frame January 30 - February 3, 2014 Hyatt Regency at the Arch St. Louis, Missouri
Master of Divinity Julie Hagen Wilson, ’07, lower right, with a group of youth during her first call at Advent Lutheran Church in New York City. Wilson is now called to Lord of Life in Maple Grove, Minn.
Master of arts
Get your Cyf at Ls! Earn a degree in Children, Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary! There’s never been a better time to earn a degree focused on children, youth and family ministry. A recent curriculum revision at Luther Seminary responds to the needs of an ever-changing church and world. You’ll learn in face-to-face classes, online, during individualized discovery and in active ministries. Luther Seminary’s mission is to educate leaders for Christian communities. As one of those leaders, you’ll get an education that is gospel-centered, flexible, integrated, service-focused and more affordable. We invite you to visit with any of our Luther Seminary staff or faculty at the Extravaganza. Or visit us online at We’d love to talk with you about your ministry goals! Online learning options available!
table of contents Welcome ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Hospitality Information .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Schedule .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Hotel Map ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Intensive Care Courses ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Workshop Schedule & Descriptions .................................................................................................................. 14 Speakers ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Musicians ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23 General Information ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Exhibitors ................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Exhibitor Bingo ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 Practice Discipleship Initiative ........................................................................................................................... 28 Network Partners .................................................................................................................................................... 29 Thrivent Fellowship ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Special Thanks ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Network Leadership ............................................................................................................................................... 31 Extravaganza 2015 Information .......................................................................................................................... 33
tweet this! There’s a whole community of people at the E, and those who couldn’t be with us this year, who will be following our event together on Twitter. So if you’re the Twittering type, please add the hashtag #ext14 to your tweets. Thanks! 3
welcome! Dear friends, Welcome to St. Louis, the home of good baseball, the Clydesdales, the world’s largest croquet wicket, and for the next few days, the ELCA Youth Ministry Network and its Extravaganza! A team of children, youth and family ministry leaders has been working for over a year to plan and prepare for these days that we’re gathered together. Our focus has been on personal spiritual renewal, on the best in continuing education and on opportunities for networking and connection. Whether you are here as a volunteer or a professional, as a rostered leader or a lay person, there are all things we share in common. First and foremost is the faith we share in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. It is Christ who draws us to St. Louis to be church with and for each other. We also share together in frames. We all do ministry from a framework…a perspective…an angle of vision that is unique to each of us. Our lives, our work and our ministry are framed first by our baptismal identity as children of God. • We are framed by the scriptures, which teach and inform. • We are framed by our relationships and our experiences. • We are framed by the culture in which we live. • We are framed by our education and training. • We are framed by our context, and the setting in which we do ministry. • We are framed by the models and forms of our ministry. • We are framed by the very young people and their families with whom we are called to serve. Frames within frames, within frames. And the unique combination of frames that each of us lives and works within, differentiates our ministry from any other around us. This is both blessing and curse: Blessing because we are each uniquely gifted and called to work within our own set of frames, and this creates wisdom that can be shared. Curse because there are no cookie-cutter answers that can make things simple. There is no one program or product that will “solve” all of our ministry problems. Sometimes the frames we work within become rigid, and we cannot see new possibilities for ministry. Indeed, the best programmatic frames are pliable; they bend and re-shape as the world around us changes. This week we’re going to examine the frames in which we live and work. Within our community we’re going to work out together the frames God creates for us, which we need to keep our ministry centered within. And we’re going to look at those frames which can be nudged, bent or even broken. What is your frame? How does it affect and shape your ministry? Together we will discover the frames that God might be creating for our ministry. This week, be renewed in your relationship with the living Christ. Learn from each other, and build new relationships. Together, we are the Network. God’s blessings on your Extravaganza!
Rev. Todd Buegler Executive Director - ELCA Youth Ministry Network
hospitality information Welcome to St. Louis! We are glad that you are here. It is our goal to help you connect and participate with others. We want to help you get the most out of your time here so when you leave this place, you were fed and connected. Do what you need to do while. This may mean going to a workshop or grabbing a comfy chair, a latte and a friend. These days here will give you plenty of opportunities for worship, learning, fun and laughter, networking, and reflection. Take advantage of your time and do what you need to do for you. Throughout the event we will have our team of people at the Hospitality Table available to answer your questions. We’ll have suggestions of where to eat, workshop details, massage sign ups, spiritual direction sign ups, etc. We also have free snacks and drinks, so stop by anytime to hang out. You can charge your cell phone at our table too! We are here to make this as refreshing a weekend as possible – do not hesitate to seek out a Hospitality Team member if you have any questions. Here are a few things that are going on that you need to know right off the bat:
First Timer Orientation
First Timers and Rostered Leaders
If this is your first time attending an Extravaganza, or you are interested in a refresher course on what to expect for the weekend, please join us for a welcome and orientation on Friday from 5:00-6:00 pm in Grand Ballroom C.
If you are here for the first time or you are a rostered person we have an opportunity for you to connect with others like you over lunch!
Spiritual Direction Holy listening - also called spiritual direction or companionship - evokes awareness of the ways God/Spirit/ Christ/Holy Mystery moves in everyday life. An ongoing connection with a spiritual director helps a person, community, or organization notice and respond to the presence and invitation of the Sacred in growing freedom and deepening relationship. To sign up for an opportunity to meet with either Rev. Bill Kees or Carolyn Kees for a one-hour session, please visit the Hospitality Table. Both are trained and certified as spiritual directors. The suggested donation for these sessions is $25 and can be paid in cash directly to Bill or Carolyn at the time of the session.
Massages We have four hours of FREE 10 minute chair massages for you: Saturday from 2:00– 4:00pm and Sunday from 10:00am – 12:00 noon. Stop by the Hospitality Table to sign up for a time slot or come by during those times for first come, first served. You deserve some self-care!
Cranberry Jam Session with Jonathan Rundman. Join us on Saturday from 9:30-10:30 pm in the Parkview Room for a good ol’ hymn sing. Come with a request for your favorite hymn.
First timers: On Saturday at 11:45 am there will be a lunch for anyone here for the first time. Meet at the Hospitality Table and walk to a local eatery together. This is a great way to get to know others here for the first time too! Rostered leaders: We also understand that rostered people working with youth ministry are in a unique position and can benefit from shared time together. There will be a lunch on Sunday at 11:45 am for rostered leaders interested in connecting with one another. Meet at the Hospitality Table and walk to a local eatery together.
Theology Pub: Saturday: 3:00–5:00pm Grab a chair, a drink and join others at the Brewhouse Restaurant in thinking about life in the context of our faith led by Jake Bouma. “If you have ever spoken of God, you are a theologian.” - Nadia Bolz-Weber Jake journeyed through cancer. He’ll briefly share about that and open up conversation around related theological issues (Why does God allow some to live and others to die? Does God give cancer? We’ll also have a time for you to bring up your own questions of God, things you may be wrestling with, etc...) to spark conversation. Jake Bouma is a youth worker and aspiring polymath who is passionate about helping adolescents bridge the gap between theology and everyday life. Jake currently serves as the Director of Youth & Family Ministry at Faith Lutheran Church in Clive, IA and is co-founder of Elbow Co., an indie church-resourcing venture. You can find Jake on Twitter (@jakebouma). 5
schedule thursday: january 30, 2014 Start Time
End Time
Registration Load In
Grand Coatroom
Practice Discipleship Coaches Training
Gateway West
Closed Meeting (meals in Gateway East)
Early Registration Open
Exhibit Area
Intensive Care Courses 1. Children’s and Youth Ministry and Theology: Oxymoron or Possibility? 2. The Bible: Beginning to End 3. The First Two Years
1. Mills Studio 3 2. Mills Studio 6 3. Mills Studio 8
Pre-Registration Required
Exhibit Hall Load In
Exhibit Area
Network Board of Directors Meeting
Mills Studio 9
Closed Meeting
Early Arriver’s Reception
Exhibit Area & Park View
friday: january 31, 2014 Start Time
End Time
Practice Discipleship Coaches Training
Gateway West
Closed Meeting (meals in Gateway East)
Intensive Care Courses 1. Children’s and Youth Ministry and Theology: Oxymoron or Possibility? 2. The Bible: Beginning to End 3. The First Two Years
1. Mills Studio 3 2. Mills Studio 6 3. Mills Studio 8
Pre-Registration Required
Network Board of Directors Meeting
Mills Studio 9
Closed Meeting
Main Ballroom Setup
Grand Ballroom A, D, E, F, G, H
Volunteers Welcome!
Registration Open!
Registration Area
Youth Ministry Educators Meeting
Mills Studio 7
Closed Meeting
Early Bird Workshop 1
See Workshop Schedule pg. 14
Regional Facilitators Meeting
Mills Studio 5
Early Bird Workshop 2
See Workshop Schedule pg. 14
First Timer’s Welcome
Grand Ballroom C
SYMBOL Network Reception
Exhibit Hall Open
Exhibit Area
Closed Meeting
Closed Meeting
General Session 1 - Catherine Anderson preacher
Grand Ballroom
Regional Gatherings
Region 1 - Mills 8 Region 2 - Mills 6 Region 3 - Parkview Region 4 - Grand B Region 5 - Mills 3 Region 6 - Grand C Region 7 - Mills 1 Region 8 - Mills 7 Region 9 - Mills 2
Welcome Reception
Gateway East and West
18th Floor - ALL ARE WELCOME!
saturday: february 1, 2014 Start Time
End Time
Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp staff & camper alumni breakfast
Meet in the lobby to walk to local restaurant
For more information, contact Nathan Clements at 406.890.5104
Morning Fit
Workshop Session 1
See Workshop Schedule pg. 15
Exhibit Area Open
Exhibit Area
Free Coffee Available!
SYMBOL Meeting
Sterling Studio 9
Closed Meeting
General Session 2 - Dawn Rundman & Andy Root speakers
Grand Ballroom
Lunch (on your own)
Delaware-Maryland Synod Lunch
Meet in the hotel lobby
Contact Ed Kay at 443.854.9232
North Carolina Synod Lunch
Meet in the hotel lobby
Contact Tammy Jones West at 828.308.1362
Southwest California Synod Lunch
Meet in the hotel lobby
Contact Desta Goehner at 805.657.5023
Sierra Pacific Synod Lunch
Meet in the hotel lobby
Contact Kathy Grindberg at
PAcifica Synod Lunch
Meet in te hotel lobby
Contact Terri Robertson at 951.205.1391
First Timer’s Lunch
Meet at the Hostpiality Table
Please make a reservation by contacting:
Southwestern Minnesota Synod Lunch
Meet in the hotel lobby
Contact Sarah Hausken at 507.430.2273
Workshop Session 2
See Workshop Schedule pg. 16
Free Massage
Exhibit Area Hospitality Table
Theology Pub
Brewhouse Restaurant
Workshop Session 3
See Workshop Schedule pg. 17
Mpls and St. Paul Area Synods Dinner
Offsite - meet in hotel lobby to catch bus to restaurant
Contact Chris Okey at 612.701.5749 with questions.
Dinner (on your own)
SYMBOL Network Dinner
Location to be announced
Closed Meeting
Exhibit Area Open
Exhibit Area
General Session 3 - Brenda Bos & Rachel Hunstad speakers
Grand Ballroom
Resource and Exhibitor Faire
Exhibit Area
Refreshments Provided & Giveaways Happening!
Exhibitor Appreciation Event
Grand Ballroom C
Closed Reception
Cranberry Jam
Hymns & Hospitality, led by Jonathan Rundman
Come to the Hospitality table for a 10 minute free chair massage.
schedule sunday: february 2, 2014 Start Time
End Time
Morning Fit
Exhibit Area Open
Exhibit Area
Free Coffee Available!
General Session 4 - Rafael Malpica Padilla & Erik Ullestad speakers
Grand Ballroom
FEATURING BREAKFAST! Breakfast is sponsored by the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA
SYMBOL Meeting
Sterling Studio 8
Closed Meeting
Free Massage
Exhibit Area Hospitality Table
Come to the Hospitality table for a 10 minute free chair massage.
Exhibit Area Open
Exhibit Area
Workshop Session 4
See Workshop Schedule pg. 18
Lunch (on your own)
Thrivent Fellowship Lunch
Park View
For Thivent Fellowship Recipients
Rostered Leader’s Lunch
Meet in hotel lobby
Please make reservation by contacting:
Northwestern Minnestoa Synod Lunch
Meet in hotel lobby
Contact Kris Johnson at 952.836.9376
Southeastern Pennsylvania (SEPA) Synod Lunch
Meet in hotel lobby
Contact Molly Beck Dean at 215.620.6111
Southeastern Iowa Synod Lunch
Meeti in hotel lobby
Contact Eric Carlson at 319.631.8031
Exhibit Area Open
Exhibit Area
General Session 5 - Jonathan Hemphill & Ian McConnell speakers
Grand Ballroom
Exxhibit Area Open
Exhibit Area
Workshop Session 5
See Workshop Schedule pg. 19
Evening Options
2015 ELCA Gathering Synod Day Directors Reception
1. Watch the Super Bowl (Grand Ballroom) 2. Other option information available at the Hosptiality Table Presidential Suite
Closed Meeting
monday: february 3, 2014 Start Time
End Time
Morning Fit
Park View
SYMBOL Meeting
Sterling Studio 8
Workshop Session 6
See Workshop Schedule pg. 19
Exhibit Area open
Exhibit Area
General Session 6 (Closing Worship) - Jenny Chrien preacher
Grand Ballroom
Closed Meeting
Free Coffee Available!
Regional Facilitators Meeting
Mills Studio 3
Main Ballroom Load Out
Grand Ballroom
Volunteers Welcome
Faith Formation Roundtable
Sterling 9
Closed Meeting
tuesday: february 4, 2014 Start Time
End Time
E-Team Office Load Out
Faith Formation Roundtable
Mills 8
Closed Meeting
Packing and Shipping
wednesday: february 5, 2014 Start Time
End Time
Faith Formation Roundtable
Closed Meeting
MOPS is the foundational start for young children to connect with your church at an early age and a place for the moms to become faithful adults who continue to bring their children to your youth programs as they get older.
Want kids to be a part of your confirmation and youth program? Faith formation starts long before they come to youth group. Make space for a MOPS group to meet at your church! For more information about starting a MOPS group visit Mention this ad for special savings for all ELCA churches
hotel map SECOND FLOOR
Angela Bonfiglio ’13 serves Minneapolis young people in several ways as the Director of Youth Programs for a Lutheran congregation and non-profit organization. At Venture North Bike Walk and Coffee, Bonfiglio organizes youth development, community engagement, and job training opportunities.
Youth and Family Ministry Set in a vibrant neighborhood in the heart of Minneapolis, Augsburg College is a four-year liberal arts institution guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran church. Augsburg’s students are hungry for meaning and called to live purposeful lives serving the well being of their communities. What makes Augsburg College’s Youth and Family Ministry program special? • Our major is interdisciplinary, weaving together bible, theology, sociology, psychology and ministry classes.
• Our major is practical, offering hands-on internship and practicum opportunities in a variety of ministry settings that match and challenge each student’s interests and strengths including churches, after-school youth programs, camps, recreation centers, and more.
• Augsburg’s intentional diversity and urban location makes it an interesting place to learn about and experience unique approaches to ministry. Do you know a student who should be exploring a call to ministry?
Introduce them to us at
intensive care
(pre-registration required)
Children’s and Youth Ministry and Theology: Oxymoron or Possibility Leader: Dr. Andrew Root Location: Mills Studio 3 It appears that there is a growing number of children’s and youth workers that are recognizing the need to think deep theological thought in their ministry. Questions seem always to be popping up, like where is God? What does it mean to be human? And how do young people discern God’s will? In this presentation we’ll look at how theology and ministry are linked, and how taking on a theological process of reflection might be a way of doing ministry. This presentation provides an orientation to thinking theologically, and explores how it can undergird and empower ministry. Andrew Root (Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary) is the Olson Baalson associate professor of youth and family ministry at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. A former Young Life staff worker, he has served in churches and social service agencies as a youth outreach associate and a gang prevention counselor.
The Bible: Beginning to End Leader: Dr. Phil Ruge-Jones Location: Mills Studio 6 This Intensive Care Course provides a basic exploration of the biblical narrative from God’s act of creation to God’s promise of a new creation. Come and explore the key stories and songs that tell us about God’s ways in the world. Learn the framework that supports each biblical text that you study with your youth, while at the same time trying out engaging ways to invite them into the texts. Through our time together, you will discover a trustworthy God of mercy who cares passionately about the world, and invites you to do the same.
The First Two Years Leader: Kathy Hunstad & Heather Hansen Location: Mills Studio 8 Exciting and humbling, serving in children, youth and family ministry invites us into unexpected circumstances, beautiful opportunities and challenging situations. We might even encounter God’s sense of humor at calling us to this work that exposes our strengths and shortcomings on a daily basis. Gather with others in their first two years serving in children, youth and family ministry. Together, we’ll reflect, discover and explore what builds long-lasting, sustainable ministry with young people. We’ll look at both “big picture” issues and at short to medium term strategies. Our goal is to set you up for effectiveness and excellence in your ministry setting. Kathy Hunstad, an Associate in Ministry, is the Director of Youth Ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church in Moorhead, Minnesota. She is a veteran youth minister who has also taught youth ministry at Concordia College in Moorhead, and has served as a team leader for the ELCA Youth Gathering, as well as a workshop leader and teacher. Heather Hansen has extensive experience in youth ministry leadership serving as Director of Youth and Family Ministries at MacArthur Park Lutheran Church from 1996 to 2009, and the Youth Ministry Coordinator for the Southwestern Texas Synod of the ELCA from 2007-2012. She currently teaches youth ministry courses in the Theology Department at Texas Lutheran University and has received multiple certifications in various youth ministry programs.
Philip Ruge-Jones is Associate Professor of Theology at Texas Lutheran University where he loves exploring with students about the things of God. He is the author of The Word of the Cross in a World of Glory, and co-editor of The Bible in Ancient and Modern Media. He, his wife Lori, his daughter Luisa (19 years old) and his son Lucas (17 years old) are all biblical storytellers.
workshops categories legend AP = Administration and Leadership
PDI = Practice Discipleship Initiative
CFP = Children and Family Proficiencies
TTR = Theological Thought and Reflection
PGPR = Professional Growth and Personal Renewal
YFP = Youth and Family Proficiencies
PLS = Practical Leadership Skills
early bird 1: friday, january 31 (2:00pm-3:15pm) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Rev. Mike Ward Mills 1
Planning For Ministry (AL, PLS)
Non-profits and ministries thrive with strategic planning. It doesn’t have to be really hard. Strategic planning is primarily visioning the future God is calling you to and determining a path to get there. Most often, we fail to dream big enough for what God has called us to. Learn to dream and chart a course for realizing that dream.
Rev. Mike Ward has been a professional fundraiser for more than 12 years and has achieved the Certified Fundraising Executive designation. Before entering the development world Mike was a youth and family pastor as well as a camp director. Lanny Westphal Mills 2
The Global Frame (YFP, PPS, PDI)
Give your youth a FRAME to live life as Global Disciples! Learn how to sponsor a “Global Linked” event to connect youth with exciting ELCA global ministries. Make a direct connection between youth and Young Adults in Global Mission who are serving around the world.
Lanny Westphal is an ELCA pastor whose passion is to connect youth ministry and global ministry. With experience in the congregation, synod and churchwide organization, he is currently serving as director for ELCA Global Church Sponsorship. Rozella White Mills 4
Framing the Path: Practicing Things New (TTR, PDI)
The culture is shifting. Church is not as important in peoples’ lives as it once was. Does your congregation’s approach to children, youth and family ministry need to change? Let’s help identify and plan the steps needed to create the change we need to see in our congregations’ ministry with children, youth and families.
Rozella White is the Program Director of Young Adult Ministries for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She makes her home in Chicago, IL. ELCA World Hunger Staff Mills 9
ELCA World Hunger: How youth are important in the work to end hunger and poverty (TTR, AL, PLS)
ELCA World Hunger can help teach youth leaders about the resources available to them as they seek to engage their youth in working to eradicate hunger and poverty. Learn about the important role youth play as leaders in this work.
Staff members from ELCA World Hunger are intricately involved in the work of the church locally, domestically and globally as it works to eradicate hunger and poverty.
early bird 2: friday, january 31 (3:30pm-4:45pm) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Paul Amlin Mills 1
Faith Formation Among the Youngest of these: A Round Table Discussion (TTR, YFP, CFP, PLS)
More of us are being asked to expand our roles from youth ministry to whole life faith formation. Let’s have a conversation, a roundtable dialog, with a panel, to talk about what this means for this church, for faith formation, how the ELCA can best respond to the needs of practitioners, and to provide an open space for sharing.
Paul serves as Program Director, Youth Ministry for the ELCA and has previously served as a volunteer, paid staff, and pastor in youth ministry as well as member of the planning teams for the ‘09 and ‘12 Youth Gatherings. Paul loves family, is a fan of social media, drumming and good food. Lanny Westphal - Mills 2
The Global Frame (YFP, PPS, PDI)
Please see description in Early Bird 1
Beth Lewis Mills 4
Framing Youth-led Congregational Hospitality (CFP, YFP, PLS)
As a visitor to a different congregation almost every Sunday since September 2002, Beth Lewis, President & CEO for Augsburg Fortress, has experienced both welcoming and not welcoming churches. You’ll leave this workshop with practical ideas for encouraging youth to lead church in the missional imperative of offering hospitality.
Since September 2002, Beth Lewis has served as President & CEO of Augsburg Fortress (AF). Prior to joining AF, she worked for Fortune 500 publishers and owned a computer school. At AF, she has led the staff in creating dynamic faith formation and worship resources, including launching AF’s ecumenical division, Sparkhouse. Allison Beebe Mills 9
Youth Leadership in the Malaria Campaign (PLS)
Children, youth and young adults have been some of the strongest leaders in the ELCA Malaria Campaign so far. Come to hear an update, receive materials and share ideas about how your youth can help lead your congregation and the ELCA in awareness and generosity.
Allison Beebe serves as the Campaign Assistant for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. Youth and college students have rallied tremendous support for the ELCA Malaria Campaign, and Allison is privileged to share their stories. 14
workshop 1: saturday, february 1 (8:45am-10:00am) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Rev. Mike Ward - Mills 1
Planning For Ministry (AL, PLS)
Please see description in Early Bird 1
Diane E Shallue Mills 2
Leadership Strategies for Multi-generational Congregations (AL, PLS)
Why do congregations experience tension between newer members and longer term members? This workshop will examine the three main areas of tension, age-related differences, and leadership strategies to use when people from multiple age-specific frameworks vie for a voice in decision making.
Diane E. Shallue has 22 years of experience with leadership and administrative tasks in congregational ministries as well as 11 years of experience in teaching at Luther Seminary. She currently serves as the Director of Christian Education and Small Group Ministries at University Lutheran Church of Hope in Minneapolis and on the National Board for the Lutheran Association of Christian Educators. Jen Bradbury Mills 3
Beyond Confirmation: Transitioning Teens from Confirmation into the Church (TTR, YFP)
After Confirmation Sunday, many confirmands abandon their faith, or at least church. In this workshop, we’ll examine the reasons behind this “confirmation as graduation” phenomenon as well as proven strategies to engage students with your congregation long after confirmation has ended.
Jen Bradbury has been in youth ministry for 11 years. She’s the youth director at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Glen Ellyn, IL. Her writing has appeared in YouthWorker Journal, The Christian Century, and Immerse. She blogs at Ian Hartfield & Stacia Vawter Mills 4
21st Century Vacation Bible School (TTR, YFP, CFP)
Traditional Vacation Bible School is changing. Come learn how VBS fits into 21st-century Children, Youth, and Family Ministry. We’ll show you how to create a FREE week-long service experience for children and youth of all ages that brings together congregations, outreach organizations, and church ministries and resources from across your area.
Ian is Youth & Young Adult Ministries Director at Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church in Omaha. Stacia is Youth & Family Ministries Director at Rejoice Lutheran Church in Omaha. They founded Lutheran Youth Serve Omaha (Nebraska), a VBS type ministry based on the concept of bringing members of the Church together to glorify and serve God. Diane Marten & Kristen Baltrum Mills 5
Prayer: Practical Ideas for Youth Groups (YFP, PLS)
We’ll describe and practice several forms of prayer, suitable for groups - and even shy people.
Diane and Kristen are two deaconesses with tons of experience in spirituality, youth/young adult ministry, and relationship-building. They also wash feet. Mindy Makant Mills 6
Framing the Vision: Seeing Things New (TTR, PDI)
“Where there is no vision, the people will perish . . .” (Proverbs 29:18). That sounds great, but how do you figure out what that vision is and get people to buy into it? We will explore various ways children, youth and family ministry fits within a congregation and will introduce you to steps and tools to guide your congregation through a process of discerning its mission for ministry with children, youth and families.
Mindy Makant is a professor of youth and family ministry at Lenoir Rhyne University. Dr. Jeremy Myers Mills 7
Framing Youth (TTR, PDI)
Tired of youth getting blamed for everything? Me too! Society’s views and stereotypes of youth are based primarily on myths. Unfortunately, many of our ministry practices are influenced by these myths. This session will uncover some of the myths that cause us to frame our young people negatively and will offer practical ways to help you and your congregation to begin framing youth as children of God who have gifts to share and calls to live.
Dr. Jeremy Myers is an Associate Professor of Religion at Augsburg College, teaching in the Youth and Family Ministry Program. Dave Ellingson Mills 8
Creation Care: Saving the Planet and Our Souls (TTR, PLS)
The first command in the Bible is to care for the earth-garden and yet, due to climate change, the whole of creation groans and suffers! This workshop proposes an “eco-conversion” as the faithful response of youth and adults and provides tools for congregations to lead the way.
Dave Ellingson, a long time veteran and leader in children, youth and family ministry, teaches at Trinity Lutheran College in Seattle, Washington. ELCA World Hunger Staff Mills 9
ELCA World Hunger: How youth are important in the work to end hunger and poverty (TTR, AL, PLS)
Please see description in Early Bird 1
Joshua Graber Ballroom B
Framing Christian Community (TTR, PDI)
This workshop will present a way of walking alongside individual young people, communities and families, as we help them frame their lives by learning through relationships with surrounding community, learning from an intentional community and learning about themselves through community.
Joshua Graber is the Misison Developer for the ALT Year program, which creates intentional communities of young adults who are living and learning together. Dr. Colleen WindhamHughes Ballroom C
Framing Failure with Forgiveness (TTR, PDI)
Life and ministry tend to place many demands upon us all. We often feel like failures in one or more areas of our lives. The world seems to frame us with expectations of perfection and success but God’s grace frames us with forgiveness. This session will remind you of this truth and give you practical ways to live into that forgiveness and share it with others.
Dr. Collleen Windham-Hughes is an Assistant Professor of Religion at California Lutheran University. 15
workshops workshop 2: saturday, february 1 (1:30pm-2:45pm) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Terri Elton Mills 1
Framing Ministry with Young Adults (TTR)
Churches struggle with engaging people in their 20s in ministry. What might a frame for ministry with emerging adults look like? This workshop proposes a frame for ministry which takes 20-something’s primary work as developing an adult vision for their life seriously and draws on assets the church already has.
Terri Elton teaches at Luther Seminary in the areas of Children, Youth, And Young Adult ministry and congregational leadership. Prior to working at Luther Seminary, Terri was an Assistant to the Bishop in the St. Paul Area Synod and on staff at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, MN. Hannah Drewes Mills 2
Young Adult Service Opportunities: Called to be in the World (PDI)
Your youth are looking for their next steps… “Where do I go from here,” they ask. Come learn about experiences where young adults can bridge their understanding of faith and the world by serving in a very real, intentional way for a year (or more!), nationally or internationally.
Hannah Drewes joins with other presenters on behalf of a network of ELCA long-term service programs: ALT Year, Border Servant Corps, Lutheran Volunteer Corps, Urban Servant Corps and Young Adults in Global Mission. Jen Bradbury Mills 4
The Jesus Gap (TTR, YFP)
Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith. But what do students actually believe about Jesus? Findings from a year-long research study exploring what high school students in the ELCA believe about Jesus will be shared along with tips for strengthening the Christologies of students in your ministry.
Jen Bradbury has been in youth ministry for 11 years. She’s the youth director at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Glen Ellyn, IL. Her writing has appeared in YouthWorker Journal, The Christian Century, and Immerse. She blogs at Beth Lewis - Mills 4
Framing Youth-led Congregational Hospitality (CFP, YFP, PLS)
Please see description in Early Bird 2
Jake Hanson & Rachel Nelson - Mills 5
Camp On the Road: Mission & Service Opportunities through Region 3’s Outdoor Ministries (PDI, PLS)
What’s the best part about partnering with an outdoor ministry site for a mission trip? We do the planning, logistics, and details. Explore the unique mission and service journeys offered within the Region 3 Camping Network including mission in the mid-west, service trips to the ELCA Youth Gathering, and local mission in your backyard.
Jake Hanson serves as the Program Director at Luther Crest Bible Camp in Alexandria, MN. Rachel Nelson serves Lutheran Outdoors, SD as the Assistant Director at NeSoDak and Klein Ranch. Both Jake and Rachel are representatives of the Region 3 Camping Network’s Executive Committee. Tiger McLuen Mills 6
Confidently Confused (YFP, AL, PLS)
How do we honestly live in the tension of promises, assurances and clear confidence found in the Scriptures--with the reality of life that is messy, confusing and often a struggle? Tiger will lay his story around this issue and will promise to not have a “bible bow-tie” around it. But, you may come away more confidently confused than ever.
Tiger McLuen is an old guy who loves youth workers and has done some stuff. Michael Bridges & George Baum - Mills 7
500th Anniversary of the Reformation (TTR)
2017 marks 500 years since Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. 2017 is the perfect year to visit the historic Luther sites, revitalize your faith, re-connect with your Lutheran heritage, and enjoy a European vacation. Find out about Leaders Trips in 2015 in preparation for 2017.
Michael and George of LOST AND FOUND have been to, led, and participated in around 50 intergenerational congregational events each year for the 20 years they have been traveling to congregations nationwide. They draw on their experiences with LOST AND FOUND and their parish work in Lutheran and Episcopal congregations to lead this discussion. Tom Schwolert & Lyle Griner Mills 8
Grief and Loss: How to Prepare your Kids and Ministry to Care (TTR, YFP, PLS)
Your kids will have to deal with the loss of someone this year. Tom Schwolert lost his own son last year. Lyle Griner lost his wife a few years ago. Both of these veterans deal with kid’s and families’ grief through Peer Ministry Leadership. Come for conversation and a free resource to work with your own kids from Peer Ministry.
Tom Schwolert is the former director of youth and family at Flower Mound Lutheran in Flower Mound, Texas. He currently serves on the staff of Vibrant Faith Ministries. Lyle Griner is both the National Peer Ministry Director and a Spiritual Director. Charlie Roberts Mills 8
Do You Want Fries With That? (TTR, YFP, PLS)
As ministry volunteers and professionals, our crazy lifestyles can lead to lots of drive-through meal stops. Eating on the run can lead to higher stress, cholesterol and weight, not to mention spending more than our budgets allow. Learn practical tips, ideas and resources for creating an eating plan that fits your unique pace and lifestyle.
Charlie Roberts is a longtime health club manager, personal trainer AND youth minister. Marilyn Sharpe Ballroom B
Equipping Congregations to Worship Well with Kids (CFP, PLS)
Children are NOT the future of the church; they are the present. Therefore, they need to be present with us in worship. How can congregations create cross+generational worship and teach adults to worship well with kids?
Marilyn Sharpe knows it’s all about faith! She helps parents and congregations work together to pass on faith to the children we all cherish. Family ministry connects all God’s family, equipping every Christian adult to be a faith parent to God’s children and youth. Kristen Baltrum & Julie Miller - Ballroom C
Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care (TTR, YFP, CFP, AL, PLS)
We will address compassion fatigue, burn out and self-care in the context of youth ministry. We will discuss the theological framework for self-care as well as practical steps for incorporating self-care and preventing compassion fatigue.
Kristen Baltrum is a deaconess and completed her MA in CYF Ministry at Luther. She has served 20 years in ministry. Julie Miller is finishing an MA in counseling psychology and has served 12 years in full time youth ministry. Both are passionate about supporting CYF leaders and preventing burnout. 16
workshop 3: saturday, february 1 (4:00pm-5:15pm) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Sarah Hausken Mills 1
Preventing and Responding to Abuse in Ministry (AL)
1 in 4 people experience physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect. As a church we have an opportunity to be Christ-bearers as we seek to prevent and respond to abuse. Come learn 4 clear steps to make your congregation a safe haven from abuse.
Sarah Hausken has served as Youth Ministry Coordinator for the SW MN synod for 13 years. She has spent months researching this topic and gleaning the best strategies from other synods, congregations and organizations which specialize in preventing and responding to abuse. Hannah Drewes - Mills 2
Young Adult Service Opportunities: Called to be in the World (PDI)
Please see description in Workshop 2
Jen Bradbury Mills 3
How To Burn Out in 18 Months (AL, PLS)
Youth workers have notoriously short life spans. In this workshop, we’ll explore common reasons why youth workers burn out and practical strategies for overcoming them in order to become healthy youth workers who are in it for the long haul.
Jen Bradbury has been in youth ministry for 11 years. She’s the youth director at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Glen Ellyn, IL. Her writing has appeared in YouthWorker Journal, The Christian Century, and Immerse. She blogs at Kayla Aspaslagh & Linda Staats Mills 4
Cross Generational Engagement (TTR, YFP, CFP, AL, PLS)
Kenda Dean says, “A missional imagination requires that we ferry faith across borders AND generations.” Ministry is strengthened when gifts of every generation are woven into the very fabric of the faith community. Workshop Goals: Experience cross+generational interaction as practice for walking along side one another locally and globally.
Kayla Aspaslagh (young adult) and Linda Staats (older adult) lead a Cross+Generational Engagement Track at ELCA Glocal Gatherings. They believe ministry is most effective and fun when it involves all ages. Kayla directs Youth Ministry at Christ the Servant in Louisville, CO. Linda’s ministry is HomeGrown Faith. Tom Schwolert & Don Marsh Mills 5
I Call Myself a Veteran Youth Worker (PLS)
This is an informal time for veteran CYF workers to share the stories of our lives in ministry in light of getting older and consider options for the future.
Tom Schwolert and Don Marsh are both long serving veteran CYF workers who have managed to carve out viable careers in the congregation. Tiger McLuen Mills 6
Rethinking Discipleship (TTR)
Everyone is talking about the drop-out rate in youth ministry – and it is getting depressing. This seminar will re-look at this whole issue of discipleship and present some ideas about the Faith Factors that will help build a faith that sticks. We will look at issues involved in developing and deepening faith that includes family, relationships, youth ministry and some surprise variables.
Tiger McLuen is an old guy who loves youth workers and has done some stuff. Michael Bridges & George Baum Mills 7
Family Friendly Events (TR, YFP, CFP, PLS)
Why have intergenerational events? What makes them work? Are they important for the congregation and community? Do they strengthen families? Are these events valuable for youth? Share your ideas and insights during this workshop and discuss family-friendly events, and some specific ideas to make them relevant and valuable.
Michael and George of LOST AND FOUND have been to, led, and participated in around 50 intergenerational congregational events each year for the 20 years they have been traveling to congregations nationwide. They draw on their experiences with LOST AND FOUND and their parish work in Lutheran and Episcopal congregations to lead this discussion. Dave Ellingson - Mills 8
Creation Care: Saving the Planet and Our Souls (TTR, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 1
Lyle Griner Mills 9
Candle Time (YFP, CFP)
Come sit around a candle and experience creative ways to enter into prayer. Youth laying on their bellies, talk about anything and everything. Families with a candle on the table, in the dark, share faith together! Experience and learn about the new CANDLE TIME resource kit. Leave with new ideas.
Lyle Griner’s main goal in life is to invite people to light a candle, shut off the lights, come out of the traffic. Lyle is National Peer Ministry Leadership Director, a spiritual director, author, speaker, and trainer. Joshua Graber - Ballroom B
Framing Christian Community (TTR, PDI)
Please see description in Workshop 1
Gary Pecuch Ballroom C
Faith Webbing (YFP, CFP)
We Call It “Faith Webbing.” Our vision is to wrap children and youth in a web of faith so loving and caring that they will know Jesus and always want to be a part of a local congregation. Our model is to wrap scores of adults around each young person.
Gary Pecuch is the Director of Youth & Family Ministry for the Southern Ohio Synod. He has also been the youth ministry coordinator at St. John’s Lutheran in Grove City, Ohio since 1982. He has a B.S. in Administration of Justice and a M.A. in Not-For-Profit Administration and Management.
workshops workshop 4: sunday, february 2 (10:30am-11:45am) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Terri Elton - Mills 1
Framing Ministry with Young Adults (TTR)
Please see description in Workshop 2
Mindy Makant - Mills 2
Framing the Vision: Seeing Things New (TTR, PDI)
Please see description in Workshop 1
Jen Bradbury - Mills 3
Beyond Confirmation: Transitioning Teens from Confirmation into the Church (TTR, YFP)
Please see description in Workshop 1
Ian Hartfield & Stacia Vawter - Mills 4
21st Century Vacation Bible School (TTR, YFP, CFP)
Please see description in Workshop 1
Diane Marten & Kristen Baltrum - Mills 5
Prayer: Practical Ideas for Youth Groups (YFP, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 1
Desta Goehner Mills 6
Praying the Scriptures (TTR, YFP, CFP, AL, PLS)
Lectio Divina is an ancient, simple practice of listening deeply to the voice of God speaking through Scripture. This deeper way to pray and spiritual life resource can be used in youth group and meetings. Experience and learn the four stage process, to give your soul some peace, listen for the still and quiet voice of God and for Scripture to come alive to you in a new way.
Desta Goehner has been in the youth ministry world for over 17 years. She is a Spiritual Director and works for Lutheran camping in Southern California. She has heart for including people of all ages in every aspect of the church. She lives at the intersection of spirituality and social media. Michael Bridges & George Baum - Mills 7
500th Anniversary of the Reformation (TTR)
Please see description in Workshop 2
Dave Ellingson Mills 2
Framing Life Biblically: Where is God? God is “With Us� (TTR, YFP, CFP, PDI)
The Biblical narrative is a powerful story of pilgrimage, a journey from creation, through death and into new life. This session will explore how this powerful narrative becomes a framework for how we view the world and our lives and how we invite children, youth and families into this powerfully transformative story.
Dave Ellingson, a long time veteran and leader in children, youth and family ministry, teaches at Trinity Lutheran College in Seattle, Washington. Allison Beebe Mills 9
Youth Leadership in the Malaria Campaign (PLS)
Please see description in Early Bird 2
Marilyn Sharpe - Ballroom B
Equipping Congregations to Worship Well with Kids (CFP, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 2
Dr. Colleen WindhamHughes - Ballroom C
Framing Failure with Forgiveness (TTR, PDI)
Please see description in Workshop 1
workshop 5: sunday, february 2 (3:15pm-4:30pm) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Sarah Hausken - Mills 1
Preventing and Responding to Abuse in Ministry AL
Please see description in Workshop 3
Yeheil Curry Mills 2
Rise Up Together (PLS, PDI)
“Rise up Together” was a documentary about youth from our congregation - Shekinah Chapel, an all black Lutheran congregation in Chicago and St. Matthew, a predominately white Lutheran congregation in Connecticut coming together in Chicago for 7 days to form community in the summer of 2013.
Yeheil Curry is Pastor/Developer of Shekinah Chapel Lutheran Church. Camp Director/Board member of SIMBA/SIMSA. Jen Bradbury - Mills 3
The Jesus Gap (TTR, YFP)
Please see description in Workshop 2
Rozella White - Mills 4
Framing the Path: Practicing Things New (TTR, PDI)
Please see description in Early Bird 1
Jake Hanson & Rachel Nelson - Mills 5
Camp On the Road: Mission & Service Opportunities through Region 3’s Outdoor Ministries (PDI, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 2
Tiger McLuen - Mills 6
Rethinking Discipleship (TTR, YFP, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 3
Michael Bridges & George Baum - Mills 7
Family Friendly Events (TTR, YFP, CFP, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 3
Tom Schwolert & Lyle Griner - Mills 8
Grief and Loss: How to Prepare your Kids and Ministry to Care (TTR, YFP, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 2
Charlie Roberts - Mills 9
Do You Want Fries With That? (TTR)
Please see description in Workshop 2
M. Williams, L. Ruhland & S. Maslowski Ballroom B
I am a Mom of Young Children and Still Called to be a Youth Minister with Teens (YFP, CFP)
In a world where woman are trying to have it all, careers and motherhood, it is no different in youth ministry. As mothers of elementary age children and younger we would like to share and begin a discussion how becoming a mom hurt and helped our youth ministry.
Melissa Williams, Lindsey Ruhland & Sarah Maslowski are all moms of young children and full time youth ministers in the Minneapolis area. Their years in youth ministry range from over 5 to 15 years.
workshop 6: monday, february 3 (8:45am-10:00am) Presenter & Room
Title & Categories
Description & Bio
Paul Amlin - Mills 1
Faith Formation Among the Youngest of these: A Round Table Discussion (TTR, YFP, CFP, PLS)
Please see description in Early Bird 2
Diane E Shallue - Mills 2
Leadership Strategies for Multi-generational Congregations (AL, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 1
Jen Bradbury - Mills 3
How To Burnout in 18 Months (AL, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 3
Kayla Aspaslagh & Linda Staats - Mills 4
Cross Generational Engagement (TTR, YFP, CFP, AL, PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 3
Tom Schwolert & Don Marsh - Mills 5
I Call Myself a Veteran Youth Worker (PLS)
Please see description in Workshop 3
Yeheil Curry - Mills 6
Rise Up Together (PLS, PDI)
Please see description in Workshop 4
Dr. Jeremy Myers - Mills 7
Framing Youth (TTR, PDI)
Please see description in Workshop 1
Dave Ellingson - Mills 8
Framing Life Biblically: Where is God? God is “With Us” (TTR, YFP, CFP, PDI)
Please see description in Workshop 4
Lyle Griner - Mills 9
Candle Time (YFP, CFP)
Please see description in Workshop 3
M. Williams, L. Ruhland & S. Maslowski - Ballroom B
I am a Mom of Young Children and Still Called to be a Youth Minister with Teens (YFP, CFP)
Please see description in Workshop 5
Gary Pecuch - Ballroom C
Faith Webbing (YFP, CFP)
Please see description in Workshop 3 19
speakers catherine anderson
(Preaching) Twitter: @cathoot Catherine Anderson serves as the Coordinator of Youth Ministry for the Northeastern Minnesota Synod and Team Leader for the Practice Discipleship Initiative. Her passion is equipping leaders for the sake of faith formation with young people, and is thankful to be surrounded by teams of leaders in her synod and across the ELCA who share this passion. She has 3 teenage nephews who keep ministry real, especially when they innocently ask things like, “Have you heard about that thing happening in New Orleans?” (The 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering…for which she served as Practice Discipleship Team Leader…sigh…you’ve been there…) Catherine lives in Duluth, MN, where she prefers to escape from her computer to spend time hiking, biking, paddling, and generally enjoying God’s Great Northwoods.
brenda bos
Twitter: @bkbos Brenda Bos had a terrific career as a Hollywood producer for eighteen years. She made lots of money and knew famous people. (OK, she made lots of money for six years and the other twelve years were a little touch and go.) She gave up her Hollywood producer role to be a pastor in the Lutheran church. Inspired or insane? You’ll draw your own conclusions after meeting her this weekend. She lives in Pasadena, California with her wife and their recently adopted teenage son. (Yes, she adopted a teenager…the “inspired or insane” question pops up in all areas of her life). Brenda is a member of Faith Lutheran in Canoga Park, CA and awaiting her first call in the ELCA. She is a member of Proclaim, the national organization of publicly-identified LGBTQ Lutheran pastors and seminarians.
jennifer chrien
(Preaching) Twitter: @RevChrien Jennifer Chrien is a Lutheran pastor, feminist, video gamer, millennial, daughter, sister, wife, and mom to two cats and a dog. She first felt a call to ministry at the age of 15, and has been on the wild journey of discerning God’s plans ever since. Along the way, she married a great guy by the name of Steve Simpson and they went to seminary together, graduated together, and were ordained together. Now she serves at Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oxnard, CA, where she has absolutely no credentials for anything she’s doing. It’s all the work of the Spirit.
raul garcia III
(Segue) Twitter: @futbolraul Raul Garcia III, serves at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Maple Grove, MN as the Associate Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry - Jr High. He has been in youth ministry for 20 years. He enjoys being on the soccer pitch coaching and travelling the country with his teams, spending lots of time with his wife Rhea and two beautiful girls Grace and Trinity and dog Luther, cooking and grilling and hanging out with friends, playing guitar and singing.
jonathan hemphill
Twitter: @anotherlevella The Reverend Jonathan Hemphill is the founder and senior pastor of Another Level Ministries. Jonathan grew up in Southern California. During Pastor Jonathan’s teenage years he fell away, making inappropriate choices for his life. Even through adolescence and his early twenties he experimented with clubs and promiscuity. Jonathan felt the hand of God tug at his heart and lead him to a new path. As with anything, when Jesus is put aside, life has a way of steering you back to your first love. Through trials and waywardness, Jonathan came to know that “for Christ we live and for Christ we die.” It was in 2003 when Jonathan received his calling to ordained ministry. His educational pursuits led him to study at The Southern California School of Ministry to further pursue a degree from The King’s College and Seminary in Theology.
rachel hunstad
Twitter: @rlhunsta Rachel Hunstad’s formative years corresponded with the beginnings of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network. Her dad, Tom, and Uncle David collaborated with peers on the vision for what the Network is today. It is a personal thrill for Rachel to be speaking at this “youth gathering for adults,” as her dad so fondly called the first Extravaganza! By profession, Rachel is a registered nurse with a degree from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. She worked for a year as nurse in Fargo, North Dakota before following God’s pulls to live and serve in a rural community of South Africa as part of the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program. After spending a year immersed in community and culture, she returned to her hometown of Minneapolis with a new perspective on the power of presence and being grateful at all times. Rachel finds joy in the Green Bay Packers, dancing, nice beards, and good hugs.
ian mcconnell
Twitter: @iangmcconnell Ian McConnell is the Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries at Elk River Lutheran Church in Elk River, Minnesota. He studied Communications at the University of Minnesota while working as a full-time intern in Human Resources at Target Corporation, slinging drinks as a bartender at the local watering hole, and paying for rent as a Zamboni driver at a South Minneapolis high school. This was a challenging time, both spiritually and vocationally— he may have even been called a “none” at some point. After being invited to serve as an adult leader in the youth group and on a summer youth trip through his home congregation, he finally decided to respond to God’s calls (and sometimes aggressive shoves) into ministry with young people in the context of the ELCA, a church body whose programs he had been raised up in.
speakers rafael malpica padilla
The Rev. Rafael Malpica-Padilla is executive director for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Division for Global Mission, Chicago, IL. Malpica-Padilla has served ELCA Global Mission since 1993. He served as Bishop of the ELCA’s Caribbean Synod. Ordained in 1981, he holds a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Puerto Rico and a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia.
tuhina rasche
Twitter: @tvrasche Tuhina Verma Rasche serves as the Associate Pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Oakland, CA. She believes that she was fated to be a Lutheran as she was born in a Lutheran hospital just outside Denver, Colorado. She grew up in a devout Hindu family, but when a friend invited her to a free meal with Lutheran Campus Ministry while she was an undergrad at Clemson University in South Carolina, her life radically changed. That invitation led her to not just becoming a baptized Lutheran years later, but also an ordained pastor. She lives in the Bay Area with her husband, Karl, and their ludicrous collection of books ranging from computer programming to economic game theory to systematic theology to modern French literature.
andy root
Twitter: @rootandrew Dr. Andrew Root is the Olson Baalson Associate Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. He writes and researches in areas of theology and youth ministry. His most recent book is called The Relational Pastor (IVP, 2013). A former Young Life staff worker, he has served in congregations and social service agencies as a youth outreach associate and a gang prevention counselor. He lives in St. Paul with his wife Kara, two children, Owen and Maisy, and their two dogs Kirby and Kimel. When not reading, writing or teaching, Andy spends far too much time watching TV and movies.
dawn rundman
Twitter: @DawnRundman Dawn Rundman is a nationally recognized teacher, presenter, author, and resource provider specializing in the faith development of children. She received her Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University of Oregon. Since 2002, Dawn has developed children’s resources at Augsburg Fortress Publishers, the publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Dawn writes, speaks and leads workshops across the country at conventions, seminaries, and congregations.
erik ullestad
Twitter: @erikullestad Erik Ullestad is the Family Life & Youth Director at Windsor Heights Lutheran Church in Des Moines, IA. He is husband to Allison and father to Anna, Isaac, and Evan. Erik espouses Luther’s sinner-saint dialectic, a theology of the cross, and the belief that right-brained thinking will change the world. He occasionally writes for sparkhouse and the Youth Cartel, is co-founder of ElbowCo., and currently serves as chair of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network board of directors.
musicians jonathan hemphill
Twitter: @anotherlevella The Reverend Jonathan Hemphill is the founder and senior pastor of Another Level Ministries. Jonathan grew up in Southern California. During Pastor Jonathan’s teenage years he fell away, making inappropriate choices for his life. Even through adolescence and his early twenties he experimented with clubs and promiscuity. Jonathan felt the hand of God tug at his heart and lead him to a new path. As with anything, when Jesus is put aside, life has a way of steering you back to your first love. Through trials and waywardness, Jonathan came to know that “for Christ we live and for Christ we die.” It was in 2003 when Jonathan received his calling to ordained ministry. His educational pursuits led him to study at The Southern California School of Ministry to further pursue a degree from The King’s College and Seminary in Theology.
jonathan rundman
Twitter: @jonathanrundman Born and raised in the isolated Finnish-American communities of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Jonathan Rundman has been writing songs and performing across the country since he was 18 years old. He emerged on the national music scene in the late-90s as a Chicago-based touring artist, generating rave reviews in Billboard, The New York Times, Performing Songwriter, Paste, and countless regional publications. Now living in Minneapolis, he continues to tour and record. Jonathan’s songs can be heard on radio stations across America, in Scandinavia and England, and have been featured on the Ellen Degeneres Show. In 2012 Salt Lady Records released the 20-song retrospective album Jonathan Rundman collecting his best songs from the previous decade, plus remixes, alternate versions, and brand new songs. Jonathan also records and performs with the Finnish-American folk duo Kaivama.
general information Do what you need to do, to take care of you! This gathering is for you! It is all about supporting you, helping to empower you to do ministry, connecting you with other youth workers, and helping you to love kids to the best of your ability. If you come here worn out - sleep! If you need to spend some long awaited time with your spouse who is along - do it! Need quiet time or just meaningful conversation with like-minded folks? Make it happen. If you are looking for some great new ideas for your small group Bible study - go to a session that fits your need! This event is for YOU!
Friends of Bill W. All of us carry luggage. All of us need help in carrying our luggage, we cannot carry it alone. Friends of Bill W. are encouraged to explore this link where you can gather information about meetings. Anonymity is important, finding help to carry the load even more. With deep respect for the work you are doing, your friends in the ELCA Youth Ministry Network support your efforts. God’s peace hold you close as you find help carrying your load.
Be Safe Don’t advertise that you are a stranger by wearing your name badge outside the hotel. Travel in groups when going off site and don’t carry a lot of cash.
The following organizations have booths at the Extravaganza. Please feel free to contact them as they provide valuable ministries to our youth and congregations. See the Exhibitor Bingo card on the next page!
The Alt Year Appalachia Service Project Augsburg College Augsburg Fortress Publishing Border Servant Corps California Lutheran University Camp Amnicon Concordia Publishing House Concordia University Elbow Co DOOR Network ELCA Coaching ELCA Malaria Campaign ELCA Global Missions (YAGM Youth Groups) ELCA Seminaries ELCA World Hunger ELCA Youth Gathering FaithInk Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp Gettysburg Seminary Home Grown Faith iGivings ILAVA: It Can Be Done! InterServe Ministries Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp Living Water Ministries LEAD Lenoir-Rhyne University Lifeway Books Luther Crest Bible Camp
Luther Seminary Lutheran Association of Christian Educators Lutheran Deaconess Association Lutheran Educational Conference of North America Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Center Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences Lutheridge+Lutherock Ministries Lutheran Volunteer Corps Lutherhaven Bible Camp Marilyn Sharpe Ministries Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA MOPs International Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Old Lutheran Pacific Lutheran University Peer Ministry Leadership Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp “Things That Matter” Podcast Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Trinity Lutheran Seminary Vibrant Faith Ministries Wartburg College Wartburg Theological Seminary Water to Thrive Wheatridge Ministries Youth Encounter Youth Leadership Youth in Mission YouthWorks
exhibitor bingo Exhibitor Bingo is Easy (and there is an iPad possibly waiting for you)! 1. Visit all of our Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall, and collect a stamp from each. 2. Write your name in the space provided. Name: 3. Collect at least 30 stamps and turn this card in to the Hospitality Table to enter the iPad drawing! 4. Attend the Sunday Breakfast at 8:30am to see if you won. You must be present to win!
Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences
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Is the Summer of 2014 a puzzle for your youth group?
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So Cal
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The staff at Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences (LRCC) is excited and well prepared to lead your church group on an unforgettable trip around Southern California. We are here to facilitate an experience of spiritual growth that highlights the crucial connections to be made within the body of Christ. We focus on God’s call to us by participating in service learning and unique travel excursions. For more information about Connections, LRCC, or any of our other programs, please contact the Administrative Office at (661) 245-3519 or visit
Bring your vocation into focus at Trinity
Work with high school students in the Summer Seminary Sampler program. Enroll in short, intensive courses during the Summer Term. Seek an M.Div., M.A., or certificate program with an emphasis in Youth & Family Ministry or Christian Education.
For more information: Laura Book at
Trinity Lutheran Seminary
Columbus, Ohio / 27
practice discipleship initiative A dynamic partnership between the ELCA Youth Ministry Network, the ELCA and its Youth Gathering, seminaries and colleges, and resource providers for children, youth and family ministries in the church. Faithful, thoughtful, intentional leaders, following Jesus. That’s who you are. That’s what Practice Discipleship is about. Practice Discipleship will: Educate.
Online and local trainings on Lutheran theology, youth ministry theory and skills.
Develop partnerships in your synod and across the ELCA to strengthen faith formation opportunities for
and with young people.
Gather leaders for mutual support and encouragement in ministry.
2014 Webinar Topics and Presenters: Framing Life Biblically: Where is God? Gos is “with us”! with Dr. Dave Ellingson Framing Youth with Dr. Jeremy Myers Framing Failure with Forgiveness with Dr. Colleen Windham-Hughes Framing Christian Community with Rev. Josh Graber Framing the Vision: Seeing Things New with Dr. Mindy Makant Framing the Path: Practicing Things New with Rozella White Webinar Cost: FREE Archived Webinars: FREE Curriculum Resources: FREE
The Practice Discipleship Initiative is for ALL leaders in children, youth and family ministry. Dates and times of the webinars will be posted on, as well as on the Network’s Facebook page and Twitter feed! 28
Register for Webinars – Calendar of Local Trainings - Find your synod Practice Discipleship Coach
Download Curriculum - Watch Archived Webinars – Much More
network partners Partnerships are more than what the Network “does”, or “is involved with.” Partnerships are a part of our DNA. It is literally through healthy, vibrant partnerships that this Network was formed, and largely through them that it has been sustained.
Our Vision of Partnerships: That focused networks are connected, relationships are strengthened, gifts are discovered, and greater potential unleashed within all communities. Developing supportive partnership is a vital part of the Network’s vision for the future. Relationships with other organizations help put resources in front of our members, strengthen our partners and create a
win-win scenario for all. The Holy Spirit works in these partnerships just as it does in individual memberships. There is both a relational and a financial aspect to partnerships. We are grateful to these organizations who have chosen to enter into partnership with the Network. More information on becoming a partner can be found at
An education with Gold Partners
Silver Partners
Augsburg College
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
ELCA Youth Gathering
more flexibility more options more rigor
Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences
CYF Ministry Degrees Master of Divinity Residential program
Luther Crest Bible Camp
Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota
Master of Arts Residential program Distributed learning program (online and intensive on-campus courses)
Luther Seminary
Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Lutheridge+Lutherock Ministries 651-641-3521 or 1-800-LUTHER3
GSB -Mike Ward Stewardship
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Trinity Lutheran College
Trinity Lutheran Seminary
Wartburg Theological Seminary
Youth Encounter
Youth Leadership
thrivent fellowships The ELCA Youth Ministry Network, thanks to the generous support of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, is excited to host Thrivent Fellowships. Thrivent Fellowships are an opportunity to provide support to youth ministers who would benefit from participation in the Extravaganza and an opportunity to connect with youth ministers who share similar ministry foci.
The Goals
• To lift up new leadership • To provide opportunities for Networking around specific areas of ministry • To promote participation in the Extravaganza • To promote membership in the Network • To promote awareness of the Network’s dynamic partnership with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thank you to Thrivent Financial for underwriting this program, and to those who have applied for and received these Fellowships!
special thanks
The following organizations have booths at the Extravaganza. Please feel free to contact them as they provide valuable ministries to our youth and congregations. See the Exhibitor Bingo card on the next page!
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans ELCA Vocation and Education We’re grateful to Thrivent for sponsoring the Thrivent Unit Fellowship Program, as well as general financial support of the Extravaganza program.
ELCA Mission Investment Fund Thanks to the ELCA’s Mission Investment Fund for sponsoring the Sunday Morning Breakfast!
We’re grateful to our partners in our churchwide offices for their continued partnership, offering support of the Network in general, and the Extravaganza and the Practice Discipleship Initiative in particular!
network leadership board of directors
connect journal
Sue Megrund (term begins Feb. 2014) Julie Miller Jeremy Myers Benjamin Morris Tom Scwolert (term begins Feb. 2014) Yvonne Steindal (term ends Feb. 2014) Valerie Taylor Samuel Mike Ward (term ends Feb. 2014) Erik Ullestad, Chairperson
Michael Sladek - Editor Rachel Alley Nathan Frambach Sue Mendenhall Jeremy Myers Dawn Rundman Clint Schnekloth
Scott Maxwell-Doherty - Team Leader Desta Goehner - Hospitality Shannon Savage-Howie - Hospitality Charlie Roberts -Exhinbit Area Tim Huff - Main Stage Tom Hoegel - Main Stage Manuel Retamoza - E-Team Michael Sladek - Publicity, Promotion, Photography Dawn Trautman - Main Stage Paul Clark - ICC’s & Workshops Stephanie Coltvet-Erdman - ICC’s & Workshops Kevin Dragseth - Exhibit Area Kara Harwell - ICC’s & Workshops
communications team
regional facilitators Lisa Gray - Region 1 Pam Gompf - Region 1 (term begins Feb. 2014) Janet Renick - Region 2 Jamie Travers - Region 3 Ian Hartfield - Region 4 Molly Haggerty-Brewster - Region 5 Andrew Karmann - Region 5 (term begins Feb. 2014) Julie Schuessler Perulta - Region 6 Natalie Romero - Region 7 Robin Kunkel - Region 8 Matt Canniff-Kesecker - Region 9 Amy Wagner - RF Coach
Andy Moscinski - Editor Andy Arnold - Tech Geek Desta Goehner Paul Schmidt
admin volunteers
staff Todd Buegler - Executive Director Laurie Hoium - Registrar Scott Maxwell-Doherty - Extravaganza Director Shannon Savage-Howie - Resources & MartinsList Catherine Anderson - Practice Discipleship Initiative Mike Ward - External Relations & Partnerships Debbie Clipson - Treasurer Rachel Claseman - Data Management
Erika Durheim - Network Display Manager
3rd tuesday conversation Dannica Montplaisir - Team Leader Elizabeth Pedersen Tom Schwolert Stacey Nyitrai Troisi
regional teams Region 1 RF: Lisa Gray Jane Hanson Becky Cole Ingelaurie Lisher Lois Brown Paul Goodman Region 2 RF: Janet Renick Lisa Herlocker Casey Cross Craig Minich Desta Goehner Janet Veld Patty Erickson Terri Robertson Darcy Mittelstadt Elizabeth Hood Region 3
RF: Jamie Travers Nikki Rud Kate Verlautz Suzanne Hanson Gracia Kaythrn Johnson Chris Torgeson Lonna Field Paul Erdmann Julie Vagle
Deb Bachman Todd Lewis Patty Koplitz Region 6 RF: Julie Perulta Jenny Franz Dave Shoub Beth Mundwiler Tamara Howes
Region 4 RF: Ian Hartfield Annette Kezbers Tom Schwolert Heather Hansen Amy Woods
Region 7 RF: Natalie Romero Debbie Crawford Charlie Germain Rick Mollenkopf-Grill
Region 5 RF: Molly Haggerty-Brewster
Region 8 RF: Robin Kunkel David Parsh
Joyce Lydik Lynn Miller Jan Mills Ginger Trautman Robert Lewis Marcie Woloshan Region 9 RF: Matt Canniff-Kesecker Tammy Jones West Rachel Alley Stephanie Stoudemayer Dave Delaney
On July 15-19, 2015, 40,000 youth will learn together play together serve together
rise up together Visit us Extravagin the exhibit hanza all to regist Gatheriner for great g prizes!
2015 ELCA YOUTH GATHERING Five incredible days - One life changing experience
Registration opens October 15, 2014
LEARN MORE: 32 • • 888.411.3522
Get ready for the ELCA’s 2015 Youth Gathering.
Open an MIF Youth Ministry Account.
Open an MIF Youth Ministry Account. ●
Earn competitive interest rates on funds raised for the 2015 Youth Gathering and other events. Easy online application and new iOS™ and Android™ apps to access your accounts. Easy access to funds during the Youth Gathering at the MIF Service Center. Your investment in the Mission Investment Fund helps build and renovate ELCA congregations.
For more information about the Youth Ministry DEMAND Investment, visit us at or call 877-886-3522. DEMAND INVESTMENT
Mission Investment Fund Evangelical Lutheran Church in America God’s work. Our hands.
Youth Ministry 877-886-3522 35
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