ELCAYMNet Directors Report - April 2013

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ELCA Youth Ministry Network

Director’s Report April 28, 2013

ELCA Youth Ministry Network

11821 98th Pl. N., Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369 T 612.597.6565



ELCA Youth Ministry Network

It’s been a good winter! It’s been a busy winter...a really good winter... Since we last met in Anaheim, there has been much going on...all good stuff. There continues to be good energy around the Network and its various programs and ways of providing support. I continue to be grateful to all of you for your good work on behalf of the organization and for your support of me as well.

Box Scores Current Network

Final Extrav




Total in







664 (paid)






Welcome Paul Amlin It has been great working alongside Paul as he moves into his new position. He is a gifted pastor and leader and will be a great gift to the Network and to the church. I’m looking forward to even a deeper partnership (and to his presence with the board!)

The Practice Discipleship Initiative The webinar season of the Practice Discipleship Initiative has come to a close. Six high quality webinars were produced live and their recordings are now archived and available. The feedback on the webinars has been very good, and we’re grateful to the writing team for all of their time and energy in putting it together. The training for the synodical coaches that took place at the Extravaganza was also well-received, and the synod training events are starting now. Work has begun on planning for “Practice Discipleship 3” and the writing team for that project has begun meeting. Our goal is to maintain the theological depth of the project, and continue to strengthen the practical application of the project. Catherine Anderson has done a tremendous job shepherding this project. I’m very grateful for her time and energy. She is the driver for this vision and it is her passion for it that has brought the Practice Discipleship Initiative into reality.

Director’s Report - April 28,, 2013


ELCA Youth Ministry Network

The Mobile Network We launched the Network App at E13 in Anaheim. Feedback on the app has been great both anecdotally and in hard data. (In the Android Marketplace, it is rated by users as 4.8/5. In the iTunes store it is rated by users as 4.9/5. The prayer wall and other features are beginning to get good usage. There are new features that will be rolling out in the next month or two.

Finances Please find attached, a sheet that is both a “year to date” update on our budget and a proposed budget for the next fiscal year. A couple of quick observations on the budget: • You’ll note that the “business expenses” section is way over budget. There are a few reasons for this: • When we switched over from the old to the new website format, I assumed that we’d turn the new one on and then turn the old one off. It didn’t actually work that way. The transition was a bit more...ok, a lot more...complicated than I had assumed and we basically had to run two parallel web sites close to 10 months while the transition took place. So our web site expenses were significantly over budget. • The initial set up fees for the app went into this line item. When we wrote the budget, we didn’t anticipate at that time even developing a new app. (It speaks to the speed in which technology, and what is ‘normal’ changes!) • As I mentioned at our January meeting, we had a computer crash that needed to be replaced. • Some of the other expenses, I guessed wrong. Sorry! • You’ll note that the PD expenses seem still seem low relative to how much is in the income line. In short: don’t worry...it will get spent down. • Overall, we are in, I think, a pretty stable position financially right now. Good attention has been paid to expenses (especially on the Extravaganza side of things) and income has been within our projections.

Budget 2013-2014 Also, on the same sheet is the 2013-2014 budget. A couple of quick observations: • The budget is based on a “flat” income stream relative to the previous year. Our strategic plan calls for growth in this area...however, I want to budget conservatively. So it is predicated on the same number of members, and the same number of Extravaganza registrations. • The budget is based also on the same amount in institutional/organizational gifts, as well as Practice Discipleship income from the ELCA. Please note that at this time I don’t have firm commitments to those gifts, though I anticipate that they will remain the same.

Director’s Report - April 28,, 2013


ELCA Youth Ministry Network

• You’ll note that I’m budgeting for $150k income for the PD initiative, and a lower amount for expenses. That’s because some of the expenses related to PD actually are spent in other lines of our budget...for instance, PD staff expenses are paid out of the Network’s staff line. PD also pays for a significant percentage of the GotoMeeting/GotoWebinar line item. • The expenses are pretty much flat (or even slightly reduced). The exception here is staff salaries. My goal is to give some staff increases.

Extravaganza 2013 We had a great event in Anaheim. (Southern California in the winter? What can go wrong?) We received good feedback in the event evaluations from which we have learned much. That feedback is being incorporated into the planning for the 2014 event. Please see the attached Executive Summary for more data on the event.

Extravaganza 2014 Planning is well under way for E2014. The event will be held at that Hyatt Regency in St. Louis. We are, gradually, releasing one web page as a time as new information is coming available. A couple of things I can share with you: • We are reducing the number of Intensive Care Courses from 6 to 3. We would rather do fewer courses “bigger.” So we have invited more well-known teachers to come and be a part of the faculty. Rather than 6 courses with 3-20 people in each, we’d like 3 courses, each with 50. Dr. Andy Root, Dr. Phil Ruge-Jones, and Kathy Hunstad and Heather Hansen will be leading the courses. I’m really excited about the possibilities! • We are leaving the registration price the same as last year, and actually the cost for housing is slightly lower than it was in Anaheim. We want to market the cost savings. • We’re hopeful that the housing crunch we had in Anaheim will result in earlier room bookings for St. Louis. That would help us in our negotiating with the hotel. • We are looking at formatting our general sessions in more of a TED talk format. With perhaps up to 3 talks at each session, each for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Communications Team Our communications efforts have always had a bit of a “shotgun” approach to them. It has been fairly haphazard. So we’ve created a new “Communications Team” to bring together and manage our enews, social media presence, app news, etc. This group is going to work at coordinating our ‘message’ and helping us to be most effective in our communication and not just deliver more “noise.” The team has had one online meeting to-date and is in the process of creating an overall communications plan for the Network. Director’s Report - April 28,, 2013


ELCA Youth Ministry Network

Bylaws and Policies I have attached a copy of both our bylaws and our Operational Policies. Erik already posted them on our Basecamp site, but I wanted to include them attached to this report so that you’d also have them in print at our meeting. I’ve attached them as a general reference (it’s been awhile since we distributed them).

Closing I’m looking forward to our conversations over the next few days. Thanks for all that you do on behalf of the Network! s Blessings!

Rev. Todd Buegler Executive Director; ELCA Youth Ministry Network

Director’s Report - April 28,, 2013


ELCA Youth Mninistry Network Budget Proposal 2013-2014 Fiscal year: July 1 2012 - June 30 2013

Income: Item: Membership Dues Orginizational/Institutional Gifts Individual Donations Extravaganza Income Network Partnership Income Connect Journal Advertising Practice Discipleship Initiative Misc Income SYMBOL Grant Total

2012-2013 Actual to Date 2012-2013 Budget $ 45,887.68 $ 45,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 6,746.63 $ 8,000.00 $ 119,006.87 $ 160,000.00 $ 14,200.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 80.50 $ 2,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 1,035.55 $ 2,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 411,957.23 $ 434,000.00

Item: Staff Salaries Board & Facilitators Meetings Other Meeting Expenses Business/Operational Expenses Regional Networking Member Recognition Extravaganza Connect Journal Vision 2.0 Team Development Council Go to Mtg/Webinar exp Shipping costs Misc expenses 3rdTuesday Conversations Gathering in the East Practice Discipleship Initiative SYMBOL Grant

2012-2013 Actual to Date $ 31,302.71 $ 18,429.52 $ 427.86 $ 25,600.36 $ 464.81 $ 750.05 $ 140,676.94 $ 6,122.41 $ 342.70


2013-2014 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

55,250.00 40,000.00 8,000.00 160,000.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 150,000.00 2,000.00 15,000.00 443,250.00


Profit (Loss):

$ $ $

1,303.05 1,177.01 1,418.26

$ $

68,805.22 9,037.64



2012-2013 Budget

2013-2014 Budget

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

40,000.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 160,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 600.00 150,000.00 15,000.00 -

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

52,000.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 160,000.00 12,000.00 1,400.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 600.00 139,600.00 14,000.00









ELCA Youth Ministry Network Account Balances:

Wells Fargo Checking: Mission Investment Fund:

$ 6,034.63 $ 138,058.93

Total Assets:

$ 144,093.56

Data accurate as of 21 April, 2013!

Extravaganza 2013 Evaluation Full Report

Total evaluations received: 174 (approx. 32% of total participants) (2012 - 48% of participants returned evaluations)

1. Overall, this event was (1=terrible; 10=awesome!):


(2012 = 8.56) (2011 = 8.66) (2010 = 8.35)

Comments: Overall, the comments and responses to the E were really very, very positive. People liked the pace/schedule of the event, and generally, the feedback on having only a single keynote speaker was positive. Most people really appreciated the opportunity to go deep into a topic. It was interesting that those who didn’t appreciate the concept reacted not against the idea, but rather against what John Roberto said/represented. Their general feedback was “I’m not a webmaster...” or, “our congregation couldn’t do this.” (I tend to think they misunderstood John, but that’s neither here nor there.) People also appreciated the variety in music. There was understandable grumbling from those who had to be housed at the Hyatt House. It wasn’t a perfect solution to the housing crunch, but it was a solution.

2. This event was worth the money spent:


(2012 = 8.59) (2010 = 8.79) (2009 = 8.00)

Comments: Again, the feedback was generally positive. As always, we have some folks complaining about the costs of the hotel, and there is always a number of people who ask “why can’t we do this at a camp?” But people were also very aware that we were taking steps to keep costs affordable. And they were appreciative of that.

3. The schedule and format for the Extravaganza was (1=terrible; 10= wonderful):

4. Evaluate the Worship Experiences (Friday night and Monday morning) (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):

5. Evaluate the General Sessions (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


(2012 = 8.41) (2011 = 8.36) (2010 = 8.03)


(2012 = 7.93)


(2012 = 8.05) (2011 = 8.54) (2010 = 8.33)

Extravaganza Evaluations - January 24-28, 2013; Hyatt Regency, Orange County!


ELCA Youth Ministry Network 11821 98th Place North Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369 Tax ID # 341865352

ELCA Youth Ministry Network By-Laws Effective April 28, 2008 Article I. Name ELCA Youth Ministry Network

Article II. Purpose The purpose of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network is to renew, educate and connect ELCA Youth Ministers as well as promote and encourage their ministry.

Article III. Confession of Faith • • • • •

We confess the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. We accept the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of its proclamation, faith, and life. We accept the Apostles’, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds as declarations of the Christian faith. We accept the confessional writings in the Book of Concord as valid interpretations of the Christian faith.

Article IV. Membership Section 1. 1.1

Membership Voting member: Any person who is a youth minister, volunteer or professional, and pays the annual ELCA Youth Ministry Network Membership fee.

Section 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Membership Responsibilities and Privileges To further the ELCA Youth Ministry Network’s purpose. To participate in the ELCA Youth Ministry Network’s activities. To submit current name, address, phone number, and position. To participate in the election of Regional Facilitators

Article V. Board of Directors


ELCA Youth Ministry Network Strengthening and empowering adult youth ministry leaders in service to Christ as part of God’s mission

Governing Policy of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network EFFECTIVE APRIL 28, 2008




Owners are the members of the Network.


The Network Board of Directors (the Board) is the governing body of the Network and is accountable to the Owners.


The Executive Director is the chief executive officer of the Network and is accountable to the Board.


The Staff include both paid and volunteer positions and are: - Part of the organizational/leadership matrix; and/or, - Directly accountable to the Executive Director.


Resource Providers are paid or volunteer individuals or organizations who are not Staff, but are contracted to fulfill a specific task.


The Regional Facilitators (RF) are volunteer positions accountable to the Executive Director.


The Chaplain (if the board makes use of one) is an ex-officio member of the Board accountable to the Chairperson.


PURPOSE of the Board The ELCA Youth Ministry Network exists to strengthen and empower adult youth ministry leaders in service to Christ as part of God’s mission and the purpose of the board is to steward this mission.


The Board will strive for an understanding of the owners and seek opportunities to serve current and potential owners in response to the Gospel of Christ.


The Board will manage governing policies, placing priority on broadest level policies that affect board function and linkage between the board and staff and between board and owners.


The Board will assess the performance of the Network to ensure the alignment of core values, owner will, products, Executive Director performance and longrange direction. 4/11/2013




The Board will ensure financial and relational resource development for the Network.

PROCESS AND FUNCTION OF THE BOARD The Board will govern with an emphasis on vision and leadership: • Focusing chiefly on “ends” rather than “means”. • Enforcing upon itself whatever discipline is needed to govern with excellence. • Speaking with a one voice regarding the actions taken by the Board. • Being accountable to the Owners for competent, conscientious and effective stewardship of the Network.


The Board will guide the vision and strategic planning of the Network in partnership with the staff and Region Facilitators.


The Board will develop skills and methods to assure governing with excellence. This will include, but is not limited to: • A sharing of the gifts and talents of board members. • Training and retraining used liberally to orient new members as well as to maintain and increase existing members’ knowledge and skills. • Outside mentoring and coaching assistance arranged so that the board can experience confident control over performance.


No one other than the Executive Director or his/her express designees shall apply for any grant on behalf of the Network from outside funding agencies. The Executive Director and his/her express designees shall not apply for any grant that fails to serve the ends and avoids unacceptable means.


The function of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors is to manage the operations of the Board, which oversees the Network and its staff.




Board members: - Are members of the Network. - Are encouraged to give financially to the Network beyond their membership dues. - Are active in their own ELCA community. - Care for their own spiritual life. - View their role on the board as their primary volunteer priority. - Actively engage each other in discussions and decision making. -


Board -

Members must be adept at: Visionary leadership Good communication Willing and able to support the mission, vision and values of The Network - Critical and creative thinking especially relating to evaluation, 4/11/2013



prioritization and organization. Understanding of policy based governance protocol. Being objective and open to a diversity of ideals. Displaying personal humility and professional will. Producing results and striving to build enduring greatness. Modeling a servant’s heart.


Board members are expected to: - Attend all Board meetings - Attend the Extravaganza annually (the Network will provide for travel to the meeting/event, provide for lodging those days/nights of both the meeting and the Extravaganza, and cover the cost of registration for the Extravaganza).


The Board will allow no individual or committee of the board to hinder or be an excuse for not fulfilling board responsibilities.


The Board Chair person shall counsel a member of the Board who violates any policy. Should violations continue, the Board as a whole shall counsel the member. Decisions concerning continued service to the Board by any member who continues to violate policy after such counsel shall require a 2/3 majority vote of the Board.


Should the Board Chair person violate policy, it shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director to initiate such counsel.


SELECTION of Board Members


Candidates are brought to the Board for approval through the Nominating Committee (NC), as defined in the Network bylaws.


Selection of roles is determined by openings and may include someone who is a (an): • Practitioner of Youth Ministry • Academic member of the Youth Ministry culture (student or faculty) • Researcher in the field of Youth Ministry • Synodical, regional or church-wide staff for the ELCA relating to Youth Ministry • Former RF or volunteer leader within the Network • Fundraiser or resource development expert • International ministry expert • Para-church professional or volunteer


LINKAGE of Board and Staff


The Board’s link to all staff is through the Executive Director. The Executive Director will speak for and represent the Network.


The Board will hold the Executive Director accountable to the mission and core values of the Network: - The Board shall not give instruction or evaluation directly to any Staff or Resource Person. 4/11/2013



The Board shall provide annual written evaluation of the Executive Director. Effectiveness of the Executive Director is measured by the accomplishment of his/her annual goals, as affirmed by the Board.


The Executive Director shall report regularly to the Board: - Membership data and trends to assist the Board in understanding the current and potential owners. - Financial information relevant to the life of the Network - General information about the state of the Network.


The Board will provide the Executive Director with broad ends and means policies.




It is the intention of the Network leadership to have no conflicts of interest.


It is a conflict of interest (COI) for a Board or Staff member to serve directly over or with another Board or Staff Member who has a subordinate work relationship outside of the Network.


It is a COI for a Board member to also be paid Staff or a person who could financially benefit from their position on the Board.


It is a COI for a Board member to be an immediate family member of another Board or Staff member. If a family member is considered for a Staff position, the Board member must withdraw from all discussion and voting. If an offer of employment is made, the Board member must submit a letter of resignation to the Board.


Any staff member or volunteer who is in the position of authorizing expenditures is required to seek approval from the Executive Director prior to the authorization of these expenditures if the individual receiving funds has a past relationships with the staff member or volunteer. This is to ensure transparency and to avoid the appearance of a COI


PURPOSE AND ACCOUNTABILITY of the Regional Facilitators


The Regional Facilitators (RFs) exist to serve the Owners of the Network by: • Representing the Network to the region. • Increasing regional involvement. • Discovering and responding to regional needs, • Working with Staff to be the hands as well as ears and eyes of the Network.


The RF is a volunteer position, accountable to the Executive Director.




FUNCTIONALITY of the Regional Facilitators


One RF is elected for each region of the ELCA. Strategic and emerging networks can be represented by additional facilitators at the will of the Board.


An elected RF shall serve for a 3-year term with a possible 6-year tenure to serve the Owners by: • Expanding the base of leadership within the Network. • Operating as a connector between leadership and Owners. • Supporting, uplifting and connecting youth and family ministry in urban, rural, and suburban settings being done by full-time, part-time, and volunteer staff – lay or clergy. After tenure, one may be eligible to serve again after one year. Responsibilities may vary by region and can be brought forth by the regional caucus at the time of election.


Upon election, terms will begin and end at the close of the Extravaganza.


The RF Team will select a convener amongst themselves to report to the Executive Director.




RFs are passionate members of the Network, members of an ELCA Congregation, experienced in youth ministry, knowledgeable about their unique regions and are influential within their region.


RFs must be adept at: • Evaluating needs of the Owners in the region. • Communicating through a variety of methods. • Building relationships. • Marketing the Network. • Facilitating local networks. • Working on and with teams



Regional Facilitators are expected to attend the Extravaganza annually (the Network will provide for travel to the meeting/event, provide for lodging those days/nights of both the meeting and the Extravaganza, and cover the cost of registration for the Extravaganza).

SELECTION of Regional Facilitators


RFs are elected during the regional caucus at the Extravaganza.


Information will be available to the Owners concerning the role and requirements of the RF prior to the time of election.


The RF will be removed from responsibilities in the event that the RF is no longer fulfilling expectations, moves out of the region, leaves youth ministry, or leaves the ELCA. 4/11/2013



The RF team will meet at the Extravaganza and in the Spring.


POLICIES relating to Staff


The Staff shall create and encourage practices, activities, decisions and structures that support the Network’s bylaws and policies, as well as commonly accepted business, ethical and legal boundaries.


The Executive Director shall accept restricted gifts on behalf of the Network only when they are in line with the standards of the Network’s mission or ends.



All affairs of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network shall be governed by the Board of Directors. Section 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Number, Tenure and Election Number of Members: The number of members of the Board of Directors shall be seven. Term of Office: The term of office shall be three years. No Board member shall serve more than two consecutive full terms and/or six years. The terms shall be staggered so that two or three board member’s terms expire each year. Elections of Board Members: A nominating committee shall be established to recommend candidates to the Board of Directors to replace members leaving the Board. The Nominating Committee shall present to the Board at its fall meeting the exact slate of candidates for the number of vacancies. The selection of a slate by unanimous decision is strongly encouraged. In lieu of this, there must be four of the five assenting votes to pass the slate. The board will elect the candidates by simple majority vote. The Nominating Committee will work to see that the board members represent both the diversity of the church, and to specific needs that the Network Board may have at a given time. 1.3.1 Two Nominating Committee members shall be appointed to the committee at the winter meeting of the regional facilitators. 1.3.2 Two Nominating Committee members shall be members of the current board, elected by simple majority at the Board’s winter meeting. Board members seeking term renewal may not be eligible to serve on the nominating committee. 1.3.3 The Board shall appoint one at-large member who is not a current board member, Regional Facilitator or staff member.

Section 2 2.1

Vacancy In the event that a Board member can not serve out their term, the Chairperson will ask the Nominating Committee to reconvene and to select and present a candidate for the position in the most expedient way possible. This member then would be eligible to serve a maximum of one more term if nominated and elected by the Board.

Section 3 3.1

Removal A Board member may be removed if said member does not fulfill the responsibilities of his or her position or if said member’s goals and ambitions are in conflict with the interest and purpose of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network. Removal of a Board member shall require a five out of seven vote of the Board.

3.2 Section 4 4.1 4.2 4.3

Officers The Board shall elect by simple majority vote a Chairperson and a Recorder. The term for an officer shall be one (1) year and is renewable. Duties of Officers 4.3.1 Chairperson: The Chairperson shall set board meeting agendas,


4.4 Section 5 5.1


convene all meetings of the Board, and shall communicate information as needed. The Chairperson shall appoint an ad-hoc chair in the event of his or her absence. When an ad-hoc chair has not been appointed, the convening board will rotate temporary chairing duties. 4.3.3 Recorder: The Recorder shall take all minutes of the Board meetings and shall send a copy to Board members within two (2) weeks after each meeting. In the event that an officer is unable to complete his or her term, the board shall elect a member of the existing board to fill out the vacant term. Annual Board Meetings Annual meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet annually immediately before and in the vicinity of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network’s Annual Gathering (Extravaganza). Additional meetings (face to face, phone conference or electronic) may be determined by the Board. Decisions between Board Meetings: The officers of the Board, acting as an executive committee, have the authority to make decisions between Board meetings within the parameters of the By-Laws. The Recorder shall notify all Board members of executive committee actions within two weeks of such action.

Article VI. Committees The Board of Directors may appoint committees as needed to study and carry out special tasks. At least one Board member shall be on each committee. All committees shall be responsible to the Board of Directors.

Article VII. Regional Representation 7.1


The Board of Directors shall see to and maintain communication, representation and the relationship between the larger organization and local, synodical and regional networks. The Board shall see that a system of regional representation, facilitation and communication is in place that will facilitate this goal to ensure quality communication between membership and the ELCA Youth Ministry Network’s leadership. The Board of Directors may choose to empower others (staff or committee) to facilitate this regional representation and structure, accountable to the Board.

Article VIII. Finances 8.1. 8.2

The fiscal year of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30. The Executive Director shall prepare an annual budget and present it to the Board of Directors for approval.


8.3 8.4

ELCA Youth Ministry Network funds shall be deposited in the name of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network in a bank designated by the Board of Directors. The Chairperson, Director and Staff members empowered by the Director shall be able to sign for accounts.

Article IX. Relationship to the ELCA The ELCA Youth Ministry Network is independent of, but works alongside of and is supportive of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The ELCA’s churchwide Youth Ministry Executive, or their designee, serves as an ex-officio member of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Board of Directors.

Article X. Dissolution In the event of the dissolution of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network, all assets shall be transferred to the ELCA offices in Chicago, IL to be used for the furthering of Youth Ministry.

Article XI. Amendments to the By-Laws An amendment to these by-laws shall 1. Be approved at any meeting of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Board of Directors by a five out of seven (5/7) vote. 2. Be ratified without change at the next regular meeting of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Board of Directors by a five out of seven (5/7) vote. 3. Following approval, notice of changes shall be communicated to the Network members at least 30 days prior to ratification. Respectfully Submitted Charlene Rollins Recorder; ELCA Youth Ministry Network Board of Directors


6. Evaluate the Hyatt Hotel (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):

7. Evaluate the Regional Networking Opportunities (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):

8. Evaluate the Exhibit Area (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):

9. Evaluate the Network Celebration (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):

10. Evaluate the Publicity & Promotion (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):

11. Evaluate the Communication after you registered (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


(2012 Sheraton=8.22) (2011 Hyatt=8.88) (2010 Westin=7.53)


(2012 = 7.48) (2011 = 7.82) (2010 = 7.66)


(2012=8.09) (2011=7.56) (2010=7.23)

8.38 (2012=7.90) (2011=8.35) (2010=7.85) 8.46

(2012=8.48) (2010=8.62) (2009=7.80)


(2012)=8.39) (2011=8.75) (2010=7.60)

12. Evaluate the Sound/Lights/Production (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):

8.88 (2012=8.65) (2011=9.04) (2010=8.59)

13. Evaluate John Roberto (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


14. Evaluate Yehiel Curry (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


15. Evaluate the “8 Steps of Change� conversations (the mice exercise) (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


Extravaganza Evaluations - January 24-28, 2013; Hyatt Regency, Orange County!


Comments on any of the above: Worship is always an interesting thing. For some people, worship at the E is incredibly meaningful...for others not at all. Some love contemporary music...some hate it. Reading the evaluations, sometimes I have to just wonder “were you guys at the same event?� Nevertheless, good insights were gleaned that have been passed along to the E-team planners.

16. Evaluate The New City Parish Gospel Choir (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


17. Evaluate The Cali House Band (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


18. Evaluate Van Nuys (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


19. Evaluate Rachel Kurtz (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


19. Evaluate Dave Scherer (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):


Comments on Musicians: Again, like worship, people have lots of different ideas about the kind of music they like. The one common thread is that people appreciated the variety.

20. I will be back next year (circle one): 2012


Count me in!

130 (43%)

111 (63%)


111 (36%)

44 (25%)

Might take a year or two off

52 (17%)

15 (8%)

8 (2%)

4 (2%)

No Chance Comments:

21. Please let us know any other comments or suggestions you would like to share about Extravaganza: There were 7 pages of comments in answer to this question.

Extravaganza Evaluations - January 24-28, 2013; Hyatt Regency, Orange County!


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