester of this project. The high numbers demonstrate that this effort was targeted well to a perceived and real need for training the adult leaders. The poor timing of some of the technical challenges in the first two weeks of coursework was a challenge to the students and to me as the online learning designer. There remain several technical issues that will be addressed through conversation with FisherNet in anticipation of future semesters. The feedback received from the evaluation process will be key in reconstructing the site for the next two semesters. This redesigning of the site and course content is currently in process. Providing non-course “social forums� was well received by the participants as demonstrated by the high level of participation in the open Fund Raising forum and the Holding Tank forums. Several additional open social forums will be included in the next two semesters.

Hal C. Weldin Director – Online Training Initiative ELCA Youth Ministry Network

Network Celebration Rundown Room set: Round tables. Different decorations of some sort. Something to set the event apart.

Time: 5:15pm 5:30pm 5:35pm 5:38pm 5:48pm 5:53pm 5:58pm

6:03pm 6:08pm 6:11pm 6:16pm 6:35pm 6:45pm

What: Pre event music Appetizerish food served Welcome! Why are we here? Music Introduction of Molly “State of the Network” Recognition of outgoing board members and RF’s

Presentation of Tommy Award Recipient speaks Thanks to all volunteers Music set Closing Music Out

Who: Rachel Kurtz Rachel plays through Todd Rachel Kurtz Todd Molly Molly thanks the outgoing RFs Todd thanks the outgoing Board Molly introduces the current board & RF’s and the newly appointed/elected. Molly and Todd

Todd David Scherer

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