EXTRAVAGANZA 2012 February 8-12 New Orleans, LA
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Hospitality Information .................................................................................................................................... 5 Schedule ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Hotel Map ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 Intensive Care Courses .................................................................................................................................. 13 Workshop Schedule & Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 14
Open Space Conversations Do you have a topic of inquiry or conversation that you would like to spend some time chatting about? We bet there are others who have the same idea or question. If you are
Speakers ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
willing to facilitate this conversation
Emcees ................................................................................................................................................................ 23
and would like to find out who those
Network Celebration Entertainment ........................................................................................................ 23 Musicians ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Local Food and Entertainment ................................................................................................................... 26
other people are, please sign up to lead an “Open Space Conversation” on Saturday from 3:45-5:30 PM. These are conversations, not workshops, that are geared toward connecting people
General Information ....................................................................................................................................... 27
around a common topic. They are
Exhibitors ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
meant to be idea sharing and commu-
Exhibitor Bingo ............................................................................................................................................... 28 Network Partners .......................................................................................................................................... 29 Special Thanks ................................................................................................................................................ 29 Thrivent Fellowship Recipients ................................................................................................................ 30 Children, Youth & Family Ministry: Standards & Guidelines Overview ...................................... 31
nity building conversations more than instructional in nature. You can sign up to lead an Open Space Conversation by stopping at the Hospitality Booth in the exhibit space and putting your name and topic on the board. Or, you can simply stop by the board to see if there is a topic of interest to you that
Network Leadership ....................................................................................................................................... 32
people will be gathering around! Loca-
Youth Ministry Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 33
tions of Open Space Conversations will
Practice Displeship Project ......................................................................................................................... 34
be assigned as groups form and will be posted on this board.
Extravaganza 2013 Information ................................................................................................................. 35
Tweet This! There’s a whole community of people at the E, and those who couldn’t be with us this year, who will be following our event together on Twitter. So if you’re a twittering type, please add the hashtag #ext12 to your tweets. Thanks!
WELCOME Dear friends, Welcome to New Orleans! Welcome to Extravaganza! Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… - Matthew 28:19 Go. God calls us to go. And so we go, stepping boldly into the lives of the young. We immerse ourselves in their joys and their sorrows; we accompany them on their faith journeys; we partner ourselves with parents, equipping them to be their kid’s faith mentors; we walk into schools, community centers, into gymnasiums and football stadiums. We go. Jesus’ call to go is not conditional.
• He doesn’t say “go…unless we run out of budget money.”
• He doesn’t say “go…unless it seems too complicated or difficult.”
• He doesn’t say “go…unless it seems too scary.”
The command is simply to go. A couple of years ago, we heard Bishop Mark Hanson speak. He said, “It’s time to stop being a timid church.” The Bishop is right. Even though the ministry we share in can be difficult, lonely, and can present all sorts of weird challenges (Hello? Lock in?) God’s call is to go. But we go, confident that we can trust the God who calls us. It is the same God who called Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Moses, Ruth, Mary, Peter, Paul, and now you and me. We remember the ending of the next verse in Matthew 28, where Jesus promises… ”and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Remember that God doesn’t give a challenge without also giving a promise. When you go, you do not go alone. Let this weekend be a reminder to us that God has promised the gift of presence. As we step out, God goes with us. God’s grace, which has been spoken into our lives since the moment the water washed over us, is ours to speak into the lives of others. Blessings on your Extravaganza. We are so glad to be here together!
Rev. Todd Buegler Executive Director – ELCA Youth Ministry Network Pastor – Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Maple Grove, Mn
HOSPITALITY INFORMATION Hello and welcome to New Orleans!!! We are so excited that you are here this weekend. We hope you are able to participate where you need to this weekend to find ways you will be fed. This weekend is going to give you plenty of opportunities for worship, learning, fun and laughter, networking, reflection and so much more. GO! Take advantage of your time here. Upon your arrival at the hotel and throughout the Extravaganza our goal is to make sure that your needs are being met. Throughout the event we will have people at the Hospitality Table available to answer any questions you might have. We don’t want you to be stressing out over where rooms are and what is coming next, so we are here to help! We are here to make this as refreshing a weekend as possible – so don’t hesitate to seek out a Hospitality Team Member if you have any questions.
Here are a few things that are going on that you need to know right off the bat:
First Timer Orientation
If this is your first time attending an Extravaganza, or you are in-
We have 10 minute chair massages available for $5. Please visit
terested in a refresher course on what to expect for the weekend
the Hospitality table to sign up for at time slot.
please join us for a welcome and orientation. This orientation will be held Thursday from 5:00-6:00pm in Napoleon D3.
Meal Outings
Spiritual Direction Holy listening - also called spiritual direction or companionship - evokes awareness of the ways God/Spirit/Christ/Holy Mystery
If you are here for the first time or you are a rostered person there
moves in everyday life. An ongoing connection with a spiritual
is a specific meal outing just for you! On Friday there will be a
director helps a person, community, or organization notice and
lunch for anyone here for the first time and interested in sharing a
respond to the presence and invitation of the Sacred in growing
meal together. We also understand that rostered people working
freedom and deepening relationship. To sign up for an opportunity
with youth ministry are in a unique position and have can benefit
to meet with either Rev. Bill Kees or Carolyn Kees for a one hour
from shared time together. There will be a lunch on Saturday for
session, please visit the Hospitality table. Both have been trained
any rostered people interested in connecting with one another. If
and certified as spiritual directors. Before retirement, Bill served as
you are interested in attending one of these lunches please meet
the Director of Youth Ministries for the Evangelical Lutheran Church
at the hospitality table at 11:45am on your respective day to walk
in America. Carolyn, his spouse, has worked in areas of health and
as a group to lunch. People will pay for themselves. Any other
wellness. The suggested donation for these sessions is $25 and can be
information regarding these meals will be announced from the
paid in cash directly to Bill or Carolyn at the time of the session.
mainstage and will be available at the hospitality table.
Wireless Internet Access
Receptions Throughout the event there will be receptions. Various organi-
The Children, Youth and Family department of Luther Seminary is
zations are hosting receptions and you are welcome to attend.
providing free wireless in the Exhibit Hall space. Special thanks to
Please refer to the schedule or the Hospitality table to find out the
Luther Seminary for providing this service.
times, locations, and hosts of these receptions.
So, welcome! We are glad you are here. Keep an eye out for more information from us throughout the weekend.
Scan this QR code with your smartphone to access the schedule online.
WEDNESDAY: February 8, 2012 Start Time
End Time
8:00 am
12:00 pm
Extravaganza Registration Area Load-In
Napoleon Registration
8:00 am
8:45 am
Gathering Coaches and Coordinator Breakfast
9:00 am
5:00 pm
Gathering Coaches Meet
9:00 am
5:00 pm
Gathering Coordinators Meet
9:00 am
5:00 pm
Gathering Team Managers and Leaders Meet
10:00 am
2:00 pm
Early Registration/CheckIn Open
Napoleon Registration
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Gathering Coaches/Coordinators/ Managers/Team Leaders Lunch
Coaches: Oak Alley, Coordinators: Nottoway - Closed Meeting
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
Intensive Care Courses 1. Multicultural Ministry (Blackfox) 2. Prayer & Reflection (Kees) 3. Youth Gathering (Hagstrom & Wiegel) 4. ....a Childloving Church (Rundman) 5. Vibrant Families Vibrant Faith (Kehrwald) 6. Leadership Issues in Ministry (McLuen)
1. Edgewood A 2. Edgewood B 3. Bayside A 4. Bayside B 5. Bayside C 6. Estherwood
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Load-In
Napoleon Ballroom Foyer
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
Network Board of Directors Meeting
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Gathering Coaches/Coordinators/ Managers/Team Leaders Dinner
Either in Rous Bistro or Rhythms (2nd floor) - Closed Event
8:00 pm
9:00 pm
Vendor and Exhibitor Reception
Napoleon Ballroom Foyer
9:00 pm
11:00 pm
Early Arriver’s Reception
Napoleon Ballroom Foyer
All early arrivers invited!
Closed Meeting
Pre-Registration Required
Closed Meeting
THURSDAY: February 9, 2012 Start Time
End Time
8:00 am
8:45 am
Gathering Coaches and Coordinator Breakfast
Closed Meeting
9:00 am
5:00 pm
Intensive Care Courses 1. Multicultural Ministry (Blackfox) 2. Prayer & Reflection (Kees) 3. Youth Gathering (Hagstrom & Wiegel) 4. ....a Childloving Church (Rundman) 5. Vibrant Families Vibrant Faith (Kehrwald) 6. Leadership Issues in Ministry (McLuen)
1. Edgewood A 2. Edgewood B 3. Bayside A 4. Bayside B 5. Bayside C 6. Estherwood
Pre-Registration Required
9:00 am
2:00 pm
ELCA Youth Gathering Coaches Meet
Closed Meeting
9:00 am
2:00 pm
ELCA Youth Gathering Coordinators Meet
Closed Meeting
9:00 am
5:00 pm
ELCA Youth Gathering Managers and Team Leaders Meet
Closed Meeting
9:00 am
12:00 pm
Network Board of Directors Meeting
Gallier A
Closed Meeting
9:00 am
7:00 pm
Main Ball Room Set-Up
Napoleon Ballroom
Volunteers Welcone!
10:00 am
7:00 pm
Registration/Check-In Open
Napoleon Registration
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
Prayer Chapel Load-In
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Gathering Coordinators, Coaches and Team Leaders Lunch
Box Lunch
Closed Event
THURSDAY: February 9, 2012 Start Time
End Time
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Early Bird Workshops 1
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
Exhibit Area Open
Napoleon Foyer
2:00 pm
11:00 pm
Prayer Chapel Open
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
Regional Facilitators Meet
Gallier A
3:30 pm
4:30 pm
Early Bird Workshops 2
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
First-Timer’s Welcome!
Napoleon D3
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
SYMBOL Network Reception
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Welcome Reception
Check with registration and/or hospitality desk for location
8:00 pm
8:30 pm
Regional Receptions - 1: Estherwood, 2: Bayside A, 3: Borgne, 4: Maurepas, 5: Bayside C, 6: Evergreen, 7: Bayside B, 8: Gallier AB, 9: Southdown
8:30 pm
10:00 pm
General Session 1 (Opening Worship)
10:00 pm
12:00 am
Late Night at the E
See Page14
Closed Meeting See Page 15
Closed Meeting
Preaching: Nadia Bolz-Weber Music: Celia Whitler
FRIDAY: February 10, 2012 Start Time
End Time
8:00 am
12:00 am
Prayer Chapel Open
8:00 am
9:45 am
Synod Leadership School Conversation
Jefferson Suite
8:45 am
9:45 am
Workshop Session 1
9:00 am
10:00 am
Exhibit Area Open
Napoleon Foyer
10:00 am
11:30 am
General Session 2 (Keynote Session)
Napoleon Ballroom
11:30 am
6:00 pm
Exhibit Area Open
Napoleon Foyer
11:30 am
1:30 pm
Lunch Break (On Your Own)
11:45 am
1:30 pm
First-Timer’s Lunch - Meet in hotel lobby and walk to a local restaurant. Individual responsible for the cost of their own lunch.
1:30 pm
2:30 pm
Workshop Session 2
2:45 pm
3:45 pm
Regional Caucuses 1: Estherwood, 2: Bayside A, 3: Borgne, 4: Maurepas, 5: Bayside C, 6: Evergreen, 7: Bayside B, 8: Gallier AB, 9: Southdown
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
General Session 3 (Keynote Session)
Speaking: Reginald Blount Music: Tay Wilson
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
Workshop Session 3
See Page 19
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Dinner Break (On Your Own)
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Opportunities for Hosted Receptions
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
North Carolina Synod Dinner - Meet in hotel lobby to walk to restaurant. Call Tammy Jones West for more info: 828.308.1362
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Delaware-Maryland Synod Dinner - Meet at Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant - 200 Poydras St.
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Southeaster Iowa Synod Dinner - Meet at Crescent City Brewhouse - 527 Decatur St. Contact Eric Carlson for more information (319.631.8031)
8:00 pm
10:00 pm
Hosted Off-Site Party - Sponsored by the New Orleans Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. See Page 26 for details.
11:00 pm
11:30 pm
Late Night Eucharist
Closed Meeting See Page 15
Speaking: David Lose Music: Tay Wilson
See Page 17
Prayer Chapel (Oakley)
SCHEDULE SATURDAY: February 11, 2012 Start Time
End Time
8:00 am
12:00 am
Prayer Chapel Open
8:00 am
9:30 am
Thrivent Fellowship Breakfast
8:45 am
9:45 am
Workshop Session 4
9:00 am
10:00 am
Exhibit Hall Open
Napoleon Foyer
10:00 am
11:30 am
General Session 4 (Keynote Session)
Napoleon Ballroom
11:30 am
6:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Open
Napoleon Foyer
11:30 am
1:30 pm
Lunch Break (On Your Own)
11:30 am
1:00 pm
Northwest Minnestoa Synod Lunch
11:45 am
1:30 pm
Networking lunch for ordained pastors - Meet in the hotel lobby to walk to a local restaurant. Individuals responsible for their own cost of lunch.
1:30 pm
3:30 pm
Workshop Session 5
1:30 pm
3:30 pm
Tour #1 of ELCA Youth Gathering Sites (optional...$15 cost)
Meet in lobby (Starbuck’s entry)
3:30 pm
5:30 pm
Tour #2 of ELCA Youth Gathering Sites (optional...$15 cost)
Meet in lobby (Starbuck’s entry)
3:45 pm
5:30 pm
Open Space Conversations
Maurepas Borgne Southdown Evergreen Estherwood Bayside A Bayside B Bayside C Edgewood A Edgewood B
3:45 pm
6:00 pm
Movie screening: “Blue Like Jazz” with discussion led by the director
Napoleon Ballroom A3
3:45 pm
6:00 pm
Youth Ministry Roundtable
Gallier A & B
Closed Meeting
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
Dinner Break (On Your Own)
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Network Celebration Doors Open... Desserts Served!
Napoleon Ballroom
Sponsored by the ELCA Mission Investment Fund
8:00 pm
9:00 pm
Network Celebration Music/Entertainment/Presentation of the Tom Hunstad Award/The Life of the Network/Lots o’ fun & laughter
Napoleon Ballroom
11:00 pm
11:30 pm
Late Night Eucharist
Prayer Chapel (Oakley)
For Thrivent Fellows See Page 20
Speaker: Alexia Salvatierra Music: We Three
Meet in the hotel lobby to walk to a local restaurant
See Page 21
Interested in a topic that doesn’t appear in the program? Host your own “Open Space Conversation.” Sign up any time at the Hospitality Table before Workshop #5. Topics and rooms will be listed there after 2pm.
SUNDAY: February 12, 2012 Start Time
End Time
8:00 am
9:30 am
Breakfast Provided
Armstrong Ballroom (8th floor)
8:45 am
9:45 am
Workshop Session 6
9:00 am
10:00 am
Exhibit Hall Open (Last Chance!)
Napoleon Foyer
10:00 am
11:30 pm
General Session 6 (CLosing Worship)
Napoleon Ballroom
See Page 21
Preaching: Bishop Mark Hanson Music: Celia Whitler, Tay Wilson, The Three of Us
3:00 pm
Regional Facilitators Meet
Hotel Restaurant & Southdown - Closed Meeting
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
Main Ballroom Load-Out
Napoleon Ballroom
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Load-Out
Napoleon Foyer
3:00 pm
9:00 pm
SYMBOL Network Meets
Closed Meeting
7:00 pm
10:00 pm
E-Team Dinner
Closed Meeting
Volunteers Welcome!
MONDAY: February 13, 2012 Start Time
End Time
8:30 am
6:00 pm
ELCA Colleges Church Relations Directors Meet
Gallier A
Closed Meeting
9:00 am
12:00 pm
SYMBOL Network Meets
Closed Meeting
9:00 am
12:00 pm
Loading/Shipping Supplies & Equipment
TUESDAY: February 14, 2012 Start Time
End Time
8:30 am
6:00 pm
ELCA Colleges Church Relations Directors Meet
Gallier A
HOTEL HOTEL MAP MAP Third Floor Common Street Poydras
Business Center Service Elevators
Guest Elevators
Guest Elevators
Napoleon Registration C3
Guest Escelators
C1 Service Area
Men Borgne
Canal Street
Napolean Exposition Hall and Ballroom Third Floor
Fourth Floor
Wildwood Oakley Freight Elevator
Gallier A
Guest Elevators
Gallier B
Guest Elevators
Escelators Evergreen Estherwood
Ellendale Women
Bayside B
reet p St Cam
Service Area
Napoleon Exposition Hall and Ballroom
Vehicle Elevator
Freight Elevators
Edgewood A
Edgewood B
Fourth Floor Fourth Floor
Oak Alley
formation be shaped to shape others Shape your vocation @ Trinity Lutheran Seminary through: Specialized Degrees Enroll in the Master of Arts in Youth and Family Ministry or Master of Arts in Christian Education degree programs, or concentrate in youth and family ministry in the Master of Divinity program.
Spirituality & Integration Learn more about prayer, monasticism, environmental theology, and art as a form of spiritual expression. Bridge the gap between the classroom and the “real� world through integrative groups, service projects, and accompaniment learning in places like Haiti, El Salvador, Kenya, and the Middle East.
Summer Seminary Sampler for High School Youth Encourage your high school youth to explore vocations in service and ministry during a three-week residential program.
Trinity announces new merit scholarships for M.A. students. Contact us to learn more: Trinity Admissions at 2199 E. Main Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43209. Phone: 866-610-8571. E-mail: Admissions@TLSohio.edu or SummerSampler@TLSohio.edu or visit the Trinity website at www.TLSohio.edu. 12
INTENSIVE CARE Multicultural Ministry
Having a Fantastic Youth Gathering
Leader: Vance Blackfox and Network Vision 2.0 Team Location: Edgewood A Changes in the populations and ethnic demographics continue to change the faces of our communities and neighborhoods. It becomes increasingly more important for our congregations to engage, build relationships, and extend outreach to our new neighbors who come from ethnicities that currently aren’t present in our pews. Having a better understanding of concepts such inclusion and receptivity, terminology and issues related to race and ethnicity, as well as resources that are helpful in developing a culturally competent ministry will assist with readying you and your congregation for doing effective multicultural ministry.
Leaders: Heidi Hagstrom and Donna Weigel Location: Bayside A We want you and your congregation to have a great experience at the ELCA Youth Gathering. And we want to provide an opportunity for you to come and hear all about the 2012 Gathering, and to learn practical strategies from Gathering staff and experienced veterans so that you group has a great Gathering.
Refreshing Time of Prayer & Reflection Leader: Bill and Carolyn Kees Location: Edgewood B Is committed time in prayer and reflection on your to-do list but there never seems to be enough time? Do you desire to experience a broader ranger of prayer styles and reflection? Treat yourself to time away to explore what your own prayer style might be and a wider menu of prayer possibilities.
Leadership Issues in Ministry Leader: Dennis “Tiger” McLuen Location: Estherwood This course will look at the variety of issues that often derail or frustrate leaders over the different chapters of leadership. We will look at how to lead change in a church, how your personality affects your life and ministry, and issues of working in an imperfect church. We will also look at leading long-term: What happens if you stay in children, youth and family ministry long-term? What is next? How do you determine stages of leadership? Finally, there will be a time of Q&A with special guests to help address your burning issues.
Every Church a Child Loving Church Leader: Dr. Dawn Rundman Location: Bayside B In this intensive workshop, participants will be equipped with tools to examine how their congregation’s spaces welcome or restrict on-the-go kids. Then we will go deep into multiple facets of kidfriendly worship and how to make those happen in YOUR congregation. Expect to come from this intensive with tools for making your congregation a child-loving church.
Vibrant Families, Vibrant Faith: A Vision and Practice for Youth and Family Ministry Leaders: Leif Kehrwald Location Bayside C We seek to shift the paradigm of household faith growth from something optional and hoped for to something that is expected, from being extraordinary to being essential and ordinary. This Intensive Care Course is based on two books by Leif Kehrwald: Families and Faith: A Vision and Practice for Leaders and Youth Ministry and Parents: Secrets to a Successful Partnership.
Scan this QR code with your smartphone to access the workshops online.
Categories Legend AP = Administrative Proficiencies
SP = Strategic Planning
CM = Children’s Ministry
TTR = Theological Thought and Reflection
PGPR = Professional Growth and Personal Renewal
YFP = Youth and Family Practices
SCT = Synod and Churchwide Topics
G12 = 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering Prep
EARLY BIRD 1: Thursday, February 9, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Monty Lysne Napoleon D1
Recruiting and Equipping Parents for Ministry at Home TTR, YMP, CM
Gather and interact with free resources designed to get parents (even apprehensive ones) on board and equipped with ministry at home. “The Cow and the Haystack” guides parents to come to their own conclusions to get involved in the faith life of their kids. “The FAITH 5,” lays out simple, easy-to-use tools to help make this home faith talk happen.
Monty Lysne is the National Director of Youth and Family Ministry at Faith Inkubators in Stillwater, MN. A parent himself, he believes the church needs to be a partner and equipper - not a replacement - of parents’ duties. Mike Ward Napoleon A1
Fundraising is Ministry Too AP
Too often we look at fundraising as a necessary evil to accomplish our ministry. Well, fundraising is ministry. Learn how to share your story through your fundraising events and how to raise significant money in a much more efficient way, all while helping your youth and families on their faith journey.
Mike Ward is an ELCA pastor and a Certified Fundraising Executive, serving as VP of Advancement for Lutheridge + Lutherock Ministries in North Carolina. Mike has raised over $20 million in the last ten years for ministries where he has consulted. Claire Meyer, Linda Staats, Rev. Sara Vanderpan Napoleon A3
Bible Study and the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering TTR, YMP, G12
Goals for youth who attend the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering include hearing the Word of God, articulating their faith in Jesus Christ and proclaiming the good news. Discover how to support your youth on this journey using the Book of Faith’s Four Lens approach and the Getting Ready Sessions. Valuable for all adult leaders, whether or not you are going to the Gathering. Free resources!
Claire Meyer is a member of the 2012 Gathering’s Peacemaking Team and co-writer for the Getting Ready sessions. Linda Staats, Assistant to the Bishop for Youth & Household Ministry (RMS) and Rev. Sara Vanderpan, serve on the ELCA Book of Faith Planning Team.
WORKSHOPS EARLY BIRD 2: Thursday, February 9, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Kathleen Fisher Napoleon A1
Examine the organization of a primary school in Kenya which is all done by young people in their 20’s with passion and a need to serve. We will look at ways to raise and encourage our youth and congregations to ‘JUST GO’ and address needs when they see them.
Kathleen Fisher is Director of Youth and Family Ministries in Mercer Island, WA and is passionate about lifting up students to follow where God is calling them. Susie Marks is Executive Director of Hamomi Children’s Centre in Nairobi, Kenya and believes deeply in aligning our passions with conscientiousness and intellect. Rev. Lanny Westphal Evergreen
Get Involved in God’s Global Mission! YMP, SP, SCT
Jesus said, “Go into all the world!” Discover how your young people can become “global Lutherans.” Deepen faith practices with global resources and explore ways to get directly involved through short-term mission trips, companion synod relationships, and mission service projects for youth and young adults.
Rev. Lanny Westphal has worked with youth throughout his ministry as a parish pastor, in the synod office, and now as Director for Global Formation-Relationships for ELCA Global Mission, where he directs the Companion Synod Program. Monty Lysne Napoleon D1
The Jr. High Brain: Brain Science Led by a Non-Scientist For Non-Scientists YMP, PGPR, CM
Explore the craziness of the adolescent brain, why Jr. High kids act the way they do, and how to design your teaching to make your content as “sticky” as possible.
Monty Lysne is National Director of Youth and Family Ministry at Faith Inkubators. In 20 years of ministry (and as a father of four girls) he realizes he is powerless to stop the chaos of adolescence. He only hopes to contain it. Hans Wiersma Gallier B
Go and Make Disciples: What Does This Mean? TTR, PGPR
Is there a “Lutheran Way” to “go and make disciples of all nations”? We’ll see how some formative Lutheran literature might frame and shape your understanding of making young disciples.
Hans Wiersma is a former youth director and youth pastor now teaching in the religion department at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kari Lyn Wampler Napoleon A3
When it’s more than you can handle: Clinical Issues in Adolescents YMP
In close work with adolescents it is inevitable that you will run into those who are struggling with big life issues such as depression, chemical use, anxiety, PTSD, and more. Learn how to identify clinical issues in adolescents, know when to refer them on to a professional, and explore how you can be a helpful resource for them.
Kari Lyn Wampler is a graduate of Luther Seminary and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She founded Deo’ Advocates, an organization dedicated to the wellbeing of adolescents and their families, and is the Resident Expert in Adolescents for Vibrant Faith Ministries.
WORKSHOP 1: Friday, February 10, 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
The Vision 2.0 Team Edgewood A
Vision 2.0 - Committed to Inclusion and Receptivity TTR, PGPR, SCT
The ELCA Youth Ministry Network is committed to creating an organizational culture of inclusion and receptivity. Learn more about the work of developing such a culture and how you can be a part of this important work in our organization, your congregation, and your youth ministry.
The Vision 2.0 Team is empowered by the Network’s Board of Directors to work to bring a culture of receptivity to our community. We believe that if all are fully welcomed to the table, we will be fulfilling God’s mission to the world. Brian Middleswrath Bayside B
As We Go: Questions to Ponder on the Way TTR
Does it matter if we serve specifically in the name of Christ or not? Is participation in corporate worship essential to our lives as Christians? If so, what is it that makes it essential? As we go into the world these are some of the questions our youth (and our congregations) are asking. Come and join the conversation.
Brian Middleswarth serves First Lutheran in Cedar Rapids, IA as Director of Teen Ministry. As his confirmation students and the participants in the Wholly Iowa Youth Leadership Discipling Event (WIYLDE) will attest, he likes asking thought provoking questions and seeking answers.
WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP 1: Friday, February 10, 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. (continued) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Bryan Whiteside & Joel Rothe Southdown
(Re) Thinking Theologically About Short Term Mission Trips YMP, TTR
Move away from the traditional short-term mission trip toward an authentic, relational partnership with God and the local communities where we serve. Examine the idea of a pilgrimage: a journey to meet God in a distant place, hoping to return a different person. Discuss practical ways to implement the philosophy of a pilgrimage into the preparation and execution of your trip.
Bryan Whiteside and Joel Rothe are youth directors in California. They have been leading annual trips to Tijuana, Mexico for over five years as part of their congregational commitments to seeking justice and serving all people. Jen Bradbury Gallier A
Finessing Finance AP, SP
Is it possible to avoid the epidemic of shrinking budgets? Learn to advocate for the needs of your ministry in the midst of on-going budget battles. Create a budget proposal that honors your church’s vision, size, and needs. Finally, learn to keep budget records that will enable you to showcase your stewardship of the resources you’ve been given.
Jen Bradbury is the Director of Youth Ministry at Faith Lutheran in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. She is a frequent contributor to Youth Worker Journal and Immerse Journal, and blogs at YMJen.com. Kristy Helberg Napoleon A3
Please Pass Go! Please collect a catalog of Christian games your kids will love! YMP, CM, G12
Learn Christian games that kids of all ages love to play. The games will range from icebreakers, outside group games, bible trivia board games, activities that reinforce Bible stories with a special section devoted to activities for the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering Youth Gathering such as travel games and waiting in line games.
Kristy Helberg is Youth Director at Bethlehem Lutheran in Okolona, OH. She loves music, skits, games and the Lord. Jim LaDoux Bayside A
Leading from the Second Chair YMP, AP, SP, PGPR
How do we exert leadership in situations where we are not the main person in charge? How do we move ministry forward in spite of confusing roles, responsibilities and expectations? Equip yourself to lead effectively in any situation. Learn the five strategies for leading from the second chair that keep your ministry moving forward.
Jim LaDoux is the Director of Coaching & Training at Vibrant Faith Ministries, and the author of Surface to Soul: Coaching Spiritual Vitality in Congregations. Jon Leiseth Estherwood
Introducing Vocation YMP, TTR
Looking for new ways to approach some of the big questions around vocation? Gather multiple concrete tools for introducing and exploring vocation with youth. One is super-short. One provides a way to deepen reflection following service. One could be expanded into a retreat. It’s a vocation variety pack.
Jon Leiseth serves the community of Concordia College in Moorhead, MN as its Vocation Associate. He brings years of experience working with youth and young adults, a dash of theological training and a heaping handful of interest in people’s stories. Bethany Stolle Borgne
Re:designing Your Youth Ministry YMP, TTR, AP, SP
You’ve read the books. You’ve taken courses. And you’ve probably tried, adapted, or created a bunch of models for youth ministry. Re-imagine and redesign your youth ministry with a practical approach that engages the mind, body, and heart in creatively developing a model for your youth ministry context.
Bethany Stolle is the Senior Developer for youth resources for Sparkhouse, the ecumenical division of Augsburg Fortress. She volunteers at Bethlehem Lutheran in Minneapolis, MN, mentoring a small group of middle school girls and working on efforts to reach out into the community. Rebecca Wedge Thornhill Gallier B
Connected with the Saints: Using Technology Before, During, and After the ELCA Youth Gathering YMP, SP, G12
Use social media and web-based technology to gather your students, train your leaders, and inform students’ parents about the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering. Learn basic steps to getting started and easy-to-follow pointers for before, during, and after the gathering. Help your entire congregation (not just participants) get the most out of the youth gathering.
Rebekah Wedge Thornhill serves as Director of Family and Youth Ministries at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Jamaica, Queens, NY. She has a special penchant for technology, art and graphic design, and using them in ministry with children and youth. Monty Lysne Napoleon D1
Recruiting and Equipping Parents for Ministry at Home
Please see description under Earlybird 1
Mike Ward Napoleon A1
Fundraising is Ministry Too
Please see description under Earlybird 1
Rev. Lanny Westphal Evergreen
Get Involved in God’s Global Mission!
Please see description under Earlybird 2
WORKSHOP 2: Friday, February 10, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Presenter & Room
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Description & Bio
Jason Reed, Rev. Lanny Westphal Bayside A
War and Peace and Servant Trips TTR, SP, SCT
For 10 years, the New Jersey Synod’s peace-building ministry in Bosnia has drawn those involved deeper into the mystery of God’s love and forgiveness; into what hands-on peacemaking can look like; and into lasting relationships between ELCA Lutherans and Muslims and Christians abroad. Hear and see their story to deepen your own ministries and consider expanding it directly in your context.
Jason Reed serves as Youth Ministry Specialist for the New Jersey Synod. He has lead servant trips to Bosnia and Croatia since 1996. Rev. Lanny Westphal serves as Director for Global FormationRelationships for ELCA Global Mission. Tiger McLuen Napoleon D3
Strategic Planning YMP, AP, SP, PGPR, G12
Think more clearly about the goals of effective youth ministry. Get past just having some good intentions for your programs and move beyond the busyness of your schedule to some clear plans that will keep you motivated in ministry. We’ll talk about your dreams, visions and goals for ministry.
Tiger McLuen gives vision and leadership to Youth Leadership, Inc., in St. Paul, MN. He has taught at both Bethel and Luther Seminaries in St. Paul. Today, Tiger is leading Youth Leadership in new directions; educating, equipping and encouraging youth ministry leaders. Jen Bradbury Napoleon A3
How to Burn Out YMP, TTR
Youth workers have a notoriously short life span, which can be harmful to all involved - the youth worker, the teens, and the congregation. Explore common reasons why youth workers burn out quickly and practical strategies for overcoming them in order to become a healthy youth worker who is in it for the long haul.
Jen Bradbury is the Director of Youth Ministry at Faith Lutheran in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. She is a frequent contributor to Youth Worker Journal and Immerse Journal and blogs at YMJen.com. Alaina Kleinbeck Gallier A
Holy Things for Youth Ministry YMP, TTR
For over 10 years the ecumenical Duke Youth Academy for Christian Formation has gathered teens from a variety of traditions to live together for a summer experience that’s part worship lab, part seminary, and part mission trip. Grounded in the tradition of shared life in the Church’s holy things, discover a model for youth ministry where we take theology, worship, and service seriously.
Alaina Kleinbeck has served as a youth minister in St. Louis, Missouri and on the staff of the Duke Youth Academy for Christian Formation. She is a student at Duke Divinity School where she serves as the Assistant Director of Youth Ministry Initiatives. Rev. Nancy Lee Gauche Maurepas
Re-invent, Re-imagine, Re-invigorate Your Self YMP, TTR
Vocation calls us to live fully whatever the context. How do we play a role in shaping, re-imagining, and re-creating one’s self in life and ministry? How are we called to a new space, a new place, or a new face of ministry? Explore the process of being more of who you are, of self-awareness with reflection.
Rev. Nancy Lee Gauche is a program associate for the Children, Youth & Family Masters and M.Div. Program at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. Karen Gieseke serves as the Children, Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator for the Southeastern Minnesota Synod. Beth Lewis Bayside A
Go! But first you might want a plan! YMP, AP, SP, PGPR
Apply strategic planning techniques to youth ministry! Learn who should participate in creating a strategic plan for your ministry, how your youth ministry strategy fits with the congregation’s strategy, when you should launch a strategic planning process, and how to develop a written strategic plan blueprint that will guide your ministry’s future for the next 3 to 5 years.
Beth Lewis is the President & CEO of Augsburg Fortress. She spent 22 years working for Fortune 500 publishing companies, Time Warner, McGraw-Hill, and Times Mirror. She also owned a computer training school in Boca Raton, FL. Amy Kippen Southdown
Giving Christian Ed back to parents CM
Tired of teacher shortages, parents who just drop their kids off and expect you to “teach” them the faith, wondering how to get parents IN the church building? Ten years ago, Faith Lutheran in West Fargo, ND scrapped traditional Sunday school for what they call GIFT- a program that families attend together each week.
Amy Kippen serves as Director of Faith Formation at Faith Lutheran in West Fargo, ND. She has mentored churches around the world in what it means to raise the bar of parental involvement for the sake of children and the church. Dr. Jeremy Myers Edgewood B
Lutheran Theology: How God Works in the World TTR, PGPR, G12
How does Christ forgive my sins? How does the Spirit call us into faith and service? Does God cause bad things to happen? The way we describe God and God’s work in our world matters. It communicates a certain understanding of God to our youth. Learn to notice, interpret and profess what we think God might be doing in the lives of our youth.
Dr. Jeremy Myers is a religion and youth ministry professor at Augsburg College in Minneapolis. He is a former youth director and a commissioned Associate in Ministry in the ELCA.
WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP 2: Friday, February 10, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (continued) Presenter & Room
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Chris Wagener Bayside B
Teens and Tragedy TTR
Participate in a combination of presentation and discussion around the topic of how to minister to teens dealing with tragedy. From death to tragic events, we will discuss methods for ministry during crisis. Hear stories from a year in which a youth had severe cancer and another youth died unexpectedly, and share your experiences and what has been successful.
Chris Wagener currently lives in Boise, ID where he serves as Director of Youth and Family Ministry at King of Glory Lutheran. He is a proud alum of Gustavus Adolphus College and Wartburg Theological Seminary. Kari Lyn Wampler Napoleon D1
Let’s Talk About Sex YMP, TTR
Few things are as intriguing and as ominous as sex and sexuality to teenagers. It’s a big deal, yet most people in their lives don’t want to talk about it. Being willing and prepared to enter into conversation with kids about sex is imperative to a healthy understanding of faith based sexuality. Discuss the importance of the conversation and strategies for it.
Kari Lyn Wampler is a graduate of Luther Seminary and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She founded Deo’ Advocates, an organization dedicated to the wellbeing of adolescents and their families, and is the Resident Expert in Adolescents for Vibrant Faith Ministries. Mark Schoepp Borgne
Brain Gain, Not Brain Drain YMP, SP, PGPR, CM
Give God our best through stewardship of our bodies. Current brain research shows that three simple things exercise, diet, and play - have a profound impact on our ability to focus, learn, and work. We will explore how the brain wires itself and the implications for church professionals, including a simple short-hand that helps leaders plan in a brain-friendly way.
Mark Schoepp, his wife, Becky, and their four children performed all over the United States as Fitz Family Ministries, a unique family ministry and entertainment troupe. He joined Wheat Ridge Ministries as Church Relations Representative in July 2010. Kathleen Fisher Napoleon A1
Just GO
Please see description under Earlybird 2
Hans Wiersma Gallier B
Go and Make Disciples: What Does This Mean?
Please see description under Earlybird 2
The Vision 2.0 Team Edgewood A
Vision 2.0 - Committed to Inclusion and Receptivity
Please see description under Workshop 1
WORKSHOP 3: Friday, February 10, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Presenter & Room
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Description & Bio
Tiger McLuen Napoleon D3
Leading A Small Group YMP, PGPR, G12
Small group leadership is a key part of most youth ministry, but we often feel unprepared for the task. Leading a small group is not easy, but everyone can learn to do it well. We won’t guarantee that your middle school boys will love every small group, but this session will introduce the basic ideas and skills necessary for leading a small group.
Tiger McLuen gives vision and leadership to Youth Leadership, Inc., in St. Paul, MN. He has taught at both Bethel and Luther Seminaries in St. Paul. Today, Tiger is leading Youth Leadership in new directions; educating, equipping and encouraging youth ministry leaders. Terri Elton Evergreen
Your Role As A Leader TTR, PGPR, G12
Have you ever wondered what it means to be a “leader” in ministry? Centered on the idea of servant leadership, explore the necessary dance of leading - a dance joining God’s work in the world with our gifts and skills. Learn about three clusters of skills needed in ministry and evaluate your own abilities in each area.
Terri Elton holds a Ph.D. in Congregational Mission and Leadership from Luther Seminary. Prior to teaching at Luther, she served Prince of Peace Lutheran in Burnsville, MN, where she helped write confirmation curriculum that was published for use at other churches.
WORKSHOP 3: Friday, February 10, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (continued) Presenter & Room
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Description & Bio
Dr. Jeremy Myers Estherwood
Lutheran Theology: How Lutherans Read the Bible TTR, PGPR, G12
No. This is not an oxymoron. Lutherans actually read the Bible and they often read it in a particular way. Get an introduction to the various ways the Bible is often interpreted and familiarize yourself with the tools or concepts Lutherans have used for many years while interpreting scripture.
Dr. Jeremy Myers is a religion and youth ministry professor at Augsburg College in Minneapolis. He is a former youth director and a commissioned Associate in Ministry in the ELCA. Michael Dauterive Napoleon A1
God’s Hands in the Eyes of the Storm PGPR, G12
While Hurricane Katrina was one of the biggest disasters in history, God’s presence can be felt in the years after. In fact, God is a comfort during life’s storms. Hear the story from a former youth director and current high school teacher in Louisiana.
Michael Dauterive was a youth director for five years in Chalmette, Louisiana before Hurricane Katrina. After serving two years in Wisconsin, he returned to teach math and coach sports in a suburb of New Orleans, where he attends Hosanna Lutheran. Rev. Dr. Paul Hill Southdown
Curious: How Effective Faith Practices Work in Your Brain YMP, TTR, PGPR
Hear how the expanding science of the brain connects with the Four Key faith practices of caring conversation, devotions, service, and rituals and traditions. Learn about the incredibly important discovery of mirror neurons and how the brain flows. Based upon these insights you’ll discover that living a Christian lifestyle connects our deepest selves to God as God intends and made us.
Rev. Dr. Paul Hill is the Executive Director of Vibrant Faith Ministries. He has extensive experience in youth and family ministry, outdoor ministries, and congregational development as a parish pastor, camp director, and theological educator. Ray Hopkins Mauerpas
LIKE this Workshop! Guidelines for Boundaries in a Social Media Age YMP, AP, SP
If you have a personal or congregational Twitter account, Facebook account, or use other social media accounts or chat programs you need to set boundaries and understand the power behind them. Discuss proactive church Social Media, setting boundaries, and best practices on what type of contact and communication is appropriate, power dynamics, and avoiding being misconstrued in electronic communication.
Ray Hopkins is Youth Director for Upper Dublin Lutheran Church in Ambler, PA. He is Financial Analyst by day and Youth Director/Tech Guru by night and weekends. He is very fond of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and all sorts of social media. Megan D. Moroff Gallier A
Praying In Color YMP, TTR, PGPR, CM
Praying in Color is an active, visual and meditative way for all ages to pray. No words are necessary; no artistic skills required - only a desire and longing for the presence of God. If you are word-weary, stillness-challenged, easily distracted, or just in need of a new way to pray, “Praying in Color” is for you.
Megan D. Moroff is the Director of Senior High Ministries at Roseville Lutheran in Roseville, MN. Dawn Trautman Borgne
How To Set And Reach Goals YMP, TTR, SP
Goals :they propel you to something great, remind you of what you didn¹t finish, or provide an amazing lens to see God¹s great work. Learn the keys to joyfully setting and reaching any milestone, from personal goals to group fundraising targets. Arrive with a goal in mind and we¹ll talk about motivation, organizing for success, and creating a step-by-step plan.
Dawn Trautman is a former youth director, professional musical theater actress and national board certified coach with master¹s degrees from Luther Seminary and New York University (Organizational Psychology). In 2011, she surpassed her goal of doubling blog readership at www.LutheranLifeCoach.com. Rev. Clint Schnekloth Bayside C
Virtual Community, Collectives, and Play: The New Culture of Learning YMP, TTR, SP
Play, access to digital technologies, and new collective forms of organizing (such as Wikipedia) indicate a massive shift in how people learn. Explore how faith communities can use this shift to augment current approaches to faith formation. The workshop itself will model this new culture of learning, offering a medium for learning and space for collective play to emerge.
Rev. Clint Schnekloth is lead pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran in Fayetteville, Arkansas. He is currently writing his dissertation for the Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Theological Seminary with a focus on social/new media and faith formation. Monty Lysne Napoleon D1
The Jr. High Brain: Brain Science Led by a Non-Scientist For Non-Scientists
Please see description under Earlybird 2
Kari Lyn Wampler Napoleon A3
When it’s more than you can handle: Clinical Issues in Adolescents
Please see description under Earlybird 2
Jason Reed, Rev. Lanny Westphal Bayside A
War and Peace and Servant Trips
Please see description under Workshop 2 19
WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP 4: Saturday, February 11, 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Presenter & Room
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Description & Bio
Tiger McLuen Napoleon D3
Faith Conversations TTR, PGPR, G12
Sharing your faith story is an essential part of your role as a leader, yet this is a tough area for many people in the church. Learn basic ideas and skills for a natural, relational conversation about faith and life. We will admit our fears and find a way to speak about faith and life in real conversations with students.
Tiger McLuen gives vision and leadership to Youth Leadership, Inc., in St. Paul, MN. He has taught at both Bethel and Luther Seminaries in St. Paul. Today, Tiger is leading Youth Leadership in new directions; educating, equipping and encouraging youth ministry leaders. Dr. Belinda Karge Gallier B
Special Education 101 - Ministry is for ALL Children, including those with Disabilities YMP, CM
10% of every classroom across America includes a child with a disability. We need to be open to children with disabilities in our ministry and include them as we do every other child. Learn the 13 categories of disabilities recognized under the federal law and participate in engagement strategies to include ALL children, including those with ADHD and autism.
Dr. Belinda Karge is Professor of Special Education at California State University and works with students with disabilities in schools and churches. She is a volunteer youth minister at Carlton Hills Evangelical Lutheran in Santee, CA. Kari Lyn Wampler Edgewood B
Maximizing Teenage Spiritual Experience
We want to help kids grow spiritually and develop a deeper more dedicated relationship with their creator, yet we frequently enter into that endeavor with limited knowledge about what really draws them into that relationship. Look at typical adolescent life process, research on adolescent spirituality and draw conclusions about what has the greatest impact for a faith filled life.
Kari Lyn Wampler is a graduate of Luther Seminary and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She founded Deo’ Advocates, an organization dedicated to the wellbeing of adolescents and their families, and the Resident Expert in Adolescents for Vibrant Faith Ministries. Dawn Trautman Borgne
How To Set And Reach Goals
Please see description under Workshop 3
Rev. Clint Schnekloth Bayside C
Virtual Community, Collectives, and Play: The New Culture of Learning
Please see description under Workshop 3
Brian Middleswrath Bayside B
As We Go: Questions to Ponder on the Way
Please see description under Workshop 1
Bryan Whiteside & Joel Rothe Southdown
(Re) Thinking Theologically About Short Term Mission Trips
Please see description under Workshop 1
Jen Bradbury Napoleon A3
How to Burn Out
Please see description under Workshop 2
Alaina Kleinbeck Gallier A
Holy Things for Youth Ministry
Please see description under Workshop 2
Rev. Nancy Lee Gauche Maurepas
Re-invent, Re-imagine, Re-invigorate Your Self
Please see description under Workshop 2
Beth Lewis Bayside A
Go! But first you might want a plan!
Please see description under Workshop 2
Terri Elton Evergreen
Your Role As A Leader
Please see description under Workshop 3
Dr. Jeremy Myers Estherwood
Lutheran Theology: How Lutherans Read the Bible
Please see description under Workshop 3
WORKSHOP 5: Saturday, February 11, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Presenter & Room
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Description & Bio
Tiger McLuen Napoleon D3
Planning for the Unexpected YMP, G12
Even with great planning, events with teenagers almost always involve surprises. What is the role of a caring adult in the midst of these surprises and how do we stay focused on a loving environment and discipleship in the midst of the surprise?
Tiger McLuen gives vision and leadership to Youth Leadership, Inc., in St. Paul, MN. He has taught at both Bethel and Luther Seminaries in St. Paul. Today, Tiger is leading Youth Leadership in new directions; educating, equipping and encouraging youth ministry leaders. Jen Bradbury Gallier A
Finessing Finance
Please see description under Workshop 1
Kristy Helberg Napoleon A3
Please Pass Go! Please collect a catalog of Christian games your kids will love!
Please see description under Workshop 1
Jim LaDoux Bayside A
Leading from the Second Chair
Please see description under Workshop 1
Jon Leiseth Estherwood
Introducing Vocation
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Bethany Stolle Borgne
Re:designing Your Youth Ministry
Please see description under Workshop 1
Rebecca Wedge Thornhill Gallier B
Connected with the Saints: Using Technology Before, During, and After the ELCA Youth Gathering
Please see description under Workshop 1
Amy Kippen Southdown
Giving Christian Ed back to parents
Please see description under Workshop 2
Dr. Jeremy Myers Edgewood B
Lutheran Theology: How God Works in the World
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Chris Wagener Bayside B
Teens and Tragedy
Please see description under Workshop 2
Kari Lyn Wampler Napoleon D1
Let’s Talk About Sex
Please see description under Workshop 2
WORKSHOP 6: Sunday, February 12, 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Presenter & Room
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Description & Bio
Claire Meyer, Napoleon A3
Bible Study and the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering
Please see description under Earlybird 1
Mark Schoepp, Borgne
Brain Gain, Not Brain Drain
Please see description under Workshop 2
Michael Dauterive, Napoleon A1
God’s Hands in the Eyes of the Storm
Please see description under Workshop 3
Rev. Dr. Paul Hill, Southdown
Curious: How Effective Faith Practices Work in Your Brain
Please see description under Workshop 3
Ray Hopkins, Mauerpas
LIKE this Workshop! Guidelines for Boundaries in a Social Media Age
Please see description under Workshop 3
Megan D. Moroff, Gallier A
Praying In Color
Please see description under Workshop 3
Dr. Belinda Karge, Gallier B
Special Education 101 - Ministry is for ALL Children, including those with Disabilities
Please see description under Workshop 4
Kari Lyn Wampler, Edgewood B
Maximizing Teenage Spiritual Experience
Please see description under Workshop 4
SPEAKERS Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber Nadia is the pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, Colorado, which is described as an urban liturgical community with a progressive yet deeply rooted theological imagination. She wrote Salvation on the Small Screen; 24 Hours of Christian Television. She blogs on her Sarcastic Lutheran site, and speaks and preaches all over the country. “Nadia Bolz-Weber has probably done more than any other pastor in recent times to poke therapeutic fun at the misdemeanors and flaws of overly churched Christianity and Christians,” wrote Phyllis Tickle, author of “The Great Emergence.”
Rev. Dr. Reggie Blount The Rev. Dr. Reginald Blount received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Tuskegee University and his Masters of Divinity degree from Candler School of Theology at Emory University. He is a Ph.D. graduate of the GarrettEvangelical/Northwestern University joint program in Religious and Theological Studies focusing his studies in the areas of Christian Education and Youth Ministry. Dr. Blount serves on the faculty of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary as Assistant Professor of Formation, Youth and Culture. He is also Pastor of Trinity A.M.E. Church in Waukegan, IL. He is the former Director of Garrett-Evangelical’s Faith Passage, a yearlong spiritual and leadership development program committed to nurturing and empowering high school youth in making a “faith passage” from adolescence to adulthood. He is a contributor in Making God Real for a Next Generation: Ministry with Millennials Born from 1982 to 1999 (Discipleship Resources, 2003).
Dr. David Lose David J. Lose joined the Luther Seminary faculty in July of 2000 as assistant professor of homiletics. In May 2005, he received the Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching and was named Academic Dean in June of the same year, a post he held through 2008. He currently serves as the Director of the Center for Biblical Preaching and in that capacity led the creative teams that developed WorkingPreacher.org and Sermon Brainwave. Lose is the author of Making Sense of Scripture (2009), and Confessing Jesus Christ: Preaching in a Postmodern World (2003), which was named one of the “Top 10 Books of 2004” by the Academy of Parish Clergy. 22
Rev. Alexia Salvatierra Rev. Alexia G. Salvatierra is executive director, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice of California (CLUE-CA), Los Angeles. CLUE-CA is a statewide alliance of interfaith organizations and religious leaders who respond together to the crises of working poverty by joining low-wage workers in their struggle for a living wage, health insurance, fair working conditions and a voice in the decisions that affect them. CLUECA’s mission is to build a faith-based movement for economic justice throughout California. It is one of the coordinating agencies of the national New Sanctuary Movement, in which congregations accompany and support immigrant workers and their families facing deportation. She has been awarded the Changemaker Award by the Liberty Hill Foundation, the Stanton Fellowship from the Durfee Foundation, and the Prime Mover Award from the Hunt Alternatives Fund. Salvatierra and her daughter reside in Los Angeles.
Bishop Mark Hanson In August 2001, the Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) elected Mark S. Hanson to serve as presiding bishop. Before being elected presiding bishop, he served as bishop of the Saint Paul Area Synod (3H). He had been elected to serve a second term in Saint Paul earlier that same year. Hanson is widely known as a leader with an evangelical passion and imagination who embraces the Christian tradition, the Christian community, and the world with both generous goodwill and thoughtful insight. He has been an articulate advocate for the renewal of the church’s preaching and public voice, for the strengthening of ecumenical and inter-religious relationships, and for reconciliation and justice in society, with attention especially to those who live with poverty and discrimination.
EMCEES Rev. Susan Tjornehoj
Rev. Greg Schaefer The Rev. Greg Schaefer is a California native, having grown up in the San Francisco Bay area on a cattle ranch. A Lutheran pastor, he came to Stanford University after serving as seminary pastor at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California.
The Rev. Susan Tjornehoj is the Director of Evangelical Mission for the Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA. A graduate of Luther College in Decorah, Iowa and Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, she has been ordained for 25 years, and has served parishes in northwest Alaska and Baudette, Minnesota.
Before that, Greg was a graduate student at the Graduate Theological Union, studying religion and psychology. Pastoral care is a passion of his...so invite him to the Starbucks in the lobby for a cup of coffee.
Susan has worked on the Bishop’s staffs in the Northwest Minnesota Synod, the St. Paul Area Synod and now the Minneapolis Area Synod. Susan most recently served as the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church on Capitol Hill in St. Paul.
Besides theology, he loves golf, hiking, sailing, flying, cooking (and eating) Spanish food, traveling, horseback riding and spending time with his wife, Gwen...not necessarily in that order.
She has completed a year of study in a doctoral program in congregational mission and leadership at Luther Seminary.
Greg serves as the campus pastor at Stanford University.
NETWORK CELEBRATION A time to honor servants in Children, Youth, and Family ministry with a celebration just for you! There will be food, laughter, music and the presentation of the Tom Hunstad Award for Excellence in Youth Ministry (the “Tommy”).
The History of The “Tommy” Tom Hunstad was a personal friend to many of us. When the Network was started, there were many all over the country who were an important part of making it happen. There was energy, excitement, and enthusiasm. But it was Tom, who was serving as the chairperson of the first task force, and then the first president of the Network, who emotionally carried the Network on his shoulders, calling people together, casting a wide vision, and making it happen. There was quite literally one point when the Network was on the verge of fading away, when Tom pretty much single handedly carried it on his back. Tom was a youth minister, serving in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and then a pastor, serving at Olivet Lutheran in Fargo, North Dakota and then at Westwood in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Tom was diagnosed early in 2000 with an aggressive form of cancer. After a short, but courageous battle with the disease, Tom died just before Thanksgiving of that year. He is survived by his wife, Lynn and his 2 children, along with many family members, many friends, and this Network.
To honor Tom, the Network Board created an award, the Tom Hunstad Award for Excellence in Youth and Family Ministry. The award is given annually, by the Network. It is not a “youth minister of the year” award…there are no nominations made. Rather it is an honor, bestowed on someone by the Network through its board. We select someone that we want to honor and to thank for their service. It is the highest award given in the field of youth and family ministry…as far as we know, it is also the only award given in the field of youth and family ministry. “Tommy” Recipients: 2001 - Dr. Roland Martinson 2002 - Rev. Daryl Koenig 2003 - Rev. Kelly Chatman 2004 - Rev. Mike Yaconelli 2005 - Rev. Jane Prestbye 2006 - Rev. Bill Kees 2007 - Susan Pursch 2008 - Faye Belskey 2009 - David Scherer; “Agape” 2010 - Rev. Dr. Dick Hardel 2011 - Bishop Paul Blom 23
MUSICIANS Taylor Wilson Tay Wilson is a singer/songwriter based out of Minneapolis, MN that although is a fresh face as a solo artist, is no stranger to the music scene. The journey began 7 years ago, recording 2 fulllength albums, numerous EP’s, touring the United States, and building relationships with fans of young and old with a hand-full of rock bands. This experience allowed Tay to grow as a musician and believer. In 2009, he began to dream in a different direction. With the vision clear, he surrounded himself with experienced rockers in both the Contemporary Christian and Mainstream rock music scenes- acquiring Producers Mark Alan and Atlantic Records artist Eric Arjes. Once the tunes were situated, Tay called upon friends of old and new to assist as guest musicians for his debut record, including members of The Afters, Mainstay, and Camera Can’t Lie, among others. With a repertoire of gigs at churches, bars, festivals, and camps, Tay has been given great opportunities to communicate real life issues and the gospel in effective ways. To him, it’s about meeting people where they’re at; no matter the joys, no matter the flaws. He’s been known to engage his audience by sharing personal experiences, and jumps at the chance to share grace and love with people of all walks. Tay’s most recent album entitled ‘Brand New People’, which is available now in select stores or on iTunes, has opened the door to share the stage with diverse national acts like Remedy Drive, FFH, Chris Sligh, Write This Down, and Camera Can’t Lie. In addition to being a musician, Tay works full-time as Youth and Family Minister at Transfiguration Lutheran Church in Bloomington, MN and holds a Bachelors degree in Youth Development and Biblical Studies from North Central University in Minneapolis, MN. He enjoys long walks on the beach, hairspray (the product, not the film), and Chinese Buffets. www.taywilsonmusic.com
The Three of Us “The Three of Us” came together as a group after never finding two more members during their time on the campus of Texas Lutheran University. The group consists of Amanda Ulrich (Seminary Student at Luther), Nathan Fry (Music and Psychology Major at Texas Lutheran University), and Greg Ronning (Campus Pastor, Texas Lutheran University.) They look forward to sharing music from the rich and diverse worship life they have experienced at Texas Lutheran. Their style
includes everything from Rock and Roll favorites to Taize chants, an original song or two, and some of the songs that everybody knows and loves. Amanda sings and plays guitar, loves the outdoors, and ultimate Frisbee. Chocolate is her favorite food. Nathan’s hobbies include music, swimming, cooking, and reading. He finds Eel Sushi irresistible. Greg spends his time, playing music and golf, the money he makes pays the IRS off! Pizza is his food of choice. Old friends coming together for the first time, “The Three of Us.”
Celia Whitler Celia Whitler is a singer, songwriter, author, speaker, friend, wife, and mom. She enjoys a good laugh, a well told story, connecting with people through her music and through travels. “When it comes down to it, there is something really sacred about telling our story and about hearing each others stories. I just happen to do that through song.” Celia holds degrees in Christian Education and Elementary Education from Centenary College of Louisiana. After college, she taught school for five years in the Louisiana and Texas public schools. Following an observation made over dinner by a friend about music, Celia felt a nudge to explore singing as a vocation. She began writing songs, recording music, and singing concerts. In November of 1989, Celia began singing occasional concerts on weekends and eventually the school classroom complicated concert related travel. In the spring of 1991 Celia elected to leave teaching as a profession and follow the less traveled road, devoting her full attention to the vocation of singing. “Singing has been an answer to a calling. I want people to know that our life and our faith is an exciting and dynamic adventure - to share Christ’s message of unconditional love and to encourage others in their journeys. I encourage you to find your voice, your calling.” Celia began making recordings in 1990 and to date has released eight artist projects. More information on Celia can be found at www.celiamusic.net
Ad here 3rd Tuesday Conversations are monthly gatherings of friends. They are great continuing education events. They are chances to hear from, and interact with experts in the field. 3TC conversations are free for Network members.
Our schedule: February 15 Rev. Mike Ward; Effective Fundraising March 15 Erik Ullestad & Jake Bouma; Developing Congregational Curriculum April 19 To be announced Times: All 3TC conversations begin at: 2:00 p.m. Eastern, 1:00 p.m. Central 12:00 p.m. Mountain, 11:00 a.m. Pacific
Our conversations: We use online webinars. You can log in to a special webinar site and listen to the conversation while watching images on your screen. Or, you can watch on the computer while calling in and listening on your phone. You will have opportunities to ask questions as well.
Join the conversation! www.elcaymnet.org/3tc
Here’s our belief: open source youth ministry
There is an amazing amount of talent, expertise and skill within our community. And we have all developed resources for use in our congregations. Many of us are willing to share those resources that we have created. MartinsList is a place to do that. Here, we can share our work with each other...and can create a community of mutual support in our ministry. It’s open source ministry.
It’s MartinsList.
LOCAL FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT Where to Start? There’s lots, and lots to do in New Orleans to keep you fed and entertained. But you knew that. Here’s where to find more information: • The Hospitality Desk will have a notebook with sample menus and restaurant lists • Visit the iOS or Android app stores and search for “New Orleans Restaurants” or similar • Use a QR Code scanner app for your phone, and scan the code to the right
CLUB XLIV PARTY 8:00 p.m., Saturday Come enjoy an evening of sweets and treats hosted by the New Orleans Krewe of Hospitality. Guests will enter Champions Square from the Poydras Street entrance and stroll to Club XLIV to enjoy a delectable dessert reception. The New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau, the New Orleans Morial Convention Center, the Merecedes-Benz Superdome and Centerplate invite The ELCA Youth Ministry Network to come and see what new treats await attendees of the ELCA Youth Gathering.
Walking distance is approximately one mile Head northwest on Canal St toward Chartres St Turn left onto Camp St Turn right onto Poydras St.
GENERAL INFORMATION Do what you need to do, to take care of you!
Prayer Chapel
This gathering is for you! It is all about supporting you, helping
chapel located in Oakley. If you need a moment to sit, reflect, pray
to empower you to do ministry, connecting you with other youth
or be still, please make use of this wonderful resource. Each day the
workers, and helping you to love kids to the best of your ability.
chapel will include creative objects and tools to inspire you in your
If you come here worn out - sleep! If you need to spend some
own faith walk and ministry. Come, reflect and pray with others.
long awaited time with your spouse who is along - do it! If you are
Throughout the gathering there will be an experiential prayer
looking for some great new ideas for your small group Bible study
Friends of Bill W.
- go to a session that fits your need! This event is for YOU!
All of us carry luggage. All of us need help in carrying our luggage, we cannot carry it alone. Friends of Bill W. are encouraged to click
Be Safe
on this code where you can gather information about meetings.
Don’t advertise that you are a stranger by wearing your name
Anonymity is important, finding help to carry the load even more.
badge outside the hotel. Travel in groups when going off site and
With deep respect for the work you are do-
don’t carry a lot of cash.
ing, your friends in the ELCA Youth Minisitry Network support your efforts. God’s peace hold you close as you find help carrying your load.
EXHIBITORS The following organizations have booths at the Extravaganza. Please feel free to contact them as they provide valuable ministries to our youth and congregations. See the Exhibitor Bingo card on the next page! Appalachia Service Project
Lutheran World Relief
Augsburg College
Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota
Augsburg Fortress
Lutheridge & Lutherrock Ministries
Book of Faith Initiative, ELCA
Mission Investment Fund
California Lutheran University
Old Lutheran
ELCA Malaria Campaign
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
ELCA World Hunger
Texas Lutheran University
ELCA Youth Gathering
The Seminaries of the ELCA
ELCAYMNet Development Team
ELCAYMNet Hospitality Team
Trinity Lutheran College
Faith Inkubators
Uno Deuce Productions
Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp
Wartburg College
Group Mission Trips
Wartburg Theological Seminary
Gustavus Adolphus College
Wholeness & Holiness: Biblical Purity Resources
Luther Seminary - Center for Youth & Family Ministry
Wittenberg University
Lutheran Association of Christian Educators
Youth Encounter
Lutheran Deaconess Association
Youth Leadership, Inc
Lutheran Educational Council of North America
Youth Specialties 27
EXHIBITOR BINGO Exhibitor Bing is Easy (and there’s an iPad 2 possibly waiting for you)! 1. Visit all of our Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall, and collect a sticker from each. 2. Place their sticker over their name on the card below. 3. Write your name in the space provided. Name: 4. Collect at least 30 stickers and turn this card in to the Hospitality Desk to enter the iPad 2 drawing! 5. Attend the Network Celebration on Saturday at 8:00 pm to see if you won. You must be present to win!
NETWORK PARTNERS Partnerships are more than what the Network “does”, or “is involved with.” Partnerships are a part of our DNA. It is literally through healthy, vibrant partnerships that this Network was formed, and largely through them that it has been sustained.
Our vision of partnerships:
That focused networks are connected, relationships are strengthened, gifts are discovered, and greater potential unleashed within all communities.
An education with
Developing supportive partnership is a vital part of the Network’s more flexibility vision for the future. Relationships with other organizations that help put resources in front of our members and to strengthen both more options the partner and the Network creates a win-win-win scenario. The
Holy Spirit works in these partnerships just as it does in individual memberships. There is both a relational and a financial aspect to partnerships. We are grateful to these organizations who have chosen to enter into partnership with the Network. More information on becoming a partner can be found at www.elcaymnet.org/partners.
more rigor
GOLD PARTNERS The ELCA Youth Gathering
SILVER PARTNERS CYF Ministry Degrees Master of Divinity Residential program
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Master of Arts Residential program Distributed learning program (online and intensive on-campus courses)
Luther Seminary
ELCA Mission Investment Fund
www.luthersem.edu/cyfministry 651-641-3521 or 1-800-LUTHER3
Lutheran Educational Conference of North America Lutheridge+Lutherock Ministries
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Wartburg Theolgical Seminarty
Trinity Lutheran College
Youth Encounter Youth Leadership
SPECIAL THANKS Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod The Network is very grateful to the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod and Bishop Michael Rinehart for all of their wonderful hospitality and support. We’re also very grateful to Grace Lutheran Church in New Orleans for providing logistical support for our event!
Luther Seminary Thanks for sponsoring the free internet and wi-fi access in the exhibit area and general session space.
Thrivent Financial For Lutherans For sponsoring our Thrivent Fellowship Program.
New Orleans CVB, Convention Center, Superdome and Centerplate Thanks to the New Orleans Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, along with the New Orleans Morial Convention Center, the MercedesBenz Superdome, and Centerplate, for sponsoring and hosting our special reception at Club 44 on Friday night!
ELCA Mission Investment Fund Thanks to the ELCA’s Mission Investment Fund for sponsoring the Network Celebration!
ELCA Vocation and Education Unit For their ongoing support of the Network and this event.
THRIVENT FELLOWSHIP RECIPIENTS The ELCA Youth Ministry Network, thanks to the generous support of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, is excited to introduce Network Fellowships. Network Fellowships are an opportunity to provide support to youth ministers who would benefit from participation in the Extravaganza and an opportunity to connect with youth ministers who share similar ministry foci.
The Goals • To lift up new leadership • To provide opportunities for Networking around specific areas of ministry • To promote participation in the Extravaganza • To promote membership in the Network • To promote awareness of the Network’s dynamic partnership with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans • To further our Vision 2.0 strategies
2012 Thrivent Fellowship Recipients: Anne Andert
Taryn Montgomery
Stephanie Bauer
Grand Forks
Kelly Moore-Spencer
Joanne Caton-Frank
Benjamin Morris
Emily Clamser
Danelle Newman
Michelle Collins
Kyle Olson
Courtney Cover
Long Beach
Julie Rankila
Tammi Czehura
Katie Rich
Bethany Dietz
Sally Riley
Sarah Embry
Mindy Roll
Jeffrey Fairfax
Cape Coral
Nikki Rud
Grand Rapids MN
Glenda Ferraro
Joe Rudy
Jason Fisher
Jennifer Spiesz
James Foster
Grand Forks
King Steve
Mike Gentes
Michelle Stone
Susan Jackson
Dara Stull
Christina Jacobson Verbick Saratoga
Troy L. Taylor
Jennifer Jarman
Karl Teskey
Linda Lagergren
St Joseph
Eric Worringer
Keith Langford
Daniel Ward
Poughkeepsie NY
Miriam Martinez
Birgit Webster
Rebecca Maser
Rachel Wrenn
Hilary Michalak
Wendy Wright
Jessica Miller
Tim Wrenn
Rev. Tina Minnich
Jennifer Zellers
Susan Mitchell
Cape Coral
STANDARDS & GUIDELINES The ELCA Youth Ministry Network has developed, as part of its vision and mission, “Standards and Guidelines” for excellence in children, youth and family ministry. Recent years have seen an increase in the level of professionalism of those who serve in children, youth and family ministry in ELCA congregations. Professional youth ministers have sought to be taken seriously in the life of the church, and greater opportunities for education, training and credibility have developed.
The spirit that surrounds these “Standards and Guidelines” is about creating a learning community that seeks to support and network with each other. No list will cover all that one needs to know in working with young people. But living without such a document or set of guidelines is irresponsible. These “Standards and Guidelines” will never be complete, nor will anyone master all of them. Enduring understandings and competencies will change over time. Personal and Professional growth is vital to the development of any ministry leader. These “Standards and Guidelines” are not intended as a “check list” or something one fully completes, rather they are a set of core understandings and competencies that are essential for professional development.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS & COMPETENCIES: It is our expectation that an adult who works with youth would be able to demonstrate understanding and growing competency in the following areas: 1. Theological thought and reflection (an understanding of each of these): a. Biblical studies b. Theological reflection and confessional writing c. Lutheran church history d. Systematic theology 2. Youth and family Proficiencies (competency should be demonstrated in at least 6 of these areas): a. Human and faith development b. Intergenerational ministry c. Christian education ministry d. Spiritual and faith practices e. Pastoral care f. Youth leadership development g. Gifts assessment h. Retreat and outdoor ministry development i. Mission and servant events and cross-cultural training j. Campus/college age ministry k. Congregational awareness of children, youth and family ministry
3. Administrative and Leadership Proficiencies (these 3 areas are all of critical importance): a. Safe haven management b. Ministry administration c. Strategic planning 4. Practical Leadership Skills (Baseline skills in each of these areas): a. Creating nurturing relationships b. Effective communication and teaching skills c. Servant and collaborative leadership d. Read cultural landscape and contextual realities e. Pastoral care skills f. Effective communication of the Gospel to those unfamiliar with the church g. Lead missional minsitries h. Serve as life coach i. Active life of discipleship j. Organizational skills
For complete details on these standards and guidelines, please visit http://elcaymnet.org/StandardsAndGuidelines 31
Julie Miller Charlene Rollins Linda Staats, AIM Yvonne Steindal, AIM Valerie Taylor Samuel Rev. Larry Wagner, Chairperson Rev. Mike Ward Erik Ullestad (term begins) Rev. Benjamin Morris (term begins)
Bob White - Team Leader Margie Fiedler David Hunstad Jim LaDoux Rev. Larry Wagner
REGIONAL FACILITATORS Lisa Gray - Region 1 Janet Renick - Region 2 Jamie Travers - Region 3 Amy Wagner - Region 4 Molly Haggerty-Brwester, AIM - Region 5 Julie Schuessler Perulta, AIM - Region 6 Karla May - Region 7 Barbara Harner - Region 8 Robby Johnson - Region 9 Catherin Anderson - RF Coach
EXTRAVAGANZA Scott Maxwell Doherty - Team Leader Desta Goehner - Hospitality Shannon Savage-Howie - Hospitality Kristen Baltrum, Deaconess - Living & Learning Charlie Roberts - Parties & Gatherings Rev. Tim Huff - Main Stage Tom Hoegel - Main Stage Manuel Retamoza - Hospitality Michael Sladek - Publicity & Promotion Dawn Trautman - Main Stage Rev. Paul Clark - Scholarship Coordinator Kevin Dragseth - Exhibit Area Kara Clark - ICC’s & Workshops
3RD TUESDAY CONVERSATION Dannica Montplaisir - Team Leader Rev. Larry Clark Elizabeth Pedersen Tom Schwolert Stacey Nyitrai Troisi
E-NEWS Andy Moscinski - Editor Rev. Jacqui Thone - Devotional Writer Rev. Andy Arnold - Tech Geek
CONGREGATIONAL STANDARDS & GUIDELINES Kris Bjorke - Team Leader Sue Megrund Rev. Ed Kay Neil Christians Babette Chatman Julie Hagen Mark Jackson
Veronica Britto Vance Blackfox Janet Cederberg, AIM Aaron Tidwell Valerie Taylor Samuel
CONNECT JOURNAL Michael Sladek - Editor Chris Bruesehoff Sue Mendenhall, AIM Dr. Jeremy Myers, AIM
MARTINSLIST Shannon Savage-Howie - Team Leader 32
Region 3 RF: Jamie Travers Suzanne Hansen (South Dakota) Gibson Holm (St. Paul Area) Julie Knight (St. Paul Area) Nikki Rud (Northeast Minnesota) Sarah Harper (Northwest Minnesota) Erika Durheim (Southwest Minnesota) Michael Odegard (Southeast Minnesota) Region 4 RF: Amy Wagner (Nebraska Synod) Cynthia Schnaath (Central States) Annette Kezbers (Oklahoma/Arkansas) Tom Schwolert (N. Texas/N. Louisiana) Sally Ahrens (Gulf Coast Synod) Heather Hansen (Southwest Texas) Region 5 RF: Molly Haggerty Brewster
Region 6 RF: Julie Perulta (Indiana/Kentucky) Jenny Franz (Southern Ohio) Mary Ann Sima (Northeastern Ohio) Dave Shoub (Northwestern Ohio) Jeff Amlotte (Northwest Lower Michigan)
Todd Buegler - Executive Director Laurie Hoium - Registrar Scott Maxwell Doherty - Extravaganza Director Shannon Savage-Howie - Resources & MartinsList Debbie Clipson - Treasurer Rachel Claseman - Data Management
Region 7 RF: Karla May Abigail Tribel (Metro New York) Kristen Arends (Upstate New York) Kathy Schaeffer (Northeastern Pennsylvania)
Region 2 RF: Janet Renick
Laura Anderson - Network Display Manager
REGIONAL TEAMS Region 1 RF: Lisa Gray Lois Brown Jessica McKee Ingelaurie Lisher Melinda Steen Christopher Wagener Andy Arnold Jane Hanson Julie Markus
Region 8 RF: Barbara Harner Joyce Lydick (Southwest Penn) Robin Kunken (Upper Susquehanna) Jan Mills (Lower Susquehanna) Ginger Trautman (Delaware/Maryland) Robert Lewis (Metro Washington) Marcie Woloshon (W.Virginia/W.Maryland) Region 9 RF: Robby Johnson Tammy Jones West (North Carolina) Rachel Alley (Southeastern Synod) Stephanie Stoudemayer (S. Carolina) Dave Delaney (Virginia Synod)
YOUTH MINISTRY GLOSSARY EXTRAVAGANZA: The annual conference of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network that focuses on renewal, education, and connection for adults who work with young people in congregations.
SYMBOL: Synod Youth Ministry Band of Leaders. The Network of synod staff people who have youth and family (and sometimes children’s) ministry as a part of their job responsibility.
THE NETWORK BOARD: The group of 7 people who serve on the Network Board of Directors. They provide leadership and vision for the Network. They serve 3 year terms (renewable once) and every year, 2-3 member’s terms end.
REGIONAL FACILITATORS: Frequently known as RF’s. There are 9 RF’s plus an RF Coach. One RF is elected from each region to a 3 year term. Their task is to provide a communications link from the Network to the regions from which they are elected and to feed information back up the pipeline. They also provide regional and local leadership.
REGIONAL TEAMS: Each RF has a team with one individual from each synod in their region. Each regional team works to promote local networking within their regions, and to promote the Network there as well.
LACE: The Lutheran Association of Christian Educators. The Network of folks involved in life-long faith formation. THE E-TEAM: a.k.a the Extravaganza Team. The team of people responsible for planning the Extravaganza. VISION 1.0:
Six years ago, the Network went through a visioning process that led to:
1. A definition of effective youth and family ministry. 2. 4 goals for the Network: A. Create Standards and Guidelines for adults who work with young people. B. That the Network would become a “Network of Networks.” C. That the Network point people towards quality training, and where it doesn’t exist, to provide it. D. Invite new organizations into partnership with the Network.
VISION 2.0: Three years ago, the Network started work on the next phase of its vision. Our goal is to ask the question “Who is not at the table” and to initiate strategies to create a culture of receptivity within the Network (and ultimately, the whole church).
VISION 3.0: Recently, the Board started asking the question “So what’s next after that?” We don’t know yet…but we’ve begun the conversation.
THE GATHERING: Refers to the ELCA Youth Gathering, a 36,000 person event held every 3 years. In July of 2012 it will be held in New Orleans.
Those involved in the
research project focused on service learning in faith formation. Research revolved largely around the 2009 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans.
PRACTICE DISCIPLESHIP PROJECT The ELCA Youth Ministry Network is working in partnership with the ELCA Youth Gathering to present the Practice Discipleship Project. The project brings high-quality training right into your congregation via webinars that you can use individually, with your volunteer teams, or your other leadership groups. They are presented live, and then the recordings of the webinars are available to download later. The Schedule: DATE
March 4, 2012, 2pm
Your Role as Leader
Dr. Terri Elton
March 18, 2012, 2pm
Strategic Planning
Dennis “Tiger” McLuen
April 1, 2012. 2pm
Leading a Small Group
Dennis “Tiger” McLuen
April 15, 2012, 2pm
Faith Conversations
Dennis “Tiger” McLuen
May 6, 2012, 2pm
Planning for the Unexpected
Dennis “Tiger” McLuen
For more information, please visit www.elcaymnet.org/elcatraining 34
July 18-22, 2012 New Orleans, Louisiana www.elca.org/gathering
Over 31,000 have registered but there is still room for your group! Visit the ELCA Youth Gathering Genius Booth in the Exhibit Area to: • Get your questions about citizens with the saints answered. • Learn more about the speakers and bands that are scheduled to be at the Gathering Dome and Community Life events. • Find out more about the daily rotations of Practice Peacemaking, Practice Justice, and Practice Discipleship. • Pick up a map to your hotel property so you can go on a site visit. • Register for the Gathering or get help making additions or substitutions to your group.
Multicultural Youth Leadership Event Definitely Abled Youth Leadership Event July 15-18, 2012 36
Call 1-800-628-3522, ext. 2578 to learn more.