director’s report april, 2012 rev. todd buegler
elca youth ministry network - director’s report april, 2012
Dear friends and colleagues, Greetings! Welcome to Chicago! I am very excited about this meeting. The process of strategic planning is one that is, I think, energizing and I am excited about participating in this process with you. We have had a good 3 months since the last Extravaganza. In particular I am grateful to Sue Rothmeier and the ELCA for hosting our meeting in Chicago. I think it is an important witness for our group to be gathered at The Lutheran Center, and an important sign of a growing partnership. Table of Contents: 1. The Box Scores 2. Extravaganza 2012 3. Extravaganza 2013 4. Extravaganza 2014 5. The Practice Discipleship Project 6. The Practice Discipleship Project Phase II 7. Resource Staff Person 8. Financial Report 9. Audit in 2011-2012 10. Nominating Committee 11. Upcoming Board Meetings 12. LACE Representation 13. Nominating Committee
October, 2005
October, 2006
October, 2007
October, 2008
October, 2009
1. The Box Scores Our Network membership has continued to grow, which is a great October, 2010 sign. I do expect it to decline over the summer as a number of our October 2011 membership expire. People seem to renew in the fall...they are too Feb., 2012 busy in the summer. April, 2012
551 685 729 747
2. Extravaganza 2012 Extravaganza 2012 is in the history books. Overall, we were very pleased with how the event went. The evaluations were very positive and the comments and feedback we have received since the event as been equally positive. The total evaluation report is 49 pages long. I have created an Executive Summary (4 pages) which I attached to this report. 3. Extravaganza 2013 Planning is well under way for the ‘13 event. The theme will be “Form: Faith Formation for a Missional Age.” Speakers so far include John Roberto and Yehiel Curry (preaching). We are going with 3 speakers this year, each on stage twice. So we have one more keynote speaker to identify. Our team leaders met in March at the hotel in Anaheim and are excited to be back there. It is a good property and a good staff. 2
elca youth ministry network - director’s report april, 2011
4. Extravaganza 2014 The ‘14 event will be in St. Louis. As a point of reminder from our meeting in February, we have been approached by the Ecumenical Youth Ministry Staff Team from the National Council of Churches, to enter into conversation about possibly making the ‘14 event an ecumenical event. I think this is an idea worth considering. As per our meeting in February, we have invited David Burroughs, of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship to join us at our meeting via skype to talk a bit about it. We are tentatively planning on that conversation taking place at 9am on Monday morning. 5. The Practice Discipleship Project The Practice Discipleship project has continued to be very well-received throughout the church. Literally hundreds of trainings have taken place in the past year throughout our synods, and a library of 8 webinars has been cataloged. This has been a fantastic partnership with the ELCA Youth Gathering that has worked to strengthen ministry with young people throughout the church. Our attention now is on the actual Practice Discipleship day at the Youth Gathering, when young people will gather by synods for a day of programming that will focus on the seven faith practices identified by the ELCA as vital for a dynamic, growing faith. 6. The Practice Discipleship Project Phase II The project itself has created a great infrastructure and network of 65 synod coaches who have been trained and have led trainings throughout the church. One of our goals all along has been to harness the infrastructure that the resources of the youth gathering have allowed us to create, and to continue the training and support project, drawing together other resources and networks to create a single, comprehensive strategy for effective training through the church. The Network would be the logical place to “next” this initiative. A group has been meeting, and presented initial ideas at the Youth Ministry Roundtable in February, and has now created a proposal, which is attached to this report. Our goal is to find funding and to initiate this program next year, capitalizing on the energy that the Practice Discipleship Project has created so far. I believe that this proposal could speak into and influence our strategic planning process. Please take a look and give it consideration and prayer. 7. Resource Staff Person I mentioned in February that Shannon Savage-Howie would begin work coordinating resources for the Network. She has begun that work and will start with a bit of a re-design for the MartinsList site. 8. Financial Report Please see the attached financial report. The good news is, we came out of the Extravaganza well, even with the higher costs for being in New Orleans. This is largely because of the good financial management of Scott Maxwell-Doherty and the Extravaganza team leaders. I am grateful to them for their good work. 9. Audit Status: Complete At the time this is being written (Monday), our audit is being completed. I have not yet seen the report but am scheduled to pick up the completed reports on Friday. I should have them to distribute at our meeting. 10. Nominating Committee A reminder: The board needs to decide on an at-large member to serve on the nominating
elca youth ministry network - director’s report april, 2011
committee as soon as possible. Thank you! 11. Upcoming Board Meetings April 29-May 1, 2012; The Lutheran Center, Chicago October 18-20, 2012; Denver, Colorado January 23-24, 2013; Hyatt Regency, Anaheim, CA. April 28-30, 2013; The Lutheran Center, Chicago October 18-20, 2013; To be decided 12. LACE Representation LACE (The Lutheran Association of Christian Educators) has inquired about possibly having a representative sit on the Network’s Board of Directors, and in turn a Network Board member could sit on their board. I said that our Board could discuss it at this meeting. They are also interested in sharing the Connect Journal. 13. Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee needs to begin its work. Board members who agreed to serve are Yvonne and Julie. Manuel Retamoza has agreed to serve as the at-large member. The RF’s selected two members to serve as well. In Conclusion Thank you again for all of your work, and your commitment to the Network. Peace,
Rev. Todd Buegler Executive Director
Extravaganza 2012 Evaluation Executive Summary Total number of evaluations received: 307 (approx. 48% of total participants)
1. Overall, this event was (1=terrible; 10=awesome!):
(2010 = 8.66) (2009 = 8.35)
Observations: There were a total of 127 comments in this question. The overwhelming majority of them were very, very positive. People loved the “vibe” of the event, the general atmosphere and the community. There were some critiques of some of the worship experiences, and the music. Some people appreciated the “democratized” nature of workshops…others were expecting only a slate of professional presenters. Most of the critiques are gone into in more detail in the follow up questions below. A minor theme we noted was that some folks had such a good experience in 2011 in Kansas City, that this event, as good as it was, had a hard time measuring up.
2. This event was worth the money spent:
(2010 = 8.79) (2009 = 8.00)
There were 88 comments under this question. Interestingly, event though this year the numbers in the evaluation were .2 less than last year, there were more comments this year about the event being a good value than there were last year. The general consensus was that (and I am quoting) “It’s expensive, but worth its weight in GOLD.” Many people commented on the cost of food, etc., in New Orleans, and that the hotel costs at the Sheraton seemed unreasonable. We knew this would be the case coming in to New Orleans, but the value of being in the city of the ELCA youth gathering seemed to balance the concern about costs. People seemed to appreciate the food that was offered at different times. Many people commented on appreciating both the scholarship assistance and the Thrivent Fellowships. There were also comments about some of the “extras” that were thrown in that made the event seem more valuable (like the notebooks…and the preview of “Blue Like Jazz.”)
E2012: February 8-12, 2012; Sheraton, New Orleans, Louisiana
3. The schedule and format for the Extravganza was (1=terrible; 10= wonderful):
(2010 = 8.36) (2009 = 8.03)
Comments: There were 121 comments under this question, with a very wide set of opinions. Some people thought the schedule was too tight…some thought it wasn’t tight enough. Some liked the early workshops, others didn’t. To be honest, sometimes I wondered if these people had been at the same event.
4. Evaluate the Worship Experiences (Thursday night and Sunday morning) (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
5. Evaluate the General Sessions (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
6. Evaluate the Sheraton Hotel (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
(2010=8.54) (2009=8.33) 8.22
(2010 Hyatt=8.88) (2009 Westin=7.53)
7. Evaluate the Regional Networking Opportunities (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
8. Evaluate the Exhibit Area (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
9. Evaluate the Network Celebration (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
10. Evaluate the Publicity & Promotion (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
11. Evaluate the Communication after you registered (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
12. Evaluate the Sound/Lights/Production (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
E2012: February 8-12, 2012; Sheraton, New Orleans, Louisiana
7.48 (2012=7.82)
(2009=7.66) 8.09
(2010=7.56) (2009=7.23) 7.90 (2010=8.35)
(2009=7.85) 8.48
(2010=8.62) (2009=7.80) 8.39
(2010=8.75) (2009=7.60) 8.65
(2010=9.04) (2009=8.59)
Comments on any of the above: There were 136 comments on the areas above. Some common themes we heard included: Some people had a love/hate relationship with our worship. That actually, I think, reflects in general the church’s approach to worship, not just at the Extravaganza. Some people really related well to the imagery, others not so much. The MC’s/Theme Weavers concept really didn’t work this year. Part of that, we think, was due to the stage layout. Having them in the center of the room made a significant portion of people not able to see them. Also, the personalities didn’t seem to connect like they had in the past. General session speakers were all evaluated highly, with one exception. This one surprised us because he had spoken before and his presentation was completely different than it was this year and he was very highly evaluated. Some people were upset that we didn’t give Nadia as much time as the other speakers. The reality is, we gave her the same amount of time; she just spoke shorter. People loved Bishop Hanson. Exhibitors loved the way the exhibits were set up this year. They really appreciated the iPad Bingo. The Network Celebration: Yeah. We know. Some people had interesting comments about the production in the main room. They thought we were overspending in this area. Interestingly, we pretty much pay for the tech “by the truckload”, so the quantity of stuff/production/etc, isn’t much more expensive than a simpler production would be. The Sheraton Hotel received some negative comments both in terms of the quality of the property (it has “aged” since we were here last) and the customer service. The E-team actually had many problems with the hotel during the event and we have remained in conversation with them about these issues.
13. Of all the speakers you heard, what is one “take away” you will be able to put into use: There were 214 comments for this question. People really resonated with Nadia’s comments on Sabbath, David Lohse’s comments on “Singing a better song” and Bishop Hanson’s Tarsish metaphor. We were very pleased with how these speakers were received.
14. Please evaluate Celia Whitler (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
(2010=8.45) (2009=8.47)
15. Please evaluate “Three of Us” (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
16. Please evaluate Tay Wilson (1=terrible; 10=wonderful):
Any comments on the musicians? There were 117 comments on the musicians. People generally liked Celia, though there were comments that she has been over-exposed to us. We knew that would be the case coming in and being in the final year of a 3 year deal with her, tried to talk her into delaying and coming next year. But she wanted to come this year. People liked Tay Wilson, though much of his music was unfamiliar and therefore difficult to participate with. The Three of Us wasn’t that well received.
E2012: February 8-12, 2012; Sheraton, New Orleans, Louisiana
17. I will be back next year:
Coming Back: Raw numbers: No Chance: Might Take A Year or 2 Off: Maybe: Count Me In:
8 52 111 130
Comments on being back next year: There were 120 comments to this question. Most of them related to budget, and nervousness about being on the far left coast.
18. Please let us know any other comments or suggestions you would like to share about the Extravaganza: There were 126 comments under this question.
Many were repetitive of what was stated above. Many talked about how well they felt welcomed into the community. A few had the opposite experience. Many talked about the over experience. There was a lot of gratitude to the e-team shared. A few comments were made about the excess of the city of New Orleans and how it didn’t seem to fit our values. Many people loved the song “Party in the ELCA.” One person hated the song.
E2012: February 8-12, 2012; Sheraton, New Orleans, Louisiana
Youth Ministry Leadership Development Initiative within the ELCA April 2012
Given that the landscape of ministry with, for and among youth today is shifting…and this shift requires attention;1 Given that current leadership of ministry with, for and among youth is becoming increasingly dependent on lay, often volunteer, leadership…and these leaders come with varying expertise and often have limited access to leadership development opportunities;2 Given that the ELCA has a rich history of attending to ministry with, for and among youth…and this history has resulted in numerous active and vibrant networks and initiatives;3 Given the shifts taking place in leadership and resourcing ministry at the national and synodical levels…and the need to rethink existing and future work around ministry with, for and among youth;4 Might this be an opportune time to develop a coordinated, national youth ministry leadership development initiative?
In the past ten years several national studies on the spiritual lives of young people (i.e.: the National Study of Youth and Religion) have demonstrated that while young people are open to believing in God and participating in faith communities, most are incredibly inarticulate about their belief in God and faith that does not impact their daily life in any meaningful way. These studies also acknowledge that if young people are going to be socialized into any religious tradition, congregations and families are going to be the primary players. These realities call for urgent attention to the faith lives of young people and the practices of congregations and families. 2 In the ELCA, the majority of congregations are small and served by a solo pastor. Ministry in these settings requires a shared model of leadership between a pastor and a group of lay leaders. At the same time there are a significant number of congregations that are large and served by a staff team of lay and clergy, in partnership with congregational lay leaders. And there are congregations that lie “in the middle” of these two. All of these congregations seek to be faithful to their call to ministry with children and youth, yet all have particular needs with regard to leadership development and seek to use the limited resources they have in the best way possible. 3 One example of this is the ELCA Youth Ministry Network. They have attended to equipping leadership in youth ministry for over a decade. They are doing great work, but their work is limited in many ways. This initiative would enhance and come along side what they are doing, not replace it. LACE and Outdoor Ministry are other examples of vibrant networks that are actively equipping and networking leaders. These networks will also be invited into conversation about their participation in this initiative. 4 With the limited resources available to synods, few have staff attending to the equipping and networking of children and youth ministry leaders. Yet with the shifts taking place within the overall religious landscape, and specifically within regions, are challenging ministry with children and youth in new ways and convening conversations and equipping ministry leaders in these areas is extremely important.
Youth Ministry Leadership Development Strategy Talk Sheet
The goals for creating a national leadership strategy for leaders of ministry with, for and by youth within the ELCA include: o
o o
Inviting the multiple networks of ELCA ministries into a deeper conversation around children, youth and family ministry in the 21st century that would inspire and equip ministry leaders to address the changing and varied needs of their particular ministry context in the midst of our current cultural realities, Making available and accessible a robust array of leadership trainings for those leading congregational youth ministry across the ELCA, Developing a vibrant collection of resources for equipping leaders theologically, theoretically and practically for ministry with children, youth, young adults, and their families in a pluralistic, multi‐cultural, multi‐lingual world, Maximizing current and future efforts of mission and ministry strategic initiatives within the ELCA that would take seriously the call to be faithful stewards of our shared work, as well as aspire to make a deeper impact on transforming the church for the sake of the world, Fully embracing the whole ecology of the ELCA, seeing the church as being the whole of our work, not just the efforts of congregations, synods, churchwide, colleges, seminaries, and/or camps.
A Proposal – a way forward! Building upon the work of the Practice Discipleship leadership development initiative created in preparation for the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering, this proposal puts forth a three‐year plan to extend that leadership initiative into a Youth Ministry Leadership Development Strategy for the ELCA. This initiative would happen by weaving together current and future strategic initiatives. Year one would begin with the following strategic initiatives/networks of the ELCA: o o o
the synodical coaching/communication system established through the Practice Discipleship Project, the network of ELCA Youth Ministry seminary and college/university educators and the ELCA Youth Ministry Network
connecting their efforts around an annual theme and then coordinating existing and future activities around that theme. Over the course of three years, additional strategic initiatives/networks would be added. The idea ‐
Each of the three years this leadership initiative would have: o An annual theme – This theme would provide the overarching focus for the year’s curriculum. It would include an introduction session addressing some larger shifts that
Youth Ministry Leadership Development Strategy Talk Sheet
are taking place in children, youth and family ministry and the church today. Tied to this theme would be a series of workshops. A series of “workshops” – The annual theme would then be unpacked with a series of 6 ‘workshops” that would address sub‐themes and particular ministry skills related to the main theme. These workshops would make up the curriculum for that year and would be available in multiple formats: webinar (live and archived,) DVD/written curriculum for workshops to be led around the country by synodical coaches, and face‐to‐face sessions offered at various existing leadership training events (i.e. synod assemblies and Extravaganza). The “workshops” would use the Standards and Guidelines established by the ELCA Youth Ministry Network as a guide, with the general format being 2 workshops bent toward theological ideas, 2 addressing theoretical ideas, and 2 focused on practical skills.
Why these three initial partners? The three initiatives/networks named above have been involved with the Practicing Discipleship leadership track, are familiar with each other’s work, and are in a position to move quickly toward rolling out the year one curriculum of this proposal. Current leadership is aware that time is of the essence, not only within the church, but also drawing upon the momentum created through the good work of various teams in preparation for the ELCA Youth Gathering in the summer of 2012. Acknowledging this reality, the leadership team would include other partners so that the work on inviting other ELCA partners into the process to expand participation in the coming years would begin immediately. Phase 1 – Moving from the ELCA Youth Gathering preparation to year 1 ‐ Now‐May 2013
Annual Theme: What is Faith Formation in a Missional Age? Workshop Series: Theological: The Bible and its call to the world, Theoretical: Cross‐cultural engagement and servant learning, and Practical Skills: developing student leaders. Leadership Team and housing of initiative: The leadership team would tend to two main efforts. One effort would work on the year one curriculum and would bring together representatives from SYMBOL, the ELCA Youth Ministry Network, Youth Ministry Educators, and synodical coach/communicator, prioritizing person’s familiar with the Practicing Discipleship process from 2011‐2012. The second effort would work on expanding the partners and moving the initiative into phase two. Persons working on this effort would include a liaison from ELCA Churchwide and representation from some other potential partner ELCA initiatives/networks . These two efforts would work together as one team, with someone from within serving as a team lead. The ELCA Youth Ministry Network would serve as the “host” organization. Timing: The timing would be similar to the Practice Discipleship leadership development roll out this past year. The annual theme would launch in the summer 2012, with an introductory session available in early fall. Workshops would follow throughout the fall 2012 in webinar format, as well as offered live at the 2013 Extravaganza. Video/written curriculum would be
Youth Ministry Leadership Development Strategy Talk Sheet
made available in spring 2012, offering the opportunity for synods and congregations to host these workshops on their own. Prep for Phase 2: While the curriculum team is rolling out year one, rest of the leadership team will be working on preparing for Phase 2. This work would include, but not be limited to: developing the theme for year 2, naming the workshops, developing the curriculum and extending the conversation of this strategy to other potential initiative, both within the ELCA and elsewhere. (For example, Outdoor Ministry, LACE, DEMS, Bishops, LIFT, Ministry Resource Providers, etc.) Ministry Resource Providers: While this strategy was incubated from within particular ELCA initiatives, it is a hope of the initial team that this initiative would grow beyond the partners named above. It is important to note that youth ministry initiatives within the ELCA today would not be as robust or vibrant without the partnership of a wide‐range of ministry resource providers. In other words, vibrant frontline youth ministry depends on both the shared efforts of a denomination, as well as the shared learning of ministry resources providers. The work of two these streams overlap in many ways, and yet they are also different in many ways. As this leadership initiative moves forward, it is vital to keep lines of communication open, while also recognizing that each are accountable to their own specific mission, vision and viability criteria. Therefore, this proposal does not set forth any particular ideas of how ministry resource providers might participate in this strategy, but desires that this conversation continue to be explored. Phase 2 – May 2013‐ May 2014 The idea of a theme and follow‐up workshops would continue. A team to lay out the theme and workshop topics would begin in phase one. The leadership team and strategy would be expanded to include more strategic initiatives/networks, as proposed from the team in year one. Evaluation of year one would take place and the learnings from that evaluation would be taken into account as this work moves forward. Phase 3 – May 2014 – May 1015 The idea of a theme and follow‐up workshops would continue, again with the ground work developed in phase two. The leadership team and strategy would be expanded to include more strategic initiatives/networks, as proposed from the previous year. Evaluation would continue, and the future of this initiative would be determined. Budget The leadership initiative which accompanied the Practicing Discipleship arm of the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering was integrated into that budgeting system. Being a tri‐annual event, moving this initiative forward would require seeking funding, if it is to continue. This section proposes three different options, each requiring different levels of funding. Proposal one puts forth a plan Youth Ministry Leadership Development Strategy Talk Sheet
that would continue at the level of the previous year, with only minor adjustment. This is the preferred move forward. Proposal two is the middle ground approach, requiring some leadership to volunteer their time and resources to be shared, but choosing to invest financial in some aspects of the plan. Proposal three puts forth a plan that would require a minimal level of funding, requiring both volunteer leadership and initiatives/networks “sharing” from their current assets. Proposal one – Preferred Model – greatest accessibility and representation – greatest chance for impact on the overall ecology. Cost: $350,000 per year or 1 million for three years o
In this plan, Curriculum writers would be paid and money made available for video/written curriculum development Synodical coaches would be given a stipend and a small budget to use within their synod (be it travel or sponsoring an event) Money would be available for gathering the leadership (leadership team, coached and curriculum writers) together for an annual event, provided the technology platform needed for webinars (and any tech support needed for those webinars), and for a stipend for the team leader. Cost per year – $350,000 $45,000 for Curriculum $260,000 for synodical coaches/coordinators $45,000 for leadership, tech support and travel
Proposal two – Desirable Model – accessible – coordinated – good potential for impact in regions and congregations, but needs committed leadership and relies on resources from other systems. Cost: $175,000 per year or $525,000 for three years o
In this plan, Curriculum writers would receive a very small stipend and money would be available only for the development of the written portion of curriculum Synodical coaches would have a budget allotted to them to support their efforts (be it their own travel across the synod or money to help sponsor a synod gathering) and receive a “token” stipend. No money would be available for gathering the group together. Money allocated for tech support. No stipend for the team leader, but money available to gather leadership team and get curriculum writers to the Extravaganza 2013 to present. Cost per year – $175,000 $20,000 for Curriculum $130,000 for synodical coaches/coordinators $25,000 for leadership, tech support and travel
Youth Ministry Leadership Development Strategy Talk Sheet
Proposal three – A Framework –coordinated effort that continue past work ‐ potential for change within congregations, but needs committed leadership to volunteer their time and relies heavily on resources from other systems. Cost: $20,000 per year or $60,000 for three years o
Per year – $20,000 $0 for Curriculum $12,000 ($200 per synod) for synod expenses, but $0 for synodical coaches/coordinators. $8,000 for leadership, tech support and travel In this plan, Curriculum writers would volunteer their time with no money for developing video/written curriculum resources. Synodical coaches would be voluntary, but a minimal budget would be allotted to them to support their efforts (be it for travel across the synod or money to help sponsor a synod gathering). Some money would be available for travel for the leadership team to gather and for curriculum writes to present at the Extravaganza. But no money would be available for gathering the leadership (leadership team, coached and curriculum writers) together for an annual event. Some money allocated for minimal tech support, with the hopes of some of it being “donated” from an initiative/network that has such a resource. No stipend for the team leader.
What’s next? This talk sheet has been prepared as a conversation starter. It is not seeking to be adopted or passed by any governing body, sent to any assembly of the church, or be a directive for any existing network. Rather it is intended to invite feedback and stir imagination about what an organic, yet strategic leadership initiative for ministry with, for and by youth within the ELCA might entail. If it ignites conversations among various ELCA leadership teams that work with congregational children and youth ministry, then we’ve done something. The imagination of the team around this talk sheet was to focus a conversation, and perhaps even offer a direction for it. So, if this talk sheet captured your imagination and you’d like to be part of furthering this conversation, your participation would be welcomed. Please use the contact information provided to share your ideas and interest. If this talk sheet raised red flags for you, your voice is also welcomed. You too are encouraged to share your thoughts using the contact information provided. If there is enough energy and resources to move this initiative forward, it will happen. If not, these issues will have to be addressed in other ways. Know that we, the team that develop an idea and were crazy enough to put it on paper, hold this work loosely, believing God is at work and simply seeking to be faithful and responsive to what’s in our midst. In the meantime, pray…pray for young people, their faith, their families, and the congregations that seek to engage them. Youth Ministry Leadership Development Strategy Talk Sheet
In God’s service, Terri Martinson Elton – Luther Seminary Catherine Anderson – Practice Discipleship Team Leader Todd Bugler – ELCA Youth Ministry Network Tammy Jones West ‐ SYMBOL To share ideas, interest in participating, or concerns go to:
Youth Ministry Leadership Development Strategy Talk Sheet
ELCA Youth Mninistry Network 2011-2012 Year to Date Report Fiscal year: July 1 2011 - June 30 2012
Income: 10-11 Budget $ 40,875.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 240,875.00
11-12 Budget 11-12 Actual to Date $ 44,625.00 $ 47,225.42 $ 50,000.00 $ 25,000.00 * $ 10,000.00 $ 6,193.44 $ 150,000.00 $ 243,943.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 13,415.00 $ 4,000.00 $ $ 2,000.00 $ 6,565.40 ** $ $ $ 268,125.00 $ 342,342.26
Item: Staff Salaries Board & Facilitators Meetings Other Meeting Expenses Business/Operational Expenses Regional Networking Member Recognition Extravaganza Connect Journal Vision 2.0 Team Development Council Online Training Expenses Shipping costs Misc expenses Repay the Savings Account 3rdTuesday Conversations Gathering in the East Audit
10-11 Budget $ 35,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ $ 2,700.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 600.00 $ 2,000.00
11-12 Budget $ 48,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ $ 600.00 $ $ 4,500.00
11-12 Actual to Date $ 29,647.93 $ 13,704.07 $ 951.89 $ 11,400.22 $ 1,250.81 $ 2,617.89 $ 236,842.51 $ 8,461.42 $ 3,331.43 $ 222.32 $ 4,286.77 *** $ 4,908.74 $ 6,901.62 $ $ $ $ ****
Profit (Loss):
Item: Membership Dues Orginizational/Institutional Gifts Individual Donations Extravaganza Income Network Partnership Income Connect Journal Advertising Misc Income Gathering in the East Total
* an additional $25k came in from Thrivent for E12, but came in in June, 2011, prior to this budget year. It is in our MIF account. ** represents income and expense from this month that hasn't been itemized yet. *** will be reimbursed this month by the ELCA Youth Gathering as a part of the Practice Discipleship partnership. **** yet to be invoiced for this.
ELCA Youth Mninistry Network Budget Proposal 2012-2013 Fiscal year: July 1 2012 - June 30 2013
Income: Item: Membership Dues Orginizational/Institutional Gifts Individual Donations Extravaganza Income Network Partnership Income Connect Journal Advertising Misc Income Gathering in the East Total
11-12 Budget 11-12 Actual to Date $ 44,625.00 $ 47,225.42 $ 50,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 6,193.44 $ 150,000.00 $ 243,943.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 13,415.00 $ 4,000.00 $ $ 2,000.00 $ 6,565.40 $ $ $ 268,125.00 $ 342,342.26
12-13 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
45,000.00 40,000.00 8,000.00 160,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 -
Expenses: Item: Staff Salaries Board & Facilitators Meetings Other Meeting Expenses Business/Operational Expenses Regional Networking Member Recognition Extravaganza Connect Journal Vision 2.0 Team Development Council Online Training Expenses Shipping costs Misc expenses 3rdTuesday Conversations Gathering in the East Audit
11-12 Budget $ 48,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 600.00 $ $ 4,500.00
11-12 Actual to Date $ 29,647.93 $ 13,704.07 $ 951.89 $ 11,400.22 $ 1,250.81 $ 2,617.89 $ 236,842.51 $ 8,461.42 $ 3,331.43 $ 222.32 $ 4,286.77 $ 4,908.74 $ 6,901.62 $ $ $ -
12-13 Budget $ 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
4,500.00 2,500.00 160,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 600.00 -
Profit (Loss):
ELCA Youth Ministry Network Account Balances As of April 24, 2012: Wells Fargo Checking Account: ELCA Mission Investment Fund: Total:
$15,265.37 $41,491.73 $56,757.10